BP committing Ecocide on Islands of the Gulf

Wayne Madsen

From environmentalists and wildlife specialists to fisherman and businessmen along the Gulf Coast the message is the same: BP is not only strangling the news of what is actually occurring in the Gulf of Mexico with the oil disaster but has co-opted key federal regulatory and oversight agencies to advance its agenda and that of its oil partners, including Halliburton, Anadarko, and Transocean.

Elmer's Island, in the Gulf Coast is becoming one of many BP's toxic dumps.

The logistics of the oil clean-up is being criticized because of the over-dependence on deepwater oil skimmer boats. No procedures are in place for using skimmers that can operate in shallower waters of 1 1/2 to 2 feet. There are a number of boats that could be used for shallow water skimming being tied up in port and not being used by BP.

Fishermen who have experience in rescuing sea turtles enmeshed in fishing nets are not being used in turtle rescue operations. In fact, they face arrest if they even touch an endangered turtle. Some 3,000 fisherman have remained idled by the oil disaster and most have not been hired by BP. Idled fishermen were told by BP that they would be called when their help was needed. However, later BP told them that many would probably never be called.

BP has hired an army of contractors and sub-contractors who are spending plenty of “flash money” to assuage some local businesses. However, WMR noticed while driving to Louisiana a large number of seafood distributors and restaurants that were shuttered.

Those hired by BP to clean up beaches and waters are not permitted to wear respirators and many are becoming sick, even coughing up blood. This editor, while driving to Venice, began to experience burning and watering eyes, a condition that lasted hours after returning to the west bank of New Orleans.

The disinformation being promulgated by BP is being accentuated by a number of local TV reporters being “embedded” with Coast Guard units in the waters off the coast and in the marshland and estuaries. Furthermore, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), accused by many local environmentalists and fishermen of being complicit in the cover-up of bad news, has issued a report claiming that tests of 600 fish caught in waters “near the edge of the oil” have proven negative for chemical toxins. Fishermen interviewed by WMR said the claim is ludicrous since there are no fish in the waters in the oil zone or near it.

Gone from the waters of the Gulf off Louisiana are grouper, snapper, amberjack, tuna, and even the small colorful blenny, which normally feeds at oil rig pylons in the Gulf and is found only in the Amazon basin, in addition to the Louisiana Gulf waters. The Gulf waters are slowly being turned into a hydrocarbon soup of dispersed oil bubbles that is translucent black in color.

Fishing boat owners whose boats have been used for clean-up efforts are suffering fiberglass hull damage from hydrocarbon penetration and BP has informed the owners that their boats will have to be destroyed afterwards and their hulls ground up. However, even boats not being used for clean-up will be destroyed with no assurance that BP will compensate the owners.

NOAA is also reportedly sitting on bathymetric maps of the Gulf sea floor that shows a massive fissure on the sea floor that is located 7 miles from the Deepwater Horizon site. The fissure is leaking 120,000 gallons of crude a day, along with methane gas. The Corexit-dispersed oil has seeped under booms set up to protect Lake Ponchartrain, which lies north of New Orleans. Dead fish and tar balls have now turned up in the lake.

Further out in the Gulf and along sensitive refuges like Elmer’s Island, massive fish kills are being reported by local residents. The Coast Guard and BP have established a no-fly zone over Elmer’s Island, a major bird sanctuary.

In addition, local fishermen said that nurseries in the Gulf, responsible for producing 40 percent of America’s seafood, are being destroyed by the oil and the chemical soup created by the mixing of oil dispersant Corexit 9500. Corexit is breaking down the crude oil into small oil bubbles and a watery oil mixture that is seeping under the booms set up to protect sensitive fish nurseries, oyster beds, and other pristine areas. Many Atlantic fish species also spawn in the Gulf and they are also threatened by the oil disaster. Even barnacles, one of the most resistant sea creatures to extreme situations, are dying in vast numbers, along with sponges and coral.

Near Venice, Louisiana in Plaquemines Parish, is the old Civil War fort of Fort Jackson. A national historical site and park, Fort Jackson has been turned into a major base for joint BP-Coast Guard dumping of Corexit on oil in the Gulf. WMR witnessed five helicopters carrying suspended white bags of Corexit out over Gulf waters.

Hastily-erected signs at the entrances to Fort Jackson warn that the site is closed to visitors because of “construction.” Fort Jackson actually serves as a major base of operations for BP and Coast Guard activities. The Obama administration, which has stated its commitment to “open government,” is engaged in what amounts to semi-covert BP-Coast Guard operations in the Gulf.

WMR has also been informed by a reputable source that BP has been engaged in night time spraying of a bleaching agent on Louisiana beaches to make it appear that the beaches are being cleaned up. The planes, which fly at night, disregard flight regulations by flying with their lights out. The operations have been approved by the Coast Guard and Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).

Also coming in for criticism is the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), which has remained silent as federal incident commanders have ordered home wildlife rescue workers from Texas and other states. One group that was told to pack its bags was the non-profit Wildlife Rescue & Rehabilitation, Inc. from Texas, which has 20 years of experience in handling animal rescues from oil spills. BP hired the O’Brien Group, a subsidiary of SEACOR Holdings of Fort Lauderdale, Florida, as its wildlife rescue coordinator. Local environmentalists view O’Brien as a shill for BP.

The EPA is also remaining mute on air quality reports from Venice that show that on May 7 hydrogen sulfide in the air was measured at 1192 parts per billion. Five parts per billion is considered hazardous to human health. In addition, the May 7 reports show that benzene levels in the air were measured at 5000 parts per billion, again in the health danger zone. Propylene glycol, a major component in Corexit 9500, is being measured in Gulf waters at 150 times its lethal concentration.

BP has hired the same firm that performed air quality monitoring in the aftermath of hurricane Katrina’s Murphy oil spill in Chalmette to perform monitoring for the current oil disaster. The firm has been called a “proven liar” in both incidents by environmentalists and emergency planners.

BP clean-up workers have also been found dumping tar balls from the water and beaches in land-fills in Mississippi and St. Tammany Parish, Louisiana. The oil from the sludge is seeping into the local water tables.

The corporate news media, particularly the local New Orleans television stations, are embedding their reporters with Coast Guard and BP teams in the Gulf. The corporate media reports essentially serve as public relations outreeach for BP. A number of New Orleans and Louisiana groups are trying to get the actual news about the disaster out but face limited resources.

To call the Gulf oil disaster the worst environmental disaster in the history of the United States is an understatement. And with the connivance of the Obama White House, the Gulf of Mexico is being turned into the Gulf of Death.

