Universidades de EE.UU. y Farmacéuticas Experimentan Ilegalmente en Africanos

Traducción Luis Miranda
People’s Constitution
09 de noviembre 2011

Un nuevo informe culpa a prominentes instituciones educativas y compañías farmacéuticas como Pfizer, la Universidad de Columbia, Johns Hopkins University, y el Population Council, por su participación en la experimentación humana ilegal en África.

El informe se titula “Investigación sin Consentimiento en África: La externalización de Tuskegee”, en referencia a los experimentos humanos ilegales realizados en Tuskegee, Alabama, entre 1932 y 1972 por el Servicio de Salud Pública de los EE.UU.. En ese experimento, unos 6oo hombres afro-americanos fueron observados en un estudio sobre la progresión de la sífilis no tratada. Algunos de los hombres fueron intencionalmente infectados con la enfermedad y a todos ellos se les negó la cura. Lamentablemente, el informe señala, nadie era responsable de este crimen contra la humanidad.

Los nuevos detalles del Informe detalla los experimentos dirigidos por investigadores de los EE.UU. y las compañías farmacéuticas sobre los africanos, que por lo general carecen de educación, son pobres, y carecen de la comprensión plena de sus derechos. A ellos a menudo se les hace creer que están recibiendo el tratamiento médico de los servicios de salud gubernamentales o ministerios de salud.

Estas prácticas se remontan a los experimentos atroces llevados a cabo por investigadores de los EE.UU. en Guatemala en la década de 1940, donde cientos de guatemaltecos fueron infectados deliberadamente con enfermedades de transmisión sexual sin información ni consentimiento. El presidente Obama se disculpó formalmente con Guatemala por estos experimentos el año pasado.

Experimentación con seres humanos en los Estados Unidos está regulada por la Oficina de Integridad en la Investigación y varias Juntas de Investigación Institucional de Ética. Muchos países africanos carecen de estas instituciones, pero incluso cuando existen, carecen de independencia y son controladas por funcionarios corruptos del gobierno.

En un experimento sobre el VIH patrocinado por Gilead Sciences, el Centro para el Control de Enfermedades (CDC), y la Fundación Bill y Melinda Gates y que es operado por Family Health International, se dieron detalles de los experimentos en inglés a personas en Camerún, aunque muchos sólo hablaban francés y/o eran analfabetas. Cinco mujeres fueron infectadas con el VIH en el experimento, pero no se les dio los medicamentos antirretrovirales.

En otro experimento en Nigeria dirigido por médicos de Pfizer, los investigadores inyectaron a los niños con un antibiótico llamado Trovan durante una epidemia de meningitis sin proporcionar a sus familias con los formularios de consentimiento informado que revelen completamente los efectos secundarios y el propósito del experimento. Once niños murieron y muchos se quedaron paralizados.

En Sudáfrica y Namibia, las madres con VIH / SIDA son rutinariamente esterilizadas sin su consentimiento. Los países que llevan a cabo estos procedimientos son conocidos por recibir fondos en forma de subvenciones e incentivos de las organizaciones de ayuda USAID, ONU, Bill y Melinda Gates Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation y otros.

El informe explica que los investigadores de EE.UU. y las empresas farmacéuticas violan las leyes y los protocolos de la Declaración de Helsinki (1964) y el Informe Belmont que proporcionan las directrices éticas sobre la experimentación con seres humanos.

Por otra parte, los resultados de experimentos poco éticos y fraudulentos se lavan en los Estados Unidos y Europa a través del sistema de revisión por pares. Muchos de los “pares” que revisan estos experimentos están involucrados en la misma conducta sin ética que deben evitar. Otros están preocupados por la posibilidad de alienación profesional si hablan.

Los autores hacen varias peticiones para que estas prácticas terminen. Entre las medidas propuestas están la realización de audiencias en el Congreso para que el asunto sea llevado a la atención del público y la promulgación de nuevas leyes para asegurar que los medicamentos no sean aprobados por la Administración de Medicamentos y Comidas (FDA) a menos que la investigación en la que se basan cumplan con los principios éticos de investigación.

U.S. Universities and Big Pharma Conduct Illegal Human Experiments in Africa

People’s Constitution
November 9, 2011

A new policy brief faults prominent institutions and drug companies like Pfizer, Columbia University, Johns Hopkins University, and Population Council, for their involvement in unethical and illegal human experimentation in Africa.

