The World of Free Energy

By Dr. Peter Lindemann
Global Research
January 1, 2011

In the late 1880′s, trade journals in the electrical sciences were predicting free electricity and free energy in the near future. Incredible discoveries about the nature of electricity were becoming common place. Nikola Tesla was demonstrating “wireless lighting” and other wonders associated with high frequency currents. There was an excitement about the future like never before.

Within 20 years, there would be automobiles, airplanes, movies, recorded music, telephones, radio, and practical cameras. The Victorian Age was giving way to something totally new. For the first time in history, common people were encouraged to envision a utopian future filled with abundant modern transportation and communication, as well as jobs, housing and food for everyone. Disease would be conquered, and so would poverty. Life was getting better, and this time, everyone was going to get a piece of the pie. So, what happened? In the midst of this technological explosion, where did the energy breakthroughs go? Was all of this excitement about free energy, which happened just before the beginning of the last century, just wishful thinking that “real science” eventually disproved?

Current State of Technology

Actually, the answer to that question is no. In fact, the opposite is true. Spectacular energy technologies were developed right along with the other breakthroughs. Since that time, multiple methods for producing vast amounts of energy at extremely low cost have been developed. None of these technologies have made it to the consumer market as an article of commerce, however. Exactly why this is true will be discussed shortly.

But first, I would like to describe to you a short list of free energy technologies that I am currently aware of, and that are proven beyond all reasonable doubt. The common feature connecting all of these discoveries, is that they use a small amount of one form of energy to control or release a large amount of a different kind of energy. Many of them tap the underlying Æther field in some way; a source of energy conveniently ignored by modern science.

1) Radiant Energy. Nikola Tesla’s magnifying transmitter, T. Henry Moray’s radiant energy device, Edwin Gray’s EMA motor, and Paul Baumann’s Testatika machine all run on radiant energy. This natural energy form can be gathered directly from the environment (mistakenly called “static” electricity) or extracted from ordinary electricity by the method called fractionation. Radiant energy can perform the same wonders as ordinary electricity, at less than 1% of the cost. It does not behave exactly like electricity, however, which has contributed to the scientific community’s misunderstanding of it. The Methernitha Community in Switzerland currently has 5 or 6 working models of fuelless, self-running devices that tap this energy.

2) Permanent Magnets. Dr. Robert Adams (NZ) has developed astounding designs of electric motors, generators and heaters that run on permanent magnets. One such device draws 100 watts of electricity from the source, generates 100 watts to recharge the source, and produces over 140 BTU’s of heat in two minutes! Dr. Tom Bearden (USA) has two working models of a permanent magnet powered electrical transformer. It uses a 6-watt electrical input to control the path of a magnetic field coming out of a permanent magnet. By channeling the magnetic field, first to one output coil and then a second output coil, and by doing this repeatedly and rapidly in a “ping-pong” fashion, the device can produce a 96-watt electrical output with no moving parts. Bearden calls his device a Motionless Electromagnetic Generator, or MEG. Jean-Louis Naudin has duplicated Bearden’s device in France. The principles for this type of device were first disclosed by Frank Richardson (USA) in 1978. Troy Reed (USA) has working models of a special magnetized fan that heats up as it spins. It takes exactly the same amount of energy to spin the fan whether it is generating heat or not. Beyond these developments, multiple inventors have identified working mechanisms that produce motor torque from permanent magnets alone.

3) Mechanical Heaters. There are two classes of machines that transform a small amount of mechanical energy into a large amount of heat. The best of these purely mechanical designs are the rotating cylinder systems designed by Frenette (USA) and Perkins (USA). In these machines, one cylinder is rotated within another cylinder with about an eighth of an inch of clearance between them. The space between the cylinders is filled with a liquid such as water or oil, and it is this “working fluid” that heats up as the inner cylinder spins. Another method uses magnets mounted on a wheel to produce large eddy currents in a plate of aluminum, causing the aluminum to heat up rapidly. These magnetic heaters have been demonstrated by Muller (Canada), Adams (NZ) and Reed (USA). All of these systems can produce ten times more heat than standard methods using the same energy input.

4) Super-Efficient Electrolysis. Water can be broken into hydrogen and oxygen using electricity. Standard chemistry books claim that this process requires more energy than can be recovered when the gases are recombined. This is true only under the worst case scenario. When water is hit with its own molecular resonant frequency, using a system developed by Stan Meyers (USA) and again recently by Xogen Power, Inc., it collapses into hydrogen and oxygen gas with very little electrical input. Also, using different electrolytes (additives that make the water conduct electricity better) changes the efficiency of the process dramatically. It is also known that certain geometric structures and surface textures work better than others do. The implication is that unlimited amounts of hydrogen fuel can be made to drive engines (like in your car) for the cost of water. Even more amazing is the fact that a special metal alloy was patented by Freedman (USA) in 1957 that spontaneously breaks water into hydrogen and oxygen with no outside electrical input and without causing any chemical changes in the metal itself. This means that this special metal alloy can make hydrogen from water for free, forever.

5) Implosion/Vortex. All major industrial engines use the release of heat to cause expansion and pressure to produce work, like in your car engine. Nature uses the opposite process of cooling to cause suction and vacuum to produce work, like in a tornado. Viktor Schauberger (Austria) was the first to build working models of implosion engines in the 1930′s and 1940′s. Since that time, Callum Coats has published extensively on Schauberger’s work in his book Living Energies and subsequently, a number of researchers have built working models of implosion turbine engines. These are fuelless engines that produce mechanical work from energy accessed from a vacuum. There are also much simpler designs that use vortex motions to tap a combination of gravity and centrifugal force to produce a continuous motion in fluids.

