Transhumanists Vow to Destroy our Spirit and Nature

Futurists call merger of humans with androids Evolution


Humanity has come to a halt, we are all doomed unless we adopt a new way of living and a new way of being. The world is rapidly racing towards a black hole where nothing is known, and where everything we as humans have achieved may be lost, unless we do what they want. For them, civilization is like an uncaptained ship that is now sailing in rough seas without any control whatsoever. The time humanity has to make the right turn is shorter and shorter. Humanity, they say, has brought itself to a dead-end that will lead us all to a new dark age.

Does this seem like a perfect plot for a doomsday movie or what? Well, it’s not. This is the vision held by the people who believe that humanity, despite all of its achievements, is like a giant mammoth that has slowed itself down because of its incapacity to see further than its nose. This humanity that traveled into space and is ready to reach for the stars is destined to suffer much affliction and degradation, they say. According to their plans, which we all need to follow to come out of the black hole we are in now, it is necessary to create a whole new kind of man. This new kind of human will also need new paradigms, says their propaganda. It will require the deepest social transformation, and they want to recruit the supposed world leaders to ‘encourage’ everyone to accept this new social contract.

How will they achieve this dream? By implementing a carefully calculated technological revolution, an experiment where we humans are the lab rats they will use to test their so-called advancements. They want to become the ship’s captain. “To focus of the technologies of the future… nanotechnology, biotechnology, information technology, cognitive technology, genetics and robotics.” It is through the use of these branches of science and their applications that they intend to impose, not to offer as an alternative, the complete modification of the environment were all live in and the way a human looks and feels. Yes, it has already begun.

The official launch of the Global Future 2045 movement seems to have been founded in 2011, and it held its first global meeting in March of 2012, when they revealed their vision and plans for the next 30 years. It is interesting to see how they connect the need to abandon all current understanding about everything because of the growing awakening humanity is in, which seeks to challenge a centuries old system of government which has always worked for the social engineers and never for the governed. It is now that humans opened their eyes to what has been going on for hundreds of years that the globalists behind the GF 2045 movement come to us all with a conciliatory manner. This is no doubt an attempt to calm down the roaring lion that has awakened after a long period if hibernation. Now that humanity seems to be getting off their knees, the controllers want to offer us a new way of being slaves to a new global system.

The implementation of nanotechnology, biotechnology, information technology, cognitive technology, genetics and robotics will no doubt help humanity progress into the future, the question is, in what forms? and, will it be for the best? The idea that world leaders have been already recruited to carry out the transhumanist agenda to their fellow citizens is a worrying start. When have world leaders actually worked for the betterment of their constituents? For those who shelter their hopes in the men of science, let me remind you that men of science have always worked with world leaders to carry out some of the most outrageous abuses against humankind. So neither our world leaders nor our men of science have the integrity to carry out their work, but according to the transhumanists, it is great that both groups are in a position of power when it comes to bringing about what they say is limitless human evolution.

The creation of new materials, starting at the nano scale, improvements in transportation, studying the power of the human brain, creating and using artificial intelligence, and other great promises made by the transhumnists are nothing new for the people who are mildly informed about the what happens in the real world. Perhaps the pinnacle of the transhumanists is their desire to be immortal, and then to achieve perfection, and that what the ultimate goal of their propaganda seems to suggest. The endgame for them is to be able to transplant a human brain into an android which will give it optimum conditions to operate. Later, this will permit the half humans to transfer their consciousness into a hard drive, which according to the GF 2045 will allow for new and never before seen cognitive experiences and feelings.

Before continuing, let’s be clear about something that is very important. Humanity has not been able to take off into the stars because there are a handful of social engineers, many of whom probably are behind the GF 2045 movement, who have posed limits to what humans can do, by keeping new technologies from seeing the light of day and hoarding the benefits of such technologies for themselves. Are we supposed to believe that those social engineers are now ready to share their wealth of knowledge with the rest of humanity so that we can all experience the reality of what technology can actually provide us? You be the judge.

