Las Naciones Unidas y su Agenda 21 son Insostenibles


Si toda la historia acerca de cómo las Naciones Unidas quiere controlar el mundo, imponer límites sobre el desarrollo humano y transformar las normas actuales de la vida en una cosa del pasado parece inverosímil o demasiado complicada de entender, yo no le culpo. Es complicado. Una de las razones de esta incredulidad, es que la ONU y sus controladores lograron crear políticas que ellos han sido capaces de poner en práctica bajo los auspicios de ‘salvar el planeta’ y mantener los recursos disponibles para las generaciones futuras.

En realidad, sin embargo, las Naciones Unidas y su Agenda 21 no son sostenibles en absoluto. De hecho, son exactamente lo contrario. Tanto la organización como sus políticas son un intento de poner fin a la libertad humana como esta fue disfrutada por millones y millones de personas a lo largo de la historia. La Agenda 21 tiene la intención de cambiar nuestras vidas en todos los sentidos que puede imaginar, y lo ha estado haciendo con más vehemencia, ya que fue aprobada y adoptada durante las reuniones de la ONU en 1992. Gracias a la Agenda 21 y las políticas derivadas de ella, los niños han sido deliberadamente idiotizados, la unidad de la familia ha sido destruida casi por completo y los recursos del planeta se han concentrado en la menor cantidad de manos posible.

Las políticas que surgieron de la Agenda 21 están en nuestras escuelas, lugares de trabajo, lugares de culto, grupos comunitarios y otras esferas sociales. Ellas fueron presentadas e disimuladamente impuesta sobre todos nosotros bajo el disfraz de ser conscientes del medio ambiente y ahora, la ONU tiene la intención de perpetuar su alcance a través del secuestro físico y mental de una generación completa de niños que serán, de acuerdo con los planes de la ONU, los autores intencionales de esa lucha contra la humanidad.

En el siguiente video, usted encontrará una recopilación de la explicación sobre algunos de los aspectos más importantes sobre los que las Naciones Unidas trata de imponer su voluntad a través de la Agenda 21. Por favor, observe con cuidado y considere investigarlo, incluso más allá de los puntos tocados en el vídeo. Si usted no ha leído el texto de la Agenda 21, por favor hágalo. Se trata de una visión corta y amarga de la clase de mundo en el que usted y sus hijos vivirán si la humanidad no actúa ahora.

La Agenda 21 se compone de 40 capítulos que explican los objetivos específicos que la ONU quiere implementar en una base global. Si se adopta completamente, este plan permanentemente alterará la forma de vida de miles de millones de personas en todo el planeta. La gente tendrá que cambiar su forma de tomar decisiones y las formas de alimentarse, aprender, comunicarse, gestionar la propiedad privada, consumir recursos como la electricidad y el agua. Una sociedad gestionada bajo las políticas de la Agenda 21 será una muy controlada en donde las personas serán espiadas sin su consentimiento; como se hace hoy , pero 24/7. La iniciativa también pondrá parques nacionales, áreas de conservación y sus límites fuera del alcance de cualquier actividad humana.

El significado profundo de lo que la Agenda 21 pretende alcanzar está contenida en una declaración del alarmista del clima número 1 de las Naciones Unidas, Maurice Strong, quien en una conferencia de 1992 dijo a los asistentes que “los patrones de consumo de la clase media requerían de un alto consumo de carne, el uso de los combustibles fósiles, electrodomésticos, aire acondicionado en el hogar y el lugar de trabajo y de vivienda suburbana, y que nada de esto era sostenibles”. Agregó que un cambio drástico era necesario y que tal cambio supondría la creación de una plataforma internacional compuesta por un sistema multilateral que incluyera a las Naciones Unidas.

