Anticorpos Induzidos por Vacinas são Desnecessários para Combater Doença


Historicamente, o estabelecimento médico-farmacêutico promoveram vacinas como a solução milagrosa para todos os problemas de saúde que os seres humanos enfrentam. Casas farmacêuticas concluiram que as vacinas eram necessárias porque o corpo necessita delas para construir anticorpos para combater doenças e que as vacinas eram a melhor ferramenta para garantir que o sistema imunológico humano tivesse a capacidade de produzir estes anticorpos. No entanto, as vacinas são coqueteis ineficazes e tóxicos de metais pesados e vírus vivos, que não só nao previnem doenças mas que as causam.

Inúmeros estudos — por favor, faça sua própria investigação — têm mostrado a ligação entre ingredientes das vacinas, como o mercúrio, o esqualeno, adjuvantes e condições médicas, como o autismo, câncer, condições do sistema nervoso, danos ao cérebro, e assim por diante. Os profissionais médicos como Russell Blaylock e Andrew Wakefield tem falado interminavelmente sobre os perigos das vacinas — devido a forma em que são produzidas — para a saúde humana. Mas apesar dos inúmeros estudos e avisos de profissionais médicos, autoridades de saúde e empresas farmacêuticas sempre trabalharam em conjunto para impor regras — não leis — que todos devem ser vacinados para seu próprio bem.

Enquanto a maioria das políticas oficiais do governo indicam que as vacinas são devidamente testadas e continuamente monitoradas pelos seus possíveis efeitos colaterais e reações, a maioria das vacinas são testadas e monitoradas apenas pelos produtores destas vacinas, que enviam seus resultados para as autoridades “vigilantes”. Estas autoridades permitem aos fabricantes a liberdade de produzir vacinas em massa, que mais tarde são recomendadas e acrescentadas à lista cada vez maior de vacinas, especialmente crianças, que são injetadas desde o nascimento.

Só que agora há um problema, um problema novo para o cartel médico-farmacêutico: O corpo humano não necessita de anticorpos induzidos pelas vacinas para combater doenças, vírus, bactérias ou outros agentes patogénicos. O nosso sistema imunológico na verdade, tem a capacidade de produzir anticorpos naturais que por sua vez, funcionam como defesas contra as doenças. O sistema imunológico humano é composto de características originais e outros que são fabricados pelo organismo — criado depois que uma pessoa nasce e cresce — que trabalham juntos para manter o corpo a salvo de doenças sem a necessidade de produtos artificiais criados em laboratórios. Isto pode vir como uma surpresa para muitos, mas não para outros indivíduos que estão bem informados sobre como evitar e curar doenças.

A pseudociencia usada para implementar as políticas de vacinação diz que quando uma pessoa é injectada com uma vacina, o sistema imunológico responde aos ingredientes da vacina como se fosse um ataque real a partir de um vírus ou outro agente patogénico. O corpo responde a este suposto ataque, criando anticorpos para tratá-lo. No futuro, se o vírus ou o organismo ataca a pessoa novamente, o sistema imunológico sabe como reagir e se defender do ataque. Isso é explicado como se o sistema imunológico “aprendesse” como agir em caso de uma infecção. O problema é que o suposto “aprender” para combater a doença é algo que o corpo já sabe como fazê-lo; é uma habilidade natural, como é sua capacidade de produzir anticorpos. O que a reação induzida pela vacina realmente faz é alterar a resposta natural do sistema imunitário humano que por sua vez prejudica o sistema imunológico, porque ao longo do tempo, o corpo não pode responder a outros vírus ou organismos que podem causar doenças mais do que aquelas injectadas através de uma vacina. Este é o caso com a gripe comum.

O vírus da influenza é um organismo que está sempre mudando, nunca é o mesmo. Quando as pessoas injetadas com a vacina contra a gripe comum que contem a cepa do ano passado, elas acham que estarão protegidos, mas a nova cepa não tem nenhum problema para entrar num sistema imunológico degradado  que não é apenas indefeso contra ela, mas também incapaz de lidar com a nova versão do vírus em si.

Este é o momento onde o estudo publicado na revista Immunity confirma nossas suspeitas. O estudo mostra que anticorpos induzidos pela vacina são incapazes de combater doenças por si sós, uma característica que só ocorre naturalmente em anticorpos produzidos pelo nosso sistema imunológico. Este é o fato que absolutamente quebra o mito de que as vacinas são necessárias para manter as pessoas livres de vírus ou bactérias que podem causar doenças. Como em muitos outros casos, a teoria científica alegada é apenas isso, uma teoria. Como mencionado no estudo, as vacinas não ajudam a prevenir ou combater infecçoes. “Nossos resultados contradizem a visão atual de que os anticorpos criados em resposta às vacinas são absolutamente necessários para sobreviver a infecções com vírus como o VSV (vírus da estomatite vesicular), e estabelecer uma função inesperada para as células B como guardiões de macrófagos na imunidade antiviral “, diz Dr. H. von Andrian Uldrich Harvard University Medical School.

Dr. von Andrian acrescentou que “é importante dissecar o papel dos anticorpos e interferon na imunidade contra vírus similares, que atacam o sistema nervoso, tais como raiva, vírus do Nilo Ocidental e Encefalite.”

