The Gates are Open to Forced Sterilization


The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation was created over a decade ago. They have been responsible for vaccine programs across the globe.

The Gates Foundation is focusing on controlling population in poor countries with drugs like Depo-Provera. By pouring funding into the supply chains and relationships with the pharmaceutical corporations, they plan on bringing this drug to the developing world.

Melinda Gates has made this issue her personal mission. Gates announced her new emphasis on contraception in a staff meeting to a room full of applause. The Gates Foundation is teaming up with the British government in raising $4 billion to fund their birth control agenda worldwide by 2020.

Melinda Gates would like to see her agenda turned into a global movement. “When I started to realize that needed to get done in family planning, I finally said, OK, I’m the person that’s going to do that,” she says.

By calling her mission “family-planning programs” Gates hopes to shift the focus of their agenda from their plan to secure a coercive population control strategy.

Gates justification for her invasive presence in the lives of women and children in poor countries is that 100,000 women die in child birth from unintended pregnancies.

The global family planning issue is been carted as a national security issue. Gates is purveying the rising birth rates in poor countries as an international over population situation. They are using a fear-mongering assertion that population instability leads to vulnerability to communist revolution.

In the 1960’s Dwight Eisenhower, who has an honorary member of Planned Parenthood, called for foreign aid for birth control to curb population growth. In 1965 President Lyndon Johnson implored the United Nations to “face forthrightly the multiplying problems of our multiplying populations … Let us act on the fact that less than $5 invested in population control is worth $100 invested in economic growth.”

The United Nations created the United Nations Fund for Population Activities (UNFPA) to use population control as a resolution toward facilitating peace, prosperity, and individual rights worldwide.

Melinda Gates hopes to continue the empirical authority in forcing countries to adhere to ideologies and change the general public’s perspective about population control by calling it “women’s rights” issues. “There is no controversy in raising your voice for equal access,” Gates said at a TEDxChange talk.

“If [Gates] wants to put money into it, that’s fine, but she doesn’t get to say no one gets to argue with me,” says Susan Yoshihara, director of research at the Catholic Family and Human Rights Institute. Yoshihara feels that Gates attempt to equate family planning programs to women’s rights issues is painting an inaccurate picture. “You don’t tell a woman dying of an ectopic pregnancy that she should have used a female condom. To say that we’re going to help women not die in childbirth by telling them that they shouldn’t get pregnant in the first place, I think, borders on scandalous.”

The Gates Foundation is currently funding research for the development of new forms of contraceptives with the intention of purveying them across the underdeveloped countries where their oversight is not closely regulated. The Gates Foundation wants to investigate the use of a contraceptive that does not utilize hormones, calling it a potentially “whole new class” of drugs.

They are also envisioning an implantable device that can completely override a woman’s natural ability to conceive. Gates believes that this type of birth control would greatly benefit the world’s populations.

Target: Global Genocide. The Elite’s Plan Unveiled

by Luis R. Miranda
Video from
June 19, 2011

Historian and investigator Webster Tarpley describes what the plans of the Elite are for most of the world’s population. From De-development to depopulation. From the installation of a planetary regime to the use of vaccines to carry out forced sterilization. He takes the plans written  down on John P. Holdren’s book “Ecoscience: Population, Resources, Environment” which is inspired on older writings from Paul Ehrlich and Thomas Malthus. John P. Holdren is the current United States Science and Technology Czar and serves Barack Obama as his science and technology advisor.

The plans stated on John P. Holdren’s book have been laid out in other Elite sponsored writings that originate from organizations such as the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation, the Club of Rome, the Bilderberg Club, and so on.

If the world were to conduct itself by the teachings that Holdren intends to establish, the result would be global depopulation, hunger, forced sterilization, chip and other device implantation for controlling the people and an overall 360 change in the way humans live, move and use their skills to develop real alternative technologies to deal with issues such as energy, food and health in third world nations as well as for the middle class in developed nations.

The Elite members and their pawns who intend to put these human hating policies in place have made it clear that they will use every resource available to them to carry out their eugenics plan and to rid the planet of the “human scum” so the planet is left for them alone.

The Elite, the Oligarchy will only serve itself, the Oligarchs. For them, there should be the Elite and the Masses, and nothing in between. The masses are useless eaters, animals, whose lives are not worth living. Therefore, such lives must be stopped. Population needs to be cut to a few hundred million. See, the Elite is afraid of a larger population who they will no longer be able to control and who will take the Elite’s place and the resources they have monopolized so far for so many decades.

They have been smart while carrying out their unseen and unfelt genocide. They have used two of the most silent weapons they possessed. Economics and Modern Medicine. Out of sight, out of mind. Vaccinations, pharmaceuticals and medical malpractice kill more people than disease itself. Economic policies imposed on poor and developing nations by the IMF and the World Bank -the creatures of Bretton Woods I- have killed more people than any military conflict we’ve heard about in the 20th century.

