Governments tighten rules on Vaccine exemptions

“Against the body of a healthy man, Parliament has no right of assault whatever, under pretence of the public health.” – Professor F.W. Newman of Oxford.

“Vaccination is a delusion, its penal enforcement a crime!” – Professor Alfred Russel Wallace in “The Wonderful Century”


Despite the fact that vaccines are only supported by unscientific pseudoscience, governments around the world continue to push the envelope so people are literally forced to use the toxic cocktails produced by the large pharmaceutical manufacturers. The United States is always the clearest example of how even when there is no law that mandates people to take vaccines — even if there was one, it would be unconstitutional — government ‘officials’ do their best to poke people against their will.

Through the years, people who are educated enough to know that vaccines are dangerous to human health avoided taking vaccines by using religion and other means to stay away from these pharmaceutical products. But lately, the states have resorted to all kinds of legal; or should I say illegal, resources to obligate children and adults to take the vaccines.

Over the years, the number of people — many of them doctors — who have become educated and have written about the threats posed by vaccines increased, so the main stream media and the health ‘authorities’ have found new ways to scare people and to build strawmen to hurt the reputation of those who are out to educate the public about the dangers and the outrageous increase in the use of vaccinations. While those trying to prevent mass disease caused by vaccines get attacked, this document shows how the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program has paid children and their families for injuries presumed to have been caused or aggravated by the vaccine. According to official book keeping, 2,100 families and individuals have received compensation.

Unfortunately for the pharmaceutical establishment and its accomplice health practitioners, the increasing number of educated people includes many physicians who have taken the veil off their faces. The testimony of these honest MD’s is more valuable than ever with states like California forcing children to take vaccinations in order to have access to school.

Along with Washington and Vermont, California began a campaign to make it nearly impossible to refuse vaccinations, by limiting services to children and adults who are against vaccinations. The state of New Jersey is now studying ways to require more parents to vaccinate their children in order to be in school and other community programs.

Although in theory each US state has the prerogative to set its own vaccination policy, the truth is that the federal government managed to impose its own rules on states so the bureaucrats give the green light to initiatives that seek to make the opt out option much harder to utilize. Note again that in the United States there is not a state or federal law that requires anyone to take a vaccine. In fact, parents or guardians are the sole deciders when it comes to medicating their children.

With more parents deciding to educate their children at home, the government has found it even more difficult to force parents to vaccinate their kids, so the ‘officials’ and the main stream press have also sought to denounce home schooling as an archaic, crazy way to raise a child. Today, before children get to the tender age of 10, they must have been vaccinated against diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis, hepatitis B; the Haemophilus influenzae bacterium, measles, mumps and rubella, polio, and varicella. In total, a child may receive over 30 shots before he reaches 11 years of age.

The main stream media usually portrays the existence of exemptions as a great favor, but forget to point out that it is an individual’s own business to decide what to do with his or her body. Neither the government nor school officials have any authority whatsoever to force anyone to inject toxic chemicals into a child or themselves. The usual excuse is that someone who has not been vaccinated endangers the health of others, although this argument does not make any sense. The idea that one or more unvaccinated persons threaten the health of the rest is originated from the collectivist point of view that argues for the benefit of the masses which in some people’s minds surpasses that of the individual.

So far, the success of the forceful vaccination campaigns relies on the ignorance of parents who are afraid of not having a school where to drop their children off every morning. These parents do not understand that by leaving their children at the mercy of the State, they are effectively waiving their rights as parents as they hand their children to the government. That is why states like California have sought to create laws that disable parents as the responsible guardians of the their own children, making the youngsters ‘responsible’ for decisions that range from giving consent for the acceptance of vaccines to using contraceptive methods.

Politicians and the media like to swindle the public by blaming the spread of disease on the lack of vaccination, even though reality shows exactly the opposite. Vaccines have never prevented the massive spread of disease, but helped spread it. Behind government vaccination policy stand the powerful pharmaceutical companies that make a kill every year by selling government bureaucrats the idea that not vaccinating can help spread disease to a point where infection can go out of control.

