Pfizer Settles Bribery case and will pay $ 60 million in fines


Another bribery case has been settled by a pharmaceutical giant. This time it was Pfizer’s turn to admit to buying off doctors, regulators and other government officials in countries like Russia, Bulgaria, Croatia, Kazakhstan, Serbia, Czech Republic, China and Italy. Please note that these cases are the ones where authorities  found irregularities in Pfizer’s behavior, although there are many more cases that aren’t even reported about how pharmaceutical companies legally compromise the doctor-patient relationship by encouraging those doctors to push dangerous pharmaceuticals on people who have no idea about the bribery schemes.

The drug maker Pfizer met with representatives of the Department of Justice in the United States to admit blame in the bribery schemes and agreed to pay fines totaling more than $ 60 million (more than 48 million euros) for bribing doctors, regulators and government officials abroad.

The Justice Department announced yesterday hat Pfizer has agreed to end disputes over illegal practices by paying a fine of $ 15 million and the repayment of $ 26.3 million in benefits to the stock market regulator the SEC. Keep in mind that although the company has admitted to the crime, none of Pfizer’s executives was personally blamed and no one has been fired or sent to jail. This new case represents another example of how a multinational corporation bribes its way off trouble — by paying government agencies — for having bribed doctors and other individuals. The total amount of over $60 million pales in comparison with the damage done by pharmaceutical products sold by Pfizer and other drug giants, which kill over 700,000 people a year in the United States alone.

Another subsidiary, acquired by the U.S. pharmaceutical in 2009, Wyeth, will pay $ 18.8 million in repayment of benefits and costs of legal process to resolve the dispute with the U.S. authorities. Cases of bribery have moved from one corporation to another in the last few years. GlaxoSmithKline also agreed to pay $3 billion for criminal and civil violations after the company admitted to illegally marketing the popular antidepressants Paxil and Wellbutrin and hiding information on the medical risks of its best-selling diabetes drug, Avandia. In the case of GlaxoSmithKline, no one faced jail time either.

The use of antidepressants, among other drugs is now known to cause violent behavior in patients who in many cases become violent to the point of committing homicide or even suicide. This is the kind of information that the pharmaceutical companies hide from patients at all cost. It is also precisely this criminal behavior what transforms people into killing machines, as we explained yesterday in our article about the shootings in Colorado and Wisconsin in the United States.

As reported by Mike Adams in his video Chemical Massacre, people are 6200% more likely today of dying because of their use of dangerous pharmaceuticals, than due to terrorism, for example. However, doctors and large drug conglomerates are never held accountable for the death of patients that entrust their health to their doctors; the same people who are bribed by Pfizer and GlaxoSmithKline to lie to the sick, the old and the ignorant so they can sell more pharmaceuticals.

The agreement to pay the fines prevents the Justice Department to pursue criminal prosecution against the pharmaceutical industry for improper payments to get a better market position for its products. So in case you were already applauding and cheering for the US DOJ, you can stop right now. What this means is that, once again, a drug giant gets its way with the government and the public, by getting off unharmed for the crimes that cost the lives of millions of people around the world. They will always have $ 60 million or even $3 billion in their reserves to bribe the government and avoid criminal charges.

Back in 2000, the American Medical Association reported on its Journal that almost 300 people in the United States alone die everyday from complications that stem from the use of pharmaceutical products. These complications are caused by medications approved by the Federal Drug Administration of the United States. In other words, government agencies at the very least allow pharmaceutical companies to produce and sell medications that cause sickness and death. How much do drug companies pay in fines to the families? Nothing. This situation will continue to be the same as long as corporations agree to bribe the DOJ, the FDA, and of course the doctors as safety nets to get around the laws.

In 2004, Pfizer was the first major pharmaceutical decided to ‘cooperate’ with the Justice Department to investigate illegal conduct of foreign companies traded, punishable in the United States. Another example is Johnson & Johnson, the company that produces many of the poisonous household cleaning products that billions of people use everywhere. Johnson & Johnson agreed last year to pay $ 70 million in fines to settle for bribes paid in countries like Greece, Poland and Iraq.