OPERATION GULF GREASE: Problem, Reaction, Solution to implement Agenda 21?


In the days prior to the Gulf drilling operation and ensuing environmental catastrophe, I remember thinking just how odd and out of

What is the United Nations' Law of the Sea Treaty? Click image and read the details.

character it was that Barack Obama had announced his approval for more offshore drilling. On April 1st, The Washington Post quoted Interior Secretary Ken Salazar as saying the administration had broached “a new direction” in energy policy. [1]

Had Obama lost his mind? Had he had some sort of religious experience? This was a president who campaigned against traditional energy sources in favor of so-called “sustainable” alternatives such as wind, solar, etc. This was a president who banned offshore drilling as one of his first acts in executive office.[2] This was a president who admitted in a meeting with the San Francisco Chronicle in January of 2008 that it was his plan to use a Cap and Trade system to cause energy prices to “necessarily skyrocket” in order to force people to transition to “green” technologies. “Under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket,” Obama stated as documented in a YouTube video. [3]

Hence, the shock at the sudden “turnabout” in energy policy. True, the vast majority of Americans do support drilling for oil as a counterweight against increasing dependence upon the perpetually troubled Middle East and its OPEC cartel. But since when has any president in recent history paid attention to the opines of their electorate?

Now, as the days turn into weeks, and weeks into months — and the oil continues to gush in the Gulf with no sign of ever letting up — Obama has used the crisis as an excuse to not only ban offshore drilling,[4] but also to clamor for passage of his “cap and trade” energy bill.[5] Politico has cited opinion polls that suggest public support for drilling may be eroding.[6]

Was this the Hegelian plan all along? To foment a crisis in the Gulf to condition the masses that the world must adopt Agenda 21 “sustainable development” as its model for energy or pay the environmental consequences? Before you dismiss this notion as insanity, there are many troubling questions that demand answers. Questions that imply foreknowledge and planning. Questions of “coincidence.”

For example, is it “coincidental” the numerous incredible financial and business transactions that took place in the days, weeks, and months prior to the rig explosion?

We know the ties between British Petroleum and Goldman Sachs run deep. Peter Sutherland, the chairman of Goldman Sachs International also served as chairman of BP right up until last year, according to a 2009 bio on the site of the Trilateral Commission. It says,

“Peter Sutherland is chairman of BP plc (1997 – current). He is also chairman of Goldman Sachs International (1995 – current). He was appointed chairman of the London School of Economics in 2008. He is currently UN special representative for migration and development. Before these appointments, he was the founding director-general of the World Trade Organization. He had previously served as director general of GATT since July 1993 and was instrumental in concluding the Uruguay GATT Round Negotiations.”[7]

On April 30th, The Huffington Post published a satire piece about Goldman Sachs, who was embroiled in a Congressional probe over the present and pending financial meltdown just days before the Gulf disaster stole the headlines. The spoof article titled, Goldman Sachs Reveals It Shorted Gulf of Mexico, was actually mistaken by some as a legitimate news story. Written by a comedian, the satirical article said,

“In what is looming as another public relations predicament for Goldman Sachs, the banking giant admitted today that it made ‘a substantial financial bet against the Gulf of Mexico’ one day before the sinking of an oil rig in that body of water.”[8]

After this gag piece was published, various independent researchers began checking into the financial transactions of Goldman. What they found turned out to be a case of art imitating life.

Sterling Allan reported in The Examiner on May 5th,

“It turns out that Goldman Sachs really did place shorts on TransOcean stock days before the explosions rocked the rig in the Gulf of Mexico sending stocks plunging while GS profits soared — benefitting [sic] once again from a huge disaster, having done the same with airline stocks prior to 911 then again with the housing bubble.”[9]

It’s important to note the cozy relationship between Goldman Sachs and the Obama administration. According to McClatchy, while Goldman Sachs was under fire from the Securities and Exchange Commission, and their lawyers were in negotiations with the regulatory agency, Goldman CEO Lloyd Blankfein was a repeated visitor to the White House. He attended events with Obama and met with Larry Summers, Obama’s top economic advisor. Obama’s 2008 campaign benefited from $994,795 worth of campaign donations from Goldman employees and their relatives.[10] The Gulf disaster, coming on the heels of the Congressional hearing and SEC “investigation,” served to distract attention from the ongoing financial fraud and economic meltdown caused by Goldman and others.

We now know from John Byrne at Raw Story that prior to the Gulf oil mess, not only did Goldman Sachs short shares of TransOcean, the owner of the failed Deepwater Horizon rig, they also ditched 4,680,822 shares of BP stock, worth $250 million and representing 44% of their holdings. “Goldman’s sales were the largest of any firm during that time,” writes Byrne. “Goldman would have pocketed slightly more than $266 million if their holdings were sold at the average price of BP’s stock during the quarter.”[11]

Byrne also noted other financial institutions that also dumped BP holdings.

“Other asset management firms also sold huge blocks of BP stock in the first quarter — but their sales were a fraction of Goldman’s. Wachovia, which is owned by Wells Fargo, sold 2,667,419 shares; UBS, the Swiss bank, sold 2,125,566 shares.”[12]

If that weren’t enough of a “coincidence,” we also had The Telegraph out of London reporting that the chief executive of BP, Tony Hayward, also sold 223,288 shares, worth £1.4 million of stock in his own company (over $2 million) on March 17th — only weeks before the BP Gulf mess. The paper noted that by doing so he “avoided losing more than £423,000 ($614,449) when BP’s share price plunged after the oil spill began six weeks ago.”[13] He took the money and paid off the mortgage on his family mansion in Kent.

At this point, a question should be coming to mind: What did these people know that the rest of us didn’t? How is it that stock in BP and Transocean suddenly seemed so unattractive to those closest to the disaster? Ah, the coincidences! But it gets even better.

On April 10th, The Houston Chronicle reported that Halliburton — the company of which former Vice-President Dick Cheney was CEO — was in the process of acquiring Boots & Coots. Reuters reported that the deal was announced on Friday, April 9th — just eleven days prior to the explosion.[14] The Chronicle noted that “Boots & Coots has become well known for putting out some of the world’s largest oil and gas fires.”[15] The company’s website lists services they provide, including “deepwater application and well inspections, as well as blowout prevention and control counsel or assistance…”[16] According to the Orlando Sentinel, their expertise is already being put to use in the Gulf, as they are “one of two primary companies designing relief-well strategies for the BP blowout.”[17]

So when the acquisition deal is formerly approved by the government, Halliburton — the company famous for profiting from no-bid government contracts in war zones — will have collected for themselves yet another “slick” profit.

