Historically, the medical-pharmaceutical establishment have pushed vaccines as the miraculous solution for every single health problem that humans face. The pharmaceutical power houses came to the conclusion that vaccines were necessary because the body needed to build antibodies in order to fight disease and that vaccines were the best tool to ensure that the human immune system would have the capacity to produce such antibodies. As we already know, vaccines are at the very least ineffective, toxic cocktails of heavy metals and live viruses that not only don’t prevent disease, but that actually cause it.
Countless studies — please do your own research — have shown the relationship between vaccine ingredients such as mercury, squalene, adjuvants and medical conditions such as autism, cancer, conditions of the nervous system, brain injury, and so on. Medical professionals like Rossell Blaylock and Andrew Wakefield have spoken endlessly about the dangers that vaccines pose — as they are now produced and administered — to human health. But despite the numerous studies and warnings from uncompromised medical professionals, health authorities and pharmaceutical companies have always worked in unison to impose a criminal standard that everyone must be vaccinated for their own good.
Although most official government policies indicate that vaccines are properly tested and continuously monitored for side effects and reactions, most of those vaccines are tested and monitored by the vaccine producer, who then sends its findings to the “vigilant authorities”. These authorities then give the makers thumbs up to mass produce it and later recommend it and add it to the ever growing number of inoculations that people, especially children, must take from birth.
There is only one problem; a new problem, for the medical-pharmaceutical cartel: The Human body does not need vaccine produced antibodies to fight disease such as viruses, bacteria or other pathogens. Our human immune system actually has the capacity to produce natural antibodies which then work as defenses against disease. The human immune system is composed by original and constructed elements — created after a person is born and grows up — that work together to keep the body safe from illnesses without the need for artificially, lab-made products. This may come as a surprise to many, but it is not new for others who freely and independently educate themselves about ways to prevent and cure disease.
Current official vaccine science establishes that when a person is injected with a vaccine, the ingredients in it cause the body to respond to the vaccine as if it were a real attack from a virus or any other pathogen. The body then responds to this supposed attack by creating antibodies to deal with it. In the future, if the virus or organism attacks the person again, the immune system will know how to react and defend from the attack. This is explained as the immune system “learning” how to act in case of an infection. The problem is that “learning” how to fight disease is something the body already knows how to do, it is a natural ability, as so is its capacity to produce antibodies. What vaccine-induced antibody creation does is actually alter the natural response the human immune system has which in fact impairs the body to react to a disease that is not exactly the same as the one injected in our body through a vaccine. This is the case if the seasonal flu.
The flu virus is, due to the use of vaccines — an ever morphing organism that is NEVER the same. When people inject themselves with the seasonal flu vaccine that contains last year’s strain of the virus, the new strain does not have any problem penetrating a degrade immune system that is not only defenseless against it, but also incapable of dealing with the new version of the virus by itself.
This is where the study published in the Journal Immunity comes in handy. The study shows that vaccine induced antibodies are not able to fight disease by themselves, a feature that is only present in naturally occurring antibodies generated by our immune system. This is the fact that absolutely debunks the myth that vaccines are necessary to remain free of pesky viruses and bacteria that may cause disease. As in many other cases, the supposed scientific theory is just that; theory. As cited by the study, vaccines do not help prevent or combat infections. “Our findings contradict the current view that antibodies are absolutely required to survive infection with viruses like VSV (vesicular stomatitis virus), and establish an unexpected function for B cells as custodians of macrophages in antiviral immunity,” says Dr. Uldrich H. von Andrian from Harvard Medical School.
Dr. von Andrian added that “It will be important to further dissect the role of antibodies and interferons in immunity against similar viruses that attack the nervous system, such as rabies, West Nile virus, and Encephalitis.”
So if vaccines do not work as the pharmaceutical power houses advertise and if they impair the natural immune system from actually fighting disease, why are government agencies always recommending that we all use them? According to brain surgeon Russell Blaylock, vaccines inhibit the immune system from producing TH2-type cytokines on top of suppressing cellular immunity. The result of a weakened, useless immune system is a weaker human body that will not only be more vulnerable to get sick, but that will also take longer to recover, if it does. What the results of this study represent is the last nail in the coffin of vaccine pseudoscience. Vaccines have gone from being the best invention since the appearance of the wheel, to becoming a dangerous but necessary evil, to an ineffective method to fight disease.
“Incredible as it sounds, such a common-sense controlled study comparing vaccinated to unvaccinated children has never been done in America for any vaccination,” says Dr. Phillip Incao MD. Dr. Incao is backed by many independent medical professionals, such as doctor Harold Buttram. “There have never been any studies of this nature, and apparently none have been attempted,” says Dr. Buttram MD.
In addition to the information above, it is important to say that the current mandatory vaccination systems — there is no law that legally obligates anyone to take a vaccine — in almost all countries violate the Nuremberg Code, the set of rules that all medical professional must follow, but that few implement when dealing with the use of vaccines.According to the Vaccine Adverse Reporting Systems (VAERS), there were at least 2,142, confirmed deaths and 3,177 people permanently disabled from 1991-2001 from vaccinations. See Surveillance for Safety After Immunization. But in actuality, complete statistics show that the consequences are significantly worse. Deaths amount to between 21,420 – 142,800 deaths if one takes into account that only 1.5-10% of adverse events are reported.
According to the Global Vaccine Institute, vaccinations are responsible for causing disease such as AIDS, Cancer, Diabetes, Hearing/Vision Loss, Hepatitis B, MMR, Mumps, Polio, Rubella and Autism, without anyone ever demonstrating that a single vaccine cured any existing disease.
If you are curious to learn what are some of the ingredients used in the production of vaccines — many of which make their way into your body — please be courageous and see the list provided by the CDC here.
Vaccines NEVER helped decrease the incidence of any disease, much less to cure anyone.

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