Monopoly Business Model, Reality and the Search for Individual Liberty


It is interesting to read the thoughts from people who were trained in the traditional educational system think about the current global economic crisis. Their explanations are usually filled with theories that they read in their carefully crafted textbooks, which they are more than willing to regurgitate in order to put down someone else’s opinions, as if what they learned from textbooks was an authentic reflection of reality. Unfortunately, college degrees and flashy titles do not provide a real insight into the true reasons why we are in crisis today.

History is shaped by those who wrote it, and therefore it only provides a one-sided reference to which we can look back at. The issue is where should we look in order to have a good idea about what happened and how that shapes what is happening today in all aspects of life.

The current economic crisis is a very broad topic, which cannot be discussed in one op-ed. I wouldn’t presume to be able to explain the current state of affairs the world is in by writing or responding to questions that are usually e-mailed to me by readers. It is much too complicated. That is not to say that I would run away from trying to provide a starting point.

So here it is:

We’ve been under the same economic and financial system for at least the past 100 years. This system was conceived much earlier by very smart people who recognized that monopoly was the best business model for themselves. Since then, monopoly men have controlled every single aspect of human development. They have shaped the very social fabric of modern society by maintaining a tight grip on resources, their availability, development, and as a result, the way markets work. Therefore, we cannot even begin to believe that there has ever been the slightest sign of a free market economy anywhere in the planet.

Throughout human history, people associated themselves to create strong groups that helped them take care of their interests. The success of such groups relied on how much each individual’s needs and rights were respected. Much of the success of the earliest forms of civilization were based on the respect given to natural law and individual rights such as the right to life, private property, self-defense, privacy and so on. The moment one of those rights were violated, or when force was used to limit or otherwise eliminate such rights, civilizations struggled to find the balance again.

These struggles have been permanent throughout history because there have always been individuals who sought not to respect individual and natural rights (natural law) but to find the slightest edge to govern over others. Then came the idea that something called Government could be better at managing what all individuals had done themselves for thousands of years, and so humans entrusted their lives to a group of trusted servants. Later we learned that Government is just an instrument to maintain the monopoly, because it successfully hides the reality we all live in by keeping us busy, working most of our lives to maintain the fraudulent bureaucracy that the monopoly men so eagerly dominate.

The trusted servants were bought and paid for by the monopoly men, who found it much easier to bribe, threaten or manipulate a few good men, rather than bribing, threatening or manipulating whole populations. That is how monopoly men came to be Government. The monopoly business model accompanies humanity up until today, and every day that passed, those monopoly men were more empowered by their far-reaching influence, access to resources, raw materials, technology and political gain. That is where we are today. The monopoly men found a way to legalize the mafia model, which they used in their businesses and that for a long time have applied to Government. It is through this model that they manage to control every single aspect of our lifestyles.

What an economist believes or thinks about what is right or wrong for a country or a continent is irrelevant if that economist doesn’t take into account that the economy is controlled by powerful corporate interests that control it all. No economic theory will be ever successful at explaining why a crisis happened or how to fix it unless it recognizes its real origins. University degrees, economy textbooks and memberships to reputable groups do not help when trying to explain why the world is in the deepest depression in modern history. We all need to recognize that in today’s world nation-states no longer dictate what happens with their own destinies or with that of their citizens. Monopoly men do. And they will continue to do so until humanity awakens to what is behind the curtain – or in this case, who is behind the curtain.

Humanity will never be able to have real Capitalism, Free Markets or Social Justice – whatever all that means – unless we are unable to recognize how the system really works. Keynes, Krugman and all these other thinkers and talking heads bring nothing new to an economic debate, they just repeat what they learned in college or from whatever mode of education they were exposed to. There is really nothing new or beneficial we can get in order to analyze the current state of humanity if we take as our starting point ideologies that have long defrauded us all, which were all invented by the same monopoly men I mentioned above as tools to divide and conquer. The same people who invented the theory of Socialism, are the very same who invented Capitalism, Fascism, Democracy, and all of the other faces of the same die.

There is hope though.

No doubt, a large minority of humans is now aware of this state of affairs, and that large minority will have to once again carry the heavy weight of the large ignorant majority in order to deliver humanity from the evil that a global monopoly has brought upon all of us. If there is anything positive the current economic crisis has brought, is that it has awaken millions of people around the world. This crisis has been an opportunity to open the eyes and see beyond what is being shown to all of us as reality, but that is nothing but a fraud. The early stages of a new struggle for a return to individual freedom is in the works as we speak and just as it happened in the past, it will take a while to conclude.

