Choosing healthy foods now called a mental disorder

In its never-ending attempt to fabricate “mental disorders” out of every human activity, the psychiatric industry is now pushing the

Eating healthy foods, pseudo-scientists say, is sign of a mental disorder.

most ridiculous disease they’ve invented yet: Healthy eating disorder.

This is no joke: If you focus on eating healthy foods, you’re “mentally diseased” and probably need some sort of chemical treatment involving powerful psychotropic drugs. The Guardiannewspaper reports, “Fixation with healthy eating can be sign of serious psychological disorder” and goes on to claim this “disease” is called orthorexia nervosa — which is basically just Latin for “nervous about correct eating.”

But they can’t just called it “nervous healthy eating disorder” because that doesn’t sound like they know what they’re talking about. So they translate it into Latin where it sounds smart (even though it isn’t). That’s where most disease names come from: Doctors just describe the symptoms they see with a name like osteoporosis (which means “bones with holes in them”).

Getting back to this fabricated “orthorexia” disease, the Guardian goes on to report, “Orthorexics commonly have rigid rules around eating. Refusing to touch sugar, salt, caffeine, alcohol, wheat, gluten, yeast, soya, corn and dairy foods is just the start of their diet restrictions. Any foods that have come into contact with pesticides, herbicides or contain artificial additives are also out.”

Wait a second. So attempting to avoid chemicals, dairy, soy and sugar now makes you a mental health patient? Yep. According to these experts. If you actually take special care to avoid pesticides, herbicides and genetically modified ingredients like soy and sugar, there’s something wrong with you.

But did you notice that eating junk food is assumed to be “normal?” If you eat processed junk foods laced with synthetic chemicals, that’s okay with them. The mental patients are the ones who choose organic, natural foods, apparently.

What is “normal” when it comes to foods?

I told you this was coming. Years ago, I warned NaturalNews readers that an attempt might soon be under way to outlaw broccoli because of its anti-cancer phytonutrients. This mental health assault on health-conscious consumers is part of that agenda. It’s an effort to marginalize healthy eaters by declaring them to be mentally unstable and therefore justify carting them off to mental institutions where they will be injected with psychiatric drugs and fed institutional food that’s all processed, dead and full of toxic chemicals.

The Guardian even goes to the ridiculous extreme of saying, “The obsession about which foods are “good” and which are “bad” means orthorexics can end up malnourished.”

Follow the non-logic on this, if you can: Eating “good” foods will cause malnutrition! Eating bad foods, I suppose, is assumed to provide all the nutrients you need. That’s about as crazy a statement on nutrition as I’ve ever read. No wonder people are so diseased today: The mainstream media is telling them that eating health food is a mental disorder that will cause malnutrition!
Shut up and swallow your Soylent Green

It’s just like I reported years ago: You’re not supposed to question your food, folks. Sit down, shut up, dig in and chow down. Stop thinking about what you’re eating and just do what you’re told by the mainstream media and its processed food advertisers. Questioning the health properties of your junk food is a mental disorder, didn’t you know? And if you “obsess” over foods (by doing such things as reading the ingredients labels, for example), then you’re weird. Maybe even sick.

That’s the message they’re broadcasting now. Junk food eaters are “normal” and “sane” and “nourished.” But health food eaters are diseased, abnormal and malnourished.

But why, you ask, would they attack healthy eaters? People like Dr. Gabriel Cousens can tell you why: Because increased mental and spiritual awareness is only possible while on a diet of living, natural foods.

Eating junk foods keeps you dumbed down and easy to control, you see. It literally messes with your mind, numbing your senses with MSG, aspartame and yeast extract. People who subsist on junk foods are docile and quickly lose the ability to think for themselves. They go along with whatever they’re told by the TV or those in apparent positions of authority, never questioning their actions or what’s really happening in the world around them.

In contrast to that, people who eat health-enhancing natural foods — with all the medicinal nutrients still intact — begin to awaken their minds and spirits. Over time, they begin to question the reality around them and they pursue more enlightened explorations of topics like community, nature, ethics, philosophy and the big picture of things that are happening in the world. They become “aware” and can start to see the very fabric of the Matrix, so to speak.

