Overweight? There is a Vaccine for that


A new crop of bogus vaccines are claiming to promote weight loss. A new study, published in BioMed Central’s open access journal, Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology, promoted the claimed benefits of two vaccines which chemically and artificially inhibit the action of natural hormones.

One of the the primary aims of the  biotech industry is to create a vaccine for every common ailment known to man. The pseudo-scientists at Vaccine Inc have already offered a universal flu vaccine for what they feel is an uninformed and lazy public who are no longer interested in receiving the seasonal jab year after year. Why not dip into wider markets like obesity? Most of the developed world has obese populations–”can you imagine the potential for vaccines?” says the pharmaceutical executive.

Somatostatin, a peptide hormone, inhibits the action of growth hormone (GH) and insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1), both of which increase metabolism and result in weight loss. The claim by vaccine scientists in the study was  to create a vaccine with modified somatostatin causing the body to generate antibodies to somatostatin, effectively removing this inhibition. However, this could also alter and  directly interfere with the other hormones and subsequently cause other problems.

“This study demonstrates the possibility of treating obesity with vaccination”, Keith explained. He continued, “Although further studies are necessary to discover the long term implications of these vaccines, treatment of human obesity with vaccination would provide physicians with a drug- and surgical- free option against the weight epidemic.”

Somatostatin is secreted in several locations in the digestive system including the stomach, intestine, and cells of the pancreas. It is also produced by neurons in the brain.   The hormone is eventually then carried to the brain’s pituitary gland which is essentially the target where it inhibits the secretion of growth hormones.

The problem is, when you mess with   somatostatin pharmacologically    through potent inhibitors, you create a host of other physiological disasters, but the study won’t tell you about those. The most frequent adverse effects are hypothyroidism, cardiac conduction changes, gastro-intestinal reactions, gallstones, reduction of insulin release, hyperglycemia or hypoglycemia and  even erectile dysfunction.

Artificially inhibiting growth hormones by generating antibodies to somatostatin would also    inhibit the secretion of many other hormones, such as gastrin, cholecystokinin, glucagon, insulin, secretin, pancreatic polypeptide, TSH, and vasoactive intestinal peptide, all which are involved in crucial physiological processes for  energy expenditure and weight loss.

Big pharmas obsession with creating a vaccine for  every illness is reaching a climax that will inevitably regress human health to new levels. We don’t need another excuse for people to eat more junk food.  An obesity vaccine will only cater to the lazy mentality of developed nations. This will naturally lead to a host of new health problems which the biotech industry will address and find additional solutions for–but only for the problems they created. It’s a vicious cycle.

You don’t need a vaccine to lose weight and you never will.  There’s something called a great diet and exercise which is far more effective and will keep you healthier and alive for much longer.

Dave Mihalovic
 is a Naturopathic Doctor who specializes in vaccine research, cancer prevention and a natural approach to treatment.

The Gates are Open to Forced Sterilization


The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation was created over a decade ago. They have been responsible for vaccine programs across the globe.

The Gates Foundation is focusing on controlling population in poor countries with drugs like Depo-Provera. By pouring funding into the supply chains and relationships with the pharmaceutical corporations, they plan on bringing this drug to the developing world.

Melinda Gates has made this issue her personal mission. Gates announced her new emphasis on contraception in a staff meeting to a room full of applause. The Gates Foundation is teaming up with the British government in raising $4 billion to fund their birth control agenda worldwide by 2020.

Melinda Gates would like to see her agenda turned into a global movement. “When I started to realize that needed to get done in family planning, I finally said, OK, I’m the person that’s going to do that,” she says.

By calling her mission “family-planning programs” Gates hopes to shift the focus of their agenda from their plan to secure a coercive population control strategy.

Gates justification for her invasive presence in the lives of women and children in poor countries is that 100,000 women die in child birth from unintended pregnancies.

The global family planning issue is been carted as a national security issue. Gates is purveying the rising birth rates in poor countries as an international over population situation. They are using a fear-mongering assertion that population instability leads to vulnerability to communist revolution.