The transhumanists led by people like Ray Kurzweil want people to become more manageable, to function in a realm where they can all be completely controlled, where we will be intellectual property. This is a point that those who send hate mail calling the refusal to accept transhumanism an attempt to keep us all in the dark ages or obscurantism. In their pursue of immortality, transhumanists want humans to transfer their existence into a metallic box that will be their home for the rest of their existence. That is the vision of living they have for the future. They believe that by transferring their consciousness to a machine — if that is even possible in the time frame they envision it — will help them defeat the the tyranny of nature and the imperfection and affliction of their human spirit. It doesn’t matter how outrageous this sounds, or if you don’t believe it or find it too far fetched; the transhumanists believe it is possible and they want us all to be part of this system for the same reason that the social engineers have always cited when trying to impose a new paradigm: the collective welfare.

The implications of letting transhumanists manage the ship of humanity are greater than we could ever imagine. They talk about a new civilization paradigm which includes vast changes in philosophy, ideological affiliation, new ethics, new culture and a new psychology. The consequence of such drastic changes will be the emergence of a new reality and a new man that will arise to conquer the solar system and the infinite space. But for those of us who do not jump on the bandwagon, this new system doesn’t have any democratic alternative, to use a well know term. “It is not a matter of whether it will happen, because it will happen, and those who do not accept it will be left behind and will ultimately die off,” says Peter Diamandis, CEO of the X Prize Foundation on the film The Transcendent Man. “As we merge with machines, and I think that is inevitable that we will, we will transform into something new.” This is a key point, because that new thing we will all be transformed into will not be human anymore. It will be a brain inside a case to which programs and commands will be fed to carry out what its intellectual owners want it to do.

What transhumanists don’t seem to understand, or at least do not want to recognize publicly, is that being human is not only about thinking or reasoning; that is only one part of it. That is why putting our brains in metal cases where their are directed by software cannot be called evolution. The androids that will carry those human brains will not be able to think for themselves or have free will, which is indeed the things that make us all humans.

In their video 2045: A New Era of Humanity, the transhumanists label humans as lazy, conformist and incapable of affecting change. “Humanity does not have a master plan of its development. It seeks stability, it lives in the present and does not plan. It preserves the status quo and  tries to escape development. It does not tend to map the future centuries and take responsibility for evolution.” In a consumerist society culture there is no room for any of that. Fortunately, humanity is not completely doomed, because the Russia GF 2045 movement has taken the lead when it comes to engineering tomorrow’s reality. “We intend to create a new vector for civilization,” they brag while calling for a new everlasting spiritual paradigm which they believe will save us from any future state of conflict.

Next, they make use of a well-known tactic of the social engineers, which is to make people feel included and to tell them how their contribution will shape the destiny of humankind. This same technique is used by the fake environmental movement and the United Nations that created social and political fora in order to attract people who are usually lost in the limbo of disinformation and propaganda sustained by the corporate media and the entertainment industry. Under this new paradigm, the transhumanists say, “we’ll get away from the murder of nature and physical death.”

Now, in 2012, they’ve begun establishing themselves as the only possible solution to all problems faced by humankind. From 2012 – 2013, they predict, the global unrest caused by the current financial meltdown will increase the public debate about the future of human development. Actually, many of us had already predicted that outcome. So nothing new here. What is new is how they intend to use the search for a solution to present themselves as the differential that will transform it all for the best. They predict that new transhumanist movements and parties will emerge out of the chaos, and that those movements will help carry out the post-human agenda around the world. The way to maintain all those transhumanists together is by way of the platform, which they advertise as the instrument to present ideas and innovative initiatives. There, people can vote and provide input on the best model of what they call an avatar, which in essence is the hybrid form of the first non human being.

The GF 2045 platform is supposed to be an outlet where scientists, academics, financiers and managers can get together with humans whose ideas may be used in the transformation of our natural world into a synthetic one, where nano robots will be in charge of keeping everything working to perfection.

