Líderes Europeus negociam como Colapsar a Europa

Herman van Rompuy pede menos soberania, para o resto dos Estados-nação.


Flashback: Herman van Rompuy, presidente da União Europeia: “Os Estados-nação homogéneos estão mortos.”

O colapso do euro e da União Europeia não é um resultado da crise financeira criada pelos banqueiros. Na verdade, a crise foi criada como uma forma de justificar a aquisição de Estados-nação independentes na Europa, América, África e Ásia.

Depois de ler o que Herman van Rompuy tem dito — sobre como acabar com os Estados — é claro que nenhum país sairá reforçado como resultado de qualquer ação tomada pela União Europeia, o Banco Central Europeu ou o FMI. Agora há uma luta dentro da hierarquia bancária, cujos membros estão discutindo qual é a melhor maneira de completar o colapso do sistema financeiro global, começando com a zona do euro e depois levando-o para as Américas.

O presidente da UE não tenha renunciado ao seu objetivo de destruir as nações e coloca-las sob o poder de órgãos de governo não eleitos. “O tempo dos Estados-nação homogêneos acabou”, disse Van Rompuy, acrescentando que “em todos os estados membros da União Europeia, há pessoas que acreditam que seu país pode sobreviver sozinho no mundo globalizado. É uma ilusão — é uma mentira.” A força desta declaração só pode vir de um homem quem por trás das cenas conhece todos os detalhes da implosão planejada do sistema financeiro global.

Desde a semana passada e durante o fim de semana, líderes europeus se reuniram para determinar a melhor maneira de destruir a zona euro, consolidando o poder sobre os estados independentes como fizeram com a Grécia. Depois que o Banco Central Europeu admitiu que compraria títulos soberanos de países endividados, o Fundo Monetário Internacional (FMI) lançou-se como um abutre financeiro descrevendo como a entidade acredita que deve ser o seu papel no mecanismo para destruir a economia europeia. Enquanto isso, o primeiro-ministro espanhol, Mariano Rajoy, que não aceitou formalmente as condições dadas pelo BCE, entrou em uma corrida para pedir condições mais suaves antes de entregar o seu país ao BCE e ao FMI.

“A decisão do BCE de fornecer fundos para a Espanha, praticamente força o país a buscar um segundo resgate”, disse o chefe do BCE Mario Draghi. O BCE já manifestou sua intenção de comprar quantidades ilimitadas de dívida da Espanha e outros países em necessidade, por isso espera-se que Rajoy não vai deixar passar a oportunidade de pedir um resgate completo. Diplomatas espanhóis têm ido para Bruxelas, Frankfurt, Washington e Madri para tentar negociar melhores condições antes que a Espanha solicite o resgate neste outono.

Mas de acordo com membros da elite em Bruxelas, nem mesmo um resgate será uma forte rede de segurança para a Espanha, porque é claro que o país não pode cumprir sua metas de redução do défice, devido à depressão econômica que ocorre em Europa e a falha do governo espanhol de aumentar sua renda. Assim, o resgate é nada mais do que uma cortina de fumaça para facilitar a entrega da Espanha a seus credores, os banqueiros europeus.

Enquanto isso, a chefe do FMI, Christine Lagarde, disse que a organização está interessada em jogar um papel na concepção e acompanhamento do plano do Banco Central Europeu para comprar títulos emitidos por governos da zona do euro. Lagarde destacou que as medidas recentemente anunciadas pelo Presidente do BCE, Mario Draghi, “pavimentam o caminho para a frente”, mas observou que a prioridade deve ser aplicada de uma forma coordenada. “Estamos prontos para ajudar na concepção e implementação de todos os programas que devem ser parte da solução”, disse Lagarde, que enfatizou que a sua instituição está disposta a participar “ativamente” na concepção e desenvolvimento do programa de compra de dívida dos países da zona do euro.

Tanto Herman van Rompuy, como o primeiro-ministro italiano Mario Monti tem chamado para uma reunião com outros líderes europeus para encontrar um terreno comum para “derrotar idéias populistas que tentam destruir o euro”, disse ele. “A integração da UE é um problema permanente”, disse Herman Van Rompuy, “mais uma vez enfrentando problemas econômicos e sociais (…) por isso, saúdo a idéia do presidente Monti de realizar uma reunião especial sobre futuro da unidade europeia “, disse Van Rompuy.

