Impeachable Offenses by Obama and the U.S. Congress

The time for informing and educating is over. The time to hold government accountable for their unconstitutional actions is here.


“Government is not reason, it is not eloquence, it is force; like fire, a troublesome servant and a fearful master.” How could George Washington get it so dead on right? Everything that government is known better for in modern society is its use of force to impose unreasonable policies and rules — not laws — to clamp down on personal freedom and individual rights. I am not talking about the government of the people, of course, but the corporate whore government.

When two branches of government, in any kind of setting — a Republic, a Tyranny, a Socialist nation, a Communist nation and so on — are controlled not by the people who gave it the right exist, but by corporate interests, the result is what we see growing today in countries like the United States, Canada, Brazil, China, the UK and Russia, to cite a few. When the office of the president and the offices of congress are revolving doors for corporate puppets to go in and out at will, the people’s grip on government has been lost.

If the people allow this to happen and to continue without any checks and balances, it will grow into the kind of invincible monster that will transform any self-fulfilling nightmare prophecy into reality. This is the stage where we are now, no matter where you live. Corporate control of government has gone from rare to absolute. Corporate-controlled government has many faces, among them: Communism, Socialism and Fascism. They were all creations of ancient schools of thought that saw an opportunity to become masters through division, balkanization and conquest. Those ancient schools of thought evolved into a XXI century perverse technocracy which is now almost 100 percent in control of the planet.

It is because humanity has lost sight of what government should do and should not do, that people now need to do their due diligence as it should have done it many years ago. It is time to put checks and balances on government.  Many years have gone by since individuals woke up to the abuses of the corporate-controlled State in all its shapes and forms. Corporations grew off government as rampant tumors that were never treated, much less healed. Apathy and ignorance fueled those tumors just like any chemotherapy toxicity does in a human body; except that this toxicity is social toxicity. Conformed, ignorant and apathetic people allowed the tumors to spread wide and at will throughout the complete ‘social body’ and now, the cancer is in stage 3, continuing to take over.

The only medicine available that will help cure the rotting ‘social body’ is swift but decisive action. The time to inform and educate is over. Those who are not with us need to be left behind in order for the informed, growing minority to act. Action must start where the cancer originated a long, long time ago.

Whether you like it or not, the United States was for many decades — not by chance — artificially sustained as the shiny white house on the hill. It was there that modern Fascism began. Borrowing Dave Mustane’s words: “You take a mortal man, and put him in control, watch him become a god, watch peoples heads a’roll.” This scenario runs over and over in both government and privately owned corporations. Given the United States privileged position in the world today, even with so much decadence going on there, it is in the United States where the main battle to curb tyranny will take place. It is certainly there where many have gotten inspiration to become powerful and rich, and not necessarily for the better.

After passing legislation such as NAFTA, CAFTA, the Patriot Act, the John Warner Defense Authorization, The Cybersecurity Bill, the National Defense Authorization Act, ACTA, and many other bills that basically rendered the Constitution obsolete, both the US Congress and the US presidents who participated of these actions, must be held accountable. Action has begun, although it needs much support. In response to Barack Obama’s and his cabinet’s dismissal of the Constitution and Congress itself, Representative Walter Jones, recently introduced House Resolution 107, a bill that seeks to enforce what laws that are already in place explicitly condemn and prohibit, but that the accomplice Congressmen and women, and for that matter the American people have failed to enforce: That it is unconstitutional for a US president to carry out military actions without a previous declaration of war by Congress, whereby the sitting US president becomes the commander in chief of the Armed Forces.

As many already know, Barack Obama himself as well as his Secretary of Defense, Leon Panetta, declared that they would consider informing Congress about any future military engagements the country got into, as supposed to asking for authorization in the first place. When pressed by congressman Jeff Sessions, Panetta repeated himself and confirmed that the Executive branch and the Pentagon intended to launch military strikes with the approval of international organizations, but not from the US Congress. Previously, Obama said that if — in a variety of situations — Congress did not act, he would do so alone, by decree, using executive orders as laws. Does anyone smell Dictatorship? Indeed. And Obama has already acted upon such warning. He illegally authorized military intervention in Libya without consulting Congress about it, much less getting authorization or a war declaration. This, by the Constitution of the United States, is an impeachable offense. Why? Because according to the US Constitution, only Congress has the authority to declare war, not the office of the US president. “Do you think you can act without Congress and initiate a no-fly zone in Syria,” asked Jeff Sessions. Leon Panetta responded: “Our goal would be to seek international permission and we would come to Congress and inform you and determine how best to approach this, whether or not we would want to get permission from Congress…”.

