Mutant GMO cows to produce hormone-induced ‘engineered’ milk


The world of genetic engineering has fallen even further into the surreal with the announcement that New Zealand “scientists” have unveiled a genetically modified mutant cloned cow which they say produces a reduced-allergen milk for consumption by human babies. This is being reported by the BBC and elsewhere.

Horrifyingly, these Frankenscientists cloned a cow and then altered the embryo using RNA interference. After gestation, the mutant GMO cow was born without a tail! But these scientists say that’s no problem, and that the mutation of having no tail couldn’t possibly be related to anything they did with the cow’s DNA.

I’m not making this up. This is the insanity of the quack science world in which we now live.

Milk causes allergies primarily because of pasteurization

The entire project is a fool’s errand to begin with since the reason most humans are allergic to cow’s milk is because of pasteurization which destroys lactase enzymes. RAW MILK is far easier to digest, but of course raw milk has been all but criminalized in America, where the FDA along with Ventura County and LA County in California actually stage armed raids on raw milk distribution centers and throw people in jail. James Stewart, for example, remains in jail this very day for the “crime” of being involved in raw milk. Sign the petition HERE to demand freedom for James.

So while criminalizing fresh milk and pushing an inferior, dead, pasteurized milk that causes allergies in those who drink it, the corrupt food system in America is almost certain to embrace mutant genetically modified cloned cow’s milk and call it “safe” for infants!

Never mind the fact that the genetically altered milk produced by this cow had “double the concentrations of caseins,” as The Guardian is reporting.

Oh, and by the way, the milk being produced by this mutant, cloned, tail-less GMO cow is of course 100% driven by artificial hormones! As the BBC reports:

“It has not yet become pregnant and produced milk normally so the scientists used hormones to jump-start milk production.”

Read Full Article →

Trigo Transgénico pode mudar Genoma Humano


As ameaças comprovadas que os transgênicos representam para o ambiente são intermináveis, mas as empresas químicas não parecem preocupadas, e continuar a trabalhar na criação de produtos alimentícios que contem essas ameaças geneticamente modificadas.

O exemplo mais recente é o trigo transgénico da CSIRO , que não é um dos conglomerado químicos que operam a nível mundial hoje. CSIRO é a Organização de Pesquisa Científica e Industrial, da Agência Australiana de Ciência.

De acordo com um relatório recente da Fundação Safe Food, o trigo transgénico da CSIRO tem o potencial — se ingerido — de mudar a forma como os seres humanos absorvem carbohidratos. A fundação teve uma conferência de imprensa em 11 de setembro para solicitar que CSIRO disponibilize os estudos feitos pela organização sobre os genes contidos no e como eles poderiam afetar o corpo humano. “Nós fomos alertados por um pesquisador que identificou uma sequência de DNA / RNA no trigo transgênico o qual é semelhante a um em humanos”, disse Scott Kinnear, diretor da Fundação Safe Food.

Kinnear, que também é professor da Universidade de Canterbury, esteve acompanhado pelos pesquisadores Jack Heinemann e Judy Carman para discutir possíveis ameaças do trigo da CSIRO. “Este problema de segurança foi estudado extensivamente por nossos dois especialistas. O que estamos pedindo é que CSIRO proporcione todos os estudos de segurança sobre o trigo transgénico, se eles fizeram algum estudo”, disse Kinnear.

Ele disse que CSIRO também precisará fornecer as seqüências de sua ciência e tecnologia, o que, segundo ele, permitirão que especialistas criem uma seqüência bioinformática completa dos genes. Ele ressaltou que, até agora, os peritos encontraram um número significativo de seqüências similares entre o genoma do trigo transgênico e o humano, o que torna ainda mais urgente investigar mais para descobrir se o trigo pode prejudicar a saúde humana.

Como explicado pelo professor Jack Heinemann, um biólogo molecular da Universidade de Cantenbury, a forma como o trigo foi modificada nunca foi validado. “A tecnologia é muito nova”, disse Heinemmann e é por isso que a fundação está solicitando as informações e materiais da CSIRO para realizar estudos extensivos para descobrir se o trigo é seguro para o consumo humano. “O que descobrimos é que as moléculas criadas neste trigo para o silenciamento gênico do trigo podem coincidir com genes humanos.”