In the 1960’s Dwight Eisenhower, who has an honorary member of Planned Parenthood, called for foreign aid for birth control to curb population growth. In 1965 President Lyndon Johnson implored the United Nations to “face forthrightly the multiplying problems of our multiplying populations … Let us act on the fact that less than $5 invested in population control is worth $100 invested in economic growth.”

The United Nations created the United Nations Fund for Population Activities (UNFPA) to use population control as a resolution toward facilitating peace, prosperity, and individual rights worldwide.

Melinda Gates hopes to continue the empirical authority in forcing countries to adhere to ideologies and change the general public’s perspective about population control by calling it “women’s rights” issues. “There is no controversy in raising your voice for equal access,” Gates said at a TEDxChange talk.

“If [Gates] wants to put money into it, that’s fine, but she doesn’t get to say no one gets to argue with me,” says Susan Yoshihara, director of research at the Catholic Family and Human Rights Institute. Yoshihara feels that Gates attempt to equate family planning programs to women’s rights issues is painting an inaccurate picture. “You don’t tell a woman dying of an ectopic pregnancy that she should have used a female condom. To say that we’re going to help women not die in childbirth by telling them that they shouldn’t get pregnant in the first place, I think, borders on scandalous.”

The Gates Foundation is currently funding research for the development of new forms of contraceptives with the intention of purveying them across the underdeveloped countries where their oversight is not closely regulated. The Gates Foundation wants to investigate the use of a contraceptive that does not utilize hormones, calling it a potentially “whole new class” of drugs.

They are also envisioning an implantable device that can completely override a woman’s natural ability to conceive. Gates believes that this type of birth control would greatly benefit the world’s populations.

Three Mutations Away from a Flu Pandemic


The way to hell is paved with good intentions. This is the least that can be said about the creation of the most virulent form of H5N1 flu virus in two labs in the US and Holland. It is one of those cases where the medicine is worse than the disease. After lots of celebrations and pats on the backs, scientists revealed that their experiments to mutate the H5N1 flu virus had been successful, and the results had been replicated by different groups in Europe and the United States. What they didn’t seem to realize was that the results of those experiments, just as it happens with any other relevant scientific research, would have to be published to the medical community and then the public. Their satisfaction with the results of the experiments, or perhaps their incompetence, blinded them until some sense came back to them. Then came the censorship.

Initially, the procedures used to produce the mutated bird flu virus were blocked from the public as warnings were issued about the potential that so-called terrorists got a hold of the experiments and produced weaponized flu to spread it around cities with dense populations. Amazingly, that is exactly what the scientists did. They created a bioweapon in a lab, confirmed the results by replicating them in different labs, provided the findings to insiders in the scientific community and government officials, and now, they published the results out so anyone can take them, replicate them and create a pandemic.

The head scientist and virologist Yoshihiro Kawaoka, who works at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and the University of Tokyo, confirmed that it only took three changes made to the main gene of the virus to enhance it with the capacity to ‘jump’ from animal mammals to humans. Kawaoka and his team confirmed that after implementing the changes on the gene, the virus was easily and effectively transmissible among mammals. The final result of the research was a hybrid virus that would contaminate populations as fast as the air can carry it all over the planet. It doesn’t get anything easier than that, does it? After obtaining the new virus, the researchers injected it in ferrets where mutations in the gene called hemagglutinin — the H part of the H5N1 name — did the rest.

According to research, one of the mutations observed in the hybrid virus is similar to another found in the virus that affects areas of the world such as the Middle East, Asia, Europe and Africa, where it has killed at least 345 patients without even being weaponized. The 345 number accounts for cases reported as deaths caused by the virus or complications, although many other cases have been left out or simply not reported. Scientist allege that the work performed on the H5N1 virus was necessary in order to learn about it and how it could potentially evolve during a pandemic. They believe that after the first mutation seen in the Middle East, Africa and Asia, the virus will continue to change and that their experiments and results may help save many lives because there will be time to produce a vaccine to fight it. Does anyone see economic intere$t written all over it? This is the big $; I mean S in Health that few people realize the experiment is all about. As if the danger of a weaponized virus transmissible from other mammals to humans wasn’t dangerous enough, the pathogen also has the capacity to ‘jump’ from human to human, just as other flu strains.

