Genetic Genocide: How misused Science Threatens Life

The problem with genetic modification of plants, animals and plants; cloning and splicing genes is not its existence, but the results of this unregulated practice.


If you are partially or totally ignorant about genetically modified products, I will not blame you. In 15 years of research I have not been able to get a significant grasp on what genetically engineering humans, fish, soy, corn, milk and other products could mean for humankind.

When I set out to write this article my first challenge was how to present the information in a concise, yet shocking enough to wake up people who still believe that cloning humans for organ harvesting, splicing animal and human genes and making food out of human DNA or tissue is just science fiction.

I thought then, that the most appealing way to start off was to simply provide the headlines of some of the articles and documents I found during my research process, so that the readers had an immediate notion of what genetic engineering really means and how it affects them directly now and how it will affect them in the future. Posting the headlines will also facilitate the research for you and will give you the opportunity to do your own investigative work.

So let’s see what the headlines tell us.

Why the future doesn’t need us.

New Federal Guidelines Will Allow Creation of Human-Animals Chimeras

GM Food Dangers Include: Low Fertility, Organ Damage and Hormone Disruption

GM goat spins web based future

‘Spider-goats’ start work on wonder web

Transgenic fish could threaten wild populations

‘Trojan gene’ could wipe out fish

Chimeras, Cloning and Freak Human-Animal Hybrids

Bone marrow cell-mediated production of transgenic chickens Open

Part Human/Part Animal Hybrid Monsters Are Being Created By Scientists All Over The Planet

Human-rabbit clone announced and no noses twitch

The Case for Fertility Control Using Immuno-contraception

Endosulfan and Endocrine Disruption:

Human Risk Characterization

19 Studies Link GMO Foods to Organ Disruption

GMO Pesticides linked to birth defects, disruption of male hormones, cancer

On top of the fact genetic engineering is literally compared with “Playing God” with the building blocks of life, you should know that this widely exercised practice is almost completely unregulated. Furthermore, there are initiatives to promote its deregulation and to create legislation to exempt genetic engineering from all oversight. My question regarding genetic engineering deregulation was then: What would happen if scientists who are provided with unlimited money and resources have no legal liability to realize their experiments cloning humans and literally engineering new species?

Last time scientists were given unlimited funding and resources they manage to create things like the nuclear bomb, the hydrogen bomb, and nowadays, they are trying to imitate the origin of the universe with the already infamous Supercollider. We all know what happened when corporations and governments with no oversight got their hands on the first two pieces of technology.

When you think about genetically modified organisms it is always tempting to believe that such organisms are created and experimented with only in industrialized countries, where high tech labs are available. Maybe you think they are only held at research labs that belong to pharmaceutical corporations or public and private universities. What would you think if I told you that human-animal cloning, for example, is carried out in Costa Rica, and that this practice has been taking place for at least a decade there? It was reported in the Washington Post, which described discussions about human cloning among scientists:

“During one recent meeting, scientists disagreed on such basic issues as whether it would be unethical for a human embryo to begin its development in an animal’s womb, and whether a mouse would be better or worse off with a brain made of human neurons..”

So, hundreds of companies and governments are free to carry out genetic experiments in thousands of laboratories, mixing genes from several species, and are completely free to put it in food and water supplies across the planet with no oversight. That is the conclusion of the situation that we now face.

Evidence of Genetic Engineering, Cloning and Splicing

If you cannot or do not want to get into the heavy research, I am about to give you a detailed report on the state of genetic engineering, human-animal cloning and gene splicing.

Let’s start by possibly the most disturbing but not the newest fact. There are scientists out there splicing human and cow genes for the purpose of promoting the growth of human clones in cow wombs. Cloned humans and or animals would be “living drug factories by producing valuable pharmaceutical substances in their milk, or as organ factories because theirs will not be rejected by the human immune system.”

The reason for the cloning of humans and animals and the splicing of their genes is what I often cite as the sneaky treat of convenience. Sure, there is a need to find cures for all disease and to have organs available when people’s own rotten because they smoke for 40 years or drank their pension funds until the end. Would not it be convenient to have an organ bank, or a cure for lung and stomach cancer? Who would oppose to growing human fetuses in animal wombs, or extracting the organs of living animals or fellow humans to substitute our own? Convenient, right? Wrong.

In a farm near Reno Nevada, a farmer keeps sheep that hold human livers, hearts, brains among others. The “scientist” who is in charge of the experiment said he could not wait to see the effects the human cells had on the brain of the animal. He had himself injected those genes. According to the report from the Associated press, this kind of experiments fall within the new ethics guidelines that govern the type of “scientific research conducted at the farm.

In an article dated June 19 2011, The London Telegraph announces that pigs are now able to host organs from other species as “scientists have found they can create chimeric animals that have organs belonging to another species by injecting stem cells into the embryo of another species.” Another article from the Daily Mail advertises how pigs will serve as human organ farms. “Human organs could be grown inside pigs for use in transplant operations following pioneering research.” Then they launched the convenience hook again by saying that “The method would help reduce the risk of the transplanted organ being rejected.” This type of experiments will also allow animals to provide blood for transfusions whenever a patient needs it. So, the clone will be harvested for its organs and people will have on-demand organ transplantation.

The New Atlantis publication even dared to ask why wouldn’t be a good idea to use artificial wombs. The undated article claims that using human and / or animal cells or genes is a fairly new and imperfect practice. Probably the author ignores that this kind genetic manipulation has been discussed – if not applied — since the mid 1960′s. So there is nothing new here.

The Plan Behind Genetically Engineering Humans and Food

One aspect often ignored in the discussion of human cloning and genetic engineering, is the goals; the real goals these practices seek. Because believe, no matter how convenient it sounds, it is not for aiding humans live a longer, healthier life. Corporations and tax payer funded universities are researching how to enhance human and other forms of life because those who get to implement these technologies intend to have a humanless future. Does it sound insane enough? The article on The New Atlantis attempts to be positive about these experiments and related them to a brighter, healthier future for humankind. “Today, we have inched slightly—but only slightly—closer to perfecting the technology that would realize Haldane’s vision, albeit for reasons other than the eugenic improvement of the race.” The problem is, that is exactly where human genetic experiments originated and that is why they are still being carried out. If the future does not need humans to invent, design, construct, repair or reproduce, why would the world need humans? Mimicking human reproductive powers, as the author from The New Atlantis says, is named “ectogenesis” and has been tried for centuries.

Rather than expending all scientific talent and resources developing artificial wombs,” Reason science correspondent Ronald Bailey wrote recently, “I suspect that it will be much easier and cheaper to establish pregnancies with human embryos in other mammals, like cows and horses, than it will be to achieve the same thing using artificial uteruses.”

