Bolivia’s Resources up to the Highest Bidder?

UPI | MAY 4, 2012

As confusing signals go, Bolivia achieved a double whammy by seizing a  Spanish power generation company hours before welcoming Spanish energy giant  Repsol into the country.

Bolivian President Evo  Morales went to some length to indicate that his order to the military to  take over the Red Electrica de Espana’s local operations wasn’t to be compared  with Argentine appropriation of YPF Repsol’s energy assets in that country.

He was taking over the company, Morales said, but will compensate it  adequately.

Both the United States and European Union said they were concerned the  nationalization would damage investment climate in Bolivia, while Brazilian  industry analysts said Argentine and Bolivian actions against foreign companies  risked discouraging investors away from Latin America.

Latin America’s investor community and business analysts had no immediate  comment on Morales’ order, which came shortly before the president inaugurated a  Repsol gas  processing plant that was originally intended to supply Argentina.

Whether that arrangement still holds, amid a bitter diplomatic row between  Argentina and Spain over the YPF Repsol seizure in Argentina, remains  unclear.

Morales accused Red Electrica de Espana of not investing enough profits into  developing its Bolivian company TDE, echoing Argentine statements before the YPF  Repsol takeover.

The seizure of Red Electrica de Espana leaves open the question of how the  company will be run once nationalized. Spanish government sources said Bolivian  government officials have been in talks with Madrid and promised fair  compensation for assets and investments.

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Latin American Countries want Cuba free of Sanctions


Unprecedented Latin American opposition to U.S. sanctions on Cuba left President Barack Obama isolated at a summit on Sunday and illustrated Washington’s declining influence in a region being aggressively courted by China.

Unlike the rock-star status he enjoyed at the 2009 Summit of the Americas after taking office, Obama has had a bruising time at the two-day meeting in Colombia of some 30 heads of state.

Sixteen U.S. security personnel were caught in an embarrassing prostitution scandal before Obama arrived, Brazil and others have bashed Obama over U.S. monetary policy and he has been on the defensive over Cuba and calls to legalize drugs.

Due to the hostile U.S. and Canadian line on communist-run Cuba, the heads of state failed to produce a final declaration as the summit fizzled out on Sunday afternoon.

“There was no declaration because there was no consensus,” said Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos. He bristled at suggestions the summit had been a failure, however, saying the exchange of different views was a sign of democratic health.

For the first time, conservative-led U.S. allies like Mexico and Colombia are throwing their weight behind the traditional demand of leftist governments that Cuba be invited to the next Summit of the Americas.

Cuba was kicked out of the Organization of American States (OAS) a few years after Fidel Castro’s 1959 revolution and has been kept out of its summits due mainly to U.S. opposition.

But Latin American leaders are increasingly militant in opposing both Cuba’s exclusion and the 50-year-old U.S. trade embargo on the Caribbean island.

“The isolation, the embargo, the indifference, looking the other way, have been ineffective,” Santos said. “I hope Cuba is at the next summit in three years.”

Santos, a major U.S. ally in the region who has relied on Washington for financial and military help to fight guerrillas and drug traffickers, has become vocal about Cuba’s inclusion even though he also advocates for democratic reform by Havana.


In an ironic twist to the debate, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton went dancing in the early hours of Sunday at a Cartagena bar called Cafe Havana, where Cuban music is played.

Argentine President Cristina Fernandez, who has insisted without success that Washington recognize its claim to the Falkland Islands controlled by Britain, was one of several presidents who left the summit well before its official closure.

She missed a verbal gaffe by Obama, who referred to the “Maldives” instead of the “Malvinas” when using the name Latin Americans give to the disputed islands.

The leftist ALBA bloc of nations – including Venezuela, Ecuador, Bolivia, Nicaragua and some Caribbean nations – said they will not attend future summits without Cuba’s presence.

“It’s not a favor anyone would be doing to Cuba. It’s a right they’ve had taken away from them,” Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega said from Managua.

Although there were widespread hopes for a rapprochement with Cuba under Obama when he took office, Washington has done little beyond ease some travel restrictions. It insists Cuba must first make changes, including the release of political prisoners.

Obama told a news conference after the summit he was “puzzled” that nations that had themselves emerged from authoritarian rule would overlook that in Cuba.

“I and the American people will welcome a time when the Cuban people have the freedom to live their lives, choose their leaders and fully participate in this global economy and international institutions. We haven’t gotten there yet,” he said.

Obama urged Cuba to look at political and economic transformations in Colombia, Brazil and Chile for inspiration.


