A Tottering Technocracy

Here and in Europe, the financial meltdown exposes the hollowness of our elites.

by Victor Davis Hanson
National Review
August 9, 2011

We are witnessing a widespread crisis of faith in our progressive guardians of the last 30 years. These are the blue-chip, university-certified elite, employed by universities, government, and big-money private foundations and financial-services companies. The best recent examples are sorts like Barack Obama, Eric Holder, Larry Summers, Peter Orszag, Robert Rubin, Steven Chu, and Timothy Geithner. Politicians like John Kerry, John Edwards, and Al Gore all share certain common characteristics of this Western technocracy: proper legal or academic credentials, ample service in elected or appointed government office, unabashed progressive politics, and a free pass to enjoy ample personal wealth without any perceived contradiction with their loud share-the-wealth egalitarian politics.

The house of a John Kerry, the plane of an Al Gore, or, in the European case, the suits of a Dominique Strauss-Kahn are no different from those of the CEOs and entrepreneurs who were as privately courted as they were publicly chastised. These elites were mostly immune from charges of hypocrisy or character flaws, by virtue of their background and their well-meaning liberalism.

The financial meltdown here and in Europe revealed symptoms of the technocracy’s waning. On this side of the Atlantic, Geithner, Orszag, Summers, Austan Goolsbee, Paul Krugman, and Christina Romer apparently assumed that some academic cachet, an award bestowed by like kind, or a long-ago-granted degree should give them credibility to advocate what the tire-store owner, family dentist, or apple farmer knew from hard experience simply could not be done — borrow or print money on the theory that insular experts, without much experience in the world beyond the academy or the New York–Washington financial and government corridor, could best direct it to productive purposes.

But now they have either left government or are no longer much listened to — and some less-well-certified accountant will be left with the task of finding ways to pay back $16 trillion. Abroad, at some point, German clerks and mechanics are going to have to work a year or two past retirement age to pay for those in Greece or Italy who chose to stop working a decade before retirement age — despite all the sophisticated technocratic babble that such arithmetic is reductive and simplistic.

In the devolution from global warming to climate change to climate chaos — and who knows what comes next? — a small group of self-assured professors, politicians, and well-compensated lobbyists hawked unproven theories as fact — as if they were clerics from the Dark Ages who felt their robes exempted them from needing to read or think about their religious texts. Finally, even Ivy League and Oxbridge degrees and peer-reviewed journal articles could not mask the cooked research, the fraudulent grants, and the Elmer Gantry–like proselytizing about everything from tree rings and polar-bear populations to glaciers and the Sierra snowpack. A minor though iconic figure was the truther and community activist Van Jones, the president’s “green czar,” who lacked a record of academic excellence, scientific expertise, or sober and judicious study, assuming instead that a prestigious diploma and government title, a certain edgy and glib disdain for the masses, and media acclaim could permit him to gain lucre and influence by promoting as fact the still unproven.

Higher education is no longer affordable for many families, and does not guarantee well-rounded, well-educated graduates. A university debt bubble, in Fannie and Freddie fashion — together with the rise of no-frills private online certificate-granting institutions — is undermining traditional higher education. The symptoms are unmistakable: tuition spiraling far ahead of inflation; elite faculty excused from teaching to publish esoteric articles in little-read journals; legions of poorly compensated part-time instructors and graduate-student assistants subsidizing the privileged class; political orthodoxy as an unspoken requisite for membership in the club. An administrator is deemed successful largely for promoting “diversity” — rarely on the basis of whether costs stabilized, graduation rates increased, the need for remediation declined, or post-graduation jobs were assured on his watch. This warped system, which grew out of the bountiful 1960s, is now a vestigial organ, an odd-looking thing without an easily definable purpose. When will the bubble burst? If the four-year university cannot ensure its graduates that they will necessarily have a better-paying job and know more than the products of an upfront credentialing factory, why incur the $200,000 cost and put up with the political indoctrination?

Kindred media elites in Europe and the United States lauded supposed technocratic expertise without much calibration of achievement. Indeed, to examine the elite media is to unravel the incestuous nature of power marriages and past loyal service to heads of state. Those who praised Obama as a god or attributed their own nervous tics to his omnipresence or reported on his brilliant policies often either had been speechwriters to past liberal presidents, enjoyed family connections, or were married to other New York or Washington journalists or powerbrokers. Their preferences about where to send a kid to school, where to vacation, and what to think were as similar to those they reported on as they were foreign to those who were supposed to listen to them. Like wealthy people in the Middle Ages who bought indulgences instead of truly repenting their sins, the more our elites preached about egalitarian politics for the fly-over upper middle classes, the less badly they felt about their own mannered conniving for privilege and status.