This is especially intriguing in light of the fact that, according to NPR, Halliburton’s cementing work — completed only hours prior to the explosion — has become a “central focus” of the Congressional investigation.[18] The Wall Street Journal quotes unnamed “experts” as saying the timing of the cementing in relation to the blast “points to it as a possible culprit.”[19]

But Halliburton isn’t the only company that stands to make a killing off the crisis. The Times Online out of the UK reported that TransOcean itself took out a $560 million insurance policy on the Deepwater Horizon rig. The dollar amount was well above the rig’s value. According to the paper, insurance payouts amounted to a $270 million profit from the disaster.

“The windfall, revealed in a conference call with analysts, will more than cover the $200m that Transocean expects to pay to survivors and their families and for higher insurance costs.”[20]

A number of people have questioned why Corexit — a chemical banned in the UK[21] and is much more toxic than the oil itself — was used as a dispersant in the Gulf. Assuming for the moment that chemical dispersants had to be used, the New York Times reported on May 13th:

“Of 18 dispersants whose use EPA has approved, 12 were found to be more effective on southern Louisiana crude than Corexit, EPA data show. Two of the 12 were found to be 100 percent effective on Gulf of Mexico crude, while the two Corexit products rated 56 percent and 63 percent effective, respectively. The toxicity of the 12 was shown to be either comparable to the Corexit line or, in some cases, 10 or 20 times less, according to EPA.”[22]

Yet, despite the EPA data ranking it “far above dispersants made by competitors” for toxicity, BP chose to dump more than 400,000 gallons of Corexit into the Gulf, order 805,000 more gallons with plans of hundreds of thousands of additional gallons should the spewing continue. Why?

The answer may lie in the fact that not only has Corexit production benefited BP and Exxon Chemical Company, it also has ties to the very same banking company that somehow knew to sell nearly half its holdings in BP stock just prior to the disaster — Goldman Sachs. Cassandra Anderson of Morph City connects the dots to the economic ties between the oil industry and the bankers.

“Corexit is produced by NALCO, originally named the National Aluminate Corporation, which formed a limited partnership with Exxon Chemical Company in 1994. Ondeo Nalco was purchased by Goldman Sachs, Apollo and Blackstone in 2003 and is currently a publicly traded company. Given NALCO’s business ties, it seems that safe and natural cleanup methods were avoided in the Gulf to pursue an economic agenda. The use of Corexit in Alaska, after the Exxon Valdez disaster, resulted in toxicity to humans that included respiratory, nervous system, liver, kidney and blood disorders.”[23]

They say that history repeats itself. We know from wire reports that all 125 fishing boats had to be recalled from Gulf cleanup efforts after workers aboard began “experiencing nausea, dizziness, headaches and chest pains.”[24]

What’s going on here? Is the Gulf being poisoned on purpose to enhance corporate profits? Or has this crisis been orchestrated by the illuminists in order to force the United States to ratify the Law of the Sea Treaty (LOST) which would cede control of the oceans — over 70 percent of the planet’s surface — to the United Nations?

One must always keep in mind that Agenda 21 is the game plan for all that happens in the world today. The Hegelian dialectic is the means by which that game plan is implemented — creation of a crisis to condition the minds of the people that an undesired change is necessary, creation of their own controlled opposition to the crisis, finally the introduction of their pre-determined solution.

Chapter 17 of Agenda 21 deals with “Protection of the Oceans, all Kinds of Seas, Including Enclosed & Semi-enclosed Seas, & Coastal Areas & the Protection, Rational Use & Development of their Living Resources.” Who will determine what constitutes “rational use” of the oceans and their resources? If the LOST is ratified, it will be the United Nations.

In July 2009, State Department official Margaret Hayes told the New York Times that the Obama administration was in the process of working to “craft a plan to ratify the U.N. Convention on the Law of the Sea.”

“President Obama is strongly in favor of the United States becoming a party to the Law of the Sea Convention,” Hayes was quoted as saying. “There is discussion going on as to the exact timing of when they might have a hearing and when they might proceed to have the full Senate consider accession.”[25]

The Times goes on to report that the administration is continuing a multi-year mapping of the sea floor in the Arctic in preparation to stake a claim under the LOST.[26]

Furthermore, the World Ocean Council, an alliance of multi-national businesses that are dedicated to ocean “sustainability,” is having its “Corporate Ocean Responsibility” meeting this month — conveniently on the heels of a major maritime disaster. The Sustainable Ocean Summit is described as “the first international, cross-sectoral ocean sustainability conference for the private sector – [that] will catalyze the growing interest among ocean businesses for more effective leadership and collaboration in addressing ocean environmental challenges.”[27] It just so happens that two of the founding members of the World Ocean Council are ExxonMobil and TransOcean.[28]

That the crisis in the Gulf may have been planned and executed with the intention of profiting from it while pushing an environmental control agenda, might explain the pathetic federal response after the disaster. [NWV POLL: Was the Gulf oil spill deliberately created?]

Three days after learning of the Gulf gusher, the Interior Department Chief of Staff Tom Strickland left for the Grand Canyon with his wife and went white water rafting.[29] The Department of the Interior is charged with the task of coordinating federal response to a major oil spill. Yet, Strickland’s priorities were elsewhere.

The “In-Situ Burn” plan was developed by the federal government in 1994 to deal with oil spill disasters in the Gulf, and calls for the immediate use of fire booms. Had the plan been followed, it might have prevented oil from reaching the shoreline. A single fire boom can burn up to 1,800 barrels or 75,000 gallons an hour. Yet, despite the plan, not one fire boom was available anywhere in the Gulf at the time of the incident.[30] [31]

On May 11th, ABC News reported that the U.S. Coast Guard conducted operations in the Gulf, simulating a major oil spill and practicing federal response to it a mere three weeks prior to the real disaster.[32] What was the purpose of the simulation? Obviously, it wasn’t to improve federal response.

In 2002, there was a similar practice operation which ABC describes as “eerily similar” to the current disaster. Lack of experience, poor communications, conflicting roles, and a need for new technology were cited. None of the recommendations were ever put into place.[33]

Wire reports from the Associated Press have said that workers aboard the rig were forced to sign statements that they hadn’t witnessed the explosion. They were told they couldn’t go home, nor could they make phone calls and talk to their friends and family until they signed the statements indicating they had no “first hand or personal knowledge” of the incident.[34]

We now have private military contractors deployed from Wackenhut — the military contractor infamous for its employees’ drunken brawls and vodka shots taken out of each other’s backside — guarding the perimeter of the Deepwater Horizon Unified Command.

