Merciful Genocide: Big Pharma Cut Vaccine Prices for the Poor

Several major drugs companies have announced big cuts to the amounts they charge for their vaccines in the developing world. Birth control and forced sterilization through vaccinations is one of the most effective forms of Eugenics.

June 7, 2011

EUGENICS: The Elitist’s War on Humanity. Doing Nothing is Not an Option!

GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), Merck, Johnson & Johnson and Sanofi-Aventis have agreed to cut prices through the international vaccine alliance Gavi.

GSK said it would cut the price of its vaccine for rotavirus by 67% to $2.50 (£1.50) a dose in poor countries.

Rotavirus-related diarrhoea kills more than 500,000 children a year.

The vaccine will be subsidised by higher prices being charged in richer countries.

The rotavirus vaccine, for example, would cost about $50 in the US.

‘Helped out’

“What we need is a return to invest in the next generation of new vaccines and drugs and that has to come from the profits of the medicines or the vaccines,” Andrew Witty, chief executive of GSK told the BBC.

“But it’s obvious that if you’re in Kenya or a slum in Malawi or somewhere like that there is no capacity for those people to contribute to it, so they have to be helped out by the contribution from the middle and the richer (countries).”

Gavi is a partnership representing public and private sector organisations that helps to fund mass vaccination programmes in developing countries.

It is committed to funding the introduction of rotavirus vaccinations in 40% of the poorest countries by 2015, but it faced a $3.7bn funding shortfall and so has been appealing for price cuts and donations.

It will be holding a pledging conference in London on 13 June.

Anti-poverty campaigners welcomed the move but also called on world leaders to act.

“The pricing commitments announced today help drive momentum, but Gavi’s ambition to save four million lives in the next five years is only achievable if the international donor community steps up to the plate on 13 June,” said Jamie Drummond, executive director of campaign group ONE.

Malaria vaccine

Merck has said it will provide its own rotavirus vaccine for $5 a dose, coming down to $3.50 once more than 30 million doses have been sold.

The price Gavi pays for pentavalent vaccines, which protect against diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, hepatitis B and Haemophilus influenzae type B will be cut by two Indian firms, Serum Institute and Panacea Biotec.

GSK also said it was very close to developing the world’s first malaria vaccine, which is unusual because there is no market for it in the West.

That means there is no opportunity for patients in richer countries to subsidise those in poorer countries.

As a result, GSK said that if the vaccine comes to market it would be sold at a price that provides a small return of 5%, which would be used to fund the next generation of malaria treatments.

Save the Children called on other companies to replicate the “landmark move” which it said could prevent hundreds of thousands of “needless deaths”.

“It’s important that Gavi now uses this to spur other vaccine producers to reduce prices and work to foster greater competition amongst producers to drive prices down even further and help even more children,” said chief executive Justin Forsyth.

Vacuna con Virus Porcinos? Aprobada!

Por Luis R. Miranda
The Real Agenda
Mayo 20, 2010

Todos sabemos que cuando las cosas se adoptan en Inglaterra, son, tarde o temprano adoptadas en los Estados Unidos. Además, una vez aprobadas allí, rápidamente se abren camino a otras regiones del mundo. Bueno, la cuestión que preocupa aquí es que la Food and Drug Administration de los EE.UU. ha decidido dar un pase libre a vacunas envenenadas con virus porcino. Estas vacunas son inyectadas en niños a temprana edad.

Como lo habíamos informado antes, vacunas contra el rotavirus se encontraron contaminadas por un virus porcino. Este descubrimiento fue realizado por la misma FDA. El resultado de la investigación fue que la FDA decidió que el virus porcino no es perjudicial para los niños. Por lo tanto, la vacuna contra el rotavirus, producida por GlaxoSmithKline, seguirá siendo inyectada en los niños pequeños sin ningún tipo de análisis, estudio científico o suspensión temporal de la vacuna. La FDA no quiso analizar profundamente los efectos de este virus en los menores que son inyectados con la vacuna, y solo mantuvo una reunión para discutir lo que podría o no pasar “teoricamente.”

Según Reuters, la FDA concluyó que: “… era seguro para los médicos reanudar las vacunaciones con los pacientes usando Rotarix de Glaxo y continuar usando Rotateq de Merck. La agencia dijo que no había pruebas que la contaminación causaría ningún daño … “Esta conclusión se alcanzó a pesar de que la vacuna causa una enfermedad degenerativa en los cerdos bebés, causando diarrea intensa, pérdida de peso y otras dolencias.

