Moroccans Reject Dutch abortion ship

AFP | OCTOBER 3, 2012

Moroccans voiced opposition on Wednesday to the imminent arrival of a Dutch “abortion boat,” on its first visit to a Muslim country to provide abortions to women that organisers say might otherwise be exposed to grave health risks.

“Moroccan law forbids abortion. Moroccan religious identity say it is forbidden and so does Islam. So the government cannot allow this ship to come to Morocco,” lawyer Abdelmalik Zaza was quoted as saying in Al-Tajdid, the newspaper of ruling Islamist party the PJD.

Chafik Chraibi, who heads a Moroccan NGO that seeks to perform abortions legally, also opposed the visit.

“It’s true that the initiative is symbolic, to defend the rights of women to have abortions,” he told independent Moroccan daily Le Soir.

“But to practice abortion at sea, in international waters, is for me a way of circumventing the law and is something clandestine,” he added.

The Dutch non-profit organisation Women on Waves, which is organising the visit, says the ship will arrive at Smir, in northern Morocco on Thursday afternoon, around 40 kilometres (25 miles) east of Tangier.

Many in Morocco expect it to be turned away.

The Dutch group says the purpose of the visit is to provide women with “safe legal medical abortions” up to 6.5 weeks into pregnancy, in a country where the practice is illegal and taboo and can expose women to grave health risks.

It also said it will set up a hotline to inform women about safe medical abortions that can be induced at home.

Doctor Rebecca Gomperts, the founder of Women on Waves, told AFP that around 600 to 800 Moroccan women have an abortion every day.

“The problem is that only about 200 cases are done properly, by women who have money,” Gomperts said, with the rest resorting to dangerous methods because they are unable to afford the expensive treatment.

This leads to the deaths of 78 Moroccan women each year on average, Gomperts claimed, citing statistics provided by the World Health Organisation.

But Moroccan pro-life groups deny those figures, and dispute the motives of the local youth group the Alternative Movement for Individual Liberties (MALI) that is helping to organise the visit.

“The figures on abortion are not right,” said Hannan Idrissi, a member of a Moroccan pro-life group, was quoted as saying by Al-Tajdid.

“The MALI movement that invited the ship is known for its disrespect for ethics and the dignity of Moroccan society,” she added.

Uruguay gets closer to lifting ban on Abortion


Women stood naked with their bodies painted to reflect their support for what they called their right to choose.

Uruguay is now on the verge of decriminalizing abortion after its House of Representatives approved a motion to do just that with a minimum majority of 50 to 49. Although the bill still needs to be ratified in the Senate, it is expected to pass, because it seems to have enough support there too.

The motion to decriminalize abortion was approved after a lengthy discussion of nearly fourteen hours which had moments filled with emotion from those pro lifting the ban and others who sought keep abortion illegal.  The feelings of concern and excitement among representatives was evident as arguments marked clear lines of separation within all Uruguayan political parties.

The bill now goes to the Senate, where it will voted on in December to become law. After that, President José Mujica will have to sign it in order to ratify the law and make it official.

According to the text adopted, the motion decriminalizes abortion up to the twelfth week of pregnancy, with no limit in case of danger to the health of the mother, and provided that the procedure is carried out in health centers under the supervision of the authorities. Any Uruguayan woman who wants an abortion under this law only has to go to a doctor and express her desire to do so.

The physician will then send the woman to a committee of gynecologists, psychologists and social workers to inform the woman about all the possibilities she has available. If the woman still manifests her intention to have the abortion, the procedure will take place immediately without further proceedings.

This project is a substantial modification of the bill voted on by the Senate because the ruling Frente Amplio (FA), which promised to pass the motion, did not have the votes previous to the debate. The party was forced to agree on a new project with Independent Party lawmaker Ivan Posada, whose vote was crucial for approval.

In the end, the final tally of 49 votes from the Frente Amplio plus one from Posada helped approve the motion, even though representative  Andrés Lima voted against on grounds of conscience. Two other representatives argued against the project, but left the room and their seats to their alternates so the project could be approved.

Among them was Dario Perez, who tearfully told colleagues he could not accompany the vote because he still remembered the pain that resulted in the loss of a child when his wife spontaneously aborted while during her fourth month of pregnancy. On the opposing side, the Colorado Party deputy Fernando Amado, a supporter of the decriminalization of abortion, argued in favor of the measure and left the room to not vote against it as a mandate required him to do due to a mandate from his party.