Although modern technology allows all kinds of experiments in medicine, food, water and even air, the overall goal is not and will not be to help humanity extend its presence in this planet. Most articles I found through my research present all kind of scenarios where genetic engineering would be applied for our benefit. From spider goats to human milk in cows’ uttersgenetically modified salmon, soy or corn, the applications seem to be endless. One of the most common responses when pro GMO people are questioned about the dangers of playing with life is that it will help feed the hungry or aid the poor.

But in practice, any and all life extension technology — as we see it now with electronics – only cause further degeneration of the human race. Through convenience, empty promises and what ifs, those who are empowered by their riches and political power want to use our own DNA to end human life as we know it.

In an article titled Why the Future Doesn’t Need Us, Wired magazine explores the possibility that humans will become a threatened species as more and more technologies turn us into useless eaters, as some globalists have called humankind. Humans who are ‘chosen’ to actually take advantage of the latest technology will merge with robots or become robots in what will become the next sentient creatures. As Ray Kurzweil, the inventor of the first reading machine for the blind writes in his book The Age of Spiritual Machines, those fortunate humans will gain near immortality by becoming one with robotic technology. But what will happen to the rest of us, or our children and grandchildren who will come after us?

What does the Genetic Engineering Threat Entail?

Simply put, the out-of-control insanity of modern science and biotechnology implies Genetic Genocide. Depending on where you obtain information, scientists and researchers coincide that the common denominator of genetically engineered forms of life is the end of current forms of life. According to researcher Jeffrey Smith, when lab animals were fed genetically engineered organisms, it resulted in complete sterilization. Such sterilization came in some cases in the second and third generations, but scientists also saw test subjects losing its capacity to reproduce during the subject’s life term.

William Muir and Richard Howard of Purdue University, Indiana, warned about a ‘trojan’ gene in fish which could wipe out natural forms of fish off the planet if GM fish are released into the wild or escape from farms. “This resembles the Trojan horse,” said Muir. “It gets into the population looking like something good and it ends up destroying the population.” Both Muir and Howard studied the use of human growth hormone in fish, which in now being used in laboratory experiments to make salmon grow bigger, faster while eating less feed. The researchers found that GM fish turned sexually mature faster than the rest and produced more eggs as well. According to a report from the BBC, professor Muir asserts that GMO fish “would enjoy the same reproductive advantages of a natural one, so the hGH gene would quickly spread through a fish population.”

Human Growth Hormone (hGH) is also put in the feed given to cattle and other farm animals which humans consume later. Coincidentally, both male and female humans have experienced physical development with girls getting to puberty at earlier and earlier ages, while boys have suffered from hormonal changes that many researchers associate with the feminization of a large portion of human males.

Other studies on genetically modified organisms show that its consumption results in problems such as low fertility, organ damage and hormone disruption. This last one is specifically important, because it is through hormonal disruption that some scientists have discovered how and why some men are beginning to lose interest in mating and some women choose same sex mates instead of men. In the study titled: “A Comparison of the Effects of Three GM Corn Varieties on Mammalian Health” the International Journal on Biological Sciences found that Monsanto’s Bt corn contributes to liver failure. All types of Monsanto-created GMO corn (Mon 863, Mon810, and NK 603) are approved by the FDA and labeled as safe for human consumption in the United States and Europe.

Other studies conducted using pesticides, revealed that these chemical products cause endocrine disruptions. Ingredients such as glyphosate, used in Roundup, increases the number of birth defects in animals. Birth defects include something called cyclopia, or the appearance of one single eye in the middle of the forehead. Additionally, glyphosate causes stillbirths and miscarriages.

A study conducted in Argentina, confirmed what older studies have found regarding the consequences of ingesting products contaminated with pesticides and herbicides. Andres Carrasco, head of the Molecular Embryology Laboratory at the University of Buenos Aires, presented a report that explains how Monsanto’s Roundup is responsible for causing infertility, sperm destruction, and cancer. Carrasco tested the effects of glyphosate on animal embryos and found that the chemical alters and impairs proper embryonic development. “I didn’t discover anything new,” said Carrasco, “I just confirmed what other scientists discovered… There is scientific proof and, above all, there are hundreds of affected towns [that] are a living evidence of this public health emergency.”

Recently, the UK Daily Mail reported on how scientist in England are experimenting with half human, half animal clones and how these experiments have been kept in secret. “The revelation comes just a day after a committee of scientists warned of a nightmare ‘Planet of the Apes’ scenario in which work on human-animal creations goes too far,” reads the article.

But the toughest cookie to chew is not any of these examples of human, animal or plant manipulations I have provided examples of. As mentioned before, nothing good comes out of corporations, governments, or for that matter scientists controlled by and / or paid for these two entities. The subject then, moves to bio-weapons. For the past century, at least, governments in association with the biotechnology industry launched a movement to produce biological weapons that were race specific. These bio-weapons would be used in war to wipe out enemy populations. What are the chances that those bio-weapons are used on all of us? Just about the same chances genetically engineered organisms have of making it to our food and water supplies. In other words, it is highly likely. As the link above exemplifies, former US Defense Secretary William Cohen described what he thought was the threat posed by certain countries that sought to develop “certain types of pathogens” that were ethnic-specific.

The infamous document titled: Rebuilding America’s Defenses: Strategy, Forces and Resources describes how the establishment may seek to develop “advanced forms of biological warfare that can target specific genotypes… …transforming biological warfare into a political useful tool.” No matter what human or animal disease you think about, rest assured that the establishment has thought of them all as possible biological weapons. Hemorrhagic fever, Ebola are two of those experimented upon weapons, which by the way were first tested on animals.

Aside from biological weapons, the more mundane genetic engineering that is supposed to benefit humanity is suddenly turning against its creators. Those tiny modifications performed to human, animal and plant genes, are not finding their ways out of human control and getting to other species. As reported on, scientists at Bristol University announced the discovery of a route, which genetically engineered organisms ‘jump’ through to invade the environment. This invasion, the scientists say could come in the form of infection or multiplication, no matter what barriers are set between species.

So if it is not from natural mutation or infection derived from some insane scientists “Playing God”, humans are threatened by establishment-created biological weapons that can be directed to specific races or ethnicities. Choose your poison. Either way, we have been and continue to be genetically engineered.

GMO foods and other chemicals are the origin of most allergies. Meanwhile, governments fight alongside with pharmaceutical and chemical corporations to ban any type of labeling of GMO ingredients in food. Most people do not even know that the meat they are eating comes from a cloned or cross species bull or that the milk they are drinking comes from a cloned cow. How could they? There are no labels!

The rates of once rare diseases such as cancer, diabetes, autism as well as allergies and other health problems are now going through the roof, and this has no other origin, as I have shown here, than the genetic Russian roulette game played by mad scientists who are supported by an out-of-control ruling class. The same people who experimented on children by giving them polio and syphilis, the same establishment that weaponized air borne Ebola and finances abortions in China; who tell us that family planning is the greatest tool for women’s independence are the same people that in the pursue of ‘human immortality’ are endangering our own existence.