6) Cold Fusion. In March 1989, two chemists from the University of Utah (USA) announced that they had produced atomic fusion reactions in a simple tabletop device. The claims were “debunked” within six months and the public lost interest. Nevertheless, cold fusion is very real. Not only has excess heat production been repeatedly documented, but also low energy atomic element transmutation has been catalogued, involving dozens of different reactions! This technology definitely can produce low cost energy and scores of other important industrial processes.

7) Solar Assisted Heat Pumps. The refrigerator in your kitchen is the only free energy machine you currently own. It’s an electrically operated heat pump. It uses one amount of energy (electricity) to move three amounts of energy (heat). This gives it a co-efficient of performance (COP) of about 3. Your refrigerator uses one amount of electricity to pump three amounts of heat from the inside of the refrigerator to the outside of the refrigerator. This is its typical use, but it is the worst possible way to use the technology. Here’s why. A heat pump pumps heat from the source of heat to the “sink” or place that absorbs the heat. The source of heat should obviously be hot and the sink for heat should obviously be cold for this process to work the best. In your refrigerator, it’s exactly the opposite. The source of heat is inside the box, which is cold, and the sink for heat is the room temperature air of your kitchen, which is warmer than the source. This is why the COP remains low for your kitchen refrigerator. But this is not true for all heat pumps. COP’s of 8 to 10 are easily attained with solar assisted heat pumps. In such a device, a heat pump draws heat from a solar collector and dumps the heat into a large underground absorber, which remains at 55° F, and mechanical energy is extracted in the transfer. This process is equivalent to a steam engine that extracts mechanical energy between the boiler and the condenser, except that it uses a fluid that boils at a much lower temperature than water. One such system that was tested in the 1970′s produced 350 hp, measured on a Dynamometer, in a specially designed engine from just 100-sq. ft. of solar collector. (This is not the system promoted by Dennis Lee.) The amount of energy it took to run the compressor (input) was less than 20 hp, so this system produced more than 17 times more energy than it took to keep it going! It could power a small neighborhood from the roof of a hot tub gazebo, using exactly the same technology that keeps the food cold in your kitchen. Currently, there is an industrial scale heat pump system just north of Kona, Hawaii that generates electricity from temperature differences in ocean water.

There are dozens of other systems that I have not mentioned, many of them are as viable and well tested as the ones I have just recounted. But this short list is sufficient to make my point: free energy technology is here, now. It offers the world pollution-free, energy abundance for everyone, everywhere.

It is now possible to stop the production of greenhouse gases and shut down all of the nuclear power plants. We can now desalinate unlimited amounts of seawater at an affordable price, and bring adequate fresh water to even the most remote habitats. Transportation costs and the production costs for just about everything can drop dramatically. Food can even be grown in heated greenhouses in the winter, anywhere. All of these wonderful benefits that can make life on this planet so much easier and better for everyone have been postponed for decades. Why? Whose purposes are served by this postponement?

Four Invisible Forces

There are four gigantic forces that have worked together to create this situation. To say that there is and has been a conspiracy to suppress this technology only leads to a superficial understanding of the world, and it places the blame for this completely outside of ourselves. Our willingness to remain ignorant and actionless in the face of this situation has always been interpreted by two of these forces as implied consent. So, besides a non-demanding public, what are the other forces that are impeding the availability of free energy technology?

In the United States, and in most other countries around the world, there is a money monopoly in place. I am free to earn as much money as I want, but I will only be paid in Federal Reserve Notes. There is nothing I can do to be paid in Gold Certificates, or some other form of money. This money monopoly is solely in the hands of a small number of private stock banks, and these banks are owned by the wealthiest families in the world. Their plan is to eventually control 100% of all of the capital resources of the world, and thereby control everyone’s life through the availability (or non-availability) of all goods and services.

An independent source of wealth (free energy device) in the hands of each and every person in the world, ruins the plans of the wealthiest families for world domination, permanently. Why this is true is easy to see. Currently, a nation’s economy can be either slowed down or sped up by the raising or lowering of interest rates. But if an independent source of capital (energy) were present in the economy, and any business or person could raise more capital without borrowing it from a bank, this centralized throttling action on interest rates would simply not have the same effect.

Free energy technology changes the value of money. The wealthiest families and the issuers of credit do not want any competition. It’s that simple. They want to maintain their current monopoly control of the money supply. For them, free energy technology is not just something to suppress, it must be permanently forbidden!

So, the wealthiest families and their central banking institutions are the first force operating to postpone the public availability of free energy technology. Their motivations are the imagined divine right to rule, greed, and their insatiable need to control almost everything except themselves. The weapons they have used to enforce this postponement include intimidation, “expert” debunkers, buying and shelving of technology, murder and attempted murder of the inventors, character assassination, arson, and a wide variety of financial incentives and disincentives to manipulate possible supporters. They have also promoted the general acceptance of a scientific theory that states that free energy is impossible (laws of thermodynamics).

The second force operating to postpone the public availability of free energy technology is national governments. The problem here is not so much related to competition in the printing of currency, but in the maintenance of national security. The fact is, the world out there is a jungle, and humans can be counted upon to be very cruel, dishonest, and sneaky. It is government’s job to provide for the common defense. For this, police powers are delegated by the executive branch of government to enforce “the rule of law.” Most of us who consent to the rule of law do so because we believe it is the right thing to do, for our own benefit. There are always a few individuals, however, that believe that their own benefit is best served by behavior that does not voluntarily conform to the generally agreed upon social order. These people choose to operate outside of the rule of law and are considered outlaws, criminals, subversives, traitors, revolutionaries, or terrorists.