O Presidente explicou que a Comissão Europeia está consciente das críticas e oposições que existem no momento, mas destacou “os enormes esforços de todos os países e instituições da UE com solidariedade sem precedentes”. O Sr. van Rompuy provavelmente quer dizer  que há solidariedade com os banqueiros, não a favor da população europeia, que, apesar de sofrer as maiores taxas de desemprego da história recente, não tem apoio direto de líderes da UE . Na verdade, as primeiras iniciativas tomadas pelos governos da UE cortaram gastos de programas sociais, salários, pensões e outros programas que costumam aliviar a carga sobre a maioria do cidadão europeu médio.

Espanha deverá expandir sua campanha por melhores condições antes da aplicação de um plano de resgate durante a reunião de ministros das Finanças da UE. “Essa é uma conversa que não deverá ocorrer entre Espanha e do BCE, mas entre a Espanha e todos os membros da zona do euro,” disse Benoit Coeuré, diretor francês do BCE, em entrevista à France Inter.

Herman van Rompuy, não evitou as perguntas feitas na semana passada sobre o resultado dessas negociações. Van Rompuy disse que em dezembro será apresentado o projeto de uma nova arquitectura europeia. Este projeto será realizado pelo BCE e pela Comissão Europeia, e irá incluir quatro pilares interligados: um sindicato bancário, uma união fiscal, união económica e uma união política mais intensa.

Líderes Europeos Negocian cómo Colapsar Europa

Herman van Rompuy pide menos soberanía para el resto de los estados-nación.


Flashback: Herman van Rompuy, presidente de la Unión Europea: “Los Estados-nación homogéneos están muertos”.

El colapso del euro y de la Unión Europea no es un resultado de la crisis financiera creada por los banqueros. De hecho, la crisis fue creada como una forma de justificar la adquisición de los estados nacionales independientes en Europa, América, África y Asia, entre otros.

Después de leer lo que Herman van Rompuy tiene  — para poner fin a los Estados — es claro que los países no se verán fortalecidos a raíz de cualquier medida adoptada por la UE, el Banco Central Europeo o el FMI. En estos momentos hay una lucha dentro de la jerarquía bancaria, cuyos miembros están discutiendo cuál es la mejor manera de colapsar el sistema financiero mundial, comenzando con la zona euro y extenderla más tarde a las Américas.

El presidente de la UE no ha renunciado a su objetivo de destruir a las naciones y someterlas al poder de órganos gubernamentales no electos. “El tiempo de los Estados-nación homogéneos ha terminado”, dijo van Rompuy, quien agregó que “en todos los estados miembros europeos, hay personas que creen que su país puede sobrevivir solo en el mundo globalizado. Es más que una ilusión — es una mentira.” La firmeza de esta sentencia sólo puede venir de un hombre que detrás de las escenas conoce todos los detalles de la implosión prevista del sistema financiero mundial.

Desde la semana pasada y durante el fin de semana, los líderes europeos se han reunido para determinar cuál es la mejor manera de destruir la zona euro, consolidando el poder sobre los Estados independientes como lo han hecho con Grecia. Después de que el Banco Central Europeo admitió que comprará bonos soberanos de los países endeudados, el Fondo Monetario Internacional (FMI) se lanzó como un buitre financiero describiendo lo que cree que debe ser su papel en el mecanismo para destruir la economía europea. Mientras tanto, el primer ministro español, Mariano Rajoy, que no ha aceptado oficialmente las condiciones dadas por el BCE, entró en una carrera para pedir condiciones más suaves antes de entregar su país al BCE y el FMI.

“La decisión del BCE de proporcionar fondos a España, prácticamente obliga al país a solicitar un segundo rescate”, dijo el jefe del BCE, Mario Draghi. El BCE ya ha expresado su intención de comprar cantidades ilimitadas de deuda de España y otros países que lo necesiten, por lo que se espera que Rajoy no va a dejar pasar la oportunidad sin pedir un rescate completo del país. Diplomáticos españoles han ido a Bruselas, Frankfurt, Washington y Madrid para tratar de negociar mejores condiciones antes de que España pida el rescate este otoño.

Pero de acuerdo a información privilegiada de Bruselas, ni siquiera un plan de rescate financiero será una fuerte red de seguridad para España, porque es claro que el país no podrá cumplir con sus metas de reducir el déficit debido a la depresión económica que tiene lugar en Europa y el fracaso del gobierno español para aumentar sus ingresos. Así que el rescate no es más que una cortina de humo para facilitar la entrega de España a sus acreedores, los banqueros europeos.