This is what we know about the threat posed to humans by Genetic Engineering. This is what I know, anyways. Can you imagine what we do not know?

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Consulted Materials:

Life Magazine.Control of Life. 1965.

Wired Magazine.Why the Future Doesn’t Need Us. April 2000.

Organic Consumers Association. New Federal Guidelines Will Allow Creation of Human-Animals Chimeras. April 27, 2005.

Natural Living 360. GM Food Dangers Include: Low Fertility, Organ Damage and Hormone Disruption. May 30, 2011. Scientists Discover New Route For GM Genes To Jump Species. March 4, 2011.

BBC. GM goat spins web based future. August 21, 2000.

The Telegraph. ‘Spider-goats’ start work on wonder web. Jan 18, 2002.

Purdue University News. Transgenic fish could threaten wild populations. April 2000.

BBC. ‘Trojan gene’ could wipe out fish. December 1, 1999.

Infowars. Chimeras, Cloning and Freak Human-Animal Hybrids. November 23, 2004.

Laboratory Investigation. Bone marrow cell-mediated production of transgenic chickens.April 25, 2011.

The American Dream. Part Human/Part Animal Hybrid Monsters Are Being Created By Scientists All Over The Planet.

Natural News. Phthalate warning: Medications contain chemicals that “feminize” unborn baby boys. November 17, 2009.

ABI. Human-rabbit clone announced and no noses twitch. August 26, 2003.

Lisa K. Chambers, Malcolm A. Lawson and Lyn A. Hinds. The Case for Fertility Control Using Immunocontraception.

Laura M. Plunkett, Ph.D., DABT Integrative Biostrategies, LLC. Endosulfan and Endocrine Disruption: Human Risk Characterization. June 23, 2008.

Dr.Mercola. 19 Studies Link GMO Foods to Organ Disruption. April 27, 2011

Dr. Leonard Coldwell. GMO Pesticides linked to birth defects, disruption of male hormones, cancer. April 28, 2011.

NPR. Cloned Beef: It’s What’s for Dinner?  January 16, 2008.

Consumer Affair. Genetically Engineered Foods May Cause Rising Food Allergies. June 8, 2007

Genocidio Genético: Cómo la Ingeniería Genética Amenaza… la Vida

La ingeniería genética no es nueva. Al parecer, se ha discutido -si no aplicado- desde la década de 1960. El problema con la modificación genética de plantas, animales, plantas y animales, la clonación y fusión de genes no es su existencia. Es el resultado de estas prácticas no reguladas lo que debe alarmarnos.

Por Luis R. Miranda
The Real Agenda
29 de julio 2011

Si usted es parcial o totalmente ignorante acerca de los productos genéticamente modificados, no le culpo. En 15 años de investigación no he sido capaz de obtener una comprensión significativa de lo que la ingeniería genética de seres humanos, pescados, soja, maíz, leche y otros productos podría significar para la humanidad.

Cuando me puse a escribir este artículo mi primer reto fue cómo presentar la información de forma concisa, sin embargo, lo suficientemente atrayente como para despertar a la gente que todavía cree que la clonación de humanos y animales para la extracción de órganos, la fusión de genes humanos y animales así como hacer alimentos de ADN o tejidos humanos es de ciencia ficción.

Pensé entonces, que la forma más atractiva para empezar era simplemente proporcionar algunos titulares de algunos de los artículos y documentos que encontré durante mi proceso de investigación, para que los lectores tuvieran una idea inmediata de lo que la ingeniería genética realmente significa y cómo afecta directamente ahora y cómo les afectará en el futuro. La publicación de los titulares también facilitará la investigación para usted y le dará la oportunidad de hacer su propio trabajo de investigación.

Así que vamos a ver qué nos dicen los titulares.

¿Por qué el futuro no nos necesita?

Nuevas pautas federales permitirán la creación de quimeras humano-animales

Peligros de los alimentos genéticamente modificados incluyen: baja fertilidad, daños en los órganos y trastornos hormonales.

Cabras transgénicas dan un giro al futuro

Fusión de genes de cabras y arañas inician trabajo para producir ‘tela’ extraña

Los peces transgénicos podrían poner en peligro las poblaciones silvestres

“Gen troyano” podría acabar con los peces

Quimeras, clonación e híbridos humano-animales

Producción de pollos transgénicos usando células mediadas de médula ósea

Parte Humanos / Parte animales: Monstruos híbridos están siendo creados por científicos de todo el planeta

Clon humano-conejo anunciado sin narices frías

El caso del Control Natal usando contracepción imunológica

Endosulfán y alteraciones endocrinas: Caracterización del riesgo humano

19 estudios vinculan los alimentos transgénicos a la disfunción de órganos

Pesticidas genéticamente creados relacionados con defectos congénitos, alteración de las hormonas masculinas, el cáncer

Además de ser comparada con “Jugar a Dios” la ingeniería genética, literalmente, debilita los ladrillos que construyen la vida, y como práctica opera sin ningún tipo de regulación. Además, existen iniciativas para promover la desregulación y la creación de legislación para eximir a la ingeniería genética de toda supervisión. Mi pregunta con respecto a la desregulación de la ingeniería genética era entonces: ¿Qué pasaría si los científicos que cuentan con cantidades ilimitadas de dinero y recursos no tienen ninguna responsabilidad jurídica para realizar sus experimentos de clonación de seres humanos o en la creación y manipulación de nuevas especies?

La última vez un grupo de científicos recibió fondos y recursos ilimitados, se las arreglaron para crear cosas como la bomba atómica, la bomba de hidrógeno, y en la actualidad, están tratando de imitar el origen del universo con el ya infame SuperCollider. Todos sabemos lo que ocurrió cuando las corporaciones y los gobiernos sin la supervisión adecuada usaron las primeras dos tecnologías.

Cuando se piensa en los organismos genéticamente modificados, siempre es tentador creer que estos organismos se crean y son sujetos de experimentos sólo en los países industrializados, en los laboratorios de alta tecnología que están disponibles. Tal vez usted piensa que sólo se realizan en laboratorios de investigación que pertenecen a las empresas farmacéuticas o universidades públicas y privadas. ¿Qué pensaría si le dijera que la clonación de seres humanos y animales, por ejemplo, se lleva a cabo en Costa Rica, y que esta práctica ha tenido lugar durante por lo menos una década? Se informó en el Washington Post, y el artículo describe las discusiones sobre la clonación humana entre los científicos:

“Durante una reunión reciente, los científicos no estaban de acuerdo en cuestiones tan básicas como si no sería ético que un embrión humano comenzara su desarrollo en el útero de un animal, y si un ratón sería mejor o peor con un cerebro compuesto de neuronas humanas .. “

Así, cientos de empresas y los gobiernos tienen libertad para llevar a cabo experimentos genéticos en miles de laboratorios, mezclando genes de varias especies, y son completamente libres para ponerlos en el suministro de alimentos y agua en todo el planeta sin supervisión. Esa es la conclusión de la situación a la que ahora nos enfrentamos.