Então, se as vacinas não funcionam como anunciadas pelas grandes empresas farmacêuticas, e se são prejudiciais para o sistema imunológico natural, porque as agências governamentais sempre recomendam que todos usemos tais vacinas? De acordo com o neurocirurgião Russell Blaylock, as vacinas suprimem o sistema imunológico sendo que este não pode produzir citocinas de tipo Th2 e também suprimem a imunidade celular. O resultado é um enfraquecimento do sistema imunológico que resulta em um corpo fraco que é mais vulnerável às doenças, e que também faz com que o corpo leve mais tempo para se recuperar. O que os resultados deste estudo representam é o prego final no caixão da pseudociência das vacinas. As vacinas foram — segundo os cientistas — a melhor invenção desde o advento da roda, para tornaran-se um mal perigoso, mas necessário, e agora são um método ineficaz para combater doenças.

“Incrivelmente, nunca houveram estudos controlados comparando uma população de pacientes vacinados contra outro grupo de pacientes não vacinados,” diz o Dr. Phillip Incao. A crítica do Dr. Incao é suportada por muitos médicos independentes como o Harold Buttram. “Não houve nenhum estudo desta natureza, e, aparentemente, nunca foi tentado”, diz Dr. Buttram.

Além das informações acima, é importante dizer que a vacinação obrigatória atual — não há lei que obrigue ninguém a usar uma vacina — em quase todos os países violam o Código de Nuremberg, o conjunto de regras que todos os profissionais da medicina devem seguir, quando se trata da utilização de vacinas. De acordo com o Sistema de Informação de Efeitos Adversos Causados por Vacinas (VAERS), existem pelo menos 2.142 mortes confirmadas e 3.177 pessoas portadoras de deficiências permanentes entre 1991 e 2001, que foram causadas por vacinas. Veja a pagina Vigilância após a Imunização. Mas, na realidade, as estatísticas globais mostram que as conseqüências são muito piores. As mortes são entre 21,420 a 142.800 mortes, se considerarmos que apenas 1,5 a 10% de eventos adversos são relatados.

Segundo o Instituto Mundial das Vacinas, estas são responsáveis por causar doenças como a AIDS, Câncer, Diabetes, Audição e perda de visão, hepatite B, MMR, caxumba, poliomielite, rubéola e autismo, sem que ninguém jamais demonstrasse que uma vacina curou ou ajudou a tratar nenhuma doença.

Se você está curioso para saber quais são alguns dos ingredientes utilizados na produção de vacinas — muitos dos que se acumulam em seu corpo — por favor, seja corajoso e veja a lista fornecida pela CDC.

As vacinas nunca ajudaram a reduzir a incidência de nenhuma doença, muito menos a cura-las. Veja os gráficos abaixo que demonstram como as vacinas sempre foram usadas DEPOIS que as doenças começaram a desaparecer o qual foi usado para justificar o seu uso.

Você pode compartilhar nosso conteúdo original, desde que respeite a nossa política de direitos autorais, conforme mostrado em nosso rodapé. Por favor, não corte os artigos de The Real Agenda para redistribuir por e-mail ou na Internet se você não cumpre com as nossas políticas de direitos de autor.

Vaccine-Induced Antibodies not Necessary to Fight Viruses


Historically, the medical-pharmaceutical establishment have pushed vaccines as the miraculous solution for every single health problem that humans face. The pharmaceutical power houses came to the conclusion that vaccines were necessary because the body needed to build antibodies in order to fight disease and that vaccines were the best tool to ensure that the human immune system would have the capacity to produce such antibodies. As we already know, vaccines are at the very least ineffective, toxic cocktails of heavy metals and live viruses that not only don’t prevent disease, but that actually cause it.

Countless studies — please do your own research — have shown the relationship between vaccine ingredients such as mercury, squalene, adjuvants and medical conditions such as autism, cancer, conditions of the nervous system, brain injury, and so on. Medical professionals like Rossell Blaylock and Andrew Wakefield have spoken endlessly about the dangers that vaccines pose — as they are now produced and administered — to human health. But despite the numerous studies and warnings from uncompromised medical professionals, health authorities and pharmaceutical companies have always worked in unison to impose a criminal standard that everyone must be vaccinated for their own good.

Although most official government policies indicate that vaccines are properly tested and continuously monitored for side effects and reactions, most of those vaccines are tested and monitored by the vaccine producer, who then sends its findings to the “vigilant authorities”. These authorities then give the makers thumbs up to mass produce it and later recommend it and add it to the ever growing number of inoculations that people, especially children, must take from birth.

There is only one problem; a new problem, for the medical-pharmaceutical cartel: The Human body does not need vaccine produced antibodies to fight disease such as viruses, bacteria or other pathogens. Our human immune system actually has the capacity to produce natural antibodies which then work as defenses against disease. The human immune system is composed by original and constructed elements — created after a person is born and grows up — that work together to keep the body safe from illnesses without the need for artificially, lab-made products. This may come as a surprise to many, but it is not new for others who freely and independently educate themselves about ways to prevent and cure disease.