Las palabras de Strong son una copia de lo que está sucediendo hoy en todo el planeta, donde se ataca a la clase media por sus éxitos como dueños de negocios, creadores de empleo y porque son consumidores. Las personas ya no son capaces de tener su propio huerto, conducir su coche favorito, consumir leche cruda o queso, y a los niños no se les permite vender limonada para ayudar a financiar un proyecto escolar. La ONU sigue tratando de acabar con la propiedad privada, la libertad individual, el derecho a la privacidad y así sucesivamente, al tiempo que exige que los contribuyentes financien la creación de un sistema de gobierno global para ser controlado por sus secuaces.

La ONU ha propuesto impuestos sobre el carbono, las divisas, y exigió más dinero para sus programas de ayuda que dice que son auténticos desafíos globales. También ha previsto la creación de un organismo con autoridad para hacer cumplir la recaudación tributaria global. Las Naciones Unidas introdujo su programa de propaganda sobre el desarrollo sostenible hace más de dos décadas, bajo la premisa de que tenía la intención de lograr alcanzar  “justicia social”, según la cual los gobiernos, serían los auditores locales de la ONU, quienes debían controlar todos los aspectos de la vida de sus ciudadanos. Esta propuesta viola casi todas las partes de cada Constitución en todos los países del mundo.

Bajo el esquema que la ONU está implantando a través de la Agenda 21, se hace evidente que lo que es realmente insostenible es la ONU y su Agenda 21.

The United Nations and its Agenda 21 are Unsustainable


If the whole story about how the United Nations wants to control the world, impose limits over human development and transform current standards of living into a thing of the past seems far fetched or too complicated to understand, I don’t blame you. It is complicated. One of the reasons for that is the UN and its controllers managed to create policies they’ve been able to implement under the auspices of saving the planet and keeping resources available for future generations.

In reality, though, the United Nations and its Agenda 21 program are not sustainable at all. In fact, they are exactly the opposite. Both the organization and its policies are an attempt to end human freedom as enjoyed by millions and millions of people throughout history. Agenda 21 intends to change our lives in every single way you can imagine, and it has been doing so more vehemently since it was approved and adopted during UN meetings in 1992. Thanks to Agenda 21 and policies derived from it, children have been deliberately dumbed down, the family unit has been almost completely destroyed and the planet’s resources have been concentrated in the fewest amount of hands ever.

The policies stemmed from Agenda 21 are in our schools, workplace, places of worship, community groups and other social gatherings. They were introduced and seamlessly imposed on all of us under the disguise of being environmentally conscious and now, the UN intends to perpetuate their reach by mentally and physically kidnapping a complete generation of children who will be, according to the UN’s plans, the willful perpetrators of such anti-human endeavor.

In the following video, you will find a compilation of explanation about some of the most important aspects that the United Nations seeks to impose its will on through Agenda 21. Please watch it carefully and consider to research even further than the points touched upon on the video. If you have not read the text of Agenda 21, please do so. It is a short and bitter insight of the kind of world you and your children will live in if humanity does not act NOW.

The Agenda 21 document is composed by 40 chapters that explain specific goals the UN wants to implement on a global basis. If fully adopted, it will permanently alter the way of living of billions of people around the planet. People will have to change the way they make decisions and the ways they eat, learn, communicate, manage private property, consume resources such as electricity and water. A society managed under Agenda 21 policies will be a highly monitored one where individuals will be spied on without their consent — much like today — 24 /7. The initiative will also place most national parts, conservation areas and their boundaries off limits to any human activity.

The deep meaning of what Agenda 21 intends to achieve is contained in a statement from the United Nations number 1 climate alarmist, Maurice Strong, who in a 1992 conference told attendees that “consumption patterns of the affluent middle class – involving high meat intake, use of fossil fuels, appliances, home and workplace air conditioning, and suburban housing, are not sustainable”. He added that a drastic change was necessary and that such change would involve the creation of an international platform composed by a multilateral system that included the United Nations.

Strong’s words mirror what is taking place today all over the planet, where the middle class is being attacked for their successes as business owners, job creators and consumers. People are no longer able to have their own vegetable garden, drive their favorite car, consume raw milk or cheese, and children are not allowed to sell lemonade to chip in for a school project. The UN continues to try to do away with private property, individual liberty, privacy rights and so on, while demanding that taxpayers finance the creation of a global governance scheme to be controlled by its minions.