La Evidencia de la Ingeniería Genética, Clonación y Fusión de Genes

Si no puede o no quiere entrar en la investigación pesada, estoy a punto de darle un informe detallado sobre el estado de la ingeniería genética, la clonación de seres humanos y animales y la fusión de genes.

Vamos a empezar por, posiblemente, el más preocupante, pero no el más reciente hecho. Hay científicos que están fusionando genes de humanos y de ganado vacuno con el fin de promover el crecimiento de clones humanos en el vientre de las vacas. Seres humanos y animales clonados son sometidos a estos procesos con el fín de que sean “fábricas vivas de fármacos mediante la producción de valiosas sustancias farmacéuticas en su leche, o como fábricas de órganos, porque sus órganos o sangre no será rechazada por el sistema inmunológico humano.

La razón de la clonación de seres humanos y animales y la fusión genética de los genes es frecuentemente sugerido como solución a muchos asuntos por su supuesta “conveniencia”. Claro, hay una necesidad de encontrar la cura para todas las enfermedades y de tener órganos disponibles cuando las personas destruyen sus propios órganos después de haber fumado por 40 años o bebido sus fondos de pensiones hasta el final. ¿No sería conveniente contar con un banco de órganos, o una cura para el cáncer de pulmón y de estómago? Quién se opondría a la fabricación de fetos humanos en el vientre de los animales, o la extracción de los órganos de los animales u otros seres humanos para sustituir los nuestros? Conveniente, ¿no? No.

En una granja cerca de Reno Nevada, un agricultor cría ovejas que poseen hígados, corazones y cerebros humanos, entre otros. El “científico” que está a cargo del experimento dijo que no podía esperar para ver los efectos que las células humanas tenían en el cerebro del animal. Le había inyectado los genes él mismo. Según el informe de la Associated Press, este tipo de experimentos caen dentro de las nuevas pautas éticas que rigen el tipo de “investigación científica” realizada en la granja.

En un artículo del 19 de junio de 2011, The London Telegraph anuncia que los cerdos son ahora capaces de albergar órganos de otras especies pues los científicos han encontrado que pueden crear animales quiméricos que tienen órganos que pertenecen a otra especie mediante la inyección de células madre en el embrión de otra especie . “Otro artículo del Daily Mail anuncia cómo los cerdos servirán como granjas de órganos humanos. “Los órganos humanos pueden ser cultivados dentro de los cerdos para su uso en operaciones de trasplante después de una investigación pionera.” Luego se puso en marcha una campaña de publicidad basada en la conveniencia, diciendo que “el método podría ayudar a reducir el riesgo de que el órgano trasplantado fuera rechazado.” Este tipo de experimentos también permiten que sangre de los animales sea usada en transfusiones cada vez que un paciente lo necesita. Por lo tanto, el clon será cosechado por sus órganos y la gente tendrá partes genéricamente modificadas disponibles cuando las necesiten.

La publicación The New Atlantic incluso se atrevió a preguntar por qué no sería una buena idea utilizar úteros artificiales. El artículo sin fecha afirma que usar células humanas y / o animales o los propios genes para estos fines, es una práctica relativamente nueva e imperfecta. Es probable que el autor ignore que este tipo de manipulación genética se ha discutido -si no aplicado- desde mediados de la década de 1960. Así que no hay nada nuevo aquí.

El Plan Detrás de la Ingeniería Genética de Humanos y Alimentos

Un aspecto a menudo ignorado en el debate de la clonación humana y la ingeniería genética, es el objetivo, o los objetivos reales que esta práctica busca. Porque creáme, no importa cuán conveniente parezca, no es para ayudar al ser humano a vivir una vida larga y saludable. Empresas y universidades financiadas con el dinero de los contribuyentes están investigando cómo crear y mejorar técnicas que beneficien la vida humana porque los que pondrán en práctica estas tecnologías tienen la intención de gobernar un mundo sin humanos. ¿Le suena lo suficientemente loco? El artículo de The New Atlantic intenta ser positivo acerca de estos experimentos y los relacionan a un futuro mejor, más saludable para la humanidad. “Hoy en día, hemos avanzado un poco, pero sólo ligeramente, hacia la perfección de la tecnología que haría realidad la visión de Haldane, aunque por razones diferentes a las de mejorar la raza.” El problema es que es ahí exactamente donde se originaron los experimentos genéticos humanos y que es por eso que todavía se están llevando a cabo. Si el futuro no tiene necesidad de humanos para inventar, diseñar, construir, reparar o reproducirse, ¿para qué querría el mundo a los seres humanos? Imitar los poderes reproductivos humanos, como el autor de The New Atlantic dice, se llama “ectogénesis” y se ha intentado durante siglos.

“En lugar de gastar todo el talento científico y los recursos en el desarrollo de úteros artificiales “, escribió el corresponsal de ciencia de Reason, Ronald Bailey, “sospecho que será mucho más fácil y más barato crear embarazos con embriones humanos en otros mamíferos, como vacas y caballos, de lo que será lograr lo mismo con el útero artificial.”

Aunque la tecnología moderna permite todo tipo de experimentos en medicina, alimentos, agua y aire, incluso, el objetivo general no es ni será ayudar a la humanidad a ampliar su presencia en este planeta. La mayoría de los artículos que encontré en mi investigación presentan todo tipo de escenarios en los que se aplica la ingeniería genética para nuestro beneficio. De las cabras araña a la leche humana saliendo de una ubre de vaca, salmón, soya o maíz modificado genéticamente, las aplicaciones parecen no tener fin. Una de las respuestas más comunes cuando las personas pro transgénicos son cuestionadas acerca de los peligros de jugar con la vida es que ayudará a alimentar al hambriento y a mejorar la vida de los pobres.

Pero en la práctica, todos y cada uno de estos métodos usualmente etiquetados de extensores de vida, como lo vemos ahora con los electrónicos, sólo causan degeneración de la especie humana. A través de conveniencia, promesas vacías y el qué pasaría, los que se encuentran facultados por sus riquezas y el poder político quieren utilizar nuestro propio ADN para poner fin a la vida humana tal como la conocemos.