Anibal Gloodtdofsky, also was in favor of decriminalization but said he would vote against to respect party lines. In his speech to the House, Rep. Posada defended the project saying it was “appropriate to reduce the number of abortions performed in the country. This project chooses the middle path, the path of lesser evil,” he said to the other members.

By contrast, Rep. Fitzgerald argued against by saying that “with this project the mother can do what she wants with the pregnancy.” Despite being punishable by law in Uruguay, records show that at least 30,000 abortions are performed each year, although the reality could double that number, say NGOs. In 2008, a similar bill was approved, but it did not become law due to the veto imposed by the previous administration.

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Democrites: The Socialist, Death-pushing Party


If Barack Obama was slick enough to confuse anyone about what the Democratic Party stands for, the party itself has made it very clear now. The Democratic Party, and more specifically, the Democratic Party platform for 2012 is the most Socialist, Godless, Death-pushing group in the history of the United States.

One thing is to believe that help should be given to anyone in dire need, or that God is an un-tangible abstract ideal that a part of society prays to. Another very different stance is to impose legislation on hundreds of millions of people because a man or his handlers want to install a de facto socialist system, remove God from the platform to attract non-believers and explicitly use people’s money to fund abortions through government and government affiliated organizations.

The Democrite Party is Nemesis, the pale horse that we’ve all read or been told about since we were born. But worse than the party platform, is that such platform has found a strong acceptance among millions of Americans, who as pointed out on Monday, are people who live inside an illusion bubble that has turned them into the most deceived population in the history.

“Government is the only thing we all belong to”, says an ad supported by the Democratic National Committee. That is the very definition that a collectivist organization would want people to believe, instead of “you can forge your own destiny”. If government was the solution to the numerous problems that it itself has created, we would not need elections, and that is what Democrites believe and want. Of course, we all know it is not so. Government, as it stands today, is the problem, not the solution.

Natural Law or common law is the most successful guide to getting as far as we had, until government appeared. The set of moral and legal standards which aren’t written anywhere, but that everyone knows very well is what has worked throughout history, and that is precisely what both the Democrat and Republican platforms lack: morality. That is why Natural Law worked and government did not.

The standards in Natural Law are part of humanity, of being human, and therefore derive from human nature and the world we all live in. Government on the other hand, is a creation of a group of egotistical, selfish demagogues who believe they know better how to run our lives. Both presidential candidates in 2012 favor collectivism, big government and government mandated everything for everyone. Government is an entity that, despite having been created by humans and being composed by humans, has turned into a creature that violently enforces its own rules in detriment of its creators, as supposed to obeying the natural, common laws.

The Democratic Party, more than the Republican, is the party of Death; not because they do not believe in God or because it is excluded from its platform, but because they officially pronounce themselves in favor of abortion, a practice that has killed at least 50 million people in the US. Many of these abortions have counted with the financial support and funding from government. Has it happened under both parties? Sure. But the Democratic Party has been the one that has more strongly reaffirmed they compromise with government funded abortions.

Please do not let yourself be fooled by either Republicans or Democrites, as they will do whatever it takes to keep you tied up and dependent. As explained by Dr. Russell Blaylock, government is great at masking its true intentions, and it has done so throughout the last 200 years. “In the 1800s they did not shy away from the term socialism, but as people began to understand that socialism was a form of social control and engineering, they dropped the term for more acceptable terms such as liberalism, progressivism and collectivism.” Do any of these sound familiar?

Both parties have had their shots at destroying the United States for the past century and in the process keeping people sound asleep, but now that their attempts to keep people from waking up have failed, they ask for more time while reinforcing how trustworthy they are. Both the Republican and Democratic Parties are now trying to buy more time before they fully accomplish their dream. What is their dream? Let’s have author Eric Voeglin explain it to us. In his book, “From Enlightenment to Revolution“, he states:

“In its outline we see the idea of mankind dominated by a chosen people who embodies the progressive essence of humanity. In historical actuality that would mean a totalitarian organization of mankind in which the dominating power would beat down in the name of mankind and freedom everybody who does not conform to the standards.”

Again I ask, does it sound familiar?

By the way, if you think socialized medicine is the cure for all social ills, please be sure to read about the origins of such an aberration (see paragraph 11).

