European Union to charge Airlines for Carbon Emissions

All airlines flying to and from EU airports will buy permits under the Europe’s emissions trading scheme, from 1 January 2012.

December 21, 2011

Europe‘s highest court gave unreserved backing on Wednesday to a hotly contested EU law charging airlines for carbon emissions on flights to and from Europe, a decision likely to escalate tensions with the United States and other trading partners.

All airlines flying to and from EU airports will buy permits under the European Union‘s emissions trading scheme from 1 January 2012, the European court of justice ruled.

“The directive including aviation activities in the EU’s emissions trading scheme is valid,” the court said in a statement.

“Application of the emissions trading scheme to aviation infringes neither the principles of customary international law at issue nor the open-skies agreement.”

Wednesday’s ruling was in line with expectations after a senior adviser to the court issued a preliminary opinion in October finding the EU legislation did not infringe the sovereignty of other states and was compatible with international agreements.

The case was initially brought to the London high court of justice by the Air Transport Association of America, American Airlines and United Continental, but the London court referred it to the court in Luxembourg.

Critics of the EU rules have argued that under the 1997 Kyoto protocol, countries agreed to address emissions from aviation jointly through the UN’s aviation body, the International Civil Aviation Organisation.

More than a decade on, talks have not yielded significant progress and the European court of justice said the EU was within its rights to take unilateral action.

The EU already sets a cap on the level of emissions allowed from factories and power plants. Emitters exceeding their quotas must buy carbon permits, while those within their limits can sell any unused allowances.

While emissions from most other sectors have been falling, those from airlines have doubled since 1990 and could triple by 2020, commission figures show.

The EU carbon market pared losses immediately after the ruling, but stayed negative.

Peter Liese, a German Christian democrat who led discussions in the European parliament on the emissions law, said that including airlines was a modest proposal, which had won unanimous support from the European council of ministers.

“I cannot imagine a situation where the European parliament amends legislation just because of pressure from China or the United States,” he said. “We (in Europe) represent 500 million people and the biggest market in the world.”

But the US, where environmental legislation has become a focus of disagreement betweenDemocrats and the Republicans, has reacted angrily.

Proposed legislation in the US Congress, if passed, would make it illegal to comply with the EU law.

In a letter sent to EU officials last week, the US secretary of state, Hillary Clinton, and the US secretary of transportation, Raymond LaHood, urged the EU to reconsider and re-engage with the rest of the world.

“Absent such willingness on the part of the EU, we will be compelled to take appropriate action,” they said in the letter.

The court ruling is final, although there is some flexibility in how the regulation may be applied. Airlines initially would only be required to pay for 15% of the carbon they emit and would be allocated free allowances to cover the other 85%.

The law also allows for “equivalent measures”, meaning incoming flights to Europe would be exempt if the nation from which they came had measures in place to offset the international emissions of the route.

Depending on decisions by airlines on how much to pass on to customers, the European commission has calculated that costs per passenger could rise between €2 and €12, much less than the €100 per allowance penalty it would impose on airlines that do not comply.

Many airlines have given much higher assessments of the cost and said the EU was being unfair.

Singapore Airlines spokesman Nicholas Ionides said the EU was imposing its Emissions Trading Scheme unilaterally and called for a global solution.

“It could also cripple competitiveness as it offers carriers operating through hubs closer to Europe an unfair advantage,” Ionides said.

Qantas said the “patchwork approach” was flawed, but its policy was to comply with carbon law wherever it operated.

A spokesman said it was still finalising policy, but anticipated costs would be passed on to customers.

United Nation Proposes Global Eco-Fascist Authority in Durban

by Luis R. Miranda
The Real Agenda
December 9, 2011

The United Nations-sponsored Durban meeting on Climate Change that ends today has not shocked anyone when it comes to the proposals presented by representatives from 191 nations and 1 from the European Union. What did shock some people, even those of us who follow closely the UN’s drive to create a fund to allegedly subsidize developing countries as they mitigate disasters caused by climate change, is the boldness of their initiatives, which they continue to push every time it is possible.