The prostitution saga was a big embarrassment for Obama and a blow to the prestige of his Secret Service, the agency that provides security for U.S. presidents. It was the talk of the town in the historic Caribbean coastal city of Cartagena.

Eleven Secret Service agents were sent home and five military servicemen grounded after trying to take prostitutes back to their hotel the day before Obama arrived.

Obama said in general his security personnel did an extraordinary job under stressful circumstances but he would be annoyed if the allegations were proven by an investigation.

“We represent the people of the United States and when we travel to another country I expect them to observe the highest standards,” Obama said of the reports. “If it turns out that some of the allegations that have been made in the press are confirmed, then of course I will be angry.”

A local policeman told Reuters the affair came to a head when hotel staff tried to register a prostitute at the front desk but agents refused and waved their ID cards.

Locals were unimpressed and upset at the negative headlines.

“Someone who’s charged with looking after the security of the most important president in the world cannot commit the mistake of getting mixed up with a prostitute,” said Cartagena tourist guide Rodolfo Galvis, 60.

“This has damaged the image of the Secret Service, not Colombia.”

The divisive end to the summit added to strain on the U.S.-dominated system of hemispheric diplomacy that was built around the OAS but is struggling to adapt to changes in the region.

“I’m not sure the next summit will even be possible,” said Carlos Gaviria, a Colombian politician and former presidential candidate.

Perceived U.S. neglect of Latin America has allowed China to move strongly into the region and become the leading trade partner of Brazil and various other nations.

Regional economic powerhouse Brazil has led criticism at the summit of U.S. and other rich nations’ expansionist monetary policy that is sending a flood of funds into developing nations, forcing up local currencies and hurting competitiveness.

Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff called it a “monetary tsunami” that Latin American nations had the right to defend themselves from.

Cheering the mood a bit, U.S. Trade Representative Ron Kirk announced that a U.S.-Colombia free trade agreement will come into force in the middle of May.

With a presidential election looming, Obama had portrayed his visit to the summit as a way to generate jobs at home by boosting trade with Latin America.

Religión Ambientalista de la ONU: La Ecomafia toma fuerza en América Latina

El valor de la vida humana debe ser igual a la de un árbol o un insecto. Ese es el objetivo de la iniciativa aprobada en Bolivia y que fue elaborada por Evo Morales.

Por Luis R. Miranda
The Real Agenda
Abril 13, 2011

Bolivia presentará este mes un proyecto a las Naciones Unidas para dar a la “Madre Tierra” los mismos derechos que los seres humanos tienen -que acaba de aprobarse como una ley nacional en Bolivia y que hace que los insectos, los árboles y todas las otras cosas naturales en el país sudamericano tengan el mismo valor al de una vida humana.

La oferta tiene como objetivo que las Naciones Unidas reconozca a la Tierra como una entidad viva que los seres humanos han tratado de “dominar y explotar” – hasta el punto que el bienestar y la existencia de muchos seres se ve ahora amenazada. ¿Se ha escuchado algo más absurdo? Primero, porque el planeta ya es considerado por la comunidad científica como una entidad viva, que cambia cada segundo, cada minuto. Ejemplo de ello son los cambios del tiempo, las erupciones volcánicas, los terremotos, las corrientes marinas y la aparición de nuevas formas de vida que se descubren anualmente en diferentes puntos del planeta. Las plantas y los árboles son seres vivos que respiran y llevan a cabo fotosíntesis que les permiten vivir y alimentar a los humanos.

El texto todavía puede evolucionar, pero la estructura general está destinada a reflejar la ley Boliviana de los Derechos de la Madre Tierra, que el presidente boliviano Evo Morales promulgó en enero.

En ese documento se habla de los recursos naturales del país como “bendiciones”, y otorga a la Tierra una serie de derechos específicos que incluyen los derechos a la vida, el agua y el aire limpio, el derecho a la reparación de los medios de vida afectados por las actividades humanas, y el derecho de estar libres de la contaminación.

También establece un Ministerio de la Madre Tierra, y proporciona el planeta con un Defensor, cuyo trabajo es escuchar las quejas de la naturaleza como la voz de activistas y otros grupos, incluyendo el Estado. Me pregunto ¿quién será ese Defensor y como se comunicará con la Madre Tierra para interpretar sus quejas?