The problem for the Elite, though, is that a large part of the world population has awaken to their plan and has begun to see and understand its plan. It is the growing awareness of millions of people around the globe which has prompted the Elite, the Globalists, the Oligarchy, to launch multiple attacks on various nations -militarily in the Middle East and economically in Europe and Latin America- in order to accelerate its plans. Through its military and economic aggression, the Elite intends, for one last time, to absorb the majority of the world’s resources, infrastructure and land before they openly decide to exterminate most of the masses.

If you believe the information presented here is a Conspiracy Theory, an exaggeration of the facts or a misinterpretation of John P. Holdren’s words and thoughts, please do read the book “Ecoscience: Population, Resources, Environment” yourself. In addition, please also take a look at other literature -historical and current- regarding policy that has been implemented or is going to be adopted regarding global issues such as Health, Growth, Development, Population Control and so on.

Please revise the Books and Videos posted below for further research:


Cognitive Infiltration
by David Ray Griffin

Dumbing us Down
by John Taylor Gatto

Underground History of American Education
by John Taylor Gatto

The Globalization of Poverty and the NWO
by Michel Chossudovsky

Ecoscience: Population, Resources,
by Paul R. Ehrlich

The Illusion of Disease
by Mike Adams

Callous Disregard
by Dr. Andrew Wakefield

IBM and the Holocaust
by Edwin Black


Global Eugenics: Using Modern Medicine to Kill

Endgame: Blueprint for Global Enslavement  from producer Alex Jones

Consuming Kids  by the Media Education Foundation

The Secret of Oz   from Writer and Director Bill Still

We Become Silent: The Last Days Of Health Freedom

For Love of Water   from director Ilena Salinas

The World According to Monsanto    from Marie-Monique Robin

House of Numbers:  Anatomy of an Epidemic  from producer Brent W. Leung

Shadow Government  from producer Grant R. Jeffrey

Inside Job  from producer Charles Ferguson

GMO created foods are biological weapons

“We have a greenhouse full of corn plants that produce anti-sperm antibodies,” said Mitch Hein, president of Epicyte, a California-based biotechnology company.

By Luis R. Miranda
The Real Agenda
June 1, 2011

Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) used to create food and crop seeds are true biological weapons to create infertility worldwide. There are several companies working in the field of biotechnology and nanotechnology, which exist for the sole purpose of studying, experimenting and creating genetically modified organisms that cause infertility in animals, plants and humans. The most famous of all the companies that produces GMO seed is Monsanto, whose executives have publicly said that they want Monsanto to become the only producer of seeds in the world and that no food should be grown that does not come from seeds manufactured by their company.

Monsanto is joined by other giants of biotechnology and chemistry such as Cargill, DuPont and ConAgra. But the creation and application of transgenic organisms is not limited to these multinational corporations. There are smaller contractors who do the same work, perhaps with more impressive results due to the expertise of its work. This is the case of Epicyte, a company in California, whose president has shown his satisfaction to be in possession of massive quantities of agricultural products infested with GMO ingredients, that after being consumed would cause the sterilization of those who ingest and absorb his company’s GMO ingredients.

A May 28 report states that the Codex international organization, founded by the United Nations, which regulates all foods, minerals and herbs in the world, does not believe that GMO products are food, and this places foods with these ingredients in a different place than food produced naturally, and as such, can be used for various practices, including birth control and the creation of infertility in a nation or people.

In one of his publications, the Salem News indicates that there are efforts at the local, regional, national and international levels to identify and label GMOs in products for human consumption, but governments and corporations refuse to accept such a request. After the implementation of Codex Alimentarius in 2009 the will of the big companies came true, for within the regulations set by Codex, it is clearly stated that GMOs are not considered food and therefore can not be identified on the labels.

The existence of genetically modified corn was analyzed in tests conducted by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the company Epicyte. In announcing his success in a 2001 press conference, the president of Epicyte, Mitch Hein, said his company’s transgenic corn plants, “create anti-sperm antibodies.”

Hein said the creation of transgenic organisms and their use in food could be used as a tool to solve the overpopulation problem.

In 1996, after the creation and use of genetically modified organisms in corn and other grains sent to South America, Mexico and Africa, analysis revealed that, almost immediately after the introduction of Bt corn in the United States, the birth rate had fallen in an accelerated way; only three years after the introduction of GMOs into the food supply.

Many foundations push governments to expand and accept the use of GMOs in food and in that list are of course the corn, soybeans and rice. These three are the most widely used grains in the eradication of hunger and poverty in the world. The Gates, Rockefeller, Kofi Annan’s Agra foundations, are three of the most prestigious organizations that strive to increase the supply of funds and food to the neediest populations in the world. Many of these foods contain GMOs.

