Globalism Must Die


It is as simple as that. Globalism, first known as Collectivism, then as Socialism, later as ‘Sustainability’, and now as the reform of the monetary system, are all the same. As per this quick explanation, Globalism is not new at all, it simply was hidden behind curtains of different colors. The multitudinous diversity curtain, the Red curtain, the ‘Green’ curtain and now the curtain with the big $ sign on it. They’ve all have, and they’ll all lead us to the same place: centralized management, also known as the old world order.

The thought that one person or a few of them are better at managing the rest of the people is an idea as ancient as humanity’s origins. ‘Let’s do this for the sake of all’. Having failed to completely lure the crowds to accept this way of life, the globalists moved on to a more forceful, yet more effective mode of conquest: balkanization of the unwilling crowd. Socialists and Fascists managed to divide people into groups of followers to whom reality was explained differently under the same educational model. After failing once again to fully absorb everyone, the globalists went ‘green’. Now it wasn’t only about ‘us’, it was also about ‘it’. The minds of the people were filled with ‘ifs’ and fear, and fear conquered them. Also through the fear came more control; monetary control.

“Give me control of a nation’s money and I care not who makes it’s laws”, said once a savvy banker and monopoly man. And the prophecy became true. The few that understood the system condoned it and adopted it. No opposition was met. Up until today, the globalists continue to steer the present and as we’ve learned in more detail, the future. Their build up to the future has been almost perfect, except that the men, the real men who didn’t know, but that learned about the system did mount opposition and now the ride will not be so comfortable. That is why the globalists are accelerating their move to the future.

Monetarily, the crisis is not a crisis for the globalists or Globalism, but for the rest of us. Crisis, business cycles, devaluation, inflation, deflation and taxes are just artifacts; means by which the result will be achieved. That is why Globalism must die. This sickening ideology, which intends to merge it all, hoard it all and control it all is the root [of the problem], not the endgame. How’s a globalist supposed to have the monopoly of money with so many currencies out there? Currencies are not money, but they are the means by which money is created, issued and controlled. Therefore, it must be easier to attain that control if there is only a handful of currencies, and eventually only one. The more fictitious the better so it can be more easily hidden, denied and managed.

How has the reserve currency model worked for you? Awesome, because you were able to accumulate a great deal of material property, even though that means you are a slave? Great, because by defrauding a lot of people you managed to keep that riches away from your own rules of control although that means you can’t really enjoy it? Fine, because it provided you status, fine dining and public recognition, despite the fact you can’t stand it having to appear sophisticated enough in front of others? OK, because you have made a decent leaving, even when that means you are in debt up to your eye balls and have to work just to get by?

Well, all that is about to end, if the globalists have their way. The reform of the monetary system is almost here. The plans have been on the drawboard for a while, they’ve been fine-tuned, dressed up and made up for its flashy appearance. Monetary reform has had many faces throughout history, but it’s never looked like this: a handful of reserve currencies including SDR with supervised issuance and cross-border capital flows by the shadowy elite-controlled International Monetary Fund. Who said that control over the issuance of money had to be a national endeavor? “The IMF would then have the ability to conduct open market operations as the world’s central bank,” explains Xu Hongcai in his China Daily article.

Parallelly, and in the ‘green’ side of things, a globalist-controlled environmental agency with the power to issue directives about development, use of resources, growth, birth rates, food production and distribution and so on. The charter for the creation and legitimization of such entity, just as in the case of the all mighty money issuing one, has also been in the works for long. It has barely given its first steps, but its members are already sure of the need for diplomatic immunity. The Green Climate Fund, the first draft of the powerful environmental agency is fully funded and operational with all its 24 members actively seeking more power at the Rio+20 Summit in Brazil.

