Why did an Al-Qaeda Terrorist Leader Dine at the Pentagon?

Awlaki was also the spiritual leader of the alleged 9/11 hijackers, a fact that didn’t seem to concern Pentagon top brass who invited him to dine with them just months after the September 11 attacks despite the fact that he had personally colluded with the very hijackers who were alleged to have slammed Flight 77 into the Pentagon.

Paul Joseph Watson

The revelation that CIA stooge Anwar al-Awlaki, the Al-Qaeda leader who once dined with Pentagon top brass, is the supposed mastermind behind last week’s plane bomb plot, adds yet more weight to the already overwhelming evidence that the whole charade is another contrived false flag to both boost Barack Obama’s domestic and geopolitical agenda, while crushing the growing resistance against invasive airport security measures.

CIA Asset Anwar-al-Awlaki dined at the Pentagon months after 9/11.

According to the London Guardian, Awlaki is now the “prime suspect” in the cargo plane bomb plot. He is also fingered as the mastermind by BBC News, and the London Telegraph amongst others. The man who allegedly made the ink toner cartridges that were later claimed to be deadly explosive devices was Saudi Arabian-born Ibrahim Hassan Al Asiri. Al Asiri is “in regular contact in Yemen with radical cleric Anwar Awlaki,” reports the Daily Mail.

As we reported last month, every indication points to American-born cleric Awlaki being a double agent working for US intelligence. He has been involved in almost every terror plot over the last couple of years, from directing the underwear bomber, who was allowed to board the plane by order of the US State Department aided by a well-dressed man who got Abdulmutallab on the airliner despite the fact that he was on a terror watchlist and had no passport, to advising Fort Hood shooter Major Nidal Malik Hasan. Authorities have engaged in a cover-up of what happened at Fort Hood after they ordered Private Lance Aviles to delete cell phone footage of the attack.

Awlaki was also the spiritual leader of the alleged 9/11 hijackers, a fact that didn’t seem to concern Pentagon top brass who invited him to dine with them just months after the September 11 attacks despite the fact that he had personally colluded with the very hijackers who were alleged to have slammed Flight 77 into the Pentagon.

The US Special Operations Command’s Able Danger program identified the hijackers and their accomplices long before 9/11, and would undoubtedly have also picked up Awlaki.

As Webster Tarpley has documented, Awlaki is “an intelligence agency operative and patsy-minder” and “one of the premier terror impresarios of the age operating under Islamic fundamentalist cover” whose job it is to “motivate and encourage groups of mentally impaired and suggestible young dupes who were entrapped into “terrorist plots” by busy FBI and Canadian RCMP agents during recent years.”

Any Awlaki connection to the latest alleged bomb plot is therefore a huge smoking gun that the entire story, as every other piece of evidence also indicates, is a manufactured political ploy.

In the rush to pin the blame on US geopolitical target Yemen, a Yemeni female student was hastily fingered as the perpetrator, a “set-up” according to her lawyer, and she was quickly released. Indeed, according to Mohammed al-Shaibah, Air Cargo Director for Yemenia Airways, “there is no evidence to prove that this package came through Yemen.” He said there were no UPS or DHL cargo flights from Yemen within a 48 hour period prior to the supposed terror attack.

In addition, the United Arab Emirates’ Civil Aviation Authority rejected claims by US authorities that Flight 201 from Dubai contained any suspicious packages. “The Emirates plane that arrived today in the United States from Dubai did not contain any packages from Yemen,” the official Emirati WAM news agency quoted an unnamed source with the country’s civil aviation body as saying.

Authorities in the UK initially confirmed that the package found on a plane at East Midlands Airport was an ink toner cartridge and contained no evidence of explosives. Similarly, CNN first reported that, “Investigators examined two UPS planes that landed at Philadelphia International Airport and another at Newark Liberty International Airport in New Jersey, said Mike Mangeot, a UPS spokesman. Authorities later gave the “all-clear” at the airport in Newark, U.S. and U.K. officials said.” However, within hours President Obama gave a speech claiming the packages did contain evidence of explosives.

Within the space of 24 hours, the story was completely reversed and inflated into a massive terror plot involving dozens of suspect packages supposedly bound for synagogues in Chicago. How could packages that after being tested for explosives were labeled duds suddenly become ‘massive and powerful explosive devices’? This proves that the story was manipulated at an early stage so that it could be feverishly overblown and exploited for political purposes, just as a number of contrived terror alerts were issued for political gain by the Bush administration, as former Homeland Security chief Tom Ridge admitted.

