Gastrointestinal Pathology in Autism Spectrum Disorders…

…The Venezuelan Experience

By Lenny G. González, MD

Recent studies in the medical literature have confirmed that gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms are common in patients with autism spectrum disorders (ASD). In two prospective studies, GI symptoms were present in 80% and 70% of autistic children, respectively.1 In contrast with the ASD group in the latter study, Valicenti-McDermott et al. reported GI symptoms in only 28% of neurotypical controls.1,2,10. Retrospective studies that rely only upon review of the children’s existing clinical records are likely to underestimate the true size of the problem since these records rarely document GI symptoms. The inadequacy of this approach means that it is impossible to determine whether symptoms were not present or, more likely, that the clinician just failed to document them. On the other hand, prospective studies that systematically ask about the presence or absence of specific symptoms provide a much more accurate picture of the size of the problem.

Clinical manifestations of GI disease in ASD children Physical symptoms in ASD children are often misinterpreted as just autistic behaviors. In our experience, symptoms of what turns out to be GI distress often present as inexplicable irritability, aggressive or auto-aggressive (self-injurious) behaviors, discomfort, sleep disorder s, and other behavioral disturbances. The problem of physical symptoms such as abdominal pain being interpreted simply as aberrant behaviors is particularly problematic in children who are nonverbal and who have serious difficulties expressing themselves.10.

Detailed case histories often provide evidence of abdominal colic and sleep disorders during the nursing stage and frequent infections of the upper respiratory tract (such as otitis and tonsillitis) and GI tract caused by bacterial, viral, parasitic, or yeast infections. Affected children are often hypersensitive to sounds, light, flavors, smells, and clothing labels. In addition, there is often a history of intolerance to certain foods containing gluten and casein as well as indicators of food allergies.5-7. Children with autism often present with GI and extra-intestinal symptoms.

The digestive symptoms include abdominal pain, pyrosis (heartburn), chronic diarrhea, flatulence, drooling or excessive salivation, vomiting, regurgitations, weight loss, rumination, bruxism (teeth grinding), irritability, dysentery, constipation, and fecal impaction. During symptomatic episodes, periods of irritability, insomnia, and auto-aggressive behaviors are observed. In ASD children, it is common to observe abnormal toileting patterns. Diarrhea and constipation are common, and constipation can coexist with episodes of diarrhea. In the case of diarrhea, the stools are semi-liquid, very fetid with mucus and undigested food; sometimes they can have a sandy/grainy consistency and other times show blood. Diarrhea is one of the most common symptoms as reported in the studies of D’Eufemia, Torrente, Horvath, Wakefield, Furlano, and Sabrá. This has been our experience in Venezuela, also.14 The extra-intestinal problems experienced by our ASD children with GI symptoms include respiratory, neurological, and dermatological disorders.

These include frequent coughing (often dry), upper respiratory tract infections, skin rashes, eczema, atopic dermatitis, seborrheic dermatitis, and itching. The most common clinical signs are Dennie Morgan infraorbital skin folds (caused by edema or fluid collecting in areas of inflammation), dark circles under the eyes, long eyelashes, abdominal distension, halitosis, perianal erythema (diaper rash), anal fissures, dry skin, angular cheilosis (sore cracks at the corners of the lips), and greenish anterior rinorrhea (runny nose).

There are also alterations in the stool consistency, color, and smell (excessively offensive) as well as the presence of mucus or blood, food remains, and visible fat (often semi-liquid, acidic, excessively fetid, greasy feces, with mucus and/or blood).


Recent studies of ASD children report chronic inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract that may be present anywhere from the esophagus down to the rectum: this inflammation may well explain the GI symptoms and at least some of the behaviors.18-15, 35-40 Several theories have been proposed for how deterioration in gastrointestinal function might influence neurological functioning. The epithelial cell layer that lines the GI mucosa forms a barrier that restricts the contents of the gut from getting into the blood stream. It it is composed of cells with absorptive surfaces (the brush border) that interact with the contents of the lumen. Between these cells are gates called tight junctions, the integrity of which is important in preventing noxious substances from entering the bloodstream without passing directly
through the cells.10.  One explanation might be that part of the neurological disability in children with autism results from absorption across an inflamed intestinal lining of molecules that are toxic to the developing brain.10-14 Inflammation of the intestinal wall can be induced by diverse causes such as food allergy, use of antibiotics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, infection, or by enzymatic insufficiency, mycotoxins from yeast/fungi, gluten, casein, chemical additives, colorings, preservatives, malabsorption of proteins, heavy metal intoxications, and pesticides.3-6.