The report is titled “Non-Consensual Research in Africa: The Outsourcing of Tuskegee” in reference to the illegal human experiment conducted in Tuskegee, Alabama, between 1932 and 1972 by the US Public Health Service. In that experiment, some 600 impoverished African-American men were observed in a study on the progression of untreated syphilis. Some of the men were intentionally infected with the disease and all of them were denied the cure. Regrettably, the report notes, no one was held accountable for this crime against humanity.

The new report details human experiments led by US researchers and drug companies on Africans who are typically undereducated, poor, and lack full understanding of their rights. The human subjects often are led to believe that they are receiving medical treatment from governmental health services or health ministries.

These practices hearken back to the appalling experiments carried out by US researchers in Guatemala in the 1940s where hundreds of Guatemalans were deliberately infected with sexually transmitted diseases without information or consent. President Obama formally apologized to Guatemala for these experiments last year.

Human experimentation in the United States is regulated by the Office of Research Integrity and various Ethical Research Institutional Boards. Many African countries lack these institutions. Even when they exist, they lack independence and are controlled by corrupt government officials.

In one experiment on HIV sponsored by Gilead Sciences, the Centers for Disease Control, and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and operated by Family Health International, Cameroonian subjects were given details about the experiment in English even though many spoke only French and were illiterate. Five women were allegedly infected with HIV in the experiment but were not given antiretroviral drugs.

In another experiment in Nigeria led by Pfizer physicians, researchers injected children with an antibiotic called Trovan during a meningitis outbreak without providing their families with informed consent forms that fully disclose the side effects and purpose of the experiment. Eleven children died and many were left paralyzed.

In South Africa and Namibia, mothers with HIV/AIDS are routinely sterilized without their informed consent. Countries that perform these procedures are known to receive funding in the form of grants and incentives from USAID and other aid organizations.

The report explains that US researchers and drug companies violate the laws and protocols of the Declaration at Helsinki (1964) and the Belmont Report which provide ethical guidelines on human experimentation.

Moreover, the results of unethical and fraudulent experiments are laundered in the United States and Europe through the peer-review system. Many of the “peers” who review these experiments are themselves involved in the same unethical conduct. Others are concerned about the possibility of professional alienation if they speak out.

The authors make several demands so that these practices are ended. They include holding congressional hearings so that the matter is brought to the public’s attention and enacting new legislation to ensure that drugs are not approved by the FDA unless the research on which they are based comply with ethical research principles.

Western Democracy: A Farce And A Sham

Paul Craig Roberts
November 3, 2011

Every day that passes adds to the fraudulent image of what is called Western democracy.

Consider that the entire Western world is outraged that the Greek prime minister announced that he is going to permit the Greek people to decide their own fate instead of having it decided for them by a handful of banksters, politicians, and bureaucrats living it up at taxpayer expense at “talks” in the French resort of Cannes on the Mediterranean.

The Greek economy is facing its fourth year of decline and lacks the revenues to service its national debt held by private European banks. The banks don’t want to lose any money, so a handful of power brokers reached an agreement with representatives of the Greek government to write off some of the debt in exchange for EU capital subsidies to be financed by inflicting severe austerity on the Greek population. Wages, salaries, pensions and medical care are being cut while the rate of unemployment rises to depression levels. Government employees are laid off. Valuable public properties are to be sold to private parties for pennies on the dollar. In short, Greece is to be looted.

Large numbers of Greeks have been in the streets protesting the austerity policy and have reached the point of anger of throwing Molotov cocktails at the police. Greece is disintegrating politically. The Greek people sense that the EU “bailout” is not bailing out Greece. It is bailing out the French, Dutch, and German banks at the expense of the Greek people.

The Greek prime minister, watching his party’s support and power crumble, announced that he would let the people decide in a referendum. After all, allegedly that’s what democracies do. But it turns out that “we have freedom and democracy” is not supposed to be taken literally. It is merely a propagandistic slogan behind which people are ruled through back-room deals decided by powerful private interests.

The Greek prime minister’s announcement that he would put the back-room bailout deal to a referendum shocked the EU hierarchy, Washington, and investors. Who does this Greek guy think he is permitting the people, who bear the cost of the deal, to have a say in it? Who let this Greek guy out of his cage? This is not the way democracies are ruled.

