Media Malpractice and the New GM Human

Ethan Huff
July 20, 2011

Rupert Murdoch’s media empire News Corp., which represents the second largest media conglomerate in the world behind the Walt Disney Company, is taking a severe beating as Murdoch himself is having to address various criminal allegations, including that his News of the World tabloid illegally hacked private phone lines and committed various other crimes (…).

But Murdoch’s media malpractice runs even deeper as his strong connections to the pharmaceutical industry also fueled his media machine’s fabrication of lies against Dr. Andrew Wakefield, as well as hid from the public the true dangers of DNA vaccines that permanently corrupt human genes and cause autism.

Murdoch has built quite a reputation for himself as a scoundrel of sorts, as many Americans who identify with the “left” side of the political spectrum have accused him of pandering to the “right” by skewing the news to appeal to “conservatives” (Murdoch owns FOX News, after all).

But what Murdoch’s organization is actually doing on all fronts with its various media outlets, including FOX, is pushing much bigger agendas that supersede any alleged “right vs. left” paradigm. One such agenda is News Corp.’s routine censorship of the dangerous truth about drugs and vaccines, which include smear campaigns like those levied against Dr. Wakefield who conduct legitimate research that contradicts mainstream medical thought.

News Corp. systematically destroyed the reputation of Dr. Wakefield, lied about his work

If you are unfamiliar with the Dr. Wakefield story, you can read more about it in previous NaturalNews articles (…). But as a quick recap, Dr. Wakefield basically discovered through credible research that the combination measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine was linked to mental and physiological health problems, and that the individual measles vaccine should be given to children instead until further research on the safety of MMR could be conducted.

The findings were credible, responsibly-derived, and honest in their assessment — but they resulted in a tirade of lies and slander against Dr. Wakefield.

The statements included false accusations that he is opposed to all vaccinations, that he had manipulated his data, and that he is basically unfit to be a doctor, despite the fact that he is arguably one of the most well-respected and highly-educated gastroenterologists in the world. In the end, though, Dr. Wakefield ended up having his study pulled from the esteemed UK journal Lancet, and his UK medical license was revoked.

And just who was responsible for the annihilation campaign against Dr. Wakefield? None other than Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp., which literally fabricated lies about Dr. Wakefield and disseminated them around the world via its multinational media network. News Corp.’s London Times, for instance, falsely accused Dr. Wakefield of being “callous, unethical and dishonest,” and published numerous articles saying he was a fraud, and that he “abused his position of trust.”

And why, exactly, did News Corp. feel the need to destroy the life and reputation of a man that had done so much to help children with autism and other neurological disorders?

Because Dr. Wakefield’s findings were incongruent with the multi-billion-dollar profit ring of multinational pharmaceutical companies like GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) and Merck Inc., both of which produce and market MMR vaccines.

Murdoch media empire, judicial system closely knit with drug companies

Did you know that Rupert Murdoch’s son James Murdoch, who manages the UK paper Sunday Times, is on the board of GSK? Or how about Sir Nigel Davis, the High Court judge that denied parents of children treated by Dr. Wakefield the right to have their claims against vaccine manufacturers heard in a real court? Davis’ brother, who is an executive board member of Elsevier, the group that publishes the Lancet, is also on the board of GSK.An article in the COTO Report also explains that the head of the popular Reuters news service serves on the board of Merck, while a prominent writer at the UK’s Daily Mirroris married to the former chairman of GSK. And the list goes on and on.With all of these strong connections to drug companies, it is no wonder that the media at large wholly participated in the Dr. Wakefield slander campaign — after all, Dr. Wakefield’s work caused millions of people to wake up and begin questioning the safety not only of the MMR vaccine, but also of vaccines in general. And this continued awakening is taking its toll on Big Pharma’s profits.