The integrity of the intestinal wall also plays an important role in the adequate absorption of nutrients and the exclusion of potentially harmful toxins, bacteria, allergens, and peptides coming from certain foods. In our experience, food components such as gluten and casein can provoke the behavioral abnormalities characteristic of autism4, possibly when they enter the systemic circulation. Increased intestinal permeability (leaky gut) may be the link that explains the association of autism with an abnormal intestinal immune response, multiple food allergies, dysbiosis, fungal overgrowth (Candida albicans), as well as with micronutrient deficiencies.4,5. Probably due to GI inflammation and abnormal immune function, children with autism may have increased levels of harmful bowel organisms. Frequent antibiotic use in the first years of life can also contribute to the chronic imbalance, referred to as intestinal dysbiosis.

Several investigators have found evidence of this imbalance in autistic children. A good example of a pathogenic (diseasecausing) bacterium is Clostridium difficile. This organism is a common cause of severe colitis that occurs when broadspectrum oral antibiotics have killed off the beneficial gut bacteria and have allowed this antibiotic-resistant opportunistic organism to overgrow and cause inflammation.10. The gut-brain connection is recognized as playing a role in the neurological complications of a number of gastrointestinal diseases. Symptoms like constipation, pain, or abdominal distension are reported by adults with degenerative disorders of the central nervous system like Parkinson’s disease, 4 while parents of autistic children report similar symptoms, although the precise nature of any link between the gut and the brain is unknown.

Ileo-colonoscopy and autistic enterocolitis

In 1998, a team of doctors at the Royal Free Hospital in London reported the results of ileocolonoscopies on 12 children who presented with autism and GI symptoms. In a series of papers, Wakefield and colleagues described a new variant of intestinal inflammatory disease, which was named autistic enterocolitis. The disease is characterized by mild-to-moderate chronic patchy inflammation of the mucosa and lymphoid nodular hyperplasia (LNH) (swelling of the lymph glands) in the bowel lining. Visible features suggestive of inflammatory bowel disease included the red halo sign – an expression of pre-ulcerative reddening around the swollen lymphoid tissues – typically located at the terminal ileum, potentially extending to involve the whole colon, loss of vascular pattern, and mucosal granularity, erythema (redness), and ulceration.

When compared with neurotypical children, including those with ulcerative colitis (a well described inflammatory bowel disease), the findings suggested a novel disease process.14. In the UK study and in our own experience, these abnormal findings are more frequent in autistic children than in developmentally normal children with GI symptoms. The only exception was ulceration, which was uncommon in both groups. The biopsies from the children with autism showed reactive LNH in 88.5% of the children compared with only 29% of children with ulcerative colitis, and 0.0% in the control group without IBD. In many cases, the researchers also saw infiltration of inflammatory cells like neutrophils (pus cells) and lymphocytes (chronic inflammatory cells) in the epithelium of the bowel mucosa. Active neutrophilic inflammation in the ileum was present in 8% of the children with autism and in none of the non-inflammatory bowel disease controls.

Chronic lymphocytic inflammation in the colon was present in 88% of the autistic cases, 4% of the controls, and 100% of ulcerative colitis cases. In our published study of 45 ASD children and 57 developmentally normal controls presenting for GI assessment, chronic inflammation and LNH in the colon and ileum was present in 100% of the autistic cases compared with 66.66% of the controls, reflecting a high background rate of infectious enterocolitis in Venezuelan children (see below.)13 Since then, other studies carried out in the United States, Brazil, Italy, and Venezuela have confirmed the finding of inflammation and LNH in ASD.10-14, 29.    

Medicinas Psiquiátricas: Un Descubrimiento Sorprendente

Por Shane Ellison
Master en Ciéncias
Traducción: Luis R. Miranda

Hago preguntas con la intención de acortar las conversaciones. Evito el contacto visual con extraños por miedo (tal vez es la ansiedad) por aprender mucho de ellos. En secreto, creo que Metallica estaría haciendo mejor música si usaran drogas y alcohol, en lugar de “terapia.” Estoy tratando de dominar la Ley de la no atracción para protegerme del “trabajo real, “casas pequeñas y coches viejos. Y, estoy dando constantemente consejo sólo para darmelos a mi mismo.

Pueden los medicamentos Psiquiatricos ayudarme?