The EU power brokers are outraged over the Greek prime minister’s departure from normal procedure. But the Greek PM is relying on the Greek people to approve the deal, and not without reason.

The Greek people have been brainwashed for decades as to the importance of “being part of Europe.” That means being a member of the European Union. When the Greeks realize that voting down the bailout of the banksters means being thrown out of the European Union, which is what they will learn between now and the referendum, they will vote for the back room deal.

Polls already indicate this. A poll for a Greek newspaper indicates that whereas 46% oppose the bailout, 70% favor staying in the EU, which the Greeks see as a life or death issue.

If this poll is a reliable indicator, the Greek PM has made a brilliant political decision. The Greek people will vote in favor of what they have been protesting violently in the streets. As the Greek people will do themselves in, the politicians are off the hook. This is the bet that the Greek PM has placed.

Whatever the outcome, keep in mind that the entire Western political and investor world was shocked that a politician, instead of simply imposing a back room deal, said he would let the people decide. Letting the people decide is a no-no in Western democracies.

If you need more evidence of this mythical creature called “Western democracy,” consider that Western governments are no longer accountable to law. Contrast, for example, the sexual harassment charges that are plaguing US presidential candidate Herman Cain’s campaign with the pass given to high government officials who clearly violated statutory law.

What follows is not a defense of Cain. I take no position on the charges. The real point is different. In America the only thing that can ruin a politician is his interest in sex. A politician, for example, George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, B. Omama, cannot be ruined by violating United States and international law or by treating the US Constitution as a “mere scrap of paper.” Bush and Cheney can take America to wars based entirely on lies and orchestrated deceptions. They can commit war crimes, murdering large numbers of civilians in the cause of “the war on terror,” itself a hoax. They can violate US and international laws against torture simply “because the president said so.” They can throw away habeas corpus, the constitutional requirement that a person cannot be imprisoned without evidence presented to a court. They can deny the right to an attorney. They can violate the law and spy on Americans without obtaining warrants. They can send due process to hell. In fact, they can do whatever they want just like Hitler’s Gestapo and Stalin’s secret police. But if they show undue interest in a woman or proposition a woman, they are dead meat.

Very few commentators have said a word about this. The House of Representatives did not impeach President Bill Clinton for his war crimes against Serbia. They impeached him for lying about a sexual affair with a White House intern. The US Senate, which had too many sexual affairs of its own to defend, didn’t bother to try to convict.

This is Amerika today. A president without any authority whatsoever, not in law and certainly not in the Constitution, can assassinate US citizens based on nothing except an assertion that they are a “threat.” No evidence is required. No conviction. No presentation of evidence in any court. Just a murder. That is now permissible to the Amerikan president. But let him try to get a woman who is not his wife into bed, and he is a cooked goose.

In Amerika there is no such thing any longer as torture; there is only “enhanced interrogation.” A mere word change has eliminated the crime. So torture is permissible.

In Amerika today, or in the UK and the EU, anyone who tells the truth is a “threat.” Julian Assange of Wikileaks, who made public information leaked to him by US government sources horrified by the criminal actions of the United States government, is now, as a result of Amerikan pressure on UK courts, being turned over to Sweden, which, for favors from the “world’s only superpower,” will turn him over to the US regardless of law to be prosecuted on trumped-up charges.

Western “civilization” is totally corrupted by American money. There is no integrity anywhere. For a decade Washington has been murdering women, children, village elders, and journalists in the name of the hoax “war on terror.”

What terror does the world actually see? The world sees the terror that Israel, protected by Washington, inflicts on the Palestinians. The world sees the terror that the US inflicts on Serbia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia, Libya, Latin America and now Africa, with Syria, Lebanon, and Iran waiting in the wings. The “war on terror” is nothing but an orchestrated invented excuse for Amerika-Israel to achieve hegemony while enriching their armaments industries.

In Greece, at least the PM committed to giving the people a say in their fate. In America the people have no voice whatsoever. The sheeple are content to be protected by “security,” porno-scanners, warrantless wiretapping, indefinite detention, and sexual groping. To carry on the hoax “war on terror,” the US government has elevated itself above the law.