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation spends billions of dollars “helping” with the planting and harvesting of genetically modified crops in Africa, Latin America and Asia. Do you recognize the genocide? These foundations not only evade tax collection with their alleged philanthropy, but collaborate with the murder of millions of people who do not know what their food contains, or even knowing it, have no choice but to feed themselves with GMOs.

In the United States there is a continuing struggle between consumers and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to label products that contain GMOs. However, the government agency has given way to the requirements of large corporations before the public’s interest. Most uninformed or misinformed people continue buying and consuming contaminated food. Meanwhile, because GMO’s are not considered as “food” by Codex Alimentarius, those who oppose the use of these ingredients in food do not understand why the FDA still allows the corporations to put it in basic grains used to manufacture most some of the products that people eat, drink and use daily.

Creating a GMO that is used in the manufacture of food consumed by humans, which was modified to sterilize, is essentially an example of the use of a biological weapon with the sole aim of reducing world population by stealth. Well, this is no longer a secret. GMO foods are not considered by Codex Alimentarius as “food”, but at the same time it allows large and small biotech companies to use them in making consumer products worldwide. The purpose is very clear.

Bill & Melinda Gates fund Population Reduction Programs

Foundation Funds 78 New Innovative Global Health Projects, Including Cell Phone Blood Tests, Male Sperm Depletion Ultrasound, and Sweat-Triggered Vaccines.  Grants from 18 countries poised to help prevent and diagnose infectious disease and promote family health

Bill & Melinda Foundation

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation today announced 78 grants of US$100,000 each in the latest round of Grand Challengesgates foundationExplorations. Grants include the development of a low-cost cell phone microscope to diagnose malaria, study of the strategic placement of insect-eating plants to reduce insect-borne diseases, and investigation of nanoparticles to release vaccines when they come in contact with human sweat. The grants support research across 18 countries and six continents.“Grand Challenges Explorations continues to generate unique and creative ways to tackle global health issues,” said Dr. Tachi Yamada, president of the Gates Foundation’s Global Health Program. “We are convinced that some of these ideas will lead to new innovations and eventually solutions that will save lives.”This year’s European grantees are based at universities, research institutes and non-profit organizations. The winners represent groups in Germany, Sweden, Norway and the UK.

Some examples of the breadth of projects funded this round include:

More effective vaccines:

  • Sweat-triggered vaccine delivery: Carlos Alberto Guzman of the Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research in Germany with Claus-Michael Lehr and Steffi Hansen of the Helmholtz-Institute for Pharmaceutical Research will develop nanoparticles that penetrate the skin through hair follicles and burst upon contact with human sweat to release vaccines.
  • A “seek-and-destroy” laser vaccine: Owain Millington and Gail McConnell of University of Strathclyde in the United Kingdom will use existing imaging systems to identify and destroy Leishmania parasites with a targeted laser;
  • Treating worm infections to improve vaccine effectiveness: Susanne Nylén Spoormaker of the Karolinska Institute in Sweden will research whether treating patients for worm infections prior to vaccinations can improve the ability of the immune system to respond effectively to vaccines.

New strategies to fight malaria:

  • Insecticide-treated traditional scarves: David Sintasath of the Malaria Consortium in Thailand will research whether treating traditional scarves worn by migrant workers along the Thai-Cambodia border with insecticides will reduce the rate of drug-resistant malaria.
  • Using carnivorous plants to control mosquitoes: Jasper Ogwal-Okeng of Makerere University in Uganda will test whether insect-eating plants can reduce the population of malaria transmitting mosquitoes and their larvae.

Cell phone microscope to diagnose malaria: Aydogan Ozcan of the University of California, Los Angeles in the U.S. will test a low-cost, compact cell phone microscope to diagnose malaria in field settings.

Solutions to promote family health:

  • Ultrasound as a reversible male contraceptive: James Tsuruta and Paul Dayton of the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill in the U.S. will study the ability of ultrasound to temporarily deplete testicular sperm counts for possible use as new contraceptive method for men.
  • Vitamin A probiotics to combat diarrhea: Douglas Watson and colleagues of SRI International in the U.S. will develop probiotic bacteria that produce Vitamin A to stimulate a healthy gastrointestinal tract in children and reduce diarrheal diseases, the second-leading cause of childhood death.

Grand Challenges Explorations is a five-year, $100 million initiative to promote innovation in global health. It is part of the Grand Challenges in Global Health initiative which is supported by the Gates Foundation to achieve major breakthroughs in global health.Applications for the next round of Grand Challenges Explorations are being accepted through May 19, 2010. Topics for Round 5 are:

  • Create Low-Cost Cell Phone-Based Applications for Priority Global Health Conditions
  • Create New Technologies to Improve the Health of Mothers and Newborns
  • Create New Ways to Protect Against Infectious Disease
  • Create New Technologies for Contraception

Grant application instructions, including the list of topic areas in which proposals are currently being accepted, are available at the Grand Challenges Explorations website:

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