En un artículo titulado ¿Por qué el futuro no nos necesita? la revista Wired analiza la posibilidad de que los humanos se conviertan en una especie amenazada pues las tecnologías cada vez más los convierten en consumidores inútiles, como algunos globalistas han llamado a la humanidad. Los seres humanos que son “elegidos” para realmente aprovechar las ventajas de la tecnología más avanzada se fusionarán con robots o se convertirán en robots, en lo que será el próximo nivel de criaturas conscientes. Como Ray Kurzweil, inventor de la primera máquina de lectura para ciegos escribe en su libro The Age of Spiritual Machines, los seres humanos afortunados estarán más cerca de la inmortalidad al convertirse en unos con tecnología robótica. Pero, ¿qué va a pasar con el resto de nosotros, nuestros hijos y nietos que vendrán después de nosotros?

¿En qué consiste la amenaza de la ingeniería genética?

En pocas palabras, la locura fuera del control de la ciencia moderna y la biotecnología implica el genocidio genético. Dependiendo de dónde usted obtenga información, los científicos e investigadores coinciden en que el denominador común de las formas de ingeniería genética, es el final de las actuales formas de vida. Según el investigador Jeffrey Smith, cuando los animales de laboratorio fueron alimentadas con organismos genéticamente modificados, esto dio lugar a su esterilización completa. Dicha esterilización llegó, en algunos casos en la segunda y tercera generación, pero los científicos también observaron sujetos que perdieron su capacidad reproductiva durante sus propias vidas.

William Muir y Richard Howard de la Universidad de Purdue, Indiana, advirtieron sobre un “gen troyano” en los peces, que podría acabar con las formas naturales de esos peces en todo el planeta, si los peces modificados genéticamente son liberados en la naturaleza o escapan de las granjas. “Esto se asemeja al caballo de Troya”, dijo Muir. “Se presenta como algo bueno y termina por destruir a la población.” Tanto Muir como Howard estudiaron el uso de la hormona de crecimiento humano en el pescado, que ahora se utiliza en experimentos de laboratorio para hacer crecer al salmón más rápido, mientras que este come menos alimento. Los investigadores encontraron que los peces modificados genéticamente desarrollaron madurez sexual más rápido que el resto y producían más huevos. De acuerdo con un informe de la BBC, el profesor Muir afirma que los peces transgénicos “gozarían de las mismas ventajas en la reproducción de uno natural, por lo que el gen de hGH se propagaría rápidamente a través de una población de peces.”

La hormona de crecimiento humana (hGH) también se pone en la alimentación que se proporciona al ganado y otros animales de granja que los humanos consumen más tarde. Coincidentemente, los seres humanos hombres y mujeres han experimentado un desarrollo físico prematuro, con las niñas llegando a la pubertad a edades más tempranas, mientras que los niños han sufrido cambios hormonales que muchos investigadores asocian con la feminización de una gran parte de los varones humanos.

Otros estudios sobre organismos genéticamente modificados demuestran que su consumo resulta en problemas como la baja fertilidad, daños en los órganos y trastornos hormonales. Este último es especialmente importante, porque es a través de alteraciones hormonales es que algunos científicos han descubierto cómo y por qué algunos hombres están empezando a perder interés en el apareamiento y algunas mujeres eligen a compañeras del mismo sexo en lugar de los hombres. En el estudio titulado: “Una comparación de los efectos de tres variedades de maíz GM sobre la salud de mamíferos”, la Revista Internacional de Ciencias Biológicas encontró que el maíz Bt de Monsanto contribuye a la insuficiencia hepática. Todos los tipos de maíz creados por Monsanto (Mon 863, MON810, y NK 603) han sido aprobados por la FDA y etiquetados como seguros para el consumo humano en los Estados Unidos y Europa.

Otros estudios realizados que evaluaron el uso de pesticidas, revelaron que estos productos químicos causan alteraciones endocrinas. Ingredientes como el glifosato, usado en el Roundup, aumenta el número de defectos de nacimiento en animales. Los defectos de nacimiento son algo que se llama ciclopía, o la aparición de un solo ojo en medio de la frente. Además, el glifosato causa muertes fetales y abortos involuntarios.

Un estudio realizado en Argentina, confirmó lo que estudios anteriores han encontrado sobre las consecuencias de la ingestión de productos contaminados con pesticidas y herbicidas. Andrés Carrasco, director del Laboratorio de Embriología Molecular de la Universidad de Buenos Aires, presentó un informe que explica cómo Roundup de Monsanto, es responsable de causar infertilidad, la destrucción de los espermatozoides, y Cáncer. Carrasco probó los efectos del glifosato en embriones de animales y encontró que el producto químico altera y deteriora el desarrollo embrionario adecuado. “No descubrí nada nuevo”, dijo Carrasco, “acabo de confirmar lo que otros científicos descubrieron … Hay pruebas científicas y, sobre todo, hay centenares de pueblos afectados [que] son una prueba viviente de esta emergencia de salud pública.”

Recientemente, el diario Mail Online del Reino Unido informó sobre cómo científicos en Inglaterra están experimentando con clones que son mitad humanos y mitad animales y cómo estos experimentos se han mantenido en secreto. “La revelación se produce apenas un día después de que un comité de científicos advirtió de un escenario similar al “Planeta de los simios”, una pesadilla en el que el trabajo con clones de seres humanos y animales va demasiado lejos”, dice el artículo.

Pero la galleta más dura de masticar no es ninguno de estos ejemplos de manipulación humana, animal o de plantas que he proporcionado como ejemplos. Como se mencionó antes, nada bueno sale cuando las corporaciones, los gobiernos, o los científicos que están bajo su control y / o pagados por estas dos entidades tienen plena libertad de hacer lo que quieren. El asunto entonces, se traslada a las armas biológicas. Durante el siglo pasado, al menos, los gobiernos en asociación con la industria de la biotecnología iniciaron un movimiento para producir armas biológicas que eran específicamente diseñadas para ciertas razas. Estas armas biológicas se utilizarían en la guerra para acabar con las poblaciones de enemigos. ¿Cuáles son las probabilidades de que las armas biológicas se utilicen en todos nosotros? Casi las mismas oportunidades que los organismos genéticamente modificados tiene de llegar a la comida y los suministros de agua. En otras palabras, es muy probable. Como el enlace de arriba ejemplifica, el ex secretario de Defensa de EE.UU., William Cohen, describió lo que él pensaba que era la amenaza planteada por algunos países que trataban de desarrollar “ciertos tipos de patógenos”, que eran específicamente creados para ciertas étnias.

El infame documento titulado: Reconstruyendo las Defensas de América: Estrategia, Fuerzas y Recursos describe cómo el establecimiento puede tratar de desarrollar “formas avanzadas de guerra biológica que puede apuntar a genotipos específicos … … transformar la guerra biológica en una herramienta política útil.” No importa en cual enfermedad humana o animal usted piense, puede estar seguro de que el Establecimiento ha pensado en ella como arma biológica. La fiebre hemorrágica y la Ébola son dos de los experimentos de armas biológicas más conocidos, que por cierto se probaron en animales.

