The two shootings the Police and U.S. Feds Let Happen


While many of the news reports in the United States are concentrating on how legally owned weapons represent a threat to our society as a whole, and while the politicians tirelessly call for gun control policies, little attention has been given to the fact that both shooters — in Aurora Colorado and in Wisconsin — had been reported as showing suspicious behavior weeks before the attacks occurred. What happened to ‘if you see something say something’ crap? That’s right. The Feds knew that both of these men — James Holmes and Michael Page — were potential psychos, but did nothing to stop the shootings.

In the case of Holmes, his psychiatrist, who is in part responsible for prescribing dangerous medications which have been proven to turn patients into violent animals, had contacted Colorado University police to report concerns about her patient’s behavior at least a few weeks before the attack. In reporting Holmes’ strange behavior, Dr. Lynne Fenton went as far as violating the doctor-patient confidentiality agreement, that resulted in no action, apparently, by university police. The officer who spoke to Ms. Fenton has now been interviewed by members of the Aurora Police Department as part of their fact-finding mission.

A few questions can be raised from the first salvo previous to the Aurora movie theater attack. For example, what kind of medication was Dr. Fenton drugging Holmes with, that may have triggered his violent behavior? The question is not rhetorical, since the use of well-known psychiatric medications has been proven to cause violent behavior in patients. Among those drugs are: Ritalin, Paxil, Zoloft, Prozac, etc. The main reaction caused by these and other drugs is homicidal behavior. The effects of the drugs given to Holmes were seen even during his court appearance, when he was present only physically, but not mentally.

In addition to reporting Holmes’ weird behavior to university police, his psychiatrist also spoke with members of the university’s threat-assessment team. At this point, it seems that such team never met formally or informally to talk about Holmes’ potential threat or to assess the concerns presented by Ms. Fenton. After the shooting, the University of Colorado has refused to describe what kind of action was taken, if any, by the institution or the police with the information provided by Fenton. They cite the existence of a gag order issued by a court. Why would a court order be issued to prohibit them to provide information to the press about the case? Is it not this the job of the university’s legal team to gauge whether it is a good idea or not?

The last statement issued by Colorado University said that campus police often meets with the threat assessment team to discuss “safety issues including security matters, badge access, background checks, wellness checks, criminal investigations and referrals to law enforcement agencies.”

Holmes’ case is clearly one of a man who was doped with drugs that have been proven to cause violent behavior and that has certainly more to do with his attack at the Aurora movie theater than the fact that he was the legal owner of firearms. However, U.S. law enforcement agencies and politicians have taken the opportunity to call for more gun ownership legislation that would leave Americans without the possibility to legally purchase guns to defend themselves from wackos like James Holmes. As it has been shown in this case, police cannot keep everyone safe at all times, and it should be each individual’s responsibility to take care of his or her safety.

The other case that law enforcement agencies also failed to follow carefully, and that just so happens to have ended in another shooting, is the case of the Sikh Temple shooting, Wade Michael Page. In Mr. Page’s case, police had also been warned about his strange behavior previous to the attack, but again failed to stop him from carrying it out. Page had been looked into by Federal investigators because of his ties to racist extremist groups. They would later drop any investigation because they thought there wasn’t enough evidence to continue watching him.

Page’s attack has been labeled as a case of domestic terrorism by the media and some left-wing extremist organizations like the Southern Poverty Law Center, although officially he was not being investigated by any federal law enforcement agency for any crimes whatsoever. Although the FBI is in theory prohibited from surveilling people not accused of committing a crime, government outfits like the SPLC are legally allowed to do so, and this information can be then fed to law enforcement agencies. The SPLC is well-known for calling for censorship of journalists and other people who call themselves conservatives or libertarians and who demonstrate opposition to government policies.

Page’s case is another example of how federal agents dropped the ball and were unable to uncover his plans to carry out the Sikh Temple attack.

Now to the issues that are hidden behind the fog of censorship.

Both James Holmes and Wade Michael Page had close connections to the government. In the case of Holmes, he was the recipient of a $26,000 government grant — offered to him through the National Institutes for Health — for the specific purpose of studying Neuroscience. The National Institutes of Health is a component agency of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. This relationship makes Holmes’ mass killing a painful example of taxpayer-funded homicide. But the details about Holmes get even stranger. According to Journalist Wayne Madsen, there are more links between James Holmes and American government research, such as the the Salk Institute, a place involved with neurologically enhancing soldiers’ abilities on the battlefield, which also has connections with the US Defense Advance Research Projects Agency (DARPA).