Respected attorney Ellen Brown has written about empty Wackenhut buses with prison bars on the windows being driven around for no apparent reason in Arizona. Your writer has personally talked to other people who have seen these buses. Ellen wrote last year:

“The new Wackenhut operation is shrouded in mystery. It has been running its fleet of empty prison buses night and day, apparently logging miles on a Department of Homeland Security (DHS) contract. Multiple buses can be seen driving all over town and even on remote desert back roads. Oddly, except for the driver and one escort guard seated in front, these buses appear to be empty.”[35]

Network news media have been complaining of being harassed and threatened by the security contractors for shooting video of the coast,[36] [37] which we’re told may soon become uninhabitable. Will Wackenhut buses be utilized to relocate mass numbers of people out of the coastal states?

It’s shaping up to be an interesting summer.

The Footprint of the Establishment

The Powers that Be shaped us in more ways than We think!

By Luis R. Miranda
The Real Agenda
June 10, 2010

Every time we need to know what happened in the past we refer to history books, visit a local library, check the Internet or look into

Human Farming is the Establishment's favourite method to enslave the masses.

our own archives to see what history tells us. But how many times do we wonder about what history doesn’t tell us? See, history is not written by historians, they just give us accounts of that official version of history. The reason why many look back in time is to avoid making the same mistakes that our ancestors made as humanity advanced. But how do we avoid those mistakes if we simply don’t know them?

You don’t have to be an expert in history to figure out who wrote it and why. It takes a couple of clicks nowadays. After finishing college, anyone can surely say, for example, what type of government we have, where our educational system comes from and why we fought and continue to fight bloody wars for decades. Can we?  Really?  What if part of the history you know; the one learned in elementary school, high school and college is not as it is drawn by the books we so carefully read?

If your educated guess to the first question is a Constitutional Democracy or a Republic the answer is wrong. If your answer to the second question is from our Founding Fathers, it is wrong, too. And if your answer to the third question is freedom and independence, it is also wrong.

Let’s take for example the origins of what we call today Government, which many believe is representative. The beginnings of our model of government rests in the Hegelian model of government, not on the model our Founding Fathers would have sketched. The Hegelian model of government believes that IT is supreme, and that individuals must be subjects of the government – i.e Patriot Act, Martial Law, Illegal Spying, Torture, Military Commissions Act, RFID card, etc. But how do the elites that support this kind of governance get away with telling us that we live in a free democracy? They indoctrinate us almost from birth in concentration camps called schools, which not only do not follow a democratic government’s educational policy, but instead, a very well redesigned version of the Prussian Universal Education model, put together by the same elite that pays to publish the history you and I know.

Now, you probably think, how can an elite simply get away with all this? To put it simply in one sentence, it’s called a Political Conspiracy. The elite, better known as the powers that be, not only wrote the history you and I know, but also designed and financed the educational system you and I attended, modeled after the Hegelian form of government they adore and praise. That is why we have no clue about it, because we were born and raised in a Matrix type of environment that seems natural to all.

You are right! There need to be hundreds and thousands of people involved in a conspiracy of such level in order for it to work… and there are… The brain of this conspiracy, the Club Bilderberg, meets once a year in cities of their choosing like Virginia, Versailles, Stresa, Munich, Ottawa, Istanbul and Sitges to discuss global policies on economy, environmentalism, politics, health, trade, immigration, etc. Among the attendees are elements from the Bank Industry, The Military Industrial Complex, Academia, The Pharmaceutical Industrial Complex, Mass Media, and of course the politicians we vote for every four years. In one word, the Elite.

I know… You want me to call them by their names… After reading through lists of Bilderberg attendees over the years, I can absolutely and certainly say that crooks like David Rockefeller, the same Dave whose family financed the Hegelian inspired Universal Education system we studied in, Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, Hillary Clinton, John Edwards, George Pataki, Texas governor Richard Perry, John Kerry, Henry Kissinger, Etienne Davignon, Paul Wolfowitz, Bill Gates, Bill Clinton and Donald Rumsfeld, among others. These and other people who have in their hands the present and future of our world, are the cabal responsible for hiding the truth about history that most of us don’t know. Why? Because they wrote it themselves.

The Footprint the Establishment has left and continues to leave in our lives, our society, and our world began early in the 1800′s. As I said before it is a political conspiracy, that is, the use of political power which is passed around from generation to generation in order to keep the secrecy of their association.

Let’s see how a conspiracy works. First, there has to be a secret meeting. Second, those who meet must agree to a course of action; and third, such action must be illegal. The Establishment, or what many call The Order, derives from a German secret society. The order was included as the Russell Trust in 1856, to later be known as the Brotherhood of Death. To us all, it’s better known as “Skull and Bones. The American version of this Order was founded in the U.S in 1833 at Yale University by General William Russell and Alphonso Taft, who in 1876, became Secretary of War under the Grant administration in the United States. The Order meets annually on Deer Island in the St. Lawrence River. Among the original members are Samuel Henshaw Bates, Rufus Hart, Asahel Hooker Lewis, Samuel Marshall and Frederick Mather. All of these people along with the two founders occupied high level position in early forms of government.

The beginnings of this elite governed group can be traced back to the 1600′s when the first wealthy families arrived to the U.S from England. One example is the Lord family. In this particular case there were two branches: The one from Thomas Lord and the other from Nathan Lord. Later members arose from families who managed to make money to send their children to Yale, such as the Harriman, Payne, Davison and of course Rockefeller. The Lord’s established themselves in Hartford Connecticut where they kept a tradition typical of the elite: Intermarriage; in order to further concentrate and maintain power.

From there, they extended their arms to places like New York, where they founded businesses like law firms and consultancies. Among their clients, the New York Times and the Rubin Foundation. The latter is the financial supporter of the Institute for Policy Studies in Washington DC.

So, now that we know how the establishment got to us, let’s see how it’s left a footprint in three of the most important aspects of our lives: Education, Energy and War.

The concept or idea over which The Order works is control; controlling it all through the compartmentalized control of the parts. For example, if they control the politicians, they can get access to powerful governments on two or three or whatever the number of political parties that exist. If they control energy companies, they can subdue society into accepting only the means of energy they can make a profit of. If they control the media, they can tell us their version of world events; who’s the bad guy and the good guy. If they own the producers of weapons, they will encourage war, and finance all the sides involved in the war because they know the profits and the control derived from war will be much greater. If they own the pharmaceutical companies, they will own all the patents to the drugs the population consumes and at the same time ban any claim on medicinal products they don’t control. If they control the food industry, the production of goods, they can sell cheap food to the masses to make them sick and fat, so they have to consume the illicit drugs they produce which by the way make people sicker. If they control the election process through remotely controlled electronic voting machines instead of traceable paper ballots, they will never let go off power.