To round-up the trifecta, a political arm that will define and impose all things related to rights and privileges, political correctness, social engineering, surveillance, privacy — or the lack of it– is also being formed and supported by the most capable military apparatus ever dreamed about with almost unlimited reach. This globalist authority, with all its nuances has been trickling its way into the world throughout centuries in the best example of how incrementalism can successfully achieve what brute force cannot: taming the spirit of humanity. Globalism doesn’t use imperial domination — although it’s served it well — but large-scale ‘cooperation’ and ‘compromise’. There are no more talks about countries and nations, but regions, areas, blocs. “In every member state, there are people who believe their country can survive alone in the globalised world. It is more than an illusion – it is a lie,” said European Union leader, Herman Van Rompuy. “Today’s nationalism is often not a positive feeling of pride in one’s own identity, but a negative feeling of apprehension of the others,” he added. How would he know?

The devilish beauty of Globalism is that it was created by building upon and at the same time eroding the existing structure of the Nation-States, although it stemmed from international ’instruments’ (i.e. UN, IMF, GCF). Such construction amounts to the fact that ITS creation, does not produce any legal obligations for the statesmen who adhered their people to IT, while IT doesn’t owe any loyalty to those existing national structures. Globalism is, simply put, the sum of all fears, for which no equal opposition exists. It is a creature that only exists in the shadows, but from the shadows it controls everything that happens in the open society.

Trilateral Commission co-founder, Zbigniew Brzezinski described the birth of Globalism very well himself:

“The technetronic era involves the gradual  appearance of a more controlled society. Such a society would be dominated by an  elite, unrestrained by traditional values. Soon it will be possible to assert  almost continuous surveillance over every citizen and maintain up-to-date  complete files containing even the most personal information about the citizen.  These files will be subject to instantaneous retrieval by the authorities.”

But he also described his death equally well:

“For the first time in human history almost all of humanity is politically activated, politically conscious and politically interactive… The resulting global political activism is generating a surge in the quest for personal dignity, cultural respect and economic opportunity in a world painfully scarred by memories of centuries-long alien colonial or imperial domination… [The] major world powers, new and old, also face a novel reality: while the lethality of their military might be greater than ever, their capacity to impose control over the politically awakened masses of the world is at a historic low.

If Globalism has always been in the shadows — because of its makers’ choice — and operated from the shadows; that is where it shall remain. That is where it shall die; it must die, and it will die.

United Nations Environmental Program Embraces Calls for Eugenics


The Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro has begun. The global leviathan that is the United Nations bares its teeth. In the months preceeding the summit, a continuing stream of publications has poured down from every corner of the transnational community, in essence calling for global governance of the environment as well as a stark reduction in the global human population. These two items are very much intertwined, according to the growing pile of UN papers flying from the supranational tree, all basically stating that the first is necessary in order to facilitate the latter.

One of these leaves circles down to us from the United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP) displays a collection of “key messages” written by the usual suspects, such as dedicated man-hater Paul Ehrlich, eco-terrorist James Lovelock and NASA’s own mad-as-hell environmentalist James Hansen.  Their joint statement titled “Environment and Development Challenges: The Imperative to Act” was clearly designed to inspire the UN and its upcoming confab to make haste with global government. In their manifesto the impatient fiends call for a global implementation of population policies and rights being trampled upon in order to address what they call “the population issue”:

“The population issue should be urgently addressed by education and empowerment of women, including in the work-force and in rights, ownership and inheritance; health care of children and the elderly; and making modern contraception accessible to all.”, they write.

“Globally, we must find better means to agree and implement measures to achieve collective goals.”

The authors go on to assert that “in the face of an absolutely unprecedented emergency, society has no choice but to take dramatic action to avert a collapse of civilization. Either we will change our ways and build an entirely new kind of global society, or they will be changed for us.”

Decrying that “funding (for worldwide fertility control) decreased by 30% between 1995 and 2008, not least as a result of legislative pressure from the religious right in the USA and elsewhere”, the authors call for “education and planning needed to foster and achieve a sustainable human population and lifestyles.”