Psychotropic Industry Making a Killing


The largest medical conspiracy is not the one that causes physical disease to hundreds, thousands or millions of people, but the one that is set in motion to control the minds of people. Today, the psychotropic industry not only makes billions of dollars a year through the sale of pharmaceutical products used by psychiatrists and psychologists to “treat” their patients, but also, knowingly and purposely deplete the minds of those who use such products.

The way in which Psychiatry as a pseudo-science became relevant in modern society is one story in itself. Large medical organizations, academia and powerful foundations are responsible for the adoption of “curing” techniques that originated back in the early 20th century which sought to treat patients with archaic, torturous procedures that were nothing more than live human experiments whose effectiveness were based on nothing but hunches. With the advancement of science, psychiatrists saw an opportunity to achieve the goal they had not been able to achieve despite multiple trials with their insane physical treatments.

In 1967, psychiatrists met in the island of Puerto Rico to conspire and create what they thought was the best way to make people mental servants of the medical-scientific-pharmaceutical industry. Their plan was to create, provide and even mandate people to take a whole new range of psychotropic products that they’d recommend as the only solution for a list of nonexistent mental diseases that people would be made to believe they actually had. During their meeting, these so-called medical experts and men of science, such as Heinz Lehmann, Joseph Zubin, Nathan Kline, Charles Savage and others, expressed their desire to control people’s minds. They produced a document or report called “Psychotropic Drugs in the Year 2000″ where they outline their plan for the future.

The purpose of these psychiatrists was clear, as it was expressed by Wayne O. Evans. “We see a developing potential for nearly a total control of human emotional status, mental functioning, and will to act.” What Evans described was the medical establishment’s complete plan to bring people under control with the use of pharmaceutical products that would be pushed through trusted scientists, medical journals and ultimately with the help of medical doctors who were to a great extent indoctrinated into believing the drugging someone for life was the best way to cure their mental and physical illnesses.

Psychotropic drugs used to treat problems like dementia, stress, depression and other supposed mental conditions aren’t safe at all. In fact, they are responsible for a wide range of side effects including violence, desire to commit suicides and homicide in addition to making patients addicted. In the best case scenario, psychotropic drugs have managed to kill more people; not help them, than cure them of their physical ailments. Their side effects are almost never studied before they are put out and the addiction they cause is simply referred to as dependence. Psychotropic drugs, which are legally sold and recommended by health practitioners are responsible for more deaths than illegal street drugs. According to research, over half of the people who commit suicide in the United States are patients or users of psychotropic drugs prescribed to them. A short list of these drugs include: Zoloft, Paxil, Prozac, Wellbutrin, Effexor, Seroquil and Ultram, among others.

In the past few weeks, multiple reports in the media have pointed to abuse of psychotropic drugs by soldiers who are sent to the battle field even though they are mentally unprepared to face the reality brought to them when in combat situations. Psychotropic drugs are even given to soldiers as a way to mentally flush their brains and eliminate any fear, phobia or intolerance to the crude reality of a combat zone, so they can be deployed 3, 4 or more times. As reported by Fox News, psychotropic drugs are responsible for military suicides, and warnings about the consequences of their use and abuse have been issued by psychiatrists themselves, the ones not committed to use prescription drugs to cure anything and everything. They’ve said that “the risk from side effects is too great.” The calls to stop using prescription drugs to make soldiers tolerant to the stress of the battlefield have become louder and louder. “There’s no way on earth that these boys and girls are getting monitored on the field,” said Dr. Peter Breggin, a New York-based psychiatrist. “The drugs simply shouldn’t be given to soldiers.”

But the use and abuse of psychotropic drugs doesn’t only happen in the army. It also occurs in mental institutions, which in most cases are places filled with people who were forced by their doctors to be imprisoned in such places “for their own good”, and who are then submitted to long and painful medical treatments that include the intake of prescription drugs for the rest of their lives. Many of these patients are children who are deemed by their doctors as troubled, which qualifies them to become lab rats in a mental institution where they are loaded with psychotropic drugs — that are often in their experimental phase — in order to calm down or in theory eliminate the origin of the trouble pointed by the medical expert. Children as young as 7 suffering from neglect, abuse or who simply were not raised by two parents, are prescribed antipsychotic drugs for the rest of their lives, and are taught that only the continuous use of pharmaceutical drugs will take them out of their supposed mental illness. Drugs like Lexapro and Vyvanse are responsible for children suicide. Others are prescribed Symbyax, a drug that supposedly works as an anti-depressant, even though its label clearly states that it may lead to suicide.

