European Union Sets Banking Takeover for 2013


The Heads of State and the Government of the European Union (EU) agreed Thursday to create a single banking supervisor. The entity should be ready next December and it will gradually begin its takeover of the banking system during 2013.

The EU leaders confirmed their commitment last June to create a bank union, which would work under the political framework of an agreement adopted back in late 2012. The announcement was made by EU spokesman Olivier Bailly, who posted a message on the social network Twitter.

Diplomatic sources explained that in practice this means that the complete takeover of the financial system by the European Central Bank (ECB) will only be completed in 2014.

With this agreement, the so-called European leaders solved the ‘differences’ regarding how to create and manage a banking supervisor. The disagreement between France and Germany stemmed from details related to the creation of the entity itself as well as the power it would have to manage all banking institutions in the old continent. While French president François Hollande pushed for its creation and effective activation for next January, German Chancellor Angela Merkel argued for delaying its implementation given the deterioration of her image at home and the coming German election.

Other diplomatic sources indicated that “Holland’s demands and proposals were simply unrealistic.” They added that even if the leaders reached an agreement by December, the process of creating such an entity  would not be completed before the end of the first semester of 2013, which means that the ECB would still require a minimum of 6 more months to fully implement its directives.

A few weeks ago, Merkel’s government questioned the schedule proposed by Hollande, while the president of the European Central Bank, Mario Draghi, added that the European Parliament would need a period of one year to adapt its structures to take on the task of supervising banks in the eurozone.

According to the European Commission’s plan, the centralized banking supervision mechanism will take effect in stages. The new system would only begin to be implemented on the first of January 2013 and initially affect banks that had requested or received public aid. The plan is to include all 6,000 banks that operate in the euro area.

The German delegation did not support the idea that the new supervising entity had the power to manage  all banks, especially regional banks.

Sources said that “the effective establishment of a Europe-wide monitoring system will take several months” from formal approval, as the ECB will have to hire some 1,600 “experts”, which in turn would further delay the possibility that the European Stability Mechanism (ESM) directly recapitalizes troubled banks.

France, Italy and Spain went to the summit with the intention to push for a quick implementation of the banking supervising entity as it was proposed by the ECB, while Germany, Finland, the Netherlands and Sweden advocated delaying its implementation.

Some countries that have not adopted the common currency said that the proposal issued by the EU needed changes because in its current form it creates a competitive disadvantage compared to banks in the euro zone.

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Espanha estende Ocupação Americana de Cádiz

Presença dos EUA durará até 2021.


O Governo da Espanha autorizou a assinatura do acordo militar entre a Espanha e os EUA para permitir a implantação de um sistema de escudo anti mísseis na Base Naval de Rota, em Cádiz.

O Governo concedeu poderes plenipotenciários para o Ministro da Defesa, Pedro Morenés, assinara a  modificação do acordo. Morenés selará o acordo com o secretário de defesa dos EUA, Leon Panetta, na próxima semana, em uma reunião da OTAN em Bruxelas.

Morenés e o Ministro das Relações Exteriores, José Manuel García-Margallo, pediram para comparecer diante do Congresso para informar sobre a reforma, que deve ser ratificada pelo Parlamento. A reforma, foi realizada em julho passado pelas delegações de Espanha e os EUA, e descreve o equipamento a ser implantado em Rota, no início de 2014. Inclui quatro destróieres Arleigh Burke equipados com o sistema de combate Aegis, e cerca de 1.100 soldados norte-americanos.

Com este novo acordo, os Estados Unidos continua a sua política de militarização do planeta. No mês passado, informamos sobre um acordo entre os Estados Unidos e o Japão para implantar um sistema de escudo antimísseis semelhante no país asiático. A negóciacao foi concluída, enquanto o as relações  diplomáticas entre China e Japão pioraram por causa de disputas territoriais.