Aparte de las armas biológicas, la ingeniería genética más mundana que se supone que beneficia a la humanidad de repente se vuelve contra sus creadores. Estas modificaciones pequeñas realizadas a los genes humanos, animales y plantas, están escapándose fuera del control humano y mezclándose con otras especies. Como se informó en, científicos de la Universidad de Bristol han anunciado el descubrimiento de una ruta, en la que genes genéticamente ingeniados “saltaron” a otros organismo e invadieron el medio ambiente. Esta invasión, los científicos dicen, podría venir en forma de infección o de multiplicación, no importa qué barreras se establecen entre las especies.

Así que si no es a partir de mutación natural o una infección derivada de algunos experimentos realizados por científicos que “Juegan de Dios”, los seres humanos se ven amenazados por el Establecimiento y su creación de armas biológicas que pueden ser dirigidas a determinadas razas o etnias. Elija su veneno. De cualquier manera, estas dos formas son y seguirán siendo manipuladas genéticamente.

Alimentos genéticamente modificados y otros productos químicos son el origen de la mayoría de las alergias. Mientras tanto, los gobiernos luchar junto con las empresas farmacéuticas y químicas para prohibir cualquier tipo de etiquetado de ingredientes transgénicos en los alimentos. La mayoría de las personas ni siquiera saben que la carne que comen viene de un toro clonado o de dos o más especies cruzadas, o que la leche que beben proviene de una vaca clonada. ¿Cómo podrían? No hay etiquetas!

Los índices de enfermedades que se consideraban raras, como el cáncer, la diabetes, el autismo, así como las alergias y otros problemas de salud están por las nubes, y esto no tiene otro origen, como ya he mostrado aquí, que el juego de la ruleta rusa genética llevada a cabo por científicos insanos que están apoyados por una clase gobernante fuera de control. La misma gente que experimentó en los niños, dándoles la poliomielitis y sífilis, el mismo Establecimiento que fabrica Ebola para esparcirlo por el aire y que financia abortos en China, que nos dicen que la planificación familiar es la mejor herramienta para la independencia de las mujeres, son las mismas personas que, en su loca persecución de la inmortalidad están poniendo en peligro nuestra propia existencia.

Esto es lo que sabemos acerca de la amenaza que la ingeniería genética representa para los seres humanos. Por lo menos es lo que yo sé. ¿Puede usted imaginarse lo que no sabemos?

Materiales consultados:

Life Magazine. Control of Life. 1965.

Wired Magazine. Why the Future Doesn’t Need Us. April 2000.

Organic Consumers Association. New Federal Guidelines Will Allow Creation of Human-Animals Chimeras. April 27, 2005.

Natural Living 360. GM Food Dangers Include: Low Fertility, Organ Damage and Hormone Disruption. May 30, 2011. Scientists Discover New Route For GM Genes To Jump Species. March 4, 2011.

BBC. GM goat spins web based future. August 21, 2000.

The Telegraph. ‘Spider-goats’ start work on wonder web. Jan 18, 2002.

Purdue University News. Transgenic fish could threaten wild populations. April 2000.

BBC. ‘Trojan gene’ could wipe out fish. December 1, 1999.

Infowars. Chimeras, Cloning and Freak Human-Animal Hybrids. November 23, 2004.

Laboratory Investigation. Bone marrow cell-mediated production of transgenic chickens.April 25, 2011.

The American Dream. Part Human/Part Animal Hybrid Monsters Are Being Created By Scientists All Over The Planet.

Natural News. Phthalate warning: Medications contain chemicals that “feminize” unborn baby boys. November 17, 2009.

ABI. Human-rabbit clone announced and no noses twitch. August 26, 2003.

Lisa K. Chambers, Malcolm A. Lawson and Lyn A. Hinds. The Case for Fertility Control Using Immunocontraception.

Laura M. Plunkett, Ph.D., DABT Integrative Biostrategies, LLC. Endosulfan and Endocrine Disruption: Human Risk Characterization. June 23, 2008.

Dr.Mercola. 19 Studies Link GMO Foods to Organ Disruption. April 27, 2011

Dr. Leonard Coldwell. GMO Pesticides linked to birth defects, disruption of male hormones, cancer. April 28, 2011.

NPR. Cloned Beef: It’s What’s for Dinner?  January 16, 2008.

Consumer Affair. Genetically Engineered Foods May Cause Rising Food Allergies. June 8, 2007

Genetic Genocide: How Misused Science Endangers… … All Life

Genetic engineering is not new. Apparently, it has been talked about -if not applied- since the 1960′s. The issue with genetic modification of plants, animals, animals and plants, cloning and splicing genes is not its existence. It is the results of these unregulated practices what should alarm us.

by Luis R. Miranda
The Real Agenda
July 29, 2011

If you are partially or totally ignorant about genetically modified products, I will not blame you. In 15 years of research I have not been able to get a significant grasp on what genetically engineering humans, fish, soy, corn, milk and other products could mean for humankind.

When I set out to write this article my first challenge was how to present the information in a concise, yet shocking enough to wake up people who still believe that cloning humans for organ harvesting, splicing animal and human genes and making food out of human DNA or tissue is just science fiction.

I thought then, that the most appealing way to start off was to simply provide the headlines of some of the articles and documents I found during my research process, so that the readers had an immediate notion of what genetic engineering really means and how it affects them directly now and how it will affect them in the future. Posting the headlines will also facilitate the research for you and will give you the opportunity to do your own investigative work.

So let’s see what the headlines tell us.

Why the future doesn’t need us.

New Federal Guidelines Will Allow Creation of Human-Animals Chimeras

GM Food Dangers Include: Low Fertility, Organ Damage and Hormone Disruption

GM goat spins web based future

‘Spider-goats’ start work on wonder web

Transgenic fish could threaten wild populations

‘Trojan gene’ could wipe out fish

Chimeras, Cloning and Freak Human-Animal Hybrids

Bone marrow cell-mediated production of transgenic chickens Open

Part Human/Part Animal Hybrid Monsters Are Being Created By Scientists All Over The Planet

Human-rabbit clone announced and no noses twitch

The Case for Fertility Control Using Immuno-contraception

Endosulfan and Endocrine Disruption:

Human Risk Characterization

19 Studies Link GMO Foods to Organ Disruption

GMO Pesticides linked to birth defects, disruption of male hormones, cancer

On top of the fact genetic engineering is literally compared with “Playing God” with the building blocks of life, you should know that this widely exercised practice is almost completely unregulated. Furthermore, there are initiatives to promote its deregulation and to create legislation to exempt genetic engineering from all oversight. My question regarding genetic engineering deregulation was then: What would happen if scientists who are provided with unlimited money and resources have no legal liability to realize their experiments cloning humans and literally engineering new species?