From Madsen’s article James Holmes Family Tied To DARPA And Mind Manipulation Work:

In 2006, at the age of 18, Holmes served as a research intern at the Salk Institute at the University of California at San Diego in La Jolla. It is noteworthy that for the previous two years before Holmes worked at the Salk Institute, the research center was partnered with the Defense Advance Research Projects Agency (DARPA), Columbia University, University of California at San Francisco, University of Wisconsin at Madison, Wake Forest University, and the Mars Company (the manufacturers of Milky Way and Snickers bars) to prevent fatigue in combat troops through the enhanced use of epicatechina, a blood flow-increasing and blood vessel-dilating anti-oxidant flavanol found in cocoa and, particularly, in dark chocolate.

The research was part of a larger DARPA program known as the “Peak Soldier Performance Program,” which involved creating brain-machine interfaces for battlefield use, including human-robotic bionics for legs, arms, and eyes. DARPA works closely with the Defense Science Office on projects that include the medical research community. Fitzsimons was at the forefront of DARPA research on the use of brain-connected “neuroprosthetic” limbs for soldiers amputated or paralyzed in combat.

In the case of Wade Michael Page, his connections to government programs are also clear and very direct. Up until 1998, Page was a US Army Psy-Op specialist. Psychological Operations are an important part of the US Army. In fact, they are conducted all the time. Page held his position at Fort Bragg until he was given a less-than-honorable discharge.

How can a former army man, who has associations to racist organizations and who has deep knowledge about psy-ops, not be investigated by law enforcement agencies? How can an admittedly racist person be employed by the US Army to work on and / or conduct psy-ops? Furthermore, the first shooting in Aurora was conducted by a Neuroscience student and the latest in Wisconsin by a former psy-ops military man. What are the odds? Well, whatever the odds are, they get even more difficult to believe, because both psychological operations and neuroscience are dedicated to conduct brain manipulation. Is this just another coincidence?

There is another coincidence we will never be able to know about, and that is if after conducting psychiatric evaluations on both of the shooters they discover that Holmes and Page were under mind control. That will never be known because one of the shooters, Mr. Page, was conveniently shot dead — another coincidence — on sight by a police officer and authorities are convinced he, just as they believed in the cases of Lee Harvey Oswald and Timothy Mc Veigh, was a lone wolf. So that is where the investigation ends, even though in both shootings, witnesses reported the presence of more gunmen besides Holmes and Page. But that of course is just a conspiracy theory.

Plotting the Next Terror Attack

Both Lee Harvey Oswald and Timothy J. McVeigh were mind-controlled subjects, and so may be the next one.


“We don’t torture,” said once George W. Bush. “The US shouldn’t torture,” said at one time Barack Obama. However, they didn’t say “we don’t experiment on prisoners”. That is exactly what the US has been doing with prisoners at the Guantamo Bay facility in Cuba, and most likely in every other secret prison there is around the world.

A new Department of Defense declassified report confirms what many had already suspected: The US secret prison system is, in addition to torture dungeons, a fertile ground to exercise mind control games on prisoners. Two scary thoughts come to mind after reading the recently revealed document. First, just as Lee Harvey Oswald and Timothy McVeigh were brainwashed patsies who executed their missions almost to perfection, the US may have prepared, and still be preparing the new harvest of mind controlled terrorists who will execute future terror attacks both in the US and abroad. Second, with the recently made up powers that Barack Obama gave himself through the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), it is likely anyone who is picked up from the street, home or workplace after being declared an enemy of the state, will be taken to one of the not so secret prisons in the US or Europe to be tortured and experimented on.

According to the declassified report, prisoners inside Guantanamo Bay were given “mind altering drugs,” via injections that contained powerful anti-psychotic sedatives normally used in psychiatric hospitals. The report also says that the victims of mind control experiments were not told anything about the type of drugs that were being put into them or were lied to about the kind of ingredients that the injections had or their purpose. Details in the report also tell how the military began or continued interrogations after the effects of the drugs became apparent, which aggravates even more the violations committed against the prisoners, who in most cases were not accused of any crimes, but were drugged with “psychoactive chemicals” by the military.

