MSNBC labels outspoken people as ‘right wing extremists’

MSNBC has begun airing trailers for an upcoming documentary, which the network has titled “Rise Of The New Right”, thatprominently features interview footage with radio talk show host Alex Jones.

The show, to be broadcast on June 16th, is presented by Hardball host Chris Matthews and will include segments of an interview Matthews conducted with Jones earlier this year in Austin, Texas.

“There’s a rising tide on the right voiced not just by extremists but by recruits from the neighborhood.” Matthews states in the trailer, which also features footage from Rand Paul’s victory speech after he won the Kentucky primary two weeks ago.

“The Tea Party is determined to take power – what does that mean for America?” Matthews continues, as the trailer cuts to Alex saying that America has fallen into deep tyranny.

“I’m Chris Matthews with a hard look at the rise of the new right” the MSNBC anchor states as the trailer ends.

The slick graphics include an image of the Gadsden flag. The iconic flag depicting a rattlesnake with the words “Don’t tread on me”, dates from around 1775 and was used by The United States Marine Corps as an early motto flag. Apparently MSNBC now think it’s an extremist right wing symbol.

Real Clear Politics blog, which refers to Alex as a “radical conspiracy theorist” has a video of the trailer here.

When Chris Matthews asked the Infowars team if he could travel to Austin to interview Alex some months ago, the general consensus was that MSNBC was preparing another hit piece on the freedom movement and the alternative media, targeting Alex as a key figure.

Alex has had previous run ins with the network, and with Chris Matthews, however, despite these misgivings Alex and the team decided to go ahead with the interview, knowing that though the finished article may be a smear attempt, those with enough intelligence to see through it could be reached.

It remains to be seen how the interview with Alex is used and to what extent parts of it will be taken out of context, however, judging from the trailer we are about to get everything we expected from MSNBC.

The network also seems to be carrying on where Rachel Maddow left off with its attack on Rand Paul. Following the release of a falsified transcript from the Maddow interview, the network devoted a full day to attacking and smearing Paul last week, painting up the mild mannered son of Congressman Ron Paul as some kind of virulent racist extremist.

No doubt the ridiculous attempt to smear the anti-establishment candidate for the Senate will continue in this special.

Chris Matthews himself has a history of injecting phony race talking points into his programming as a divisive technique in an attempt to alienate anyone who questions government policy or the actions of President Obama.

Indeed, the effort to quash the grass roots Tea Party movement in its infancy was initiated by MSNBC race baiting.

It was on MSNBC’s Countdown with Keith Olbermann last year that Jeanane Garofalo called tea party protesters “a bunch of tea bagging rednecks”, contending that the frustration expressed over the direction of the country was code for racism.

One year later Olbermann smirked and giggled his way through a celebration of the fact that the word “teabagger” has entered popular lexicon.

The daily injection of race into news segments with no context whatsoever is exactly the kind of irresponsible media display that allows groups such as the ADL to stir up the notion that legitimate grass roots political protest in America is nothing more than an explosion of intolerable racist rage.

Indeed, it was MSNBC that pathetically attempted to link Alex Jones to the bigoted cop killer Richard Poplawski just over a year ago when they discovered that Poplawski had left racist remarks on the forum. It was of no matter to the network that Poplawski had also attacked Jones for not advocating violence and sharing his intolerable prejudices.

Under a George W. Bush presidency, MSNBC routinely ran programming warning that America was slipping into a police state nightmare – yet now the network labels us racists and extremists for continuing to expose such activity, even though nothing has changed save for a different puppet residing inside the White House.

MSNBC has become the most pro-establishment network over the past two years, picking up the mantle from Fox news, which ran similar shows for eight years depicting freedom lovers and anti-establishment figures as dangerous left wing commies while Bush was in office.

MSNBC is the epitome of the controlled corporate mainstream media, being as it is 80% owned by General Electric, operated by military industrial complex giant General Dynamics, whose primary business comes from supplying arms and weapons systems to the US government and its international allies. It is not and never has been sympathetic to anti-establishment or anti-war activism – this is the same network that cancelled Jesse Ventura’s talk show simply because he opposed the Iraq war.

It is not surprising that Chris Matthews throws around the “dangerous right winger” label as often as he does, given that he admits he analyzes politics “from a Marxist perspective” and that his idol is Communist ideologue Saul Alinsky. If you chart Matthews on the political scale, virtually everyone resides to the right of his views, simply because they are not hardcore Communists.