“Si usted quiere tener equilibrio, pero cree que las únicas (entidades) que tienen derechos son las personas o empresas, entonces ¿cómo se puede alcanzar el equilibrio?”, dijo Pablo Salón, el embajador de Bolivia ante las Naciones Unidas, a Postmedia Noticias. “Pero si usted reconoce que la naturaleza también tiene derechos, y (si se proporcionan) las formas jurídicas para proteger y preservar esos derechos, entonces se puede lograr el equilibrio.” Este tipo de pensamiento, por más bien intencionado que sea, cae dentro del juego de palabras ya impulsado por las Naciones Unidas hace mucho tiempo, el cual pretende que las clases medias y bajas hagamos sacrificios ilimitados para salvar nuestro ambiente, mientras las corporaciones son excemptas de todo compromiso ambiental. Las reglas a seguir han estado escritas en documentos originados en la ONU por mucho tiempo. Entre estos documentos están los de la Agenda 21, donde se destaca la marginalización de ciertos grupos sociales y se imponen límites al acceso a los recursos naturales. En este documento, zonas protegidas, parques nacionales y áreas de conservación quedan bajo el mando de las Naciones Unidas y no de los países.

La aplicación de la ley parece destinada a plantear nuevos retos para las empresas que operan en el país, que es rico en recursos naturales, incluido el gas natural y el litio, pero sigue siendo uno de los más pobres en América Latina.

Pero mientras Salón dijo que su país sólo busca lograr la “armonía” con la naturaleza, este señaló que la las empresas mineras y otras pueden verse sometida a un mayor escrutinio. Este es el típico modus operandi cuando se busca nacionalizar el manejo de los recursos de un país los cuales quedan bajo el poder del gobierno central para después ser traspasados a las Naciones Unidas bajo el pretexto de la conservación y la sostenibilidad (en realidad son políticas de Eugenesia y control poblacional). Así ha sucedido por toda América Latina y África, en donde la ONU es dueña directa e indirecta de miles de acres de tierra en diversos países, los cuales no pueden ser utilizados para la siembra de productos agrícolas u otras actividades productivas. Mientras esto sucede, las poblaciones de esos países son azotadas con las mayores hambrunas jamás vistas.

“No estamos diciendo, por ejemplo, no se puede comer carne porque sabes que vas a ir en contra de los derechos de una vaca”, dijo. “Pero cuando la actividad humana se desarrolla a una escala determinada que causa la desaparición de una especie, entonces usted está realmente alterando los ciclos vitales de la naturaleza o de la Madre Tierra. Por supuesto, usted necesita una mina para extraer hierro o zinc, pero hay límites. ” Lo que el señor Salnón no sabe es que una vez que las áreas de conservación, parques nacionales y reservas biológicas caen en manos de la ONU, estas estarán a disposición de las grandes corporaciones -que controlan la ONU- para estas extraer los recursos naturales que en teoría se estarían protegiendo.

¿Porqué es que estos defensores de la Tierra no invierten su tiempo investigando los verdaderos peligros que enfrentamos los humanos y el planeta? ¿Porqué no exponen los peligros de los alimentos genéticamente modificados, la tiranía que representa Codex Alimentarius, el fraude que las organizaciones globalistas como la ONU, la OMC, la OMS el IMF y el Banco Mundial llevan a cabo diariamente y como estas organizaciones minan la soberanía de todas las naciones miembros? Ecuador y Bolivia junto con Chile, Argentina y Brasil abrigan hoy a algunas de las más poderosas famílias que controlan las corporaciones que estos países dicen aborrecer. ¿Porqué estos defensores de la Tierra no denuncian el crimen de la OMS y la ONU que usan a sus países como campos experimentales para probar vacunas tóxicas, químicos y pesticidas en sus poblaciones. ¿Porqué no exponen los peligros de los tóxicos que se agregan al agua potable, como el flúor (un producto de desecho industrial) y materiales radiactivos? ¿Dónde están estos defensores cuando el planeta es pulverizado diariamente con trillas químicas de aluminio, bario y cristales de fibra de vidrio que contaminan el aire, el agua y la tierra? Eso es lo que un verdadero defensor de la humanidad y la Tierra haría; exponer estos asuntos a las masas que son casi totalmente ignorantes y que viven preocupadas con temas superficiales y vacías.

Bolivia es un país con una gran población indígena, cuyos sistemas de creencias tradicionales adquirieron mayor resonancia tras la elección de Evo Morales, el primer presidente indígena de América Latina. En un panfleto de 2008 distribuido en la ONU mientras asistía a una cumbre de allí, Morales describió los 10 “mandamientos” que definen el plan de Bolivia para “salvar el planeta” – “. No es una sorpresa que el plan comience por decir que “Hay que acabar con el Capitalismo”. Señores, no ha habido capitalismo, si es que alguna vez lo hubo, por al menos 50 años.

¿Cómo se acaba con algo que no existe? ¿Ignorancia o complicidad?