A generation ago, we were supposed to be grateful that a few gifted and disinterested minds were digesting our news for us each day on cash-rich ABC, CBS, NBC, NPR, and PBS, and in the New York Times, Washington Post, and Los Angeles Times, summarized periodically on weekend network discussion groups and in newsweeklies like Time and Newsweek. Now the market share of all these enterprises is shrinking. Some exist only because of government subsidy, rich parent companies, or like-minded wealthy benefactors.

The technocratic pronouncements from on high — that Barack Obama was “sort of GOD,” or at least “the smartest president in history”; that a Harvard-trained public-policy wonk alone knew how to save us from a roasting planet — are now seen by most as laughable. An education-age Reformation is brewing every bit as earth-shattering as its 16th-century religious counterpart.

There are also generic signs of the technocracy’s morbidity. It deeply distrusts democracy, most recently evidenced by John Kerry’s rant that the media should not even cover the Tea Party, and by the European Union’s terror of allowing the public to vote on its intricate financial bandaging. It is no accident that technocratic journalists love autocratic China — with its ability to promote mass transit or solar panels at the veritable barrel of a gun — while hating the Tea Party, which came to legislative power through the ballot box.

So the elites’ furor grows at those who seek and obtain power, exposure, and influence without the proper background, credentials, or attitude. How else to explain why a Michele Bachmann or Sarah Palin earns outright hatred, whereas a Mitt Romney or John McCain received only partisan disdain?

There is an embarrassing lack of talent and imagination in the last generation of the technocrats. One banal memo about a “tea-party downgrade” or a “jihadist” takeover of the Republican party is mimicked by dozens of politicians and journalists who cannot think of any more creative phraseology. Calls for civility are the natural accompaniment to unimaginative slurring of those outside the accustomed circle. When Steven Chu exhorts us that gas prices should match European levels or assures us that California farms will blow away, should we laugh or cry? Do learned attorneys general call the nation “cowards,” refer to fellow minority members as “my people,” or really believe that they can try the self-confessed terrorist architect of 9/11 in a civilian court a few yards from the scene of his mass murder? Was Timothy Geithner really indispensable in 2009 because other technocrats swore he was?

We are living in one of the most unstable — and exciting — periods in recent memory, as much of the received wisdom of the last 30 years is being turned upside down. In large part the present reset age arises because our political and cultural leaders exercised influence that by any rational standard they had never earned.

Objetivo: Genocídio Global. Plano da Elite Explicado

Por Luis R. Miranda
Vídeo PrisonPlanet.tv
21 de junho de 2011

O historiador e pesquisador Webster Tarpley descreve qual é o plano da Elite para a maioria da população. De despovoamento até deindustrializacao. Da instalação de um regime planetário até o uso de vacinas para realizar esterilizações forçadas. Tarpley analisa a informação contida no livro de John P. Holdren, “Ecosciência: População, Recursos, Ambiente,” inspirado pelos escritos de Thomas Malthus e Paul Ehrlich. John P. Holdren é o atual czar da Ciência e Tecnologia dos EUA serve como conselheiro do Barack Obama nestes dois campos.

Os planos descritos no livro de John P. Holdren tem sido apresentados em outros trabalhos patrocinados pela Elite que surgem de organizações como a Fundação Bill e Melinda Gates, a Fundação Rockefeller, o Clube de Roma, os Bilderbergers, e assim por diante.

Se o mundo fosse alterado conforme desejado pelo Holdren, o resultado seria o despovoamento, a fome massiva, a esterilização forçada, o implante de chips em pessoas, bem como outros dispositivos para controlar a população e uma mudança total na forma que os seres humanos vivem, se movimentam e usam suas habilidades para desenvolver tecnologias alternativas para resolver problemas reais, tais como energia, alimentos e saúde nos países do terceiro mundo e da classe média nos países desenvolvidos.

Os membros da Elite que pretendem colocar essas políticas em ação odeiam a humanidade -embora eles mesmos sejam humanos- e já deixaram claro que vão usar todos os recursos à sua disposição para realizar seu plano de Eugenia e livrar o planeta da “escória humana” para que todo fique só para eles.