This, of course, is a huge danger to those who run our consumption-based society because consumption depends on ignorance combined with suggestibility. For people to keep blindly buying foods, medicines, health insurance and consumer goods, they need to have their higher brain functions switched off. Processed junk foods laced with toxic chemicals just happens to achieve that rather nicely. Why do you think dead, processed foods remain the default meals in public schools, hospitals and prisons? It’s because dead foods turn off higher levels of awareness and keep people focused on whatever distractions you can feed their brains: Television, violence, fear, sports, sex and so on.

But living as a zombie is, in one way quite “normal” in society today because so many people are doing it. But that doesn’t make it normal in my book: The real “normal” is an empowered, healthy, awakened person nourished with living foods and operating as a sovereign citizen in a free world. Eating living foods is like taking the red pill because over time it opens up a whole new perspective on the fabric of reality. It sets you free to think for yourself.

But eating processed junk foods is like taking the blue pill because it keeps you trapped in a fabricated reality where your life experiences are fabricated by consumer product companies who hijack your senses with designer chemicals (like MSG) that fool your brain into thinking you’re eating real food.

If you want to be alive, aware and in control of your own life, eat more healthy living foods. But don’t expect to be popular with mainstream mental health “experts” or dietitians — they’re all being programmed to consider you to be “crazy” because you don’t follow their mainstream diets of dead foods laced with synthetic chemicals.

But you and I know the truth here: We are the normal ones. The junk food eaters are the real mental patients, and the only way to wake them up to the real world is to start feeding them living foods.

Some people are ready to take the red pill, and others aren’t. All you can do is show them the door. They must open it themselves.

In the mean time, try to avoid the mental health agents who are trying to label you as having a mental disorder just because you pay attention to what you put in your body. There’s nothing wrong with avoiding sugar, soy, MSG, aspartame, HFCS and other toxic chemicals in the food supply. In fact, your very life depends on it.

Oh, and by the way, if you want to join the health experts who keep inventing new fictitious diseases and disorders, check out my popular Disease Mongering Engine web page where you can invent your own new diseases at the click of a button! You’ll find it at:…

Link between tanning beds, melanoma grows stronger

USA Today

Strong evidence now links tanning beds to melanoma, a deadly form of skin cancer that afflicts nearly 69,000 Americans a year.

People who have ever used tanning machines were 74% more likely to develop melanoma than others, according to a study of 2,268 patients reported today in Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention.

Those who tanned the most — for 10 years or more — had more than twice the risk of melanoma compared with people who never used tanning beds, says co-author Martin Weinstock of Brown University School of Medicine. Those risks didn’t change when researchers accounted for age, sex, income, family history, education, skin and eye color, freckles, moles, sunscreen use or time in the sun.

About 2.5% of men and 1.7% of women develop melanoma, according to the American Cancer Society.

The study provides some of the strongest evidence yet to link tanning beds to melanoma, which kills nearly 7,000 Americans a year, says Electra Paskett of Ohio State University.

The study includes information on the newest tanning technologies, finding that machines emitting both types of ultraviolet light — UVA and UVB — increased melanoma risk, says Allan Halpern of New York’s Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center.

Halpern and many other doctors say they’re especially concerned about the risks of tanning salons for teenagers, which are popular this time of year as kids prepare for proms, graduations and beach trips. About 35% of 17-year-old girls use tanning machines, according to the Food and Drug Administration.

The new report comes at a time of increased scrutiny of indoor tanning:

•The FDA is considering recommendations from an advisory panel that suggested that teens be barred from tanning salons, or at least get parental consent before tanning.

•Congress included a 10% tax on indoor tanning in the health reform bill to help pay for expanding medical coverage and to make it harder for teens to afford indoor tanning.

•The International Agency for Research on Cancer, part of the World Health Organization, in July listed ultraviolet radiation-emitting beds as “carcinogenic to humans,” its highest category of cancer risk.

