Dead People Voted in South Carolina

by Luis R. Miranda
The Real Agenda
January 23, 2012

The corruption in the primary process of the republican primaries continues unchallenged. Just as it happened in Iowa and New Hampshire, South Carolina was another example of why the establishment maintains control of elections. When fraud is not enabled through rigged voting machines, it is done by allowing dead people to vote.

In Iowa, after Mitt Romney was declared the winner, the republican party representatives recounted the votes and changed their winner. Rick Santorum was called the winner, even though there were votes lost in two precincts in that state. In this state, the counting of the votes wasn’t even properly certified. The republicans simply announced a winner; whoever they decided to declare as the winner.

In New Hampshire, again dead people voted and the accounting of the votes was even less clear. According to Bev Harris, from, an organization that monitors the fair accounting of votes, especially those counted with Diebold machines, warned about voting fraud in this northern state as well as in South Carolina. In our article Fair Elections? Not if Corporations Control the Vote Count, we exposed how elections are remotely controlled at The SOE software that is used to “count” the votes allows for the easy alteration of the totals. Mrs. Harris warned that after SCYTL and SOE systems merged, people would have to trust one single source for counting the votes, “an Internet voting system controlled by SCYTL, with a results reporting system also controlled by SCYTL.”

Today, WTOC 11 reports that according to the state of South Carolina’s Attorney General some 953 ballots cast by voters actually belonged to dead folks. “Already, there has been some question into folks who cast their ballots on Saturday. South Carolina’s Attorney General, Alan Wilson has notified the U.S. Justice Department of potential voter fraud. Wilson says an analysis found 953 ballots cast by voters were people who are listed as dead. He has asked the State Law Enforcement Division to investigate.”

The level of fraud is such in these primary elections that many in the mainstream believe such fraud is a wide open attempt to steal the election from the real winning candidate. In his article Iowa Vote Fraud Official, Jeffrey Phelps explains how the establishment is working to avoid a more influential role for republican candidate Ron Paul. This all happens, says Phelps “as Iowa GOP ‘officials’ purposely disrupt and permanently invalidate the 2012 Iowa Caucus.” According to him, the official caucus website in Iowa publicly states that the caucus results can never be officially certified, because 8 different precincts showed signs of fraud that included missing votes and stories that changed every time someone challenged them.

But instead of dedicating time and resources to investigating this fraud, republican party officials have simply decided to ignore them and move on. In fact, says Phelps “for the first time in history, the Iowa GOP decided to change the final vote count to a “Secret location” for what was claimed to be security concerns.” This action did not prevent the fraud, however. Several voters in the caucus publicly complained that the number of votes in several precincts, as reported by party officials, did not correspond to the number of Iowans they had counted at the voting place.

How can americans trust their election systems if voting cannot be certified as legitimate and party officials refuse to investigate clear examples of fraud and vote manipulation? It simply cannot be trusted.

Meanwhile, the voting fraud continued  in New Hampshire, where the attorney general also probed voter fraud as activists got ballots as dead people because they weren’t  ID’ed. According to Mark Hayward from, Associate Attorney General Richard Head confirmed his office had learnt about the possible fraud on election day and immediately began investigating. “That investigation is ongoing,” he said. “Based on the information received on Election Day and the information on the video, we are undertaking a comprehensive review of voting procedures with the Secretary of State,” reports

These cases of fraud as just the tip of the iceberg. Dozens of cases have been reported by local media, but they have been widely ignored by their main stream colleagues, who have limited themselves to report what the Republican Party establishment says. In most cases, proven cases of irregularities have been deemed as insignificant by news networks.

Back in South Carolina, the fraud extends beyond the limits of anything seen in Iowa and New Hampshire. According to Brandon Turbeville, from Activist Post,  people who witnessed the certification of the vote are now questioning if the results are the consequence of voter fraud. “Although no one is pointing fingers at the Gingrich campaign, or any other campaign at this point, the anomalies that are arising from the accounts of eyewitnesses call into question the certainty and the credibility of the final count in South Carolina,” reports Tuberville.

Some of the most contested precincts include Pickens County. It is here where voter Chris Lawton suspects the counting procedure did not follow established guidelines and therefore the results are questionable. Mr. Lawton was kept away from the room where the counting was actually done. He was asked to remain vigilant outside of the room. But when he questioned where were the votes coming from, he was simply told some 746 votes had been brought in early in the morning, when no one was watching. Mr. Lawton was then asked to leave the secured counting room.