The new plot’s supposed similarities to the Christmas Day attempt further cements this view. As we have documented, every single scrap of evidence regarding the underwear bomber plot has “false flag” written all over it, from the US government allowing Abdulmutallab to board the plane, to Abdulmutallab’s own patsy-like behavior suggesting he wasn’t even fully aware of his role, to FBI intimidation of eyewitnesses on the plane who reported events that contradicted the official story. The Christmas Day incident was hastily exploited to push naked body scanners which have proved to be a financial windfall for the same individuals who are now hyping this new plot as another reason for more expensive and invasive security measures at airports.

The plane bomb plot and how it has been swiftly exploited fulfills at least three political objectives.

1) Occurring less than a handful of days before what has been dubbed one of the most important mid-term elections for decades, the attack will serve to entice undecided voters back under the illusion of big government as protector, potentially saving a few key establishment Democrats their seats in the House and Senate. The fact that Obama completely reversed the initial announcements of security officials to claim that the ink toner cartridges did in fact contain explosives is a key indication that the White House is over hyping the story for political gain.

2) Resistance to stifling and pointless airport security measures has reached fever pitch in recent months, with naked body scanners taking flak from all sides as they are routinely abused. Dozens of countries are refusing to sign a binding agreement proposed by the Department of Homeland Security to mandate the use of the scanners globally. The backlash culminated in British Airways Chairman Martin Broughton attacking US authorities for the continuation of “completely redundant” airport security checks. These security checks are only going to become more invasive as a result of this staged event.

3) Blaming Yemen as the origin of the plot allows the US military-industrial complex to intensify drone attacks on a country that has become one of the prime targets for the next phase of the contrived war on terror. Just a day after the plane bomb charade, the New York Times aggressively pushed for more attacks on the country, citing the presence of CIA stooge Awlaki as a reason for doing so.

We are once again being manipulated and brainwashed into accepting draconian security measures through fear and lies. Only by exposing the fact that this chain of events was yet another false flag attack on the psyche of the American people and people globally can we hope to identify the real terrorists, those in positions of power, who are continually hyping the threat of terror to change our society for the worse.

El Terror de Otoño

Por Luis R. Miranda
The Real Agenda
Julio 18, 2010

Si hay una lección que la historia muestra claramente, es que las crisis no aparece al azar.  Las crisis importantes son causadas para promover una agenda. Las Guerras Mundiales I, II, son ejemplos de esto. El ataque del Golfo de Tonkin es otra crisis creada artificialmente perpetrada para aumentar control. Las operaciones terroristas Gladio y Northwoods son otros dos ejemplos de cómo las élites juegan con la mente del público para forzar un plan. Más recientemente, tenemos 9 / 11 y el derrame de petróleo en el Golfo de México.

El terror es la herramienta favorita de las élites para forzarnos a aceptar sus políticas cuando quieren o necesitan. Lo que salvó la presidencia de Bill Clinton no era su comprensión de la economía, pero su ataque militar en Bosnia y el atentado de Oklahoma City. Lo que salvó la presidencia de George W. Bush en su primer mandato no fue su compasión o acciones conservadoras, pero el ataque en el Centro Mundial de Comercio en Manhatan, Filadelfia y Washington. Ahora, está siendo propuesto por entes controlados por la élite, que sólo un ataque terrorista masivo puede salvar la presidencia de Barack Obama.  Uno de la escala de Oklahoma City o del 11 de septiembre 2001.

La sospecha de que un ataque masivo contra los americanos o cualquier otra nación del G8 está en por llegar con el fin de llevar a otra, posiblemente la última crisis no es una exageración. La historia nos enseña bien. Lo que es más escandaloso de una crisis  ingeniada, no es que va a suceder, pero que estos entes que trabajan para las élites salgan y lo digan a los cuatro vientos: que un ataque terrorista masivo es la única forma de rescatar la presidencia de Barack Obama del fango donde se está ahora. En un artículo en el Financial Times, un ex operativo de Bill Clinton, Robert Shapiro, dejó claro que Obama depende de un ataque en el otoño para resucitar de entre los muertos.

“Lo fundamental aquí es que los estadounidenses no creen en el liderazgo del presidente Obama”, dijo Shapiro. “Él tiene que encontrar alguna manera de aquí a noviembre de demostrar que él es un líder que puede inspirar confianza y, a falta de un evento de la escala del 11 de setiembre o de Oklahoma City, no puedo pensar en cómo podría hacer eso.” Recuerdan la imagen de George W. Bush de pie sobre los escombros del World Trade Center? Adónde estará Obama en octubre? Él ya ha tenido su momento -como Bush lo tuvo con Katrina- en el Golfo de México, donde mantuvo los intereses de la corona británica por encima a los de su gente, dejando que BP se saliera con la suya, literalmente.