The boldest of all the proposals is the creation of what the United Nations calls an International Climate Court of Justice as well as a Green Climate Fund managed bu no other one than the UN. The so-called Climate Court of Justice would be a global policeman that would punish nations that do not adhere or respect the directives of the globalist managed organization. The United Nations, through the Green Climate Fund will determine how to distribute the monies taken from developed countries and will re-distribute them only to those countries that do what the UN wants them to do.

That is exactly what the United Nations wants to do: to redistribute much of the world’s wealth to those who bow down to their eco-fascist policies that intend to take the world back to the stone age. During an interview with Germany’s NZZ Online Sunday, UN official Ottmar Edenhofer declared, “We redistribute de facto the world’s wealth by climate policy.” These policies continue to be presented to the public as urgent initiatives to save the planet from disasters caused by man-made global warming and climate change. The United Nations is also pushing the idea that mother earth has rights and that the Climate Court of Justice will make sure that those rights are respected.

During the same interview, Edenhofer said climate change policies had to be discussed and approved in light of an economic framework. He also confirmed that United Nation policies to deal with the supposed threat presented by climate change are based on the already debunked theory that CO2 emissions are responsible for the warming of the planet, and that in order to achieve the goal to keep the warming to just 2 more degrees, society needs to drastically reduce the use of fossil fuels. “Because we have 11,000 gigatons of carbon in the coal reserves in the soil under our feet — and we must emit only 400 gigatons in the atmosphere if we want to keep the 2-degree target. 11,000 to 400 — there is no getting around the fact that most of the fossil reserves must remain in the soil.”

Even without having the support of important developed and developing countries, the UN is already talking about the existence of a ‘climate debt’ that needs to be paid to the globalist overlords. “Their plans to establish a world government paid for by the West on the pretext of dealing with the non-problem of “global warming” are now well in hand. As usual, the mainstream media have simply not reported what is in the draft text which the 192 states parties to the UN framework convention on climate change are being asked to approve,” says Christopher Monckton of Brenchley who has successfully challenged all the propaganda and disinformation put out by the United Nations and its minions such as Rajendra Pachuari, Michael Mann, James Hansen and Al Gore. None of this gentleman have had the guts to face off with Mr. Monckton as they are afraid of having their theories debunked in public.

The latest document upon which the Durban meeting is being carried out addresses a variety of topics, all of which somehow are going to be solved by paying carbon taxes to the globalist organization created by the banking system modeled after the League of Nations and officially established in 1945. Among those issues are: the creation of an international Climate Court of Justice, the Rights of Mother Earth, the Rights to Survive, War, a new Global Temperature Target, a new CO2 Emissions Target, the Peak-greenhouse-gas target year and others.

“The International Climate Court will have the power to compel Western nations to pay ever-larger sums to third-world countries in the name of making reparation for supposed “climate debt”, says Monckton, who also points out that the kangaroo Court will have no power over third-world countries. This basically means that they won’t have to reduce their carbon emissions allowing large corporate polluters to move to those countries and contaminate the environment without limitations. Meanwhile, the issue of mother earth’s rights alleges that humans must recognize the rights and go out in defense of mother earth in order to maintain and ensure harmony between humanity and the planet itself. The right to survive is directly connected to this issue as the document warns that millions of people are threatened by rising sea levels. They forgot to mention that according to recent data from the Jason 2 satellite, sea levels have actually decreased in the last three years.

The convention of the United Nations on Climate Change intends to take global temperatures to just 1 C above what it used to be before the industrial revolution occurred. This confirms the validity of criticism from skeptics who manifested that the whole United Nations move to restrict carbon emissions was an attempt to drive western civilization to standards of living only seen previous to the 1940′s. Since global temperatures are now reaching 3 C above pre-industrial revolution levels, the intended target to reduce the temperature to 1 C will effectively take humanity halfway to temperatures seen during the Ice Age. Radical proposals such as this one can only mean one thing. By 2050, which is the target year to achieve the CO2 emissions reduction proposed in the UN document, humanity will not enjoy the benefits of technologies such as motor cars, coal-fired or gas-fired power stations, aircraft and trains among other.