Since Monopoly could indeed be defined as the lack of equality, equality is not achieved by having a powerful entity taking from the favored to give it to the poor. The poor need to be educated about reality, so that they can rise by themselves and create their own present and future. The moment people understand the concept of individual rights, self-responsibility, self-governance and so on, they will be – by choice – able to defeat the monopoly system.

The people in power today saw a great opportunity and took it; for the worst as we now know. But they had the liberty of taking it. We all need to have that opportunity to be able to take it, but with the understanding that we have the responsibility to take care of ourselves and to forge our own lives, not to steal from others to get ahead. Finally, equality should be a concept that means that we all are equally prosperous, in all sense of the word, not equally poor, which is what the leaders of modern socialism and government interventionism support – sometimes even unknowingly.

On a personal note, I have to add that using force or violence — which is what the monopoly men and governments normally do — to impose views, policies or wishes on anyone will only keep us from achieving the kind of world most of us seek to live in. The moment we all understand that imposing our will on anyone by using force or coercion is the root of all of our problems, is the moment we will be that much closer to solving most of those problems.

That will happen when individuals learn about and understand the concept of self-governance, self-responsibility and respect towards the inalienable rights that we are entitled to as individuals. After a majority of us learns and understands this concepts, we can all sit around and debate economics, politics or any other issue.

Big Government: It’s Coming to Take It All


If by now you are not familiar with the stated agenda from international government — working through national and local agencies — to effectively take humanity back to the stone age, I suggest you pinch yourself. The number of initiatives established to sequester our way of life and to reduce it to having to cook, shower and live as people used to do back in the Dark Ages continues to pile up. The proponents of these de-industrialization policies are no longer limited to crazy environmentalists who request that we all commit suicide in order to save the planet, but is it is preached on us by accomplice politicians and heads of NGOs who are worried about the consequences of development and a higher living standard for the third world.

The latest example of the lunacy with which politicians and bureaucrats want to impose their radical agenda on everyone else comes from an official at the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Al Armendariz, an EPA regional administrator was quoted by US Senator James Inhofe as saying how much he and his agency intended to “crucify” oil and gas companies. Don’t take me wrong, big oil and gas companies are undoubtedly some of the largest polluters on the planet joined by a selected group of corporations from the agroindustrial and medical-pharmaceutical establishments. In fact, governments around the world do very little to safeguard the public from production practices that endanger everyone’s lives.

Take for example the case of the genetically modified organisms that are put in almost everything we eat or use today. Governments refuse to properly label GMOs excusing themselves and the corporations that produce them by saying that there is not difference between naturally conceived products and those made in a lab. This couldn’t be further from the truth, of course. One would not have enough time to cite the number of studies that have unequivocally found a direct relationship between GMO consumption and sterility, cancer, and other diseases. Only studies conducted or sponsored by large industrial conglomerates continue to show that GMOs are safe.

Another case is the oil and gas industry which has played its game off the hook for decades. This resulted in the deliberate mass pollution of the environment around the globe without any kind of accountability. Big Business is the Biggest Polluter of the Environment, however, Big Government continues to blame small farmers and self-sufficient folks for the direst damages caused to mother nature. Sadly, the ‘greenies’ that want us all to live in caves are nowhere to be found when it comes to defending ourselves and the environment from the irresponsible industrial production practices used by the largest polluters. The reason for this is, as you many already know, that ‘greenies’ are by and large bought and paid for by Big Business. Every re-known environmental organization — from government and otherwise — is directly or indirectly funded by corporations or by the government itself. These organizations are charged with the responsibility to make us think that we humans are all bad; that we have brought onto ourselves the wrath of mother nature because we have been selfish and greedy. But ask yourself now, in case you haven’t done it before, who are the largest polluters?