MMR and dozens of other DNA’ vaccines essentially create genetically-modified humans

Dr. Wakefield’s work uncovered a crucial detail about certain vaccines that ultimately exposes those in this particular category as highly-dangerous, life-altering poisons. Third-generation DNA vaccines like MMR contain genetically-engineered (GE) materials that are injected directly into the body, sort of like how genetically-modified (GM) crop seeds have been injected with altered DNA that changes their genetic makeup — and these GE traits can permanently alter proper human development.

As far as DNA vaccines are concerned, the GE material they contain is included as part of an overall effort to induce “DNA uptake,” a term that is very vaguely defined, but one that appears to infer a literal adoption of altered DNA into the human genetic structure. If this is the case, then DNA vaccines like MMR are overriding normal DNA with altered DNA, which causes the untold changes in human development and health that have been observed.

Based on Dr. Wakefield’s findings, this is exactly what appears to occur with MMR vaccines in particular, and it is why he urged the public to skip the MMR vaccine and get the individual vaccines instead. His findings showed that the MMR vaccine is linked to mitochondria dysfunction caused by DNA mutations. And since no proper review of MMR has ever taken place to prove its safety, his professional conclusion was that it was best to stop using it for childrens safety.

Mitochondria, of course, are what power cells and convert energy into forms that are usable by the body. When these do not work properly, the entire human body becomes compromised. Individuals with autism demonstrate mitochondria dysfunction as well as various other problems, which may or may not be possible to cure — and this, again, is precisely why Dr. Wakefield urged the public to beware of the MMR vaccine.

According to the same COTO Report article mentioned earlier, DNA vaccines like MMR were actually derived from failed gene therapy experiments. In other words, they appear to be a type of genetic experiment that is permanently altering human gene expression and proper DNA development, which in turn lands its victims with permanent, life-altering developmental disorders like autism.

But none of this will ever be addressed by the likes of Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp., or by most other mainstream news outlets for that matter, because of their close alliance with the drug industry. It is in their best interests to hide the truth from the public, and to continue pushing the lie that all vaccines are safe, and have never been implicated in causing any long-term health problems.

CBS News, however, did recently report on a new review published in the Journal of Immunotoxicology that addresses the issue of third-generation DNA vaccines and autism. That review, entitled Theoretical aspects of autism: Causes — A review, admits that “[d]ocumented causes of autism include genetic mutations and/or deletions, viral infections, and encephalitis [brain damage] following vaccination.”

Monsanto experimenta ilegalmente com Milho Transgênico
Adaptação Luis R. Miranda

Relatos recentes da Índia dizem que a multinacional de biotecnologia Monsanto novamente viola suas leis ao, clandestinamente, experimentar com milho geneticamente modificado (GM), sem obter permissão. Nitish Kumar, primeiro-ministro do estado indiano de Bihar, escreveu recentemente uma carta ao ministro do Meio Ambiente da Índia, Jairam Ramesh explicando a situação. Poucos dias antes, Ramesh havia recusado a autorização para Monsanto plantar milho transgênico.

Quando ele descobriu que a Monsanto havia conspirado com milho geneticamente modificado na Índia, embora a aprovação do Comité de engenharia (GEAC) e do Conselho Indiano de Investigação Agrícola (ICAR) não havia aprovado a permissão, Kumar contacto imediatamente ao ministro do ambiente. Kumar escreveu uma carta para Ramesh e mostrou sua oposição ao milho transgênico, e logo pediu para bloquear as permissões que Ramesh tinha dado para Monsanto plantar milho no mês de dezembro, 2010.

Acontece que a Monsanto começou com o plantio de milho transgênico em várias partes do Bihar, bem como em vários outros estados da Índia, enquanto a aprovação final estava pendente. GEAC e ICAR pareciam ter concordado com esta pratica, informalmente, e a Monsanto continuo com as plantações experimentais.

“Isso é absolutamente chocante, já que vem depois da da revisão da berinjela Bt, o primeiro exemplo de culturas geneticamente modificadas que foi introduzido na India. “É enganoso”, afirmou Suman Sahai do Gene da Campaign, uma organização que trabalha para proteger e controlar localmente os recursos genéticos e da soberania alimentar. “A permissão foi dada secretamente. Isso não está certo. Nos opomos firmemente. A autorização deve ser eliminada em todos os estados, não apenas em Bihar.”