Why do I point to Education as an important example of the way the Establishment leaves a footprint? Well, because the complete development of a society rests on the educational level of the members. In the case of the Western world, the educational model was founded after the Prussian Educational mold. This model came into existence in 1819 in the military state of Prussia. There, the Elite decided that the population had to be converted into instruments of the State in order to increase efficiency. The system was based on the premise that by erasing the creative, innovative ability of the population was how they would become obedient servants. In a matter of a few years, Prussia, which did not have natural resources, became one of the richest regions in Germany. It became so influential, that it was later the city from where two world wars originated. It was through a fully controlled educational system designed to dumb down the population, that the Elite was successful in their attempt to impose any policy they wanted to a willingly accepting crowd of mental zombies. Many countries around the world studied and continue to study the Prussian model today. From Japan to China to England to the United States. In America, John D. Rockefeller and Andrew Carnegie imported the Prussian model through their foundations. It later evolved and new concepts appeared. One of them very well known to us all, Human Resources brought upon the masses the infamous Kindergarten, where children are grown up like vegetables to become subjects to the system that saw their parents come up the very same way. Later on, the Elite realized they weren’t getting people young enough so they founded the Pre-Kindergarten.

Behind this system of control was the goal that the Establishment has always had, the disintegration of the most basic form of social unity; the family. The family is the biggest obstacle to create the global system of control, therefore it has to be done away with. Multiple options were offered to parents, among them, to put the children in the hands of “experts” who had been already brainwashed following the Prussian model. The only difference perhaps between the original Prussian system and the one that currently operates around the world, is that in Prussia, the laws explicitly said that the State owned the children. In the U.S efforts were made in the 19th century to create such laws, but they did not bear fruit. The Prussian system was sneaked into society under the fear instilled by world wars, economic depressions and of course the already traditional feeling of dependency that the population has towards the State.

In 1871 in the book called “Descent of Men” Darwin said 95% of the people were inferior and only 5 % were evolving. From this way of thinking came the teachings of Sr. Francis Galton, the father of Eugenics, from whom men like H.G Wells and William Huxley took off to write their famous “scholarly” works. It is important to note, that although many people regard Charles Darwin as an outsider that made it into the circle through his discoveries in he sciences, the truth is that Darwin’s family was one of the richest in the world. Darwin met with the members of the Elite for many years. In those meetings they tailored science to fit the reality they wanted the rest to learn. John Calvin said there are so many of these inferior people that we cannot police them, so we are gonna have to teach them to police themselves; and generation through generation, the population was dumbed down more and more until it fit the corporate fascist model the Elite wanted.

The common denominator of this educational model, no matter where it’s been applied, is the fact that the
masses -from where ingenuity and creativeness emanated- became nothing else than obedient sheep; docile beings that do not know much more than what they learn in high school or college. As a result, we now have a population that cannot find their country on a map, much less other countries like Iraq or Afghanistan.  However, the masses do support invading the two countries in the name of peace. In 1950 the U.S had 90% of all patents in the world, nowadays it only owns about 30 percent and dropping fast. The Prussian model has worked to perfection.  The same can be said about other countries.

Now when we turn our head to the Energy issue, it is important to note other members of the Elite, or the Order that have been key in the implementation of Educational and Energy policies. I earlier said that the origin of this Elite is immigrants from Europe; England to be more specific. The Lords, the Rothchilds and other families that emerged later like the Rockefellers, the Carnegies, the Morgans and of course, the Bushes. The founders consisted of Puritans who always absorbed the wealth of rich families, without inviting those families to join their organizations. Most of these families were bankers, lawyers and traders that later became the Barons of the Mercantilistic model that substituted free markets. In the energy sector the Bush family has been a continuous player. They have maintained contact with Saudi Arabia’s kingdom for years and have done business with them thanks to the fortunes stolen by Prescott Bush, the grandfather of former president Bush, from the Nazi Empire when he left Germany after their defeat. With him others like Percy Rockefeller, the Paynes, the Pratts, etc are all linked to the Standard Oil Company, the Shell Oil Company, Creole Petroleum and Socony Vacuum. Currently we are fed the idea of the lack of sources of energy. While fossil fuels are painted as necessary evils to the development of the world, we are also told that oil reserves are scarce and that we have reached a peak. The debate in the main stream corporate Elite-controlled media is always centered on the pollution or the scarcity, but very little time is given in comparison to real alternative energy sources. While countries like Brazil run their cars on sugar cane-derived ethanol, the United States still remains in the debate of which alternative source is better or how many miles per gallon should a car provide. Let’s take a look at a source of energy that is never discussed: Cold Fusion.

Cold Fusion occurs when lighter nuclei in an atom fuse together under intense heat in a reaction to form a heavier nucleus. One of the results of this fusion is the release of gigantic amounts of energy which would provide an endless source of energy to carry out the world businesses for as long as humans exist. All this by the way, at conditions near room temperature and atmospheric pressure. However, Cold Fusion has been dismissed as an impossible by the profiteers who own the energy companies we depend on to live. Government agencies have also dismissed the potential of Cold Fusion and denied funding to further investigate the possibility of developing technology that allowed us to be energy independent. Instead, they suggested a bunch of alternative energy sources that counted with their blessing such as corn-based ethanol which has proven to be a new failure.

The cold fusion researchers presenting their review document to the 2004 DoE panel on cold fusion said that the observation of excess heat had been reproduced, that it can be reproduced at will under the proper conditions, and that many of the reasons for failure to reproduce it have been discovered. Despite the assertions of these researchers, most reviewers stated that the effects are not repeatable.The 1989, a DoE panel said: “Nuclear fusion at room temperature, of the type discussed in this report, would be contrary to all understanding gained of nuclear reactions in the last half century; it would require the invention of an entirely new nuclear process”, but it also recognized that the lack of a satisfactory explanation cannot be used to dismiss experimental evidence. (Wikipedia)

However, for those who know what Cold Fusion is and how it works, the future is promising. Dr. Edmund Storms, a retired scientist who worked at the Los Alamos National Laboratory, said the only problem is the attitude people have towards Cold Fusion as a source of energy. “It’s an interesting time because a number of other ideal sources are being proposed. Cold fusion is probably the most thoroughly documented at this point, but all of them have several things in common. They would be very inexpensive, pollution-free, and inexhaustible.” Questioned about whether Cold Fusion violates the First Law of Thermodynamics, which has been one of the reasons given to keep the experiments and the funding off the table, Dr. Storms says: “No one is proposing to violate the Law of Conservation of Energy. We’re talking about ordinary nuclear energy. There’s nothing magical about it. It’s the mechanism for achieving these nuclear reactions that is poorly understood at this time and, therefore, is in dispute.”