Como reflejo de las creencias tradicionales indígenas, el tratado global propuesto dice que los humanos han causado “graves destrozos. . . que son ofensivos para las creencias, tradiciones y sabiduría de las culturas indígenas para quienes la Madre Tierra es sagrada. ” Esto es verdadero en parte. Pero, ¿cuáles son los humanos que causaron los destrozos? ¿Todos? ¿ Y todos por igual? No fue el Capitalismo el que causó los destrozos, pues es claro que este sistema no ha sido utilizado desde por lo menos la firma del acuerdo Bretton Woods. Probablemente solo existió en los libros. Lo que si existe es el Corporatismo, o sea gobiernos controlados por corporaciones y multinacionales que dictan las pautas a seguir, inclusive en lugares como Venezuela, Bolívia, Ecuador e Irán. Este es el sistema que debe ser eliminado para dar paso al verdadero Capitalismo y al verdadero libre mercado.

También dice que “la Madre Tierra tiene derecho a existir, persistir y continuar los ciclos vitales, estructura, funciones y procesos que sustentan todos los seres humanos.” En la cultura indígena andina, la deidad de la Tierra conocida como la Pachamama es el centro de toda la vida, y los seres humanos se consideran iguales a todas las otras entidades. Este pensamiento comulga con la teoría Gaia, donde la supervivencia de la Tierra está por encima de la de cualquier humano o grupo de humanos.

El debate de la ONU comienza dos días antes del reconocimiento en las Naciones Unidas del 22 de abril como el Segundo Día Internacional de la Madre de la Tierra – otra iniciativa liderada por Morales. El activista canadiense Maude Barlow es uno de los ambientalistas mundiales que respaldan la unidad con un libro que el grupo lanzará en Nueva York durante el debate de la ONU llamado: La Naturaleza Tiene Derechos.

“Va a tener gran resonancia en todo el mundo”, dijo Barlow, de la campaña. “Va a empezar con estos países del Sur tratando de proteger sus tierras y sus pueblos contra la explotación, pero creo que se será adoptada también en otras comunidades en nuestros países, por ejemplo, en Alberta.” Ecuador, que también tiene una gran población indígena, ha consagrado objetivos similares en su Constitución – pero la ley boliviana se dice que es “más fuerte”. Los ecuatorianos ya han mostrado su apoyo a la iniciativa de Bolivia, junto con Nicaragua, Venezuela, San Vicente y las Granadinas, y Antigua y Barbuda.

United Nations Religion: Fake Environmentalism on the Rise

The value of a human life will be equaled to that of a tree or an insect. The core of the initiative enacted already in Bolivia was drafted by its communist leader Evo Morales.
April 12, 2011

Bolivia will this month table a draft United Nations treaty giving “Mother Earth” the same rights as humans — having just passed a domestic law that does the same for bugs, trees and all other natural things in the South American country.

The bid aims to have the UN recognize the Earth as a living entity that humans have sought to “dominate and exploit” — to the point that the “well-being and existence of many beings” is now threatened.

The wording may yet evolve, but the general structure is meant to mirror Bolivia’s Law of the Rights of Mother Earth, which Bolivian President Evo Morales enacted in January.

That document speaks of the country’s natural resources as “blessings,” and grants the Earth a series of specific rights that include rights to life, water and clean air; the right to repair livelihoods affected by human activities; and the right to be free from pollution.

It also establishes a Ministry of Mother Earth, and provides the planet with an ombudsman whose job is to hear nature’s complaints as voiced by activist and other groups, including the state.

“If you want to have balance, and you think that the only (entities) who have rights are humans or companies, then how can you reach balance?” Pablo Salon, Bolivia’s ambassador to the UN, told Postmedia News. “But if you recognize that nature too has rights, and (if you provide) legal forms to protect and preserve those rights, then you can achieve balance.”

The application of the law appears destined to pose new challenges for companies operating in the country, which is rich in natural resources, including natural gas and lithium, but remains one of the poorest in Latin America.

But while Salon said his country just seeks to achieve “harmony” with nature, he signalled that mining and other companies may come under greater scrutiny.

“We’re not saying, for example, you cannot eat meat because you know you are going to go against the rights of a cow,” he said. “But when human activity develops at a certain scale that you (cause to) disappear a species, then you are really altering the vital cycles of nature or of Mother Earth. Of course, you need a mine to extract iron or zinc, but there are limits.”

Bolivia is a country with a large indigenous population, whose traditional belief systems took on greater resonance following the election of Morales, Latin America’s first indigenous president.

In a 2008 pamphlet his entourage distributed at the UN as he attended a summit there, 10 “commandments” are set out as Bolivia’s plan to “save the planet” — beginning with the need “to end capitalism.”