O acordo assinado pela Espanha estabelece o teto de tropas militares norte-americanas em 4750. Sob o acordo, o principal objetivo do escudo antimísseis é colaborar no sistema de defesa de mísseis contra ameaças de mísseis balísticos como os desenvolvidos pelo Irã e pela Coréia do Norte, mas também fazer outras atividades sob os laços bilaterais através de operações da OTAN.

O acordo para implantar o sistema de escudo antimísseis foi fechado durante reuniões na quarta-feira e quinta-feira em Madri pelas delegações dos dois países, que incluíram o Ministro de Defesa Pedro Morenés e seu colega dos EUA, Leon Panetta. Os dois homens encontraram-se no Pentágono.

A modificação do protocolo de acordo entre os militares dos EUA e Espanha é um texto muito curto, e inclui a extensão do acordo que será estendido por oito anos até 2021. O atual acordo foi assinado em 1988. Desde 2011, tem sido renovado automaticamente a cada ano.

A luz verde para a implantação do sistema de anti mísseis na Base Naval de Rota foi aprovado em outubro de 2011, pelo ex-primeiro-ministro espanhol, José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, com a aprovação de Mariano Rajoy. A principal mudança nas negociações tem sido a de adicionar uma cláusula que estende o acordo militar por oito anos até 2020. O acordo será renovado automaticamente de ano para ano, mas o Pentágono busca garantias de longo prazo para a permanência que justifique o investimento na base de Cádiz.

Já em Outubro de 2011, a ex-ministra das Relações Exteriores, Trinidad Jimenez, respondeu a perguntas sobre o sigilo da adoção por Rodriguez Zapatero dizendo que não havia nada de secreto sobre o acordo para que os americanos ocuparam a Base Naval de Rota. “Foi uma surpresa para aqueles que não estao bem informados”, disse.

Jimenez disse também que Cádiz iria-se beneficiar da criação do escudo antimísseis na Base Naval de Rota. Ele vai “renovar toda a área”, explicando que criaria novos postos de trabalho, gerando empregos indiretos para a manutenção das instalações.

España Amplía Ocupación Estadounidense en Cádiz

Presencia norteamericana se extendió hasta 2021.


El Gobierno de España ha autorizado la firma de la enmienda al acuerdo militar entre España y los EE.UU. para permitir el despliegue de un sistema de escudo anti misiles en la Base Naval de Rota, en Cádiz.

El Gobierno concedió poderes plenipotenciarios para que el ministro de Defensa, Pedro Morenés, firmara la modificación del convenio. Morenés sellará el acuerdo con el secretario de Defensa estadounidense, Leon Panetta, la próxima semana en una reunión de la OTAN en Bruselas.

Morenés y el Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores, José Manuel García-Margallo, pidieron para comparecer en el Congreso para informar sobre la reforma, que debe ser ratificada por el Parlamento. La reforma, acordada el pasado mes de julio por las delegaciones de España y los EE.UU., describe el equipo que se desplegará en Rota a comienzos del 2014. Se incluyen cuatro destructores Arleigh Burke que están equipados con el sistema de combate Aegis, y alrededor de 1.100 soldados estadounidenses.

Con este nuevo acuerdo, los Estados Unidos continúa con su política de militarización del planeta. El mes pasado, se informó sobre un acuerdo entre los Estados Unidos y Japón, para desplegar un sistema de escudo anti misiles similar en la nación asiática. El acuerdo fue completado, mientras que las relaciones chino-japonesas empeoraban en una guerra diplomática iniciada debido a disputas territoriales.

El acuerdo suscrito por España establece el límite máximo de las tropas militares estadounidenses en 4.750. Según el acuerdo, el objetivo principal del escudo anti misiles es colaborar en el sistema de defensa de misiles contra amenazas de misiles balísticos como los desarrollados por Irán y Corea del Norte, pero también hacen otras actividades en virtud de las relaciones bilaterales a través de operaciones de la OTAN.

El acuerdo para implementar el sistema de escudo anti misiles fue cerrado durante las reuniones celebradas el pasado miércoles y el jueves en Madrid por las delegaciones de los dos países, que incluyeron el ministro de Defensa, Pedro Morenés y su homólogo de EE.UU., Leon Panetta. Los dos hombres se reunieron en el Pentágono.

