The Next Stage of the European Debt Crisis; Towards Global Financial Collapse?

Bob Chapman
International Forecaster
November 3, 2011

Those who believe the European crisis is over are mistaken. The dislocation will continue as their economies slow and political, social and economic events converge into further crisis. The most glaring problem is the banks only taking a 50% loss on Greek bonds. The loss should have been 75% or even 80%. There is absolutely no way Greece can overcome that burden in a slowing European economy and an enraged population. They are still striking and demonstrating and they will continue even under a new government.

Some of the best economists in the world have been saying for almost as long as we have been saying that the weaker and smaller countries have to leave the euro at least temporarily. In our eyes that really means permanently. If Italy falls out it will take France with it and the euro edifice will fall. Very quickly it will be found that Greece cannot and will not recover. It is one thing to set recovery in motion in good times, but it is another to attempt to do so under austerity. These politicians in Europe have been self-serving. They are quickly going to find what they have done is not going to work. Greece should have never been saved, as we said from the beginning. They will need more and more money just to exist and you cannot have perpetual funding. Then you have the overriding social factor. It is simply impossible and once Greece goes, the other 5 will have to cut loose as well. Again, it will be called temporary, but their exists will be permanent. It simply cannot be any other way. Political hot air is not going to change anything. We have no details and bankers who refuse to face the music, and what is attempted to be achieved is impossible.

The concept of a tighter union with a new constitution won’t work either. We can go back to 1991 when these issues came forth and we stated the Europeans are doing this backwards. You need a strong constitution first, only nations involved that can meet the criteria of public debt of 3% GDP. Smaller nations cannot be allowed to falsify their balance sheets and above all you cannot use one interest rate for all. Just about everything that has been done has been done incorrectly. Unfortunately, the US and world economy hang in the balance as well. This euro, European and UK problem is not going to go away. By February it will again be front page news. There is an 80% chance that Greece will leave the euro in the next six months.

If Ireland and Portugal do not receive equal treatment, followed by Belgium, Spain and Italy, then they will all be forced to leave the euro. If you think for one minute that these nations can stand more than a year or two of austerity you are mistaken. The whole approach is wrong. They should all be allowed to leave the euro. The only reason Greece has been temporarily saved is to keep Greece in the euro. These one-worlders cannot bear to see their dream of world government fail. It has already failed. Do you really think Germans are going to give up their sovereignty? Wait for the next German election. You are going to see a house cleaning in the Bundestag that will be staggering. The German people are outraged at what these politicians have done to them. If anything the move in the EU’s strongest economy will be away from further consolidation, not toward it.

The magic number to keep the euro from collapsing over the next two years is $6 trillion that solvent European countries do not have, and using derivatives in place of cash is a prescription for disaster. Debt may be addressed, but the core economic and financial problems that were responsible for these problems are still not being addressed. That is a glaring lack of economic progress. Where is the capital needed for growth? Countries in the EU are going to have to increase money and credit and suffer the incumbent inflation; that is if they can even raise those funds and rollover old debt. Either that or China will lend $3 to $500 billion and we don’t think they are willing to do that. If China prints the money to lend, the value of the yuan will fall, the Chinese will take more market share and there will be more inflation. Their goods sold to Europe, the US and elsewhere will rise in cost as well. The Chinese will have to use cash euros or sell euro bonds. Such moves could be really upsetting to China. If aid comes it will be in much smaller amounts.

This past week the swaps association said the failure on 50% of Greek debt does not constitute failure, because it was voluntary, so the NYC legacy banks do not have to pay up on their derivative bet. That could all change, because Fitch says it does constitute default. We will now have to await the decisions of S&P and Moody’s.

What Europe has done is pull a page from US bailouts, which reduce debt starting in a few years, which would extend over 10 or 20 years. It reminds us of the two sets of books banks are currently keeping. They intend to write off bad debt over 50 years, like it really didn’t exist. This plan allows further current increases in debt over the short term. That is no solution at all. Again, it only throws the debt and service into a future that could include deflationary depression. Recovery is not a given.

Fitch has really opened a large can of worms in calling a 50% debt default a payable derivative event. We are talking about hundreds of billions of CD’s, credit default swaps OTC derivatives, which just happens to be an unregulated market. Our view is Fitch is correct and the ISDA, the derivatives information agency is wrong. What isn’t made an issue of is that banks have been asked to raise $150 billion they are offside on this issue. We projected this number long ago. The official number is $3.7 billion, which is laughable. About a month ago the players admitted to $75 billion, so we are making progress toward truth and reality. We wonder what the French bankers are saying, who bought the insurance? If NYC banks do not pay off the ECB will have to create the $150 billion and lend it to the banks in France, so they can survive. Could this be a renege? We think so, and that would ultimately allow citizens of the EU to pay the debt. These bankers are crafty buggers they are.