Current official vaccine science establishes that when a person is injected with a vaccine, the ingredients in it cause the body to respond to the vaccine as if it were a real attack from a virus or any other pathogen. The body then responds to this supposed attack by creating antibodies to deal with it. In the future, if the virus or organism attacks the person again, the immune system will know how to react and defend from the attack. This is explained as the immune system “learning” how to act in case of an infection. The problem is that “learning” how to fight disease is something the body already knows how to do, it is a natural ability, as so is its capacity to produce antibodies. What vaccine-induced antibody creation does is actually alter the natural response the human immune system has which in fact impairs the body to react to a disease that is not exactly the same as the one injected in our body through a vaccine. This is the case if the seasonal flu.

The flu virus is, due to the use of vaccines — an ever morphing organism that is NEVER the same. When people inject themselves with the seasonal flu vaccine that contains last year’s strain of the virus, the new strain does not have any problem penetrating a degrade immune system that is not only defenseless against it, but also incapable of dealing with the new version of the virus by itself.

This is where the study published in the Journal Immunity comes in handy. The study shows that vaccine induced antibodies are not able to fight disease by themselves, a feature that is only present in naturally occurring antibodies generated by our immune system. This is the fact that absolutely debunks the myth that vaccines are necessary to remain free of pesky viruses and bacteria that may cause disease. As in many other cases, the supposed scientific theory is just that; theory. As cited by the study, vaccines do not help prevent or combat infections. “Our findings contradict the current view that antibodies are absolutely required to survive infection with viruses like VSV (vesicular stomatitis virus), and establish an unexpected function for B cells as custodians of macrophages in antiviral immunity,” says Dr. Uldrich H. von Andrian from Harvard Medical School.

Dr. von Andrian added that “It will be important to further dissect the role of antibodies and interferons in immunity against similar viruses that attack the nervous system, such as rabies, West Nile virus, and Encephalitis.”

So if vaccines do not work as the pharmaceutical power houses advertise and if they impair the natural immune system from actually fighting disease, why are government agencies always recommending that we all use them? According to brain surgeon Russell Blaylock, vaccines inhibit the immune system from producing TH2-type cytokines on top of suppressing cellular immunity. The result of a weakened, useless immune system is a weaker human body that will not only be more vulnerable to get sick, but that will also take longer to recover, if it does. What the results of this study represent is the last nail in the coffin of vaccine pseudoscience. Vaccines have gone from being the best invention since the appearance of the wheel, to becoming a dangerous but necessary evil, to an ineffective method to fight disease.

Incredible as it sounds, such a common-sense controlled study comparing vaccinated to unvaccinated children has never been done in America for any vaccination,” says Dr. Phillip Incao MD. Dr. Incao is backed by many independent medical professionals, such as doctor Harold Buttram. There have never been any studies of this nature, and apparently none have been attempted,” says Dr. Buttram MD.

In addition to the information above, it is important to say that the current mandatory vaccination systems — there is no law that legally obligates anyone to take a vaccine — in almost all countries violate the  Nuremberg Code, the set of rules that all medical professional must follow, but that few implement when dealing with the use of vaccines.According to the Vaccine Adverse Reporting Systems (VAERS), there were  at least 2,142, confirmed deaths and 3,177 people permanently disabled from 1991-2001 from vaccinations. See Surveillance for Safety After Immunization. But in actuality, complete statistics show that the consequences are significantly worse. Deaths amount to between 21,420 – 142,800 deaths if one takes into account that only 1.5-10% of adverse events are reported.

According to the Global Vaccine Institute, vaccinations are responsible for causing disease such as AIDS, Cancer, Diabetes, Hearing/Vision Loss, Hepatitis B, MMR, Mumps, Polio, Rubella and Autism, without anyone ever demonstrating that a single vaccine cured any existing disease.

If you are curious to learn what are some of the ingredients used in the production of vaccines — many of which make their way into your body — please be courageous and see the list provided by the CDC here.

Vaccines NEVER helped decrease the incidence of any disease, much less to cure anyone.


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Alimentos Modificados Genéticamente – ¿Envenenando Nuestra Gente?

Traducción Luis R. Miranda
Junio 9, 2011


Uno de los más extensos experimentos no regulados en seres humanos se está llevando a cabo aquí en África del Sur. Los sudafricanos fueron los primeros en el mundo en consumir alimentos genéticamente modificados (OGM)como parte de su dieta. Según fuentes de la industria más del 75% de nuestro maíz blanco es ahora GM. Esto significa que la papilla consumida a diario en la mayoría de los hogares de Sudáfrica está compuesto de maíz genéticamente modificado.

La afirmación de la industria que nadie se ha enfermado después de ingerir alimentos modificados genéticamente es científicamente deshonesta. Se basa en el principio de “si no miras, no encuentras”. Debido a que los alimentos modificados genéticamente no están claramente identificados a través de un etiquetado claro, es muy imposible saber qué enfermedades están relacionadas con el consumo del producto.