Now what do you think this means exactly, a sustainable human population? James Lovelock in 2009 gave us the answer, called for the culling of the population with a desired outcome of 1 billion people worldwide.

Lovelock also arrogantly stated in 2010 that humans are too stupid to prevent climate change- therefore governments worldwide, preferably a one world government, must prevent it for them.

Of all the eco-fascists penning down proposals, Paul Ehrlich may be considered the most bloodthirsty of the bunch- with his continuing insistence on massive population reduction. Few people need to be reminded of the words he wrote in Ecoscience which he co-authored with John P. Holdren, the current White House science czar. To highlight a few of these:

“Adding a sterilant to drinking water or staple foods is a suggestion that seems to horrify people more than most proposals for involuntary fertility control. Indeed, this would pose some very difficult political, legal, and social questions, to say nothing of the technical problems. No such sterilant exists today, nor does one appear to be under development. To be acceptable, such a substance would have to meet some rather stiff requirements: it must be uniformly effective, despite widely varying doses received by individuals, and despite varying degrees of fertility and sensitivity among individuals; it must be free of dangerous or unpleasant side effects; and it must have no effect on members of the opposite sex, children, old people, pets, or livestock.”

Read Full Article →

Women Group Marches against Rio+20 Summit in Brazil

AFP | JUNE 18, 2012

Thousands of women representing social and farm movements marched in central Rio Monday to rail against the “green economy” advocated by the Rio+20 conference on sustainable development.

Behind a large banner from the international peasant movement Via Campesina proclaiming “the peoples are against the mercantilization of nature”, they marched several miles to the Flamengo park, the venue for the “People’s Summit” organized by civil society groups on the sidelines of the Rio+20 event.

Several hundred men closed off the march to show their solidarity.

Perched atop a truck fitted with loudspeakers, a female activist howled: “This is a march of urban and rural women against this Rio+20 charade.”

“No to green capitalism! Yes to an economy based on solidarity, yes to people’s sovereignty,” she added.

People’s Summit militants view the “green economy” concept touted by organizers of the official Rio+20 gathering as just “another stage of capitalist accumulation” after the failure of the current model.

World leaders are to gather here from Wednesday to Friday to debate how to steer the planet toward a greener and more sustainable future.

“We are out on the streets to give visibility to our world struggle for an end to violence against women, for peace and demilitarization, access to common goods and economic empowerment for women,” said 36-year-old Celia Alldridge, a member of the march secretariat who described herself as “half English, half Swiss”.

The marchers comprised women of all walks of life, students, rural and indigenous people, some carrying placards reading “women are not meant to be slapped on the face or the buttocks.”

Luise Sanuto, an ethnic Tabajara from northeast Brazil, said she faced even greater discrimination as an indigenous person.”

“Indigenous peoples are discriminated against and have been shown disrespect since the arrival of the (Portuguese) colonizers” in 1500.

UN Rio+20 Summit Entertains Anti-Human Declaration


The UN’s Earth Summit on Sustainable Development in Rio+20 this month has attracted more than 100 science academies and leaders from all across the globe to discuss population control and human consumption, among other topics of global domination.

Humanity is a viable threat to the eco-system and future of planet Earth, say scientists from the UK’s Royal Society .

“The overall message is that we need a renewed focus on both population and consumption – it’s not enough to look at one or the other,” said Prof Charles Godray from the Martin School at the University of Oxford, who chaired the process of writing the declaration. “We need to look at both, because together they determine the footprint on the world.”

Globalist academics decry humanity’s footprint is getting “heavier and heavier”. They have released a public declaration to coerce developed and developing nations to join forces to combat humanity’s assault on our planet.

The declaration states: “The global population is currently around seven billion, and most projections suggest that it will probably lie between eight and 11 billion by 2050. Global consumption levels are at an all-time high, largely because of the high per-capita consumption of developed countries.”

The fear-mongers assert that if governments fail to enact these changes, “will put us on track to alternative futures with severe and potentially catastrophic implications for human well-being.”