Monsanto também violou a “distância de isolamento” que é uma exigência para restringir o plantio de transgênicos a uma certa distância das plantações não-transgênicas. Esta pratica foi adotada depois que incidentes anteriores demonstraram que os transgênicos podem facilmente contaminar os não-GM e que os GM arruínam a integridade dos campos.

Capitalismo, falso Ambientalismo y el modelo Neo-feudalista

Por Luis R. Miranda

Dados recientes comentarios en medios de comunicación al respecto de lo malo que es el Capitalismo, me siento en la obligación de decir que la mayoría de los comentarios son basados en fraudulentos aspectos de la historia contemporánea y no en los hechos reales que se han desarrollado a través de las últimas décadas. Para entender la realidad actual es necesario estudiar historia y con esto entender como el mundo funciona. Las poblaciones han sido adoctrinadas para que crean lo que esta en los libros, lo que dicen los académicos y lo que dice la prensa oficialista. También han sido adoctrinados para creer que las grandes organizaciones sociales existen para defenderlos de los grandes depredadores Capitalistas.

Es necesario que gran parte de la población participe de un proceso de re-educación al margen del sistema oficialista que se empeña en engañarlos y que es financiado en parte con el dinero de los impuestos colectados de la misma población. Esta re-educación tampoco se puede hacer creyendo lo que dice la prensa. Como hombre de prensa, conozco muy bien como la industria funciona y dado el hecho que los medios de comunicación -los más influyentes- pertenecen a grandes corporaciones, no hay manera de sentir confianza en lo que ellos dicen.

Hace muchos años, yo era como la mayoría, creía que el Capitalismo era el causante de todos los males y que el hombre era un ser malo, depredador. Pero me he dado cuenta, estudiando historia -no la de los libros de la escuela o los impresos por corporaciones- que esto es diferente.

Se habla constantemente mal del Capitalismo y me pregunto, ¿de cuál? si no hemos tenido Capitalismo desde por lo menos 1913. Muchas personas que crecieron adorando al Estado, pues provee todo, creen que Capitalismo es igual a Corporatismo. Hemos estado gobernados por corporatistas que se visten de capitalistas para mantener el engaño en el que muchas personas viven. Los humanos, no son depredadores. Unos pocos lo son. Por un lado se cree lo que las Naciones Unidas y su IPCC dicen: que los humanos causamos el calentamiento global, que debemos darle nuestra tierra y libertades a instituciones supranacionales no electas para estar a salvo de nosotros mismos. A menos que seamos parásitos que chupan sangre de los que trabajan para mantener vagabundos que quieren todo del gobierno, no entiendo porque algunas personas se empeñan en adornar al Estado.

Entrando en lo que es el falso Capitalismo, cualquier economista que conozca historia, le hará saber que el sistema que nos rige desde hace un siglo es Corporatismo Mercantilista, no Capitalismo. No han habido tales cosas como libre mercado o competencia comercial, sino proteccionismo, subsidios, políticas neo liberales, cuotas para exportaciones, etc. Ninguna de las anteriores pertenece al Capitalismo. Estas son originadas en políticas globalistas como los tratados de libre comercio y GATT, que promueven el endeudamiento como modelo de desarrollo y el término de el derecho a la propiedad privada. Este modelo favorece el modelo neo-feudalista que las corporaciones del Fortune 100 -muchas de las cuales tienen ingresos mayores a muchos paises- promueven. Se promueve como parte del falso ambientalismo y el falso capitalismo la idea de conservación y desarrollo sostenible, el cual no es más que un eslavón de la agenda globalista para tomar posesión de la propiedad privada, los parques nacionales y las áreas de conservación, como se explica en documentos de la Agenda 21 de las Naciones Unidas.