Today, 100 million people around the world are on psychiatric drugs. How did we come to this? Their doctors convinced them that they were mentally sick. They talked them into believing that every mental or emotional experience was an example of a mental or emotional disease. They told them that stress, anxiety, depression and every other reaction to their lives experiences were treatable diseases and that they had the solutions and the cures for them. Although more and more psychiatrists confess that their profession lacks the science they often claim to have, that their analysis and treatment of patients is a trial and error process, when they are in front of their patients, many of these professionals do not hesitate to recommend drugs that will only worsen any mental or physical medical problem. “We don’t have any blood tests, or any other medical tests that are definitive for any mental disorder,” said a psychiatrist from New Jersey, outside and medical convention venue. This statement was similar to what another psychiatrist from Mexico City said: “If you come to my office and tell me you are depressed, there is no medical test or blood test…” And the testimonies about the medical uncertainties of psychiatry and their so-called medical cures continue: “There aren’t currently any available tests to verify your diagnosis,” said a psychiatrist from Greece.

Even when psychiatrist and drug makers know that their products have dangerous side effects and that the scientific base for the manufacturing of these products is faulty to say the least, they have no problem whatsoever to wake up every morning to go to their offices and recommend the pharmaceuticals to their unsuspecting patients. Many of these patients often become part of the list of at least 3000 people a month who directly die because of the use of psychotropic drugs recommended by their doctors. Many people were shocked on September 11, 2001, when around 3000 people were murdered during the terrorist attacks in New York and Pensilvannia. Most people fail to realize that as bad as 9/11 was, the kind of crime committed that day is actually replicated monthly or perhaps more often by doctors prescribing pharmaceutical drugs to their patients. According to publicly available data, 70% of the psychotropic drugs used by people with supposed mental disease are prescribed by their trusted medical doctors. “They use what I call statistical contortionism. They manipulate the numbers to make them look fantastic and hide the bad numbers,” says Shane Ellison, an organic chemist who used to work for as a drug researcher for pharmaceutical giant Eli Lilly.

According to the film Making a Killing: The Untold Story of Psychotropic Drugging, the number of psychotropic drugs has grown exponentially since 1966. Back then there were a total of 44 different products. Today, the number reaches 176 different pharmaceutical drugs available for doctors to sell to their patients. It is through this direct relationship between doctors and patients together with clever marketing directed to medical professionals — in seminars and conferences — that the pharmaceutical industry managed to do exactly what elite psychiatrists had planned 40 years ago. The top five pharmaceutical drugs sold around the world bring in about $18 billion dollars for Big Pharma every year. This is about the same amount obtained when we add up the GDP of half of the nations of the world. As a whole, the psychiatric industry, says the film, makes a grand total of $330 billion dollars a year of the health and well-being of millions of people around the world.

This article is just a quick summary about how the pharmaceutical industry’s unholy alliance with the medical industry helped drive the goals planned for many decades ago. We recommend you watch the film Psychiatry: An Industry of Death, in order to obtain a strong background about the origins, workings and goals that the pseudoscience of Psychiatry has for all of us. Then, for a more contemporaneous view on what is the Psychiatry Industry doing right now and how the unholy alliance works, please watch the film Making a Killing: The Untold Story of Psychotropic Drugging. Furthermore, pass the information contained in this article and the films cited above to as many people as possible.

The Real Agenda encourages the reproduction -in part or in full- of its content. The only requirement is to give credit as it is due by citing the origin of the information AS IT APPEARS on the news reports hosted on the website.