A Elite, a oligarquia, só serve os oligarcas. Para eles, deve haver apenas a Elite e as massas, e nada entre eles. As massas são chamadas de “consumidores inútieis”, e “animais” cuja vida não é digna de ser vivida. Portanto, a vida dos membros dessas massas devem ser terminadas. A população tem que ser cortada para algumas centenas de milhões de pessoas. A Elite está com medo de uma população maior, porque não será capaz de controlá-la e acha que as pessoas irão “roubar” os recursos que até agora monopolizaram por tantas décadas.

Eles foram inteligentes no exercício do seu genocídio, porque o fizeram tão silenciosamente que quase ninguém sabe sobre ele. Eles usaram duas das armas mais efetivas que possuíam: a economia e a medicina moderna. Longe da vista, longe do coração. Vacinas, medicamentos e negligência médica matam mais pessoas do que as próprias doenças. As políticas econômicas impostas às nações pobres e em desenvolvimento pelo FMI e Banco Mundial -criaturas de Bretton Woods I- tem matado mais pessoas do que qualquer conflito militar que o planeta teve no século 20.

O problema para a Elite, no entanto, é que grande parte do mundo despertou ao seu plano e começou a ver e entender. É a consciência crescente de milhões de pessoas em todo o mundo o que levou à Elite, os globalistas, a oligarquia, para lançar ataques militares múltiplos em várias nações no Oriente Médio e ataques econômicos na Europa e América Latina para acelerar os seus planos. Através de sua agressão militar e económica, a Elite destina quer, pela ultima vez, absorver a maior parte dos recursos do mundo, a infra-estrutura e a terra antes de decidir exterminar a maioria das pessoas.

Se você acredita que a informação apresentada aqui é uma teoria da conspiração, um exagero de fatos ou uma má interpretação das palavras de John P. Holdren, leia o livro “Ecosciência: População, Recursos, Ambiente” você mesmo. Além disso, dê uma olhada em outra literatura -histórica e atual, com relação ao que a Elite implementou e irá implementar em relação a assuntos globais como a saúde, crescimento, desenvolvimento, controle da população e assim por diante.

Por favor, consulte os livros e vídeos listados abaixo para expandir sua pesquisa:


Cognitive Infiltration
by David Ray Griffin

Dumbing us Down
by John Taylor Gatto

Underground History of American Education
by John Taylor Gatto

The Globalization of Poverty and the NWO
by Michel Chossudovsky

Ecoscience: Population, Resources,
by Paul R. Ehrlich

The Illusion of Disease
by Mike Adams

Callous Disregard
by Dr. Andrew Wakefield

IBM and the Holocaust
by Edwin Black


Global Eugenics: Using Modern Medicine to Kill

Endgame: Blueprint for Global Enslavement  from producer Alex Jones

Consuming Kids  by the Media Education Foundation

The Secret of Oz   from Writer and Director Bill Still

We Become Silent: The Last Days Of Health Freedom

For Love of Water   from director Ilena Salinas

The World According to Monsanto    from Marie-Monique Robin

House of Numbers:  Anatomy of an Epidemic  from producer Brent W. Leung

Shadow Government  from producer Grant R. Jeffrey

Inside Job  from producer Charles Ferguson

Objetivo: Genocidio Global. El Plan de la Élite Explicado

Por Luis R. Miranda
Video de PrisonPlanet.tv
21 de junio 2011

El historiador e investigador Webster Tarpley describe cuáles son los planes de la Élite para la mayoría de la población mundial. De la deindustrialización a la despoblación. De la instalación de un régimen planetario hasta el uso de vacunas para llevar a cabo esterilizaciones forzadas. Tarpley analiza los planes escritos en el libro de John P. Holdren: “Ecociencia: Población, Recursos, Medio Ambiente “, que se inspira en los más antiguos escritos de Paul Ehrlich y Thomas Malthus. John P. Holdren es la actual Zar de Ciencia y Tecnología de Estados Unidos y sirve a Barack Obama como su asesor de en estos dos campos.

Los planes expuestos en el libro de John P. Holdren se han presentado en otros escritos patrocinados por la Élite que se originan en organizaciones como la Fundación Bill y Melinda Gates, la Fundación Rockefeller, el Club de Roma, el Club Bilderberg, y así sucesivamente.

Si el mundo fuera cambiado como lo desea Holdren, el resultado sería la despoblación, el hambre, la esterilización forzada, la implantación de chips en las personas, así como otros dispositivos para el control de la población; y un cambio total en la forma en que los seres humanos vivimos, nos movemos y utilizamos nuestras habilidades para desarrollar tecnologías alternativas reales para hacer frente a cuestiones tales como la energía, los alimentación y la salud en los países del tercer mundo, así como para la clase media en los países desarrollados.