Se dice que estos alimentos han sido probados y son seguros. Al mismo tiempo, los productores de transgénicos afirman que sus productos son “sustancialmente equivalentes” – idénticos a sus contra partes naturales. Como tales, no requieren pruebas. Cuando las pruebas se ha hecho han sido presas de las mismas trampas que han afectado las pruebas de toxicología hechas a productos químicos durante décadas. No es sorprendente que las empresas que producen OGM, sin excepción han evolucionado a partir de las empresas químicas agrícolas, infames en su abuso de los protocolos estadísticos y experimentales.

La mayoría de las pruebas se han realizado en los alimentos y presentado por las mismas compañías que buscan su aprobación. El diseño de estas pruebas ha sido opaco y engañoso. Las investigaciones han demostrado que los resultados han sido sistemáticamente manipulados y sesgados. Dice la epidemióloga Judy Carman: “Su enfoque conjunto para el análisis no sería útil para una clase de estadística básica.”

Los primeros análisis de todos los estudios de alimentación encuentran exactamente tres experimentos. Aún estas pruebas muestran tendencias preocupantes. Más reciente meta-análisis han reforzado estas preocupaciones. Un hallazgo consistente ha sido el daño al hígado y los riñones. Cabe destacar que el hígado y la enfermedad renal han aumentado desde que los cultivos transgénicos se introdujeron en los EE.UU..

Lo notable es que cuando los investigadores empleados o conectados a los desarrolladores de los alimentos GM hicieron estudios, no se reportaron problemas. Por otra parte, estudios realizados por científicos independientes siempre motivan su preocupación. Un análisis publicado recientemente puso de relieve esta tendencia. Esta relación es común en los análisis de otros productos químicos y alimentos.

Más preocupante aún es el hecho de que los estudios de alimentación fueron hechos a muy corto plazo, con no más de tres meses. Fundamentalmente, ninguno de ellos utiliza más de un tercio de los productos transgénicos en la dieta. En el sur de África, comemos maíz transgénico no identificado como un alimento básico en niveles que en muchos casos puede alcanzar el 100% de la dieta. La pregunta es: Si el daño es preocupante y está estadísticamente demostrado que los riñones, el hígado y otros órganos son destruídos cuando los animales son alimentados con un tercio de su dieta con productos modificados genéticamente, en estudios de una duración de tres meses, entonces ¿qué diablos va a pasar con aquellos de nosotros que comemos una dieta que es predominantemente a base de maíz GM, todos los días durante años?

Esto no es nada menos que un experimento masivo no regulado. Para empeorar las cosas este experimento no se lleva a cabo en una población sana, sino en una cuya salud está doblemente comprometida: en primer lugar, las personas no comen una dieta lo suficientemente variada. En segundo lugar, tenemos el mayor número de habitantes con VIH, SIDA e infecciones de tuberculosis en el mundo.

Hay muchos otros estudios que han señalado los problemas del consumo de los cultivos transgénicos, incluso a niveles reducidos de una tercera parte de la dieta total. Los estudios han demostrado menor recuento de espermatozoides y esterilidad. Los investigadores han pedido constantemente para que se siga investigando. Todo lo que la industria de los transgénicos hace es lo de siempre; intentar salirse con la suya.

Esta situación escandalosa cuenta con la asistencia de nuestra mala regulación de los alimentos modificados genéticamente que sólo se identificarán a finales de este año. En otras palabras, las personas han estado comiendo alimentos GM en la ignorancia total de los hechos. Hasta el momento, no hay una prueba independiente, llevada a cabo durante generaciones sobre como la dieta de varias de las personas se ve afectada al consumir alimentos GM. Esto equivale a poco menos que negligencia criminal por parte de nuestro gobierno, que siempre ha hecho caso omiso de estas preocupaciones, y en lugar ha tomado el lado de una industria con una trayectoria muy defectuosa.

Por supuesto esta industria insiste en que la Unión Europea y otros han producido informes que demuestran que los cultivos transgénicos no tienen ningún riesgo para la salud. El hecho es que los reguladores de la UE se han basado en exactamente las mismas pruebas producidas por la propia industria. En segundo lugar, la influencia de la industria en el régimen normativo es significativo. Esta industria tiene no sólo los reguladores habitualmente mal informados, a través de pruebas con el suministro de datos estadísticos sesgados, pero siempre ha interferido en el régimen de reglamentación.
Por ejemplo, la normativa que regula los cultivos transgénicos en los EE.UU. fue redactada por el ex jefe de asuntos reguladores de Monsanto, Michael Taylor, quien dejó la empresa Monsanto para trabajar en el gobierno con el fin de elaborar una legislación favorable a la industria. Luego regresó a Monsanto. Desde entonces, ha vuelto al gobierno, en lo que se conoce como “la puerta giratoria”. Esto no es en absoluto un caso aislado y una situación similar existe en el sur de África.

Esta es sólo la punta del iceberg. Hay casos documentados de como la industria restringe y prohíbe las pruebas independientes de sus productos. Esto es posible debido a que estos productos están patentados se necesita permiso de las empresas para accesar diversos aspectos cruciales de e información en las pruebas científicas, el cual es siempre negado.