Ele foi mais longe ao explicar que através da ingestão, moléculas transgênicas podem entrar em humanos e potencialmente silenciar os genes humanos da mesma forma que faz com o trigo. Os investigadores encontraram 770 páginas de possíveis semelhanças entre os dois genes de trigo transgénico e o genoma humano.

“Encontramos mais de uma dúzia de semelhanças que são abrangentes e idênticas”, acrescentou. Heinemann disse que suas descobertas são conclusivas para mostrar que não existem coincidências, mas os limites têm tido, na ausência de dados não provam que o trigo GM pode causar efeitos adversos em humanos. Então, ele disse, que como especialistas eles precisam conduzir investigações para confirmar ou descartar sua teoria. “A partir dessas informações, nós sabemos se o trigo terá um efeito adverso, e é por isso que estamos fazendo uma série de experimentos, e mais são necessários antes que os humanos comam o trigo.”

“Esse gene foi projetado para silenciar um gene particular no trigo para alterar o conteúdo de carboidratos”, disse Judy Carman, diretora de bioquímica da IHERS em Flinders University. Ela alertou que se o gene transgênico age da mesma maneira em humanos, na prática os genes poderiam silenciar seus homólogos humanos. “Isso pode ter sérias complicações.”

“Isso vai significar mudanças sérias na forma como armazenamos nossos carboidratos e glicose no corpo.” Ela disse que o corpo humano precisa para criar uma substância conhecida como glicogênio, que é essencial para a realização de tarefas como levantar-se, mover ou ter uma explosão de energia para realizar as tarefas diárias. “As crianças que nascem com este tipo de genes silenciados, tendem a morrer com a idade de cinco anos, enquanto os adultos tendem a ficar doentes mais frequentemente e mais cansados”, disse Carman. Ela também insistiu que os estudos em animais são necessários antes mesmo de estudos em humanos.

Assista à conferência de imprensa a seguir:


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CSIRO GM Wheat Could Potentially change Human Genome


The proven threats that GMO organisms pose to the environment is endless, but chemical companies don’t seem to care, and instead continue to work with and put out food products that contain such genetically modified threats.

The most recent example is GMO wheat from CSIRO, which just happens not to be one of the large chemical conglomerates that operate worldwide today. CSIRO is the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, which Australia’s National Science Agency.

According to a recent report from the Safe Food Foundation, CSIRO’s GMO wheat has the potential — if consumed — to change the way  humans absorb carbohydrates.The foundation held a press conference on September 11 to request that CSIRO makes available all of its studies regarding how the genes contained in the wheat affect . “We were alerted about a safety issue by a researcher who identified DNA/RNA sequence matches in the GM wheat, and in human beings,” said Scott Kinnear, the director of the Safe Food Foundation.

Mr. Kinnear, who is also a professor at University of Canterbury, was joined by researchers Jack Heinemann Judy Carman to discuss the potential threats of CSIRO’s GMO wheat. “This safety issue was extensively studied by our two experts. What we are asking CSIRO to do, is to release all their safety studies on GM wheat, if they’ve done any at all,” added Kinnear.

He said CSIRO also needed to release the sequences of its science and technology, which according to him would enable the foundation’s experts to do a complete bio-informatic sequence matching. He emphasized that so far, the experts had found a significant amount of sequence matches between the GMO wheat and that of a human being, which made it even more urgent to keep on investigating to discover if the GMO wheat could negatively affect human health.

As explained by Professor Jack Heinemann, who is a molecular biologist at the University of Cantenbury, the way in which the wheat has been modified has never been validated. “The technology is too new,” Heinemmann said and that is why the foundation is requesting the information and materials from CSIRO to conduct extensive studies on whether the wheat is safe for human consumption. “What we found is that the molecules created in this wheat intended to silence wheat genes can match human genes.”