The UN has proposed carbon taxes, currency taxes, demanded more money for its supposed aid programs which it says are genuine global challenges and has also planned for the creation of an authoritative body to enforce global tax collection. The United Nations introduced its Sustainable Development propaganda program more than two decades ago under the premise that it intended to bring about “social justice”, under which the governments — that are the UN’s local auditor — must control every aspect  of an individual’s life. This proposal violates virtually every part of every single  Constitution.

Under the scheme the UN is implanting through Agenda 21, it becomes clear that what is really unsustainable are the UN and its Agenda 21.

UN Rio+20 Summit Entertains Anti-Human Declaration


The UN’s Earth Summit on Sustainable Development in Rio+20 this month has attracted more than 100 science academies and leaders from all across the globe to discuss population control and human consumption, among other topics of global domination.

Humanity is a viable threat to the eco-system and future of planet Earth, say scientists from the UK’s Royal Society .

“The overall message is that we need a renewed focus on both population and consumption – it’s not enough to look at one or the other,” said Prof Charles Godray from the Martin School at the University of Oxford, who chaired the process of writing the declaration. “We need to look at both, because together they determine the footprint on the world.”

Globalist academics decry humanity’s footprint is getting “heavier and heavier”. They have released a public declaration to coerce developed and developing nations to join forces to combat humanity’s assault on our planet.

The declaration states: “The global population is currently around seven billion, and most projections suggest that it will probably lie between eight and 11 billion by 2050. Global consumption levels are at an all-time high, largely because of the high per-capita consumption of developed countries.”

The fear-mongers assert that if governments fail to enact these changes, “will put us on track to alternative futures with severe and potentially catastrophic implications for human well-being.”

Population control and severely limiting human consumption, being discussed at the UN Earth Summit, will admonish governments to agree to “commit to systematically consider population trends and projections in our national, rural and urban development strategies and policies.”

The drafted agreement claims all governments pledge to “change unsustainable consumption and production patterns” to reflect Agenda 21  Sustainable Development policies within sovereign nations so that the UN can usurp authority by ratification of international mandate within individual countries.

The report claims that over population in under-developed countries has resulted in unsustainable consumption worldwide.

Eliya Zulu, executive director of the African Institute for Development Policy  in Nairobi, co-author of the report from the Royal Society, says: “Many African countries are feeling the effects of population growth, and are finding they’ll need to deal with it in order to continue developing as well as to address their environmental issues. If you look at a country like Rwanda, it’s one of the most densely populated in Africa and the government believes one of the reasons behind the genocide was high population density and competition for resources. And the economic downturn that started in the late 1980s made people realize that in order to reach the Millennium Development Goals [MDGs], you can’t do it if your population is growing rapidly.”

Zulu points out that women in Africa are contributing to the over-population problems, which is causing the need to increase family planning provisions in Africa.

“This is an absolutely critical period for people and the planet, with profound changes for human health and wellbeing and the natural environment,” said Sir John Sulston, the report’s chairman, who headed the Human Genome Project , and currently chairs the Institute for Science Ethics and Innovation . “Where we go is down to human volition – it’s not pre-ordained, it’s not the act of anything outside humanity, it’s in our hands.”

These globalists believe that while more people are born, over-consumption becomes an issue of over-population. Under-developed countries are being blamed for ushering our planet toward destruction because of lack of access to family planning services.

By controlling fertility rates, as well as consumption of food, water and other resources, these experts assert that the environment, CO2 emissions and the status of the planet will be saved.

The Royal Society has used gross national product (GDP) to define how a nation’s economy can sustain its population. Their focus is to protect the environment over the rights of humanity as a whole.

While the UN discusses how to deal with the rising human population, radical environmentalists are speaking at the UN Earth Summit, urging that biodiversity be protected from the effects of humanity.

The World Wildlife Federation (WWF) has also released a report called the Living Planet Report that condemns the ecological disaster our planet is becoming from the direct influence of man.