La modificación del protocolo al acuerdo militar entre los EE.UU. y España es un texto muy corto, e incluye la extensión de todo el acuerdo durante ocho años, hasta 2021. El actual acuerdo se firmó en 1988. Desde 2011 se ha renovado automáticamente cada año.

La luz verde para la implementación del sistema de escudo anti misiles en la Base Naval de Rota se dio en octubre de 2011, por el ex primer ministro español, José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, con el visto bueno de Mariano Rajoy. El principal cambio introducido en las negociaciones ha sido el de añadir una disposición que amplía el acuerdo militar durante ocho años, hasta 2020. Hasta el momento se prorrogará automáticamente de año en año, pero el Pentágono ha pedido garantías de permanencia a largo plazo para justificar las inversiones en la base de Cádiz.

Ya en octubre de 2011, la ex ministra de Asuntos Exteriores Trinidad Jiménez respondió a preguntas sobre el carácter secreto de la aprobación por parte de Rodríguez Zapatero diciendo que no había nada secreto sobre el acuerdo para que los estadounidenses ocupan la Base Naval de Rota. “Fue una sorpresa para los que no estaban informados”, dijo.

Jiménez también aseguró que toda la bahía de Cádiz se beneficiaría de la creación del escudo anti misiles en la Base Naval de Rota. Se va a “renovar toda la zona”, dijo; y explicó que habrían nuevos puestos de trabajo creados, lo que generaría empleos indirectos para el mantenimiento de las instalaciones.

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Spain extends and enhances American occupation in Cadiz

American presence is extended until 2021.


The government of Spain authorized the signing of the amendment to the military agreement between Spain and the U.S. to allow the deployment of a new missile shield system at the Naval Base of Rota in Cadiz.

The Government granted plenipotentiary powers to the Defense Minister Peter Morenés, to sign the amendment to the convention. Morenés will seal the deal with American Defense Secretary Leon Panetta next week at a NATO meeting next week in Brussels.

Morenés and Minister of Foreign Affairs, José Manuel García-Margallo, requested to appear in Congress to report on the reform, which must be ratified by Parliament. The reform, agreed on last July by the delegations of Spain and the U.S., is describes the equipment that will be deployed in Rota beginning in 2014. They include four Arleigh Burke destroyers that are equipped with the Aegis combat system, and around 1,100 American troops.

With this new agreement, the United States continues with its policy of militarizing the planet. Last month, we reported on an agreement between the United States and Japan, to deploy a similar missile shield system in the Asian nation. The agreement was completed while Japanese-Chinese relations took a turn for the worse as a diplomatic war began because of territorial disputes.

The agreement signed by Spain sets the ceiling of American military troops at 4,750. According to the agreement, the main goal of the missile shield is to collaborate on missile-defense system against ballistic missile threats as those developed by Iran and North Korea, but also do other activities under bilateral relations or through NATO operations.

The accord to deploy the missile shield system was closed during the meetings held last Wednesday and Thursday in Madrid by delegations of the two countries, which included the defense minister, Peter Morenés, and his U.S. counterpart, Leon Panetta. The two men met in the Pentagon.

The protocol amendment to the military agreement between the US and Spain is a very short text and includes the extension of the whole agreement for eight years until 2021. The current agreement was signed in 1988. Since 2011 it has been automatically renewed each year.

Green light for deployment of the missile shield system in Rota’s Naval Base was given on October 2011, by former Spanish Prime Minister, Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, with the approval of Mariano Rajoy. The main change introduced during the negotiations has been to add a provision that extends the military arrangement for eight years until 2020. So far it extended automatically from year to year, but the Pentagon has sought assurances of long-term permanence to justify investments in the Cadiz base.