Although according to Storms neither the government nor any enterprise could practically deny access to the knowledge of Cold Fusion, anyone could seriously damage the research and progress of new technologies by claiming that the knowledge is flawed, thereby, making it harder to find funding or support of any kind.

In a book called: Cold Fusion: Secret Energy Revolution, Anthony Sutton declares that Cold Fusion is already being worked with in different laboratories around the globe and that soon, either governments or companies will come forward with practical applications. According to Sutton, Cold Fusion technology is being used by companies like BlackLight Power, Inc, Catalytic Fusion Power, Inc and financed by DARPA to produce catalytic hydrogen technology. “Free energy is here with water as fuel and will revolutionize our world. One device is the size of a thermos flask, uses water as fuel and lasts indefinitely,” Sutton declares. How many times have we heard of Cold Fusion on the news? Read on the papers? In the meantime we are led to believe that we are destined to invade middle eastern countries for their oil as the only way to secure our future energy sources. Of course of the mass population knew a little about alternative energy sources, they wouldn’t support needless wars or the drilling of National Parks or ice shells for petroleum.

Now, the subject of energy brings along a very important issue, which is exactly a consequence of energy dependence: War. If countries were energy independent, there would certainly be less conflict among them. This is because one country would not be able to impose rules onto others because they own energy sources that the other countries need. Today, OPEC controls the supply of petroleum which is vital to the commercial activity that moves the world. A handful of countries decide how much oil is produced and with that, the prices are determined. If the producers feel like they are not getting enough profits for their oil, they can simply decide to limit output so the price goes up. Although energy is probably the clearest example of how dependence causes conflict, there are countless other ones. For example, food production, manufacturing, the printing of paper money -which nowadays has turned out to be worthless, land tenure, immigration, etc.

The important point here is that war; just as many other activities, is a business. Investments are made before war occurs, so profits are expected. The best way to secure maximum profits is to invest on all sides, and that’s what history shows has happened in all major conflicts that humanity has endured: WWI and WWII are two examples. Here of course the Elite has left their Footprint stamped deeper than in any other aspect under their control. Then we have the Spanish-American as well as the Mexican-American wars which are also great examples. All armed conflicts recorded in history have come about due to the greed and evil spirit of those who seek to control us all. Although money and profits are important factors, the end goal is control. This control comes through consolidation. Armed conflicts and economic unrest provide great opportunities to bring about this consolidation and therefore control. When a country or the whole world goes into military or economic crisis, the people are the victims, while the Elite not only increases their resources tenfold, but also their control of industry, the bank system, infrastructure, military, land, and more important… Us. No example of a central government that ruled with an iron fist is responsible for an era of prosperity or bountifulness. On the contrary, it always mirrors repression, crisis, abuses, torture and inequality.

The reason why I linked war and conflict with oil, is because it is the freshest example. But the American civil war, the Spanish-American and WWI and WWII were also about influence and consolidating, a position as the world’s superpower. At the beginning of this essay I mentioned where the members of the Order came from and what type of businesses they are tied to. Nowadays, the war profiteers are weapons contractors, energy companies, security contractors, oil diggers, insurance companies and others. When a war explodes anywhere in the world, the list of companies offering their services to provide weaponry, planes, transportation, security, insurance and medical services is already typed up; and they are the same crooks who have already invested in promoting the wars during which they will provide services. When a country is dominated by the will of global corporations like Shell, NewsCorp, Halliburton, BP, GE, bankers like JP Morgan and wealthy men like Rupert Murdoch, David Rockefeller, Lord Rothchild and Prescott Bush, the decision to go to war or not isn’t made; it is imposed. Every major war has been financed by these and other families who have always held power by dominating all the sides involved in the conflicts. It’s a win-win situation. No president, prime minister or dictator achieved their goal of tyranny and control alone, there have always been the men behind the curtains who provided money, intelligence and hardware to carry out their own agenda. The group of bankers who created the private Federal Reserve, who control the Bank of England, the World Bank… is the same cabal that dictates the policies of the World Health Organization, who created the United Nations and who wrote the Nazi oriented Universal Human Rights Declaration to which they want us all to submit to.

Only those who really know history are able to envision the future; the future they want. The rest of us…, we’d better wake up and fight the bastards or we are doomed to repeat it.

Consulted Materials:


U.S. Senate Also Covering-up Oil spill

Global Research

On Tuesday, the US senate began hearings into the Deepwater Horizon disaster, which took the lives of 11 workers in an April 20oil spillexplosion and has since poured millions of gallons of oil into the Gulf of Mexico, threatening the region with an environmental and economic catastrophe.

Appearing before the Energy and Natural Resources Committee in the morning and the Environmental and Public Health Committee in the afternoon were executives from the three corporations implicated in the disaster: Lamar McKay, president of the US operations of BP, which owned the oil and the drill site; Steven Newman, president of Transocean, the contractor that owned the rig and employed most of its workers; and Tim Probert, an executive with Halliburton, which contracted for the work of cementing the rig’s wellhead one mile beneath ocean’s surface.

The hearing resembled a falling out among thieves, with multi-millionaire executives—who, until April 20, had collaborated in thwarting basic safety and environmental considerations—each blaming the other for the explosion.

McKay of BP blamed Transocean. “Transocean owned the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig and its equipment, including the blowout preventer,” he said. “Transocean’s blowout preventer failed to operate.” Newman flatly denied that the blowout preventer was responsible for the disaster, shifting blame to BP, which he said controlled the operation, and Halliburton, which was responsible for the cementing around the well cap. “The one thing we know with certainty is that on the evening of April 20 there was a sudden, catastrophic failure of the cement, the casing, or both,” Newman said. Probert of Halliburton pushed back, indicating that BP and Transocean had moved forward operations before cementing was adequately set.

There was, in fact, some harmony between the accounts offered by the executives of Halliburton and Transocean, both of whom appeared to suggest that BP ordered the skipping of a usual step in offshore drilling—the placing of a cement plug inside the well to hold explosive gases in place. That this step was passed over was corroborated by two workers on the rig, who spoke to the Wall Street Journal on condition of anonymity. The workers also told the Journal that BP first cleared the decision with the US Department of the Interior’s Minerals Management Service (MMS). Both BP and the MMS refused comment to the Journal.