Recently, a California man named Kevin Barret, posted this comment on a so-called scientific magazine article that attempted to push the goodness of vaccinations on its readers:

“The California Health Department used extreme coercion to convince us to vaccinate our three-week-old son for Hepatitis B (a sexually transmitted disease – not much of a risk for infants). Immediately after the shot, he entered a near coma of crying and emotional withdrawal – obvious extreme trauma – that lasted about three days. He was later diagnosed with autism. The suffering we’ve experienced due to our bad decision is indescribable. After studying the issue (I’m a Ph.D. with three M.A.s, so I know how to do research) I think we need a revolution in this country for many reasons, one of which is to stop the medical industry from injecting formaldehyde, mercury and other extreme toxins into our children. My friend the late Lynn Margulis, the greatest biological scientist of the century, said on my radio show that as a general rule, you should NEVER INJECT ANYTHING, EVER – certainly not the stuff in vaccines!!! The skin barrier is there for a reason.”

As it happens often, he was quickly attacked by people who limited themselves to regurgitating main stream media-fed talking points but who failed to provide a single link to a document or independently conducted study that demonstrates whether or not vaccines treat or cure disease. I myself haven’t found one in 9 years of research.

Still, the outfits that promote vaccinations as the solution to each and every disease don’t even hide the fraud behind the fear mongering campaigns that seek to scare people into compliance. Most doctors who knowingly or otherwise push vaccines as the best way to treat or cure disease believe that people will eventually succumb to vaccinations given the fear factor behind outbreaks. That is the opinion of Paul Offit, chief of the division of infectious diseases at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, who says “people will be more compelled by the fear than by the reason.”

I would say that he is about right, except that the fear comes from the dangers that vaccines pose. People continue to seek second and third opinions regarding the dangers of vaccinations and today more than ever before, adults and parents are more likely to avoid injecting their children with toxins contained in vaccines. Last month, Healthcare Finance News reported on how vaccine sales decline for the first time in decades. “There was a 30 percent drop in the influenza vaccine market in 2011,” which is attributed to a mild flu season. That fact doesn’t decrease revenue for the pharmaceutical companies because government purchase giant amounts of vaccines to stockpile in the event of what officials call ‘dangerous outbreaks’.

The real reason behind of it all is the realization by millions of people who the scare mongering coming from governments and pharmaceutical conglomerates in 2009 was at the very least an attempt to make a quick buck through the sale of vaccines whose effectiveness and safety have always been questionable.

As explained by doctor James Garth Wilkinson in 1876, “compulsory vaccination is an instance of law, which inflicts disease and possible death on the human body and propagates and disseminates deadly infection upon animals and humanity. This is surely an instance of a law which is not based on wisdom or sanity and is a menace to the health and security of humanity and the State. This amazing act is the homicidal insanity of a whole profession. This is blood assassination.”

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Vacuna contra la Poliomielitis es causa #1 de la parálisis por Polio

Por Luis R. Miranda
The Real Agenda
18 de enero 2012

La Iniciativa de Erradicación Mundial de la Poliomielitis (PGEI), fundada en 1988 por la Organización Mundial de la Salud, Rotary International, UNICEF y la CDC de EE.UU., tiene a India como un ejemplo de su éxito en la erradicación de la poliomielitis, indicando en su página web (11 de enero de 2012) que “la India ha logrado avances sin precedentes contra la poliomielitis en los últimos dos años y el 13 de enero de 2012, la India alcanzará un hito importante – se registró un período de 12 meses sin ningún caso de poliomielitis.”

Este informe, sin embargo, es muy engañoso, ya que se estima que entre 100 y 180 niños de la India son diagnosticados con parálisis asociada a la vacuna contra la poliomielitis (PPV) cada año. De hecho, la presentación clínica de la enfermedad, incluyendo parálisis, causada por PPV es indistinguible de la causada por el virus natural de la polio, por lo que los pronunciamientos del PGEI son aún más sospechosos. 1

De acuerdo con las propias estadísticas 2 del programa de la Iniciativa de Erradicación Mundial de Polio registra 42 casos de polio de tipo natural (WPV) en la India en 2010, lo que indica que los casos inducidos por la vacuna de la parálisis por polio (100 a 180 anuales) superan en número a los casos de tipo natural por un factor de 3-4. Incluso si dejamos de lado la importante cuestión de si el PGEI debe diferenciar entre la polio natural y la asociada a la vacuna de poliomielitis en sus estadísticas, tenemos que preguntarnos: ¿no deberían los efectos mundiales de las campañas de vacunación, tanto buenos como malos ser incluidos en la medición del éxito de PGEI? Para las decenas de niños indígenas que desarrollan la parálisis después de inyectarse la vacuna todos los años, la reciente declaración de la PGEI sobre la India como un país “libre de polio”, no es sólo falso, sino que podría considerarse un intento de minimizar su responsabilidad evidente en que la poliomielitis pasó de un vector de la enfermedad natural a una creada por el hombre (iatrogénica).