Esto se agrava por políticas monetarias y fiscales de los gobiernos, quienes las ejecutan como condición del FMI y el Banco Mundial para recibir prestamos que usted, sus hijos, nietos y bisnietos tendrán que pagar. La deuda como modelo de desarrollo no es Capitalista. Imprimir papel moneda sin sustentarlo con activos no es Capitalismo. Gastar mas de lo que se tiene y endeudarse para poder gastar más, no es Capitalista. El Capitalismo no es el depredador del ambiente, el Corporatismo lo es. Los mas grandes daños causados al ambiente fueron causados por corporaciones, no capitalistas. BP, Shell, Intel, Microsoft, los grandes bancos como Chase, Bank of America, Barclay’s Goldman Sachs, Merryl Lynch, así como las grandes corporaciones (Microsoft, Intel, GM, Monsanto, etc) y el gobierno, no son entidades capitalistas. Las corporaciones son dueñas de los gobiernos y mientras eso sea así, no habrá Capitalismo, sino Socialismo que impulsará la agenda de redistribución de la riqueza y consecuentemente el Fascismo.

Ninguno de los preceptos del Capitalismo apoya la destrucción del ambiente o el uso irracional de los recursos naturales. Como expliqué anteriormente, esta práctica es limitada a corporatistas quienes con su poder se aprovechan de los portones que las leyes dejan abiertos -a veces intencionalmente- para tomar ventaja de todos y de todo. El SER HUMANO no es depredador y el CAPITALISMO no causa la destrucción del ambiente o de cualquier otro aspecto de la sociedad. Se culpa al Capitalismo, que no hemos tenido por siglos -si es que alguna vez se tuvo- de cosas que este NO apoya en sus preceptos. Se etiqueta a los corporatistas y a las políticas neoliberales como “Capitalismo”, lo cual es en esencia equivocado. Estos comentarios y creencias solamente perpetúan conceptos erróneos que confunden al resto de la población.

Adendum: El Imperio Invisible (Documental).

…Y ahora Por Un Banco y Una Moneda Global

Por Luis R. Miranda
The Real Agenda
Mayo 18, 2010

Desde que era niño he oído sobre la posibilidad de una moneda mundial. En aquel entonces nadie a mi alrededor supo explicar cómo surgiría y quién la controlaría. La respuesta a estas preguntas ya están claras. Dominic Strauss-Kahn, respondió a mis preguntas de infancia. Una moneda mundial administrada por un banco central global. El jefe del FMI dijo que esto era necesario en Zürich, Suiza, durante una reunión en la que confirmó su opinión de que esta crisis “es una oportunidad”.

Según Kahn, el Fondo Monetario Internacional y el Banco Internacional de Divisas serían una cosa de último recurso, en los casos en que la economía mundial cayera en ruinas. Kahn dijo que la nueva moneda sería un “activo libre de riesgo para el sistema independiente de las monedas nacionales”, y que un “banco central mundial también podría servir como un prestamista de última instancia”. Qué inteligente del Sr. Kahn! El problema es que estas ideas no son nuevas y no son suyas. La creació de un organismo financiero mundial ha estado en formación durante décadas.

La idea de un organismo mundial que controle la emisión de moneda y de toda la política financiera se creó antes que las Naciones Unidas, la Liga de Naciones y la Unión Europea. Este principio de concentrar el poder y la política fue originalmente concebido para amasar control con la excusa de que evitaría la corrupción económica y el desastre. Sin embargo, no pasó mucho tiempo para descubrir que es exactamente lo contrario. Así como la creación de la Liga de Naciones, las Naciones Unidas y la Unión Europea no puso fin a las guerras, la inestabilidad económica tampoco acabará con la creación de una organización supranacional. De hecho, lo perpetuarán.