Dez Medicamentos que Mais Induzem à Violência
Versão Português Luis R. Miranda
19 de Janeiro, 2011

O Instituto de Práticas Seguras de Medicação (ISMP) publicou recentemente um estudo publicado na revista “PLoS One” destacando as piores drogas de prescrição que levam o paciente a tornar-se violento. Entre os dez mais perigosos estão os antidepressivos Pristiq (desvenlafaxina), Paxil (paroxetina) e Prozac (fluoxetina).

A preocupação com os efeitos secundários negativos de antidepressivos populares e diversas drogas antipsicóticas têm vindo aumentado, porque essas drogas não só causam problemas sérios de saúde aos usuários, mas também representam uma ameaça significativa para a sociedade. O relatório do ISMP afirma que, de acordo com os Arquivos de Eventos  Adversos da Administração de Alimentos e Medicamentos dos Estados Unidos (Food and Drug Administration), muitas drogas populares são inclusive relacionadas com o homicídio.

A maioria das drogas entre as dez mais perigosas são os antidepressivos, mas incluem também um medicamento para transtorno de insônia, distúrbio de atenção / hiperatividade (THDA), um medicamento contra a malária e um anti-tabagismo.

A lista dos dez primeiros é a seguinte:

10. Desvenlafaxine (Pristiq) – Um antidepressivo que afeta a serotonina e a noradrenalina. A droga tem 7,9 vezes mais probabilidade de estar associada à violência do que outras drogas.

9. Venlafaxina (Efexor) – Um antidepressivo que trata transtornos de ansiedade. A droga tem 8,3 vezes mais probabilidade de estar associada à violência do que outras drogas.

8. A fluvoxamina (Luvox) – Um inibidor de recaptação da serotonina (ISRS), que tem 8,4 vezes mais probabilidade de estar associada à violência do que outras drogas.

7. Triazolam (Halcion) – Uma droga de benzodiazepínicos para insônia, que tem de 8,7 vezes mais probabilidade de estar associada à violência do que outras drogas.

6. Atomoxetine (Strattera) – Um medicamento para o THDA, que tem nove vezes mais probabilidade de estar associado à violência do que outras drogas.

5. Mefoquine (Lariam) – Um medicamento contra a malária que tem 9,5 vezes mais probabilidade de estar associado à violência do que outras drogas.

4. Anfetaminas – Esta classe geral de medicamentos para o THDA tem 9,6 vezes mais probabilidade de estar associado à violência do que outras drogas.

3. A paroxetina (Paxil) – Um antidepressivo SSRI que tem 10,3 vezes mais chances de ser associado com a violência do que outras drogas. Também está ligado aos sintomas de abstinência grave e defeitos de nascimento.

2. A fluoxetina (Prozac) – Um popular antidepressivo SSRI, que tem 10,9 vezes mais chances de ser associado com a violência do que outras drogas.

1. A vareniclina (Champix) – Um medicamento usado contra a dependência do fumo que tem 18 vezes mais probabilidade de estar associado à violência do que outras drogas.

Los 10 Fármacos que Más Inducen a la Violencia
Adaptación Luis R. Miranda
19 de Enero, 2011

El Instituto para el Uso Seguro de los Medicamentos (ISMP) publicó recientemente un estudio en la revista PLoS One destacando los peores medicamentos recetados que hacen que los pacientes se vuelven violentos. Entre los diez más peligrosos están los antidepresivos Pristiq (desvenlafaxina), Paxil (paroxetina) y Prozac (fluoxetina).

La preocupación por los efectos secundarios negativos de los antidepresivos populares y muchos fármacos antipsicóticos han ido en aumento, ya que estos medicamentos no sólo causa graves problemas de salud a los usuarios, pero también representan una amenaza significativa para la sociedad. El informe del ISMP indica que, de acuerdo con el Sistema de Información sobre Eventos Adversoslos de la Administración de Alimentos y Medicinas de EE.UU. (Food and Drug Administration), muchos medicamentos populares inclusive están relacionadon con homicidios.

La mayoría de las drogas entre los diez primeros y más peligrosos son los antidepresivos, pero también se incluye un medicamento para el insomnio, trastorno de hiperactividad por déficit de atención (THDA), un fármaco contra la malaria y un medicamento contra el tabaquismo.