Most national governments have discovered, by trial and error, that the only foreign policy that really works, over time, is a policy called “tit for tat.” What this means to you and me is, that governments treat each other the way they are being treated. There is a constant jockeying for position and influence in world affairs, and the strongest party wins! In economics, it’s the Golden Rule, which states: “The one with the gold makes the rules.”

So it is with politics also, but its appearance is more Darwinian. It’s simply survival of the fittest. In politics, however, the fittest has come to mean the strongest party who is also willing to fight the dirtiest. Absolutely every means available is used to maintain an advantage over the adversary, and everyone else is the adversary regardless of whether they are considered friend or foe. This includes outrageous psychological posturing, lying, cheating, spying, stealing, assassination of world leaders, proxy wars, alliances and shifting alliances, treaties, foreign aid, and the presence of military forces wherever possible.

Like it or not, this is the psychological and actual arena national governments operate in. No national government will do anything that simply gives an adversary an advantage for free. It’s national suicide. An activity by any individual, inside or outside the country, that is interpreted as giving an adversary an edge or advantage will be deemed a threat to “national security.”

Free energy technology is a national government’s worst nightmare! Openly acknowledged, free energy technology sparks an unlimited arms race by all governments in a final attempt to gain absolute advantage and domination. Think about it. Do you think Japan will not feel intimidated if China gets free energy? Do you think Israel will sit by quietly as Iraq acquires free energy? Do you think India will allow Pakistan to develop free energy? Do you think the USA would not try to stop Osama bin Laden from getting free energy?

Unlimited energy available to the current state of affairs on this planet leads to an inevitable reshuffling of the balance of power. This could become an all-out war to prevent “the other” from having the advantage of unlimited wealth and power. Everybody will want it, and at the same time, want to prevent everyone else from getting it.

So, national governments are the second force operating to postpone the public availability of free energy technology. Their motivations are “self-preservation.” This self-preservation operates on three levels. First, by not giving undue advantage to an external enemy. Second, by preventing individualized action capable of effectively challenging official police powers (anarchy) within the country. And third, by preserving income streams derived from taxing energy sources currently in use. Their weapons include the preventing of the issuance of patents based on national security grounds, the legal and illegal harassment of inventors with criminal charges, tax audits, threats, phone taps, arrest, arson, theft of property during shipment, and a host of other intimidations which make the business of building and marketing a free energy machine practically impossible.

The third force operating to postpone the public availability of free energy technology consists of the group of deluded inventors and out right charlatans and con men. On the periphery of the extraordinary scientific breakthroughs that constitute the real free energy technologies, lies a shadow world of unexplained anomalies, marginal inventions and unscrupulous promoters. The first two forces have constantly used the media to promote the worst examples of this group, to distract the public’s attention and to discredit the real breakthroughs by associating them with the obvious frauds.

Over the last hundred years, dozens of stories have surfaced about unusual inventions. Some of these ideas have so captivated the public’s imagination that a mythology about these systems continues to this day. Names like Keely, Hubbard, Coler, and Henderschott immediately come to mind. There may be real technologies behind these names, but there simply isn’t enough technical data available in the public domain to make a determination. These names remain associated with a free energy mythology, however, and are sited by debunkers as examples of fraud.

The idea of free energy taps very deeply into the human subconscious mind. A few inventors with marginal technologies that demonstrate useful anomalies have mistakenly exaggerated the importance of their inventions. Some of these inventors also have mistakenly exaggerated the importance of themselves for having invented it. A combination of “gold fever” and/or a messiah complex appears, wholly distorting any future contribution they may make.

While the research thread they are following may hold great promise, these deluded inventors begin to trade enthusiasm for facts, and the value of the scientific work from that point on suffers greatly. There is a powerful, yet subtle seduction that can warp a personality if they believe that the world rests on their shoulders or that they are the world’s savior. Strange things also happen to people when they think they are about to become extremely rich. It takes a tremendous spiritual discipline to remain objective and humble in the presence of a working free energy machine.

Many inventors’ psyches become unstable just believing they have a free energy machine. As the quality of the science deteriorates, some inventors also develop a persecution complex that makes them very defensive and unapproachable. This process precludes them from ever really developing a free energy machine, and fuels the fraud mythologies tremendously.

Then there are the out right con men. In the last 15 years, there is one person in the USA who has raised the free energy con to a professional art. He has raised more than $100,000,000, has been barred from doing business in the state of Washington, has been jailed in California, and he’s still at it. He always talks about a variation of one of the real free energy systems, sells people on the idea that they will get one of these systems soon, but ultimately sells them only promotional information which gives no real data about the energy system itself. He has mercilessly preyed upon the Christian community and the patriot community in the USA, and is still going strong.

This man’s current scam involves signing up hundreds of thousands of people as locations where he will install a free energy machine. In exchange for letting him put the free energy generator in their home, they will get free electricity for life, and his company will sell the excess energy back to the local utility company. After becoming convinced that they will receive free electricity for life, with no out-front expenses, they gladly buy a video that helps draw their friends into the scam as well. Once you understand the power and motivations of the first two forces I have discussed, its obvious that this person’s current business plan cannot be implemented. This one person has probably done more harm to the free energy movement in the USA than any other force, by destroying people’s trust in the technology.

So, the third force postponing the public availability of free energy technology is delusion and dishonesty within the movement itself. The motivations are self-aggrandizement, greed, want of power over others, and a false sense of self-importance. The weapons used are lying, cheating, the “bait and switch” con, self-delusion and arrogance combined with lousy science.