Echemos un vistazo a los acontecimientos pasados. Desde que las Naciones Unidas nació, hemos experimentado conflictos en todos los continentes. Esos conflictos no fueron las obras de países contra países, sino la desestabilización llevada a cabo con grupos de delincuentes patrocinados por gobiernos o por organismos de inteligencia. Mossad, el MI6, la CIA, los talibanes y el IRA son sólo algunos ejemplos. Guerras patrocinadas por países son cosa del pasado, y en sus cartas de intención, los países que impulsaron la creación de la Liga de Naciones y la ONU sabían que no serían necesarias como una herramienta, ya que ellos también controlan las organizaciones terroristas que harían el trabajo para ellos.

En el mundo de la economía y las finanzas, los imperios, o los países que aspiran a convertirse en imperios también tienen sus herramientas para llevar a cabo terrorismo económico y financiero. Las corporaciones que inicialmente operaban fuera del gobierno contrataron entidades financieras para llevar a cabo sus actividades fraudulentas. A continuación, las Corporaciones se convirtieron en el gobierno y entonces fue más fácil llevar a sus operaciones de terrorismo financiero. Las corporaciones multinacionales de Banca establecieron un nuevo orden controlado por ellos mismos, acabaron con la supervisión gubernamental y crearon las políticas que efectivamente los convirtieron en los amos de la economía mundial.

Así, los banqueros no necesitaban de Al-Qaeda, el MI6, el Mossad o la CIA para poner al mundo de rodillas. Ese objetivo se podría lograr a través de Wall Street, el FMI y el Banco Internacionales de Divisas. La creación de bloques regionales para promover el comercio y el intercambio fue una excusa para consolidar el poder y los recursos. Esta idea más tarde se probó a nivel mundial, promoviendo la creación de una entidad financiera global que controlará la emisión de dinero y las condiciones en que se prestáse ese dinero.

¿Cuáles fueron los resultados de la concentración de la política financiera y económica en Europa? Los estamos viendo ahora. Islandia, Grecia y ahora España, Portugal e Inglaterra están en ruinas. ¿Por qué? Debido a que la homogeneización financiera no está destinada a promover economías estables y políticas económicas saludables, sino para reforzar los controles y llevar a cabo políticas que permitan a los banqueros consolidar aún más. El objetivo de los banqueros nunca ha sido contar con una economía estable, con una política monetaria sólida, ya que en ese tipo de mundo ellos tienen menos control y la riqueza no se concentra en sus manos.

Echemos un vistazo a otro ejemplo nos ofrece la historia: La creación y adopción de políticas globalistas como los acuerdos de libre comercio. NAFTA, CAFTA, GATT por mencionar algunos, fueron las tropas sobre el terreno para los banqueros. El fin del mundo industrial, el fin del capitalismo -ya que trabajó con éxito durante algún tiempo-, dio paso a la apertura de las fronteras para el flujo de productos tóxicos baratos y de inmigrantes ilegales. Los acuerdos de libre comercio no sólo destruyeron la industria, sino también aniquilaron la red de seguridad social en las naciones del mundo occidental. Mientras que los dineros de las ciudades y pueblos fueron robados y usados para invertir en productos financieros imaginarios, los extranjeros ilegales exprimieron los servicios sociales básicos -ya debilitados- en todas las naciones de las Américas y Europa.

Hoy en día, los políticos más influyentes y las estrellas de la cultura pop  justifican la falta de respeto hacia las naciones, sus constituciones y leyes al permitir que no sólo los acuerdos de libre comercio, pero el continuo flujo de inmigrantes ilegales a través de todos los lugares posibles en las fronteras. Hacer cumplir leyes de inmigración y la constitución es visto como racista y los que proponen la inmigración legal son etiquetados como injustos, inhumanos y simplemente locos. Este es exactamente el resultado que los globalistas bancarios esperaban. Dividir y conquistar nunca ha tenido mejores resultados. Las políticas de inmigración, son definitivamente radicales en un mundo donde todos inconscientemente creen que las fronteras abiertas son lo normal y los artículos baratos hechos por esclavos en Asia y América Latina son lo mejor por su precio.