Tal vez estas preguntas son las que me motivaron a seguir una carrera como químico y a hacer diseño de fármacos, ganando varios premios por mi trabajo. No hay nada que me entusiasme más que las drogas y cómo afectan al cuerpo (excepto los abdominales de mi esposa). He estudiado su anatomía molecular, arriesgo mi vida para mezclar y combinar productos químicos explosivos en un matraz de fondo redondo, e incluso vendí mi alma a las grandes empresas farmacéuticas a cambio de un laboratorio químico y una capucha.

Durante este tiempo, he hecho algunos descubrimientos sorprendentes sobre medicamentos psiquiátricos, que incluyen antidepresivos, antipsicóticos, estimulantes y drogas contra la ansiedad. Entender lo que he aprendido lo protegerá de la inundación de efectos secundarios que ahora se están descubriendo a velocidades vertiginosas, por cortesía de la gran cantidad de pacientes que los toman en nombre de la salud mental.

Su propio infierno

Los antidepresivos aumentan la “capacidad” de enfrentar momentos difíciles al modificar los niveles de la molécula conocida como serotonina en el cerebro. Se supone que nos ayuda a encontrar la felicidad cuando estamos cubiertos por una avalancha de maldad. Pero, nunca ha sido probado. Sin embargo, los medicamentos intentan aumentar los niveles de serotonina al “selectivamente” detener la recaptación de entre las células cerebrales. Aquí es de donde la sigla ISRS fue implementada – “inhibidor selectivo de recaptación de serotonina.” Es un nombre innovativo, pero una idea estúpida. Nada es selectivo en el cuerpo.

Al tratar de bloquear la recaptación de la serotonina, los antidepresivos también pueden impedir su liberación y la de otro compuesto del cerebro conocido como dopamina. Las áreas del cerebro responsables de la liberación y recaptación de estos neurotransmisores son tan similares (después de todo, trabajan en la misma molécula) que un medicamento antidepresivo no es lo suficientemente inteligente como para entender como funcionan. Así que hace lo que cualquier tonto medicamento haría, bloquea los dos. Es por eso que los usuarios suelen llevar una mirada vidriosa en sus ojos. Completamente bajo el hechizo psiquiátrico, con la mirada perdida.

Profunda tristeza, miedo, ira y agresión pueden aparecer con el tiempo. Al eliminar la serotonina y la dopamina del cerebro, los usuarios de antidepresivos a largo plazo no pueden encontrar o sentir la felicidad. En su lugar, pueden quedar enterrados en una avalancha de maldad. Y si usted no puede encontrar o sentir la felicidad en la vida, ¿qué sentido tiene? ¿Qué le va detener de romperse su propio cuello o asesinar a tiros a sus compañeros de clase? No mucho, cuando se vive en un infierno antidepresivo.

Piensa que todo esto es opinión?

Según la FDA, los antidepresivos pueden causar pensamientos suicidas y comportamiento, empeoramiento de la depresión, ansiedad, ataques de pánico, insomnia, irritabilidad, hostilidad, impulsividad, agresividad, episodios psicóticos y violencia. Algunos incluso causan la ideación homicida de acuerdo con los fabricantes. Muchos usuarios de antidepresivos a largo plazo dicen que ya no se sienten normales -son zombies entumecidos.

Pero los efectos secundarios de estos fármacos no se limitan al secuestro de sus sentimientos y estado emocional, provocando estados violentos y psicóticos. Los efectos físicos secundarios ocurren demasiado e incluyen sangrado anormal, defectos de nacimiento, ataque al corazón, convulsiones y muerte súbita. Más de ciento setenta advertencias reguladoras de medicamentos y estudios han sido emitidos en los antidepresivos, para hacer sonar la alarma sobre estos efectos secundarios.

Para Uso Exclusivo del Elefante

Los psiquiatras prescriben medicamentos antipsicóticos como Zyprexa y Seroquel, para cualquier cosa; desde la esquizofrenia, trastorno bipolar, trastorno delirante, depresión psicótica, autismo o cualquier otra cosa que pueda imaginar, incluso de “trastorno generalizado del desarrollo,” que es perfecto para aumentar las ventas porque está dirigida a los niños que sufren de irritabilidad, agresividad y agitación. Es una pena porque estos medicamentos no sirven para nada, solo para sedantes elefantes furiosos, no curar la enfermedad psiquiátrica.