The years of 2013 to 2014 will see the rise of the human spare parts industry, where science will finally figure out a way to use advanced robotic parts to fit into human bodies whenever they need to replace a leg, an arm, fingers or feet. Have you seen this scenario in Fringe; the propaganda show which presents one of the main characters, Nina Sharp, using a robotic arm and hand? It looks very convenient. “The race to immortality starts,” says their video. By 2014, the envision the creation of robotic human copies, a new kind of hybrid human. This new class will turn into servants. They also talk about flying cars, brain implants to help humans control machines with their own minds.

A big jump, say transhumanists, will occur by 2025, when artificial intelligence will support brain activity. Human brains will then be transplanted to the bodies of hybrids, which will provide a whole new set of sense driven experiences. By 2030, transhumanists intend to have completed the reverse engineering of the human brain, although to many that outcome is closer from happening. This will help transhumanists understand the meaning of “consciousness” and to apply in later phases of their plan. By 2035, those who seek immortality plan to have nano robots that can take any form they want. These nano robots will also exist in forms like holograms.

The years of 2040-2045 will bring the beginning of the end for the authentic human race, which by 2050 will have been submitted to a new social structure where science and technology will control all aspects of life.  In the spiritual side of things, the new age religion will have substituted all other religions in what the United Nations has dubbed the end of war and the start of “spiritual self-improvement”. In their own words, 2050 will bring drastic changes in our social structure. “A new era dawns, the era of neo humanity”

According to Alan Watt, this concept of neo-humanity is nothing more than neo-eugenics and a part of the war against humanity. As explained on one of his numerous interviews “culture is created from the top down and used by the elite to manipulate and pervert natural human instincts towards their own ends. Every change in culture, right down to fashion and music, had to be authorized and promoted from the top. This science of mass mind control is still taught today by the insiders and mediums such as television are used as weapons of social control to prevent humanity from ever realizing its full potential.”

Watt has for a long time studied how the technocrats planned what they wanted to do with humanity for periods of hundreds of years at the time, and how they would implement such agendas. According to Watt, each and every cultural change was carefully put in place and imposed through a very effective cultural bombardment before the arrival of every cycle of planetary eugenics. Well, the people who are at the head of those plans are also behind the transhumanism movement. If you are a supporter of transhumanism and do not believe your leaders could be capable of taking advantage of yourself again, look back at history and you’ll realize that this is not only true, but that the description herein falls short to what their plans actually intend to achieve.

Examples of what you’ll find is evidence of how sperm counts have dropped up to 80 per cent over the past 50 years, and not by chance. Perhaps that won’t be bad enough for some people, so maybe they’ll be interested to know how Bisphenol A in plastics and cosmetic products contribute to the intoxication of our bodies. The transhumanist agenda is just part of the master plan which has been public for decades and centuries in globalist papers and writings created by people like Bertrand Russell and the Aldus Huxley’s Brave New World. Those were not fiction books, but blueprints for the future of humanity.

We are far from the days when the elite wanted that every human behaved as a slave or a servant and into an overdrive mode where they will simply control each and everyone who willingly accepts their trendiest solution to adopt a mechanical body for the sake of immortality. The heads of the transhumanist movement understand very well that in order for their bosses to achieve their ultimate goal of total control, they’ll need voluntaries, not violent opposition to their plans, and the best way to recruit millions of volunteers is by offering what every human being dreams about: a free and easy path to illumination. They will not get to that state of course. Instead, every human that enters that new era of neo-humanity will simply become a servant who will accept his or her slavery as the natural form of existence.

We can’t take them seriously because of the insanity of their suggestion — to impose transhumanism on everyone — but we can’t dismiss them either because they are dead serious about it.

