Transhumanists Vow to Destroy our Spirit and Nature

Futurists call merger of humans with androids Evolution


Humanity has come to a halt, we are all doomed unless we adopt a new way of living and a new way of being. The world is rapidly racing towards a black hole where nothing is known, and where everything we as humans have achieved may be lost, unless we do what they want. For them, civilization is like an uncaptained ship that is now sailing in rough seas without any control whatsoever. The time humanity has to make the right turn is shorter and shorter. Humanity, they say, has brought itself to a dead-end that will lead us all to a new dark age.

Does this seem like a perfect plot for a doomsday movie or what? Well, it’s not. This is the vision held by the people who believe that humanity, despite all of its achievements, is like a giant mammoth that has slowed itself down because of its incapacity to see further than its nose. This humanity that traveled into space and is ready to reach for the stars is destined to suffer much affliction and degradation, they say. According to their plans, which we all need to follow to come out of the black hole we are in now, it is necessary to create a whole new kind of man. This new kind of human will also need new paradigms, says their propaganda. It will require the deepest social transformation, and they want to recruit the supposed world leaders to ‘encourage’ everyone to accept this new social contract.

How will they achieve this dream? By implementing a carefully calculated technological revolution, an experiment where we humans are the lab rats they will use to test their so-called advancements. They want to become the ship’s captain. “To focus of the technologies of the future… nanotechnology, biotechnology, information technology, cognitive technology, genetics and robotics.” It is through the use of these branches of science and their applications that they intend to impose, not to offer as an alternative, the complete modification of the environment were all live in and the way a human looks and feels. Yes, it has already begun.

The official launch of the Global Future 2045 movement seems to have been founded in 2011, and it held its first global meeting in March of 2012, when they revealed their vision and plans for the next 30 years. It is interesting to see how they connect the need to abandon all current understanding about everything because of the growing awakening humanity is in, which seeks to challenge a centuries old system of government which has always worked for the social engineers and never for the governed. It is now that humans opened their eyes to what has been going on for hundreds of years that the globalists behind the GF 2045 movement come to us all with a conciliatory manner. This is no doubt an attempt to calm down the roaring lion that has awakened after a long period if hibernation. Now that humanity seems to be getting off their knees, the controllers want to offer us a new way of being slaves to a new global system.

The implementation of nanotechnology, biotechnology, information technology, cognitive technology, genetics and robotics will no doubt help humanity progress into the future, the question is, in what forms? and, will it be for the best? The idea that world leaders have been already recruited to carry out the transhumanist agenda to their fellow citizens is a worrying start. When have world leaders actually worked for the betterment of their constituents? For those who shelter their hopes in the men of science, let me remind you that men of science have always worked with world leaders to carry out some of the most outrageous abuses against humankind. So neither our world leaders nor our men of science have the integrity to carry out their work, but according to the transhumanists, it is great that both groups are in a position of power when it comes to bringing about what they say is limitless human evolution.

The creation of new materials, starting at the nano scale, improvements in transportation, studying the power of the human brain, creating and using artificial intelligence, and other great promises made by the transhumnists are nothing new for the people who are mildly informed about the what happens in the real world. Perhaps the pinnacle of the transhumanists is their desire to be immortal, and then to achieve perfection, and that what the ultimate goal of their propaganda seems to suggest. The endgame for them is to be able to transplant a human brain into an android which will give it optimum conditions to operate. Later, this will permit the half humans to transfer their consciousness into a hard drive, which according to the GF 2045 will allow for new and never before seen cognitive experiences and feelings.

Before continuing, let’s be clear about something that is very important. Humanity has not been able to take off into the stars because there are a handful of social engineers, many of whom probably are behind the GF 2045 movement, who have posed limits to what humans can do, by keeping new technologies from seeing the light of day and hoarding the benefits of such technologies for themselves. Are we supposed to believe that those social engineers are now ready to share their wealth of knowledge with the rest of humanity so that we can all experience the reality of what technology can actually provide us? You be the judge.