No se trata sólo de los peligros inherentes de los cultivos transgénicos. El producto GM más cultivado en el mundo, la soja resistente a los herbicidas, se ha relacionado con niveles altos del herbicida Roundup, fabricado por Monsanto, que también es propietaria de las patentes en más del 90% de todos los cultivos transgénicos a nivel mundial. Monsanto también introdujo el maíz resistentes a los herbicidas, que se cultivan en el sur de África. Pese a las afirmaciones de que los cultivos transgénicos reducen el uso de productos químicos, hemos visto exactamente que lo contrario ocurre en todo el mundo.

Por ejemplo, en Argentina, el uso de herbicidas ha aumentado 180 veces en 13 años. En los EE.UU., 174 000 toneladas más se usan cada año. En Brasil es de hasta un 95%. La responsabilidad del impacto ambiental y en la salud de las personas no es la preocupación de los agricultores, sino que simplemente es pasada a los consumidores, que no son los más sabios. Y los riesgos que estos productos químicos crean son cada vez más y más preocupantes que los cultivos transgénicos en sí.

Cuando los primeros cultivos transgénicos se introdujeron la cantidad permitida legalmente de residuos de herbicidas en los alimentos se aumento en 200 veces en el caso de la Unión Europea, con incrementos similares en otros lugares, todo para acomodar las peticiones de las corporaciones. Roundup está vinculado a graves impactos en la salud humana, incluidos los daños al crecimiento del embrión y el feto (impactos tetragénicos), así como el daño celular, entre muchos otros impactos sobre los mamíferos. Hay literalmente docenas de estudios publicados que indican las preocupaciones acerca de este producto químico. También afecta a los anfibios, insectos, lombrices y bacterias del suelo que liberan nutrientes para las plantas.

Además de estas preocupaciones, hay una inconsistencia evidente en el argumento de que los cultivos transgénicos son necesarios para alimentar al mundo: El hecho de que el producto GM más cultivado en el mundo, la soja, siempre ha sido demostrado que rinden menos que la soja convencional y natural. A pesar de años de promesas de que los cultivos GM son más resistentes a la sequía estas promesas siguen sin cumplirse.

Oxfam Internacional publicó recientemente un informe que indica que los precios de los alimentos se duplicaran, desde sus ya altos niveles en las próximas dos décadas. ¿Cómo podemos solucionar este problema? Somos constantemente informados por los partidarios de los cultivos transgénicos que debemos adoptar la tecnología para alimentar al mundo. La realidad es que los programas de mejoramiento convencional de plantas han logrado mucho más, a un costo mucho más bajo, mejorando el rendimiento, la resistencia viral, la mejora nutricional y resistencia a la sequía.

Quince años de cultivos genéticamente modificados en África del Sur han demostrado que la rápida adopción de cultivos transgénicos no ha tenido impacto alguno sobre la cantidad de alimentos que llegan a la boca de los más necesitados. La única conclusión que puede ser obtenida es que los cultivos transgénicos no son la solución. Más importante es que estamos jugando un peligroso juego de la ruleta rusa genética con la salud de nuestro pueblo.

La Evaluación Internacional del Papel del Conocimiento, Ciencia y Tecnología para el Desarrollo (IAASTD), en su informe titulado “Agricultura en la encrucijada”, señaló que los cultivos transgénicos en el mejor de los casos desempeñará un papel limitado en la lucha contra el hambre mundial. El enfoque en la agricultura de altos insumos industriales y los OGM han marginado las prácticas agrícolas más eficaces. El estudio de la IAASTD fue financiado por el Banco Mundial y varios organismos de la ONU, e involucró a más de 400 expertos en agricultura de todo el mundo.

El enfoque perjudicial en los cultivos transgénicos en las últimas dos décadas ha contribuido a retrasar el desarrollo de la investigación que se necesita con urgencia. En lugar de centrarse en el clima y los aspectos relacionados en los sistemas de producción de las comunidades que necesitamos para fomentar la seguridad alimentaria y la verdadera independencia, el enfoque político-institucional sobre los cultivos transgénicos nos ha dirigido hacia la confianza en el modelo de dependencia personificado por la agricultura industrial, en cuanto erosiona nuestra salud y la ya precaria situación.
Se mire como se mire, los cultivos transgénicos personifican el problema, no la solución.

GM Food – Poisoning Our People?

Glenn Ashton
June 8, 2011

One of the most massive unregulated experiments on humans ever is being carried out right here in South Africa. South Africans are the first people in the world to consume a genetically modified (GM) food as a staple. According to industry sources more than 75% of our white maize is now GM. This means that the pap and samp consumed daily in the majority of South African households is now mainly comprised of genetically modified maize.

The industry claim that nobody has become ill from GM foods is scientifically dishonest. It is based on the principle of “don’t look – don’t find.” Because GM foods are not clearly identified through clear labelling, it is impossible to know what sicknesses are related to the consumption of the product.

We are repeatedly told these are the most widely tested foods ever. However, GM producers claim their products to be ‘substantially equivalent’ – identical to their natural counterparts. As such they do not require testing. Where testing has been done it has fallen prey to the same pitfalls that have dogged chemical and toxicological testing for decades. This is unsurprising as the GM companies have without exception evolved from agricultural chemical companies, infamous in their abuse of statistical and experimental protocols.

