Darpa trabalha na próxima geração de scanners para aeroportos

Os novos scanners substituirão os defeituosos, inúteis e perigosos scanners corporais nos que os governos gastaram milhões de dólares.


Quanto tempo levou? Hmmm … … Vamos ver … cinco anos para que o Departamento de Segurança Interna (DHS), o principal impulsionador dos scanners de corpo inteiro, admitisse que o seu brinquedo favorito é uma peça defeituosa, inútil e perigosa. Muitos de nós já sabíamos há algum tempo, é claro, e eles também. A imprecisão, a falta de eficácia e as consequências adversas para a saúde do uso de scanners de corpo inteiro foi demonstrado muitas vezes antes, mas o DHS esperou até que não podia mais esconder a fraude, para mostrar um leve interesse em “melhorar” a tecnologia.

Como relatado anteriormente, aqueles que têm mais a perder devido à adoção de scanners de corpo inteiro são os seus operadores, que têm ficado gravemente doentes depois de trabalhar em torno dos scanners por 5 ou 10 anos. Em nosso artigo de 28 de junho de 2011, foi revelado como muitos operadores de scanner de corpo inteiro, de repente começaram a descobrir vários tumores cancerígenos em seus corpos. Naquele momento, o Centro de Informação de Privacidade Eletrônica obteve documentos que mostram como os trabalhadores da Administração de Segurança de Transporte ficaram doentes com câncer, doença cardíaca e vascular cerebral após ser exposto à radiação de scanners.

Este fato foi negado pelo DHS e TSA, da mesma forma que negam a ineficácia dos scanners para detectar objetos escondidos. O perigo de se tornar doente devido à radiação, em conjunto com a explícita violação da privacidade e da incapacidade demonstrada dos scanners para detectar objetos colados a um corpo humano, reforçou as chamadas das  organizações de direitos humanos para acabar com o uso de scanners assim como a presença de trabalhadores da TSA em postos de controle inconstitucionais nos aeroportos.

Como na maioria dos casos de fraude do governo, o DHS solicitou nova tecnologia para realizar buscas e apreensões ilegais de bens pessoais em 180 aeroportos em todo os Estados Unidos. Parece que mais de 700 scanners de corpo inteiro simplesmente não estão fazendo o trabalho como deveriam. O DHS já solicitou a DARPA pesquisar e criar uma nova geração de sistemas de imagens que são menores, mais precisos e menos propensos a ser adulterados.

Como muitos leitores devem se lembrar, o DHS jurou que as imagens dos passageiros não eram armazenadas após a conclusão de uma análise, mas o público mais tarde soube que os scanners realmente gravam imagens em computadores que estão conectados a eles. Trabalhadores da TSA foram descobertos usando imagens para fazer piadas sobre os passageiros. Mas as imagens não são apenas armazenadas. Os scanners sao equipados com a tecnologia para enviar imagens para um banco de dados. Na verdade, a TSA forçou os fabricantes a produzir scanners que tivessem a capacidade de armazenar e transmitir imagens.

Algumas semanas atrás, o DHS e DARPA anunciaram que os novos scanners terão dois objetivos principais. Primeiro, o que eles chamaram de “melhoria no uso do tempo na medição de pressão.” De acordo com as duas organizações, este aspecto será melhorado para poder recolher as imagens. Os scanners também serao mais leves e terão uma capacidade de detecção mais exata e confiável, eles disseram. Isso é como dizer, “Vamos violar os direitos de privacidade de maneira um pouco mais confortável.”

“A pesquisa busca usar novas formas de identificar os passageiros que agora usam os aparelhos convencionais de raios-X e sistemas de dupla projeção de energia Multi View”, explicaram.

O segundo objectivo consiste em tornar os chips de memória menos susceptíveis de ser adulterado. Os chips devem ter níveis elevados de funcionalidade a um custo inferior, enquanto consomem menos energia e são mais fiáveis. Isto significa que os viajantes serão despojados de seus direitos constitucionais com tecnologia que funciona em harmonia com a natureza. Os scanners devem ter “alta resistência ao desgaste.”