I guess George Carlin was right, wasn’t he? Warning: Adult Language.


Until when will Americans be like those described by George Carling?

Ron Paul ad reveals Santorum’s ” Record of Betrayal”

by Luis R. Miranda
The Real Agenda
January 6, 2012

Ron Paul has come out whacking after his successful result in Iowa. This time, Paul’s campaign hit Rick Santorum. The ad that criticizes Santorum record of betrayal and hypocrisy in Washington is set to be aired in South Carolina, where Santorum is trying to ride the wave of his questionable meteoric second place in Iowa.

The video uses similar words to those used in previous ads where the Paul campaign accused Newt Gingrich of hypocrisy and lies. ”One serial hypocrite exposed,” says the narrator, while reminds voters of Newt Gingrich‘s shady record. “Now another has emerged: Rick Santorum, a corporate lobbyist and Washington politician. A record of betrayal.”

See the video below:


Rick Santorum began attacking Ron Paul a week before the Iowa caucus and the Paul campaign is now playing fire with fire as it exposes Santorum’s past as a fake conservative, who helped run up the deficit by supporting an increase in the debt ceiling.

Right now, Ron Paul is strongly holding second in New Hampshire, only behind long time favorite Mitt Romney. These two campaigns have not exchanged attacks so far in the race, but it is expected that as both Romney and Paul continue to go head to head on the following primaries, both the mainstream media as well as GOP Establishment organizations will increase their attacks on Paul.

Previous attacks by CNN and FoxNews included questions about Ron Paul’s “racism” that they said originated from 20-year-old newsletters that Paul did not write or agreed with. Attacks from fellow candidates such as Michelle Bachmann told of Paul’s “dangerous” beliefs. According to Bachmann and Santorum, the fact Paul does not want to bomb every country on this planet is insane and should be considered as a threat to the United States’  national security.

Previous to Ron Paul getting an equal amount of delegates in Iowa as Romney and Santorum got, attacks by the mainstream media and talking heads included unfounded beliefs such as that Ron Paul could not win, could not be elected, could not beat Obama, was not supported by the troops, and so on. Today, as Americans and the world have learned, Paul has been elected as a representative numerous times, became a top tier candidate, tied with Romney for first place -in the number of delegates- in Iowa, gets more cash and support from the troops than all other candidates combined, is second in New Hampshire and fourth place in South Carolina.

The Paul campaign will invest $250,000 on the ad buy which will begin playing in South Carolina on Monday.

Ron Paul increases lead in Iowa as the Establishment Fails to Smear Him

Paul Joseph Watson
December 28, 2011

Despite a barrage of smear attacks from every single corner of the mainstream media over the last two weeks, Ron Paul’s chances of winning the Iowa Republican Primary have if anything increased, with a new poll showing Paul increasing his lead over Mitt Romney while the New York Times’ primary projection shows Paul’s chances of winning at 60% compared with Romney at 31%.

The sheer desperation of the establishment in its efforts to topple Ron Paul are staggering to behold. Everything from bitter former employees of the Paul campaign, to ludicrous You Tube videos of crying women, to the re-hashed debunked 15-year-old smears about ‘racist’ newsletters, every single piece of dirt imaginable has been thrown at Paul – but nothing has stuck.

This phenomenon once again illustrates the fact, as we saw during Rand Paul’s senatorial campaign, that the corporate press is now so distrusted by a significant portion of Americans that their coordinated smear attacks, which used to have the power to sink candidates almost overnight, are now rapidly losing influence.

It also highlights the fact that the smear attacks against Paul have been completely hyped and exaggerated out of all proportion.

Whereas Herman Cain’s adventurous sex life cost him the frontrunner’s position and forced him to drop out of the race altogether, likewise with Gingrich when the exposure of his true political inclinations decimated his commanding lead, the so-called scandals about Ron Paul are so transparently weak and have been distorted out of all rational proportions, that their impact has been non-existent on the polling figures.

That assertion is proven by the numbers – which show Paul’s lead in Iowa has held firm.

