U.S. to Ban Epinephrine Inhalers to Sell more Prescription Drugs

by Mark Hemingway
Weekly Standard
September 23, 2011

Remember how Obama recently waived new ozone regulations at the EPA because they were too costly? Well, it seems that the Obama administration is would rather make people with Asthma cough up money than let them make a surely inconsequential contribution to depleting the ozone layer:

Asthma patients who rely on over-the-counter inhalers will need to switch to prescription-only alternatives as part of the federal government’s latest attempt to protect the Earth’s atmosphere.

The Food and Drug Administration said Thursday patients who use the epinephrine inhalers to treat mild asthma will need to switch by Dec. 31 to other types that do not contain chlorofluorocarbons, an aerosol substance once found in a variety of spray products.

The action is part of an agreement signed by the U.S. and other nations to stop using substances that deplete the ozone layer, a region in the atmosphere that helps block harmful ultraviolet rays from the Sun.

But the switch to a greener inhaler will cost consumers more. Epinephrine inhalers are available via online retailers for around $20, whereas the alternatives, which contain the drug albuterol, range from $30 to $60.

The Atlantic’s Megan McArdle, an asthma sufferer, noted a while back that when consumers are forced to use environmentally friendly products they’re are almost always worse:

Er, industry also knew how to make low-flow toilets, which is why every toilet in my recently renovated rental house clogs at least once a week.  They knew how to make more energy efficient dryers, which is why even on high, I have to run every load through the dryer in said house twice.  And they knew how to make inexpensive compact flourescent bulbs, which is why my head hurts from the glare emitting from my bedroom lamp.    They also knew how to make asthma inhalers without CFCs, which is why I am hoarding old albuterol inhalers that, unlike the new ones, a) significantly improve my breathing and b) do not make me gag.  Etc.

Well, tough cookies asthma sufferers! You should have written bigger checks to the Democratic party while you had the chance.

Target: Global Genocide. The Elite’s Plan Unveiled

by Luis R. Miranda
Video from PrisonPlanet.tv
June 19, 2011

Historian and investigator Webster Tarpley describes what the plans of the Elite are for most of the world’s population. From De-development to depopulation. From the installation of a planetary regime to the use of vaccines to carry out forced sterilization. He takes the plans written  down on John P. Holdren’s book “Ecoscience: Population, Resources, Environment” which is inspired on older writings from Paul Ehrlich and Thomas Malthus. John P. Holdren is the current United States Science and Technology Czar and serves Barack Obama as his science and technology advisor.

The plans stated on John P. Holdren’s book have been laid out in other Elite sponsored writings that originate from organizations such as the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation, the Club of Rome, the Bilderberg Club, and so on.

If the world were to conduct itself by the teachings that Holdren intends to establish, the result would be global depopulation, hunger, forced sterilization, chip and other device implantation for controlling the people and an overall 360 change in the way humans live, move and use their skills to develop real alternative technologies to deal with issues such as energy, food and health in third world nations as well as for the middle class in developed nations.

The Elite members and their pawns who intend to put these human hating policies in place have made it clear that they will use every resource available to them to carry out their eugenics plan and to rid the planet of the “human scum” so the planet is left for them alone.

The Elite, the Oligarchy will only serve itself, the Oligarchs. For them, there should be the Elite and the Masses, and nothing in between. The masses are useless eaters, animals, whose lives are not worth living. Therefore, such lives must be stopped. Population needs to be cut to a few hundred million. See, the Elite is afraid of a larger population who they will no longer be able to control and who will take the Elite’s place and the resources they have monopolized so far for so many decades.

They have been smart while carrying out their unseen and unfelt genocide. They have used two of the most silent weapons they possessed. Economics and Modern Medicine. Out of sight, out of mind. Vaccinations, pharmaceuticals and medical malpractice kill more people than disease itself. Economic policies imposed on poor and developing nations by the IMF and the World Bank -the creatures of Bretton Woods I- have killed more people than any military conflict we’ve heard about in the 20th century.