A chegada dos scanners de corpo inteiro veio depois que um suposto terrorista tentou detonar uma bomba — o famoso bombardeiro da cueca — em um avião para Detroit, Michigan. Este suposto plano terrorista era falso e por muitos considerado um evento de bandeira falsa para justificar a adoção dos scanners. Na verdade, o suposto terrorista foi mais tarde identificado como agente duplo da CIA, que foi assistido ao abordar o avião, mesmo sem ter seu passaporte. Kurt Haskell e sua esposa, que foram testemunhas a bordo do voo 253 da Northwest Airlines viram como Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab embarcou em Amsterdã.

Sobre o uso indiscriminado de scanners, a ACLU disse que as máquinas produzem “imagens notavelmente gráficas dos corpos dos passageiros, essencialmente tirando uma foto nua da pessoa.” Tanto o DHS quanto o TSA ignoraram perguntas sobre privacidade e segurança. Como muitos leitores sabem, os scanners de raios-X de retroespalhamento literalmente realizam uma “gravação virtual nua”, que só se justifica pela Constituição se os oficiais tem causa provável.

Tanto o DHS quanto DARPA se reunirão em 18 de setembro para discutir detalhes da próxima geração de scanners. A nova estratégia vai incluir tanto o registro ilegal de passageiros, bem como uma nova maneira de rastrear bagagens. Para este fim, a DARPA apresentará o seu programa de Medição de Informação Compresionada, um sistema criado “para obter mais informações dos passageiros.”

Darpa and Homeland Security working on Next Generation Airport Scanners

Forget about those old, defective, useless, dangerous airport body scanners in which governments spent millions of dollars.


It took how long?… Hmmm… Let’s see… 5 years for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS), the main pusher of full body scanners, to admit that its toy of choice is a defective, useless and dangerous piece of junk. We all knew that a while ago, of course, and so did they. The inaccuracy, ineffectiveness and negative health consequences of the use of body scanners has been proven in multiple occasions before, but the DHS waited until it could no longer hide the fraud, to show a slight interest to ‘improve’ the technology.

As we reported before, the people with more to lose due to the adoption of full body scanners were their operators, who have gotten seriously ill after working around the scanners for 5 or 10 years.  On our article from June 28, 2011, we unveiled how numerous body scanner operators suddenly began discovering multiple cancerous tumors in their bodies. Back then, the Electronic Privacy Information Center obtained documents that showed how Transportation Security Administration  workers got sick with cancer, heart disease and stroke after being exposed to the radiation from the scanners.

This fact was denied by the TSA and the DHS just as they denied the ineffectiveness of the scanners in detecting whatever they were meant to find. The danger of getting sick due to the radiation together with the explicit violation of privacy and the proven incapacity of the scanners to detect objects attached to a human body, reinforced calls from the public and human rights organizations to stop the use of the scanners and the presence of TSA workers at security checkpoints in airports.

As in most cases of government fraud, the DHS is now requesting new technology to conduct the illegal searches and seizures of personal belongings in 180 airports around the United States. It seems that the more than 700 full body scanners are simply not doing the job anymore. The DHS has now asked DARPA to look into a new generation of image generators that are smaller, more precise and less vulnerable to hacking.

As many readers remember, DHS swore that images of passengers were not stored after completing a scan, but the public later learned that the scanners did in fact collect the images in computers that were connected to them. TSA workers were found to use the images to crack jokes on passengers or look at anyone’s private parts. But not only did the scanners store the images, they also were fit with the technology to send those images to a database. In fact, the TSA had required to the manufacturers that all airport scanners had to be able to store and transmit images for “testing, training, and evaluation purposes.”