A pesar de que ADN del virus fue encontrado en las células maestras utilizadas para producir la vacuna, el panel de asesores de la FDA dijo que el riesgo para la salud humana de la contaminación viral era sólo “teórica”. Claro, si la FDA simplemente ignora la pruebas de que la vacuna puede tener efectos no deseados en los que la usan, entonces es fácil decir que no hay daño!

Una vez más, las empresas farmacéuticas parecen operar como las compañías de alimentos.Las compañías de alimentos luchan casi a diario para evitar el etiquetado de productos modificados genéticamente porque esta etiqueta permitiría que las personas que han sido perjudicadas por los ingredientes encuentren el origen de su dolencia, trazen la conexión a los ingredientes GMO, publiquen y exijan que dichos componentes tóxicos en los productos alimenticios sean prohibidos. En el caso de la vacuna, la FDA decide ignorar las posibles causas de las complicaciones de salud sin estudiarlas, así que cuando un ser humano saludable aparece enfermo, se puede negar que la vacuna tuviera nada que ver con eso.

Está claro por qué esta vacuna no fue suspendida, y mucho menos estudiada. La vacuna contra elrotavirus proporcionó un billón de dólares a la industria farmacéutica el año pasado. ¿Puede usted imaginarse lo que significaría para ellos si una vacuna es suspendida? Es por eso que las empresas farmacéuticas a menudo supervisan su propio proceso de producción y estudios. Para ellos es normal que las personas se enfermen a consecuencia de la utilización de una vacuna y no hay necesidad de investigar. Y si se investiga, siempre tienen una negación plausible porque la FDA aprobó el medicamento. Por ejemplo, en el caso de la vacuna contra el virus H1N1, si las personas demandan a la compañía farmacéutica por daños y perjuicios, estas no pagarán un centavo ya que, según el acuerdo entre las grandes farmacéuticas y los Ministerios de Salud, las empresas farmacéuticas no pueden ser demandadas por daños y perjuicios originarios con esta vacuna. Entonces, ¿quién paga? El gobierno toma el dinero de impuestos para crear un fondo para financiar este asesinato legalizado.

Resto del mundo, ¡cuidado! Ahí les va una vacuna con virus porcino!

Vaccines with Pig Virus? Approved!

By Luis R. Miranda
The Real Agenda
May 20, 2010

We all know that when things are adopted in England, they are sooner or later adopted in the United States.  Also, once adopted there, they rapidly make their way to other regions of the world.  Well, the issue of concern here is that the Food and Drug Administration of the U.S. has decided to give vaccines poisoned with pig viruses a pass.

As we had reported before, Rotavirus vaccines were found to be tainted with a pig virus.  This discovery had been made by the very same FDA.  The result of the investigation was that the FDA decided the pig virus is not harmful to children.  Therefore, the Rotavirus vaccine, produced by Glaxosmithkline, will continue to be injected into young children without any further analysis, study or recall of the vaccine.

According to Reuters, the FDA concluded that: “…it was safe for doctors to resume giving patients Glaxo’s Rotarix and continue using Merck’s Rotateq. The agency said there was no evidence the contamination caused any harm…”  This conclusion was reached even though the vaccine causes a wasting disease in baby pigs, causing intense diarrhea, loss of weight and other ailments.

Although DNA from the pig virus was found in the master cells utilized to produce the vaccine, the FDA’s advisory panel said the risk to human health from the viral contamination was only “theoretical.”  According to, if the FDA simply ignores the evidence the vaccine can have unwanted effects on those who use it, it is then easy to say there is no harm.

Once again, the pharmaceutical companies seem to operate like the food companies.  Food companies fight almost daily to avoid the labeling of GMO products because this labeling would allow people who are harmed by the ingredients to find the origin of their ailment, trace it to the GMO ingredients, publish it and demand the removal of such toxic components from the food products.  In the case of the vaccine, the FDA chooses to ignore the possible causes of the health complications without studying them, so when an unhealthy human appears, they can deny that the vaccine had nothing to do with it.

It is clear why this vaccine was not even recalled, much less studied.  The rotavirus vaccine provided around one billion dollars to the pharmaceutical industry last year.  Can you imagine what it would mean for them if a vaccine is recalled or suspended?  That is why the pharmaceutical companies often oversee their own production process and studies.  For them, sick people as a result of the use of a vaccine is normal and there is no need to investigate it.  And if it is investigated, they always have plausible deniability because the FDA approved the drug.  For example, in the case of the H1N1 vaccine, if people sue the pharmaceutical company for damages, they will not pay a cent because according to the agreement between big pharma and the Health and Human Services Department, pharmaceutical companies cannot be sued for damages originating with this vaccine.  So who pays?  The government takes tax money to create a fund to finance legalized murder.

Rest of the world, beware!  There is a pig virus vaccine on the way!

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