Los miembros de la élite y sus peones, quienes tienen la intención de poner estas políticas en acción aborrecen a la humanidad -aunque ellos son humanos- y han dejado claro que van a utilizar todos los recursos a su alcance para llevar a cabo su plan de eugenesia y librar al planeta de la “escoria humana” para que el planeta les quede sólo a ellos.

La Élite, la oligarquía, sólo sirve a los oligarcas. Para ellos, sólo deberían existir la Élite y las masas, y nada en medio. Las masas son llamadas de consumidores inútiles, animales, cuya vida no vale la pena vivir. Por lo tanto, las vidas de los miembros de esas masas debe ser terminada. La población tiene que ser cortada a unos pocos cientos de millones de personas. La Élite tiene miedo de una población mayor porque no será capaz de controlarla y piensa que las personas les “robaremos” los recursos que han monopolizado hasta ahora por tantas décadas.

Han sido inteligentes en el ejercicio de su genocidio, pues lo han hecho de manera silenciosa para que casi nadie lo sepa. Han utilizado dos de las armas más silenciosas que poseían: la economía y la medicina moderna. Ojos que no ven, corazón que no siente. Vacunas, medicamentos y negligencia médica matan a más personas que las propias enfermedad. Las políticas económicas impuestas a las naciones pobres y en desarrollo por el FMI y el Banco Mundial -criaturas de Bretton Woods I- han matado a más personas que cualquier conflicto militar del que hemos oído hablar en el siglo 20.

El problema para la Élite, sin embargo, es que una gran parte de la población mundial ha despertado a su plan y ha comenzado a ver y entenderlo. Se trata de la creciente conciencia de millones de personas en todo el mundo que ha llevado a la Élite, los globalistas, la oligarquía, a lanzar ataques múltiples en varias naciones -militares en el Medio Oriente y económicos en Europa y América Latina- con el fin de acelerar su planes. A través de su agresión militar y económica, la Élite pretende, por una última vez, absorber la mayor parte de los recursos del mundo, la infraestructura y la tierra antes de que abiertamente decida exterminar a la mayor parte de la gente.

Si usted cree que la información que aquí se presenta es una teoría de la conspiración, una exageración de los hechos o de una mala interpretación de las palabras de John P. Holdren, por favor, lea el libro “Ecociencia: Población, Recursos, Medio Ambiente” usted mismo. Además, por favor eche un vistazo a otra literatura -histórica y actual- con respecto a lo que la Élite ha aplicado o va a adoptar en relación a asuntos mundiales tales como la salud, crecimiento, desarrollo, control de la población y así sucesivamente.

Por favor, revise los libros y vídeos citados abajo para ampliar su investigación:


Cognitive Infiltration
by David Ray Griffin

Dumbing us Down
by John Taylor Gatto

Underground History of American Education
by John Taylor Gatto

The Globalization of Poverty and the NWO
by Michel Chossudovsky

Ecoscience: Population, Resources,
by Paul R. Ehrlich

The Illusion of Disease
by Mike Adams

Callous Disregard
by Dr. Andrew Wakefield

IBM and the Holocaust
by Edwin Black


Global Eugenics: Using Modern Medicine to Kill

Endgame: Blueprint for Global Enslavement  from producer Alex Jones

Consuming Kids  by the Media Education Foundation

The Secret of Oz   from Writer and Director Bill Still

We Become Silent: The Last Days Of Health Freedom

For Love of Water   from director Ilena Salinas

The World According to Monsanto    from Marie-Monique Robin

House of Numbers:  Anatomy of an Epidemic  from producer Brent W. Leung

Shadow Government  from producer Grant R. Jeffrey

Inside Job  from producer Charles Ferguson


Target: Global Genocide. The Elite’s Plan Unveiled

by Luis R. Miranda
Video from PrisonPlanet.tv
June 19, 2011

Historian and investigator Webster Tarpley describes what the plans of the Elite are for most of the world’s population. From De-development to depopulation. From the installation of a planetary regime to the use of vaccines to carry out forced sterilization. He takes the plans written  down on John P. Holdren’s book “Ecoscience: Population, Resources, Environment” which is inspired on older writings from Paul Ehrlich and Thomas Malthus. John P. Holdren is the current United States Science and Technology Czar and serves Barack Obama as his science and technology advisor.