Robert Bea, a University of California at Berkeley engineering professor, has gathered testimony from Deepwater Horizon survivors that indicates the rig was hit by major bursts of natural gas, promoting fears of an explosion just weeks before the April 20 blast, the New Orleans Times-Picayune reports. This raised concerns about whether mud at the well head should be replaced by much lighter seawater prior to installation of a concrete plug. The decision to proceed won out, according to information gathered by Bea.

Whatever the immediate cause of the disaster, the clear thrust of the hearings was to focus public outrage on a single, correctable “mistake,” such as a mechanical failure or regulatory oversight, in order to obscure the more fundamental reasons for the disaster: the decades-long gutting of regulation carried out by both Republicans and Democrats at the behest of the oil industry that made such a catastrophe all but inevitable.

A similar calculation lay behind Department of the Interior Secretary Ken Salazar’s Tuesday announcement that the MMS, which ostensibly regulates offshore oil drilling, will be split into two units—one that collects the estimated $13 billion in annual royalties from the nation’s extractive industries, and one that enforces safety and environmental regulations. Salazar’s claim that this would eliminate “conflicts of interest” in government regulation was nervy, to say the least, coming from a man with long-standing and intimate ties with oil and mining concerns, including BP.

Indeed, more farcical than the executives’ recriminations against each other was the spectacle of senators attempting to pose as tough critics of the oil industry. The US Senate, like the House of Representatives, the Department of the Interior, and the White House, is for all intents and purposes on the payroll of BP and the energy industry as a whole. Among the senators sitting on the two committees who have received tens of thousands in campaign cash from BP and the oil industry are Richard Shelby (Republican, Alabama), Mary Landrieu (Democrat, Louisiana), John McCain (Republican, Arizona) and Lisa Murkowski (Republican, Alaska).

One of the few truthful moments in the hearings came when an exasperated Murkowski told the executives, “I would suggest to all three of you that we are all in this together.” Murkowski and Landrieu also expressed concerns that the disaster could compromise offshore drilling.

None with even a passing familiarity of the workings of Washington or the Senate can have any doubt that Tuesday’s hearings were but the opening of a government whitewash. The ultimate aim is to shield the major industry players and the financial interests that stand behind them from any serious consequences.

The assemblage of the guilty parties inside the Senate chambers took place as ruptured pipes on the ocean floor continued to gush forth oil at a rate conservatively estimated at 220,000 gallons per day some 40 miles off Louisiana’s coast. The rate could be many times greater, but arriving at a more accurate estimate is impossible because BP has refused to release its underwater video footage for independent analysis.

BP, which is liable for cleanup costs, has all but admitted it has no idea of how to stop the leak. Its attempt last weekend to lower a four story box over the piping failed when ice crystals clogged a portal at the structure’s roof, a result that was widely anticipated. BP is now considering lowering a much smaller box in order to avoid icing. US Coast Guard and BP representatives have also floated the idea of a “junk shot,” firing golf balls, tire shreds, and other refuse at high pressure into the well.

The drilling of two relief wells continues, with the aim of disrupting the flow of oil from the current well. This option will take a minimum of 90 days, during which 18 million gallons more oil will pour out at the low-end estimate. Even this option provides no certainty. “The risks include unpredictable weather, since the wells will be operational at the start of hurricane season,” according to a report in the Christian Science Monitor. “The wells are also being drilled into the same mix of oil and gas that caused the original explosion, and operating two wells in the area creates the potential of igniting a second explosion that is more powerful.”

If the spill cannot be stopped—a distinct possibility—the ruptured well could release a large share of the deposit’s underground reserves into the Gulf of Mexico, which totals upwards of 100 million barrels of crude oil. And even if the spill is stopped at a lesser volume, with each day there is a growing probability that the oil will devastate the entire Gulf from Louisiana to Florida and possibly reach the Gulf Stream, impacting the Atlantic seaboard.

In the interim, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has given BP clearance to resume pumping chemical dispersants into the oil column as it emerges from the broken piping. BP also continues to dump large quantities of dispersant onto the ocean’s surface. The environmental impact of such heavy use of dispersants is unknown, but a growing number of scientists and environmental groups are warning that the highly toxic substance could simply be transferring the brunt of the spill from the shore to marine ecosytems.

“The companies love the idea of using a chemical to spray on an oil slick to sink it,” Rick Steiner, a former professor of Marine Conservation at the University of Alaska, told the World Socialist Web Site. “It’s ‘out of sight out of mind’ as far as the public is concerned because TV cameras can’t see it. This is the big oil company playbook: public relations, litigation protection, and image.”

Oil has now washed ashore in three places: the Chandeleur Islands off Louisana’s coast, on the coast of a navigable channel from the Mississippi River known as the “South Pass,” and on Alabama’s Dauphin Island. Fishing has been blocked over a wide area, effectively imposing layoffs on thousands of fishermen, many of whom are self-employed and therefore not entitled to unemployment benefits. Sightings of birds covered in oil and dead sea turtles washed ashore have increased in recent days.

In his testimony, McKay boasted that BP would make available “grants of $25 million to Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida,” and that it has paid out approximately $3.5 million in damage claims to those affected by the spill. These figures, presented as an act of enormous magnanimity, are such a tiny share of BP’s revenues as to be almost inconsequential.

The company took home $93 million per day in profits—for a total of $6.1 billion—during the first quarter alone. The $3.5 million in damage claims paid out are significantly less than CEO Tony Hayward’s 2009 compensation, estimated at over $4,700,000 by Forbes.

Casa Blanca y British Petroleum Encubren Desastre en Golfo de México

Wayne Madsen Report

WMR ha sido informado por fuentes del Cuerpo de Ingenieros del Ejército de E.E.U.U, la Agencia Federal de Emergencias (FEMA), y la el Departamento de Protección del Medio Ambiente de Florida, que la Casa Blanca y British Petroleum (BP), que donó 71.000 dólares en el 2008 a la campaña presidencial de Barack Obama - más de John McCain o Hillary Clinton-, están encubriendo la magnitud de la catástrofe del petróleo en el Golfo de México y trabajan juntos para limitar la responsabilidad de BP por daños causados por lo que puede llamarse un “mega-desastre”.

Obama y sus altos funcionarios de la Casa Blanca, así como el secretario del Interior Ken Salazar, están trabajando con el director ejecutivo de BP, Tony Hayward, sobre la legislación que aumentaría el límite máximo de responsabilidad para las reclamaciones por daños de los afectados por el desastre del petróleo de $ 75 millones a 10 mil millones de dólares . Sin embargo, fuentes federales y las fuentes de WMR en el Golfo están reportando que el desastre tiene un costo real potencial de al menos $ 1 billón. Los críticos de la oferta que está siendo elaborando entre Obama y el Hayward dicen que 10 mil millones de dólares es sólo una gota en el vaso para un desastre billonario como este, pero también notan que si los activos de BP fueran nacionalizados, podrían alcanzar casi un billón de dólares para fines de indemnización. Se habla en algunos círculos del gobierno, incluyendo a FEMA, de la necesidad de nacionalizar BP con el fin de compensar a aquellos que en última instancia se verán afectados por el peor desastre de petróleo en la historia del mundo.