The fourth force operating to postpone the public availability of free energy technology is all of the rest of us. It may be easy to see how narrow and selfish the motivations of the other forces are, but actually, these motivations are still very much alive in each of us as well. Like the Wealthiest Families, don’t we each secretly harbor illusions of false superiority, and the want to control others instead of ourselves? Also, wouldn’t you “sell out” if the price were high enough, say, take a million dollars, cash, today? Or like the governments, don’t we each want to ensure our own survival? If caught in the middle of a full, burning theater, do you panic and push all of the weaker people out of the way in a mad, scramble for the door? Or like the deluded inventor, don’t we trade a comfortable illusion once in a while for an uncomfortable fact? And don’t we like to think more of ourselves than others give us credit for? Or don’t we still fear the unknown, even if it promises a great reward?

You see, really, all four forces are just different aspects of the same process, operating at different levels in the society. There is really only one force preventing the public availability of free energy technology, and that is the unspiritually motivated behavior of the humans. In the last analysis, free energy technology is an outward manifestation of divine abundance. It is the engine of the economy of an enlightened society, where people voluntarily behave in a respectful and civil manner toward each other, where each member of the society has everything they need, and does not covet what their neighbor has, where war and physical violence has become socially unacceptable behavior and people’s differences are at least tolerated, if not enjoyed.

The appearance of free energy technology in the public domain is the dawning of a truly civilized age. It is an epochal event in human history. Nobody can take credit for it. Nobody can get rich on it. Nobody can rule the world with it. It is simply, a gift from God. It forces us all to take responsibility for our own actions and for our own self-disciplined self-restraint when needed. The world as it is currently ordered, cannot have free energy technology without being totally transformed by it into something else. This civilization has reached the pinnacle of its development, because it has birthed the seeds of its own transformation. Unspiritualized humans cannot be trusted with free energy. They will only do what they have always done, which is take merciless advantage of each other, or kill each other and themselves in the process.

If you go back and read Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged or the Club of Rome Report, it becomes obvious that the wealthiest families have understood this for decades. Their plan is to live in the world of free energy, but permanently freeze the rest of us out. But this is not new. Royalty has always considered the general population (us) to be their subjects. What is new, is that you and I can communicate with each other now better than at anytime in the past. The Internet offers us, the fourth force, an opportunity to overcome the combined efforts of the other forces preventing free energy technology from spreading.

The Opportunity

What is starting to happen is that inventors are publishing their work, instead of patenting it and keeping it secret. More and more, people are giving away information on these technologies in books, videos and websites. While there is still a great deal of useless information about free energy on the Internet, the availability of good information is rising rapidly. Check out the list of websites and other resources at the end of this article.

It is imperative that you begin to gather all of the information you can on real free energy systems. The reason for this is simple. The first two forces will never allow an inventor or a company to build and sell a free energy machine to you! The only way you will ever get one is if you, or a friend, build it yourself. This is exactly what thousands of people are already quietly starting to do. You may feel wholly inadequate to the task, but start gathering information now. You may be just a link in the chain of events for the benefit of others. Focus on what you can do now, not on how much there still is to be done. Small, private research groups are working out the details as you read this. Many are committed to publishing their results on the Internet.

All of us constitute the fourth force. If we stand up and refuse to remain ignorant and actionless, we can change the course of history. It is the aggregate of our combined action that can make a difference. Only the mass action that represents our consensus can create the world we want. The other three forces will not help us put a fuelless power plant in our basements. They will not help us be free from their manipulations. Nevertheless, free energy technology is here. It is real, and it will change everything about the way we live, work and relate to each other. In the last analysis, free energy technology obsoletes greed and the fear for survival. But like all exercises of spiritual faith, we must first manifest the generosity and trust in our own lives.

The source of free energy is inside of us. It is that excitement of expressing ourselves freely. It is our spiritually guided intuition expressing itself without distraction, intimidation or manipulation. It is our open-heartedness. Ideally, the free energy technologies underpin a just society where everyone has enough food, clothing, shelter, self-worth, and the leisure time to contemplate the higher spiritual meanings of life. Do we not owe it to each other to face down our fears and take action to create this future for our children’s children?

Free energy technology is here. It has been here for decades. Communications technology and the Internet have torn the veil of secrecy off of this remarkable fact. People all over the world are starting to build free energy devices for their own use. The bankers and the governments do not want this to happen, but cannot stop it. There will be essentially no major media coverage of what is going on. Tremendous economic instabilities and wars will be used in the near future to distract people from joining the free energy movement.

Western society is in many ways spiraling down toward self-destruction due to the accumulated effects of long-term greed and corruption. The general availability of free energy technology cannot stop this trend. It can only reinforce it. If, however, you have a free energy device, you may be better positioned to support the political/social/economic transition that is underway. The question is, who will ultimately control the emerging world government-the first force or the fourth force?

The last great war is almost upon us. The seeds are planted. After this will come the beginning of a real civilization. Some of us who refuse to fight will survive to see the dawn of the world of free energy. I challenge you to be among the ones who try.