Según un estudio publicado en Psychological Medicine, los fármacos antipsicóticos causan la reducción del cerebro -el volumen de la masa cerebral. Originalmente diseñado para quienes son considerados “esquizofrénicos”, las compañías farmacéuticas crearon una campaña de marketing brillante para vender estos medicamentos a un mayor número de usuários de antidepresivos en el mercado. Usted probablemente ha visto los anuncios, si su “medicación de la depresión” no está funcionando, entonces no culpe al medicamento, pues usted tiene un trastorno bipolar! “

Una vez ingeridos, los antipsicóticos navegan a través del torrente sanguíneo, donde son transportados al cerebro. Al igual que un derrame de petróleo gigante, los antipsicóticos cubren el cerebro en una mancha de medicamentos, donde se bloquea la transmisión de las ondas cerebrales. El usuario queda sin actividad cerebral normal. La motivación, la unidad y los sentimientos de recompensa son exterminados. Si la psiquiatría considera esto un tratamiento, ellos son los locos.

Si alguna vez has visto a alguien que ha sufrido del “derrame” cortesía de seguir las órdenes del médico, no puede equivocarse al detectar uno de los efectos secundarios más comunes. Se llama Acatisia. Movimientos involuntarios, tics, espasmos en la cara y el cuerpo entero puede llegar a ser los efectos secundarios permanentes para los usuarios de antipsicóticos.

Los antipsicóticos también causan obesidad, diabetes, problemas cerebrovasculares, eventos cardíacos, problemas respiratorios, pensamiento delirante y psicosis. Los reguladores de medicamentos en EE.UU., Canadá, Reino Unido, Irlanda, Australia, Nueva Zelanda y África del Sur advierten que también pueden conducir a la muerte. No me sorprendería que los psiquiatras consideran esta una cura…

Use esto para saltar el Gran Cañón

Si usted va a intentar saltar sobre el Gran Cañón en su moto, o andar deslizarse por las faldas del Monte Kilimanjaro, los estimulantes son muy buenos. Ellos inundan el cerebro con dopamina y desencadenan una oleada de adrenalina inhumana, responsable de hacer que creamos que la vida es grandiosa, a pesar de la muerte eminente al intentar estas proezas. Fuera de eso, o eres un monstruo de la velocidad, un estudiante universitario tratando de aprender todo un semestre de Biología en 4 horas, o un niño de quinto grado “, siguiendo las órdenes del médico.”

Los mejores estimulantes que se recetan hoy en día no son más que una mezcla de anfetaminas empaquetados con nombres comerciales como Adderall, Dexedrine y Ritalin. Matones callejeros que los venden como metanfetamina, la cocaína del pobre, cristal, hielo, cristal y velocidad. No es de extrañar que los niños abusan de Ritalin, Adderall y estos medicamentos más que de drogas de la calle, pues son más baratos de obtener y son “legales”, por lo tanto, son llamados la cocaína para niños.

Incluso la DEA de los EE.UU. clasifica Ritalin en la Lista ll, lo que significa que tiene un alto potencial de abuso, igual que la cocaína y la morfina. Todos ellos tienen los mismos efectos independientemente de cómo se llamen: la sobrecarga en le sistema nervioso central conduce a ataques al corazón y / o insuficiencia cardíaca. Y los niños están cayendo más rápido que los adictos a Metanfetamina en las calles.

No estoy exagerando.

Once agencias de reglamentación internacional de las drogas y nuestra propia FDA ha emitido advertencias de que los estimulantes como el Ritalin causan adicción, depresión, insomnio, dependencia de drogas, manías, psicosis, problemas cardíacos, problemas cerebrovascular y muerte súbita.

Quémese el cerébro con medicamentos contra la ansiedad

Si aún no eres lo suficientemente hombre para una droga que podría sedar a un elefante, como los antipsicóticos, los psiquiatras te prescribirán medicamentos contra la ansiedad, sobre todo las benzodiacepinas. La elección entre los dos es similar a decidir si te quieres golpear la cabeza con un bate de aluminio o una de madera. Los medicamentos contra la ansiedad serían el bate de madera.