One interesting fact about the UN document and the proposals therein contained is that no real alternatives to the current forms of transportation, energy and industrial activity are proposed. The document only mentions the adoption of failed technologies such as windmills, solar panels and other “renewables” that have proven to be insufficient to help maintain a decent standard of living and that have brought loses in the billions of dollars to those countries that have adopted them.

As expected, the move to end an inexistant threat, namely climate change or global warming, is a one-way street. Only western developed countries will have to pay for the artificial ‘climate debt’. In the meantime, third world countries have been lured into the UN’s trap by making them believe they will be the recipients of all the billions of dollars that the middle-class in the developed world will have to pay in the form of taxes. This is a key aspect because transferring monies from the middle-classes and the poor in richer countries is the way in which the out of control globalists will make sure to implement their global de-industrialization plan. Of course, the United Nations will keep most of the money collected by those who sign the Convention on Climate Change to finance their long time dreamed World Government. And for those who want accountability regarding the expenses incurred by the Climate Fund… Well, there will not be any mechanisms to make the technocrats accountable for how they spend $100 billion they will collect every year.

Natural CO2 Emissions Greater than Human Emissions

Human CO2 emissions are insignificant when compared to what nature emits. Consider that 20 percent of the planet’s flora emits a greater amount of CO2 than all humans put together, by a factor of 14. Twenty percent is the total of flora found on land. The rest, 80 percent, is found in oceans and seas. Current alternative energy technologies are four times more expensive and much less efficient than traditional sources. The “greens” reject nuclear energy even though it is much more efficient than other technologies, including wind and ethanol for transportation. Adoption of alternative energy sources and the fear created by the false anthropogenic global warming threat has made people poorer. And the consensus? It is driven by politics, not science or technological advances.

EU to ban cars from cities by 2050

Cars will be banned from London and all other cities across Europe under a draconian EU master plan to cut CO2 emissions by 60 per cent over the next 40 years.

March 28, 2011

The European Commission on Monday unveiled a “single European transport area” aimed at enforcing “a profound shift in transport patterns for passengers” by 2050.

The plan also envisages an end to cheap holiday flights from Britain to southern Europe with a target that over 50 per cent of all journeys above 186 miles should be by rail.

Top of the EU’s list to cut climate change emissions is a target of “zero” for the number of petrol and diesel-driven cars and lorries in the EU’s future cities.

Siim Kallas, the EU transport commission, insisted that Brussels directives and new taxation of fuel would be used to force people out of their cars and onto “alternative” means of transport.

“That means no more conventionally fuelled cars in our city centres,” he said. “Action will follow, legislation, real action to change behaviour.”

The Association of British Drivers rejected the proposal to ban cars as economically disastrous and as a “crazy” restriction on mobility.

“I suggest that he goes and finds himself a space in the local mental asylum,” said Hugh Bladon, a spokesman for the BDA.

“If he wants to bring everywhere to a grinding halt and to plunge us into a new dark age, he is on the right track. We have to keep things moving. The man is off his rocker.”

Mr Kallas has denied that the EU plan to cut car use by half over the next 20 years, before a total ban in 2050, will limit personal mobility or reduce Europe’s economic competitiveness.

“Curbing mobility is not an option, neither is business as usual. We can break the transport system’s dependence on oil without sacrificing its efficiency and compromising mobility. It can be win-win,” he claimed.

Christopher Monckton, Ukip’s transport spokesman said: “The EU must be living in an alternate reality, where they can spend trillions and ban people from their cars.

“This sort of greenwashing grandstanding adds nothing and merely highlights their grandiose ambitions.”

The Road to Serfdom: Globalists push to shut off Western World

Puppet presidents and top mega corporations sell out the people to bring about neo-feudalism and de-industrialization to the Western World

Fury is building over rolling nationwide blackouts triggered by the Obama administration’s deliberate agenda to block the construction of new coal-fired plants, as local energy companies struggle to meet Americans’ power demands amidst some of the coldest weather seen in decades.

- As we reported yesterday, four hospitals in Texas reacted furiously after they were hit with planned outages despite being promised they would be spared even as power to Super Bowl venues remains uninterrupted.