PPV es, de hecho, la forma predominante de la enfermedad en países desarrollados como los EE.UU. desde 1973. 3 El problema de la vacuna contra la parálisis inducida por la polio fue tan grave que los Estados Unidos cambió la vacuna por la antipoliomielítica inactivada (IPV) en el año 2000, después que el Comité Asesor sobre Prácticas de Inmunización (ACIP) recomiendó eliminar por completo la vacuna oral de virus vivos contra la poliomielitis (OPV), que todavía se utiliza en todo el tercer mundo, a pesar de los riesgos conocidos.

Polio subraya la necesidad de un cambio en la manera en que vemos las llamadas enfermedades “prevenibles por vacunación”. En la mayoría de las personas con un sistema inmunológico saludable, una infección por virus de la polio ni siquiera genera síntomas. Sólo en raras ocasiones la infección produce síntomas leves, por ejemplo, dolor de garganta, fiebre, alteraciones gastrointestinales, y síntomas como los de la gripe.

Sólo un 3% de las infecciones del virus de la poliomielitis termina con problemas del sistema nervioso central, y luego, en tan sólo 5.1 de cada 1000 casos este virus progresa hacia una  infección de la enfermedad paralítica. Debido al hecho que la polio se propaga a través de la vía fecal-oral (es decir, el virus se transmite de las heces de una persona infectada a la boca de otra persona a través de un objeto contaminado, por ejemplo, un utensilio) centrarse en la higiene, el saneamiento y la nutrición adecuada (para apoyar la inmunidad innata) es una forma lógica para prevenir la transmisión, en primer lugar, así como la reducción de la morbilidad asociada con una infección cuando se produce.

En cambio, una gran parte de las vacunas como la del polio se dan en el Tercer Mundo como “caridad”, cuando las condiciones subyacentes de empobrecimiento económico, la mala alimentación, exposición a sustancias químicas, y los disturbios socio-políticos no se tratan. Simplemente no se puede vacunar a las personas para que salgan de estas difíciles condiciones, y como la nueva epidemia de poliomielitis inducida por la vacuna en la India demuestra, la “cura” puede ser mucho peor que la enfermedad misma.

Artículo traducido del original: Polio Vaccine is First Cause of Polio Paralysis

1 Cono J, Alexander LN (2002). “Chapter 10: Poliomyelitis” (PDF). Vaccine-Preventable Disease Surveillance Manual.


3 Strebel PM, Sutter RW, Cochi SL, et al. Epidemiology of poliomyelitis in the United States one decade after the last reported case of indigenous wild virus-associated disease. Clin Infect Dis 1992;14:568-79.

Polio Vaccine is First Cause of Polio Paralysis

Sayer Ji
Activist Post
January 18, 2012

The Polio Global Eradication Initiative (PGEI), founded in 1988 by the World Health Organization, Rotary International, UNICEF, and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, holds up India as a prime example of its success at eradicating polio, stating on its website (Jan. 11 2012) that “India has made unprecedented progress against polio in the last two years and on 13 January, 2012, India will reach a major milestone — a 12-month period without any case of polio being recorded.”

This report, however, is highly misleading, as an estimated 100-180 Indian children are diagnosed with vaccine-associated polio paralysis (VAPP) each year. In fact, the clinical presentation of the disease, including paralysis, caused by VAPP is indistinguishable from that caused by wild polioviruses, making the PGEI’s pronouncements all the more suspect.1

According to the Polio Global Eradication Initiative’s own statistics2 there were 42 cases of wild-type polio (WPV) reported in India in 2010, indicating that vaccine-induced cases of polio paralysis (100-180 annually) outnumber wild-type cases by a factor of 3-4. Even if we put aside the important question of whether or not the PGEI is accurately differentiating between wild and vaccine-associated polio cases in their statistics, we still must ask ourselves: should not the real-world effects of immunization, both good and bad, be included in PGEI’s measurement of success? For the dozens of Indian children who develop vaccine-induced paralysis every year, the PGEI’s recent declaration of India as nearing “polio free” status, is not only disingenuous, but could be considered an attempt to minimize their obvious liability in having transformed polio from a natural disease vector into a man-made (iatrogenic) one.

VAPP is, in fact, the predominant form of the disease in developed countries like the US since 1973.3  The problem of vaccine-induced polio paralysis was so severe that the The United States moved to the inactivated poliovirus vaccine (IPV) in 2000, after the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) recommended altogether eliminating the live-virus oral polio vaccine (OPV), which is still used throughout the third world, despite the known risks.