The report obtained by TRUTHOUT through Freedom of Information Act Request revealed that prisoners remain with serious mental problems as a results of the massive amount of mind altering drugs they were given and the kind of punishment that they were submitted to. A document issued by the Pentagon’s Inspector General determined that it is not clear whether the drugs used for mind control experiments were only used for facilitating the interrogation sessions, which usually go for many days at a time. The only drug explicitly cited in the declassified report is Haldol, an old and well known psycho-chemical used for mind experiments since back in the 1960s, a decade that saw the dawn of many of the  experiments being conducted up until today.

Haldol was and is still chosen because it is a cheap and powerful drug that is still used in psychiatric hospitals as a sedative. This drug is also used in emergency rooms, although it has been gradually substituted by new drugs introduced during the 1990s. Due to its side effects victims may suffer from muscle contraction and suicidal behavior. In the long term, people experimented on with Haldol, patients in psychiatric hospitals and emergency room patients will develop dangerous neurological problems that may be life threatening. The drug’s ability to paralyze muscles or make them contract could result in sudden death as its effects reach the human heart.

Back in the 1950s, psychiatrist Robert G. Heath and a group of colleagues began studying how to conduct mind control experiments on humans and later executed these experiments on black prisoners. Heath’s work was fully sponsored by the US government. Perhaps the most relevant study in the history of the US government’s attempt to carry out experiments for the purposed of controlling a person’s mind is MK ULTRA. “By the time I left to go home I would recall nothing of my tests or the different doctors.  I would only remember whatever explanations Dr. Robert G. Heath gave me for the odd bruises, needle marks, burns on my head and fingers and even the genital soreness.  I had no reason to believe otherwise.  Already they had begun to control my mind!,” said Claudia S. Mullen, a victim of Dr Heath’s experiments.

“The lone gunman that we hear about in assassinations, assassination attempts, school shootings, etc. are mind control people. So was Ted Bundy, the ’Son of Sam’ serial killer David Berkowitz, Oswald, Timothy McVeigh, the Columbine shooters, Chapman, Sirhan Sirhan, etc. were mind controlled individuals who were programmed to perform these killings. Tens of thousands of young teenage boys were kidnapped and forced into a mind control training program called The Montauk Project starting around 1976.” The Montaulk Project alone resulted in the production of some 250,000 people who were “sleeping” mind prisoners programmed to wake up and carry out their missions at a time and date previously implanted into their brains. Their actions were triggered by mental, physical or social ‘switches’.

Documents and records cited at Biblioteca Pleyades relate how Dr. Joseph Mengele of Auschwitz and developer of the trauma based Monarch Project and the CIA’s MK ULTRA was part of  a selected group of Nazis brought to the United States and South America after World War II through Operation designated Paperclip. The Nazis advanced their experiments on mind control, that they had been working on before and during the war at underground military bases. They came to the US and continued carrying out their experiments in U.S. underground military facilities.

Books such as BLUEBIRD: Deliberate Creation of Multiple Personality by Psychiatrists, Journey into Madness: The True Story of Secret CIA Mind Control and Medical Abuse and notes from the Association of Former Intelligence Officers (AFIO) faithfully relate the kinds of experiments that are conducted not only by the US military, but also by the CIA. In 1995, Dr. Robert Heath said he had indeed received money from the CIA for his work.   Heath was part of the CIA’s mind control program and created some of the techniques later used to torture prisoners.  As recently as 2002, the CIA had a firm contact at Tulane Medical School. His name was Robert S. Robins, a Political Science Professor and former Deputy Provost, who was a former intelligence officer.

Separately, Project MK ULTRA was a secret program directed by the CIA’s Office of Scientific Intelligence from the early 1950s up until the early 1970s, when it was supposedly stopped. The program involved the manipulation of a person’s mental state to the point it alter brain functions. Many of these experiments included the use of psychotropics including LSD. Some of the techniques used during MKULTRA included hypnosis, sensory deprivation, isolation, verbal and sexual abuse, as well as various forms of torture. From this list of techniques stems the ‘supposedly stopped’ statement, as many of these techniques are still used today. MKULTRA may not exist officially anymore, but the lessons learned by the torturers are more prevalent than ever, as it happens at Guantanamo Bay.