It was the WWF who published a false report  on the polar bear population last year. By purveying the myth that the polar bears are drowning due to ice sheets melting because of global warming, the WWF participated in the alarmism of climate change.

Real world observations from researchers found that polar bear populations are estimated at 66% higher than climate change alarmists predicted.

David Nussbaum, CEO of the WWF in the UK, says: “The Rio+20 conferences are an opportunity for the world to get serious about the need for development to be made sustainable. We need to elevate the sense of urgency, and I think this is ultimately not only about our lives but the legacy we leave for future generations.”

The report from the WWF is compiled from data obtained from the Zoological Society of London  (ZSL), as well as analysis from the Global Footprint Network  (GFN) to further globalist agendas for global sustainability and encompassing the world’s ecological footprint. They assert issues surrounding the use of fossil fuels, deforestation for agricultural use, logging wood, and depleting fish populations as a food source.

The ZSL claims 30% of the species of the world have been in a steady decline since 1970, while tropical species have been waning at a rate of more than 60% because of the destruction to tropical lakes and rivers.

Tim Blackburn, director of the Institute of Zoology at the ZSL, maintains: “Nature is more important than money. Humanity can live without money, but we can’t live without nature and the essential services it provides.”

Nations under pressure by the UN and defined as completely unsustainable are: Qatar, Kuwait, United Arab Emirates countries, Denmark, Belgium, Australia, Ireland, United Kingdom.

The WWF report points out that 405 river systems are under attack worldwide, as well as the 30% food wastage caused by countries in the West contribute to the global food shortages and infrastructure in under-developed countries.

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, has launched a “ global conversation ” to keep the appearance that the UN is interested in creating the “future we want”.

Through Facebook , Twitter or simply mailing in concerns, the panelists and event participants will answer “questions, expectations, or comments . . . at the event on November 22, 2012 at 10am EST.”

The UN hope to continue to purvey the ruse that they are an international community dedicated to making our world a better place. In the shadows, the globalist Elite lurks and patiently wait while the very right to human existence is stripped from sovereign nations through international directives.

This vision of the future is not what we want.

Codex Alimentarius: An Introduction to Soft Kill Eugenics


The world as we once knew it is gone. The rosy cheeked children, bursting with energy, that once climbed trees and got up to mischief, are extinct. The people are still here, but they are pale, lethargic and slowly dying.

Every bite of food provided to these people is the product of a laboratory – the genetically modified spawn of Big Agri and Big Pharma. The food looks incredible – huge, radiant tomatoes such a vivid red that one would think the lycopene was virtually emanating from the skin of the fruit. Inside that appealing package is a food-like substance, utterly raped of nutrients.

The people are unable to go to a health-food store and purchase vitamins or an herbal tonic to put the spring back in their step. Herbs, vitamins and nutrients in general have been labeled “toxins” and are only available via prescription at high prices and low doses.

If the people are caught hoarding treasured fertile heirloom seeds, and heaven forbid, planting them to grow their own food, punishment is swift and sure. The bounty is taken and the people starve again.
Amidst the abundance of burgeoning supermarket shelves, the majority of the world’s population is slowly starving to death.

The world according to Codex Alimentarius looks grim indeed. Codex Alimentarius (Greek for “food code”) is a global set of standards created by the CA Commission, a body established by a branch or the United Nations back in 1963.

The CA Commission’s purported mission, like all Agenda 21 missions, sounds so wonderful that it might have been created by a committee from heaven above.

The main purposes of this Programme are protecting health of the consumers and ensuring fair trade practices in the food trade
Don’t you wonder what could possibly be wrong with that? The UN wants us to be healthy and wants everyone to be paid fairly. Codex Alimentarius sounds great! Let’s institute these standards right away!

As with all globally stated agendas, however, CA’s darker purpose is shielded by the feel-good words.  Global committees have been established to regulate the following topics, to name a few.