Polio underscores the need for a change in the way we look at so-called “vaccine preventable” diseases as a whole. In most people with a healthy immune system, a poliovirus infection does not even generate symptoms. Only rarely does the infection produce minor symptoms, e.g. sore throat, fever, gastrointestinal disturbances, and influenza-like illness. In only 3% of infections does virus gain entry to the central nervous system, and then, in only 1-5 in 1000 cases does the infection progress to paralytic disease.

Due to the fact that polio spreads through the fecal-oral route (i.e. the virus is transmitted from the stool of an infected person to the mouth of another person through a contaminated object, e.g. utensil) focusing on hygiene, sanitation and proper nutrition (to support innate immunity) is a logical way to prevent transmission in the first place, as well as reducing morbidity associated with an infection when it does occur.

Instead, a large portion of the world’s vaccines are given to the Third World as “charity,” when the underlying conditions of economic impoverishment, poor nutrition, chemical exposures, and socio-political unrest are never addressed. You simply can’t vaccinate people out of these conditions, and as India’s new epidemic of vaccine-induced polio cases clearly demonstrates, the “cure” may be far worse than the disease itself.

1 Cono J, Alexander LN (2002). “Chapter 10: Poliomyelitis” (PDF). Vaccine-Preventable Disease Surveillance Manual. 2 3Strebel PM, Sutter RW, Cochi SL, et al. Epidemiology of poliomyelitis in the United States one decade after the last reported case of indigenous wild virus-associated disease. Clin Infect Dis 1992;14:568-79.

Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease Outbreak Sickens 32,000 in Vietnam

By Margie Mason
The Associated Press
August 19, 2011

HANOI, Vietnam — Vietnam’s prime minister has put the country on alert as an outbreak of hand, foot and mouth disease continues to surge, killing 81 children and sickening more than 32,000 people nationwide so far this year, officials said Friday.

Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung has called for stepped-up efforts to prevent and control the transmission of the common childhood disease. It has spread nationwide but is raging hardest in the country’s south, where nearly 80 percent of the cases have been reported. About 65 percent of the deaths have occurred in children younger than 3.

“Hand foot and mouth disease, a dangerous infectious disease for children under 5, is spreading fast, creating huge danger to the health and life of young children,” Dung said in a statement that appeared on the government’s website Friday.

This year’s outbreak is a sharp increase over previous years. Since 2008, about 10,000 to 15,000 cases were reported per year, with about 20 to 30 children dying annually.

Hand, foot and mouth disease is spread by sneezing, coughing and contact with fluid from blisters or infected feces. It is caused by a group of enteroviruses in the same family as polio. No vaccine or specific treatment exists, but illness is typically mild and most children recover quickly without problems.

The virus gets its name from the telltale symptoms it causes, including rash, mouth sores and blisters covering the hands and feet. Many infected children are not sickened at all, but remain capable of spreading it to others.

A more severe strain called enterovirus 71, or EV-71, has been identified in about a third of the sampled cases in Vietnam, said Dr. Graham Harrison, the World Health Organization’s acting country representative for Vietnam. EV-71 can result in paralysis, brain swelling and death.

Harrison urged greater awareness at clinics and hospitals outside cities in detecting and treating new cases. Early symptoms include fever and sore throat, with the rash and blisters coming later in most, but not all, patients.

He said there’s been a slight decrease recently in the number of cases, but it’s too soon to know for sure whether the outbreak is waning. State media have reported about 2,000 new cases are still being logged every week.

“It started picking up in May or June like it had in previous years,” Harrison said. “Whether it’s going to go down and come back up or has just sort of peaked for the year and will then go down, we’ll have to wait and see.”

Dr. Truong Huu Khanh, head of the infectious disease department at Ho Chi Minh City’s main children’s hospital, said the number of patients has decreased compared to a month ago. He added that most children being admitted are now coming from southern provinces outside the city.

WHO is assisting with the outbreak along with the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. They are urging enhanced hygiene, including frequent hand washing and regularly cleaning floors, tables and counters with disinfectant.

AIDS: The Greatest Mass Synthetic Weapon

Funded by Congress in 1969 Through House Bill 15090, the AIDS Virus was Created After 1974

By Luis R. Miranda
The Real Agenda
November 5, 2007

Proof that the AIDS virus is man-made and not naturally born, pile on as more information turns public and access to more and moreAIDS documents that reach more and more people become available. The account that the AIDS virus was originally found in a monkey, and that from it, the virus somehow jumped to humans has been debunked; to use a popular term.