Back in October of 2011, the former Foreign Affairs Minister Trinidad Jimenez answer questions about the secrecy of the approval by Rodriguez Zapatero saying this was nothing secret about the agreement to let Americans occupy the Rota Naval Base. “It was a surprise to those who were not informed,” she said.

Jimenez also ensured that all the bay of Cadiz would benefit from the establishment of the missile shield at the Naval Base in Rota. It will “renew the entire area”, said the former minister, who explained that there would be new jobs created and as well as workers arriving from the United States, which would generate indirect jobs for maintenance.

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Rothschild bets on the Euro zone Collapse

Meanwhile, financial publications forecast a Greece style rescue for Spain.


If there was any doubt on anyone’s mind that the Euro zone will collapse, this is the time to change your mind. Not only is the main stream media predicting more financial rescues for EU nations, but one of the most influential bankers from one of the most influential families in Europe has now bet against the recovery of the Euro.

Lord Jacob Rothschild, from the Rothschild banking mob has wager $200 million against the European currency — euro — and with it he is basically expressing his strong belief that the Euro will collapse and so will the euro zone. Lord Rothschild is a member of the dynasty that has, at least in part, ruled the world through powerful banking institutions. It is the same family that has made a killing before, during and after every single major financial crisis by using the asset and power consolidation model first seen when 5 Rothschild children were unleashed around Europe to build and manage the central banking system that rules the planet today.

According to NBC, Lord Jacob, one of the elders of the Rothschild family “has taken the position against the euro through RIT Capital Partners, the 1.9 billion pound investment trust of which he is executive chairman.” The report says that Rothschild’s position on the Euro comes as he sees the currency weakening day after day due to the many problems that European nations face, especially the sovereign debt issue, which are working as separate ailments against the single currency.

Both Italy and Spain have called for “decisive action” from the European Central Bank to curb the current crisis, especially the lack of confidence on those two nations  as their credit worthiness is downgraded by the banker created credit rating agencies. Just as it happened with Greece, Spain is finding it too difficult to pay its debt, and there are now talks emerging about a possible debt forgiving scheme to help beaten up countries remain financially alive. But the government in Brussels has been clear that it will not seek or encourage financial or fiscal amnesty for any nation.

The government in Brussels is the head the banking structure in Europe, where all banking deals are closed for European nations. According to banking sources, the EU government is not contemplating any type of payment forgiveness, because it considers that such action does not produce any revenue while it gives the wrong message about financial responsibility. This is an interesting position to have if one takes into account that the banking institutions are the entities responsible for most of the debt accrued on the debt sheets of the European nations.

Both in Europe and in North America, the rhetoric regarding the real state of the economies has experienced a 360 degree change, even on the main stream press, where both financial experts and teleprompter readers have now confessed that we have been slaves to the banking institutions for a long, long time, and that only a centralized banking entity will have the ability to solve the debt problem.

In an article published yesterday, the Wall Street Journal is assuring the public that Spain will definitely go through a financial rescue the same way that Greece did as the bankers seek to extend the painful economic and financial depression for as long as possible in every nation that belongs to the Euro zone. Editor Mary Anastasia O’Grady said that if the current crisis took too long to be solved, Spain ran the risk of having to be rescued by the central bankers, a scenario widely denied by the Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy.

O’Grady said in her article that Spain needs to become serious about structural changes that she said are necessary to get the economy going, as well as to propose and execute clear policies that promote growth. Spain needs to “liberalize businesses” so that business owners find it attractive to take risks against extreme austerity measures and cuts that the government has implemented, which do not help address “the path of growth.” She added that Spain can recover all the potential it had, but reforms must continue deeply and seriously.

This does not seem to be the scenario envisioned by Lord Rothschild, however, since he has bet big time against the recovery of the Euro. His position contrasts talking points issued by German Chancellor Angela Merkel and European Central Bank head Mario Draghi, who have said they will do whatever it takes to save the euro. But not all euro members necessarily agree with the “whatever it takes” part of their speech as more divisiveness seems to be growing among European leaders about the way things should be done to save — or not — the countries that are unable to paid the banker created debt.

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