The problem for the Elite, though, is that a large part of the world population has awaken to their plan and has begun to see and understand its plan. It is the growing awareness of millions of people around the globe which has prompted the Elite, the Globalists, the Oligarchy, to launch multiple attacks on various nations -militarily in the Middle East and economically in Europe and Latin America- in order to accelerate its plans. Through its military and economic aggression, the Elite intends, for one last time, to absorb the majority of the world’s resources, infrastructure and land before they openly decide to exterminate most of the masses.

If you believe the information presented here is a Conspiracy Theory, an exaggeration of the facts or a misinterpretation of John P. Holdren’s words and thoughts, please do read the book “Ecoscience: Population, Resources, Environment” yourself. In addition, please also take a look at other literature -historical and current- regarding policy that has been implemented or is going to be adopted regarding global issues such as Health, Growth, Development, Population Control and so on.

Please revise the Books and Videos posted below for further research:


Cognitive Infiltration
by David Ray Griffin

Dumbing us Down
by John Taylor Gatto

Underground History of American Education
by John Taylor Gatto

The Globalization of Poverty and the NWO
by Michel Chossudovsky

Ecoscience: Population, Resources,
by Paul R. Ehrlich

The Illusion of Disease
by Mike Adams

Callous Disregard
by Dr. Andrew Wakefield

IBM and the Holocaust
by Edwin Black


Global Eugenics: Using Modern Medicine to Kill

Endgame: Blueprint for Global Enslavement  from producer Alex Jones

Consuming Kids  by the Media Education Foundation

The Secret of Oz   from Writer and Director Bill Still

We Become Silent: The Last Days Of Health Freedom

For Love of Water   from director Ilena Salinas

The World According to Monsanto    from Marie-Monique Robin

House of Numbers:  Anatomy of an Epidemic  from producer Brent W. Leung

Shadow Government  from producer Grant R. Jeffrey

Inside Job  from producer Charles Ferguson

Green Buildings Hazardous, says Institute of Medicine

Fox News
June 8, 2011

The buildings commonly referred to as “green” could actually be hazardous to your health, according to a new report.

That’s one of many warnings out of a new report from the Institute of Medicine, which tracked the potential impact of climate change on indoor environments.

The report cautions that climate change can negatively and directly affect indoor air quality in several ways. But the scientists behind the study warn that homeowners and businesses could also be making the problem worse by pursuing untested or risky energy-efficiency upgrades.

“Even with the best intentions, indoor environmental quality issues may emerge with interventions that have not been sufficiently well screened for their effects on occupant safety and health,” the report said.

To save costs and cut down on emissions, building owners typically find ways to seal off potential leaks and conserve energy. But in “weatherizing” the buildings, they also change the indoor environment.

By making buildings more airtight, building owners could increase “indoor-air contaminant concentrations and indoor-air humidity,” the report said. By adding insulation, they could trigger moisture problems. By making improvements to older homes, crews could stir up hazardous material ranging from asbestos to harmful caulking — though that problem is not unique to energy improvements.

The report did not dissuade homeowners and businesses from making the energy-efficiency upgrades. Rather, it called for a more comprehensive approach, urging organizations to track the side effects of various upgrades and minimize the “unexpected exposures and health risks” that can arise from new materials and weatherization techniques.

Why Organic Food Is Genuinely Better For Your Health?

By Marianne B. Conway
June 3, 2011

Organic food is certainly nothing new and has existed for thousands of years, however recently more people have been taking an interest in it and the word organic has turned into a big buzzword. Those individuals involved in the health food business are creating massive profits during this hype as organic food costs more then the non-organic foods found in the shop. Keeping all this in mind, the question must be asked; is organic food dramatically beneficial or actually necessary for our bodies?

Believe it or not, but green living has impacted the lives of untold amounts of people. We see so many cases in our every day lives, and it can function as an important reminder. What is interesting about this is the amount of material that is generally unknown to people. There is adequate understanding surrounding this so people know what to expect. But when you can uncover all you can and learn, then you will find oneself in a greater position. That is why we want to present you with some appropriate tips about green living, and with any luck, they will help you in the future.