The most eye-opening piece of evidence is government documents; more specifically the House of Representatives H.R 15090 from 1969 which details how and when the second branch of government held hearings and funded a project in which the Department of Defense would utilize $10 million to research and create a synthetic virus that would then be tested in humans in the form of an injection.

After ten years of investigation, the virus was created sometime after 1974 and was experimented with by injecting humans as early as 1977. Although in the US the Department of Defense requested the financing and promoted the creation of the virus, entities like the World Health Organization and the United Nations had previously called for a bio weapon of the sort. The World Health Organization (WHO), started to inject AIDS -laced smallpox vaccine into Africans in 1977, while the Center for Disease Control (CDC) injected some 2000 white males with laced Hepatitis B vaccine in 1978.

According to the Strecker Memorandum of 1983, AIDS is a man-made disease, which is not specific of homosexuals, not venereal and which can be carried by mosquitoes. In addition, it is clear that although condoms would help reduce the chances of infection, they would not prevent the at least six types of AIDS viruses available. Dr. Theodore Strecker writes: “The US National Cancer Institute in collaboration with the World Health Organization manufactured AIDS in a laboratory at Fort Detrich, Maryland.” The AIDS virus is a combination of two retroviruses. One is the Bovine Leukemia Virus, and the second the Visna Virus which were injected into human tissue in its early stages in order to see the results.

Dr. Strecker states that the AIDS virus could not be naturally born and that were virologists who worked in the creation of an organism that could exert selective influence in the way the human body fights infection. The possibility was looked into that the virus impaired the immune system so that it could not respond once it made its way into the human body. According to the Strecker memo, the AIDS epidemic was triggered by the mass vaccination campaign that intended to end Smallpox.

The following is an exact transcription of the narrative in the Subcommittee of Appropriations held in July 1, 1969, which involved discussions about Synthetic Biological Agents.

There are two things about the biological agent field I would like to mention. One is the possibility of technological surprise. Molecular biology is a field that is advancing very rapidly and many eminent biologists believe that within a period of 5 – 10 years it would be possible to produce a synthetic biological agent, an agent that does not naturally exist and for which no natural immunity could have been acquired.”

Mr. Sikes: Are we doing any work in that field?

Dr. MacArthur: We are not.

Mr. Sikes: Why not? Lack of money or lack of interest?

Dr. MacArthur: Certainly not lack of interest.

Mr. Sikes: Would you provide for our record information on what would be required, what the advantages of such a program would be, the time and the cost involved?

Dr. MacArthur: We will be very happy to. The dramatic progress being made in the field of molecular biology led us to investigate the relevance of this field of science to biological warfare. A small group of experts considered this matter and provided the following observations:

1. All biological agents up to the present time are representatives of naturally occurring disease, and are thus known by scientists throughout the world. They are easily available to qualified scientists for research, either for offensive or defensive purposes.

2. Within the next 5 – 10 years, it would probably be possible to make a new infective microorganism which could differ in certain important aspects from any known disease-causing organisms. Most important of these is that it might be refractory to the immunological and therapeutic processes upon which we depend to maintain our relative freedom from infectious disease.

3. A research program to explore the feasibility to this could be completed in approximately 5 years at a cost of $10 million.

As it has been documented, the World Health Organization used the Smallpox vaccine to spread the virus in Africa, Haiti, Brazil and Japan. After looking for documents to support the statement, it is clear that the spread of the virus coincides with how this plan was originally laid out. As an addendum, a confidential source in the WHO has revealed that there is “a strong correlation between the proportion of people in different central African countries who consented to the smallpox vaccine program and the proportion of those now infected with AIDS.

In the last fifteen years, the AIDS virus has killed 11 million Africans, which accounts for a total of 80 percent of the total world deaths due to the virus. According to numbers provided by the United Nations, at least 5000 funerals are held daily in Africa for people who die as a consequence of contracting the AIDS virus. Outdated numbers from 2001 show that in Latin America there were some 1.4 million people infected with AIDS, while South and South East Asia combined accounted for 5.8 million people. These numbers are rounded up in the Caribbean, where at least 700,000 people had been infected as of 2000.