Last Monday, the DHS and DARPA announced that the coming scanners will try to accomplish two main objectives. First, what they defined as “real-time utilization of compressive measurement techniques.” According to both entities, this aspect will improve the collection of images. The scanners will also be less cumbersome and will have a more precise and reliable detection capacity, they said. So that is like saying, ‘we’ll make the violation of your privacy and constitutional rights a little bit more convenient.’

“The research seeks to identify novel signatures distinct from those typically employed in conventional X-ray tomography systems and multi-view dual energy projection scans,” they explained.

The second goal is to make memory chips less prone to being hacked into. The chips will need to have high-levels of functionality at a lower cost, while consuming less energy and more reliability. That means travelers will be stripped of their constitutional rights through the use of environmentally friendly technology. The scanners must have “extremely high-endurance, near unlimited wear for write, read, and erase cycles.”

The arrival of the full body scanners occurred after s supposed terrorist attempt to light up a bomb — the famous underwear bomber — on a plane going to Detroit, Michigan. This alleged terrorist plot was fake and by many considered a false-flag to help push the adoption of the scanners. In fact, the supposed bomber was later identified as a CIA double agent, who was helped into boarding the plane without having a passport. Kurt Haskell and his wife, who were witnesses on board Northwest Airlines Flight 253 saw Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab at the boarding gate in Amsterdam.

Regarding the use of the scanners to indiscriminately screen passengers, the ACLU said that the machines produce “strikingly graphic images of passengers’ bodies, essentially taking a naked picture.” Both the DHS and the TSA ignored the questions about privacy and safety. As many readers are aware, the Backscatter X-ray scanners literally carry out a “virtual strip search,” which is only warranted by the Constitution if the agents have probable cause.

Both DHS and DARPA will meet on September 18 to discuss further details about the next generation of scanners. The new strategy will include both the search of passengers as well as a new way to check baggage. For this, DARPA is expected to present his Knowledge Enhanced Compressive Measurement program, a system created “to gather even more and better quality information.”

How do you create a Prison? You Turn the Lights Off


As it is often explained, the success of a control grid relies not on the force it utilizes to impose or manage such control, but on the successful application of measures to gain unlimited control. What happens when you put a live frog in a pot with water that is boiled slowly, under low fire? Nothing. The frog won’t realize it is being cooked for dinner until it’s too late, until its flesh has begun to burn. The heat increases so slowly that the frog is unable to notice. The boiling water is similar to the system that globalists used for the past century to make people comfortable with rather adverse situations. The heat has been accumulating over the decades and we never realized we were that unsuspecting frog.

The desire to control doesn’t always come with rigid rules that violently impose a decision. The use of brute force is a tool of the past. Control is acquired over time, with lots of patience and by using a technique called Incrementalism. In the past, when men where freer no one questioned whether there was a need to keep freedom from being limited or eradicated, so a group of very smart powerful men decided to take advantage of the lack of vigilance and began creating a gigantic cooking pot to put us all into it and turned on the fire. Then, they began implementing a set of policies thought of and perfected many years before, and the passage and acceptance of those policies began raising the fire little by little. Every so often, a new level of control was achieved, which inversely meant less freedom for all of us. But that new level of lesser freedom wasn’t noticed by most people and it rapidly became the ‘new normal’. This scenario repeated itself over decades and brought us where we are today.

The frogs are almost completely boiled and proportionally only a few of them have noticed that their bodies are burning. Many of those awaken frogs chose to do something about it, but most frogs were still asleep. In the last decade, more frogs have waken up and now there are frogs all over the world slapping others on the face to show them that bubbles began to form under the water and those bubbles are already coming up to the surface. The courageous frogs have even dared to show the sleeping frogs the burn marks on their skin. But since the burning feeling has been the ‘new normal’ for a while, the unsuspecting sleepy frogs don’t think it is a problem to have burning marks on the skin. In fact, those frogs think the others who are warning them are crazy, because they complain about the burning, so they just go back to sleep while their skins continue to get redder and redder. For those frogs, perhaps it is too late. Other frogs have already been fully cooked, mentally and physically.