Organic food is certainly nothing new and has existed for thousands of years, however recently more people have been taking an interest in it and the word organic has turned into a big buzzword. Those individuals involved in the health food business are creating massive profits during this hype as organic food costs more then the non-organic foods found in the shop. Keeping all this in mind, the question must be asked; is organic food dramatically beneficial or actually necessary for our bodies? Since its definitely be costing more, is it unquestionably better for us?

To find out all the basic facts, lets take an initial look at what the phrase “organic” actually means to us. The term organic represents something that has not been chemically modified or had chemicals added to it. For instance, organic crops have been produced without the use of pesticides, ionizing radiation, synthetic fertilizers, GM (Genetically Modified) organisms or sludge from sewers. Organic meat, dairy products and eggs have no growth hormones or antibiotics added to promote production or growth.

The procedure for growing commercial organic food is not an easy one as a total of 3 years need to pass before their produce can be termed “organic” The purpose of this waiting period is to permit the soil to build up natural nutrients and minerals so that the new crop is completely free from chemicals when it is grown A lot of toil and time goes into organic food, hence its no real shock that its more expensive. As good as this all appears, some still contemplate if it is still necessary. Is there any other rationale why I have to be interested in eating organic food?

Many of us recognize that organic food boasts a more significant nutritional value then regular food. A sample of milk used by analysts revealed up to twice as many natural antioxidants, 50% more Vitamin E and 70% more Beta Carotene then milk taken from regular cows. Deciding to use organic food will also be great for your general health and fitness since it contains no chemicals such as insecticides and other harmful substances. Also, you do not run the risk of ingesting cancer-causing toxins that is a massive benefit to choosing organic food. The next benefit is a matter of opinion, as many people say organic food tastes better than non organic, but again you cannot say this as a fact because its down to ones personal preferences.

Organic food is also good for the environment. Pesticides and insecticides have been proven to have a major effect on the global ecosystem and as organic food includes neither of these its better for the ecosystem. Pollution is adding to the important problem of global warming, however organic farming keeps pollution to a minimum which is great news. Organic food additionally impacts the way animals are treated, as free range chickens are allowed to roam free and eat when they like whereas many normal chickens are subject to abuse, such as being crammed in cages with lots of other chickens and force fed food to fatten them up.

I personally think that organic foods are usually better, not just for your health but also for the environment and the welfare of animals. The cost factor should also be looked at but based on all the positive benefits, I seriously recommend you take a serious look at trying to do things the organic way.

Did you realize how much there is to learn about green living? A lot of people are when they get down to reading through about it. All we desired to do is demonstrate what is available but still useful at the same time. But there exists a great deal even more than that about this. There is much more that can really produce the kind of outcomes anyone would want. What follows after this is the kind of material that most will probably have no idea about.

Obama issues global warming rules in January, gives GE an exemption in February


Last month, the Obama EPA began enforcing new rules regulating the greenhouse gas emissions from any new or expanded power plants.

This week, the EPA issued its first exemption, Environment & Energy News reports:

The Obama administration will spare a stalled power plant project in California from the newest federal limits on greenhouse gases and conventional air pollution, U.S. EPA says in a new court filing that marks a policy shift in the face of industry groups and Republicans accusing the agency of holding up construction of large industrial facilities.

According to a declaration by air chief Gina McCarthy, officials reviewed EPA policies and decided it was appropriate to “grandfather” projects such as the Avenal Power Center, a proposed 600-megawatt power plant in the San Joaquin Valley, so they are exempted from rules such as new air quality standards for smog-forming nitrogen dioxide (NO2).

There’s something interesting about the Avenal Power Center:

The proposed Avenal Energy project will be a combined-cycle generating plant consisting of two natural gas-fired General Electric 7FA Gas Turbines with Heat Recovery Steam Generators (HRSG) and one General Electric Steam Turbine.

Maybe GE CEO Jeff Immelt’s closeness to President Obama, and his broad support for Obama’s agenda, had nothing to do with this exemption. But we have no way of knowing that, and given the administration’s record of regularly misleading Americans regarding lobbyists, frankly, I wouldn’t trust the White House if they told me there was no connection.

On the upside, at least Job Czar Immelt is creating jobs!

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