Population control and severely limiting human consumption, being discussed at the UN Earth Summit, will admonish governments to agree to “commit to systematically consider population trends and projections in our national, rural and urban development strategies and policies.”

The drafted agreement claims all governments pledge to “change unsustainable consumption and production patterns” to reflect Agenda 21  Sustainable Development policies within sovereign nations so that the UN can usurp authority by ratification of international mandate within individual countries.

The report claims that over population in under-developed countries has resulted in unsustainable consumption worldwide.

Eliya Zulu, executive director of the African Institute for Development Policy  in Nairobi, co-author of the report from the Royal Society, says: “Many African countries are feeling the effects of population growth, and are finding they’ll need to deal with it in order to continue developing as well as to address their environmental issues. If you look at a country like Rwanda, it’s one of the most densely populated in Africa and the government believes one of the reasons behind the genocide was high population density and competition for resources. And the economic downturn that started in the late 1980s made people realize that in order to reach the Millennium Development Goals [MDGs], you can’t do it if your population is growing rapidly.”

Zulu points out that women in Africa are contributing to the over-population problems, which is causing the need to increase family planning provisions in Africa.

“This is an absolutely critical period for people and the planet, with profound changes for human health and wellbeing and the natural environment,” said Sir John Sulston, the report’s chairman, who headed the Human Genome Project , and currently chairs the Institute for Science Ethics and Innovation . “Where we go is down to human volition – it’s not pre-ordained, it’s not the act of anything outside humanity, it’s in our hands.”

These globalists believe that while more people are born, over-consumption becomes an issue of over-population. Under-developed countries are being blamed for ushering our planet toward destruction because of lack of access to family planning services.

By controlling fertility rates, as well as consumption of food, water and other resources, these experts assert that the environment, CO2 emissions and the status of the planet will be saved.

The Royal Society has used gross national product (GDP) to define how a nation’s economy can sustain its population. Their focus is to protect the environment over the rights of humanity as a whole.

While the UN discusses how to deal with the rising human population, radical environmentalists are speaking at the UN Earth Summit, urging that biodiversity be protected from the effects of humanity.

The World Wildlife Federation (WWF) has also released a report called the Living Planet Report that condemns the ecological disaster our planet is becoming from the direct influence of man.

It was the WWF who published a false report  on the polar bear population last year. By purveying the myth that the polar bears are drowning due to ice sheets melting because of global warming, the WWF participated in the alarmism of climate change.

Real world observations from researchers found that polar bear populations are estimated at 66% higher than climate change alarmists predicted.

David Nussbaum, CEO of the WWF in the UK, says: “The Rio+20 conferences are an opportunity for the world to get serious about the need for development to be made sustainable. We need to elevate the sense of urgency, and I think this is ultimately not only about our lives but the legacy we leave for future generations.”

The report from the WWF is compiled from data obtained from the Zoological Society of London  (ZSL), as well as analysis from the Global Footprint Network  (GFN) to further globalist agendas for global sustainability and encompassing the world’s ecological footprint. They assert issues surrounding the use of fossil fuels, deforestation for agricultural use, logging wood, and depleting fish populations as a food source.

The ZSL claims 30% of the species of the world have been in a steady decline since 1970, while tropical species have been waning at a rate of more than 60% because of the destruction to tropical lakes and rivers.

Tim Blackburn, director of the Institute of Zoology at the ZSL, maintains: “Nature is more important than money. Humanity can live without money, but we can’t live without nature and the essential services it provides.”

Nations under pressure by the UN and defined as completely unsustainable are: Qatar, Kuwait, United Arab Emirates countries, Denmark, Belgium, Australia, Ireland, United Kingdom.

The WWF report points out that 405 river systems are under attack worldwide, as well as the 30% food wastage caused by countries in the West contribute to the global food shortages and infrastructure in under-developed countries.