Reflecting indigenous traditional beliefs, the proposed global treaty says humans have caused “severe destruction . . . that is offensive to the many faiths, wisdom traditions and indigenous cultures for whom Mother Earth is sacred.”

It is through events like the Copenhaguen Conference that grassroots organizations get bamboozled into falling for fake environmentalism.

It also says that “Mother Earth has the right to exist, to persist and to continue the vital cycles, structures, functions and processes that sustain all human beings.”

In indigenous Andean culture, the Earth deity known as Pachamama is the centre of all life, and humans are considered equal to all other entities.

The UN debate begins two days before the UN’s recognition April 22 of the second International Mother Earth Day — another Morales-led initiative.

Canadian activist Maude Barlow is among global environmentalists backing the drive with a book the group will launch in New York during the UN debate: Nature Has Rights.

“It’s going to have huge resonance around the world,” Barlow said of the campaign. “It’s going to start first with these southern countries trying to protect their land and their people from exploitation, but I think it will be grabbed onto by communities in our countries, for example, fighting the tarsands in Alberta.”

Ecuador, which also has a large indigenous population, has enshrined similar aims in its Constitution — but the Bolivian law is said to be “stronger.”

Ecuador is among countries that have already been supportive of the Bolivian initiative, along with Nicaragua, Venezuela, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, and Antigua and Barbuda.

OMS: Crianças vacinadas contra H1N1 sofrem Narcolepsia

Casos de Narcolepsia foram registados em 12 países em pacientes que recentemente tinham recebido a vacina Pandemrix.

Por Luis R. Miranda
The Real Agenda
Fevereiro 9, 2011

Segundo a OMS, as pessoas afetadas são crianças e adolescentes, mas é necessária mais investigação para determinar com um 100 por cento de certeza que a causa da Narcolepsia é o uso da vacina.

A OMS doou 36 milhões de doses de 'Pandemrix' a 18 países em desenvolvimento.

A Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS) anunciou nesta terça-feira que pelo menos 12 países relataram casos de narcolepsia em crianças e adolescentes que já haviam sido vacinados contra a gripe A.

O Comité Global de Consulta para a Segurança das Vacinas da OMS publicou uma declaração especificando que “desde Agosto de 2010, após a vacinação em massa contra o vírus da gripe AH1N1 em 2009, houve casos de Narcolepsia em crianças e adolescentes em pelo menos 12 países. “

No entanto, o grupo afirmou que é preciso “mais pesquisas” para determinar a relação exata entre os casos de Narcolepsia e vacinação contra a gripe, com o produto Pandemrix ou outras vacinas.

Na semana passada, a OMS anunciou que estava investigando um aumento de casos de Narcolepsia, na Finlândia, que poderiam estar associados com a vacina ‘Pandemrix’ fabricada pela empresa GlaxoSmithKline, uma vez que todos os envolvidos parecem ter sido imunizada com o mesmo produto.
Finlândia descontinua o uso da vacina

O Governo da Finlândia tinha relatado casos de Narcolepsia entre os vacinados contra a gripe, todos eles com idades entre 4 e 19 anos.

Em Helsínquia, o Instituto Nacional de Saúde e Bem-Estar da Finlândia (THL) publicou um estudo mostrando que a vacina da gripe H1N1 Pandemrix, fabricada pela empresa farmacêutica GlaxoSmithKline, multiplica o risco de narcolepsia durante a infância.

Segundo este estudo, entre 2009 e 2010 foram diagnosticados 60 casos de Narcolepsia em crianças finlandesas e adolescentes entre 4 e 19 anos, dos quais 52 (quase 90 por cento) haviam sido vacinadas com Pandemrix.

O fenômeno levou as autoridades de saúde finlandês a parar de usar a vacina como medida preventiva, para determinar seus possíveis efeitos colaterais.

A Narcolepsia é um estado patológico que faz com que o paciente sinta uma vontade de dormir irresistível a qualquer momento.

Possíveis países afetados

A OMS que doou 36 milhões de doses da vacina ‘Pandemrix’ a 18 países, três deles latinos, mas até agora não ouviu falar de casos de Narcolepsia.

A lista de países que receberam ‘Pandemrix’ é a seguinte: Arménia, Azerbaijão, Bangladesh, Bolívia, Burkina Fasso, Cuba, Coréia do Norte, El Salvador, Etiópia, Gana, Namíbia, Filipinas, Tadjiquistão, Togo, Ruanda, Quênia, Mongólia e Senegal.

O relatório de conclusão final sobre a relação entre narcolepsia e esta vacina vai ser divulgado em 31 de agosto.

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