He went further to explain that through ingestion, the GMO molecules can enter human beings and potentially silence human genes the same way they do with those of the wheat. Researchers found 770 pages of potential matches between the two GMO genes in the wheat and the human genome.

“We found over a dozen matches that are extensive and identical,” he added. Heinemann said that his findings are conclusive in demonstrating that the matches do exist, but that the limits they’ve had given the lack of data does not prove that the GMO wheat may cause adverse effects on humans. For that he said, experts like himself need to conduct more research to confirm or discard their theory. “From this information, we know it is plausible that there would be an adverse effect, and that is why we are calling for a battery of experiments to be done before humans eat this wheat.”

“This gene is designed to silence a particular gene in wheat to change the carbohydrate content,” said Judy Carman, a biochemist and Director of the IHERS at Flinders University. She warned that if the GMO gene were to act the same way in humans, it would effectively silence human genes, the ones found to match those of the wheat. “That could have serious complications.”

“It will mean that there will be significant changes in the way we store our carbohydrates and glucose in the body.” She said that the human body needs to make a substance known as glycogen, which is essential in order to perform tasks such as waking up, moving, or having a burst of energy to complete everyday tasks. “Children who are born with this kind of genes silenced, tend to die by the age of five, while adults tend to get more sick and more tired,” added Carman. She also insisted that animal studies are necessary even before human studies are conducted.

See the complete press conference below:

Madness: Pentagon Wants to Destroy all Pathogens

by Katie Drummond
November 23, 2011

Last year, federal officials warned that Americans were on the verge of “a post-antibiotic era.” And that’s exactly what the Pentagon’s far-out research agency is after.

As long as they’ve got a replacement at the ready, of course. In the military’s latest round of small business solicitations, Darpa is making a long-shot request for an all-out replacement to antibiotics, the decades-old standard for killing or injuring bacteria to demolish a disease. In its place: the emerging field of nanomedicine would be used to fight bacterial threats. The agency’s “Rapidly Adaptable Nanotherapeutics” is after a versatile “platform capable of rapidly synthesizing therapeutic nanoparticles” to target unknown, evolving and even genetically engineered bioweapons.

It’s the latest of several Darpa programs to improve we deal with bacterial infections, viruses and bio-threats. The agency is already funding tobacco-based vaccine production, prescient viral infection detectors and insta-vaccines to inoculate against unknown pathogens.

Right now, antibiotics work by interfering with bacterial function or their spread. Some meds target a ton of different pathogens, while others are more highly specified. Both varieties, however, are increasingly vulnerable to bacterial resistance — bacteria that carry a genetically enhanced ability to thwart the medication survive, and continue to spread, rendering that medication useless. It means even if scientists develop new antibiotics, which they continue to do, the meds will be “prone to the same issues and may ultimately meet a similar fate” as their once-potent peers. Not to mention that where “engineered” bacterial threats are concerned, most conventional antibiotics would be useless from the get-go: Genetic tinkering can turn even benign gut bacteria into lethal, untreatable bioweapons.

Instead, Darpa wants researchers to use nanoparticles — tiny, autonomous drug delivery systems that can carry molecules of medication anywhere in the body, and get them right into a targeted cell. Darpa would like to see nanoparticles loaded with “small interfering RNA (siRNA)” — a class of molecules that can target and shut down specific genes. If siRNA could be reprogrammed “on-the-fly” and applied to different pathogens, then the nanoparticles could be loaded up with the right siRNA molecules and sent directly to cells responsible for the infection.

Replacing a billion dollar industry that’s been a medical mainstay since 1940? Far fetched, sure, but researchers already know how to engineer siRNA and shove it into nanoparticles. They did it last year, during a trial that saw four primates survive infection with a deadly strain of Ebola Virus after injections of Ebola-targeted siRNA nanoparticles. Doing it quickly, and with unprecedented versatility, is another question. It can take decades for a new antibiotic to be studied and approved. Darpa seems to be after a system that can do the same job, in around a week.