Read Full Article…

Main Stream Media Machine on the attack against Ron Paul

by Luis R. Miranda
The Real Agenda
December 22, 2011

Ron Paul´s successful campaign and its meteoric rise to first place in Iowa has prompted the establishment and its electronic arm, the main stream corporate media, to launch a well scripted attack on the Texas Congressman. CNN, USAToday, Daily Caller, FOXNews, and many more outlets have published articles and reports with various degrees of disinformation that intend to portray the leading Republican candidate as anything from a crazy man to a Nazi sympathizer.

CNN reporters have made it their job to repeatedly ask Ron Paul about twenty-something year-old newsletters, whose content Paul has said time after time he totally opposes and regards as extreme. Paul has been asked about those newsletter at least once a day for the past week, but CNN reporters continue dwelling on the apparent relevance of such newsletters instead of asking Paul and the rest of the Republican candidates about their plans should they be elected presidents.

¨Media arms of both, the democrat and republican parties, for their part, have been complicit thus far in orchestrating the build-up and then collapse of campaigns that have included Presidential hopefuls like Herman Cain, Rick Perry, and most recently, Newt Gingrich,¨ points out Mac Slavo at As Ron Paul reaches almost 30 percent in some polls (Wednesday night) there is little doubt that Mr. Paul is at the very least a strong candidate to win Iowa and build an even stronger wave right before New Hampshire arrives on January 10. During an one on one interview with Gloria Borger from CNN, Paul responded once again to the questions related to racist views expressed in newsletter published 22 years ago. Paul answered Borger´s questions as he did the day before on CNN, but she continues to ask the same questions over and over again, and then implied Paul had earned 1 million dollars as a result of lending his name to the infamous newsletters. She did not present any proof of her unfounded accusations. See the exchange below:

Meanwhile, USAToday published an article saying that Ron Paul is still not the leading candidate in Iowa, despite the fact at least two recent polls place him first in that state with a 3 and 5 point advantage over Mitt Romney and New Gingrich. Reporter Jackie Kucinich wrongly argues that regardless of his money raising power and well organized movement, Ron Paul hasn´t been able to get to the top in Iowa. Ms. Kucinich perpetrates the lie that Ron Paul cannot win, much less be elected president of the United States. She forgets that while Romney and Gingrich have been in free fall in the last 4 weeks, Paul has risen from 14 percent on average, to almost 24 percent in the state of Iowa.

Ms. Kucinich implies that Ron Paul is weak among main stream Republicans because of his consistent foreign policy and economic sanity views and that this makes him a less strong candidate to beat Barack Obama in a general election. She forgets that since the campaign began, Paul has been the candidate that polls best in the Republican field when faced with the current president of the United States. In a recent NBC/Marist poll, Mr. Paul beats Obama 42 percent to 35 percent among independent voters. According to the poll, 42 percent of registered voters in Iowa support Obama, while 43 percent support Paul. “There are a lot of parallels between Paul’s strength in Iowa and Barack  Obama’s in 2008 — he’s doing well with new voters, young voters, and  non-Republican voters,” said PPP in an explanation of its poll’s findings. Ron Paul is the most popular candidate among non-white polled voters. Mr. Paul is polling second in New Hampshire and third in Nevada.

After the last Republican debate in Iowa, Fox News´ neocon host Sean Hannity questioned poll about the newsletters as well, even though Paul had responded to questions on the subject on various Fox News shows and other news media already that week. Sean Hannity as well as Gloria Borger questioned Paul about his recent campaign ads, which they called ¨tough¨. Paul´s campaign has aired television ads in Iowa and other states exposing Newt Gingrich, Mitt Romney and Michelle Bachman´s flip-flopping during the campaign and throughout their career as politicians. In one of the ads, Paul´s campaign reveals Newt Gingrich´s history of hypocrisy as it has been reported by the media for the past 20 years. He also attacked Romney, Cain and Bachman as being more of the same or status quo candidates.