Equally illegal were three other decisions made or endorsed by Barack Obama’s government. The Financial Bailout of 2008, where US taxpayers were shoved trillions of dollars in debt that the US government — through its corporate handler Federal Reserve — promised and delivered to foreign banks. Incredibly, those funds were not used to help in the economic recovery, but to further consolidate economic power in the hands of foreign banking institutions. Because of this, Americans, current and future, will have to work harder than ever to pay for the interests this debt will accrue through the years. In fact, Americans were illegally made responsible for a pile of debt originally created by the banks and banking governing institutions such as the IMF and the World Bank.You will say, “but that was under Bush! Correct, and he should also be held accountable. But Obama extended such bailouts by permitting the creation of financial aid packages such as Quantitative Easing I, II and III. That is, the private Federal Reserve used US assets as leverage to create money out of thin air in order to loan it out to foreign and national banking institutions who used the money not to pay off the debt they themselves created, but to hoard it into their pockets.

Third, after siding with the United Kingdom, which publicly pushed to attack Syria, the United States spoke about a ‘special relationship’ with the British and joined their call to carry out regime change in that country, much like they did in Libya, should president Bashar al-Assad not resign. The same policies now used by David Cameron and Barack Obama were reasons to sentence Nazis to death after they were judged in the Nuremberg trials for their responsibility in the atrocities carried out during Adolf Hitler’s time in power and beyond. But for some reason, Nazi atrocities are now considered business as usual and natural ways to conduct a country into war against nations that not only do not pose a threat to the United States, but that haven’t even declared war against it.

Fourth, both Obama and Congress, under the premise of National Security and unproven imminent threats, passed and signed into law the National Defense Authorization Act, a piece of legislation that gives the president the power to detain, torture and murder anyone, including Americans, anywhere, if he believes a person is a threat to the continuity of government in the United States. That is, Obama can ask intelligence agencies and other law enforcement organizations to grab anyone from the street or their houses, put a bag over their heads, push him into a van and take him away never to be seen again. Under this law, there doesn’t need to be any crime committed, any charges presented against anyone, no judge, no jury, nothing. The president and his minions will make all decisions.

In an attempt to calm down public outcry, Obama said in public that he would not sign the NDAA if it did not exclude Americans from the indefinite detention clause. But behind closed doors, Obama requested that Americans were included as part of the people who could be kidnapped and possibly murdered by his command. He also said that although he had that power, he did not intend to use it against Americans.

It is important to say that this is not about Obama himself, but about the office of the president. Not only Obama, but any other person elected president will be able to detain anyone indefinitely without a judge order or a jury trial. This law directly violates the US Constitution’s 4th, 5th and 6th amendments, as they establish that people are free from unwarranted searches and seizures. Citizens have the constitutional right to be secured in their persons, houses, papers and effects and no one should be held to answer for crimes unless on the presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury.

In case this all has not prompted you to take action, remember: It is the office of the president and Congress the ones that need and must be held accountable to us, their creators; not the other way around. There is no Constitutional way to simply forget about the existing laws because someone says it is necessary to do so. The lack of accountability must stop.

Through this article, The Real Agenda would like to publicly join’s campaign to call for the immediate impeachment of Barack Obama as well as any Congressman or woman that explicitly or otherwise supported and supports the US Financial Bailout of 2008, the use of Military Force without Congressional approval, the passing of the National Defense Authorization Act and its implementation against American citizens or foreigners. All of the above are unconstitutional, impeachable offenses that must be stopped now.

The cancer needs to heal for the patient to survive. Right now, it is up to you to be part of the medicine.

See’s campaign video narrated by Sean Stone below.

About Editor
The Real Agenda is an independent publication. It does not take money from Corporations, Foundations or Non-Governmental Organizations. It provides news reports in three languages: English, Spanish and Portuguese to reach a larger group of readers. Our news are not guided by any ideological, political or religious interest, which allows us to keep our integrity towards the readers.

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