While the United States drowns in debt — $16 trillion and well on its way to $20 trillion — the gullible people are told that the answer to the debt is getting into more debt. While people go hungry around the country, the socialists say that the answer is more food stamps — 46.7 million in total. While the nation starves for innovation and employment, Obama funds his buddies at Solyndra.

The message of “we are the party of diversity, of new ideas, or progress, hope and change” is just a socialist set of smoke mirrors. Under the diversity umbrella, the Democrites seek to buy off minorities and the most needy, bribing them with free stuff so they remain passive and condemned to the misery they’ve always lived in. The highly unsophisticated population of illegals — generally poorly educated in their home countries — who invade the US from all directions, and who only want a handout to step forward towards the illusive American Dream will appreciate the fast-track towards citizenship so they can vote for the pirates that let them onto the sinking ship.

With the ship they shall all sink while the captains are long gone.

The World Bank’s 28 year-old Depopulation Plan

by Luis R. Miranda
The Real Agenda
February 14, 2012

Plans to drastically reduce the world’s population aren’t new. Many organizations and members of the oligarchy have manifested their intention to promote and carry out plans to dramatically reduce — between 80% and 90% — the number of humans that inhabit the Earth. Last week, we presented proof of now the United Nations and well-known philanthropists divest and invest billions of dollars to support campaigns that threaten the lives of millions of people every year. According to the cited sources and documentation in our article UN Pushes for a Global Tax to Finance its Global Socialist System, the UN alone, and in many cases its alliances with rich corporatists or partner organizations spend their budgets implementing programs in third world nations to avoid human reproduction and the development of those nations. In many cases, the application of eugenics or population control programs are a condition to receiving financial aid.

But the UN is not the only corporate-controlled organization that pushes for population reduction. Together with the UN are the World Health Organization, the IMF, and the World Bank, among others. In the case of the World Bank, the record reveals that some of the most recent initiatives date to 1984, when a report was written and presented to the controllers of the Bank. Among other things, it suggests the immediate start of population reduction policies in order to maintain economic growth; mainly for the developed nations. The document titled “World Development Report 1984″, also includes analysis and commentary about issues such as the Recovery or Relapse in the World Economy, Population Change and Development, Population Data Supplement and World Development Indicators. Notice how three of the 4 most important topics have to do directly with population.

The 300-page report from 1984 was the seventh of its kind, meaning that the World Bank’s elite’s thoughts on how to reduce or manage the world’s population was at least that old. We know today that the actual plan to reduce the population to around 500 million people is much older than that, and that this plan has been channeled through several other organizations whose work is to create policies that support the move to get rid off billions of people. Along with these organizations, the elites have partnered with their own corporations to implement policies in fields such as education, resource management, war (civil and otherwise), peace, financial aid, development, commerce, trade and so on, to enforce those policies. In essence, the corporate oligarchy has always controlled all sides.

The report is very clear from the beginning as to how important depopulation is in their plans to control the masses. “What governments and their people do today to influence our demographic future, will set the terms for the development strategy well into the next century. Failure to act now to slow growth is likely to mean a lower quality of life for millions of people.” Note that the World Banks’ strategy is one for the long term. Depopulation policies are being applied and will continue to be applied progressively, not at once. That is exactly what the elites have been doing for decades. They have been using slow-kill weapons such as chemical products in the food supply and other products we consume on a daily basis, but whose effects are only seen years later (fluoride, GMO’s, pesticides, herbicides, BPA, vaccines and others).

The report continues trying to reinforce a fallacy: That poverty and hunger are a consequence of overpopulation. As we have reported in numerous occasions, poverty and hunger have little to do with overpopulation, but have everything to do with monopolistic practices, price speculation, war and political corruption. “The experience of the past decade shows that education, health, and other development measures that raise parents’ hopes for their children, along with widespread access to family planning services, create a powerful combination in reducing fertility.” This last two words describe the main goal of the World Bank. But let’s review the complete quote and re-format it to reflect what the Bank really means. Indoctrination through the current educational system, eugenics through the use of highly toxic medicines along with the promotion of abortion results in reduced fertility.