How did the powerful men managed to build those cooking pots around us, turn on the fire and let us cook without any major opposition? They raised the fire very slowly, kept us distracted and believing we were all as free as our ancestors were and even more important, taught us not to think about whether we were still free or not, or if we had lost any freedom, rights or privileges. Today, those cooking pots resemble not only the world, but the country we live in, the city, the neighborhood, the street where we grew up on.

The industrial era brought about development and that development allowed people to achieve a great degree of comfort and progress. But that state of affairs did not occur randomly; it was all calculated. For anyone who read history, it may be easier to understand the analogy of the boiling frog and how it all plays out from now on. Industrialization didn’t only bring progress and comfort, it also brought a lifestyle and that in turn resulted in previously thought out standards of living. People went from been free in their houses and farms, producing their food and enjoying family life and self-sufficiency to getting dragged into highly polluted concrete and steel prisons which became modern and trendy, so everyone wanted to live there. They were then given trinkets and technology, fashion and glamour to make sure they stayed inside the cities, even when that supposed higher standard of living suffered and decayed over the years under pressure because of large agglomerations, traffic and contamination. People thought they came to the cities to be better, because it would open the door to more opportunity. That is where all the trendies lived, wasn’t it? But that was not the plan.

The original plan was to make people like their misery, which at first looked like heaven. People had not come to the cities to live, they had come to work under tightly controlled rules. They arrived to the cities as part of a large experiment that if successful would allow the globalists to not only have people work for them, but to enjoy their slavery. And it worked. Most of the frogs are half-way cooked and they are loving it. A minority of the frogs that managed to wake up are adapting and preparing. The smarter ones already left the cooking pot by jumping out of it. They left the ‘reservation’ to go back to free lawn, the open backyard where they once lived, where their ancestors spent their lives, which is where they were all meant to be. As for the rest of the frogs, they will stay in the ‘reservation’; some of them fighting the boiling water while others continue to cook away.

Meanwhile, the globalist plan to keep us all in the prison cities continues. When people try to wake up and look around for signs of the prison in the highly dense cities, they don’t see it. They are looking for cell bars, barb wire and high fences. When someone says that there are concentration camps being built, people look around again in hopes of noticing the large open spaces with the guard towers, the loud speakers and the train tracks next to them. Again, they failed to see that the prison is their homes, their streets, their neighborhoods and ultimately, their city. The powerful men who decades or centuries ago sought to attract free people into their highly advanced, good looking prison cities achieved their goal to such extent that people can’t even see they live in them. So the system that is in place and the men that are in control of it decided that it is time to turn the clock back, as they had carefully planned. The cities people got used to love are now devolving and becoming what they were supposed to be: PRISONS.

Is it not easier to control people when they are tightly packed in densely populated areas? All you have to do is close the access to those cities in order to get control of who and what comes in and goes out. How does anyone transform New York into a prison? It is as simple as closing the tunnels and bridges. How do the controllers train for that? You take advantage of ‘emergencies’ to implement the plans and practice for the closings as it happened on 9/11. How do you close the Washington DC metro area? By doing the same thing. But how about larger cities that due to their landscape or geographic layout are harder to close and control or cities that emerged back in the days of the industrial revolution where big factories and assembly lines attracted and employed countryside folks for decades? Well, you start by destroying their economies by paying the factories and assembly lines to leave. That will cause massive unemployment and people will have to depend on the government to live, feed themselves and have a place to call home. Then, when most people are in that condition, you start packing them up tighter and tighter areas by decreasing or eliminating services until everyone lives in a smaller, more easily controllable section of the once booming metropolis. Then you turn the lights off.