Last time scientists were given unlimited funding and resources they manage to create things like the nuclear bomb, the hydrogen bomb, and nowadays, they are trying to imitate the origin of the universe with the already infamous Supercollider. We all know what happened when corporations and governments with no oversight got their hands on the first two pieces of technology.

When you think about genetically modified organisms it is always tempting to believe that such organisms are created and experimented with only in industrialized countries, where high tech labs are available. Maybe you think they are only held at research labs that belong to pharmaceutical corporations or public and private universities. What would you think if I told you that human-animal cloning, for example, is carried out in Costa Rica, and that this practice has been taking place for at least a decade there? It was reported in the Washington Post, which described discussions about human cloning among scientists:

“During one recent meeting, scientists disagreed on such basic issues as whether it would be unethical for a human embryo to begin its development in an animal’s womb, and whether a mouse would be better or worse off with a brain made of human neurons..”

So, hundreds of companies and governments are free to carry out genetic experiments in thousands of laboratories, mixing genes from several species, and are completely free to put it in food and water supplies across the planet with no oversight. That is the conclusion of the situation that we now face.

Evidence of Genetic Engineering, Cloning and Splicing

If you cannot or do not want to get into the heavy research, I am about to give you a detailed report on the state of genetic engineering, human-animal cloning and gene splicing.

Let’s start by possibly the most disturbing but not the newest fact. There are scientists out there splicing human and cow genes for the purpose of promoting the growth of human clones in cow wombs. Cloned humans and or animals would be “living drug factories by producing valuable pharmaceutical substances in their milk, or as organ factories because theirs will not be rejected by the human immune system.”

The reason for the cloning of humans and animals and the splicing of their genes is what I often cite as the sneaky treat of convenience. Sure, there is a need to find cures for all disease and to have organs available when people’s own rotten because they smoke for 40 years or drank their pension funds until the end. Would not it be convenient to have an organ bank, or a cure for lung and stomach cancer? Who would oppose to growing human fetuses in animal wombs, or extracting the organs of living animals or fellow humans to substitute our own? Convenient, right? Wrong.

In a farm near Reno Nevada, a farmer keeps sheep that hold human livers, hearts, brains among others. The “scientist” who is in charge of the experiment said he could not wait to see the effects the human cells had on the brain of the animal. He had himself injected those genes. According to the report from the Associated press, this kind of experiments fall within the new ethics guidelines that govern the type of “scientific research conducted at the farm.

In an article dated June 19 2011, The London Telegraph announces that pigs are now able to host organs from other species as “scientists have found they can create chimeric animals that have organs belonging to another species by injecting stem cells into the embryo of another species.” Another article from the Daily Mail advertises how pigs will serve as human organ farms. “Human organs could be grown inside pigs for use in transplant operations following pioneering research. Then they launched the convenience hook again by saying that “The method would help reduce the risk of the transplanted organ being rejected.” This type of experiments will also allow animals to provide blood for transfusions whenever a patient needs it. So, the clone will be harvested for its organs and people will have on-demand organ transplantation.

The New Atlantis publication even dared to ask why wouldn’t be a good idea to use artificial wombs. The undated article claims that using human and / or animal cells or genes is a fairly new and imperfect practice. Probably the author ignores that this kind genetic manipulation has been discussed -if not applied- since the mid 1960′s. So there is nothing new here.

The Plan Behind Genetically Engineering Humans and Food

One aspect often ignored in the discussion of human cloning and genetic engineering, is the goals; the real goals these practices seek. Because believe, no matter how convenient it sounds, it is not for aiding humans live a longer, healthier life. Corporations and tax payer funded universities are researching how to enhance human and other forms of life because those who get to implement these technologies intend to have a humanless future. Does it sound insane enough? The article on The New Atlantis attempts to be positive about these experiments and related them to a brighter, healthier future for humankind. “Today, we have inched slightly—but only slightly—closer to perfecting the technology that would realize Haldane’s vision, albeit for reasons other than the eugenic improvement of the race.” The problem is, that is exactly where human genetic experiments originated and that is why they are still being carried out. If the future does not need humans to invent, design, construct, repair or reproduce, why would the world need humans? Mimicking human reproductive powers, as the author from The New Atlantis says, is named “ectogenesis” and has been tried for centuries.

Rather than expending all scientific talent and resources developing artificial wombs,” Reason science correspondent Ronald Bailey wrote recently, “I suspect that it will be much easier and cheaper to establish pregnancies with human embryos in other mammals, like cows and horses, than it will be to achieve the same thing using artificial uteruses.”

Although modern technology allows all kinds of experiments in medicine, food, water and even air, the overall goal is not and will not be to help humanity extend its presence in this planet. Most articles I found through my research present all kind of scenarios where genetic engineering would be applied for our benefit. From spider goats to human milk in cows’ utters,  genetically modified salmon, soy or corn, the applications seem to be endless. One of the most common responses when pro GMO people are questioned about the dangers of playing with life is that it will help feed the hungry or aid the poor.

But in practice, any and all life extension technology -as we see it now with electronics- only cause further degeneration of the human race. Through convenience, empty promises and what ifs, those who are empowered by their riches and political power want to use our own DNA to end human life as we know it.

In an article titled Why the Future Doesn’t Need Us, Wired magazine explores the possibility that humans will become a threatened species as more and more technologies turn us into useless eaters, as some globalists have called humankind. Humans who are ‘chosen’ to actually take advantage of the latest technology will merge with robots or become robots in what will become the next sentient creatures. As Ray Kurzweil, the inventor of the first reading machine for the blind writes in his book The Age of Spiritual Machines, those fortunate humans will gain near immortality by becoming one with robotic technology. But what will happen to the rest of us, or our children and grandchildren who will come after us?

What does the Genetic Engineering Threat Entail?

Simply put, the out-of-control insanity of modern science and biotechnology implies Genetic Genocide. Depending on where you obtain information, scientists and researchers coincide that the common denominator of genetically engineered forms of life is the end of current forms of life. According to researcher Jeffrey Smith, when lab animals were fed genetically engineered organisms, it resulted in complete sterilization. Such sterilization came in some cases in the second and third generations, but scientists also saw test subjects losing its capacity to reproduce during the subject’s life term.

William Muir and Richard Howard of Purdue University, Indiana, warned about a ‘trojan’ gene in fish which could wipe out natural forms of fish off the planet if GM fish are released into the wild or escape from farms. “This resembles the Trojan horse,” said Muir. “It gets into the population looking like something good and it ends up destroying the population.” Both Muir and Howard studied the use of human growth hormone in fish, which in now being used in laboratory experiments to make salmon grow bigger, faster while eating less feed. The researchers found that GM fish turned sexually mature faster than the rest and produced more eggs as well. According to a report from the BBC, professor Muir asserts that GMO fish “would enjoy the same reproductive advantages of a natural one, so the hGH gene would quickly spread through a fish population.”