As we have previously exposed, when it comes to attacking the grass roots, Matthews floats the exact same talking points as Glenn Beck – proving that the left-right paradigm is completely phony and that the real political battle resides between the establishment and the American people.

Matthews routinely urges his viewers to believe that anyone who is skeptical of, or expresses disdain toward, anything the government does is psychologically insane.

As regular readers of this website and listeners to the Alex Jones show will understand, we urge people to reject the phony paradigm of left and right in politics – we expose the ongoing agenda that is ever present, no matter which party is in government. We show how both parties are controlled under the same system of elitist oppression. In short – for eight long years under Bush we were labeled radical left wing lunatics – overnight that changed and we are now described as dangerous right wing racists.

However, anyone who can remember further back than eighteen months ago will see through this propaganda – that is why we must view even the most obvious of hit pieces like this one as opportunities that cannot be ignored.

The Top 10 Worst News Presenters

Luis R. Miranda

Every so often I hear from readers, family members and friends about a problem I have because I only write, talk and worry about serious current events.  So I thought it was a good opportunity to break the tradition and make them all happy by writing something different.  It is still about news, but less important than the usual issues I write and talk about.  This is my first list of  Worst News Presenters.  So let’s get right to it!

Keith Olbermann

Coming at number one is Countdown’s Keith Olbermann.  He has earned his place on this list given his hypocritical double standard.  Mr. Olbermann went from being my favorite news presenter to being the worst in only one year.  Although he rightfully criticized former president George W. Bush and even asked him to resign, he seems to think that Obama can do everything Bush could not do.  Rendition, torture, violation of Habeas Corpus and freedom of speech do not seem to be important anymore.  If Obama does it, it is acceptable.

Rachel Maddow

On number two, I have placed MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow.  Ms. Maddow has championed an insatiable appetite for criticizing conservative views regardless of them being right or wrong.  Her show has become another Countdown.  She also strongly criticized Bush’s illegal policies, but now is an avid defender of Obama and the same policies she once strongly criticized.  After Obama got to power, she seems to fill her show up with Democratic National Committee talking points.  Just as Olbermann, she could not keep her stance on the issues and turned ‘the news’ into useless partisan politics.

The number three spot is for Fox’s Sean Hannity.  Mr. Hannity could easily be occupying the number

Sean Hannity

one place, however, given his unchanging positions I reserved this spot for him.  There is no lack of hypocrisy from his part, though.  He has been critical of Mr. Obama’s tenure in the white house when it comes to government spending, socialization of health care as well as of cap-and-trade and the global warming fraud, but there has not been lack of deception from his part.  He still continues to agree with the neocon views of invading countries, murdering millions of people and then rebuilding those countries for the sake of Democracy and Western values.  As many others at Fox, he also agrees with the military helping to take care of the poppy fields in Afghanistan.

Glenn Beck

Coming on number four is Glen Beck; another strong candidate to occupy the number one place.  In fact, the only reason why he is not there, is because there are other 3 worse television presenters.  Beck has managed to deceive most of his audience, which apparently is composed by conservative people.  I say deceive, because although he strongly criticizes the Obama administration for all their lies and crimes while lifting the patriot movement, he also calls tea party members and other unhappy citizens dangerous criminals who may, at any moment, try to assassinate the president or cause terrorist attack in the United States.  He usually interviews and congratulates Ron Paul, but calls his supporters lunatics, dangerous and kooks.

Number five is good old Bill O’reilly; or as Olbermann would call him Bill O’rally.  O’reilly is one of those

Bill O'reilly

Sean Hannity types who supports and believes in neocon policies like war and nation building for the sake of saving face.  He supported all of Bush’s Constitution-murdering policies, but hypocritically dismisses sound economic and financial policies.  He is quick to point out that taxes need to be raised and created to pay for the government’s gargantuan deficits, although he calls himself a conservative.  The no-spin zone is an everlasting spinning capsule that accommodates his ever-changing views according to what is kosher.  ’Billo’ used to be a real reporter many years ago, but the millions he gets paid together with his cowardice and egotistical personality changed his good work for the crap he calls fair and balanced reporting.  That is why is officially the list’s pin head.