The transhumanists led by people like Ray Kurzweil want people to become more manageable, to function in a realm where they can all be completely controlled, where we will be intellectual property. This is a point that those who send hate mail calling the refusal to accept transhumanism an attempt to keep us all in the dark ages or obscurantism. In their pursue of immortality, transhumanists want humans to transfer their existence into a metallic box that will be their home for the rest of their existence. That is the vision of living they have for the future. They believe that by transferring their consciousness to a machine — if that is even possible in the time frame they envision it — will help them defeat the the tyranny of nature and the imperfection and affliction of their human spirit. It doesn’t matter how outrageous this sounds, or if you don’t believe it or find it too far fetched; the transhumanists believe it is possible and they want us all to be part of this system for the same reason that the social engineers have always cited when trying to impose a new paradigm: the collective welfare.

The implications of letting transhumanists manage the ship of humanity are greater than we could ever imagine. They talk about a new civilization paradigm which includes vast changes in philosophy, ideological affiliation, new ethics, new culture and a new psychology. The consequence of such drastic changes will be the emergence of a new reality and a new man that will arise to conquer the solar system and the infinite space. But for those of us who do not jump on the bandwagon, this new system doesn’t have any democratic alternative, to use a well know term. “It is not a matter of whether it will happen, because it will happen, and those who do not accept it will be left behind and will ultimately die off,” says Peter Diamandis, CEO of the X Prize Foundation on the film The Transcendent Man. “As we merge with machines, and I think that is inevitable that we will, we will transform into something new.” This is a key point, because that new thing we will all be transformed into will not be human anymore. It will be a brain inside a case to which programs and commands will be fed to carry out what its intellectual owners want it to do.

What transhumanists don’t seem to understand, or at least do not want to recognize publicly, is that being human is not only about thinking or reasoning; that is only one part of it. That is why putting our brains in metal cases where their are directed by software cannot be called evolution. The androids that will carry those human brains will not be able to think for themselves or have free will, which is indeed the things that make us all humans.

In their video 2045: A New Era of Humanity, the transhumanists label humans as lazy, conformist and incapable of affecting change. “Humanity does not have a master plan of its development. It seeks stability, it lives in the present and does not plan. It preserves the status quo and  tries to escape development. It does not tend to map the future centuries and take responsibility for evolution.” In a consumerist society culture there is no room for any of that. Fortunately, humanity is not completely doomed, because the Russia GF 2045 movement has taken the lead when it comes to engineering tomorrow’s reality. “We intend to create a new vector for civilization,” they brag while calling for a new everlasting spiritual paradigm which they believe will save us from any future state of conflict.

Next, they make use of a well-known tactic of the social engineers, which is to make people feel included and to tell them how their contribution will shape the destiny of humankind. This same technique is used by the fake environmental movement and the United Nations that created social and political fora in order to attract people who are usually lost in the limbo of disinformation and propaganda sustained by the corporate media and the entertainment industry. Under this new paradigm, the transhumanists say, “we’ll get away from the murder of nature and physical death.”

Now, in 2012, they’ve begun establishing themselves as the only possible solution to all problems faced by humankind. From 2012 – 2013, they predict, the global unrest caused by the current financial meltdown will increase the public debate about the future of human development. Actually, many of us had already predicted that outcome. So nothing new here. What is new is how they intend to use the search for a solution to present themselves as the differential that will transform it all for the best. They predict that new transhumanist movements and parties will emerge out of the chaos, and that those movements will help carry out the post-human agenda around the world. The way to maintain all those transhumanists together is by way of the platform, which they advertise as the instrument to present ideas and innovative initiatives. There, people can vote and provide input on the best model of what they call an avatar, which in essence is the hybrid form of the first non human being.

The GF 2045 platform is supposed to be an outlet where scientists, academics, financiers and managers can get together with humans whose ideas may be used in the transformation of our natural world into a synthetic one, where nano robots will be in charge of keeping everything working to perfection.

The years of 2013 to 2014 will see the rise of the human spare parts industry, where science will finally figure out a way to use advanced robotic parts to fit into human bodies whenever they need to replace a leg, an arm, fingers or feet. Have you seen this scenario in Fringe; the propaganda show which presents one of the main characters, Nina Sharp, using a robotic arm and hand? It looks very convenient. “The race to immortality starts,” says their video. By 2014, the envision the creation of robotic human copies, a new kind of hybrid human. This new class will turn into servants. They also talk about flying cars, brain implants to help humans control machines with their own minds.

A big jump, say transhumanists, will occur by 2025, when artificial intelligence will support brain activity. Human brains will then be transplanted to the bodies of hybrids, which will provide a whole new set of sense driven experiences. By 2030, transhumanists intend to have completed the reverse engineering of the human brain, although to many that outcome is closer from happening. This will help transhumanists understand the meaning of “consciousness” and to apply in later phases of their plan. By 2035, those who seek immortality plan to have nano robots that can take any form they want. These nano robots will also exist in forms like holograms.