The issue with human-made crisis such as the hybrid, lab-made H5N1 virus is that scientists have not figured out a cure to the infection it would cause, only a treatment for an ever changing organism, which only ensures that people will have to use vaccines and other medications for the rest of their lives and still be behind in the game. Not even the scientific inability to measure whether a virus like the H5N1 has the potential or not to become and out of control human transmissible virus was enough to stop well-financed scientists from creating quite a monstrosity. “Our study shows that relatively few amino acid mutations are sufficient for a virus with an avian H5 hemagglutinin to acquire the ability to transmit in mammals,” Kawaoka said.

Yushihiro Kawaoka’s paper, was published in the journal Nature. His is one of two papers around which scientists, government officials and biosecurity experts were debating about before the results were finally put out. Most of the opposition came from the  U.S. National Science Advisory Board for Biosecurity, an organization that protested the publication on national security grounds. Those in favor of publishing the results contrasted the public health concerns with a statement that said it was critical to share information in order to harmonize the analysis and response to flu epidemics or pandemics. Everyone else’s hunch is that the people concerned with sharing information are more interested in keeping the money flow going that allows them to finance their research. But scientists said that it was necessary to keep an eye on H5N1 natural changes and what they meant to the scientific community and the public.

Kawaoka’s research has earned him the rock star treatment from colleagues, a dangerous state of affairs if one thinks what can unlimited financing and genius do when they are off the leash. Back in 2003, China directly blamed the U.S. for the death of Chinese people who died after being infected with a violent strain of SARS. Back then, China floated the idea that the SARS virus was the product of a lab experiment that resulted in a bioweapon, a virus that was race specific. Other reports from main stream media even adventured expectations about the H5N1 airborne virus that Kawaoka and his colleagues produced in their labs. Another scientist, Ron Fouchier, who will also published the results of his experiments after the Dutch government allowed him to do so, announced his achievement just last week. His experiment will be published on the scientific magazine Science at a time that is still to be determined. As in many occasions, the US government was the top financier of the experiments conducted by Kawaoka.

The consequences of the artificial creation or mutation of viruses is well-known by the scientific community. The 2009 H1N1 flu pandemic was a result from the games played by scientists who created a hybrid virus with a mutated hemagglutinin gene from H5N1 that fused to the seven remaining genes from the H1N1 virus. Back then, scientists did not create a cure to the potential pandemic and the pharmaceutical industry heavily benefited by offering a useless and dangerous vaccine that hadn’t even been tested properly and which was linked to hundreds of side effects and allergic reactions not disclosed by the makers. Despite the unknowns, both government officials all over the world and pharmaceutical companies themselves guaranteed the safety of the vaccine and justified the absence of valid human trials on the unexpected appearance of the H1N1 virus. Vaccine makers multiplied their average earnings of $50 billion dollars a year as a direct result of the sale of the vaccines, which were purchased by governments with taxpayer money. In 2009, the people of the world were once again the subjects of a worldwide experiment performed under the pretense that it was necessary to learn how much would the correct dosage be for humans. It is important to remember that vaccine makers are immune against legal action should a person determined to have been damaged by a vaccine decide to sue for damages.

“It really is a wonderful study,” said Richard Webby, director of a World Health Organization collaborating center that focuses on studies of animal and bird influenza viruses at St. Jude Children’s Hospital in Memphis, Tenn. The World Health Organization itself was one of many entities that paraded around the world pushing people to buy and inject themselves with the H1N1 vaccine to prevent the much feared pandemic. In mid 2009, the U.S. agreed to spend at least $1 billion in flu vaccine production, which makes one wonder how much of that money went to finance experiments such as the one conducted by Kawaoka and his team.