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, has launched a “ global conversation ” to keep the appearance that the UN is interested in creating the “future we want”.

Through Facebook , Twitter or simply mailing in concerns, the panelists and event participants will answer “questions, expectations, or comments . . . at the event on November 22, 2012 at 10am EST.”

The UN hope to continue to purvey the ruse that they are an international community dedicated to making our world a better place. In the shadows, the globalist Elite lurks and patiently wait while the very right to human existence is stripped from sovereign nations through international directives.

This vision of the future is not what we want.

Rio+20 will Discuss Planetary Boundaries to Humanity


The globalist Rio+20 conference is just around the corner, and the topics to be discussed during such meeting will be of out most importance to all of us, not because its attendees wish to really solve issues that threaten humanity as a whole, but because the sponsors of the movement are planning to bring about world tyranny through environmental policy; much like the Nazis did even before Hitler rose to power. That is not to say that the world is not under the threat of environmental problems, but none of those problems will be talked about and solved in Rio de Janeiro next week.

The Rio+20 is the back to origins episode in a series of meetings organized by the United Nations and the corporations that support it (Shell, Coca Cola, Nestle, BASF, among others). As we have reported over and over, neither the corporations nor the UN have the best interests of humanity in mind. In fact, the greatest problems humans face today, included the environmental catastrophes stem from corporate greed and government inability to curb their appetite for natural resources and human depopulation policies.

In all previous occasions, the political meetings held as action fora to implement policies in favor of the environment have been rocked by scandal, fraud and last minute back room deals, which were uncovered and exposed to the public. That is why the fraudulent pseudoscience behind anthropogenic global warming failed, and its sponsors had to change their speech to ‘climate change’. But that fraud was also exposed as a recycled idea of the 70s and 80s, when Maurice Strong and other globalist servants warned about ‘global cooling’.

Later came the scandal known as ‘climategate’. Tons of e-mails and documents from the University of East Anglia were made public and with it scientists, researchers and journalists who were skeptic about the ‘climate change’ fraud stopped the globalist neofeudalists in their tracks. The ‘climategate’ scandal put an end to the theft that would have meant a generalized carbon emission scheme, which failed to be the next cash cow for globalists like Al Gore who were heavily invested in the commerce of carbon credits.

The ‘climategate’ e-mails revealed how a group of so-called scientists carried out data manipulation, colluded, suppressed evidence that debunked the anthropogenic warming theory and sought to clamp down of any sign of dissent by anyone in the scientific community. The sentiment that dissent had to be oppressed later translated into other scholars voicing their intention to crush climate skeptics who did not follow the fairytale known as man-made global warming. An investigation carried out by the University of East Anglia, the origin of the fraud, concluded that there had been no collusion, suppression of evidence or intention to attack dissenters.

In the last two meetings sponsored by the UN, the public learned more about the lies and disinformation the controllers used to achieve their goals of keeping most of humanity underdeveloped. The ‘danish text’ was uncovered and with it more details of how the UN wanted to chain down nation-states by mandating perpetual membership in its carbon emissions reduction and deindustrialization initiatives that would drive the world to a post-industrial era dominated by worldwide poverty in the name of saving the planet. This document would also hand more power to the corporate controlled rich nations.

As if the discovery of the ‘danish text’ wasn’t bad enough, the public later discovered the scandal surrounding one of the leaders of the ‘climate change’ doomsday scenario movement. Dr. Rajendra Pachauri, one of the godfathers of the globalist environmental agenda, was denounced for supporting an alarmist, unfounded claim about the melting of Himalayan glaciers. Although Pachauri later retracted his strong support for the report, he thought it was a good idea to hire the man behind the IPCC report who had written about the false Himalayan glacier melting.