According to the records, MKULTRA experiments were conducted in 80 institutions, included 44 colleges and universities, hospitals, prisons and at pharmaceutical companies labs. It was through these institutions that the CIA operated covertly. Although most of the people working at the universities, hospitals and pharmaceutical companies were unaware of the experiments, the head of those institutions were absolutely involved by allowing the intelligence agency and its minions to infiltrate them and conduct the experiments. At some point through the 30 years of experimentation, the MKULTRA project ate 6 percent of the total funding given to the CIA. That is how important this operation was and how important it still is, since practices that originated back in the 1950s are still being used today in US prisons. Learn more about the race to control the human brain in the article The 1950s Discovery of the Human Brain Code. You can also visit our Videos page and watch documentaries such as Psychiatry: An Industry of Death and Maafa 21, which explain in horrific detail how the mid and late twentieth century were some of the most prolific decades for the efforts backed by the US government to carry out experiments related to mind control.

As for the reaction from the US military regarding the details of its mind control experiments at Guantamo Bay, the response has been silence, so far. They’ve said that commenting on such information could be harmful to national security. Meanwhile, prisoners who were victims of the experiments do tell about the abuses. One of the detainees explained how he was given unlabeled pills while he was being taken from Bagram Air Base in Afghanistan to Guantanamo back in 2002. “They said it was some candy,” he remembered. Consequently, him and the rest of the prisoners went into a “state of delusion” from which they would wake up after being tortures and further experimented on. A well-known so-called terrorist, Jose Padilla was also put under the effects of mind altering drugs such as LSD, a child of MKULTRA. Padilla just as many other hundreds of supposed terrorists were never proven to be involved in any terrorist activity.

The same military official who denied any comment regarding the recently declassified report did say that the military’s operating procedures “are ‘living’ documents. According to the Pentagon’s Inspector General, former medical staff at Guantamo Bay said the drugs given to the prisoners were meant to “help control serious mental illnesses.” Convenient plausible deniability.

Mind control is undoubtedly the ultimate form of terror.

Presenting the Mind Controlled Robot, Prosthetics…

The same technology used to carry out experiments such as the infiltration of semiconductor materials – see paragraph 9 — into the human body is now being announced as “new” discovery to help paraplegics walk.

IAFRICA | APRIL 25, 2012

A professor at a Swiss university on Tuesday unveiled a robot that can be controlled by the brainwaves of a paraplegic person wearing an electrode-fitted cap, news agency ATS reported.

A paralysed man at a hospital in the town of Sion demonstrated the device, sending a mental command to a computer in his room, which transmitted it to another computer that moved a small robot 60 kilometres away in Lausanne.

The system was developed by Jose Millan, a professor at the Federal Polytechnic School of Lausanne who specialises in non-invasive interfaces between machines and the brain.

The same technology can be used to drive a wheelchair, Millan said.

“Once the movement has begun, the brain can relax, otherwise the person would soon be exhausted,” he said.

But the technology has its limits, he added. The brain signals can be scrambled if too many people are gathered around a wheelchair, for example.

Besides making paraplegics mobile, neuroprosthetics could be used to help patients recover lost senses, researchers said.

Professor Stephanie Lacour and her team are working on an “electric skin” for amputees, a glove fitted with tiny sensors that would send information directly to the user’s nervous system.

Eventually, researchers say they hope to create mechanised prosthetics that are as mobile and sensitive as a natural hand, Lacour said.

Other researchers at Lausanne are working on enabling paraplegics to walk again with electrodes implanted in their spinal cords.

“The goal is that after a year of training with a robotic aide, the patient will be able to walk without a robot. The electrodes would stay implanted for life,” said Professor Gregoire Courtine.

He said he is currently setting up clinical trials and hopes to run tests at Zurich’s university hospital within a year.

The Navy’s, Air Force’s and Darpa’s Programs to Control Your Mind

Through the Use of Electromagnetic Waves, a Town, a City or a Whole Country Can Be Controlled to Be Pacified or Exacerbated

by Luis R. Miranda
The Real Agenda
May 5, 2010

Just like a few years ago computer and information technology companies started working on microchip technology, just like DARPAmind control created the Intranet and later the Internet, non-profits surrogate to government agencies such as the Army, Navy and Air Force are now implementing radio frequency technology to affect people’s thoughts and behaviors.