Ahora que hemos dado una mirada hacia atrás, vamos a echar una mirada hacia adelante.¿Cómo sería un mundo con más concentración de poder y el control en manos de los responsables de la actual crisis? Seamos optimistas y digamos que no podría ser peor; ciertamente no será mejor. La centralización del poder y del gobierno a nivel regional es lo que causó el lío en que estamos en este momento, la centralización en manos de los que financiaron a Hitler, Mao, Stalin, Noriega, Pinochet, Saddam Hussein y que ahora controlan las finanzas y los gobiernos de los Estados Unidos, Gran Bretaña, Asia y África, hará que el mundo gire aún más fuera de control. Para su beneficio, por supuesto. La historia no miente, ¿verdad?

Aquellos que prometieron el fin de las guerras, sólo trajeron más, y los que prometieron la estabilidad financiera sólo crearon más desigualdad, pobreza y miseria. ¿Confiaría las llaves de su casa al ladrón que está fuera de su propiedad para que cuide de ella? Usted no lo haría. Usted no debería. En las próximas elecciones, donde viva donde viva, vote por usted y vote a los ladrones fuera del gobierno. Esa es la única manera de derrotar su agenda de conquista y esclavitud. Muchas personas ya están trabajando activamente para poner fin a la tiranía mundial que crearon hace décadas, por lo que usted no está solo.

Ahora, basta de charla! Vamos a actuar! Abajo aparece una lista de algunas de las empresas que en forma fraudulenta están a cargo del mundo de hoy. Estoy esperando que usted les niegue el privilegio de dirigir su vida. Deje de usar, comprar o de cualquier manera consumir sus productos. Vamos a utilizar su globalismo en su contra. Un boicot global de sus productos baratos, tóxicos y fraudulentos será el primer paso.

Disney                              Adidas                         Time Warner                  IBM

Merck                              Napa                              Holiday Inn                    ACE

Old Navy                        Ford                              Seven Eleven                  USPS

Comcast                         Chevrolet                    Citgo                                  VISA

CNN                                 Dyncorp                       Pepsi                                  Chevron

Coca Cola                      True Value                   Kraft                                  Chrysler

Exxon Mobile             General Electric         Starbucks                        Westinghouse

Taco Bell                       Wells Fargo                  America Online             KFC

NBC Universal            American Airlines    Royal Dutch Shell         Bank of America

CBS                                  The Carlyle Group    GAP                                     Master Card

Master Card                Stop&Shop                   HBO                                     ABC

Nike                               Wal Mart                       Jiffy Lube                          JP Morgan

GM                                 Volkswagen                 Fox News Channel        Monsanto

Du Pont                        NASA                             Pizza Hut                           Syngenta

Microsoft                    Mc Donald’s                 Home Depot                    Safe Way

Burger King               Sony                                Dodge                                Intel

Staples                         Verizon                          Toro                                  John Deere

Firestone                    Bechtel                           MSNBC                             Goodyear

Amoco                        AT&T                               Mitsubishi                       Nestle

Sugiera el nombre de más corporaciones a través de la sección de comentarios.  También, responda a nuestra encuesta sobre las corporaciones y su control sobre los gobiernos.

A Escape Valve Called Illegal Immigration

“I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around [the banks] will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs.”
Thomas Jefferson, 3rd president of US (1743 – 1826)

By Luis R. Miranda
The Real Agenda
April 27, 2010

As a Latino, I know what is it like to live in a less developed country. I lived in one for the first 18 years of my life. As a child, I understood I was not able to have it all, because my parents, a teacher and a secretary, could not give me what I wanted, but with much sacrifice what I needed. As a Hispanic, I also know what is it like to live in a country identified as developed, although not all illegal immigrationthe time. I lived 10 years in North America where everything is abundant and where opportunities exist. So history shows. However, these opportunities by many mistakenly identified as the American Dream, just do not fall into the hands; one must seek them out. The American dream never existed. It is one of those corporate inventions created to distract the masses.
For this, and deep study of history, the history that is not in the textbooks, I understand how illegal immigration has been used by corporations to promote their interests and destroy the last shining beacon for freedom. This has been happening for a long time, at least 100 years. Governments and economies in the hands of corporations use illegal immigration to destroy entire societies and consolidate resources.