The American effort to achieve accountability to law, the Occupy Wall Street (OWS) movement, if not shut down by cold weather, ice, and snow, is likely to be shut down by police violence. One riot begun by provocateurs is all it takes to transform protesters into “domestic extremists,” the number one concern of Homeland Security. The presstitute media will make the case against the rioters, and the sheeple will buy it.

The police have been militarized by Washington. Community police forces no longer represent the local public that pays their salaries. Local police represent Washington’s war against America.

American citizens are all suspects. Anyone who goes through airport security knows this. The only law that the US government obeys is not even a law. It is a bureaucratic regulation that prevents, even in dire wartime, any profiling of suspects by ethnicity or country of origin.

Consequently, all native born, flag-waving, American super-patriots are suspects when they board commercial airliners. Americans who have a life time of security clearances are subject to being porno-scanned or sexually groped. Airport Security cannot tell a “terrorist” from a CIA analyst, a Marine general or a US Senator.

Well-connected members of the ruling elite, such as Michael Chertoff, can become rich from selling the porto-scanners to taxpayers in order “to protect the public from terrorists.”

The only terrorists Americans will ever experience are those funded by their own tax dollars within their “own” government. A people incapable of perceiving its real peril has no chance of surviving. America might be a military superpower, but it no longer exists as a free country with accountable government and a rule of law.

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts is the father of Reaganomics and the former head of policy at the Department of Treasury. He is a columnist and was previously an editor for the Wall Street Journal. His latest book, “How the Economy Was Lost: The War of the Worlds,” details why America is disintegrating.

“Protestos no Mundo Arabe Usados para Controlar Eurásia”

Tradução Luis Miranda
Russia Today
Novembro 1, 2011

O objetivo final dos EUA é pegar os recursos da África e do Oriente Médio sob o controle militar para bloquear o crescimento econômico da China e da Rússia, assumindo toda a Eurásia sob controle, diz o autor e historiador William F. Engdahl.

A crise na economia dos EUA e do sistema do dólar e a execução de política externa dos EUA sao uma parte da decomposição da estrutura da superpotência que foi construída após o fim da Segunda Guerra Mundial, afirma Engdahl.

“Ninguém em Washington está disposto a admiti-lo, como ninguém na Grã-Bretanha um século atrás admitiu que o Império Britânico estava em fase terminal”, diz o autor, observando que “Tudo isto está relacionado com a tentativa de manter a superpotência não só intactas, mas também estender sua influência sobre o resto do planeta. “

William F. Engdahl acredita que os protestos no Oriente Médio e Norte da África é um primeiro plano anunciado por George W. Bush em uma reunião do G-8 em 2003 que foi chamado de “O Grande Projeto do Médio Oriente.”

Foi projetado que esta zona seria tomada sob o controle da “democratização” em todo o mundo islâmico desde o Afeganistão até o Irã, Paquistão e a área produtora de petróleo do Golfo Pérsico, Norte da África até Marrocos.

“A chamada primavera árabe tinha sido planejada, pré-organizada e usada pelos instigadores dos “protestos espontâneos ” e distúrbios do Twitter no Cairo e Túnis, e assim por diante”, insiste o historiador.

Engdahl explica que alguns dos líderes do protesto tinham sido treinados em Belgrado, na Sérvia, por ativistas do Center for Applied Non-Violent Actions and Strategies e o Otpor (um movimento de jovens que tiveram um papel importante na expulsão do ex-presidente Slobodan Milosevic da Sérvia. Ambas as organizações são financiadas pelo Departamento de Estado dos EE.UU.

Engdahl cita duas razões para o projeto que o Departamento de Estado tem no mundo islâmico.

A primeira razão é a grande riqueza nas mãos dos líderes do mundo árabe, os fundos soberanos e de recursos. A ordem do dia – como foi quando a União Soviética entrou em colapso em 1991 – é “a privatização do FMI, da economia de livre mercado e assim por diante, em favor dos bancos ocidentais e as instituições financeiras para entrar e tomar conta de todo. “

“O segundo programa é militarizar o fornecimento de petróleo em lugares como a Líbia e a chamada República do Sul do Sudão, que estão diretamente e estrategicamente localizada no esquema de crescimento económico futuro na China”, disse Engdahl.