This is where many cities in the United States are right now. Perhaps the most deplorable of all of them is Detroit. A recent article by Bloomberg demonstrates that the globalist plan is well under way. According to the article, 139 squared miles of the city has 60 percent less people than back in 1950. Many areas have turned into decaying slums with no power or life, because many if not all people have left to parts of the city where it is safer to live. Other facts provided by Bloomberg are eye opening as well. For example, 88,000 streetlights are broken and they are not close to being fixed, because the city doesn’t have any money to do so. Residents of Detroit are now afraid to walk outside even during the early hours of the evening. The only solution that gained steam for Detroit was reducing the areas where people live. In other words, concentrating city dwellers in tighter places. Sounds familiar? “You have to identify those neighborhoods where you want to concentrate your population. We’re not going to light distressed areas like we light other areas,” said Chris Brown, Detroit’s Chief Operating Officer. But Detroit isn’t the only city that is turning into a dungeon.

In fact, the problem isn’t about a city or a few cities that are facing economic trouble and as a consequence are boxing their residents into smaller areas. Complete states like Illinois, California and Massachusetts are struggling to keep conventional life going. The lack of funds to finance a city or a state isn’t a casualty of the bad economic times we’re facing though. That part was also planned. Cities and states hide and mal invest taxpayer monies by having a double set of books known as the Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports. One set of books is for public consumption and the other is to manage the real finances, the money that is taken away or that disappears into black wholes, pet projects and nonexistent investments. The consequences of corruption at all levels is bad services, insecurity and poverty, which to many frogs (people) is the only possible option, so they decide to stay in the cooking pot (city). Those who have options leave to other cities or states, but the majority stays. Later, basic services such as police, fire departments, paramedics, water and electricity are made available to only a few areas, because it is too dangerous to send public servants to cesspit looking neighborhoods.

The plan Detroit has, according to Bloomberg is to “rethink the city” in order to reorganize it or reconfigure it with areas defined as residential, business, green spaces and agricultural. Much attention to the last area. Having agriculture in a city is not necessarily good. Food will be closer, but it also means people won’t even need to leave the tight areas they live in to get their food. Is this convenient or perhaps another ‘new normal’? Who will control the flow of food in a mainly government-sponsored prison city? Are dark streets and unsafe neighborhoods the new normal? How is it that globalists manage to destroy countries, their economies, their way of life and they are not called terrorists? Well, they did it incrementally. What will the future bring? Nothing better unfortunately, unless the rest of the frogs wake up immediately.

Detroit’s plan will not work, because it isn’t supposed to work. California’s plan will not work. Illinois’ plan will not work. And ff people in the prison cities open their eyes and feel the burning the globalists also have a plan for it. Police and Army on the streets will comfortably take care of it. They will do whatever it takes maintain control on behalf of their bosses. Mexican, Canadian, Colombian and Ukranian troops will join together to kill and destroy. With California reaching 36 percent unemployment and Washington DC almost 52 percent, it is hard to see how these and other states in similar condition will get any better. Right now, South Carolina’s unemployment is 31.2%, Rhode Island 29.8%, Washington 29.0%, Arizona 29.0%
Nevada 28.8%, Idaho 28.4%, North Carolina 28.2%, Missouri 27.7% and Louisiana 27.6%. Can it get any worse than this. Sure, and it will.

In the meantime, the US government has approved the National Defense Authorization Act, that allows the government to kill anyone it deems a threat to national security. They’ve almost banned free speech and public protest. The TSA are patting people down on major highways. The Army is on the road checking cars illegally. The government uses sound canyons against the public as the police isolates globalist gatherings in the very same cities.

Welcome to 1984.

In the US government decides what your children eat

by Mike Adams
Natural News
February 15, 2012

First it was the TSA searching your underpants at the airport, claiming to be protecting you from “terrorists.” Now a local elementary school in North Carolina issearching the homemade lunches of schoolchildren with the goal of forcing children to ditch their nutritious, home-made meals and learn to consume pasteurized, homogenized USDA-approved cow’s milk and chemically-laced processed meats that promote cancer.