Michael Douglas chooses Toxic Chemotherapy

Going by its deadly, inhumane effects, the treatment composed of radiation and pharmaceuticals should be called killotherapy

Natural News

One by one, celebrities with cancer are killed off by the cancer industry and its extremely toxic (even inhumane) treatments of chemotherapy and radiation. The next potential victim is actor Michael Douglas, who recently revealed he is suffering from stage 4 throat cancer. While Douglas has the courage to admit his cancer was likely caused by his “smoking and drinking,” he hasn’t yet found the courage to question the toxicity of conventional cancer treatments. So he’s undergoing several weeks of chemotherapy and radiation “treatments” (if you can call them that).

According to his doctor, Douglas will undergo eight weeks of radiation combined with two rounds of chemotherapy. “Together, it has proven to give a good chance for a cure for the disease,” says Dr Kevin Cullen, director of the University of Maryland Greenebaum Cancer Center. Apparently Dr Cullen is unaware that chemotherapy and radiation never “cure” cancer — they only temporarily shrink tumors while increasing the risk of cancer throughout the body.

One of the most prominent side effects of chemotherapy is, in fact, cancer! The same is true for radiation. These are both cancer-causing interventions in human biology. Instead of boosting immune function, they compromise it. And while they may temporarily shrink cancer tumors, recent research reveals that they don’t eliminate cancer tumor stem cells that can easily re-grow the tumor once the treatments are finished.

That’s why so many cancer tumors grow back after chemotherapy and radiation — the tumor still exists! Merely shrinking it is not an accurate gauge of any real reduction in the risk of the tumor growing back.

The only sure way to stop a cancer tumor from growing back is to change its environment by altering your exercise, diet and intake of anti-cancer foods, superfoods and medicinal herbs. By flooding your body’s cells with anti-cancer nutrients such as vitamin D, selenium, vitamin C and plant-based nutrients, your risk of growing cancer tumors is greatly decreased (by as much as 77% from vitamin D alone, according to the scientific research). (

Chemo is the wrong choice

Celebrities who choose chemotherapy and radiation are usually the ones quick to die from their cancers. Patrick Swayze died after receiving chemotherapy for pancreatic cancer (…); Farrah Fawcett died after chemotherapy for anal cancer (…); Peter Jennings died after chemotherapy treatments for lung cancer; Tony Snow died after chemotherapy treatments for colon cancer (…).

But celebrities who choose a healthier, more holistic treatment plan seem to do much better. Perhaps most famously, Suzanne Somers overcame her own breast cancer by turning to natural remedies and a holistic lifestyle (…).

Sadly, Michael Douglas appears to be following in the footsteps of Patrick Swayze rather than Suzanne Somers. This is sad because Douglas is a phenomenal film actor and we’d all like to have him around for a few more decades so he can continue to contribute to his art. While chemotherapy isn’t guaranteed to take his life, it sets in motion an accelerated biological decline caused by the undeniable toxicity of chemo (not to mention the radiation).

Following these treatments, we are likely to see Michael Douglas age more quickly, suffer impaired cognitive function, show worsening skin health and experience increased fatigue. These are all things that may prevent him from pursuing his work, thereby denying us the joy of seeing him appear in more films.

What cancer docs won’t tell you

While it’s true that radiation and chemotherapy can shrink throat cancer tumors, that alone isn’t enough to restore a person to true health. Following any such cancer treatments, patient should be strongly encouraged to get more vitamin D, consume anti-cancer nutrients and even take nutritional supplements that can boost their immune function.

Sadly, oncologists are currently telling their patients none of these things. In fact, many cancer doctors insist that their patients avoid taking antioxidants, medicinal mushrooms or any source of antioxidants, claiming they might “interfere” with the chemotherapy.

In this way, oncologists doom their patients to pain, suffering and often death. That’s why chemotherapy is often called “physician-assisted suicide.” It’s a way to kill yourself while enriching the drug companies that manufacture chemotherapy agents.

What is chemotherapy?

Chemotherapy agents are derived from highly toxic mustard gas chemicals used as chemical weapons in World War I (…).

They are so toxic that pharmacists are getting cancer just from handling them.

The No. 1 side effect of chemotherapy is cancer. But it also causes “chemo brain” (the destruction of brain cells) and damages the liver and kidneys.