In a statement, the Indoor Tanning Association’s John Overstreet says scientists disagree about the link between melanoma and tanning beds. “When reputable researchers are coming to vastly different conclusions, it’s clear that a lot more research is needed,” he says. “The science on both sides of the question needs to be weighed before consideration is given to any sweeping policy changes.”

United Nations Perverts Want to Show Toddlers How to Masturbate

The 98 Page Report was Released in June by the U.N.´s Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation

By Luis R. Miranda
The Real Agenda
May 5, 2010

For the elite of the world it is not enough to have the power to release viruses and diseases when they want, or to prepare the world’UNHCRs economy for a systematic collapse and run it without any inconvenience.  It now appears that the bureaucrats at the United Nations also want our children -who have barely learned to talk- to learn how to masturbate. This of course is for ´their own good´. How is it that these political and ideological prostitutes have the nerve to write reports in which a suggestion like this is done? Well, programs like this are part of the official agenda to control the destinies of the present and future generations.
In June, the U.N.´s Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNHCR) published the 98 page report which promotes universal learning of topics like masturbation for children between 5 and 18 years. Entitled “An evidence informed approach to effective sex,relationships and HIV/STI education”, the report suggests that the information contained in it is essential for all children included those in this age group. Although the U.N. maintains its position saying the content of the program is ´age appropriate´, many professionals consulted were surprised and concerned. Critics say it’s too early to expose children to these ideas about sex, which only offer abstract ideas – like “transphobia” – that´s not even understood.

For Michelle Turner, president of Citizens for a Responsible Academic Curriculum, children should be learning about the proper name of certain parts of their bodies, but “certainly not about masturbation.” Turner was even more disturbed to learn that the program suggested by UNESCO also includes explanations for children as young as nine about the safety of legal abortions, and to defend and to promote the right and access to safe abortions for everyone over 15 years of age. But such programs should not be surprising, it is not the first time a global body tries to interfere as deeply into sensitive issues to be addressed by the parents and not by bureaucrats who live thousands of miles away, or by doctors or strangers.

The U.N. with all its organizations along with the World Health Organization, the World Bank and other foundations like Rockefeller and Ford were created with the simple but clear purpose of controlling the destiny of the population. Among his best-known programs are Planned Parenthood (created by the father of Bill Gates who is a eugenicist himself), to provide ´sexual education´ and abortions to minors. Another program that globalists use to expose children of all ages to drugs in general is D.A.R.E. While on its facade we can only read something like ‘say no to drugs’, the truth is that the program is a psychological tool very useful to fill the minds of our children with pictures of all existing types of drugs and narcotics. The children would never know half of these drugs if it wasn´t because they get exposed to them throughineffective programs such as D.A.R.E. In other programs, children of all ages are exposed to topics such as suicide, and suicide methods which are then used by the same children to end their own lives.

The UNHCR´s report called “International Guidelines for Sex Education,” separates children into four age groups: 5 to 8, 9 to 12, 12 to 15 and 15 to 18. Under the voluntary system of UN sex education, children 5-8 years old learn that “touching and rubbing the genitals is called masturbation” and that doing this to the genitals “will make you feel great.” When children are 9 years old, they learn about the “positive and negative effects of aphrodisiacs and issues such as homophobia, transphobia and abuse of power. “At 12, they learn what are some ´good reasons´ to choose an abortion. At 15, they will be exposed to and asked to lend their support to promote the right to access safe abortions.

So, not only our children will be exposed to topics that they will not have the capacity to assimilate, but through the years, these are ideal subjects to help the globalists achieve their goals to depopulate the planet through abortion, suicide and drug abuse. These programs are of course supported by others such as universal vaccinations, fluoridation of drinking water, consumption of genetically modified organisms, chemical trails in the skies around the world and the creation of biological weapons such as the Ebola virus, influenza A, AIDS, etc.

In this not a good time to ask ourselves whether it is better to homeschool our children? This is certainly much better than to deliver them to an educational system which from its origins aims to poison their bodies and minds, and to expose them to drugs, sex and meaningles abstract lifestyles under which our children feel pressured, are abused and used. It is time that parents take responsibility by the horns and are the true educators that their children desperately need.

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