Scientists like Dr. Strecker, suggest that the fact that most of AIDS’s victims reside in Africa and Latin America is not a coincidence, as only 2 percent of the affected population resides in Europe. Apparently, the goal of creating a bioweapon such as the AIDS virus was to eliminate a great part of the Africans in an effort to reduce global population to just about 500 hundred million, down from some 7 billion. An example that helps reinforce this thesis is the Tuskegee Experiment. Conducted between 1932 and 1972, the Tuskegee Experiment, recruited some 400 black Americans in an effort to test the effects of syphilis in Macon County, Alabama. The United States Health Services never gave the subjects any clear information of what exactly would be put into their bodies, ans instead were drawn to the testing centers with promises that the injection would help them treat or cure problems like Anemia, or “bad blood”.

More recently, pharmaceutical companies like Merck have been found liable for the death of thousands of people as a consequence of taking drugs such as VIOX. In the latest battle of the people versus the pharmaceutical industry, groups of people around the world, but more specifically in Texas rose to denounce Merck’s intent to make a new vaccine -Gardasil- available to young women between the ages of 8 and 11 years old in order to -according to Merck- help prevent the Human Papiloma Virus or HPV. Parent groups denounced the measure taken by Texas governor Rick Perry who signed a document saying it was the law to take the vaccine. It would later be leaked to the public that Gardasil contains a live cancer virus something produced in a laboratory, which caused several dozen girls to bleed uncontrollably during the term the injections were taken and even after completing the multiple doses. Mothers of the girls appeared in national radio talk shows to testify of their experience and that of their daughters’.

According to Boyd E. Graves, who has studied the origins of the HIV virus for years, the history of the disease goes back at least 100 years. “The United States began a significant effort to investigate “causes” of epidemic diseases. In 1887, the effort was enhanced with the mandate of the U.S. “LABORATORY OF HYGIENE”. This lab was run by Dr. Joseph J. Kinyoun, a deep rooted-racist, who served the eugenics movement with dedication. In 1893, we strengthened the Federal Quarantine Act and suddenly there was an explosion of polio.” On his website, Graves continues with a chronological account of the way how an grand eugenics program grew from scratch. ” In 1945, we witnessed the greatest influx of foreign scientists in history into the U.S. biological program. Operation Paperclip will live in infamy as one of the darkest programs of a twisted parallel government fixated on genocide. In 1946, the United States Navy hired Dr. Earl Traub, a notorious racist biologist. A May appropriations hearing confirms the existence of a “secret” biological weapon. In 1948, we know that the United States confirmed the endorsement of “devising a scheme” in which to address the issue of overpopulation in certain racial groups. State Department’s George McKennan’s memo will forever illuminate the eugenics mendacity necessary for genocide of millions of innocent people.” Programs like the one orchestrated to exterminate much or all of the black population are true for other diseases such as Cancer, Polio, Influenza, and more recently Bird Flu.

Another piece of evidence that reinforces the fact that HIV AIDS as well as other diseases are man-made and not naturally born is the 1971 special virus flow chart, obtained by Graves in 1999. The chart was sent to him on May 15th, 2000 by Dr. Victoria Cargill of the National Institutes of Health. The chart shows how scientists proceeded when experimenting with new viruses. As I have seen it, it is a step by step guide to be followed and the way decisions are made according to the results obtained in every stage of the experiments. The chart indicates how to go through the process of selecting a candidate, how to proceed in order to determine whether a subject has experienced any immunological response to the virus (HIV), to confirming the effectiveness of controlled methods for introductions in critical trails.

It is estimated that if the HIV virus is not stopped within the next three decades, it will indeed achieve the objective it was meant for; it will completely eradicate the black population in Africa and other regions of the world. What is more incredible is that African governments consented in 1974 in Bucarest Romania to the use of the HIV virus on the population. According to Dr. Graves, there are at least 15,000 progress reports filed regarding the experiments with the HIV virus and the US government along with other European counterparts have spent $550 million dollars in the creation and spread of the HIV AIDS virus.

Consulted Materials include:

1. House of Numbers. Brent W. Leung

1. End Game: Blueprint for Global Enslavement. Alex E. Jones

2. “The Strecker Memorandum.” Distributed by The Strecker Group, Eagle Rock, CA., 1983.

3. “AIDS: United States Germs Warfare at its Best with Documents and Proof”. Jack Felder. 1989

4. “Who Murdered Africa.” William Campbell Douglas. M.D. 

5. “AIDS is Biological Warfare.” Tom Bearden.

6. “Smallpox vaccine triggered AIDS virus.”

7. “AIDS and the Doctors of Death: An Inquiry Into the Origin of the AIDS Epidemic.” Alan Cantwell.

8. “HIV infections up in Caribbean. The Plain Dealer.” 2000

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