Descubiertos en los laboratorios de química de Hoffman La Roche en 1955, medicamentos contra la ansiedad tienen como objetivo activar los receptores del sueño en el cerebro, sólo un poco. Así, en vez de estar lleno de ansiedad, se le pone a dormir. Se trata de un “tratamiento” que los psiquiatras han estado “practicando” durante décadas. Pero, todavía no ha funcionado, porque drogar sus problemas es más peligroso que la ansiedad. El uso de medicamentos contra la ansiedad se acompaña de una serie de desagradables efectos secundarios tales como convulsiones, agresión y la violencia una vez que la droga desaparece. Alucinaciones, delirios, confusión, comportamiento anormal, hostilidad, agitación, irritabilidad, depresión y pensamientos suicidas son todos los resultados posibles de acuerdo con documentos que las grandes empresas farmacéuticas habían custodiado investigación fuertemente hasta hace poco tiempo.

Al dejar de usarlas, las drogas podrían ser más difíciles de abandonar que cuando se trata de dejar la heroína. Algunos han calificado la reacción a algo similar a tirar cientos de anzuelos de pescar de su piel, sin anestesia. Si usted duda de su naturaleza adictiva, vaya a Google y escriba los nombres de algunas de las drogas principales para “tratar” la ansiedad como Xanax y Klonopin y esto es lo que encontrará:

“Abstinencia Klonopin” 1.860.000 resultados
“Abstinencia Xanax” 1.980.000 resultados
La exposición de Psiquiatría: Cómo obtener la verdad

En resúmen, los efectos secundarios de medicamentos psiquiátricos se extienden incontrolablemente. Y la mayoría se ocultan de los pacientes y médicos por igual. Afortunadamente, la Tercera Comisión de Derechos Humanos ha resuelto este problema con una base de datos de última generación que permite a la gente buscar la lista de reacciones adversas de los informes enviados a la FDA sobre los medicamentos psiquiátricos. También proporciona advertencias internacionales de reglamentación farmacéutica y estudios publicados sobre los efectos secundarios de los fármacos.

Entonces, ¿la psiquiatría me puede ayudar? No. Y eso es sorprendente debido a que los medicamentos psiquiátricos son algunos de los medicamentos de mayor venta, a punto de sellar las esperanzas y los sueños de millones. Independientemente del estado mental en el que yo pueda estar (o cualquier otra persona ), no hay un solo medicamento que cure, trate o resuelva los problemas de la salud mental.

Mientras que las personas pueden sufrir miserablemente de presión emocional o mental que puede afectar su estilo de vida, la pseudo-ciencia de la psiquiatría aún tiene que resolver todos estos problemas, pues por ahora de hecho sólo contribuye a la mala salud como se ha visto con la amplia gama de efectos secundarios. Las campañas de marketing y escritos fantasmas en revistas médicas están diseñados para ocultar estos hechos. Pero la base de datos sobre los efectos secundarios de los medicamentos psiquiátricos cortesía de CCHR asegura que todos los pacientes tengan acceso a la verdad, a los hechos documentados, lo que podría salvar su vida o la de un ser querido.

Psychiatric Meds 101: A Surprising Discovery

Shane Ellison M. Sc.

I ask questions with period marks to shorten conversations. I avoid eye contact with strangers in fear (maybe it’s anxiety) that I might learn too much about them. I secretly think that Metallica would be making better music if they went back to bludgeoning themselves with party drugs and alcohol, instead of “therapy.” I’m trying to master the Law of Un-attraction to shield myself from a “real job,” small homes and junky cars. And, I’m constantly giving my children advice, only to give it to myself.

Psychiatry, can your drugs help me?

Perhaps these questions are what motivated me to pursue a career as a drug design chemist, winning multiple awards for my work. Nothing gets me more excited than drugs and how they affect the body (except my wife’s abs). I’ve studied their molecular anatomy, risked life and limb to mix and match explosive chemicals in a round bottom flask, and even sold my soul to Big Pharma in exchange for a lab bench and chemical hood.

During this time, I’ve made some surprising discoveries about psychiatric meds, which include antidepressants, antipsychotics, stimulants, and anti-anxiety drugs. Understanding what I’ve learned will protect you from the flood of side effects that are now being discovered at breakneck speeds, courtesy of the myriad of patients taking them in the name of mental health.

Your Own Personal Hell

Antidepressants strive to increase the levels of a “coping” molecule known as serotonin in the brain. It supposedly helps us find happiness when it’s covered in an avalanche of nastiness. But, it’s never been proven. Still, the drugs attempt to boost serotonin by “selectively” stopping the “reuptake” among brain cells. This is where the whole SSRI acronym came from – “selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor.” It’s a slick name, but a stupid idea. Nothing is selective in the body.