In choosing chemotherapy and radiation, Michael Douglas has bet his life on the illusion that conventional medicine is telling the truth about cancer. But the industry is actually lying to us all. Cancer is a multi-billion-dollar industry that preys upon the nutritional ignorance of the public while turning human beings into profit machines by promising them “treatments” that only worsen their health.

And sadly, Michael Douglas is the latest victim to be targeted for cancer industry profits.

Pharmacists getting Cancer from dispensing Chemotherapy Chemicals

Natural News

One of the side effects of chemotherapy is, ironically, cancer. The cancer doctors don’t say much about it, but it’s printed right on the chemo drug warning labels (in small print, of course). If you go into a cancer treatment clinic with one type of cancer, and you allow yourself to be injected with chemotherapy chemicals, you will often develop a second type of cancer as a result. Your oncologist will often claim to have successfully treated your first cancer even while you develop a second or third cancer directly caused by the chemo used to treat the original cancer.

There’s nothing like cancer-causing chemotherapy to boost repeat business, huh?

During all this, the pharmacists are peddling these toxic chemotherapy chemicals to their customers as if they were medicine (which they aren’t). While preparing these toxic chemical prescriptions, it turns out that pharmacists are exposing themselves to cancer-causing chemotherapy agents in the process. And because of that, pharmacists are giving themselves cancer… and they’re dying from it.

Why pharmacists are dying of cancer?

People who live in glass houses should never throw stones, they say. And you might similarly say that pharmacists who deal in poison shouldn’t be surprised to one day discover they are killing themselves with it.

Chemotherapy drugs are extremely toxic to the human body, and they are readily absorbed through the skin. The very idea that they are even used in modern medicine is almost laughable if it weren’t so downright disturbing and sad that hundreds of thousands of people are killed each year around the world by chemotherapy drugs.

Now you can add pharmacists to that statistic. For decades, they simply looked the other way, pretending they were playing a valuable role in our system of “modern” medicine, not admitting they were actually doling out chemicals that killed people. Now, the sobering truth has struck them hard: They are in the business of death, and it is killing them off, one by one.

The Seattle Times now reports the story of Sue Crump, a veteran pharmacist of two decades who spent much of her time dispensing chemotherapy drugs. Sue died last September of pancreatic cancer, and one of her dying wishes was that the truth would be told about how her on-the-job exposure to chemotherapy chemicals contributed to her own cancer.

Second-hand chemo

The Occupational Safety and Health Association (OSHA), it turns out, does not regulate workplace exposure to toxic, cancer-causing chemotherapy chemicals. At first glance, that seems surprising, since OSHA regulates workplace exposure to far less harmful chemicals. Why not chemo?

The answer is because the toxicity of chemotherapy has long been ignored by virtually everyone in medicine and the federal government. It has always been assumed harmless or even “safe” just because it’s used as a kind of far-fetched “medicine” to treat cancer. This, despite the fact that chemotherapy is a derivative of the mustard gas used against enemy soldiers in World War I. Truthfully, chemotherapy has more in common with chemicals weapons than any legitimate medicine.

So today, while workers are protected from secondhand smoke in offices across the country, pharmacists are still being exposed every single day to toxic, cancer-causing chemicals that OSHA seems to just ignore. The agency has only issued one citation in the last decade to a hospital for inadequate safety handling of toxic chemotherapy drugs.

As the Seattle Times reports, “A just-completed study from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) — 10 years in the making and the largest to date — confirms that chemo continues to contaminate the work spaces where it’s used and in some cases is still being found in the urine of those who handle it…”

That same article goes on to report more pharmacists, veterinarians and nurses who are dead or dying from chemotherapy exposure:

• Bruce Harrison of St. Louis (cancer in his 50′s, now dead)
• Karen Lewis of Baltimore (cancer in her 50′s, still living)
• Brett Cordes of Scottsdale, Arizona (cancer at age 35, still living)
• Sally Giles of Vancouver, B.C. (cancer in her 40′s, now dead)

The great contradiction in cancer treatments

As the Seattle Times reports:

“Danish epidemiologists used cancer-registry data from the 1940s through the late 1980s to first report a significantly increased risk of leukemia among oncology nurses and, later, physicians. Last year, another Danish study of more than 92,000 nurses found an elevated risk for breast, thyroid, nervous-system and brain cancers.”