The plans stated on John P. Holdren’s book have been laid out in other Elite sponsored writings that originate from organizations such as the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation, the Club of Rome, the Bilderberg Club, and so on.

If the world were to conduct itself by the teachings that Holdren intends to establish, the result would be global depopulation, hunger, forced sterilization, chip and other device implantation for controlling the people and an overall 360 change in the way humans live, move and use their skills to develop real alternative technologies to deal with issues such as energy, food and health in third world nations as well as for the middle class in developed nations.

The Elite members and their pawns who intend to put these human hating policies in place have made it clear that they will use every resource available to them to carry out their eugenics plan and to rid the planet of the “human scum” so the planet is left for them alone.

The Elite, the Oligarchy will only serve itself, the Oligarchs. For them, there should be the Elite and the Masses, and nothing in between. The masses are useless eaters, animals, whose lives are not worth living. Therefore, such lives must be stopped. Population needs to be cut to a few hundred million. See, the Elite is afraid of a larger population who they will no longer be able to control and who will take the Elite’s place and the resources they have monopolized so far for so many decades.

They have been smart while carrying out their unseen and unfelt genocide. They have used two of the most silent weapons they possessed. Economics and Modern Medicine. Out of sight, out of mind. Vaccinations, pharmaceuticals and medical malpractice kill more people than disease itself. Economic policies imposed on poor and developing nations by the IMF and the World Bank -the creatures of Bretton Woods I- have killed more people than any military conflict we’ve heard about in the 20th century.

The problem for the Elite, though, is that a large part of the world population has awaken to their plan and has begun to see and understand its plan. It is the growing awareness of millions of people around the globe which has prompted the Elite, the Globalists, the Oligarchy, to launch multiple attacks on various nations -militarily in the Middle East and economically in Europe and Latin America- in order to accelerate its plans. Through its military and economic aggression, the Elite intends, for one last time, to absorb the majority of the world’s resources, infrastructure and land before they openly decide to exterminate most of the masses.

If you believe the information presented here is a Conspiracy Theory, an exaggeration of the facts or a misinterpretation of John P. Holdren’s words and thoughts, please do read the book “Ecoscience: Population, Resources, Environment” yourself. In addition, please also take a look at other literature -historical and current- regarding policy that has been implemented or is going to be adopted regarding global issues such as Health, Growth, Development, Population Control and so on.

Please revise the Books and Videos posted below for further research:


Cognitive Infiltration
by David Ray Griffin

Dumbing us Down
by John Taylor Gatto

Underground History of American Education
by John Taylor Gatto

The Globalization of Poverty and the NWO
by Michel Chossudovsky

Ecoscience: Population, Resources,
by Paul R. Ehrlich

The Illusion of Disease
by Mike Adams

Callous Disregard
by Dr. Andrew Wakefield

IBM and the Holocaust
by Edwin Black


Global Eugenics: Using Modern Medicine to Kill

Endgame: Blueprint for Global Enslavement  from producer Alex Jones

Consuming Kids  by the Media Education Foundation

The Secret of Oz   from Writer and Director Bill Still

We Become Silent: The Last Days Of Health Freedom

For Love of Water   from director Ilena Salinas

The World According to Monsanto    from Marie-Monique Robin

House of Numbers:  Anatomy of an Epidemic  from producer Brent W. Leung

Shadow Government  from producer Grant R. Jeffrey

Inside Job  from producer Charles Ferguson

Gobierno de Estados Unidos: Históricamente Patológicamente Mentiroso

¿Se puede creer alguna cosa que sale de la boca de cualquier funcionario del gobierno de EE.UU.? Sólo un público crédulo podría.

Por Luis R. Miranda
The Real Agenda
Mayo 2, 2011

Este artículo sería un artículo de opinión si no fuera porque hay tantas pruebas de que el gobierno de Estados Unidos ha mentido históricamente para construir el Imperio que ahora está colapsando. No es necesario justificar por qué hay tanta gente que no confía en nada de lo que dice el gobierno norteamericano, porque la historia es testigo fiel que los gobiernos mienten cuando tienen que hacerlo, usan el miedo cuando sus mentiras no funcionan, y el asesinato cuando el miedo ya no es eficaz.

Ayer domingo, el presidente Barack Obama interrumpió la programación regular de la televisión para anunciar la muerte de Osama Bin Laden, el fantasma que había escapado de las agencias de inteligencia militares durante una década. Obama no sólo tomó crédito por la muerte de Bin Laden, sino que también habló con arrogancia como si tuviéramos que tomar su palabra como verdadera. El anuncio se produjo en un momento sospechosamente conveniente, justo cuando Obama lo necesitaba más, pues su popularidad es la más baja desde que inició como presidente.