While trying to block the reuptake of serotonin, antidepressants can also prevent its release and that of another brain compound known as dopamine. The areas of the brain responsible for release and reuptake of these neurotransmitters are so damn similar (after all, they work on the same molecule) that an antidepressant drug isn’t smart enough to understand which one it is supposed to work on. So it does what any dumb drug would do, it blocks both. That’s why users usually carry a glassy stare in their eye. Fully under the psychiatric spell, they’ve tuned out.

Deep sadness, fear, anger and aggression can set in over time. By removing serotonin and dopamine from the brain, long-term antidepressant users can’t find or feel happiness. Instead, they may become buried in the avalanche of nastiness. And if you can’t find or feel happiness in life, what’s the point? What’s going to stop you from snapping your own neck or spraying bullets on your classmates? Not much when you live in your own personal antidepressant hell.

Think this is all opinion?

According to the FDA, antidepressants can cause suicidal thoughts and behavior, worsening depression, anxiety, panic attacks, insomnia, irritability, hostility, impulsivity, aggression, psychotic episodes and violence. Some even cause homicidal ideation according to the manufacturers. Many long-term antidepressant users will tell you they no longer feel normal emotions—they’re numb, like zombies.

But the side effects of these drugs aren’t limited to hijacking your feelings and emotional state, causing violent and psychotic states. Physical side effects occur too and include abnormal bleeding, birth defects, heart attack, seizures and sudden death. Over one hundred and seventy drug regulatory warnings and studies have been issued on antidepressants, to sound the alarm on these side effects.

For Elephant Use Only

Psychiatrists prescribe antipsychotic meds such as Zyprexa and Seroquel, for anything from schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, delusional disorder, psychotic depression, autism or anything else they can think of, even “pervasive developmental disorder,” which is perfect for boosting sales because it targets children who suffer from irritability, aggression, and agitation. It’s a shame ‘cause these drugs are good for nothing but sedating irate elephants, not curing psychiatric disease.

According to a study published in Psychological Medicine, antipsychotic drugs cause brains to shrink – they lessen brain matter and volume. Originally designed for those deemed “schizophrenic,” the drug companies came up with a brilliant marketing campaign to sell these drugs to a much wider market—unsatisfied antidepressant users. You’ve probably seen the ads—if your “depression medication” isn’t working, then don’t blame the drug; you may just have bipolar disorder!”

Once swallowed, antipsychotics sail through the blood stream where they’re carried to the brain. Like a giant oil spill, antipsychotics cover the brain in a medicinal slick, where brain wave transmission is blocked. Users become devoid of normal brain activity. Motivation, drive and feelings of reward are shunted. If psychiatry considers this a “treatment,” they’re the crazy ones.

If you’ve ever seen someone who has suffered from the “spill” courtesy of following doctor’s orders, you can’t mistake one of the most common side effects, it’s called Akathisia. Involuntary movements, tics, jerks in the face and the entire body can become permanent side effects for antipsychotic users.

Antipsychotics also cause obesity, diabetes, stroke, cardiac events, respiratory problems, delusional thinking and psychosis. Drug regulators from the U.S., Canada, United Kingdom, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa warn that they can also lead to death. I wouldn’t be surprised if psychiatrists considered this a cure…

Use This to Jump The Grand Canyon

If you’re going to attempt to jump your scooter over the Grand Canyon, or ride your snowboard off Kilimanjaro, stimulants are great. They flood the brain with dopamine and trigger an inhuman surge of adrenaline, responsible for making you believe life is grand, despite eminent death. Outside of that, you’re either a speed freak, a college student trying to learn an entire semester of Biology 101 in 4 hours, or a fifth grader “following doctor’s orders.”

Top stimulants being prescribed today are nothing more than a mix of amphetamines packaged into trade names like Adderall, Dexedrine and Ritalin. Street thugs sell it as meth, poor man’s cocaine, crystal, ice, glass and speed. It’s no wonder kids are now abusing Ritalin, Adderall and these drugs more than street drugs, they’re cheaper to get and they’re “legal,” hence the term kiddie cocaine.

Even the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) categorizes Ritalin in the Schedule ll category, meaning a high potential for abuse—just like cocaine and morphine. All of them have the same effects regardless of how they’re named: Central nervous system overload leading to heart attack and/or heart failure. And kids are dropping faster than Meth Heads at Raves…

I’m not exaggerating.