Government cannot let the people off its leash, so efforts are on the way to restrict energy and food independence. The war that Big Government is waging against our way of life is not meant to control Big Business so it doesn’t abuse consumers. Rather, it is to ensure that Big Business becomes the sole regulator and provider of everything any human being requires to stay alive. That is why it is common to hear bureaucrats speaking about savagely attacking oil and gas companies, locally managed water companies, independent farmers, ‘prepers’, those who choose to have a garden in their backyard, or even people who sell vegetables or raw milk to neighbors or relatives. For this attack to be successful, government enlists cowardly snitches who enjoy the power trips provided by a badge and a gun. The EPA, for example, is not interested in keeping the environment safe and clean; otherwise they would have already remediated the oil spill disaster in the Gulf of Mexico — instead of spraying Corexit –, they would not allow BPA to be used in plastics, they would have prohibited the sale of products that were not properly labeled for their ingredients, and so on.

“I was in a meeting once and I gave an analogy to my staff about my philosophy of enforcement, and I think it was probably a little crude and maybe not appropriate for the meeting, but I’ll go ahead and tell you what I said: It was kind of like how the Romans used to, you know, conquer villages in the Mediterranean.  They’d go in to a little Turkish town somewhere, they’d find the first five guys they saw and they’d crucify them. Then, you know, that town was really easy to manage for the next few years.” These statements in bold summarize what Big Government, in cahoots with Big Business, intends to do with us.  They want us to be slaves to them and their policies. I do not need to repeat Monsanto’s idea of the future of food supply, but I am going to. “No food shall be grown that we don’t own”. How much have governments done to assure the people that this will not happen?

When Barack Obama opposes the exploration and extraction of oil and natural gas or the construction of a new pipeline, this doesn’t reflect his interest in keeping the environment clean. Instead, it means he will assure Warren Buffet’ ability to maintain control of the transportation of such resources, a scenario that would end should Obama support the construction of such pipeline system.

When Big Government invests trillions of dollars in new energy sources by providing taxpayer money to dubious enterprises that go bankrupt soon after without producing a single piece of technology that achieves such a goal, it does not mean that government intends to make a country independent from fossil fuels, but that it needs to pay back the thousands of contributions received during the political campaign and to close backdoor deals negotiated during private meetings with campaign contributors and monopoly men.

Big Agra is another example of the ironic world we live in. Because people are now realizing that they need to be self-sufficient, that it is necessary to detach themselves from government and corporate welfare, those two entities are doing everything possible to restrict people who seek economic, health, nutritional and intellectual independence. While only a handful of corporations control the food supply, for example, more people are working hard to put together their own food garden and raise chickens or cows. But in a world where governments are more out of control than ever before, being self-sufficient is a crime. That is why law enforcement, at the behest of Big Government, burn down fields, charge people with crimes for selling raw milk, confiscate food, kick  folks out of their properties and ultimately threaten them with long jail terms all for the sake of a saving the environment. In summary, Big Government does everything possible to make us fail; it is coming to take everything we own, everything we’ve earned.

They come to schools and indoctrinate kids to make them believe that it is better to be dead in order to save the environment, they take private lands and ‘protect them’ under the guidance of the United Nations. These lands are, in most cases, later handed to contractors who develop them into large elite-ran facilities for their own enjoyment, instead of conserving them for future generations, which is what they tell us they’ll do. They create policies to manage the food and supplement choices that people have, banning natural treatments while imposing Big Government mandated healthcare that pushes deadly medications on everyone. This in turn will guarantee that more people will become patients of the pharmaceutical industry by having to use their toxic products for the rest of their lives. Some of them don’t even get to use them for that long, as the chemicals in those products kill them before they reach their golden years.

Big Government and Big Business are assuring themselves that we will all need to come to them for anything and everything. Their plans include creating a failed society, where people will follow their corrupt leaders as supposed to holding them accountable. They want to reduce or completely eliminate prosperity and kill people’s dreams of growth, comfort and development. Their policies intend to keep the cost of living so high, through energy monopolies and speculation, that people will beg for action to get cheaper energy or to attack countries to rob them of their resources. At the same time, they will make us feel inadequate for having hot water and electricity in our homes and a car to drive to work. They artificially make energy prices high, so that unreal new proposals for cheaper energy find fertile ground to fall on. They indoctrinate the population to make them believe that progress is responsible for global warming, so that people restrict their needs of traveling, feeding, clothing and leisure. They tell the kids that humanity causes the weather to cool off and to warm up, so we all need to stop driving, flying, feeding and having fun. Then, they call any natural disaster climate change and blame it on all humans.