The years of 2040-2045 will bring the beginning of the end for the authentic human race, which by 2050 will have been submitted to a new social structure where science and technology will control all aspects of life.  In the spiritual side of things, the new age religion will have substituted all other religions in what the United Nations has dubbed the end of war and the start of “spiritual self-improvement”. In their own words, 2050 will bring drastic changes in our social structure. “A new era dawns, the era of neo humanity”

According to Alan Watt, this concept of neo-humanity is nothing more than neo-eugenics and a part of the war against humanity. As explained on one of his numerous interviews “culture is created from the top down and used by the elite to manipulate and pervert natural human instincts towards their own ends. Every change in culture, right down to fashion and music, had to be authorized and promoted from the top. This science of mass mind control is still taught today by the insiders and mediums such as television are used as weapons of social control to prevent humanity from ever realizing its full potential.”

Watt has for a long time studied how the technocrats planned what they wanted to do with humanity for periods of hundreds of years at the time, and how they would implement such agendas. According to Watt, each and every cultural change was carefully put in place and imposed through a very effective cultural bombardment before the arrival of every cycle of planetary eugenics. Well, the people who are at the head of those plans are also behind the transhumanism movement. If you are a supporter of transhumanism and do not believe your leaders could be capable of taking advantage of yourself again, look back at history and you’ll realize that this is not only true, but that the description herein falls short to what their plans actually intend to achieve.

Examples of what you’ll find is evidence of how sperm counts have dropped up to 80 per cent over the past 50 years, and not by chance. Perhaps that won’t be bad enough for some people, so maybe they’ll be interested to know how Bisphenol A in plastics and cosmetic products contribute to the intoxication of our bodies. The transhumanist agenda is just part of the master plan which has been public for decades and centuries in globalist papers and writings created by people like Bertrand Russell and the Aldus Huxley’s Brave New World. Those were not fiction books, but blueprints for the future of humanity.

We are far from the days when the elite wanted that every human behaved as a slave or a servant and into an overdrive mode where they will simply control each and everyone who willingly accepts their trendiest solution to adopt a mechanical body for the sake of immortality. The heads of the transhumanist movement understand very well that in order for their bosses to achieve their ultimate goal of total control, they’ll need voluntaries, not violent opposition to their plans, and the best way to recruit millions of volunteers is by offering what every human being dreams about: a free and easy path to illumination. They will not get to that state of course. Instead, every human that enters that new era of neo-humanity will simply become a servant who will accept his or her slavery as the natural form of existence.

We can’t take them seriously because of the insanity of their suggestion — to impose transhumanism on everyone — but we can’t dismiss them either because they are dead serious about it.

DNA Evolution Consciousness Shift

by Sol Luckman

Are you aware that a Shift in human consciousness is occurring even as you read these words that employs celestial triggers such as supernovas and Earth’s alignment with Galactic Center in the years leading up to 2012 to trigger the evolution of our species?

This Shift has been documented in a stimulating multimedia presentation entitled “Preparing for the Shift,” by Barry and Janae Weinhold, Ph.D.s. Over decades devoted to the study of consciousness and evolution, the Weinholds, both trained psychologists, have gathered overwhelming evidence that humanity is in the middle of a long-awaited Shift in consciousness predicted in hundreds of indigenous cultures worldwide.

Today this Shift is visible nearly every time you open a newspaper or turn on the TV. It can be seen in the breakdown of many old structures such as those that underpin governments, churches and corporations, as well as in families and individuals. It is also evident in the ecological breakdown of numerous Earth systems, a widespread perception time is accelerating, drastic changes in weather patterns, more people feeling overwhelmed by modern life’s complexity, and increased polarization between groups, religions, and regions.

Fortunately, along with signs of breakdown, the Weinholds emphasize there is also considerable evidence of breakthrough: the appearance of stunningly gifted children in unprecedented numbers, the emergence of innovative and integrated healing modalities, people becoming less “religious” and more “spiritual,” and the dawning of new communities and social structures based on servant leadership and other partnership principles.