Living Energies by Callum Coats The Free Energy Secrets of Cold Electricity by Peter Lindemann, D.Sc. Applied Modern 20th Century Aether Science by Dr. Robert Adams Physics Without Einstein by Dr. Harold Aspden Secrets of Cold War Technology by Gerry Vassilatos The Coming Energy Revolution by Jeane Manning Websites: developed by Clear Tech, Inc. and Dr. Peter Lindemann developed by JLN Labs in France developed by Jerry Decker in the USA site for super electrolysis technology excellent site by Geoff Egel, Australia For links to other excellent resources:

Free Energy News Articles Breakthroughs in major media that should have been headline news:

Below are verbatim quotes taken from articles at links provided dealing with free energy

Kids Build Soybean-Fueled Car February 17, 2006, CBS News

The star at last week’s Philadelphia Auto Show wasn’t a sports car or an economy car. It was a sports-economy car-one that combines performance and practicality under one hood. The car that buyers have been waiting decades [for] comes from an unexpected source and runs on soybean bio-diesel fuel to boot. A car that can go from zero to 60 in four seconds and get more than 50 miles to the gallon would be enough to pique any driver’s interest. So who do we have to thank for it. Ford? GM? Toyota? No-just…five kids from the auto shop program at West Philadelphia High School.

Iceland the First Country to Try Abandoning Gasoline January 18, 2006, ABC News

 Iceland has already started…turning water into fuel – hydrogen fuel. Here’s how it works: Electrodes split the water into hydrogen and oxygen molecules. Hydrogen electrons pass through a conductor that creates the current to power an electric engine. Hydrogen fuel now costs two to three times as much as gasoline, but gets up to three times the mileage of gas, making the overall cost about the same. As an added benefit, there are no carbon emissions – only water vapor.

Fuel’s paradise? Power source that turns physics on its head November 4, 2005, The Guardian (one of the UK’s leading newspapers),3605,1627424,00.html

It seems too good to be true: a new source of near-limitless power that costs virtually nothing, uses tiny amounts of water as its fuel and produces next to no waste. Randell Mills, a Harvard University medic who also studied electrical engineering at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, claims to have built a prototype power source that generates up to 1,000 times more heat than conventional fuel. “We’ve got 50 independent validation reports, we’ve got 65 peer-reviewed journal articles,” he said. “We ran into this theoretical resistance and there are some vested interests here.

Magnetic energy? Perhaps, September 7, 2005, San Francisco Chronicle

“All we know is that we’re seeing more energy output than input. Does Goldes realize what’s he’s saying — that he’s perhaps discovered a clean, inexhaustible energy source? “That’s exactly what it appears to be,” he answered. A handful of other companies worldwide are believed also to be pursuing zero-point energy via magnetic systems. One of them…is run by a former scientist at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena. According to Aviation Week & Space Technology magazine, the Pentagon and at least two large aerospace companies are actively researching zero-point energy as a means of propulsion.

Solar Challenge Finishes in Calgary July 28, 2005, Open Source Energy Network/Detroit News
Detroit News  – CBS affiliate

The ten-day solar car race from Austin to Calgary came to a successful finish yesterday. U of Michigan takes prize, finishing the 2500-mile course in 54 hours. They also set a record by averaging 46.2 mph in this, the world’s longest solar car race.
Eco-car more efficient than light bulb July 5, 2005, CNN

The hydrogen-powered Ech2o needs just 25 Watts — the equivalent of less than two gallons of petrol — to complete the 25,000-mile global trip, while emitting nothing more hazardous than water. But with a top speed of 30mph, the journey would take more than a month to complete. Ech2o, built by British gas firm BOC, will bid to smash the world fuel efficiency record of over 10,000 miles per gallon at the Shell Eco Marathon. The record is currently….5,385 km/per liter [over 12,000 mpg!].

Advanced vehicles demonstrate zero oil-consumption, reduced emissions May 18, 2005, Boston Globe  (article removed from Globe website)

Top prize for the Monte-Carlo Rally went to a modified Honda Insight [which] broke the 100-mile-per-gallon barrier over a 150-mile range. The car actually got 107 miles-per gallon. St. Mark’s High School in Southboro, and North Haven Community School, North Haven, ME, demonstrated true zero-oil consumption and true zero climate-change emissions with their modified electric Ford pick-up and Volkswagen bus.

Fans of GM Electric Car Fight the Crusher Washington Post, March 10, 2005

GM agrees that the car in question, called the EV1, was a rousing feat of engineering that could go from zero to 60 miles per hour in under eight seconds with no harmful emissions. The market just wasn’t big enough, the company says, for a car that traveled 140 miles or less on a charge before you had to plug it in like a toaster. Ted Flittner, a…Costa Mesa industrial engineer…said, “they have such a brilliant solution they’ve developed. They’ve put it on the market and proved it works. People still want it and they’re taking it away and destroying it.”

100 MPG Car Heralded by London Times in 2002 – Where is it now? December 2 , 2004,  - (includes text of London Times article),,588-451038,00.html  – London Times

The Toyota Eco Spirit was the talk of the fuel economy car industry in 2002. At over 100 MPG and with the lowest exhaust emissions and a very reasonable sticker price, the Eco Spirit’s debut was widely anticipated. (see London Times article). What happened to it? 1908 Ford Model T: 25 MPG, 2004 EPA Average All Cars: 21 MPG Detroit News/, June 4, 2004

Ford’s Model T, which went 25 miles on a gallon of gasoline, was more fuel efficient than the current Ford Explorer sport-utility vehicle — which manages just 16 miles per gallon.

Note: This last article is an excellent summary of eye-opening contradictions which have received very little media coverage, including links to major media articles to back up the facts presented.

Patents: This list is a sample of inventions that produce free energy.

The links provided will take you directly to the patent on the website of the U.S. Patent Office.

To search for patents by number on the US Patent Office website:

The Footprint of the Establishment

The Powers that Be shaped us in more ways than We think!