Most food tests have been undertaken and submitted by the very companies seeking approval. The design of these tests has been opaque and misleading. Research has shown results to have been routinely manipulated and skewed to the extent that epidemiologist Judy Carman said, “Their whole approach to the analysis would fail a basic statistics class.”

The earliest analysis of all feeding studies found exactly three experiments. Even these indicated worrying trends. More recent meta-analyses have reinforced these concerns. A consistent finding has been damage to the liver and kidneys. It is notable that liver and kidney disease has increased since GM crops were introduced in the US.

What is remarkable is that when researchers employed or connected to the developers of GM foods did studies, no problems were reported. On the other hand, studies undertaken by independent scientists consistently raised concerns. A recently published analysis highlighted this trend. This relationship is common in analyses of other chemicals and foodstuff.

Of even more concern is the fact that feeding studies were extremely short term, with most lasting three months. Crucially, none of them used more than one-third of GM product in the diet. In South Africa we eat unidentified GM white maize as a staple food at levels that may in many cases reach 100% of the diet. The question is: If statistically worrying damage is shown to kidney, liver and other organs when animals are fed one third of their diet as GM products, in studies lasting three months, then what on earth will happen to those of us who eat a diet that is predominantly based on GM maize, every day for years on end?

This is nothing less than a massive, unregulated experiment. To make matters worse this experiment is not being undertaken on a healthy population but one that is doubly compromised: First through most people not eating a sufficient or varied enough diet and secondly because we have the highest burden of HIV, AIDS and TB infections in the world.

There are numerous other studies that have indicated problems from consuming GM crops, even at reduced levels of a third of the total diet. Studies have shown reduced sperm count and even sterility. Researchers have consistently called for further work to be done. All the GM industry does is consistently try to spin itself out of trouble.

This outrageous situation is assisted by our poor regulation of GM food that will only need to be labelled later this year. In other words we have been eating the world’s first GM staple food in total ignorance of the fact. So far not one independent, multi-generational dietary test has been undertaken locally by independent scientists. This amounts to little less than criminal negligence by our government, which has consistently ignored all of these concerns, instead taking the side of an industry with a seriously blemished track record.

Of course this industry insists that the EU and others have produced reports clearing GM crops of any health risk. The fact remains that EU regulators have relied upon exactly the same compromised tests consistently produced by the industry itself. Secondly, the influence of industry within the regulatory regime is significant. This industry has not only routinely misinformed regulators, through supplying tests with skewed statistical data, but it has consistently interfered in the regulatory regime itself.

For instance, the regulations governing GM crops in the US were drafted by the ex-Monsanto head of regulatory affairs, Michael Taylor, who left Monsanto to work in government in order to draft industry friendly legislation. He then returned to Monsanto. He has since returned to government, in what is known as ‘the revolving door’. This is not by any means an isolated case and a similar situation exists in South Africa.

This is just the tip of the iceberg. There are repeated documented cases of this industry restricting and prohibiting independent testing of its products. This is possible because these products are patented and owned by the companies and permission must be granted for access to various crucial aspects of information in scientific testing, which is consistently refused.

It is not only the inherent dangers associated with GM crops themselves. The most widely grown GM crop in the world, herbicide resistant soy, has been linked to sharply increased levels of the herbicide Roundup, made by Monsanto, which also owns the patents on over 90% of all GM crops grown globally. Monsanto is also rapidly introducing herbicide resistant maize, now being grown in South Africa. Despite claims that GM crops reduce chemical use, we have seen exactly the opposite occurring around the world.

For instance, in Argentina, herbicide use has increased 180 fold in 13 years. In the USA, 174 000 tonnes more are used per year. In Brazil it is up by 95%. Responsibility for the downstream health impacts is not the farmers’ concern but is simply passed onto consumers who are none the wiser. And the risks of these chemicals are increasingly been proven to be as worrying, if not more so, than the concerns about the GM crops themselves.

When the first GM crops were introduced the amount of herbicide residue on food was permitted to be increased by 200 times in the case of the European Union, with similar increases elsewhere. Roundup is linked to serious human health impacts, including damage to embryo and fetus growth (tetragenic impacts) as well as cellular damage, amongst many other impacts on mammals. There are literally dozens of published studies indicating concerns about this chemical. It also affects amphibians, insects, earthworms and soil bacteria that liberate plant nutrients.

Besides these serious concerns, there is a final, glaring inconsistency in the argument that GM crops are required to feed the world. This is the fact that the most widely grown GM crop in the world, GM soy, has consistently been shown to yield less than conventional, natural soy. Despite years of promises of more nutritional or drought resistant GM crops, these promises remain unmet.

Oxfam recently released a report stating that food prices will more than double, from already high levels, over the next two decades. How do we address this problem? We are constantly informed by supporters of GM crops that we must adopt their technology to feed the world. The reality is that conventional plant breeding programmes have achieved far more, at far lower cost, enhancing yield, viral resistance, nutritional improvement and drought resistance.

Fifteen years of growing GM crops in South Africa has demonstrated that the rapid uptake of GM crops has had no impact at all on the amount of food reaching the mouths of the most needy. The only conclusion can be that GM crops are not the solution. More importantly we are playing a dangerous game of genetic roulette with the health of our people.