Los planes de BP para hundir una cúpula de contención de cuatro pisos sobre el petróleo que brota de un abismo un kilometro por debajo de la superficie del Golfo, donde la plataforma  Deepwater  Horizon explotó y mató a 11 trabajadores el 20 de abril, y los informes de que una de las fugas ha sido contenida es pura desinformación de relaciones públicas destinada a evitar el pánico y las demandas de una mayor intervención de la administración de Obama, de acuerdo con FEMA y el Cuerpo de Ingenieros. Fuentes internas de las agencias dicen que la Casa Blanca ha estado resistiéndose a la divulgación de cualquier información “dañina” sobre el desastre del petróleo. Añaden que si el desperdicio de petróleo al mar no se detiene en 90 días, habrá daños irreversibles a los ecosistemas marinos del Golfo de México, al norte del Océano Atlántico, y más allá. A lo sumo, algunos de los expertos del Cuerpo de Ingenieros dicen que podría tomar dos años para cimentar el abismo en el suelo del Golfo.

Sólo después que la magnitud del desastre se hizo evidente fue que Obama llamá a la secretaria de Seguridad Nacional, Janet Napolitano, para declarar el el problema un “asunto de seguridad nacional.” Aunque la Guardia Costera y FEMA son parte de su departamento, el razonamiento real de Napolitano para no invocar la “seguridad nacional” era que los medios de comunicación bloquearan la cobertura de la inmensidad de la catástrofe que se está desarrollando en el Golfo de México y el Océano Atlántico y sus costas.

Desde el Cuerpo de Ingenieros, FEMA, la Agencia de Protección Ambiental, la Guardia Costera del Golfo y los organismos estatales de protección ambiental, el mensaje es el mismo: “nunca han tratado con algo como esto antes.”

La administración Obama también conspiró con BP para amañar el alcance de la fuga de petróleo, de acuerdo con nuestras fuentes federales y estatales. Después que la plataforma petrolera explotó y se hundió, el gobierno dijo que 42.000 galones por día brotaban del lecho marino. Cinco días después, el gobierno federal aumentó a 210.000 galones al día.

Sin embargo, WMR ha sido informado de que los sumergibles que están supervisando el escape de petróleo están viendo imágenes de televisión de lo que es una “erupción volcánica de petróleo.” Por otra parte, cuando el Cuerpo de Ingenieros del Ejército intentó primero obtener imágenes de la NASA de la mancha de petróleo del Golfo – que es mayor que el que se informa por los medios de comunicación – la petición fue rechazada. Sin embargo, National Geographic logró obtener las tomas de imágenes de satélite de la magnitud de la catástrofe y las mostró en su sitio web.

Hay otras imágenes de satélite que han sido retenidas por la administración Obama que muestran lo que yace bajo el enorme abismo escupiendo petróleo a un ritmo cada vez más alarmante es una caverna que se estima, tiene el tamaño del Monte Everest. A esta información se le ha dado una clasificación prácticamente de seguridad nacional para evitar que el público la conozca.

El Cuerpo de Ingenieros y FEMA mantienen silencio crítico sobre la falta de apoyo a la acción rápida después de la catástrofe por parte de la Casa Blanca de Obama y de la Guardia Costera de los EE.UU.. Sólo recientemente, la Guardia Costera ha comprendido la magnitud del desastre, y envió cerca de 70 buques a la zona afectada. WMR ha sabido también que las inspecciones en plataformas off-shore mostraron ‘válvulas de cierre pedidas por el Servicio de Administración de Minerales que durante la administración Bush se limitaban sello de goma-, como resultado de la colusión criminal entre Halliburton y el servicio del Departamento del Interior.  El potencial de desastres similares existe con las otras 30.000 plataformas en alta mar que utilizan las mismas válvulas de cierre.

El impacto del desastre se hizo conocido por el Cuerpo de Ingenieros y FEMA antes incluso de que la Casa Blanca comenzó a tomar la magnitud de la catástrofe seriamente. La primera víctima de la catástrofe es la industria de mariscos, no sólo con los pescadores, criadores de ostras, cangrejeros y pescadores de camarones que pierden sus puestos de trabajo, pero todos los involucrados en la industria de restaurantes, desde los camioneros a camareras.

La invasión de petróleo crudo en los estuarios como la Bahía de Apalachicola-rica en un desastre para la Florida y la industria pesquera. Sin embargo, la mayor amenaza es la de los Everglades de la Florida, que los expertos federales y estatales temen que se convierta en una “zona muerta” si el petróleo sigue brotando de la fosa del Golfo. También hay expectativas de que la mancha de petróleo se vea atrapada en la corriente del Golfo frente a la costa este de los Estados Unidos, playas y estuarios como incrustaciones theChesapeake Bay, y en última instancia el objetivo de ricos recursos pesqueros de los Grandes Bancos de Terranova.

WMR ha sabido también que 36 áreas urbanas en el Golfo de México están esperando confrontar un gran desastre con el escape de  petróleo en los próximos días. A pesar de protección preparadas en la superficie para proteger áreas tan sensibles como Delfín de Alabama Island, la desembocadura del río Mississippi, y la Bahía de la Florida Apalachicola, sólo hay 16 millas de protección para la protección de 2.276 millas de costa de las mareas en el estado de Florida.

Los preparativos de emergencia continuan para hacer frente a la amenaza del petróleo en expansión que se presenta ahora para las ciudades y pueblos de Corpus Christi, Texas, a Houston, Nueva Orleans, Gulfport, Mobile, Pensacola, Tampa-San Petersburgo-Clearwater, Sarasota-Bradenton, Nápoles, y Cayo Hueso. Hay planes para evacuar a las personas con problemas respiratorios, especialmente aquellos de entre la población jubilada a lo largo de la costa oeste de Florida, antes de que el petróleo comience a acercarse a la costa.

Hay otra gran amenaza inminente para las ciudades del interior. Con la temporada de huracanes en efecto, existe un potencial de que el petróleo en el mar sea recogido por las lluvias impulsadas por los huracanes y que caigan en lagos de agua dulce y ríos, lejos del mar, aumentando así la contaminación de los suministros de agua y los ecosistemas.

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