Eleven international drug regulatory agencies and our own FDA has issued warnings that stimulants like Ritalin cause addiction, depression, insomnia, drug dependence, mania, psychosis, heart problems, stroke and sudden death.

Bash Your Head in with Anti-Anxiety Drugs

If you’re not man enough for a drug that could sedate an elephant like antipsychotics, then psychiatrists will prescribe anti-anxiety meds, particularly benzodiazepines. Choosing between the two is akin to deciding whether or not you should be hit in the head with an aluminum bat or a wooden one; anti-anxiety meds being the latter.

Discovered in the stinky chemistry labs of Hoffman La Roche in 1955, anti-anxiety meds aim to trigger sleep receptors in the brain, just slightly. So, rather than being riddled with anxiety, you are put to sleep, halfway. It’s “treatment,” and psychiatrists have been “practicing it for decades.” But, it has yet to work, because drugging your problems away is more dangerous than anxiety. The use of anti-anxiety meds is coupled with a host of nasty side effects such as seizures, aggression and violence once the drug wears off. Hallucinations, delusional thinking, confusion, abnormal behavior, hostility, agitation, irritability, depression and suicidal thinking are all possible outcomes according to Big Pharma’s heavily guarded research papers.

Getting off the drugs could be harder than abandoning a heroin addiction. Some have described withdrawal from “benzos” being akin to pulling hundreds of fish hooks out of their skin, without anesthesia. If you doubt their addictive nature, go to Google search and type in a few of the leading anti-anxiety drugs like Klonopin or Xanax and here is what you’ll find:

“Klonopin withdrawal” 1,860,000 results
“Xanax withdrawal” 1,980,000 results
Exposing Psychiatry: How to Get The Truth

In total, the side effects of psychiatric meds spread far and wide. And most are hidden from patients and doctors alike. Fortunately, Citizens Commission on Human Rights has solved this problem with a state-of-the-art database that allows people to search through the adverse reaction reports sent to the FDA on psychiatric drugs. It also provides international drug regulatory agency warnings and studies published on the side effects of the drugs.

So, can psychiatry help me? No. And that’s surprising because psychiatric meds are some of the biggest selling drugs, poised to seal the hopes and dreams of millions. Regardless of what mental state I might be in (or anyone else for that matter), there is not a single drug that cures, treats or solves the perceived problems of mental health.

While people can suffer miserably from emotional or mental duress that can hinder their lifestyle, the pseudo-science of psychiatry has yet to solve any of these problems, and in fact only contributes to poor health as seen by the wide array of side effects. Marketing campaigns and ghostwritten medical journals are designed to obscure these facts. But the psychiatric drug side effect database courtesy of CCHR ensures that all patients have access to the truth, to the documented facts, which could save their life or that of a loved one.

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Togel resmi adalah langkah penting bagi para penggemar togel yang ingin menikmati permainan dengan aman dan terpercaya. Tahun 2024 menawarkan berbagai kesempatan menarik, termasuk hadiah 4D sebesar 10 juta rupiah yang bisa Anda menangkan. Anda perlu mendaftar akun di Daftar Togel yang menawarkan hadiah tersebut. Proses pendaftaran biasanya sederhana dan melibatkan pengisian formulir dengan informasi pribadi Anda serta verifikasi data untuk memastikan keamanan transaksi. Setelah akun Anda selasai terdaftar, Anda dapat berpartisipasi dalam berbagai permainan togel berbagai fitur yang disediakan oleh situs togel terbesar.

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Bagi pemain togel yang ingin menikmati diskon terbesar, mendaftar di situs togel online terpercaya adalah langkah yang tepat. Bo Togel Hadiah 2d 200rb tidak hanya memberikan jaminan keamanan dalam bertransaksi, tetapi juga menawarkan berbagai diskon untuk jenis taruhan tertentu. Diskon yang besar ini memungkinkan pemain untuk menghemat lebih banyak dan memasang taruhan dalam jumlah yang lebih banyak. Dengan begitu, peluang untuk mendapatkan hadiah juga semakin tinggi, sekaligus memastikan bahwa setiap taruhan dilakukan di situs yang aman dan resmi.

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Dalam dunia perjudian online, transparansi dan keamanan menjadi faktor utama yang sangat diperhitungkan oleh para pemain. Salah satu alasan banyak orang memilih Slot777 adalah karena sistemnya yang terbukti adil dan menggunakan teknologi enkripsi tinggi untuk melindungi data pemain.

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