La administración Obama no sólo no impidió el desastre del derrame de petróleo, sino también a propósito permitió que empeorara. Obama impidió que extranjeros y locales ayudaran con la limpieza de las aguas del Golfo de México. En su lugar, permitió que BP contratara a matones para bloquear el rescate de la fauna y evitar la propagación del petróleo a lo largo de la costa del Golfo. Mientras usted lee este artículo, BP usa el agua y la tierra como vertederos de tóxicos. Ha transformado las islas en  centros de muerte, mediante el vertido de productos químicos a su alrededor, que agotan la vida marina en todo el Golfo. A pesar de que existe la tecnología para limpiar las aguas del Golfo de México, Obama y sus compinches en BP eligieron dejar verter el petróleo en el océano con el fin de tener una excusa para promover su programa Cap & Trade.

Mirando hacia atrás en la historia, durante el gobierno de Bush, su secretario de Defensa, Donald Rumsfeld, sugirió que un nuevo ataque terrorista podría ayudar a vender la guerra contra el terror mejor. Los militares también plantearon esta opción como una sugerencia para darle a la guerra global contra el terrorismo un gran impulso en los tiempos cuando la gente está cansada de guerra. El teniente coronel Doug Delaney, del Colegio Militar Real hizo esta declaración como la cabeza del curso de estudios de guerra. Por supuesto, un ataque contra los Estados Unidos o cualquier país del G-8 no sólo tendría un impacto local o regional. La manera en la que la economía mundial va -Depresión- haría que un ataque terrorista diera paso a un estado general de Ley Marcial y el Estado  Policía que los globalistas quieren implantar.  Además, provocaría un colapso más rápido y más ensordecedor de las economías de todo el mundo.

La “sorpresa de octubre”, como se le llama en América del Norte podría venir en cualquier forma, no necesariamente una bomba nuclear. Como hemos visto, a los gobernantes no les falta creatividad cuando se trata de asustar a la gente. Hemos visto como el estado de la economía fue cambiado a través de la venta y compra ilegal de productos financieros  imaginarios -derivatives-, ahora sabemos cómo invadir un país y perder una guerra y, ciertamente, es de conocimiento de todo el mundo que estamos viviendo las consecuencias de un derrame de petróleo mal administrado -a propósito-. Pero hay un detalle que el próximo ataque puede tener y que ningún otro ha tenido. Parece ser un secreto a voces, que esta vez la culpa del ataque se adjudicaría a los ciudadanos. Eso es. Cualquiera y todos los que critican fuertemente al gobierno y sus acciones ilegales han sido el objetivo ataques del gobierno mismo a lo largo de la historia. Ahora, los que hagan oír su voz no sólo serán puestos en prisión o detenidos de por vida. Ellos mismos serán culpados por cualquier ataque.

En los Estados Unidos, el grupo conocido como Tea Party es satanizado todos los días por los medios de comunicación corporativos. Por supuesto no todo el mundo en el Tea Party es un verdadero patriota debido al hecho de que está infiltrado por el gobierno y matones de inteligencia. Sin embargo, la verdadera Tea Party, formada por ciudadanos preocupados principalmente quienes apoyan al congresista Ron Paul ha sido víctima de continuos ataques de la policía, los medios de comunicación y otros grupos que están en la nómina del gobierno.

Entonces, ¿qué debe hacer un presidente cuando las encuestas le hunden en sólo los primeros 18 meses de mandato? ¡Nada! Debido a que ningún presidente está en condiciones de decidir qué se hace. Él se sienta allí como el líder, como el personaje principal en el espectáculo de títeres. Se le dice qué hacer y cómo hacerlo. Qué hombre inteligente, consciente dejaría un desastre químico simplemente suceder? Cuál graduado de Harvard dejaría que las corporaciones, los bancos y los intereses militares estar por encima de los del pueblo? Sólo aquel que fue creado, y que es controlado por ellos. También un hombre que es chantajeado por aquellos que lo pusieron en el poder.