The four year International Assessment of Agricultural Knowledge, Science and Technology for Development (IAASTD), in its report entitled “Agriculture at a Crossroads” indicated that GM crops would at best play a limited role in tackling global hunger. The focus on high-input industrial farming and GMOs has marginalised far more effective agricultural practices. The IAASTD study was funded by the World Bank and several leading UN organisations, and involved over 400 agricultural experts from around the world.

The perverse focus on GM crops over the past two decades has been instrumental in retarding development of urgently needed research. Instead of focussing on the proven, climate resilient and community based food production systems we require to encourage true food security and independence, the political-corporate focus on GM crops has steered us towards reliance on the dependency model epitomised by industrial agriculture, while simultaneously eroding our already tenuous health status.

Every way you look at it, GM crops epitomise the problem, not the solution.

AIDS: The Greatest Mass Synthetic Weapon

Funded by Congress in 1969 Through House Bill 15090, the AIDS Virus was Created After 1974

By Luis R. Miranda
The Real Agenda
November 5, 2007

Proof that the AIDS virus is man-made and not naturally born, pile on as more information turns public and access to more and moreAIDS documents that reach more and more people become available. The account that the AIDS virus was originally found in a monkey, and that from it, the virus somehow jumped to humans has been debunked; to use a popular term.

The most eye-opening piece of evidence is government documents; more specifically the House of Representatives H.R 15090 from 1969 which details how and when the second branch of government held hearings and funded a project in which the Department of Defense would utilize $10 million to research and create a synthetic virus that would then be tested in humans in the form of an injection.

After ten years of investigation, the virus was created sometime after 1974 and was experimented with by injecting humans as early as 1977. Although in the US the Department of Defense requested the financing and promoted the creation of the virus, entities like the World Health Organization and the United Nations had previously called for a bio weapon of the sort. The World Health Organization (WHO), started to inject AIDS -laced smallpox vaccine into Africans in 1977, while the Center for Disease Control (CDC) injected some 2000 white males with laced Hepatitis B vaccine in 1978.

According to the Strecker Memorandum of 1983, AIDS is a man-made disease, which is not specific of homosexuals, not venereal and which can be carried by mosquitoes. In addition, it is clear that although condoms would help reduce the chances of infection, they would not prevent the at least six types of AIDS viruses available. Dr. Theodore Strecker writes: “The US National Cancer Institute in collaboration with the World Health Organization manufactured AIDS in a laboratory at Fort Detrich, Maryland.” The AIDS virus is a combination of two retroviruses. One is the Bovine Leukemia Virus, and the second the Visna Virus which were injected into human tissue in its early stages in order to see the results.

Dr. Strecker states that the AIDS virus could not be naturally born and that were virologists who worked in the creation of an organism that could exert selective influence in the way the human body fights infection. The possibility was looked into that the virus impaired the immune system so that it could not respond once it made its way into the human body. According to the Strecker memo, the AIDS epidemic was triggered by the mass vaccination campaign that intended to end Smallpox.

The following is an exact transcription of the narrative in the Subcommittee of Appropriations held in July 1, 1969, which involved discussions about Synthetic Biological Agents.

There are two things about the biological agent field I would like to mention. One is the possibility of technological surprise. Molecular biology is a field that is advancing very rapidly and many eminent biologists believe that within a period of 5 – 10 years it would be possible to produce a synthetic biological agent, an agent that does not naturally exist and for which no natural immunity could have been acquired.”

Mr. Sikes: Are we doing any work in that field?

Dr. MacArthur: We are not.

Mr. Sikes: Why not? Lack of money or lack of interest?

Dr. MacArthur: Certainly not lack of interest.

Mr. Sikes: Would you provide for our record information on what would be required, what the advantages of such a program would be, the time and the cost involved?

Dr. MacArthur: We will be very happy to. The dramatic progress being made in the field of molecular biology led us to investigate the relevance of this field of science to biological warfare. A small group of experts considered this matter and provided the following observations:

1. All biological agents up to the present time are representatives of naturally occurring disease, and are thus known by scientists throughout the world. They are easily available to qualified scientists for research, either for offensive or defensive purposes.

2. Within the next 5 – 10 years, it would probably be possible to make a new infective microorganism which could differ in certain important aspects from any known disease-causing organisms. Most important of these is that it might be refractory to the immunological and therapeutic processes upon which we depend to maintain our relative freedom from infectious disease.

3. A research program to explore the feasibility to this could be completed in approximately 5 years at a cost of $10 million.

As it has been documented, the World Health Organization used the Smallpox vaccine to spread the virus in Africa, Haiti, Brazil and Japan. After looking for documents to support the statement, it is clear that the spread of the virus coincides with how this plan was originally laid out. As an addendum, a confidential source in the WHO has revealed that there is “a strong correlation between the proportion of people in different central African countries who consented to the smallpox vaccine program and the proportion of those now infected with AIDS.