Human Growth Hormone (hGH) is also put in the feed given to cattle and other farm animals which humans consume later. Coincidentally, both male and female humans have experienced physical development with girls getting to puberty at earlier and earlier ages, while boys have suffered from hormonal changes that many researchers associate with the feminization of a large portion of human males.

Other studies on genetically modified organisms show that its consumption results in problems such as low fertility, organ damage and hormone disruption. This last one is specifically important, because it is through hormonal disruption that some scientists have discovered how and why some men are beginning to lose interest in mating and some women choose same sex mates instead of men. In the study titled: “A Comparison of the Effects of Three GM Corn Varieties on Mammalian Health” the International Journal on Biological Sciences found that Monsanto’s Bt corn contributes to liver failure. All types of Monsanto-created GMO corn (Mon 863, Mon810, and NK 603) are approved by the FDA and labeled as safe for human consumption in the United States and Europe.

Other studies conducted using pesticides, revealed that these chemical products cause endocrine disruptions. Ingredients such as glyphosate, used in Roundup, increases the number of birth defects in animals. Birth defects include something called cyclopia, or the appearance of one single eye in the middle of the forehead. Additionally, glyphosate causes stillbirths and miscarriages.

A study conducted in Argentina, confirmed what older studies have found regarding the consequences of ingesting products contaminated with pesticides and herbicides. Andres Carrasco, head of the Molecular Embryology Laboratory at the University of Buenos Aires, presented a report that explains how Monsanto’s Roundup is responsible for causing infertility, sperm destruction, and cancer. Carrasco tested the effects of glyphosate on animal embryos and found that the chemical alters and impairs proper embryonic development. “I didn’t discover anything new,” said Carrasco, “I just confirmed what other scientists discovered… There is scientific proof and, above all, there are hundreds of affected towns [that] are a living evidence of this public health emergency.”

Recently, the UK Daily Mail reported on how scientist in England are experimenting with half human, half animal clones and how these experiments have been kept in secret. “The revelation comes just a day after a committee of scientists warned of a nightmare ‘Planet of the Apes’ scenario in which work on human-animal creations goes too far,” reads the article.

But the toughest cookie to chew is not any of these examples of human, animal or plant manipulations I have provided examples of. As mentioned before, nothing good comes out of corporations, governments, or for that matter scientists controlled by and / or paid for these two entities. The subject then, moves to bio-weapons. For the past century, at least, governments in association with the biotechnology industry launched a movement to produce biological weapons that were race specific. These bio-weapons would be used in war to wipe out enemy populations. What are the chances that those bio-weapons are used on all of us? Just about the same chances genetically engineered organisms have of making it to our food and water supplies. In other words, it is highly likely. As the link above exemplifies, former US Defense Secretary William Cohen described what he thought was the threat posed by certain countries that sought to develop “certain types of pathogens” that were ethnic-specific.

The infamous document titled: Rebuilding America’s Defenses: Strategy, Forces and Resources describes how the establishment may seek to develop “advanced forms of biological warfare that can target specific genotypes… …transforming biological warfare into a political useful tool.” No matter what human or animal disease you think about, rest assured that the establishment has thought of them all as possible biological weapons. Hemorrhagic fever, Ebola are two of those experimented upon weapons, which by the way were first tested on animals.

Aside from biological weapons, the more mundane genetic engineering that is supposed to benefit humanity is suddenly turning against its creators. Those tiny modifications performed to human, animal and plant genes, are not finding their ways out of human control and getting to other species. As reported on, scientists at Bristol University announced the discovery of a route, which genetically engineered organisms ‘jump’ through to invade the environment. This invasion, the scientists say could come in the form of infection or multiplication, no matter what barriers are set between species.

So if it is not from natural mutation or infection derived from some insane scientists “Playing God”, humans are threatened by establishment-created biological weapons that can be directed to specific races or ethnicities. Choose your poison. Either way, we have been and continue to be genetically engineered.

GMO foods and other chemicals are the origin of most allergies. Meanwhile, governments fight alongside with pharmaceutical and chemical corporations to ban any type of labeling of GMO ingredients in food. Most people do not even know that the meat they are eating comes from a cloned or cross species bull or that the milk they are drinking comes from a cloned cow. How could they? There are no labels!

The rates of once rare diseases such as cancer, diabetes, autism as well as allergies and other health problems are now going through the roof, and this has no other origin, as I have shown here, than the genetic Russian roulette game played by mad scientists who are supported by an out-of-control ruling class. The same people who experimented on children by giving them polio and syphilis, the same establishment that weaponized air borne Ebola and finances abortions in China; who tell us that family planning is the greatest tool for women’s independence are the same people that in the pursue of ‘human immortality’ are endangering our own existence.

This is what we know about the threat posed to humans by Genetic Engineering. This is what I know, anyways. Can you imagine what we do not know?

Consulted Materials:

Life Magazine. Control of Life. 1965.

Wired Magazine. Why the Future Doesn’t Need Us. April 2000.

Organic Consumers Association. New Federal Guidelines Will Allow Creation of Human-Animals Chimeras. April 27, 2005.

Natural Living 360. GM Food Dangers Include: Low Fertility, Organ Damage and Hormone Disruption. May 30, 2011. Scientists Discover New Route For GM Genes To Jump Species. March 4, 2011.

BBC. GM goat spins web based future. August 21, 2000.

The Telegraph. ‘Spider-goats’ start work on wonder web. Jan 18, 2002.

Purdue University News. Transgenic fish could threaten wild populations. April 2000.

BBC. ‘Trojan gene’ could wipe out fish. December 1, 1999.

Infowars. Chimeras, Cloning and Freak Human-Animal Hybrids. November 23, 2004.

Laboratory Investigation. Bone marrow cell-mediated production of transgenic chickens.April 25, 2011.

The American Dream. Part Human/Part Animal Hybrid Monsters Are Being Created By Scientists All Over The Planet.

Natural News. Phthalate warning: Medications contain chemicals that “feminize” unborn baby boys. November 17, 2009.

ABI. Human-rabbit clone announced and no noses twitch. August 26, 2003.

Lisa K. Chambers, Malcolm A. Lawson and Lyn A. Hinds. The Case for Fertility Control Using Immunocontraception.

Laura M. Plunkett, Ph.D., DABT Integrative Biostrategies, LLC. Endosulfan and Endocrine Disruption: Human Risk Characterization. June 23, 2008.

Dr.Mercola. 19 Studies Link GMO Foods to Organ Disruption. April 27, 2011

Dr. Leonard Coldwell. GMO Pesticides linked to birth defects, disruption of male hormones, cancer. April 28, 2011.

NPR. Cloned Beef: It’s What’s for Dinner?  January 16, 2008.

Consumer Affair. Genetically Engineered Foods May Cause Rising Food Allergies. June 8, 2007

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