Otra pregunta que queda por abordar es: ¿Por qué los ciudadanos están en revuelta contra su gobierno? ¿Podría ser porque para ellos, los ciudadanos son un producto que pueden vender o subastar al mejor postor? ¿Puede ser porque los ciudadanos son abusados hasta acabar con su última gota de sudor, sangre y paciencia en sus cuerpos? Tal vez es el hecho de los ciudadanos son tratados como delincuentes en su propio país, mientras que los criminales están sueltos en la calle. Esto no es así porque no hay fondos suficientes para mantener los pueblos y ciudades seguras, sino porque fue diseñado para ser así. Cobrar más impuestos, recortar los servicios básicos. Cobrar más impuestos, pero subsidiar el colapso de la industria. Y cuando esto no es bueno, los gobernantes deciden que es una buena idea bombardear a los ciudadanos irracionales. En la mentalidad colectivista, este bombardeo para calmar los ánimo se haría para beneficiar a la mayoría, por supuesto.

Hay una cosa sobre la que los gobernantes no mienten, y eso es lo que realmente quieren hacer con nosotros. Cuando dijeron que querían un ataque terrorista masivo para consolidar aún más su control de las personas y recursos, lo hicieron (Proyect for a New American Century). Cuando dijeron que colapsarían la economía mundial, lo hicieron (los derivatives, los activos tóxicos, el FMI y los programas de préstamo del Banco Mundial). Ahora se nos advierte una vez más que otra gran sorpresa se acerca y no tenemos ninguna razón para dudar de ellos. Sobre todo porque a diferencia de la mayoría de la corrupción corriente, los medios de comunicación están siriviendo de altavoz para mostrar escenarios de oscuridad y perdición, haciéndose eco de lo que los terroristas -gobernantes- dicen. Hace quince años, no se oía hablar del Grupo Bilderberg en los medios de comunicación; o cómo los bancos centrales son privados y controlados desde la parte superior de la pirámide. Ahora bien, estas y otras “teorías conspirativas” se explican en detalle todos los días. Los políticos, profesionales, periodistas y todo el mundo en la calle sabe que el mundo es controlado por un puñado de familias. Ellos, por supuesto, hacen que parezca como si es bueno para nosotros que sea así. Presentan a los gobernantes y sus “soluciones” como los únicos que nos pueden salvar; en lugar de decirnos la verdad: Que son ellos los que causan las crisis.

La máscara de Obama ha caído. De hecho, las máscaras de todos los presidentes y jefes de gobierno han caído.

¿Cuál será la forma del Terror de Otoño? ¿Quién sabe? Lo importante es que hemos sido alertados y debemos prepararnos.

The Autumn Terror

By Luis R. Miranda
The Real Agenda
July 15, 2010

If there  is one lesson that history shows clearly, it is that crisis don’t come around randomly.  Major crisis are caused in order to further an agenda.  World Wars I, II are examples of this.  The Gulf of Tonkin attack is another artificially created crisis perpetrated to pass an agenda of control.  Operations Gladio and Northwoods are two other examples of how the Establishment plays with the public’s mind to force an agenda through.  More recently, we have 9/11 and the Gulf of Mexico’s Oil Spill.

Terror is the elites’ favorite tool to force crime and control down our throats when they want or need.  What saved Bill Clinton’s presidency was not his understanding of economics, but his treacherous attack in Bosnia and the Oklahoma City bombing.  What saved George W. Bush’s presidency in its first term was not his compassion or conservative actions, but the 9/11 attacks.  Now, it is being suggested by Establishment talking heads that the only think that can save Barack Obama’s presidency is another massive terror attack of the scale of Oklahoma City or September 11, 2001.

Suspecting that a massive attack on the Americans or any other G8 nation is in the works in order to bring about another -possibly a last- crisis is not an exaggeration.  History teaches us well.  What is more outrageous about a possible engineered crisis is not that it will happen, but that Establishment-controlled talking heads come out in the open and suggest such crisis may be the only way to rescue Barack Obama’s presidency from the mud where it is laying down now.  In an article in the Financial Times, a former Bill Clinton operative, Robert Shapiro, made it clear that Obama is relying on an Autumn crisis to come back from the dead.

“The bottom line here is that Americans don’t believe in President Obama’s leadership,” said Shapiro.  “He has to find some way between now and November of demonstrating that he is a leader who can command confidence and, short of a 9/11 event or an Oklahoma City bombing, I can’t think of how he could do that.”  Remember George W. Bush standing over the World Trade Center pile of metal?  Where will Obama be standing come October?  He has already had his Katrina-like moment in the Gulf of Mexico, where he bowed to the interests of the British crown by letting BP get away with murder; literally.