Así que la pregunta es, ¿podemos creerle al gobierno de los Estados Unidos? Sólo el público crédulo y podría. Sólo la minoría que aún cree que el gobierno es bueno, honesto y directo con el pueblo tiene el coraje de creer cualquier versión oficial de los hechos. Sólo los hombres y mujeres que tienen miedo de aprender los hechos y que dependen de los medios de comunicación tradicionales podrían.

El resto de nosotros sabemos mejor. El resto de nosotros, la mayoría, sabemos que cuando el gobierno controla la información que ve la luz, no hay ninguna posibilidad de esperar la verdad. Cuando el gobierno es el juez, jurado y verdugo, como sucede a menudo, no hay lugar para la confianza.

Las mentiras del gobierno norteamericano abundan y han manchado la historia por décadas. Desde el Golfo de Tonkín a la Bahía de Cochinos. De la excusa de las armas de destrucción masiva, a Al-CIA-eda. De Bin Laden a la guerra contra el terrorismo.

Un país y un gobierno que permite que su presidente (John F. Kennedy) sea asesinado en plena luz del día por el bien de la construcción del imperio no tiene credibilidad.

Un gobierno que lleva a cabo ataques de falsa bandera (Gulfo de Tonkin) sobre sus propias tropas para llevar al país a la guerra no tiene credibilidad.

Un gobierno que crea el boogie-men (Bin Laden) para aterrorizar a su propio pueblo y el mundo, no tiene ninguna credibilidad.

Un gobierno que asesina a un millón de personas (Iraq 1991 y Iraq 2003) en un solo país durante dos guerras, no tiene credibilidad.

Un gobierno que conduce experimentos con sus propios ciudadanos (Tuskegee) y los de otros países (Guatemala), no tiene credibilidad.

Un gobierno que invade países por razones humanitarias, mientras que bombardea a los ciudadanos con uranio, no tiene credibilidad.

Un gobierno que dice que mató al supuesto jefe de una organización terrorista que es de su propia creación, aunque no presenten ninguna prueba de ello, no tiene credibilidad.

Un gobierno que invita terroristas a cenar en el Pentágono mientras los acusa de ser terroristas, no tiene credibilidad.

Un gobierno que opera en secreto, mientras espía a todo el mundo, no tiene credibilidad.

Nada menos que ver el cuerpo de Osama Bin Laden y llevar a cabo un análisis forense independiente sería suficientes prueba para que cualquier persona en su sano juicio pueda creer el anuncio de Estados Unidos que capturó y mató a Bin Laden. Desafortunadamente, el gobierno de Estados Unidos convenientemente se despojó de su cuerpo de modo que nadie puede saber si fue él o no -al igual que lo hizo con los escombros de las Torres Gemelas- y solamente ha presentado una foto doctorada con Photoshop para que el público crea que realmente fue asesinado. Un gobierno que ha mentido a lo largo de toda su historia quiere que creamos lo que tiene que decir con respecto a la captura y asesinato del hombre más buscado del siglo 21, aunque este nunca fue incluído en la lista de los más buscados del FBI? Yo no lo creo!

“La palabra ‘secreto’ es repugnante en una sociedad libre y abierta, y somos como un pueblo por sí e históricamente opuestos a las sociedades secretas, a juramentos secretos y procedimientos secretos. Hemos decidido hace mucho tiempo que los peligros de tener ‘secretos’ de manera excesiva e injustificada superan con creces los peligros que se citan para justificarla. Incluso hoy en día, existe poco valor para oponerse a la amenaza de una sociedad cerrada al imitar sus restricciones arbitrarias. Incluso hoy en día, hay poco valor en asegurar la supervivencia de nuestra nación si nuestras tradiciones no sobreviven con ella. Y hay un grave peligro que aquellos que dicen que tener ‘secretos’ es una necesidad se apoderen de la información y la censuren y la oculten. No tengo la intención de permitir que esto se escape de mi control. Y ningún funcionario de mi administración, ya sea su rango alto o bajo, civil o militar, debe interpretar mis palabras aquí esta noche como una excusa para censurar las noticias, para reprimir la disidencia, para encubrir nuestros errores o de ocultar a la prensa y la públicos los hechos que merecen saber. “

- John F. Kennedy

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