“Isso tem a ver com o controle da Eurásia, que Zbigniew Brzezinski falou em 1997, em seu famoso livro The Great Chessgame, especialmente no controle da Rússia e da China, e qualquer coesão potencial dos países da Eurásia econômica e politicamente” , diz ele.

E os resultados já estão aí – no Egito e na Tunísia a democracia trouxe uma economia fraca, enquanto a Líbia, o país com melhores padrões de vida em toda a África antes dos bombardeios da OTAN, está agora em ruínas.

A preocupação das potências ocidentais, especialmente o Pentágono, é com o controle militar da região em conflito, e não o restablecimiento normal, diz o historiador. A principal preocupação do governo fantoche da NTC é fornecer bases para NATO – algo nunca antes visto durante os 42 anos de governo do Gaddafi.

“O Africom [comando do Pentágono para a África] coordena a cena”, diz William F. Engdahl, notando que “curiosamente [AFRICOM] foi criado depois que a China lancou uma campanha de diplomacia em 2006, quando 40 chefes de nações Africanas foram convidados a Pequim, onde assinaram acordos para exploração de petróleo e construção de infra-estrutura, hospitais e assim por diante -, tudo o que o FMI não fez na África nos últimos 30 anos “

É verdade que os EUA está agindo contra os interesses chineses e de segurança nacional, mas Pequim, que recebe cerca de US $ 300 bilhões anualmente, por meio do comércio, simplesmente tem que investir esse dinheiro em algum lugar, e como não existem grandes mercados para absorver o dinheiro – Beijing compra títulos do Tesouro U. S. – e patrocina as guerras americanas que, ironicamente, estao direcionadas contra os interesses chineses.

“Para os deuses do dinheiro” em Wall Street, a única chance de sobreviver e manter seus dólares agora é encontrar novas áreas onde robar. A primavera árabe é feita para controlar e privatizar a enorme riqueza do mundo árabe “, diz ele Engdahl.

Mas o futuro da área do euro também é escuro porque a crise financeira grega foi artificialmente criada em 2002 por Goldman Sachs. A origem do dinheiro, afirma Engdahl, mostra que “a crise grega foi programada para detonar na ordem de Wall Street, o Tesouro dos Estados Unidos e a Federal Reserve para proteger a moeda de reserva – o dólar EUA “.

Engdahl disse que os EUA está construindo cada vez mais bases em todo o mundo, incluindo as novas 17 bases, a maioria das bases para a Força Aérea no Afeganistão, que estão prontas para a guerra com a China ou a Rússia, provavelmente.

“Dada a história da Guerra Fria, a Rússia pode desempenhar um papel estabilizador e construtivo como um contrapeso à estratégia altamente perigosa no Grande Projeto do Médio Oriente patrocinado pela NATO e os EUA”, disse Engdahl. “Espero que eles fazam isso.”



“Protestas en Mundo Arabe Usadas para Controlar Eurasia”

Traducción Luis Miranda
Russia Today
Noviembre 1, 2011

El objetivo último de los EE.UU. es tomar los recursos de África y Oriente Medio bajo control militar para bloquear el crecimiento económico de China y Rusia, asumiendo así la totalidad de Eurasia bajo control, dice el autor e historiador William F. Engdahl.

La crisis de la economía de EE.UU. y el sistema del dólar, la ejecución de la política exterior de EE.UU. es una parte de la descomposición de la estructura de toda la superpotencia que fue construida después del final de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, afirma Engdahl.

“Nadie en Washington está dispuesto a admitirlo, como nadie en Gran Bretaña hace un siglo quiso admitir que el Imperio Británico se encontraba en fase terminal”, afirma el autor, señalando que “Todo esto está relacionado con el intento de mantener la única superpotencia no sólo intacta, sino también extender su influencia sobre el resto del planeta. “

William F. Engdahl cree que las protestas en el Medio Oriente y África del Norte es un primer plan anunciado por George W. Bush en una reunión del G-8 en 2003 y fue llamado “El Gran Proyecto del Medio Oriente”.

Fue ideada para tomar bajo el control de la “democratización” de todo el mundo islámico en Afganistán a través de Irán, Pakistán y la zona productora de petróleo del Golfo Pérsico, el norte de África hasta llegar a Marruecos.