Mientras tanto, la jefe del FMI, Christine Lagarde, dijo que la organización está interesada en jugar un papel relevante en el diseño y seguimiento del plan del Banco Central Europeo de comprar bonos emitidos por los gobiernos de la zona euro. Lagarde subrayó que las medidas recientemente anunciadas por el presidente del BCE, Mario Draghi, “allanan el camino a seguir”, pero señaló que la prioridad debe ser aplicada de una manera coordinada. “Estamos dispuestos a ayudar y colaborar en el diseño y ejecución de todos los programas que deben ser parte de la solución “, dijo Lagarde, quien ha enfatizado que su institución está dispuesta a participar “activamente “en el diseño y desarrollo del programa de compra de deuda de países de la zona euro.

Tanto Herman van Rompuy, como el primer ministro italiano Mario Monti, han convocado a una reunión con otros líderes europeos para encontrar un terreno común para “derrotar las ideas populistas que han tratado de destruir el euro”, dijeron. “La integración de la UE es un problema constante”, dijo Herman Van Rompuy, “una vez más frente a los problemas económicos y sociales (…) así que le doy la bienvenida a la idea del presidente Monti de celebrar una cumbre extraordinaria sobre el futuro de la unidad europea “, dijo Van Rompuy.

El presidente explicó que la Comisión Europea es consciente de las críticas y oposiciones que existen en este momento, pero hizo hincapié en “los enormes esfuerzos de todos los países e instituciones europeas realizadas con solidaridad sin precedentes”. El Sr. van Rompuy probablemente quiere decir que hay solidaridad hacia los banqueros, no a favor de la población europea, que a pesar de sufrir las mayores tasas de desempleo en la historia reciente, no ha tenido ninguna ayuda directa de los líderes de la UE. De hecho, las primeras iniciativas adoptadas por los gobiernos de la UE iban a recortar el gasto en programas sociales, salarios, pensiones y otros programas que generalmente alivian la carga que pesa sobre la mayor parte del ciudadano europeo promedio.

Se espera que España amplíe su campaña para obtener mejores condiciones antes de su solicitud de un plan de rescate durante la reunión de ministros de Finanzas de la UE. “Esa es una conversación que no debe ocurrir entre España y el BCE, sino entre España y los demás miembros de la zona euro”, dijo Benoit Coeuré, director francés del BCE, en una entrevista en France Inter.

Herman van Rompuy no rehuyó la semana pasada a preguntas sobre cual será el resultado final de todas estas negociaciones. Van Rompuy dijo que en diciembre el proyecto de una nueva arquitectura europea se habrá presentado. Este proyecto se llevará a cabo por el BCE y la Comisión Europea, e incluirá cuatro pilares relacionados entre sí: un sindicato bancario, una unión fiscal, una unión económica y una unión política más profunda.

European Leaders Negotiate How to Collapse Europe

Herman van Rompuy Calls for less sovereignty for remaining nation-states.


Flashback: Herman van Rompuy, President of the European Union: “Homogenous Nation States are Dead”.

The collapse of the Euro and the European Union is not a result of the financial crisis created by the bankers. In fact, the crisis was created as a way to justify the banker acquisition of independent nation states in Europe, America, Africa and Asia, among others.

After reading what van Rompuy’s intention is in multiple occasions – to end nation-states as we know them — it is clear that countries will not be strengthened as a result of any measure adopted by the EU, the European Central Bank, or the IMF. As we speak there is a fight inside the banking hierarchy, whose members are discussing what is the best way to collapse the world’s financial system, beginning with the Euro zone to later spread the collapse to the Americas.

The EU president has not shied away from his goal to destroy nations and to submit them to unelected governing bodies. “The time of the homogenous nation state is over,” Mr he Rompuy said, adding that “in every European member state, there are people who believe their country can survive alone in the globalised world. It is more than an illusion — it is a lie.” The firmness of this statement can only come from a man who behind the scenes knows all the details of the planned implosion of the world’s financial system.

Since last week and over the weekend, European leaders have met to determine what is the best way to bring down the Euro zone while consolidating power over the independent nation-states as they’ve done with Greece. After the European Central Bank admitted it will buy sovereign bonds from indebted nations, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) launched itself like the financial vulture it is to discuss what it believes must be its role in the mechanism to destroy the European economy. Meanwhile, Spanish Prime Minister, Mariano Rajoy, who has not officially accepted the conditions given by the ECB, entered a race to beg for softer conditions before he hands his country over to the ECB and IMF.