Although he did not show proof of it, Webby said that mutations like the ones that transformed the H5N1 virus into a biological weapon may not occur in the wild. Of course, no one is counting on the virus to reach the virulent pandemic level by itself, now that it has been aided by out of control scientists. He said that viruses such as the one produced in a lab by Kawaoka require changes in functions the field has known for some time are key for avian flu viruses to make the leap to be able to infect humans. “Those include changing the type of cell receptors the viruses bind to, from receptors that are typically found in people only deep in the lungs to ones found in the upper respiratory tract, where human flu viruses attach.”

Other scientists like Webby see the research as a valuable piece of work that will help experts study the mutation mechanism of the virus, which they say, turns it more efficient when spreading from mammal-to-mammal. One of those scientists is Adolfo Garcia-Sastre, a flu virologist who works at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City. Although a warning for the potential mass infection has been issued by the scientists themselves, Garcia-Sastre says that the virus may not transmit that easily among humans. He believes that Kawaoka’s work will help scientists pick out viruses that present mutations from those that do not have them in order to study them and come up with solutions to a pandemic threat. This is, though, if the scientists studying them intend to actually help humans avoid such pandemic. The problem with his premise is that the system in place utilized to monitor the behaviours of viruses and other pathogens is rather poor. This deficiency in the monitoring grows exponentially if one takes into account that changes made to viruses in labs can go undetected for a long time, perhaps up until the moment it is released into the air. In a lab environment, where money and time are unlimited, scientists can deal with unsolved problems, tie all the loose ends and achieve any desired result just as Kawaoka did. For example, missing genes can be added or taken out to affect the virulence and the type of living thing it would be most effective on.

If anything positive has come out of this scientific development is the fact that flu scientists and others who seek to play God with dangerous forms of life like viruses and bacteria will be directly under the microscope as they come up with new ways to teach themselves how to create bioweapons for research purposes and for biowarfare. Richard Webby, from the WHO believes that the outcome will end in more monitoring for the kind of research completed by scientists all over the world. ”There’s certainly going to be more paperwork. But in the long run it’s surely going to be a whole lot easier than what we’ve just been through since December of last year.” Sure, but what stops a scientist, or for that matter any other professional, from lying about experimental results to carry out his or her dream to be recognized or to obtain more funding for their signature life project? One only needs to look at climate science (Climategate, hockey stick, rising sea level) in order to find an answer to this question. Or perhaps if you don’t want to go that far, what stops a pharmaceutical company or government controlled entity from carrying out experiments out in the open? Remember Tuskegee?

I guess it all comes down to trust. Do we trust our fame-thirsty scientists or the pharmaceutical companies that hire them or the governments that experimented on humans without their consent?… and continue to do it today?

Fear Sells: Studies on Mutant H5N1 Virus Finally Published

AFP | MAY 3, 2012

Scientists who created a mutant virus to explore a key aspect of influenza published their research Wednesday after a four-month storm that brewed fears of bioterrorism and accusations of censorship.

The controversy began in December when teams in the United States and the Netherlands separately said they had engineered a hybrid virus in high-security labs.

Their goal was to understand how a highly lethal strain of flu which spreads among birds but is hard to transmit to mammals could mutate into a variant that is contagious among humans.

A 23-member expert panel that advises the US government called for manuscript changes before the work could be published in a journal, the traditional arena for displaying and discussing scientific work.

It feared that full disclosure could help a rogue state or bioterror group make a virus against which no-one would be immune.

But some scientists lashed the recommendation, saying it was an attempt to censor or stifle scientific discourse.

Two journals put the papers on hold while they consulted the researchers and the panel, the National Science Advisory Board for Biosecurity (NSABB).

On Wednesday, the British journal Nature finally published one of the studies, conducted by a team led by Yoshihiro Kawaoka at the University of Wisconsin.

“The essential scientific elements (in the original manuscript) were unchanged,” the journal said, adding it was publishing the paper after receiving “several independent pieces of biosecurity advice”.

Kawaoka’s team delved into the H5N1 strain of avian flu, which caused a health scare in Hong Kong in 1997 and still surfaces sporadically today.

H5N1 spreads easily among poultry and wild birds but is hard to transmit to humans. When it does, it is brutal, killing more than one infected person in two.