The Obama administration not only failed to prevent the oil spill disaster, but also purposely allowed it to get worse.  Obama prevented foreigners and locals to help with the clean-up of the Gulf’s waters.  Instead, he allowed BP to hire thugs and goons who to block the rescue of wildlife and prevent the spread of the oil along the Gulf coast.  As you read this article, BP is using water and land as toxic dumps.  It has transformed islands in centers of death, by pouring chemicals around them which deplete marine life all over the Gulf.  Even though there is technology to clean the waters of the Gulf of Mexico, Obama and his buddies at BP chose to let the oil pour into the ocean in order to have an excuse to promote their Cap&Trade scheme.

Looking back in history, during the Bush administration, his Defense Secretary, Donald Rumsfeld suggested that another terror attack could help sell the war on terror better.  Members of the military also posed this option as a suggestion to give the global war on terror a boost in times when people are war-fatigued.  Lt. Colonel Doug Delaney, from the Royal Military College made this statement as the head of the war studies course.  Of course, an attack on the United States or any other G8 country would not only have local or regional impact.  The way the global economy is going -into Depression- a terror attack would not only mean a general state of Martial Law and Police State, but a faster and more deafening collapse of economies around the world.

The October Surprise, as it is called in North America could come in any form, not necessarily a nuclear or dirty bomb.  As we have witnessed, the Rulers do not lack creativity when it comes to scaring the sheep.  We have seen the state of the economy being changed through the sale and purchase of illegal imaginary financial products -derivatives-, we now know how to invade a country and lose a war and certainly it is of everyone’s knowledge we are experiencing the consequences of a poorly -purposely- handled oil spill.  But there is one details that the next attack may have that no other had.  It seems, from all the chatter, that this time the attack will be blamed on the citizens.  That’s right.  Anyone and everyone who loudly criticizes the government and its illegal actions has been the target of that very same government throughout history.  Now, those who make their voices heard will not only be put in prison or detained for life.  They themselves will be blamed for any attack.

In the United States, the Tea Party is demonized on an hourly basis on the corporate media.  Granted not everyone in the Tea party is a real patriot -due to the fact it is infiltrated by government and intelligence goons.  However, the real Tea Party, formed by concerned citizens mainly from the Ron Paul Revolution have been victims of continuous attacks from police, the media and other groups that are on the payroll of the government.

So what is a president to do when his poll numbers plunge in only the first 18 months? Nothing!  Because no president is in a position to decided what is done.  He sits there as the front man, as the main character in the puppet show.  He is told what to do and how to do it.  What intelligent man, conscious man would let a chemical disaster simply happen?  What smart, Harvard product would let corporations, banks and military interests be above those of the people?  Only one who was created, one who is controlled and told what to do by his owners.  Also a man who is blackmailed by those who put him in power.

Another question that remains to address is: Why are citizens in revolt against their government?  Could it be because to them, citizens are a product they can sell or auction to the best bidder?  Can it be because citizens are squeezed until their last drop of sweat, blood and patience runs out of their bodies?  Maybe is the fact citizens are treated like criminals in their own country while the criminals are let loose on the street.  This is not so because there aren’t enough funds to keep the towns and cities safe, but because it was designed to be like that.  Charge more taxes, cut basic services.  Charge more taxes but subsidize the collapse of industry.  And when this is not good anymore, the Rulers simply decide to bomb the heck out the irrational citizens.  For the citizens’ benefit, of course.

There is one thing the Rulers do not lie about, and that is what they really want to do to us.  When they said they wanted a massive terror attack to further consolidate their control of people and resources, they did it (Project for a New American Century).   When they said they would collapse the global economy, they did it (Derivatives, toxic assets, IMF and World Bank loan programs).  Now they warn us once again that another Big Surprise is coming and we don’t have any reason to doubt them.  Especially because unlike most corruption, the main stream media loud speaks scenarios of gloom and doom echoing what the terrorists say.  Fifteen years ago, no corporate medium talked about Bilderberg or how the central banks are private and controlled from the top of the pyramid.  Now, these and other “conspiracy theories” are explained in detail daily.  Politicians, professionals, reporters and everyone on the street knows the world is controlled by a handful of families.  They of course make it look as if it is good for us for it to be like that.  They present the Rulers and their “solutions” as the only ones that can save us instead of telling us the truth: That they are the ones who cause the crisis.

Obama’s mask has fallen.  In fact, all the presidents and heads of government’s masks have fallen.

In what form will the Autumn Terror come? Who knows?  The important thing is we have been warned and we must prepare.

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