The humanity hating statements start on page 50 of the report. “Lower GDP growth makes it more difficult for countries to finance programs in education and family planning, for example –that reduce population growth.” This statement is very important, because education or indoctrination through the public education system in developed and not developed countries together with the so-called family planning practices are two of the most effective tools to carry out eugenics today. In many countries, children are taught to hate humanity and that the most important thing is the well-being of animals, insects and mother nature or GAIA. Some NGO’s have even published articles or produced PSA’s that promote the salvation of insects and animals above humans and that humans and animals are equal. Legislation being worked out in Congresses around the world intend to officially consider humans as equals to animals and to have the United Nations as official spokesperson of the voiceless animals. All of this, of course, to save the planet. But in reality the sought outcome is to equal humans to animals in order to rip our humanity from us. If people are like animals, then people are not people, but animals. With this, the elites can legally argue that it is time to end with all the inherent rights we have as people, because we are not longer people. No more right to life, no right to freedom and the pursuit of happiness, etc.

Neither does poverty or hunger have anything to do with overpopulation, nor there is an overpopulation problem, as the World Bank says in its report. The report goes on to ask whether governments should promote and apply campaigns to reduce fertility and therefore reduce their population. The answer, the text reads, requires an understanding of high fertility and population growth. ” It is the poor with little education and poor health and family planning services who have many children, yet it is also the poor who lose out as rapid population growth hampers development.” This statement is very revealing, as many of the policies for sterilization and population control implemented for the past 50 years are pointed to the poor in both wealthy and developing countries.

The World Bank’s then goes to say that one of the main reasons why poor people choose to have many children is because they want to secure help when they become old; someone to take care of them. The report also cites other reasons such as income, infant mortality, family encouragement of high fertility and limited information about contraceptives, which the report says “are safe”. Of course, this last claim is not true. But that is a discussion for another article.

What the report fails to say is that the real cause of high fertility in poor countries is the welfare-state. Although in many countries some of the reasons cited by the 1984 report may be applicable, the reason why most people have several children in poor and rich countries is because there are socialist programs in place that promote free care and services for those who cannot pay for it. The reason why those people cannot pay for care and health services is because they don’t have jobs to earn a living and depend on their governments to provide care for themselves and their children.

If there is a strong reason why poor people decide to have more than 2 children, which is near the optimum average of 2.1 per family, is because there is an incentive to keep having more. But this is just an unintended consequence of public policies. The real issue is that governments use welfare to keep people dependent, as supposed to help them be self-sufficient and independent. So the Bank not only lies about the real cause of high fertility, but it also supports government intervention to maintain the welfare-state.

Further down on the report, it says that collectivism should be the model to follow, because government control of population fertility has ”longer time horizons than its individual constituents, and the government can weigh better the interests of the future generations against of those of current citizens.” This couldn’t be further from the truth, as most countries where governments intervene heavily in all aspects of life are places where — due to people’s dependence of government — its citizens don’t get to enjoy their lives freely. The report blames the family as a unit, for the government’s lack of action. Governments must, says the report, invest more on the poor.” With this, the World Bank reinforces public perception that it does support socialist policies and the welfare-state as models to govern a dumbed-down, poor and dependent population. “Health and education costs of children are heavily subsidized by the public sector as are roads, communications and other public services that boost jobs and income.” This could not be further from the truth. No socialist program could ever spur economic growth and higher incomes better and more effectively than entrepreneurship in the private sector. What government-sponsored programs do, besides keeping people dependent, is to limit the people’s opportunities as it doesn’t offer incentives to detach themselves from the ever existent government nipple. Also, it is important to remember where government funds come from. In most countries, money is taken from the middle class to give it to the poor in exchange for nothing. The middle class effectively subsidizes poverty. Unfortunately, most of the income stolen from the middle class does not even make it to the poor. It stays inside the government corruptocrazy to finance the its out-of-control spending.

Although the report does not recognize it explicitly, it is visible in many of the claims made in it, that history shows how population growth and decline has always been (except under situations like war or major natural disasters) “automatically” controlled by human progress and how it never needed government intervention. It is not a coincidence that war is one of tools of choice the globalists use to keep the poor countries from developing. That is what is stated on the White House Memorandum 200 prepared by Mr. henry Kissinger.

How does the World Bank implement population control

On page 160, the report states clearly how governments and private institutions can coerce their populations into becoming infertile. “ensuring that people have only the children they want, might not be enough to bring private and socially desired fertility into balance. Economic and social policies are indispensable. Eliminating subsidies to large families, offering financial incentives for smaller families, imposing disincentives for larger families…” The report praises the quota system imposed to the chinese by its government and the fact that China “gives permission” to its citizens to have or not to have children.  ”The system quotas and the accompanying pressure to have an abortion when a woman becomes pregnant without permission, are an additional policy step over and above the system of incentives and disincentives.” In other words, governments should implement any and all measures available to prevent people from having children and cause them to become infertile, including poverty and starvation, bribery, violently killing babies right out of the mothers’ wombs and imposing penalties on people who do not attend to government population control policies.