The story goes on to report how new safety rules are being put in place across the industry to protect pharmacists, veterinarians, nurses and doctors from toxic chemotherapy chemicals. But even the Seattle Times, which deserves credit for running this story, misses the bigger point:

If these chemicals are so dangerous to the doctors, nurses and pharmacists dispensing them, how can they be considered “safe enough” to inject into patients who are already dying from cancer?

It’s a serious question. After all, if nurses can become violently ill after merely spilling chemotherapy chemicals on themselves (it’s true), then what effect do you suppose these chemicals have when injected into patients?

The cancer industry, though, has never stopped injecting patients long enough to ask the commonsense question: Why are we in the business of dispensing poison in the first place? Poison, after all, isn’t medicine. Not when dispensed in its full potency, anyway.

The whole idea of “safety” in the cancer industry is to find new ways to protect the health care workers from the extremely dangerous chemicals they’re still injecting into the bodies of patients. Something is clearly wrong with this picture… if health care workers need to be protected from this stuff, why not protect the patients from it, too?

Nobody ever died from handling herbs

In contrast to all this, consider the truthful observation that no naturopath ever died from handling medicinal herb, homeopathy remedies or nutritional supplements. These natural therapies are good for patients, and as a bonus, you don’t have to wear a chemical suit to handle them.

Furthermore, medicinal herbs, supplements and natural remedies don’t cause cancer. They support and protect the immune system rather than destroying it. So they make patients healthier and more resilient rather than weaker and fragile.

But herbs, supplements and natural remedies don’t earn much money for the cancer industry. Only the highly-toxic patented chemotherapy drugs bring in the big bucks. So that’s what they deal in – poison for the patients. And when you deal in poison, some of it always splashes back onto you.

Chemotherapy doesn’t work

Beyond this whole issue of pharmacists and health care workers dying from exposure to secondhand chemotherapy, there’s the issue of whether chemotherapy actually works in the first place. Scientifically speaking, if you take a good, hard look at what the published studies actually say, chemotherapy is only effective at treating less than two percent of the cancers that exist. And that two percent does not include breast cancer or prostate cancer.

Yet chemotherapy is routinely used to “treat” breast cancer even though it offers no benefit to breast cancer patients. In effect, the cancer industry is engaged in a criminal treatment hoax that promises to make you healthier but actually gives you even more cancer — which is great for repeat business, but terrible for the cancer patients who suffer under it.

The level of quackery at work right now in the cancer industry is simply astonishing. You would think that if doctors and pharmacists were dishing out these chemicals to patients, they would make sure there was some sort of legitimate science to back them up. But they haven’t. The science doesn’t exist. Chemotherapy doesn’t work at anything other than causing cancer — and it accomplishes that indiscriminately, damaging any person it comes into contact with. Merely touching chemotherapy chemicals is dangerous for your health.

So if you’re considering chemotherapy for yourself, think about this long and hard: If chemotherapy is so dangerous that it’s giving the pharmacists cancer just from touching it, why on earth would you want to inject it into your body?

This is not an idle question. It is perhaps the most important question of all for someone considering conventional cancer treatment using chemotherapy. The question is essentially this: If chemotherapy causes cancer, how can it treat cancer?

Treating cancer with chemotherapy is like treating alcoholism with vodka. It’s like treating heart disease with cheese, or like treating diabetes with high-fructose corn syrup. Cancer cannot be cured by the very thing that causes it.