Meanwhile, the Banking elite blames the nonexistent free-market for the economic crisis and call for a world government to help standardize fiscal, financial and monetary policies, much like they did after World War II, when the United Nations was formed to avoid criminal wars. This elite blames the same prosperity they’ve enjoyed for decades for the warming, the cooling, the crisis and the conflict, so people believe that it is prosperity what needs to go. Many of those people, who’ve never seen prosperity are now strongly condemning it and calling for a global socialist system that helps spread ruin and misery worldwide. They of course, see it as spreading the wealth and as an opportunity to get what they deserve; even though they haven’t earned it. The strong opposition to development the elite finds in the massive ignorant public emboldened them to create regulations that favor their monopolistic control-mad agendas while eliminating their competition; the innovative small and mid-sized businesses. They create and impose globalization as a way to bring about progress, but globalization only brings poverty, environmental destruction and underdevelopment. Globalization and the so-called free trade are indeed the new faces of Feudalism applied on a global scale.

Big Government’s intent is to change our goals and dreams to own a home, raise a family and educate our children. The bureaucrats want us to believe those things are privileges, just as they did with driving and are now doing with free speech and self-defense (owning a firearm). Big Government, under the command of Big Business works hard to make it impossible to live in peace without being bullied for wanting to raise three kids, instead of one, to produce what we eat or to mine the resources we need to build and improve the lives of those who haven’t seen what human ingenuity is capable of. And when they allow people to access high quality goods and services, they do it with a double intention to turn them dependent on those products. Through their hubris filled behaviour, regulators empower themselves to support laws that only the corporations that wrote them can understand and that they can be interpreted vaguely enough to leave open doors for more corruption. They invent unreal conditions and products to rip consumers off, to steal their life savings as they invest their hard earned social security monies into artificial financial products that are as ephimerous are the air. They reward companies that send jobs abroad, or that pay slaves to create the toys and distractions we all waste our time on while they become ever more powerful. They subsidized Big Corp, to eliminate competition and to turn healthy economies into labor camps. They created a financial crisis, and are now charging taxpayers for the costs of getting bailed out.

They’ve now transformed people’s legitimate concern to keep the world we live in clean and healthy, into an agenda of environmental suicide, by allowing toxic products to pollute the air, water, and soils, while banning all forms of creative entrepreneurship that may bring cleaner, simpler, environmentally friendly forms of production. While we the people need to go through austerity in order to ‘save the global economy’, the elite continues to spend our money and our resources in their lavish palaces and large properties. We the dependent and ignorant need to curb our footprint, while theirs grows uncontrollably. The elite-controlled Big Government preys on the decent and honest people, brainwashes their children and bribes their pastors to make them believe that all its corruption and oppression is for the best; that they are the only ones who can deliver us from doom, even if that means that we humans need to learn to hate ourselves.

As Society Breaks Down, People Beg for Tyranny

by Luis R. Miranda
The Real Agenda
August 11, 2011

It’s been at least 15 years since I heard calls for people to wake up because the greatest crisis in humanity’s existence was rapidly approaching. Today, as I watch video and photos from London, and previously from Syria, Egypt, the United States and Lybia, I cannot help but think that those who sought to warn us were simply and plainly correct. Perhaps the most surprising fact is that those truth tellers, who were often identified as conspiracy theorists, told us how it would happen and as the break point got closer and closer, they were even able to predict different aspects of the fall with outstanding precision.

Who would have believed 15 years ago that the world would crumble to its knees and would beg for the implementation of tyrannical policies and regimes in order to bring back law and order? I certainly didn’t. Before I began studying history and current events, I thought society would be able to take care of itself and avoid disaster. But the latest video feeds from London and everywhere else clearly show that society is lost in the foggy alternative reality they were born into 50 or more years ago. The social engineers played their hand well and now have most of the population consuming itself in a web of self-degradation, death and perversion fed to us as the sexiest fad for almost half a century.

In England, polls show that upwards of 65 percent of people are now calling for the use of rubber bullets, water canyons, police abuse and other tyrannical practices because they are too afraid to organize with their neighbors and take care of the looters that are destroying decades-old family businesses, homes, cars, shoe and clothing stores and other property to get their hands on the latest electronics, jewelry and various valuable products by breaking windows, smashing store front doors and pulling citizens from the their cars to smash their heads on the streets. Instead, British people are now calling for a government sponsored Police State.