This is what happened, as reported in theCarolina Journalyesterday:

“A preschooler at West Hoke Elementary School ate three chicken nuggets for lunch Jan. 30 because a state employee told her the lunch her mother packed was not nutritious.”(1)

The paper goes on to report:

“The girl’s turkey and cheese sandwich, banana, potato chips, and apple juice did not meet U.S. Department of Agriculture guidelines, according to the interpretation of the agent who was inspecting all lunch boxes in her More at Four classroom that day.”

Hold on a sec there, partner. There are AGENTS inspecting lunch boxes of schoolchildren?

You thought the TSA was bad? Get ready for school lunch pat-downs!

That’s the first highly disturbing part of this entire story. See, the corrupt state is trying to take over everything, including the American family. Telling little Johnny that his mom packed an “inferior” lunch is one way of teaching children that they should worship the state instead of their parents. It’s entirely consistent with the actions of pathetic child health sellouts such as California Governor Jerry Brown who recently signed a law giving 12-year-old children the right to “consent” to being injected with Gardasil vaccines as long as they don’t tell their parents. (2)

Parents are useless. The state is God.Write that down, boys and girls, as you’ll be tested on it later. And please don’t tell all the TSA perverts that new jobs are opening up involvingsearching the sacks of elementary schoolchildren, or they’ll quit the TSA in droves and line up to be part of anything that might involve touching little children (3).

In North Carolina, the homemade school lunches that don’t meet USDA guidelines are then “enhanced” with what the state calls the “missing items” (the processed meat laced with chemicals, or the dead, pasteurized milk, produced with Bovine Growth Hormones). Parents are thenbilled(fined) for the additional cost of these “missing” items.

In other words,the state is forcing parents to buy cancer-causing processed foodsand feed them to their children!

“What got me so mad,” said the girl’s mother, as reported in CarolinaJournal.com, “…is, number one, don’t tell my kid I’m not packing her lunch box properly. I pack her lunchbox according to what she eats. It always consists of a fruit. It never consists of a vegetable. She eats vegetables at home because I have to watch her because she doesn’t really care for vegetables.” (4)

But the other truly disturbing part about all this is that the “official” USDA-approved nutritional requirements for children are nothing more than a total sellout to the corrupt dairy industry! Here, drink pasteurized, homogenized, hormone-produced milk which will probably make the girls hit puberty at age 9 while causing the little boys to grow armpit hair before they’re old enough to tie their own shoelaces.

Read Full Article…

Operadores de Scanners de Aeroportos sofrem de Câncer

Por Luis R. Miranda
The Real Agenda
28 de junho de 2011

Levou apenas alguns anos para que as conseqüências da exposição continuada à radiação do scanners foram reveladas. Os operadores de scanner aos que muitos passageiros estão sujeitos antes de embarcar um avião, encontraram flocos cancerígenos em seus corpos após apenas uma década ou menos de trabalhar com estas máquinas. A descoberta dessas informações foi realizada após que o Centro de Informação para a Privacidade Eletrônica publicou documentos mostrando como os trabalhadores do aeroporto estavam doentes com câncer, problemas cardíacos e tinham sofrido derrames. Estes documentos foram obtidos através de um pedido sub a Ley de Liberdade de Informação.

Em vez de fornecer os trabalhadores com assistência médica adequada e realizado avaliações das máquinas para verificar sua segurança, a Agência de Segurança Aeroportuaria (TSA), tentou manter o assunto em segredo para evitar uma oposição ainda maior contra os scanners instalados em muitos aeroportos os EUA e do mundo. A proximidade e a exposição continua à radiação causaram as doenças em vários operadores que operam os scanners desde 2003, fazendo com que, hoje, sofram problemas de saúde irreversíveis.

Mesmo quando os funcionários e supervisores freqüentemente pediram medidores de radiação para avaliar realisticamente a quantidade de radiação à que eles estavam expostos, o TSA não atendeu as solicitações. Alem disso, a TSA não tinha avaliado os scanners para determinar a segurança ou insegurança deles. Embora a secretária de Segurança Nacional, Janet Napolitano, disse várias vezes que as máquinas eram seguras, a verdade é que um estudo citado pela TSA e Segurança Nacional era falso. O estudo de acordo com Napolitano havia sido feito pelo Instituto Nacional de Padrões e Tecnologia (NIST), mas este nunca ocorreu. NIST lançou recentemente uma aclaração e disse que o Instituto Nacional de Padrões e Tecnologia nunca realizou testes de segurança em scanners de corpo inteiro.