In addition to imposing sterilization policies and methods as well as bribing people so they don’t have children, the World Bank’s report also suggests that offering low interest rate loans to communities and schools can be a good incentive to keep population growth down and to reduce fertility. “Incentives that offer schools, low interest loans, or a tubewell to communities where contraceptive use is high, also directly link lower fertility to increased welfare.

But all of these suggestions seem mild when it comes to enforcing sterilization policies. The 1984 report also adds that “Male and female sterilization and IUDs can be made more readily available through mobile facilities (such as sterilization vans in Thailand) or periodic “camps” (such as vasectomy and tubectomy-camps in India and IUD “safaris” in Indonesia).”

“Population policy has a long lead time; other development policies must adapt in the meantime. Inaction today forecloses options tomorrow, in overall development strategy and in future population policy. Worst of all, inaction today could mean that more drastic steps, less compatible with individual choice and freedom, will seem necessary tomorrow to slow population growth.”

The authors also promote the creation of concentration camps where people can be taken to be sterilized.

As we have informed before, the World Bank’s policies and suggestions to reduce population are in complete accordance with those of other organizations, philanthropists, NGO’s and well-known personalities who donate their monies to reduce the human population. Those include the UN, the Rockefeller Foundation, Ford Foundation, World Health Organization and IMF. So the next time your country receives aid from a foreign foundation, an NGO, the World Bank or the IMF, remember: this aid comes at the cost of human lives.

Planned Parenthood Got $487.4M in Tax Money, Did 329,445 Abortions

by Penny Starr
January 4, 2012

According to its latest annual report, the Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA) received $487.4 million in tax dollars over a twelve-month period and performed 329,455 abortions.

In addition, the number of adoption referrals made by the organization continued to decline.

The latest annual report covers the period from July 1, 2009 to June 30, 2010, the PPFA’s fiscal year. The report states that the organization received “government health services grants and reimbursements” totaling $487.4 million.

Previous Planned Parenthood annual reports showed total funding from “government grants and contracts” (which were $363.2 million in 2009), while this year’s report also accounts for payments from Medicaid managed care plans among the payments the group receives from government .

When compared with previous annual reports, the latest one shows an almost steady increase in the number of abortions performed at its clinics: In 2006, Planned Parenthood did 289,750 abortions; in 2007, it did 305,310; in 2009, it did 331,796; and, in 2010, it did 329,445–a small decrease from the previous year.

In addition, the number of adoption referrals made by the organization continued to decline.

The latest annual report covers the period from July 1, 2009 to June 30, 2010, the PPFA’s fiscal year. The report states that the organization received “government health services grants and reimbursements” totaling $487.4 million.

Previous Planned Parenthood annual reports showed total funding from “government grants and contracts” (which were $363.2 million in 2009), while this year’s report also accounts for payments from Medicaid managed care plans among the payments the group receives from government .

When compared with previous annual reports, the latest one shows an almost steady increase in the number of abortions performed at its clinics: In 2006, Planned Parenthood did 289,750 abortions; in 2007, it did 305,310; in 2009, it did 331,796; and, in 2010, it did 329,445–a small decrease from the previous year.

Marjorie Dannenfelser, president of the Susan B. Anthony List, a pro-life organization that lobbies Congress to defund Planned Parenthood, called the organization an “abortion giant.”

“With over a billion in net assets and a business model centered on abortion and government subsidies, it is time for Planned Parenthood to end its reliance on taxpayer dollars,” Dannenfelser said in a statement. “Despite an unprecedented effort by statewide and federal leaders to defund them, a wave of former employees willing to testify against them, and uniform agreement amongst Republican presidential candidates that they should be defunded, Planned Parenthood continues full-steam ahead.”

“They are unwilling to answer to the pro-life American majority that wants out of this business,” Dannenfelser said.

As reported earlier by, a spokesperson with Planned Parenthood told Bloomberg’s Businessweek last year that 90 percent of government funding the organization gets is from the federal government or from Medicaid.

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