Notice that most of the places that are being affected by riots and unrest are sections of the society whose members are unarmed and who cannot defend themselves because their government, which cannot protect them 24/7, implemented regulations to ban the people’s right to be armed and to defend their properties and their families. London shows signs of the most recent confrontation between members of the government-dependent underclass and the hard-working middle class, just as the social engineers planned it. As governments cut spending in a failed attempt to fix deficits and reduce their debt, it is exactly the underclass that feels the pinch first. But instead of attacking government policies and the entities responsible for the financial collapse, this uneducated underclass takes it upon themselves to beat the daylights out of middle class folks who suffer from the bank-sponsored self-inflicted financial crisis.

The financial and political apartheid taking place in the world -where governments steal the people’s pension funds to invest them in fictitious financial products, banks get bailed-out as they charge interest rates and / or fees for people to keep money in their accounts, the government cuts social security and medical care spending, people’s paychecks and pension buy less food- will continue to increase social volatility not only in London or Greece, but in the Americas, Asia, Africa and everywhere else. The Social Experiment failed horribly. But then again, it was meant to fail. The divisions meant to occur in order to monopolize, control and conquer arrived right on time.

The underclass as well as the dumbed down middle-class that for centuries sucked off the system through government established dependence programs only woke up after finding themselves with no jobs, no pension, no savings and no future. They woke up from their eternal state of slavery because the bribery scheme known as welfare that the government used to hook them up is suddenly crashing down, and they have not safety net to fall onto. What do I mean by bribery scheme? In 2007, the richest country in the planet had at least 52.6 percent of the people receiving government aid of some sort: pensions, social security and so on.. One in five Americans held a government job or a job that depended on government spending. Around 19 million used food stamps and 2 million got subsidized housing. If that is not government bribery, I don’t know what is it. The social engineers made sure from the start that only two classes existed: the productive class and the parasitical class. Both the government and the dependent classes are equally violent towards those who produce and who support them throughout their lives.

But perhaps one of the most abhorrent aspects of the current societal collapse is that the social engineers point to the underclass and the working class as those responsible for the crisis. That’s right. They accuse the so-called “useless eaters” for their greed and for living beyond their means and hold them responsible for the crisis we now experience. Both the underclass and a large part of the middle class are in part responsible for their greed and decadence. But weren’t they born and bathed into a system that promoted and facilitated their greed, decadence and dependence? Of course they were. Should the underclass and the middle class then be held responsible for the now developing crisis because they were greedy and dependent? Of course not. But that is what the bankers, the social engineers want the dumbed down majority to think, and that is why tonight racial divides grow bigger in London, the United States, Africa and Asia. The underclass believes that the middle class are the ones responsible for the crisis because they are successful business owners and were able to take care of themselves and their families. In the meantime, the bankers who are responsible for both classes’ misery run rampant ripping people off around the world.

The people are to blame, say the bankers, because they want more services but don’t want to pay more taxes. Due to the fact millions have not bought the propaganda, the government is now playing the collectivist card. “There is no need to look for anyone to blame because we must now come together to solve our problems”. Neither the government nor the banks want the taxpayers to fully understand that these two entities are solely responsible for the current state of affairs. Governments have bribed citizens openly for at least a century in order to control them, therefore it is insane to believe that someone will buy the government and bank sponsored propaganda.

While millions of people lose their jobs, homes and lives because they cannot afford them, a few decadent scum bags consume themselves in fake tribalism, racism, theft and violence while the cowardly ones wait for the state to do something and beg for Martial Law and a Police State. Those who accepted the American-created culture of death, sex, thuggery, drug use, suicide and gang oriented behaviours are now acting as what they always dreamed to be: a bunch of disaffected slaves with no jobs or future that look up at rappers, singers, sports figures, electronics, alcohol and drugs to fulfill their empty lives. The world went from praising explorers, scientists, fire fighters, inventors and community leaders to worship ‘bling’ and Madison Avenue-created delusion.