The history of mind control begins with Hypnotism. In the 1920′s the Harvard Labs started a project for the creation of a “Manchurian candidate”. George Esterbrooks, a scientist in the Laboratory, worked along colleagues in a project to implement the idea of submitting a person into a deep state of hypnosis so they could fracture the human personality into two different individuals, one with full knowledge of himself and the environment, and the other with no knowledge whatsoever. Such individuals would be used as super spies in the Soviet Union and Germany. Should an individual get caught he would not be able to remember anything of their true identity.

Esterbrooks wrote books on hypnotism, spiritism and minds control through the use of LSD. On the publication MK Ultra in June 1975, from page 225 on it is clear that LSD and other hallucinogenics were used to mold the mind of individuals in order to create a double personality, which can be switched and manipulated with spoken commands. These were scientists working at psychiatric facilities who were in charge of programs working with mental patients, who they said could take advantage of the good effects of LSD and other substances for their cure, but in reality, they were lab rats who were experienced upon. In a project headed by Ewing Cameron and directed by the CIA, American mental patients and Canadian as well, were transported to private facilities in Canada for periods of six months-sometimes as many as 80 people at the time- where they were abused and injected with PCP/LSD cocktails, as well as experimented with radio frequency waves. In one case, a mental patient -a former Army officer- was brought to New York and pushed off a building to keep him from speaking out on what he was subject to during those experiments. At least 150 pages were blackened out or lost while investigations concerning mental patients abuse were conducted in the United States.

Cases of mental patients abuses abound in history with many non-profit organizations working as heads of the experiments. A group called The Mankind Research Group, in Silversprings Maryland, was one of the surrogate institutions that worked behind the scenes with the Navy and other mainstream institutions who wanted to maintain experiments of the mind as far from the light as possible. But at the head of all these non-profits were mainstream doctors and military personnel, who could not carry the experiments in public facilities due to the inhuman techniques that were used at the time.

More recently, the Navy openly published its new Manual or Protocol for Human Mental Experimentation, dated from November 6th, 2006. On page 9, it boldly states that it is the undersecretary of the Navy who is in charge of authorizing all human experimentation conducted by the institution, before they can be carried out on mental patients or prisoners. In addition, there is a request for proposal from the Air force Research Laboratory, open until September of 2009 which reads: “the ultimate goal of such a research is to develop a fully articulated theory with supporting predictive models which will facilitate the inducement of desired behavioral effects in individuals and groups in the use of non-lethal weapons.” This adds to the latest admissions by DARPA members, who have accepted the notion they have been working on programs of mass control through the use of waves. The admissions were made on an article in the Baltimore Sun.

An Air Force Research Laboratory publication named Technology Horizons from June 2004 clearly states the advanced stages which many mind control projects have achieved. “With the advent of directed energy and other revolutionary technologies, the ability to project very precise amounts of many types of energy anywhere in the world is now a reality. Controlled personnel effects, investigates technologies to make selected adversaries think and act according to our needs. Dominant remote controls seek at a distance to manipulate its vehicles, sensors, communications, and information systems and manipulate them for military purposes. Bystudying and modeling the human brain and nervous system, the ability to mentally influence or control personnel is also possible. Through sensory deception it is also possible to create synthetic images to confuse an individual’s sense of sound taste, tact and vision. All this experimentation with mind control is also used to learn how to unleash the powers of human consciousness that do not manifest very often. According to Dr. Nick Begich, what the government agencies and private corporations are looking for is how to get access to the most basic but more explosive code of the species for survival; a huge leap in human development. Begich says it is all about what we as humans are capable of and how nothing on this earth would be able to stop it. Begich sustains that the continuous bombardment of fear in today’s society towards the populations, is a way to maintain those mental powers hidden; powers which would break free otherwise.