Main stream media and other alternative neocon outlets criticize Paul for appearing in radio and television shows warning about the impending Martial Law state the US government wants to turn the country into. Paul has cited the passage of legislation such as John Warner Defense Authorization, PDD51 and the recently passed National Defense Authorization Act as strong signs that the United States government is seeking to impose Martial Law in America. Mr. Paul´s warnings are supported not only by the contents of recently adopted laws but also by a leaked government document which clearly states how will a Martial Law state be managed once it is implanted. The document titled ¨STATEMENT OF WORK FOR FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY NATIONAL CONTINUITY PROGRAMS (NCP) PROGRAM AND MISSION SUPPORT SERVICES (PAMSS)¨. The leaked document describes how FEMA contractors will assist the National Continuity of Government (NCP) during a state of Martial Law in America. It details operational policies regarding Administrative Support,  Test, Training and Exercise Programs, Software, Systems, and Telecommunications Engineering and Support, First Responder Partnership Initiative,  Audit Support, Financial and Internal Controls, Property Management Support, OMB 300 Support, Acquisition Support, Outreach Support, Professional Support/Subject Matter Expertise, among others.

Separately, declassified FEMA Continuity of Government Plans detail how the government is preparing for a total takeover of society, by dispatching the military inside the United States as it was done during hurricane Katrina, where soldiers invaded private property, confiscated guns and looted the homes of well to do Americans who had prepared for the hurricane beforehand.  Katrina was the training ground for the coming militarization of the United States as the final economic collapse looms on the horizon.

So why is Ron Paul being attacked with bogus claims, unfounded statements and ridiculed due to his warnings against the coming economic collapse and Martial Law preparations? Because the dying dinosaur media does not have anything on him. He has no skeletons in his closet and he has not flip-flop about anything during his long career as a public servant. His life and politics have been based on the Constitution and the Bill of Rights which turns him into the only qualified candidate to run for president in 2012.

The media and the establishment are shaking!

Ron Paul Most Likely to Beat Obama in General Election

Paul leads Obama 42 percent to 35 percent among independent voters.

Daily Caller
December 14, 2011

With less than a month before the Iowa caucus, GOP presidential candidate and  former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich has surged into the lead, but  Texas Rep. Ron Paul is the only Republican candidate who could best President  Obama, a new Iowa poll says.

According to the latest NBC/Marist poll, Gingrich is the first choice among  26 percent of Republican caucus-goers, followed by former Massachusetts Gov.  Mitt Romney with 18 percent and Paul with 17 percent.

The poll represents a dramatic shift in the race. In October, Romney led the  field in Iowa with 26 percent, while Gingrich only received a paltry 5 percent  of the vote.

With Herman Cain’s announcement on Saturday that he would suspend his  campaign, the NBC/Marist poll predicted that Gingrich’s support will increase to  to 28 percent, while Romney and Paul tie at 19 percent.

“As the roller coaster picks up speed in the month leading up to the Iowa  caucus, Newt Gingrich has moved into the lead car,” said Dr. Lee M.  Miringoff, director of The Marist College Institute for Public Opinion, in  a statement. “Hold on tight for any further twists and turns.”

However, the poll also says Paul is the candidate best suited to face Obama  in an election.

Against Paul, 42 percent of registered voters in Iowa support Obama and the same number — 43 percent — support Paul. Paul’s popularity among independents could be a  crucial advantage. Paul leads Obama 42 percent to 35 percent among independent  voters, according to the poll, and he also attracts 15% of Iowa’s Democrats. Not  to mention that 16 percent of voters were undecided.

Texas Rep. Ron Paul has  surged to second place in a new Iowa poll of likely Republican caucus goers,  just one percent behind former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, the current  front-runner.

Paul has consistently placed in the top tier of Republican presidential  candidates in recent Iowa polls. With Iowans heading to vote in only three  weeks, Gingrich holds a razor-thin 22–21 lead.

The poll, conducted by Public Policy Polling, found weakening support for  Gingrich among self-identified tea partiers, and a dramatic rise in Paul’s  favorability rating.

“There are a lot of parallels between Paul’s strength in Iowa and Barack  Obama’s in 2008 — he’s doing well with new voters, young voters, and  non-Republican voters,” said PPP in an explanation of its poll’s findings.

Paul has taken aim at Gingrich with an ad alleging “serial hypocrisy” for  changing his positions on a variety of issues, including health care and global  warming. The  ad also targeted him for accepting millions from Freddie Mac, and  for calling a budget proposal from Wisconsin GOP Rep. Paul Ryan “right-wing social  engineering.”

Gingrich’s favorability rating has declined 19 points among Iowans since  last week.

Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney placed third in the poll, at 16  percent. He was followed by Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann at 11 percent, Texas  Gov. Rick Perry at 9 percent, former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum at 8  percent and former Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman at 5 percent.

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