The significance of the winter solstice on December 21, 2012, according to the Mayan, Aztec, Incan and Hopi traditions, is that this date marks the close of several cycles of time. The first is the end of the 26,000-year Mayan calendar, also called a “precession” and the Annus Magnus (“Great Year”), considered by many a gestational or birth cycle for Earth.

Mayan timekeepers believe that human evolution unfolds as a result of such precisely calibrated master cycles of time. They predict that Earth and humanity are about to be birthed into a new reality based on unity predicated on a dramatic advance in consciousness.

From a Mayan perspective, the Weinholds ask, “What began 26,000 years ago?” Their extensive psychohistorical research indicates this marked the beginning of humanity’s psychological individuation. In human terms, becoming “individuated” means moving from being unconsciously united with the Creator or Ground of Being, to choosing to become divided from the Creator and developing separate individual consciousness, to finally returning to the Creator as conscious, aware individuals.

Once people fully individuate, it becomes possible for them to make empowered, discerning choices and use intention to co-create reality with Source–or perhaps more accurately, to create reality as Source.

The second cycle of time ending in 2012 highlighted in “Preparing for the Shift” is the close of the Galactic Year. It takes 225 million Earth years for the Milky Way Galaxy to make one complete rotation in the sky, which is believed to be a birth cycle for our galaxy. From a galactic perspective, the Weinholds ask, “What was conceived on Earth 225 million years ago?”

They point out this was when Earth’s landmass, Pangaea, began separating into what we now know as the seven continents. This process of planetary individuation not only correlates with continental drift theory; my research indicates there is also an energetic correspondence between Earth’s twelve tectonic plates responsible for continental drift and the twelve pairs of cranial nerves in the human brain, which are themselves linked to the biblical Twelve Tribes.

Considered together, this evidence suggests that Earth, like humans, has undergone her own “separating out” or individuation. Based on such interconnectedness, it is also reasonable to expect that as human consciousness exponentially increases, Earth will also undergo a significant–and observable–transformation.

Astronomers studying Galactic Center report that it periodically becomes extremely active. During these episodes, it spews out fierce barrages of cosmic energy equal to thousands of supernova explosions. These outbursts are the most energetic phenomenon in the known universe.

A growing number of researchers such as Sergey Smelyakov, author of a fascinating paper entitled “The Auric Time Scale and the Mayan Factor,” in addition to many indigenous peoples worldwide, theorize that as Galactic Center becomes more energized, it catalyzes human evolution through frequency emissions in the form of higher-dimensional “torsion” waves transmitted to Earth via the sun.

A comprehensive scientific model for the “Energetic Engine of Evolution” has been proposed by David Wilcock, a highly gifted psychic and speculative scientist whose theory of “Evolution as ‘Intelligent Design’” deserves summarizing. Citing the work of a vanguard of researchers, Wilcock presents a model that unites many disciplines and provides several critical missing pieces to the evolutionary puzzle.

In his own words, this provocative model “suggests that humanity is on the verge of a near-spontaneous metamorphosis into a more highly evolved state of consciousness.”

Basing his analysis on the realization, embraced by more and more of today’s scientists, that Darwinian evolutionary theory is “extinct,” Wilcock observes that the “probabilities that DNA could evolve by ‘random mutation’ are so minute as to be utterly laughable–akin to the idea that if you have enough monkeys tapping away on typewriters, one of them will eventually produce a complete Shakespearean play.”

Far surpassing the reach of gradual, incremental evolution, which certainly occurs as environmental adaptation, the fossil record from all over the planet makes it abundantly clear that species regularly evolve in heretofore inexplicable leaps and bounds, skipping what would seem from a Darwinian perspective to be crucial evolutionary phases. At the top of a long list of species whose evolution has baffled science is the human species.

Although for more than a century a “missing link” has been assumed to exist based on largely unchallenged Darwinian presumptions, scientists have never managed to discover it. “When we consider that the size of the brain literally doubled between that of humanity’s apparent ancestors and ourselves, with no evidence of a smooth transformation whatsoever,” writes David Wilcock, “once again we see a spontaneous evolution of the creatures on Earth.”

One scientist associated with National Geographic, studying the intricate bone carvings dating to 70,000 B.C.E. found at Blombos Cave in South Africa, concluded that behavioral evolution mirrors anatomical development–an important observation meaning, in David Wilcock’s words, that “spontaneous evolution is not simply physiological, but consciousness-related as well. When a new bodily form has emerged, consciousness changes appear to occur.”