By Luis R. Miranda
The Real Agenda
June 10, 2010

Every time we need to know what happened in the past we refer to history books, visit a local library, check the Internet or look into

Human Farming is the Establishment's favourite method to enslave the masses.

our own archives to see what history tells us. But how many times do we wonder about what history doesn’t tell us? See, history is not written by historians, they just give us accounts of that official version of history. The reason why many look back in time is to avoid making the same mistakes that our ancestors made as humanity advanced. But how do we avoid those mistakes if we simply don’t know them?

You don’t have to be an expert in history to figure out who wrote it and why. It takes a couple of clicks nowadays. After finishing college, anyone can surely say, for example, what type of government we have, where our educational system comes from and why we fought and continue to fight bloody wars for decades. Can we?  Really?  What if part of the history you know; the one learned in elementary school, high school and college is not as it is drawn by the books we so carefully read?

If your educated guess to the first question is a Constitutional Democracy or a Republic the answer is wrong. If your answer to the second question is from our Founding Fathers, it is wrong, too. And if your answer to the third question is freedom and independence, it is also wrong.

Let’s take for example the origins of what we call today Government, which many believe is representative. The beginnings of our model of government rests in the Hegelian model of government, not on the model our Founding Fathers would have sketched. The Hegelian model of government believes that IT is supreme, and that individuals must be subjects of the government – i.e Patriot Act, Martial Law, Illegal Spying, Torture, Military Commissions Act, RFID card, etc. But how do the elites that support this kind of governance get away with telling us that we live in a free democracy? They indoctrinate us almost from birth in concentration camps called schools, which not only do not follow a democratic government’s educational policy, but instead, a very well redesigned version of the Prussian Universal Education model, put together by the same elite that pays to publish the history you and I know.

Now, you probably think, how can an elite simply get away with all this? To put it simply in one sentence, it’s called a Political Conspiracy. The elite, better known as the powers that be, not only wrote the history you and I know, but also designed and financed the educational system you and I attended, modeled after the Hegelian form of government they adore and praise. That is why we have no clue about it, because we were born and raised in a Matrix type of environment that seems natural to all.

You are right! There need to be hundreds and thousands of people involved in a conspiracy of such level in order for it to work… and there are… The brain of this conspiracy, the Club Bilderberg, meets once a year in cities of their choosing like Virginia, Versailles, Stresa, Munich, Ottawa, Istanbul and Sitges to discuss global policies on economy, environmentalism, politics, health, trade, immigration, etc. Among the attendees are elements from the Bank Industry, The Military Industrial Complex, Academia, The Pharmaceutical Industrial Complex, Mass Media, and of course the politicians we vote for every four years. In one word, the Elite.

I know… You want me to call them by their names… After reading through lists of Bilderberg attendees over the years, I can absolutely and certainly say that crooks like David Rockefeller, the same Dave whose family financed the Hegelian inspired Universal Education system we studied in, Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, Hillary Clinton, John Edwards, George Pataki, Texas governor Richard Perry, John Kerry, Henry Kissinger, Etienne Davignon, Paul Wolfowitz, Bill Gates, Bill Clinton and Donald Rumsfeld, among others. These and other people who have in their hands the present and future of our world, are the cabal responsible for hiding the truth about history that most of us don’t know. Why? Because they wrote it themselves.

The Footprint the Establishment has left and continues to leave in our lives, our society, and our world began early in the 1800′s. As I said before it is a political conspiracy, that is, the use of political power which is passed around from generation to generation in order to keep the secrecy of their association.

Let’s see how a conspiracy works. First, there has to be a secret meeting. Second, those who meet must agree to a course of action; and third, such action must be illegal. The Establishment, or what many call The Order, derives from a German secret society. The order was included as the Russell Trust in 1856, to later be known as the Brotherhood of Death. To us all, it’s better known as “Skull and Bones. The American version of this Order was founded in the U.S in 1833 at Yale University by General William Russell and Alphonso Taft, who in 1876, became Secretary of War under the Grant administration in the United States. The Order meets annually on Deer Island in the St. Lawrence River. Among the original members are Samuel Henshaw Bates, Rufus Hart, Asahel Hooker Lewis, Samuel Marshall and Frederick Mather. All of these people along with the two founders occupied high level position in early forms of government.

The beginnings of this elite governed group can be traced back to the 1600′s when the first wealthy families arrived to the U.S from England. One example is the Lord family. In this particular case there were two branches: The one from Thomas Lord and the other from Nathan Lord. Later members arose from families who managed to make money to send their children to Yale, such as the Harriman, Payne, Davison and of course Rockefeller. The Lord’s established themselves in Hartford Connecticut where they kept a tradition typical of the elite: Intermarriage; in order to further concentrate and maintain power.

From there, they extended their arms to places like New York, where they founded businesses like law firms and consultancies. Among their clients, the New York Times and the Rubin Foundation. The latter is the financial supporter of the Institute for Policy Studies in Washington DC.

So, now that we know how the establishment got to us, let’s see how it’s left a footprint in three of the most important aspects of our lives: Education, Energy and War.

The concept or idea over which The Order works is control; controlling it all through the compartmentalized control of the parts. For example, if they control the politicians, they can get access to powerful governments on two or three or whatever the number of political parties that exist. If they control energy companies, they can subdue society into accepting only the means of energy they can make a profit of. If they control the media, they can tell us their version of world events; who’s the bad guy and the good guy. If they own the producers of weapons, they will encourage war, and finance all the sides involved in the war because they know the profits and the control derived from war will be much greater. If they own the pharmaceutical companies, they will own all the patents to the drugs the population consumes and at the same time ban any claim on medicinal products they don’t control. If they control the food industry, the production of goods, they can sell cheap food to the masses to make them sick and fat, so they have to consume the illicit drugs they produce which by the way make people sicker. If they control the election process through remotely controlled electronic voting machines instead of traceable paper ballots, they will never let go off power.