· fruits and vegetables
· fruit and vegetable juices
· fats and oils
· meat, poultry and fish
· cereals, pulses (used for food and animal feed) and legumes
· milk and milk products
· natural mineral waters
· sugars
· cocoa products and chocolate
· food hygiene
· food labeling (as a way not to disclose GMO foods and ingredients)
· pesticide residues;
· residues of veterinary drugs found in foods
· food additives

The unfortunate thing is, the regulations ensure money, not safety. They guarantee profit, not health benefits.
“Codex Alimentarius is a dark marriage between pharmaceutical and chemical industries and the WTO, conceived to exact complete and regimented control over all food products and nutrients worldwide.” ~ writes Chantal Boccaccio of The People’s Voice.

Follow the Money

So if all of these regulations don’t benefit the consumers, who do they benefit? Dr. Rima Laibow, of Health Freedom USA estimated that for every dollar spent on natural health solutions and supplements, Big Pharma loses $40. Therefore, if people have the option to chose vitamins over valium, Big Pharma loses billions per year.
The medical establishment benefits. When people are able to manage chronic conditions and avoid surgery through carefully choosing what they eat or what supplements they take, the medical establishment loses out on those costly visits that people must undertake in order to “manage” their conditions.

Pesticide manufacturers benefit. GMO foods require greater pesticide use, thus manufacturers of pesticides like Round-up (Monsanto) reap the financial rewards while being allowed to poison the environment.

Food processors benefit. CA requires food to be irradiated, a low cost (and nutrient-destroying) practice to require lower standards of hygiene and sanitation.

Big Pharma benefits. CA mandates that nutrients be classified as drugs; therefore the purchase of vitamins will eventually require a prescription. Prescription drugs, of course, are monitored by the FDA, which means only the Big Pharma companies will be able to manufacture and supply them.

Maybe, then, the United States should just refuse to take part in CA. That’s not going to happen, because all members of the World Trade Organization are legally bound under global guidelines, including CA standards. CA standards override all national laws. Lack of compliance to these standards may result in fines and/or crippling trade sanctions. If a country wants to play the global trading game, that country has no option whatsoever but to comply with CA. Those who do not comply automatically forfeit the judgment in any global trade dispute regarding food or nutrients.

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Eco-Tyranny at the Door Step: US Government Land Grabbing Policies

“Our Vision, Our Values” is the name of Obama’s Federal Government move to confiscate private property, eliminate land rights and steal the nations resources.


The environmentalist movement isn’t about protecting the environment at all, according to meteorologist-turned-journalist Brian Sussman.

It’s about destroying private property, controlling behavior, and expanding government – and the Obama administration has a secret plan to further all of it, he says.

Sussman is now blowing the whistle on the real nature of environmentalism in his explosive brand-new book, “Eco-Tyranny.”

He reveals secret memos from inside Obama’s Bureau of Land Management, or BLM, outlining a covert plan “to pursue a program of land consolidation” for the federal government to secure tens of millions of acres of land that will be permanently out of reach for entrepreneurs, businessmen and private citizens.

The plan, entitled “Our Vision, Our Values,” notes that 130-140 million acres under BLM management are worthy of consideration as “treasured lands.” Because ecosystems defy “jurisdictional boundaries,” the memo outlines strategies by which the federal government can “rationalize and consolidate” its fragmented landholdings in order to properly “manage-at-scale.” While an ecosystem can simply refer to a single pond or small area, it can also refer to entire geographic regions, thus giving the government an almost unlimited justification to seize private property adjacent to “treasured lands.”

Sussman exposes this is not just theoretical discussion within the White House. The Obama administration is already moving to implement this as policy without consulting Congress by issuing an executive order entitled “America’s Great Outdoors Initiative.”

The unilateral order explicitly sets as a goal “reconnecting” huge swaths of land under federal ownership, creating large “corridors” compromising millions of acres that will be unavailable for use by private citizens.

The initiative also calls for the federal government to work through “public/private partnerships and locally supported conservation strategies.” This translates into activist environmental organizations having input on all decisions involving expanding government lands.

As it stands, the federal government controls more than 50 percent of the land in eleven Western states.

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