Moreover, as indicated by the Mayan calendar, rather than in fits and starts, such evolutionary fast-forwards of physiology and consciousness happen in organized,predictable cycles. Theorizing a “harmonic relationship” between the 26,000-year Mayan calendar and 26-million-year period between extinctions and evolutionary leaps in the fossil record, Wilcock notes that all Earth species have suddenly evolved, or metamorphosed, every 26 million years, making a strong case for “an outside energetic influence that operates in a regular, cyclic fashion.”

To answer the question what outside energetic influence is responsible for these rhythmic evolutionary revolutions, it is necessary to factor in the concept of torsion energy or universal creative consciousness. Some writers, most notably Barbara Hand Clow, have focused attention on something called the Photon Belt or Photon Band, which can be envisioned as a torsion-wave “light lattice” connecting Earth via our sun to the Galactic Center that serves as a guiding data communication network for human and planetary evolution.

While some astronomers have scoffed at the notion of a Photon Band, other scientists who grasp the higher-dimensional nature of this network’s light understand that it not only exists but plays a critical role in cosmic evolution. Wilcock’s research indicates that something very much like a Photon Band most definitely exists as lines of higher-dimensional torsion radiation emanating from the Galactic Center.

Both Wilcock and Clow envision the Photon Band as tracing figure-eights throughout the spiraling pattern of the Milky Way Galaxy (see figure below). It appears from Dr. Nikolai Kozyrev’s research involving aether that such looping “zero point” or torsion energy based on the phi ratio (1.6180339) is, among other things, directly responsible for our cyclical experience of time.

Recalling the aether theories of Kozyrev, fellow Russian scientist Sergey Smelyakov’s research demonstrates that the harmonic vibrations of phi, also referred to as the Golden Mean and Fibonacci sequence, inform the very fabric of space-time. Mathematically, the Photon Band appears to be structured on phi, producing set cosmic intervals the Mayans were aware of when constructing their uncannily accurate calendar. Smelyakov’s “The Auric Time Scale and the Mayan Factor” compellingly suggests that Earth connects to Galactic Center via our solar system in a harmonic fashion he calls “Solar-planetary Synchronism,” a vibratory relationship based on the Golden Mean.

In an article entitled “The Ultimate Secret of the Mayan Calendar,” Wilcock cites Smelyakov’s research, writing that it helps explain the end of the Mayan calendar in geometric terms as an “infinitely-converging end point” in which time appears to “collapse.” This is because time as we experience it follows the imploding spirals of phi much like a finger tracing the cyclical involutions of a conch shell to its centerpoint. History, then, does not exactly repeat itself; it is more like climbing a spiral staircase.

Torsion energy spiraling as the Photon Band from the creative consciousness at the Core of our universe is Wilcock’s “Energetic Engine of Evolution.” Because of its curvilinear form, the Photon Band is composed of swaths of lesser and greater density of torsion waves manifesting as higher-dimensional light. As our solar system orbits episodically into galactic regions characterized by greater density of torsion waves (i.e., greater light or consciousness), which it is currently doing, life on our planet, including the living organism that is Earth, is intelligently stimulated to evolve in spectacular ways not only physically but also mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

“By combining the effects of geo-cosmic change with the overall flourishing of humanity in the cultural and spiritual sense,” observes Wilcock, “we see that as the cycle continues to exponentially accelerate its energetic rate of vibration into the 2012-2013 ‘singularity,’ we can expect … rapid increases in human awareness.” This centripetal cycle leads inexorably to a “discontinuous mega-event where ‘time and space collapse.’” Perhaps this transformation of our experience of time and space is the truth behind the disjointed description of the “end of days” in the Book of Revelation.

In humans, evolutionary activation occurs as torsion waves stimulate transposons or “jumping DNA” to rewrite the genetic code–a phenomenon supported by a considerable amount of scientific evidence. Bruce Lipton’s research unambiguously affirms that cells possess the ability to reprogram their own DNA, with measurable physical results such as otherwise inexplicable dietary modifications in organisms, when environmentally prompted. Dr. Lipton hypothesizes that such rewriting, which is typically beneficial, accounts for up to ninety-eight percent of evolutionary transformation.

Similarly, in a concise but excellent study entitled “Retrotransposons as Engines of Human Bodily Transformation,” biochemist Colm Kelleher addresses the subject of radical genetic adaptation or evolution as a result of what he terms a “transposition burst.” “If one were to hypothesize a transmutation of the human body,” writes Dr. Kelleher, it would be necessary to orchestrate a change, cell by cell, involving the simultaneous silencing of hundreds of genes and the activation of a different set of hundreds more.