In the 1980′s agreements between the Department of Justice and the Department of Defense, detailed what elements of mind control could be used against foreign adversaries and domestically on the people of the United States. Documents from one of the meetings at John Hopkins University, which was declared “classified”, talked about how to control human beings as the ultimate way to pacify communities. Through the use of technologies like Magnetic Induction, which is a transfer of energy through space, the government planned to maintain GPS systems and cell phones active to carry out wiretappings on citizens. Although it was first presented as an option to wirelessly charge cell phone and GPS system’s batteries, it can also be used to modulate the electromagnetic frequencies to influence human organs such as the brain, the liver, the heart, etc. The transmission of specific frequencies would be achieved through the use of cell phone towers, which would transmit those frequencies to selected areas of the world, a country, a city or a town so you could target populations at specific times.

In an article titled: The Mind has no Firewalls, the US Army War College makes clear what their goals are as far as controlling the mind of individuals and communities. “The new cutting edge of 21st Century strategic warfare will involve targeting and elimination of the enemy’s biophysical field (mind) so that the wetware – brain – has no firewalls for the mind (biophysical field) and can be taken over and/or destroyed by the biophysical field of a remote influencing adept. The development of remote viewing using Soviet protocols can enable remote influencing adepts to scan the minds of the NSA and find out, in detail, the secrets of their research into anti-gravity, inertia-less drives, beam weapons-Since the NSA use mind controlled psychics who have been implanted and subject to severe trauma to cause a multiple personality, targeting the chip in the NSA remote viewing zombies renders these creatures inoperable; one can also project into these creatures’ minds false remote viewing images so they see what you want them to see – they enter a ‘Matrix’ where you are the AI.” In Singapore, there is today a massive program for testing mind control through electromagnetic waves in very specific zones. The projects in that part of the world focus on keeping people on a lower brain wave level. The effects of the experiments are the same caused by fluoride in water and mercury in vaccines. Those two substances among many others diminish the brain capacity to use its power and all the skills that come with it.

Another technology currently used in mind control programs is quantum computers. Computers have the capacity to map every item you purchase in the supermarket through the use of a Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), just like the ones people are already implanting in them. Quantum modeling of the brain clearly shows how powerful this organ really is. The most capable current super computers available to anybody, which can equal performances equivalent to 6.6 billion people doing calculations every five seconds for a total of 60 hours do those very operations in one second. The human brain -a quantum computer itself- in comparison, can take the same calculations those people could do in a trillion years, and complete them in one hour. That’s just how powerful the human brain is. Those who now work in quantum computing are looking for a way to develop something like our brain power -if it hasn’t already been found- in computers which will be capable, for example, to break any encryption that ever existed. It will be a new form of intelligence that surpasses any imaginable idea anyone has ever had. With this technology, thoughts will be manipulated to say the least. Images, ideas, dreams and the deepest feelings in a human being will be open to be molded.

Now you may be asking what are the odds that an unscrupulous mind or person takes this technology to harm us all. Well, for starters, the government has approved, through the Departments of Defense and Justice the use of other technologies as experimental programs on citizens in order to later make them part of our daily lives. Another case is Monsanto’s genetically modified corn and other vegetables that are in part responsible for the extinction of at least 60 percent of the honeybee population in the Unites States. In addition, the use of other technologies like cell phones radiation, which causes brain cancer and fluoride in the water we drink which scars our body’s internal tissue are just a few examples of how new technologies bring more trouble than solutions to our daily lives.

In the case of mind control, solutions must be found before this technology is implemented widely. Mind Control programs cannot fall into the hands of private citizens or corporations, which will clearly use them as forms of manipulation. The ways in which these technologies are put into action must be kept secret. The levels of information regarding this and other ways of mass control must be spread out to the populations so they are aware of the potential use of substances and electromagnetic waves as instruments of mind control. Read and watch the bibliographical material listed below and give it to as many people as possible in order to raise awareness. The key as in most cases is education. Passionate discussions are good, but passionate discussions with education are better. The process should take us to find complete and absolute transparency from our government and other entities that are in possession of mind control and other technologies that may potentially harm us as supposed to enlighten us.


“Mind Control: The Ultimate Brave New World”

“Controlling the Human Mind”. Dr. Nick Begich.

“Advanced Neural Implants and Control”. Daryl R. Kipke. Department of Bioengeneering, Arizona State University

Biophysical Warfare – The Mind Has No Firewalls.

Darpatech 2002 Symposium – Transforming Fantasy.

USSR Hypnosis at a Distance Defense Intelligence Agency


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