Despite all their failures to lure the populations into believing that a micro managed global system under the power of the UN and its sponsors is the solution to all problems, the globalists are back at it again. The Rio+20 meeting will serve to discuss a new caveat in their efforts to curve development for all the people of the world who have not enjoyed it. The new talking point coming right out of the UN Convention on Biological Diversity is the imposition of Safety Limits on Human Activity for the sake of reducing the impact that such activity causes on planet Earth. That all sounds fine and dandy on paper, but what is not fine at all is what it all means: an anti-human agenda.

Let’s see what two of the most revealing sections of the UN document say about humanity and their activities. Section 11 states that there are too many people in the world living at too high a material standard. That is in itself a lie, because most people in the world belong to the middle and lower classes. But the document offers two options to deal with the so-called exploding population. First, its says that most human beings should live as “peasants”, which would set the planet’s population to about 5 to 7 billion people. Second, it says that should the planet continue to enjoy the high standards of development, “a reasonable estimate for an industrialised world society at the present North American material standard of living would be 1 billion.” This is the same kind of speech often proposed by UN supporters like Ted Turner and Bill Gates, who through their tax exempted foundations carry out United Nations depopulation programs in Africa, Asia and Latin America.

Section 12 touches the core of a very delicate issue for millions of people: Religion. The document condemns Christianity and says that the “western worldview” denies the sacred attributes of nature which became firmly established with the Judeo-Christian-Islamic religious traditions. The UN supports a view that says that humans should be seen as part of a different type of community which includes plants and animals. In other words, the UN wants human life to have the sam value as animals and plants. Under this premise, saving a human life, for example, is not more important than saving a tree or a bird. This policy also pursues an initiative born in the UN that intends to equal humans to plants and animals so that people’s inherent right to life, given to them by their creator becomes obsolete.

A recent article published on Scientific American magazine reports about a study that began in 2009 which sought to analyze the concept of planetary boundaries. That is the creation of limits to human activity for the sake of ‘saving the planet’. The need for such limits, proponents say, stems from the threat posed to humans by CO2 emissions, rising sea levels, human induced climatic changes and so on. All of these supposed threats have been widely debunked by skeptic scientists, but the imposition of such limits are deeply rooted in the UN Convention on Biological Diversity itself, therefore limiting development continues to be a center piece in the fight the UN leads against humanity. The study does not look at real environmental problems such as Chemtrails, Genetically Modified Organisms, the threat of Nuclear Power (Fukushima), War, Pesticide use and many other real problems.

Regarding the realistic nature of the imposition of planetary boundaries, the Breakthrough Institute evaluated the study and the idea of creating limits to what humans can do and the impact that such planetary boundaries would have on civilization. The conclusion is that such planetary boundaries are not a feasible solution to take on any kind of environmental problem. “The planetary boundaries framework is not a useful guide for policy or environmental management in any concrete sense, as it does not capture the challenges involved in most of the environmental problems it lists,” said geographer Linus Blomqvist. In fact, the Breakthrough Institute calls the imposition of planetary boundaries a deceptive way to deal with global environmental challenges. Read the analysis of the study on the Institute’s website.

According to Blomqvist, neither the establishment of planetary boundaries as proposed in the study, nor the transgression of those limits would have a significant impact on planetary survival. But Blomqvist warned about what humans must do in order to guarantee their existence in a sustainable planet. “The real limitations for sustainability are rather our ability to grow enough food, maintain a healthy climate and so on,” Blomqvist said. That is exactly what the policies in the works by the UN want to avoid. Under the auspices of the UN and its limits on human activity, more land would be left untouched for the animals and plants to enjoy and less land would be used for the sustainable production of food.

Despite the unreal nature that planetary boundaries presents and how it doesn’t address the real environmental problems posed above, the official establishment of such limits will be discussed during the United Nations Rio+20 Summit. Unofficially, many countries have already given the UN control over large areas of their territorial lands and waters by naming such areas National Parks, Biodiversity Areas or Protected Areas. Many of the most valuable resources humanity has are now under the control of the UN, which slowly and seamlessly tries to tighten the grip of control over those resources.

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