A transposition burst is a plausible mechanism at the DNA/RNA level that could accomplish such a genome wide change. Transposition bursts comprise the concerted movement of multiple mobile DNA elements from different genetic locations to new positions, sometimes on different chromosomes … Human DNA contains an abundance of the necessary genetic structures to accomplish a transposition burst involving hundreds, or even thousands, of genes.

Referencing a particular DNA sequence containing three different transposon families arranged in beadlike formation, Kelleher theorizes that owing to its tripartite configuration, this DNA sequence would be “an effective participant in large scale transposon mediated genetic change that eventually results in transformation of the human body.”

Perhaps the most undeniable evidence supporting the concept of a torsion life-wave or Photon Band of universal creative consciousness energetically directing the spontaneous formation and development of Earth species comes from Tim Harwood, who calls attention to one of nature’s more miraculous phenomena. After caterpillars form their chrysalis during metamorphosis, it is a little-known but very relevant fact that they completely dissolve into a soup of amino acids before reassembling into butterflies.

This soup contains no recognizable cells or DNA as it is currently understood, but when the time is right, the torsion life-wave signals the DNA to recombine and, within a matter of days, cells emerge to create new life-forms.

Wilcock concludes that the human species, somewhat like caterpillars entering metamorphosis, is currently “being programmed by the galactic center to become more advanced while … still here in our bodies.” This is made possible because the DNA molecule is like a programmable piece of hardware … so that if you change the energy wave that moves through it, the jumping DNA will encode it into a completely different form.

It is therefore possible that as we move into increasingly “intelligent” zones of energy in the galaxy, the DNA energy patterns for the creatures on the planet are all upgraded, and the mutations occur so rapidly–well within one lifetime–that no “transitional” fossils exist.

Earth’s movement through a denser area of the Photon Band directly aligned with Galactic Center began around the time of the so-called Harmonic Convergence in 1987, will enter into a historical astronomical alignment around 2012, and will be complete (from our present linear perspective) by about 2016.

Over the course of the past two decades, as Wilcock and the Weinholds point out, major Earth, planetary and solar changes–from unprecedented alterations in planetary atmospheres to drastic surges in volcanic and earthquake activity–have been observed. Arguably of greatest significance from our perspective is that the sun is now moving into alignment with Galactic Center.

During this transit the sun’s magnetic field has increased over 230% and there have been wildly elevated levels of sunspot activity (as reported by NASA and other space agencies) that have transmitted record-breaking waves of electromagnetic (to say nothing of torsion) energy to Earth and, thus, to us.

It is worth noting we are composed of the same substances found in the heavens, so it really is not so odd that celestial events should profoundly impact us. Harvard professor of astronomy Robert Kirshner has remarked that “supernovas created the elements we take for granted–the oxygen we breathe, the calcium in our bones, and the iron in our blood are products of the stars.” Other researchers, observing that most of DNA’s amino acids are also found in space, have hypothesized that DNA actually came from space–an increasingly popular theory known as “Panspermia.”

Fascinatingly, Fritz Albert Popp’s research in biophotons describes the dying process of cells as virtually identical to that of stars. Just before dying, cells transform into “supernovas” as the light they emit increases in intensity a thousand times before being suddenly extinguished. On a related note, and just as extraordinarily, Galactic Center, our point of origin, is located in the constellation Ophiuchus, “the serpent bearer,” an obvious reference to the spiraling, serpentine helixes of DNA.

Here, in ancient symbolism, we find a direct link between the creational torsion waves emitted by Galactic Center and the DNA molecule to which, by all indications, they give rise.

The Vedics were well aware of such an “ener-genetic” connection between Galactic Center and DNA as well as of the many cycles of time ending around 2012, employing the term somvarta to describe the intelligent waves of Core energy responsible for the spontaneous evolution of species. Another ancient concept, the Golden Mean, precisely defines the mathematical relationship between “above” and “below.”

The DNA molecule is minutely structured on phi or the Golden Mean, measuring 34 x 21 angstroms for each full helical spiral. Concordantly, the average mean orbit of each of the planets moving away from the sun is also a Fibonacci sequence that translates to almost exactly 1.6180339.

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