Why do I point to Education as an important example of the way the Establishment leaves a footprint? Well, because the complete development of a society rests on the educational level of the members. In the case of the Western world, the educational model was founded after the Prussian Educational mold. This model came into existence in 1819 in the military state of Prussia. There, the Elite decided that the population had to be converted into instruments of the State in order to increase efficiency. The system was based on the premise that by erasing the creative, innovative ability of the population was how they would become obedient servants. In a matter of a few years, Prussia, which did not have natural resources, became one of the richest regions in Germany. It became so influential, that it was later the city from where two world wars originated. It was through a fully controlled educational system designed to dumb down the population, that the Elite was successful in their attempt to impose any policy they wanted to a willingly accepting crowd of mental zombies. Many countries around the world studied and continue to study the Prussian model today. From Japan to China to England to the United States. In America, John D. Rockefeller and Andrew Carnegie imported the Prussian model through their foundations. It later evolved and new concepts appeared. One of them very well known to us all, Human Resources brought upon the masses the infamous Kindergarten, where children are grown up like vegetables to become subjects to the system that saw their parents come up the very same way. Later on, the Elite realized they weren’t getting people young enough so they founded the Pre-Kindergarten.

Behind this system of control was the goal that the Establishment has always had, the disintegration of the most basic form of social unity; the family. The family is the biggest obstacle to create the global system of control, therefore it has to be done away with. Multiple options were offered to parents, among them, to put the children in the hands of “experts” who had been already brainwashed following the Prussian model. The only difference perhaps between the original Prussian system and the one that currently operates around the world, is that in Prussia, the laws explicitly said that the State owned the children. In the U.S efforts were made in the 19th century to create such laws, but they did not bear fruit. The Prussian system was sneaked into society under the fear instilled by world wars, economic depressions and of course the already traditional feeling of dependency that the population has towards the State.

In 1871 in the book called “Descent of Men” Darwin said 95% of the people were inferior and only 5 % were evolving. From this way of thinking came the teachings of Sr. Francis Galton, the father of Eugenics, from whom men like H.G Wells and William Huxley took off to write their famous “scholarly” works. It is important to note, that although many people regard Charles Darwin as an outsider that made it into the circle through his discoveries in he sciences, the truth is that Darwin’s family was one of the richest in the world. Darwin met with the members of the Elite for many years. In those meetings they tailored science to fit the reality they wanted the rest to learn. John Calvin said there are so many of these inferior people that we cannot police them, so we are gonna have to teach them to police themselves; and generation through generation, the population was dumbed down more and more until it fit the corporate fascist model the Elite wanted.

The common denominator of this educational model, no matter where it’s been applied, is the fact that the
masses -from where ingenuity and creativeness emanated- became nothing else than obedient sheep; docile beings that do not know much more than what they learn in high school or college. As a result, we now have a population that cannot find their country on a map, much less other countries like Iraq or Afghanistan.  However, the masses do support invading the two countries in the name of peace. In 1950 the U.S had 90% of all patents in the world, nowadays it only owns about 30 percent and dropping fast. The Prussian model has worked to perfection.  The same can be said about other countries.

Now when we turn our head to the Energy issue, it is important to note other members of the Elite, or the Order that have been key in the implementation of Educational and Energy policies. I earlier said that the origin of this Elite is immigrants from Europe; England to be more specific. The Lords, the Rothchilds and other families that emerged later like the Rockefellers, the Carnegies, the Morgans and of course, the Bushes. The founders consisted of Puritans who always absorbed the wealth of rich families, without inviting those families to join their organizations. Most of these families were bankers, lawyers and traders that later became the Barons of the Mercantilistic model that substituted free markets. In the energy sector the Bush family has been a continuous player. They have maintained contact with Saudi Arabia’s kingdom for years and have done business with them thanks to the fortunes stolen by Prescott Bush, the grandfather of former president Bush, from the Nazi Empire when he left Germany after their defeat. With him others like Percy Rockefeller, the Paynes, the Pratts, etc are all linked to the Standard Oil Company, the Shell Oil Company, Creole Petroleum and Socony Vacuum. Currently we are fed the idea of the lack of sources of energy. While fossil fuels are painted as necessary evils to the development of the world, we are also told that oil reserves are scarce and that we have reached a peak. The debate in the main stream corporate Elite-controlled media is always centered on the pollution or the scarcity, but very little time is given in comparison to real alternative energy sources. While countries like Brazil run their cars on sugar cane-derived ethanol, the United States still remains in the debate of which alternative source is better or how many miles per gallon should a car provide. Let’s take a look at a source of energy that is never discussed: Cold Fusion.

Cold Fusion occurs when lighter nuclei in an atom fuse together under intense heat in a reaction to form a heavier nucleus. One of the results of this fusion is the release of gigantic amounts of energy which would provide an endless source of energy to carry out the world businesses for as long as humans exist. All this by the way, at conditions near room temperature and atmospheric pressure. However, Cold Fusion has been dismissed as an impossible by the profiteers who own the energy companies we depend on to live. Government agencies have also dismissed the potential of Cold Fusion and denied funding to further investigate the possibility of developing technology that allowed us to be energy independent. Instead, they suggested a bunch of alternative energy sources that counted with their blessing such as corn-based ethanol which has proven to be a new failure.