- Thousands in New Mexico have been left without natural gas as Gov. Susana Martinez on Thursday declared a state of emergency. “Due to statewide natural gas shortages, I have ordered all government agencies that do not provide essential services to shut down and all nonessential employees to stay home” on Friday, Martinez said after meeting with public safety personnel in Albuquerque,” reports the Associated Press.

- Borderland residents have been asked to limit their use of natural gas as the Texas Gas Service asks that larger commercial facilities voluntarily close their doors to save supplies.

- People in Tucson have been asked to limit their use of hot water and moderate their thermostat levels to save on energy.

- Shortages of natural gas in San Diego County has forced utility companies to “cut or reduce the gas supplied to some of their largest commercial and industrial customers,” reports North County Times.

- In El Paso, “Hundreds of thousands of electricity customers continue to face periodic blackouts, and nearly 900 gas customers still have no heat,” reports the El Paso Times, with El Paso Electric resorting to using generators in a struggle to meet demand while still having to implement forced outages.

Coal-fired power plants are used to convert coal to synthetic natural gas. The Obama administration’s efforts to block the construction of new clean-burning coal plants has massively exacerbated this week’s outages.

Mexico has now announced that it will suspend supplying power to southern US states, underscoring how America has been left completely dependent and desperate as a result of the Obama administration’s war on the coal industry.

Cold weather is not the primary culprit behind the power outages that have hit many areas of the country this week. The real blame lies with the Obama administration’s deliberate war against the efforts of local power companies to meet America’s energy needs by building new plants, the vast majority of which have been blocked by judges, governors and the EPA over the last four years at the behest of the Obama administration in the name of preventing global warming.

State authorities in Texas have been engaged in a long-running battle with the EPA as the feds attempt to block the construction of new plants by enforcing adherence to new clean air permit regulations that cripple smaller companies’ ability to afford desperately needed new energy centers and plants. Twelve states are mounting a legal challenge against EPA restrictions that threaten to bankrupt the entire industry.

But it’s not just in Texas where the federal government has embarked on an all out siege against energy independence.

- Back in July 2008, a Superior Court judge in Fulton County blocked the construction of a coal plant in Georgia, citing global warming concerns and the need to limit CO2 emissions.

- In January 2009, the Obama EPA blocked approval for a coal-fired power plant in South Dakota, claiming the state, “didn’t meet requirements under the Clean Air Act in part of its proposed permit for the plant.”

- As Governor of Kansas, Obama’s current Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius slapped a de facto ban on the construction of all new coal-fired plants across the state.

- Last month, Senators in Obama’s home state of Illinois blocked the construction of a clean-burning coal gasification and power generating plant.

- As a result of the EPA’s recent remand of air permits, Shell Oil announced yesterday that it has “dropped plans to drill in the Arctic waters of the Beaufort Sea this year,” ensuring more shortages and higher energy prices for Americans already laboring under soaring food costs.

The federal government’s siege against independent power companies’ efforts to build coal-fired plants is part of the unfolding agenda to de-industrialize the United States even as China and Mexico build new power plants at ever accelerating speeds.

Global warming alarmists have consistently gone on record to openly voice their agenda to de-industrialize the United States in the name of saving the planet.

In his new book, author and environmentalist Keith Farnish called for acts of sabotage and environmental terrorism in blowing up dams and demolishing cities in order to return the planet to pre-industrial society. Prominent NASA global warming alarmist and Al Gore ally Dr. James Hansen endorsed Farnish’s book.

The global elite resolved to exploit contrived fears about climate change to de-industrialize the United States back in 1991 when the Club of Rome, a powerful globalist NGO committed to limiting growth and ushering in a post-industrial society, said in their report, The First Global Revolution, “In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill…. All these dangers are caused by human intervention… The real enemy, then, is humanity itself.”

In 1969, Dr. Richard Day, the National Medical Director of the Rockefeller-sponsored “Planned Parenthood,” asserted that a move towards a “unified global system” would necessitate the sabotage of American industry.

“Each part of the world will have a specialty and thus become inter-dependent, he said. The US will remain a center for agriculture, high tech, communications, and education but heavy industry would be “transported out,” Day stated.

In 2008 Obama openly stated his plan to bankrupt the coal industry.

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