La lista de los diez primeros es el siguiente:

10. Desvenlafaxina (Pristiq) – Un antidepresivo que afecta la serotonina y la noradrenalina. La droga da 7,9 veces más probabilidades de estar asociado con la violencia que otras drogas.

9. La venlafaxina (Effexor) – Un antidepresivo que trata los trastornos de ansiedad. La droga tiene 8,3 veces más probabilidades de estar asociado con la violencia que otras drogas.

8. Fluvoxamina (Luvox) – Un inhibidor de la recaptación de serotonina (ISRS) que tiene 8,4 veces más probabilidades de estar asociado con la violencia que otras drogas.

7. Triazolam (Halcion) – Un medicamento de benzodiazepinas para el insomnio que es 8,7 veces más probable de ser asociado con la violencia que otras drogas.

6. La atomoxetina (Strattera) – Un medicamento para el THDA que es 9 veces más probable de ser asociado con la violencia que otras drogas.

5. Mefoquine (Lariam) – Un fármaco contra la malaria que es 9,5 veces más probable de ser asociados con la violencia que otras drogas.

4. Las anfetaminas – Esta clase general de medicamento para el THDA es 9,6 veces más probable de estar asociado con la violencia que otras drogas.

3. Paroxetina (Paxil) – Un medicamento antidepresivo ISRS que es 10.3 veces más probable de estar asociado con la violencia que otras drogas. También está vinculado a los síntomas de abstinencia graves y defectos de nacimiento.

2. Fluoxetina (Prozac) – Un popular medicamento antidepresivo ISRS que es 10,9 veces más probable de estar asociado con la violencia que otras drogas.

1. La vareniclina (Chantix) – Un medicamento contra la adicción al tabaco que es un impactante 18 veces más probable de ser asociado con la violencia que otras drogas.


Top ten violence-inducing prescription drugs

Natural News
January 16, 2011

The Institute for Safe Medication Practices (ISMP) recently published a study in the journal PLoS One highlighting the worst prescription drug offenders that cause patients to become violent. Among the top-ten most dangerous are the antidepressants Pristiq (desvenlafaxine), Paxil (paroxetine) and Prozac (fluoxetine).

Concerns about the extreme negative side effects of many popular antidepressant and antipsychotic drugs have been on the rise, as these drugs not only cause severe health problems to users, but also pose a significant threat to society. The ISMP report indicates that, according to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) Adverse Event Reporting System, many popular drugs are linked even to homicides.

Most of the drugs in the top ten most dangerous are antidepressants, but also included are an insomnia medication, an attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) drug, a malaria drug and an anti-smoking medication.

As reported in Time, the top ten list is as follows:

10. Desvenlafaxine (Pristiq) – An antidepressant that affects serotonin and noradrenaline. The drug is 7.9 times more likely to be associated with violence than other drugs.

9. Venlafaxine (Effexor) – An antidepressant that treats anxiety disorders. The drug is 8.3 times more likely to be associated with violence than other drugs.

8. Fluvoxamine (Luvox) – A selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) drug that is 8.4 times more likely to be associated with violence than other drugs.

7. Triazolam (Halcion) – A benzodiazepine drug for insomnia that is 8.7 times more likely to be associated with violence than other drugs.

6. Atomoxetine (Strattera) – An ADHD drug that is 9 times more likely to be associated with violence than other drugs.

5. Mefoquine (Lariam) – A malaria drug that is 9.5 times more likely to be associated with violence than other drugs.

4. Amphetamines – This general class of ADHD drug is 9.6 times more likely to be associated with violence than other drugs.

3. Paroxetine (Paxil) – An SSRI antidepressant drug that is 10.3 times more likely to be associated with violence than other drugs. It is also linked to severe withdrawal symptoms and birth defects.

2. Fluoxetine (Prozac) – A popular SSRI antidepressant drug that is 10.9 times more likely to be associated with violence than other drugs.

1. Varenicline (Chantix) – An anti-smoking drug that is a shocking 18 times more likely to be associated with violence than other drugs.

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