Then again, if anybody can design a new paradigm for medicine, and a new way to mass-produce it, our money’s on the military. After all, we’ve got them to thank for figuring out how to manufacture the medication that got us into this mess in the first place: penicillin.

Israeli American Microbiologist Linked to Deadly Fungus Cryptococcus


The strange case of Joseph Moshe has resurfaced.

In August of 2009, Moshe was accused of making threats against the White House. He briefly made headlines during a stand-ofcryptococcusf with police in Los Angeles. During the confrontation, the Israeli scientist remarkably withstood five rounds of chemical agent tossed inside his car in the parking lot of the Federal Building in West Los Angeles.

It was later learned that Moshe had called into a radio talk show and said he wanted to supply evidence regarding tainted H1N1 swine flu vaccines being produced by Baxter BioPharma Solutions. Moshe claimed a Baxter lab in Ukraine was producing a bioweapon that would be passed off as a vaccine. He said the vaccine contained an adjuvant engineered to weaken the immune system. Replicated RNA from the virus, Moshe insisted, was responsible for the 1918 pandemic Spanish flu.

It was speculated Moshe worked for Israel’s Mossad.

In late October of 2009, Ukraine was hit by an especially aggressive and virulent form of hemorrhagic pneumonia. “The virus appears to be either a highly aggressive mutation of the globally-circulating H1N1 strain, or a combination of three different influenza strains now circulating in Ukraine,” Mike Adams wrote at the time.

“Moshe claimed that Baxter’s laboratory in the Ukraine out of all places was creating this biological weapon. All of this came out in the beginning of August, which is more than 2 months before the situation that is currently unfolding [in Ukraine]. For Moshe to correctly name the country where a new epidemic would be unleashed, requires either inside information, or an incredible coincidence as anyone with a basic knowledge of statistics can confirm for himself,”David Rothscum wrote on October 31.

The H1N1 flu “pandemic” turned out to be mostly government and media hype. It was later said the United Nations’ World Health Organization had connived with Baxter, GlaxoSmithKline, Novartis, and Sanofi-Aventis to create a pandemic scare in order to sell vaccines.

In January of this year, the WHO insisted it was not unduly influenced by drug companies to exaggerate the dangers of the H1N1 flu virus. The WHO subsequently appointed a committee to investigate the allegations but its credibility suffered a serious blow when it was learned Dr. John Mackenzie would be included in the investigation. Mackenzie has direct links with several vaccine and pharmaceutical companies and was influential in the WHO declaration of a level 6 pandemic in 2009.

At the time, some 200 million doses of H1N1 vaccine and funding of approximately $12 million were pledged to fight the virus.

In February of 2009, Bloombergreported that Baxter had accidentally contaminated samples with the bird flu virus. The contamination was discovered when ferrets at a lab in the Czech Republic died after being inoculated with vaccine made from the samples. The virus material was supposed to contain a seasonal flu virus and was contaminated after “human error,” according to Baxter.

Dan Even, writing for Haaretz, reported earlier this week that a report had linked the deadly Cryptococcus gatti fungus to labs in the United States and the Nes Tziona Biological Institute in Israel. “The report also linked an Israeli American scientist, Dr. Joseph Moshe, to the spread of the fungus,” writes Even.

An outbreak of the fungus killed six people in Oregon and was predicted to move into northern California and possibly farther, according to experts. “No one knows how the species got to North America or how the fungus can thrive in a temperate region,” notes Christine Dell’Amoreof National Geographic News. Cryptococcus gattii is an airborne fungus native to tropical and subtropical regions, including Papua New Guinea, Australia, and parts of South America.

However, much like the H1N1 virus, the threat posed by the “killer” fungus appears to be little more than corporate media sensationalism.

“At its peak, we were seeing about 36 cases per million per year, so that is a very small number,” Christina Hull, an assistant professor of medical microbiology and immunology and of biomolecular chemistry at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health in Madison, told Bloomberg Businessweek on April 30.

Joseph Moshe is currently scheduled for a court hearing on his mental status on August 24, 2010, in California.

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