Why is it that those who support compliance with immigration laws are described as racists? Because the groups that support illegal immigration, which are funded by corporations, believe that it is OK to apply the law selectively, as they see appropriate.

In the documentary Food, Inc., the producers show this trend. Illegal immigrants are brought from Mexico to work illegally at a meat processing company. To keep the immigration police at bay, the company agrees to allow weekly raids where 15 to 20 workers who are captured and deported to their countries. The next day, the meat company already has other illegal workers hoping to fill the empty positions left by their compatriots the night before. When these raids are reported in television news, the police’s action is praised as a show of strength against illegal immigration. What is not reported, is the corruption that exists in every one of these raids. The corporate media is also complicit in this exploitation because they use the news as a way to attract their audience while keeping them ignorant of the agreements between the police and the company and more outrageous, agreements between governments that allow this to happen.
It’s easy to advocate for the rights of illegal immigrants from the human point of view, ‘it is not human send them back to their countries of origin away from their families. But from a legal standpoint, cold and simple we can not have two standards. Either there is respect for the laws governing a nation, or the country will turn into complete anarchy, which is what the corporations want. That anarchy is what prevails in Latin America, and that’s why people leave their families behind to seek a better life.
Mass immigration to the United States, Canada and Europe is the result of the failure of politicians and Latin American leaders to provide his countrymen with better quality of life. It is also a consequence of the adoption of policies that corporations support as they are vital for their overall intention . These policies are forced upon those who are banished by multinationals to seek better prospects. Such prospects exist in places where income is ten times better for the same work, and where the money goes a longer way.
Illegal immigration to North America and Europe is a escape valve that relieves the pressure for irresponsible politicians who let the corporations take over their countries in exchange for indecent tips, positions of power and awards such as Nobel Peace Prizes. While politicians receive recognition, the people must give up their family and homelands to find humane living conditions. This lack of conditions is what makes that even countries with more resources than the United States or Canada, have higher rates of poverty. Corporatist bankers managed to keep the third world in poverty, as they consolidate their power and wealth in a few countries which they will demolish through each economic crisis. So it must be said and clarified once and for all: it is not the Gringos, or the Europeans who exploit immigrants, but the elites that control the governments.
Latin America is a clear example of this policy of consolidation. From Argentina to Mexico, from Nicaragua to Brazil, all countries are handled as chess boards in an effort to consolidate power and wealth. The direct effect of this action is extreme poverty and illegal immigration to lands with more opportunities. The immediate consequence of massive illegal immigration for the developed countries is the collapse of their economies by the overuse of its social safety net. Despite this, those who call for an end to illegal immigration, are called racist and inhumane, even though their requests have nothing to do with either race or humanity.