“The decision of the ECB to provide funds to Spain, pretty much obligates the country to request a second bailout,” said ECB head, Mario Draghi. The ECB has already expressed its intention to buy unlimited amounts of debt from Spain and other nations who may need it, so it is expected that Rajoy will not let the opportunity pass by without requesting a complete bailout of the country. Spanish diplomats have gone to Brussels, Frankfurt, Washington and Madrid to try to negotiate better conditions should the country request the bailout this Fall.

But according to Brussels’ insiders, not even a financial bailout will be a strong safety net for Spain, because it is clear that the country will not be able to meet its goals to cut the deficit due to the depression now taking place in Europe and the failure of the Spanish government to increase its revenues. So the so-called rescue or bailout is nothing else than a smoke screen to facilitate the handover of Spain to its creditor, the European bankers.

Meanwhile, the IMF chief, Christine Lagarde, has said the organization is interested in playing a relevant role in the design and monitoring of the European Central Bank plan to buy bonds issued by euro zone governments. Lagarde stressed that the measures recently announced by the ECB President Mario Draghi, “pave the way forward”, but pointed out that “the priority is to be implemented in a coordinated manner.” “We are prepared to help and assist in the design and implementation of any programs that should be part of the solution,” said Lagarde, who has said that her institution is willing to participate ”actively” in the design and development of the program debt purchase of euro zone countries.

Both Herman van Rompuy and Italian Prime Minister Mario Monti have called a meeting with other European leaders to find common ground to “defeat the populist ideas that have sought to destroy the Euro,” they said. “The integration of the EU is an ongoing problem,” said Herman van Rompuy, “again dealing with the financial and social problems (…) so I welcomed the idea of ​​President Monti to hold a special summit on the future of European unity,” said Van Rompuy.

The president explained that the European Commission is aware of the criticisms and oppositions that exist right now, but emphasized “the tremendous efforts of all European countries and institutions made ​​with unprecedented solidarity”. Mr. van Rompuy probably means solidarity towards the bankers, not in favor of the European population, which despite suffering the largest rates of unemployment in recent history, has had no direct help from the EU leaders. In fact, the first initiatives adopted by EU governments were to cut spending on social programs, salaries, pensions and other programs that generally alleviate the burden on the largest portion of the average european citizen.

It is expected the Spain will expand its campaign to obtain better conditions previous to its request of a bailout during the meeting of finance ministers of the EU. It is expected that both Spain and Greece will clear the timing of the petition as the appetite of European partners to facilitate (or not) things mild conditions (or not). ”That’s a conversation that should occur not between Spain and the ECB, but between Spain and the other members of the euro zone,” said Benoit Coeuré, French director of the ECB, in an interview on France Inter.

Herman van Rompuy did not shy away last week about what the final outcome of all of these negotiations must be. Van Rompuy said that by December the project for a new European architecture will have been submitted. This project will be undertaken by the ECB and the European Commission and will include four pillars connected to each other: a banking union, a fiscal union, an economic union and a deeper political union.

Draghi brings in the ‘goodies’ to capture Spain and Italy


Mario ‘Super Mario‘ Draghi has unloaded his bag of goodies after the European Central Bank agreed to acquire the European continent. The line of states begging for a ‘rescue’ is headed by Spain and Italy, with Portugal and France waiting on the wings.

The European Central Bank announced the already expected purchase of sovereign debt to keep the financial collapse under control so that the bankers have enough time to absorb all free nations that are unable to pay their obligations.

As previously reported on this publication, the details of the program are murky, sketchy and as vague as possible to let the bankers make decisions as they please based on conditions on the ground. One detail was made clear, however. The ECB will have the power to buy unlimited amounts of sovereign bonds, the instruments issued by governments to cash their debts.

But before the ECB sends any money to Spain, Italy or any other nation in distress due to the unpaid liabilities, countries will have to review and accept a list of conditions that the bankers themselves have written, and under which the nation-states will have no flexibility. For example, countries in need of a bailout must officially request it to the ECB. Should the country decide to abandon the ‘rescue’ mechanism, the ECB is already threatening with stopping the purchases of bonds and sell the bonds that have been already acquired.