In the last fifteen years, the AIDS virus has killed 11 million Africans, which accounts for a total of 80 percent of the total world deaths due to the virus. According to numbers provided by the United Nations, at least 5000 funerals are held daily in Africa for people who die as a consequence of contracting the AIDS virus. Outdated numbers from 2001 show that in Latin America there were some 1.4 million people infected with AIDS, while South and South East Asia combined accounted for 5.8 million people. These numbers are rounded up in the Caribbean, where at least 700,000 people had been infected as of 2000.

Scientists like Dr. Strecker, suggest that the fact that most of AIDS’s victims reside in Africa and Latin America is not a coincidence, as only 2 percent of the affected population resides in Europe. Apparently, the goal of creating a bioweapon such as the AIDS virus was to eliminate a great part of the Africans in an effort to reduce global population to just about 500 hundred million, down from some 7 billion. An example that helps reinforce this thesis is the Tuskegee Experiment. Conducted between 1932 and 1972, the Tuskegee Experiment, recruited some 400 black Americans in an effort to test the effects of syphilis in Macon County, Alabama. The United States Health Services never gave the subjects any clear information of what exactly would be put into their bodies, ans instead were drawn to the testing centers with promises that the injection would help them treat or cure problems like Anemia, or “bad blood”.

More recently, pharmaceutical companies like Merck have been found liable for the death of thousands of people as a consequence of taking drugs such as VIOX. In the latest battle of the people versus the pharmaceutical industry, groups of people around the world, but more specifically in Texas rose to denounce Merck’s intent to make a new vaccine -Gardasil- available to young women between the ages of 8 and 11 years old in order to -according to Merck- help prevent the Human Papiloma Virus or HPV. Parent groups denounced the measure taken by Texas governor Rick Perry who signed a document saying it was the law to take the vaccine. It would later be leaked to the public that Gardasil contains a live cancer virus something produced in a laboratory, which caused several dozen girls to bleed uncontrollably during the term the injections were taken and even after completing the multiple doses. Mothers of the girls appeared in national radio talk shows to testify of their experience and that of their daughters’.

According to Boyd E. Graves, who has studied the origins of the HIV virus for years, the history of the disease goes back at least 100 years. “The United States began a significant effort to investigate “causes” of epidemic diseases. In 1887, the effort was enhanced with the mandate of the U.S. “LABORATORY OF HYGIENE”. This lab was run by Dr. Joseph J. Kinyoun, a deep rooted-racist, who served the eugenics movement with dedication. In 1893, we strengthened the Federal Quarantine Act and suddenly there was an explosion of polio.” On his website, Graves continues with a chronological account of the way how an grand eugenics program grew from scratch. ” In 1945, we witnessed the greatest influx of foreign scientists in history into the U.S. biological program. Operation Paperclip will live in infamy as one of the darkest programs of a twisted parallel government fixated on genocide. In 1946, the United States Navy hired Dr. Earl Traub, a notorious racist biologist. A May appropriations hearing confirms the existence of a “secret” biological weapon. In 1948, we know that the United States confirmed the endorsement of “devising a scheme” in which to address the issue of overpopulation in certain racial groups. State Department’s George McKennan’s memo will forever illuminate the eugenics mendacity necessary for genocide of millions of innocent people.” Programs like the one orchestrated to exterminate much or all of the black population are true for other diseases such as Cancer, Polio, Influenza, and more recently Bird Flu.

Another piece of evidence that reinforces the fact that HIV AIDS as well as other diseases are man-made and not naturally born is the 1971 special virus flow chart, obtained by Graves in 1999. The chart was sent to him on May 15th, 2000 by Dr. Victoria Cargill of the National Institutes of Health. The chart shows how scientists proceeded when experimenting with new viruses. As I have seen it, it is a step by step guide to be followed and the way decisions are made according to the results obtained in every stage of the experiments. The chart indicates how to go through the process of selecting a candidate, how to proceed in order to determine whether a subject has experienced any immunological response to the virus (HIV), to confirming the effectiveness of controlled methods for introductions in critical trails.

It is estimated that if the HIV virus is not stopped within the next three decades, it will indeed achieve the objective it was meant for; it will completely eradicate the black population in Africa and other regions of the world. What is more incredible is that African governments consented in 1974 in Bucarest Romania to the use of the HIV virus on the population. According to Dr. Graves, there are at least 15,000 progress reports filed regarding the experiments with the HIV virus and the US government along with other European counterparts have spent $550 million dollars in the creation and spread of the HIV AIDS virus.

Consulted Materials include:

1. House of Numbers. Brent W. Leung

1. End Game: Blueprint for Global Enslavement. Alex E. Jones

2. “The Strecker Memorandum.” Distributed by The Strecker Group, Eagle Rock, CA., 1983.

3. “AIDS: United States Germs Warfare at its Best with Documents and Proof”. Jack Felder. 1989

4. “Who Murdered Africa.” William Campbell Douglas. M.D. 

5. “AIDS is Biological Warfare.” Tom Bearden.

6. “Smallpox vaccine triggered AIDS virus.”

7. “AIDS and the Doctors of Death: An Inquiry Into the Origin of the AIDS Epidemic.” Alan Cantwell.

8. “HIV infections up in Caribbean. The Plain Dealer.” 2000

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