And to those who deal in poison, watch out for the cause-and-effect laws of biology. If you deal in chemotherapy chemicals, don’t be surprised if you get cancer one day. If you deal in chemical pesticides, don’t be surprised if you get Alzheimer’s. If you’re a dentist installing mercury fillings in the mouths of clients, don’t be surprised if one day you just go stark raving mad (because mercury causes insanity, and dentists breathe in mercury vapor thrown into the air from their drills).

If you work around chemicals, they will eventually impact your health, and never in a good way. There’s a karmic element in all this, too: If you spend your life dishing out chemotherapy drugs as a pharmacist, you have a lot to answer for. You have been an enabler of a very real chemical holocaust against the people. Don’t be surprised if that holocaust turns against you one day. Karma tends to work that way. Cause and effect is a universal law that cannot be escaped.

And if you’re a cancer patient, I urge you to think twice about the toxicity of anything you might allow in your body. If you are trying to HEAL your body, why would you allow yourself to be poisoned with a chemical that causes cancer?

Don’t let some cancer doctor talk you into chemotherapy using his fear tactics. They’re good at that. So next time he insists that you take some chemotherapy, ask him to drink some first. If your oncologist isn’t willing to drink chemotherapy in front of you to prove it’s safe, why on earth would you agree to have it injected in your body?

Mobile phones responsible for disappearance of honey bee

London Telegraph

Their disappearance has caused alarm throughout Europe and North America where campaigners have blamed agricultural pesticides, climate change and the advent of genetically modified crops for what is now known as ‘colony collapse disorder.’ Britain has seen a 15 per cent decline in its bee population in the last two years and shrinking numbers has led to a rise in thefts of hives.

Now researchers from Chandigarh’s Punjab University claim they have found the cause which could be the first step in reversing the decline: They have established that radiation from mobile telephones is a key factor in the phenomenon and say that it probably interfering with the bee’s navigation senses.

They set up a controlled experiment in Punjab earlier this year comparing the behaviour and productivity of bees in two hives – one fitted with two mobile telephones which were powered on for two fifteen minute sessions per day for three months. The other had dummy models installed.

After three months the researchers recorded a dramatic decline in the size of the hive fitted with the mobile phone, a significant reduction in the number of eggs laid by the queen bee. The bees also stopped producing honey.

The queen bee in the “mobile” hive produced fewer than half of those created by her counterpart in the normal hive.

They also found a dramatic decline in the number of worker bees returning to the hive after collecting pollen. Because of this the amount of nectar produced in the hive also shrank.

Ved Prakash Sharma and Neelima Kumar, the authors of the report in the journal Current Science, wrote: “Increase in the usage of electronic gadgets has led to electropollution of the environment. Honeybee behaviour and biology has been affected by electrosmog since these insects have magnetite in their bodies which helps them in navigation.

“There are reports of sudden disappearance of bee populations from honeybee colonies. The reason is still not clear. We have compared the performance of honeybees in cellphone radiation exposed and unexposed colonies.

“A significant decline in colony strength and in the egg laying rate of the queen was observed. The behaviour of exposed foragers was negatively influenced by the exposure, there was neither honey nor pollen in the colony at the end of the experiment.”

Tim Lovett, of the British Beekeepers Association, said that hives have been successful in London where there was high mobile phone use.  “Previous work in this area has indicated this [mobile phone use] is not a real factor,” he said. “If new data comes along we will look at it.”  He said: “At the moment we think is more likely to be a combination of factors including disease, pesticides and habitat loss.”

The UK Government has set aside £10 million for research into the decline of pollinators like bees, but the BBKA claim much more money is needed for research into the problem, including studies on pesticides, disease and new technology like mobile phones.

According to the University of Durham, England’s bees are vanishing faster than anywhere else in Europe, with more than half of hives dying out over the last 20 years.  The most recent statistics from last winter show that the decline in honey bees in Britain is slowing, with just one in six hives lost.  This is still above the natural rate of ten per cent losses, but a vast improvement on previous years.

There has been an increase in the number of thefts of hives across the world and in Germany beekeepers have started fitting GPS tracking devices to their hives.

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