The positive answer from the ECB has already encouraged the artificially run financial markets, even though none of the nations that would eventually accept the conditions has actually requested the bailout. The risk premium of Spain has fallen sharply from highs of 638 points in the second half of July. The downgrade of the returns required of Spanish debt has been more pronounced in shorter maturities up to three years, as these are the titles that will focus on the operations of the issuing bank. Today, the Ibex 35 gained 4.91% and the risk premium has fallen below 450 basis points.

Once the countries request the ‘rescues’ — either for a full or partial bailout — the ECB will only accept the request if the country complies with all of the conditions imposed by the European bankers which will be provided through memoranda to each individual nation. The ECB  said that the bond purchases of bonds with maturities of between 1-3 years will be made with no quantity limits. “The amount will be adequate to achieve our goals,” said Draghi in a statement a month ago.

The ECB also waives its preferred creditor status, something that frightened investors. Moreover, the liquidity created by these direct sterilized monetary transactions (the withdrawal of an amount of cash equal to the purchase of bonds), will be done as it was with the previous program. Purchases may be extended to other countries already bailed out, such as Ireland and Portugal, to the extent that they recover their market access.

The ECB had already bought debt of other countries since May 2010 and began buying Spanish and Italian debt in August 2011. However, these purchases stopped earlier this year, as the bank decided to rescue the banks instead. The decision by the bank to bailout the banks caused the vicious debt problem to get worse as the increase in debt and insolvency of financial institutions and nation-states demanded even more money. Now, the bank has decided to come back with more cash to keep on feeding the beast, instead of killing it.

It will just a matter of time before the bailout of nation-states becomes as insufficient as the one given to the banks back in 2011. What will the ECB do then to slow down the collapse? Free money or ‘rescues’ will have proven ineffective.

As for what will Spain and Italy do, what does a crack addict do when you offer him a pipe and the ‘springly’?

Spain’s Bailout in mid-September says Goldman Sachs


The Spanish government will wait at least until mid-September before requesting help from its European partners in order to properly assess what offers and under what conditions the European Central Bank (ECB), intends to use. This is what analysts at Goldman Sachs pointed to their clients.

“We continue to see Spain as the first in line in this respect (ask for help and accept the conditions), although we expect that there will be a request in mid-September at the earliest,” say analysts at the Wall Street bank.

So, consider that “the Spanish authorities will probably wait until they have clear what offers the ECB Council will present during the September 6 meeting, before deciding whether to make a request for support to the EFSF and, if so, how and when.”

In fact, the report from Goldman Sachs bets that Mario Draghi will unveiled a strategy at the next Council meeting with a plan to ‘guard the euro’ which will intend to curb the escalating sovereign debt interest rates of the countries of the euro zone.

In this sense, analysts expect the ECB to perform interventions “opportunistically” in debt maturities of the one to three years kind in order to prevent interest rate peaks required on short-term debt in countries where their obligations have paralyzed the debt markets several times.

However, the report from Goldman Sachs is more cautious about the possibility that the ECB will announce the purchase of large amounts of sovereign debt and believes that the institution will first attempt to reactivate private markets through sporadic interventions, instead of immediately replacing the private sector with its own balance sheet. That means the ECB may have to buy debt itself, in order to bring some peace to the markets and confidence to private debt buyers.

The possibility that Spain finally requests financial assistance by mid-September is best handled in the markets, as the country will face the maturity 26,351,000 (6,085,000 bonds and 20,266,000 in bonds and notes) in October.

In fact, the Treasury will have to attract about 79,968,000 from markets for the remainder of the year to fund outstanding maturities and the deficit, according to the primary market which has had access to Europa Press.

The maturities from August to December amounted to 45.968 million euros, to which must be added about half of the deficit forecast for this year (6.3%), which is about 30,000 million and 4,000 million that has been pledged to regional liquidity fund.

S&P will not slash Spain’s credit rating after request for bailout

S & P said today that it will probably keep Spain’s credit rating intact, even though the Spanish government may request a total rescue of the economy from Brussels and the International Monetary Fund.

In a statement, the Anglo-saxon agency notes that it maintains the negative outlook for Spain, whose long-term debt rate remains at BBB +, after the country sought a grant of up to 100,000 million for its banking system.

However, S&P warned that the credit worthiness will not fall any lower if the government of Spain requested a bailout of the total economy because the agency thinks it would be easier to successfully complete what Mariano Rajoy has called ‘the ambitious economic reform agenda’.

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