“La llamada primavera árabe había sido planeada, pre-organizada y utilizada por los instigadores de las “protestas espontáneas” y revueltas de Twitter en El Cairo y Túnez, y así sucesivamente”, insiste el historiador.

Engdahl expone que algunos de los líderes de las protestas habían sido entrenados en Belgrado, Serbia, por parte de activistas del Center for Applied Non-Violent Actions and Strategies y Otpor (un movimiento juvenil que jugó un papel importante en la expulsión del ex presidente Slobodan Milosevic de Serbia. Ambas organizaciones son financiadas por el Departamento de Estado de EE.UU..

Engdahl menciona dos razones para el diseño que el Departamento de Estado de EE.UU. ha hecho en el mundo islámico.

La primera razón es la gran riqueza en manos de los líderes del mundo árabe, los fondos soberanos de riqueza y recursos. El orden del día – tal y como se hizo con el colapso de la Unión Soviética en 1991 – es “la privatización del FMI, la economía de” libre mercado “y así sucesivamente, para que los bancos occidentales y los organismos financieros y las empresas puedan entrar y tomar el botín”.

“El segundo programa es militarizar las fuentes de petróleo en lugares como Libia y la llamada República de Sudán del Sur, que están directamente y estratégicamente localizadas en el esquema del futuro crecimiento económico de China”, señala Engdahl.

“Esto tiene que ver con el control de Eurasia, algo que Zbignew Brzezinski dijo en 1997 en su famoso libro The Great Chessgame, en especial sobre el control de Rusia y China, y cualquier cohesión potencial de los países de Eurasia económica y políticamente”, dice.

Y los resultados ya están ahí – en Egipto y Túnez la democracia ha traído debilidad de la economía, mientras que Libia, el país con mayor nivel de vida de toda África antes de la bombardeos de la OTAN, hoy está en ruinas.

La preocupación de las potencias occidentales, especialmente el Pentágono, es el control militar de la región en conflicto, no elrestablecimiento de la normalidad, evalúa el historiador. La principal preocupación del gobierno títere del NTC es dar a la OTAN derechos de asentamiento – algo nunca antes visto durante los 42 años de gobierno de Gaddafi.

“El AFRICOM [comando del Pentágono para África] coordina la escena”, dice William F. Engdahl, mencionando que “curiosamente [AFRICOM] se creó después de campaña de diplomacia China en 2006, cuando 40 jefes de las naciones africanas fueron invitados a Beijing donde se firmaron acuerdos para realizar exploración petrolera, construcción de hospitales e infraestructura -. todo lo que el FMI no hizo en África en los últimos 30 años “

Es cierto que los EE.UU. está actuando contra los intereses chinos y la seguridad nacional, pero Beijing, que recibe alrededor de $ 300 mil millones cada año, por concepto de comercio, simplemente tiene que invertir ese dinero en alguna parte, y como no hay mercados suficientemente grandes como para absorber ese dinero – Pekín compra bonos del Tesoro estadounidense – y con esto patrocina las guerras estadounidenses que, irónicamente, están dirigidas contra los intereses chinos.

“Para los ‘dioses del dinero” de Wall Street, la única oportunidad de sobrevivir y mantenerse en dólares ahora es encontrar nuevas áreas de botín. La primavera árabe esta hecha para controlar y privatizar la enorme riqueza del mundo árabe “, concluye Engdahl.

Pero el futuro de la zona euro también se ve sombría porque la crisis financiera griega fue artificialmente creada en el 2002 por Goldman Sachs. El origen del dinero, afirma Engdahl, muestra que “la crisis griega estaba programado para detonarse a la orden de Wall Street y el Tesoro de EE.UU., así como la Reserva Federal con el fin de defender la moneda de reserva – el dólar de EE.UU. “.

Engdahl advierte que los EE.UU. está construyendo cada vez más bases en todo el mundo, como las últimas 17, la mayoría de la Fuerza Aérea, bases en Afganistán, que estan listas para la nueva guerra con China o Rusia, probablemente.

“Dada la historia de la Guerra Fría, Rusia puede desempeñar un papel muy estabilizador y constructivo como un contrapeso a esta estrategia altamente peligrosa en El Gran Proyecto del Oriente Medio patrocinado por la OTAN y los EE.UU.”, afirma Engdahl. “Yo espero que lo hagan.”

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