Here are several examples to help us illustrate the above points. Mexico has more natural resources than the United States. However, the gap between rich and poor is huge. The free trade agreement between the two nations, -a global policy of consolidation- exterminated the middle class and now there are only two classes: the feudal lords and the rest. Although the results clearly show what neoliberal policies and trade agreements like NAFTA and CAFTA are capable of, more countries in Latin America continue to adopt such agreements with Europe, China and the U.S. itself. The giant of the north lost last year more than 500,000 jobs a month due to the economic crisis caused by the same bankers who control the economic cycle. NAFTA made tens if not hundreds of companies molt their operations to Brazil, Costa Rica, Mexico, India, China and other developing countries. There, with little or no labor regulations, companies pay a fraction of the wages paid in Europe or the United States and legally exploit a workforce that in many cases is as qualified as that of the U.S. or Europe, as they have college education or receive training from the employers. The only difference is the color of their skin and nationality. Is this not the clearest example of racism? Of course, incompetent governments refuse to ask for better conditions for their workers in their own land.
In developing countries, the arrival of companies like Intel, General Motors, Citi, JP Morgan and others is seen as a triumph for their mediocre leaders. What is never revealed however, are the concessions made to the companies for them to arrive and remain in those countries. These concessions include but are not limited to total tax exemption, working long hours at unusual times for the same pay, little or no chance to grow within the company, competition agreements which limit or prohibit the arrival of competitors, zero taxes on exports and imports, zero production tax, zero social guarantees for workers and many others. The weak nations simply fall in the hands of corporate criminals and become the type of democracies where two wolves and one sheep decide what’s for dinner.
Brazil is another example of how globalization is applied to the detriment of society. Recently, President Luiz Inacio da Silva, who clamored for the creation of a New World Order and also pursues the chair of the UN Secretary-General, legalized millions of illegal immigrants from countries like Argentina, Uruguay, Bolivia and Ecuador, -all running away from their crumbling countries- without making a thorough study of the possible needs or not of foreign workers in the country. The press and much of society almost knelt before Lula for his decision and qualified it as ‘successful’ and human. But what no one asked was whether the legalization of so many would affect the availability of jobs for Brazilians themselves. The move was applauded even more because the decision to legalize workers was mainly positive to collect more taxes to fund one of the most corrupt, lands in the planet, -it earned a 3.7 on the scale. That is super corrupt.

And what happens when a state or a country decides to establish limits on illegal immigration? Recently, the state of Arizona passed legislation to make authorities arrest and deport those who are illegally in the territory. Long before the adoption of the law, hundreds of people gathered outside the Arizonan Congress to demand the law was not approved as the media coverage provided its usual mediocre coverage, trying to turn illegal immigrants into victims of the new law . Although the law is not perfect, because it allows police to demand identification from those suspected to be in the state illegally, which violates privacy laws, it is an important step towards compliance with existing immigration laws. The Mexican government’s reaction was immediate, calling the law a disgrace and persecution of Latinos. President Felipe Calderon said: “They are entitled to be there, because they are model workers.” Why are they not given work in Mexico then? President Barack Obama also criticized the law saying “it threatened basic notions of justice” and said its implementation would be monitored to ensure it would not violate civil rights. It is clear that respecting the laws of the country is not a priority to Obama. In fact he is now actively working with Congress to pass legislation that would give the green light to legalize 30 million illegal immigrants in his country. It’s no surprise that the number of citizens who support his job is the lowest in the first year of any president. Only 29% in the latest survey strongly supports his actions, while 60% of respondents support legislation such as the one passed by Arizona last week against illegal immigration. See the result here.

The reform of immigration laws known as “Comprehensive Immigration Reform”, or the approval of no real legislation, is what corporations support, because it will allow them to continue their reign of exploitation of the people. This fact is simply ignored by those who want mass legalization. For them this issue is about race, which is a point that originates in the organizations paid by corporations to promote their interests, such as LA RAZA. The corporate media and pro-illegal immigration groups increasingly polarize the population with their anti-Yankee discourse, and pro-invasion of the south western United States, that many people erroneously believe belongs to Mexico.

Now both Democrats and Republicans – both controlled by bankers and corporations-, work in the drafting and adoption of the new law to legalize million and would also give them health care insurance of the type recently approved by the Obama administration. This policy will further weaken the social safety net and end in a total collapse of the democratic system. This is what the elites want to carry out their most precious process of consolidation in the history to control the natural resources and infrastructure the United States. It is a diabolical plan, no doubt about it. Polarizing the masses of people to keep them busy while the bankers steal everything, even their homelands. And what will happen when there is not a escape valve called the United States to absorb the pressure? What will all this anger pressure cooker called the third world go? Judge for yourself!

What to do about it? Educate current and future citizens about the true origin of such issues as illegal immigration, showing them the root of the problem so that it is clear people are able to seek for real solutions, instead of doing what is best for the interests of the powerful. If we have opportunities, a comfortable and dignified place to live, we need not go anywhere, but if we do, we will understand why it is better there than here and how we can improve.

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