The team took a key gene, known as haemagluttinin or HA, from the H5N1 virus and added a mutation that made it more compatible with human respiratory cells.

They then took a strain of H1N1 flu — the virus that caused a pandemic among humans in 2009 but proved to be no more lethal than ordinary seasonal flu — and replaced its HA gene with the engineered one.

The next step was to test the “H5/H1 hybrid” on six ferrets, a mammal deemed an excellent model for testing flu because its respiratory system is so similar to that of humans.

The infected ferrets passed on the virus to others in respiratory droplets, thus proving that the new virus could be spread through coughs and sneezes.

But none of the animals died, something that remains to be explained, said the researchers.

The findings shed light on the genetic borrowings that help a virus gain in contagiousness, they said. This risk is all too present in nature, especially in pigs, which can mix avian, human and porcine viruses.

The work will help alert health watchdogs to emerging viral threats and provide vaccine engineers with potential targets, they argued.

Nature showed journalists a report from “a bio-defence agency outside the US”, which it declined to name, that said the benefits of publication outweighed the risks.

“This information could be used by an aggressor and shows one of the building blocks for the development of a potential BW [biowarfare] weapon,” the report said.

“[Such skill] is a demanding capability, probably beyond the capacity of the majority of those groupings of concern,” it said.

“On the other hand, not publishing this information would slow, or even block, the development of a vaccine against a virus that still has the potential to mutate naturally to a pandemic form, which could cause huge numbers of fatalities worldwide.”

Touching on the tension between freedom of expression and scientific responsibility, Nature said it was “desirable” to have a forum such as NSABB but in this case the panel had over-reacted.

“There are justified concerns among the research community about the NSABB’s processes, and these processes should be reviewed.”

The other paper, intended for the US journal Science, is written by Ron Fouchier of the Erasmus Medical Centre in Rotterdam.

The American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), which publishes the journal, said Fouchier’s study was undergoing peer review — the traditional scrutiny in scientific publications.

“We had originally hoped, as a public service, to be able to publish Dr. Fouchier’s paper simultaneously with the similar research by Dr. Kawaoka. But appropriate review and editing of the manuscript is the primary goal,” said AAAS spokeswoman Ginger Pinholster.

Vaccine-Induced Antibodies not Necessary to Fight Viruses


Historically, the medical-pharmaceutical establishment have pushed vaccines as the miraculous solution for every single health problem that humans face. The pharmaceutical power houses came to the conclusion that vaccines were necessary because the body needed to build antibodies in order to fight disease and that vaccines were the best tool to ensure that the human immune system would have the capacity to produce such antibodies. As we already know, vaccines are at the very least ineffective, toxic cocktails of heavy metals and live viruses that not only don’t prevent disease, but that actually cause it.

Countless studies — please do your own research — have shown the relationship between vaccine ingredients such as mercury, squalene, adjuvants and medical conditions such as autism, cancer, conditions of the nervous system, brain injury, and so on. Medical professionals like Rossell Blaylock and Andrew Wakefield have spoken endlessly about the dangers that vaccines pose — as they are now produced and administered — to human health. But despite the numerous studies and warnings from uncompromised medical professionals, health authorities and pharmaceutical companies have always worked in unison to impose a criminal standard that everyone must be vaccinated for their own good.

Although most official government policies indicate that vaccines are properly tested and continuously monitored for side effects and reactions, most of those vaccines are tested and monitored by the vaccine producer, who then sends its findings to the “vigilant authorities”. These authorities then give the makers thumbs up to mass produce it and later recommend it and add it to the ever growing number of inoculations that people, especially children, must take from birth.

There is only one problem; a new problem, for the medical-pharmaceutical cartel: The Human body does not need vaccine produced antibodies to fight disease such as viruses, bacteria or other pathogens. Our human immune system actually has the capacity to produce natural antibodies which then work as defenses against disease. The human immune system is composed by original and constructed elements — created after a person is born and grows up — that work together to keep the body safe from illnesses without the need for artificially, lab-made products. This may come as a surprise to many, but it is not new for others who freely and independently educate themselves about ways to prevent and cure disease.