The cold fusion researchers presenting their review document to the 2004 DoE panel on cold fusion said that the observation of excess heat had been reproduced, that it can be reproduced at will under the proper conditions, and that many of the reasons for failure to reproduce it have been discovered. Despite the assertions of these researchers, most reviewers stated that the effects are not repeatable.The 1989, a DoE panel said: “Nuclear fusion at room temperature, of the type discussed in this report, would be contrary to all understanding gained of nuclear reactions in the last half century; it would require the invention of an entirely new nuclear process”, but it also recognized that the lack of a satisfactory explanation cannot be used to dismiss experimental evidence. (Wikipedia)

However, for those who know what Cold Fusion is and how it works, the future is promising. Dr. Edmund Storms, a retired scientist who worked at the Los Alamos National Laboratory, said the only problem is the attitude people have towards Cold Fusion as a source of energy. “It’s an interesting time because a number of other ideal sources are being proposed. Cold fusion is probably the most thoroughly documented at this point, but all of them have several things in common. They would be very inexpensive, pollution-free, and inexhaustible.” Questioned about whether Cold Fusion violates the First Law of Thermodynamics, which has been one of the reasons given to keep the experiments and the funding off the table, Dr. Storms says: “No one is proposing to violate the Law of Conservation of Energy. We’re talking about ordinary nuclear energy. There’s nothing magical about it. It’s the mechanism for achieving these nuclear reactions that is poorly understood at this time and, therefore, is in dispute.”

Although according to Storms neither the government nor any enterprise could practically deny access to the knowledge of Cold Fusion, anyone could seriously damage the research and progress of new technologies by claiming that the knowledge is flawed, thereby, making it harder to find funding or support of any kind.

In a book called: Cold Fusion: Secret Energy Revolution, Anthony Sutton declares that Cold Fusion is already being worked with in different laboratories around the globe and that soon, either governments or companies will come forward with practical applications. According to Sutton, Cold Fusion technology is being used by companies like BlackLight Power, Inc, Catalytic Fusion Power, Inc and financed by DARPA to produce catalytic hydrogen technology. “Free energy is here with water as fuel and will revolutionize our world. One device is the size of a thermos flask, uses water as fuel and lasts indefinitely,” Sutton declares. How many times have we heard of Cold Fusion on the news? Read on the papers? In the meantime we are led to believe that we are destined to invade middle eastern countries for their oil as the only way to secure our future energy sources. Of course of the mass population knew a little about alternative energy sources, they wouldn’t support needless wars or the drilling of National Parks or ice shells for petroleum.

Now, the subject of energy brings along a very important issue, which is exactly a consequence of energy dependence: War. If countries were energy independent, there would certainly be less conflict among them. This is because one country would not be able to impose rules onto others because they own energy sources that the other countries need. Today, OPEC controls the supply of petroleum which is vital to the commercial activity that moves the world. A handful of countries decide how much oil is produced and with that, the prices are determined. If the producers feel like they are not getting enough profits for their oil, they can simply decide to limit output so the price goes up. Although energy is probably the clearest example of how dependence causes conflict, there are countless other ones. For example, food production, manufacturing, the printing of paper money -which nowadays has turned out to be worthless, land tenure, immigration, etc.

The important point here is that war; just as many other activities, is a business. Investments are made before war occurs, so profits are expected. The best way to secure maximum profits is to invest on all sides, and that’s what history shows has happened in all major conflicts that humanity has endured: WWI and WWII are two examples. Here of course the Elite has left their Footprint stamped deeper than in any other aspect under their control. Then we have the Spanish-American as well as the Mexican-American wars which are also great examples. All armed conflicts recorded in history have come about due to the greed and evil spirit of those who seek to control us all. Although money and profits are important factors, the end goal is control. This control comes through consolidation. Armed conflicts and economic unrest provide great opportunities to bring about this consolidation and therefore control. When a country or the whole world goes into military or economic crisis, the people are the victims, while the Elite not only increases their resources tenfold, but also their control of industry, the bank system, infrastructure, military, land, and more important… Us. No example of a central government that ruled with an iron fist is responsible for an era of prosperity or bountifulness. On the contrary, it always mirrors repression, crisis, abuses, torture and inequality.

The reason why I linked war and conflict with oil, is because it is the freshest example. But the American civil war, the Spanish-American and WWI and WWII were also about influence and consolidating, a position as the world’s superpower. At the beginning of this essay I mentioned where the members of the Order came from and what type of businesses they are tied to. Nowadays, the war profiteers are weapons contractors, energy companies, security contractors, oil diggers, insurance companies and others. When a war explodes anywhere in the world, the list of companies offering their services to provide weaponry, planes, transportation, security, insurance and medical services is already typed up; and they are the same crooks who have already invested in promoting the wars during which they will provide services. When a country is dominated by the will of global corporations like Shell, NewsCorp, Halliburton, BP, GE, bankers like JP Morgan and wealthy men like Rupert Murdoch, David Rockefeller, Lord Rothchild and Prescott Bush, the decision to go to war or not isn’t made; it is imposed. Every major war has been financed by these and other families who have always held power by dominating all the sides involved in the conflicts. It’s a win-win situation. No president, prime minister or dictator achieved their goal of tyranny and control alone, there have always been the men behind the curtains who provided money, intelligence and hardware to carry out their own agenda. The group of bankers who created the private Federal Reserve, who control the Bank of England, the World Bank… is the same cabal that dictates the policies of the World Health Organization, who created the United Nations and who wrote the Nazi oriented Universal Human Rights Declaration to which they want us all to submit to.

Only those who really know history are able to envision the future; the future they want. The rest of us…, we’d better wake up and fight the bastards or we are doomed to repeat it.

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