Those who took advantage of a corrupt debt-based system to get their holiday vacation, car and house loans were shocked after the banks that own their livelihoods cut off lines of credit three years ago to put an end to the fantasy reality they were accustomed to for so many years. Those who foolishly believed that paying into the public pension system would guarantee them some devalued change to live the rest of their lives, even though many had warned of its non-existence, were not only fools, but also irreparable willful ignorants. They trusted their government so much to give them everything, that no room was left to think that the same State could one day decided to take it all away; which is what is happening now. So now, the most dependent members of society are blaming other citizens and not the banks and the governments for their misery. Why? Because blame is the base of Statism and the State has shown people well to accept the blame game when it favours the State. They are now begging the social engineers to put an end to their misery. Events like the riots in London and the United States are just the beginning of what is turning out to be a long summer and a coming long winter. Street violence, crime and government opposition will be used by the controllers to take away more of our rights. Government will use armies and violence against peaceful protesters before bringing out austerity and a more visible Police State, to crush people’s right to speak and arm to themselves, track social media, email accounts, and any other sign of dissent.

Now, this is what a broken down society looks like in the developed world. Can you imagine what will it look like in socialist or inherently paternalistic poor countries when austerity, hunger and deep misery gets there?

Biofuels Emit 400 percent more CO2 than Regular Fuels

Although CO2 is not the pollutant crazy environmentalists portray it to be, where is the environmental solution on the current use of biofuels if they emit more of that ‘pollutant’ than gasoline or diesel?  There isn’t any.  It’s all about monopoly and control.

By Ethan A. Huff

A recent report issued by the European Union has revealed that biofuels, or fuel made from living, renewable sources, is not really all that beneficial to the environment. Rather than reduce the net carbon footprint as intended, biofuels can produce four times more carbon dioxide pollution than conventional fossil fuels do.

Common biofuels like corn ethanol, which has become a popular additive in gasoline, and soy biodiesel, which is being used in commercial trucks and other diesel-fueled vehicles, are often considered to be environmentally-friendly because they are renewable. But in order to grow enough of these crops to use for both food and fuel, large swaths of land around the world are being converted into crop fields for growing biofuels.

In other words, millions of acres of lush rainforests are becoming corn and soy fields in order to provide enough of these resources for their new uses. The net carbon footprint of growing crops for fuel is far higher than what is emitted from simple fossil fuel usage.

According to the report, American soybeans have an indirect carbon footprint of 340kg of CO2 per gigajoule (GJ), while conventional diesel and gasoline create only 85kg/GJ. Similarly, the European rapeseed, a plant similar to the North American canola, indirectly produces 150kg/GJ because additional land in other nations has been converted to grow rapeseed for food in order to replace the native crops that are now being grown for fuel.

Ironically, the amount of direct and indirect resources used to grow food for fuel is quite high compared to that of conventional fossil fuels. Biofuels also do not burn as efficiently and can be rough on the engines they fuel. Ethanol-enriched gasoline can also reduce gas mileage efficiency by upwards of 25 percent, depending on the vehicle.

Growing food for fuel ends up increasing the price of food for consumers. It also puts additional strain on families, many of whom are already having difficulties making ends meet in current economic conditions.

When all is said and done, biofuels seem to be a whole lot of hype with not a lot of benefit. Environmentally, fiscally and practically, biofuels are a disaster. Fossil fuels may not be an ideal form of clean energy, but at this point in time, they make a lot more sense than biofuels.

Is Obama a Marxist or Socialist? None, he works for the Bankers

When it comes to who the president serves, Obama is no different from Bush, Clinton, Bush Sr., Carter or Reagan

Kurt Nimmo

Glenn Beck, the Fox News talking heads, and no shortage of Tea Party activists like to characterize Barry Obama as a Marxist. In an article gaining a lot of traction across the blogosphere, Wayne Allyn Root, who considers himself a Libertarian Republican, says Obama is purposely overwhelming the U.S. economy to create systemic failure in order to turn the U.S. into a socialist/Marxist state.

Obamacare, cap-and-trade, legalizing 12 million illegal aliens, increased taxation, and endless bailouts and stimulus boondoggles, Root argues, are schemes designed to overwhelm the system and pave the way for a Marxist takeover of America.

It cannot be denied these schemes will destroy America. It also cannot be denied they are intentional. However, it has nothing to do with Marxism.

Marx advocated a proletarian revolution. He said that in order to overcome the restraint of private property the working class must seize political power through a social revolution and expropriate the capitalist classes around the world and place the productive capacities of society into collective ownership. Marx said the ultimate goal is a a classless and stateless form of communism beneficial to the interests of the proletariat or the working class.

Is it possible the Federal Reserve and Goldman Sachs operatives in the Obama administration truly desire a communist revolution as Glenn Beck and Wayne Allyn Root insist?