Current official vaccine science establishes that when a person is injected with a vaccine, the ingredients in it cause the body to respond to the vaccine as if it were a real attack from a virus or any other pathogen. The body then responds to this supposed attack by creating antibodies to deal with it. In the future, if the virus or organism attacks the person again, the immune system will know how to react and defend from the attack. This is explained as the immune system “learning” how to act in case of an infection. The problem is that “learning” how to fight disease is something the body already knows how to do, it is a natural ability, as so is its capacity to produce antibodies. What vaccine-induced antibody creation does is actually alter the natural response the human immune system has which in fact impairs the body to react to a disease that is not exactly the same as the one injected in our body through a vaccine. This is the case if the seasonal flu.

The flu virus is, due to the use of vaccines — an ever morphing organism that is NEVER the same. When people inject themselves with the seasonal flu vaccine that contains last year’s strain of the virus, the new strain does not have any problem penetrating a degrade immune system that is not only defenseless against it, but also incapable of dealing with the new version of the virus by itself.

This is where the study published in the Journal Immunity comes in handy. The study shows that vaccine induced antibodies are not able to fight disease by themselves, a feature that is only present in naturally occurring antibodies generated by our immune system. This is the fact that absolutely debunks the myth that vaccines are necessary to remain free of pesky viruses and bacteria that may cause disease. As in many other cases, the supposed scientific theory is just that; theory. As cited by the study, vaccines do not help prevent or combat infections. “Our findings contradict the current view that antibodies are absolutely required to survive infection with viruses like VSV (vesicular stomatitis virus), and establish an unexpected function for B cells as custodians of macrophages in antiviral immunity,” says Dr. Uldrich H. von Andrian from Harvard Medical School.

Dr. von Andrian added that “It will be important to further dissect the role of antibodies and interferons in immunity against similar viruses that attack the nervous system, such as rabies, West Nile virus, and Encephalitis.”

So if vaccines do not work as the pharmaceutical power houses advertise and if they impair the natural immune system from actually fighting disease, why are government agencies always recommending that we all use them? According to brain surgeon Russell Blaylock, vaccines inhibit the immune system from producing TH2-type cytokines on top of suppressing cellular immunity. The result of a weakened, useless immune system is a weaker human body that will not only be more vulnerable to get sick, but that will also take longer to recover, if it does. What the results of this study represent is the last nail in the coffin of vaccine pseudoscience. Vaccines have gone from being the best invention since the appearance of the wheel, to becoming a dangerous but necessary evil, to an ineffective method to fight disease.

Incredible as it sounds, such a common-sense controlled study comparing vaccinated to unvaccinated children has never been done in America for any vaccination,” says Dr. Phillip Incao MD. Dr. Incao is backed by many independent medical professionals, such as doctor Harold Buttram. There have never been any studies of this nature, and apparently none have been attempted,” says Dr. Buttram MD.

In addition to the information above, it is important to say that the current mandatory vaccination systems — there is no law that legally obligates anyone to take a vaccine — in almost all countries violate the  Nuremberg Code, the set of rules that all medical professional must follow, but that few implement when dealing with the use of vaccines.According to the Vaccine Adverse Reporting Systems (VAERS), there were  at least 2,142, confirmed deaths and 3,177 people permanently disabled from 1991-2001 from vaccinations. See Surveillance for Safety After Immunization. But in actuality, complete statistics show that the consequences are significantly worse. Deaths amount to between 21,420 – 142,800 deaths if one takes into account that only 1.5-10% of adverse events are reported.

According to the Global Vaccine Institute, vaccinations are responsible for causing disease such as AIDS, Cancer, Diabetes, Hearing/Vision Loss, Hepatitis B, MMR, Mumps, Polio, Rubella and Autism, without anyone ever demonstrating that a single vaccine cured any existing disease.

If you are curious to learn what are some of the ingredients used in the production of vaccines — many of which make their way into your body — please be courageous and see the list provided by the CDC here.

Vaccines NEVER helped decrease the incidence of any disease, much less to cure anyone.


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