Aparentemente, o alarme sobre o câncer começou quando um diretor federal de segurança em Boston Logan International Airport, disse que estavam preocupados sobre o número de trabalhadores com diagnóstico de câncer. Em um e-mail com o assunto: “O câncer de Boston + Riscos de Radiação para a Saúde e preocupações de segurança”, o diretor mais uma vez implorou para receber os dispositivos de monitoramento radiológico que havia solicitado em várias ocasiões. No mesmo e-mail sublinha a sua preocupação e a de muitos outros trabalhadores sobre “o número de operadores diagnosticado com câncer” e “a preocupação nossa que TSA tem monitorado erradamente a ameaça que eles enfrentam a os operadores e os trabalhadores que monitoram a bagagem dos passageiros. “

Alguns trabalhadores da TSA estavam preocupados com a exposição à radiação nos últimos meses, alegando que o TSA em si não tinha compartilhado as suas conclusões sobre a segurança de exposição à radiação. De acordo com Infowars.com o Dr. David Brenner, da Universidade Columbia descobriu que “os scanners corporais provavelmente conduzirám a um aumento de um tipo comum de câncer de pele chamado carcinoma basocelular, que afeta a cabeça e pescoço. ” Além disso, Dr. Michael Love, do Departamento de Biofísica e Química Biofísica da Universidade Johns Hopkins, disse publicamente que “estatísticamente alguém vai ter câncer de pele da radiação emitida por essas máquinas. “

“Não há realmente nenhuma outra tecnologia que podemos usar com raios-X que não contamine um grande número de pessoas. É realmente sem precedentes no mundo da radiação “, diz Brenner. Enquanto os cientistas e a mídia alternativa alertaram sobre os perigos dos scanners, o governo dos EUA diz que as máquinas eram seguras.

Muitos professores de ciências e outros cientistas alertaram o governo sobre a pouca ou nenhuma pesquisa existe sobre a segurança dos scanners. Alguns sugeriram que deveria haver formas de alcançar os mesmos objetivos que o governo tinha, sem prejuízo para os trabalhadores e passageiros. “Ainda não há dados concretos, claros, para determinar a segurança dos scanners utilizados nos aeroportos”, disse um grupo de professores da Universidade da Califórnia, observando que os testes só foram feitos pelos fabricantes dos scanners.

Vale lembrar que a mesma tecnologia está sendo implantada pelos governos e suas agências de segurança nacional em lugares como estádios, postos de controle, e, em tamanhos menores nos tribunais, shoppings e até mesmo algumas escolas.

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Togel resmi adalah langkah penting bagi para penggemar togel yang ingin menikmati permainan dengan aman dan terpercaya. Tahun 2024 menawarkan berbagai kesempatan menarik, termasuk hadiah 4D sebesar 10 juta rupiah yang bisa Anda menangkan. Anda perlu mendaftar akun di Daftar Togel yang menawarkan hadiah tersebut. Proses pendaftaran biasanya sederhana dan melibatkan pengisian formulir dengan informasi pribadi Anda serta verifikasi data untuk memastikan keamanan transaksi. Setelah akun Anda selasai terdaftar, Anda dapat berpartisipasi dalam berbagai permainan togel berbagai fitur yang disediakan oleh situs togel terbesar.

Bermain di Link Togel memungkinkan Anda memasang taruhan dengan minimal 100 perak, sehingga semua kalangan bisa ikut serta. Meskipun taruhan rendah, Anda tetap bisa memenangkan hadiah besar dan mendapatkan bonus. Untuk mulai bermain, Anda harus mendaftar terlebih dahulu.

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