Chris Matthews

Next on the list is Chris Mathews, also from MSNBC.  Mr. Mathews, a sick follower of politics and politicians is the hardest working news presenter when it comes to keeping the audience inside the left-right paradigm.  His show is a never-ending salad of talking points propelled by a bunch of talking heads who, instead of improving the program, simply make it unwatchable.  It is liberal against conservative galore.  Never watch Hardball, as he calls his show, if you are looking for independent, objective views on current events.  Since Hardball is mainly an opinion mouth piece, there is nothing of substance.  Instead, it is plumped with baseless attacks between guests and up to the minute lies on current affairs.  Mr. Mathews’ intoxicating, obnoxious on-air personality makes him a strong candidate to become number one of this list.  On the positive side, Chris Mathews does not label himself fair, balanced or anything of the sort.

There are a number of careers that can be taken on without a college degree.  With other careers, getting a college education may be

From left to right: Mika, Willie and Joe

an option, depending on what the job is.  And then, there are those things you learn on the fly and simply wing them.  All of this is contained in our number 7 title holder: the Mika and Joe morning comedy show.  Also known as Morning Joe, this program is an example of everything that is wrong with news and journalism today.  It is a combination of three egos: Joe’s, Mika’s and the other dude, who wants to be like them.  Oh, yeah, his name appears to be Willie Geist.  It is the typical smart-looking, cute face, funny dude show-biz combination.  As I said, these presenters are all that is wrong with news and journalism.  First, going by their bios, they don’t appear to be journalists, at least not with a diploma.  And believe me, Journalism is one of those professions you cannot wing your way around.  Although there are some people who ‘make it’ without going to school in the current news business, these three fellows are not examples of them.  Take it from me, a 14 year professional journalist.  By the way, is Mika the daughter of Zbiniew Brzezinski?

Kyra Phillips

Towards the end of our list -at least for now- we have CNN’s Kyra Phillips.  Although she is simply impossible to watch and pound for pound worse than the previous seven presenters, I decided to give her a break.  The reason for this is that she is not a lady with an agenda, but simply a news presenter.  She is one of those who seats at the booth or desk and reads the prompter no matter what.  As an example of why she occupies a position in this list is her latest gaffe on live television.  She had the nerve to conduct an interview about whether or not homosexuality was in need of a cure.  Of course, she was just reading the tele-prompter, ‘the news’, doing her job.  Watch the video here.  She then allowed a guest to compare homosexuals with sexual predators.  That guest was a former homosexual as he called himself.  In one sentence, she is just sad to watch.  By the way, she changes looks come and go like seasons.

The last two spots in the count are reserved for two of CNN’s best known faces.  Number nine for Anderson slick Cooper.  Mr. Cooper

Anderson Cooper

is the anchor all the girls fall for.  However, that does not save him from making this list, because just like all other previous presenters, he is a man with an agenda.  Cooper is one of the most prominent heirs of the Vanderbilt Empire.  Yeah, don’t let the Cooper side make you think he is just another “Joe”.  He is on the way to becoming the ‘most trusted’ man in Americas news industry; that is if you trust Pentagon written news or Skull&Bones.  And one little secret that CNN does not want you to know about Mr. Cooper: He trained at the CIA.

Larry King

Lastly we have an old timer at CNN.  Who doesn’t know Larry King?  The veteran show-biz presenter has been fading away through the years not only due to the quality of his show, but also because he refuses to quit.  Part of the refusal may be because CNN has arranged he does not quit until it is physically impossible for him to present his show.  Unbelievably, Larry King Live continues to be one of CNN’s top shows.  No wonder the network is dead last.  The problem with King, or Lawrence Harvey Zeiger, as he was born, is not necessarily himself, but the quality of the content he talks about.  That is why I put him last on my list.

So this is it folks.  I hope you enjoyed my list of worst presenters.  And for all of you who enjoy real news rather than insignificant personality-oriented crap, I promise I won’t do it again!

Daftar Akun Bandar Togel Resmi dengan Hadiah 4D 10 Juta Tahun 2024

Togel resmi adalah langkah penting bagi para penggemar togel yang ingin menikmati permainan dengan aman dan terpercaya. Tahun 2024 menawarkan berbagai kesempatan menarik, termasuk hadiah 4D sebesar 10 juta rupiah yang bisa Anda menangkan. Anda perlu mendaftar akun di Daftar Togel yang menawarkan hadiah tersebut. Proses pendaftaran biasanya sederhana dan melibatkan pengisian formulir dengan informasi pribadi Anda serta verifikasi data untuk memastikan keamanan transaksi. Setelah akun Anda selasai terdaftar, Anda dapat berpartisipasi dalam berbagai permainan togel berbagai fitur yang disediakan oleh situs togel terbesar.

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