During the 2008 election cycle, Goldman Sachs donated nearly a million bucks to Obama. Citigroup and JPMorgan Chase donated nearly $1.5 million to the Obama campaign while Morgan Stanley pitched in over a half million dollars. “When you break it out by individual companies, you find that employees of Goldman Sachs gave more to Obama than workers of any other employer. The Goldman Sachs geniuses are followed by employees of the University of California, UBS, JPMorgan Chase, Citigroup, National Amusements, Lehman Brothers, Harvard and Google. At many of these workplaces, Obama has a three- or four-to-one fund-raising advantage over McCain,” the New York Times wrote on July 1, 2008.

Is it possible all these folks are clueless about the supposed Marxist philosophy of Obama? Is it possible transnational corporations and international banks savvy enough to game the system for trillions of dollars support a communist system that would ultimately strip them of that wealth?

Goldman along with the Federal Reserve rule the Obama administration. William C. Dudley was the president of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and a partner and managing director at Goldman. Gary Gensler, chairman of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, spent 18 years at Goldman. Mark Patterson, chief of staff to Tim Geithner, is a former Goldman lobbyist. Philip Murphy, nominated for ambassador to Germany, is a former Goldman executive. Diana Farrell, deputy director of the National Economic Council, is a former Goldman employee. Emil Michael, White House fellow, used to be an investment banker at Goldman.

Obama functionaries are connected to the CFR and the Trilateral Commission, two organizations established to implement world government. Tim Geithner, Susan Rice, Pete Peterson, Gen. James Jones, Thomas Donilion, Paul Volker, Dennis Blair, Richard Haass, Dennis Ross, Richard Holbrooke and others have connections to the Trilateral Commission, the Federal Reserve, the CFR, and Bilderbergers.

“We can be quite sure that somewhere between 400 to 500 high-level members of the Obama administration will be members of the CFR. How can we say that? Because that’s about how many CFR members occupy the current Bush administration (beginning with Vice President Dick Cheney, an in-again, out-again member of the CFR board of directors). And about the same number occupied posts in the Clinton administration,” John F. McManus wrote in November of 2008 after Obama was selected to be the front man for the banksters.

Obama’s mischaracterized socialism is a control mechanism created by the bankers. It has nothing to do with liberating downtrodden workers. The Soviet system was financed by Wall Street, as Rep. Louis T. McFadden, chairman of the House Banking and Currency Committee throughout the 1920-30s, explained: “The course of Russian history has, indeed, been greatly affected by the operations of international bankers… The Soviet Government has been given United States Treasury funds by the Federal Reserve Board… acting through the Chase Bank.”

The late Antony Sutton’s exhaustive research demonstrates how Wall Street bankers supported and financed the Russian revolution, supported the Soviet Union financially, technologically and military both before and after the Second World War, and also supported Hitler and Nazi Germany financially and military both before and during the Second World War.

The monopoly men who exported jobs from America to slave labor gulags in China and are now in the process of looting the financial system are not dedicated Marxists. The late Gary Allen wrote:

If you wanted to control the nation’s manufacturing, commerce, finance, transportation and natural resources, you would need only to control the apex, the power pinnacle, of an all-powerful socialist government. Then you would have a monopoly and could squeeze out all your competitors. If you wanted a national monopoly, you must control a national socialist government. If you want… a worldwide monopoly, you must control a world socialist government. That is what the game is all about. “Communism” is not a movement of the downtrodden masses but is a movement created, manipulated and used by power-seeking billionaires in order to gain control over the world…. first by establishing socialist governments in the various nations and then consolidating them all through a “Great Merger,” into an all-powerful world, socialist super-state.

The Obama banker-CFR-Trilat-Bilderberg administration is the process of forging this “Great Merger” and is moving inexorably toward an all-powerful world, socialist super-state. Obama’s socialism will not emancipate the workers of America. It will further impoverish and enslave them.

As we approach the mid-term elections, the deceptive claim that Obama is a Marxist will pick up steam and will be exploited by the Tea Party movement as it attempts to get Republicans masquerading as patriots and constitutionalists elected to office.

Glenn Beck and Wayne Allyn Root need to reexamine and stop chanting the ludicrous Obama is a Marxist mantra and point out what Obama really is — a sock puppet reading a teleprompter for his employer: the control freaks at the international banks and multinational corporations.

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