We also question why banks are writing off 50% of their debt and the sovereigns are not. Isn’t this strange? Why are they not writing off 50%? Could it be that if they did they would be insolvent? Could it be to deceive their taxpaying citizens and pop the question several years from now? Could this be they are just trying to extend the timeline into the future? Time has a way of revealing everything. Incidentally, none of that Greek debt will probably ever be paid off. It should also be noted that of the $140 billion lent by the IMF, US taxpayers are on the hook for about 30%, or $42 billion. We are sure that will make Americans very happy.

The difference between $516 billion allocated by EU members, half of which comes from Germany, and $1.4 trillion will come from the sale of bonds by the EFSF, the European Financial Stabilization Fund. The question is who is going to buy this tranche of some $900 billion in bonds? Nations will receive greater taxes from a phantom recovery and buy the bonds. How can this be when those economies barely have even GDP growth? All this in the midst of austerity. We do not get it. We must be missing something. Does Italy really believe that raising the retirement age from 65 to 67 is going to bring any real immediate relief? As you can see the case is terminal.

The whole plan is absurd, stupid and unworkable. These problems are going to last for years as Europe, the UK and US wallow in negative growth and eventually in deflationary depression. Greece will collapse; it is only a question of when. The ECB will continue to create money and credit, just as the US and UK are doing. It won’t take long for investors to figure out they have been bamboozled again. They will flee stock markets probably just after the Fed’s latest QE 3 is announced. Some will buy US Treasuries and lose about 10% of their purchasing power annually. Some will flee to commodities and many will use the flight to quality to purchase gold and silver coins, bullion and shares. Modes of investments are going to change dramatically, so you had best participate, or you may end up losing most of your wealth.

What you are witnessing is financial chicanery at its best. Wait until the citizens of Europe discover they are going to have to pay all these bills, just so they can be enslaved in a one-world government. They are not going to be happy.

We always tend to be ahead of the curve and the crowd. This time the time frame for discovery may be very short, because once investors understand what we have written here they will want to get out. Gold, silver and commodities will rise for different reasons, along with the flight to quality. Incidentally, this time the gold and silver mining shares will soar.

Reflecting back on our comments the second Greek bailout does not solve the EMU’s fundamental problem, which is the 30% competitiveness gap between the northern and southern countries and Germany’s giant-EMU trade surplus at the expense of the south. Unless a way can be found to rectify that there cannot be a recovery. The south has been forced into austerity, which limits their chances of being competitive. As we pointed out over and over again the end product will be a deflationary spiral and eventually deflationary depression. What the IMF and EU members are imposing on the six countries is very destructive.

A fiscal union would perhaps work, but that means the end of individual country sovereignty, which would eventually lead to authoritarianism, which would not like to see. The entire union is unnatural and should be ended. It has been a failure and just leave it at that.

All this program is going to do is buy time. It is not a long-term solution. Current debt holders are going to be incensed, as they will be forced in before sovereigns, but will banks really take a 50% haircut? We don’t really know. Is this really a fig leaf, a wholly inadequate alternative to the ECB, which cannot provide endless liquidity?

This rescue effort is really too dependent on high-risk deals, such as what caused this crisis. Four times leverage is outrageous. In the end the European public could get caught holding the bag.
At the same time we are seeing monetary contraction in Portugal, which mirrors that of Greece as it spiraled out of control. Bank deposits are off 21% over the past six months and that could well be a precursor of a weak economy and monetary trouble.

Another question that arises is due to the treatment accorded to NYC legacy, money center banks. Will those using credit default swaps continue to do so. There is a default and because it was voluntary the derivative writers do not have to pay off. Give us a break. It looks like contract law no longer exists.
In very late breaking news we find something we warned about is happening. The German High Court, the Bundesgerichtshof, has issued an express order that the nine-member committee dealing with dispersing the rescue funds is not allowed to do so. The plug has been pulled on the EU and German politicians on money releases. If the Germans and the EU are lucky they’ll have a constitutional decision by Christmas. We predicted this would happen.

Uncertainty revolves around the deal reached with Greek bondholders to face a 50% haircut on the face value of their bonds. This has not been negotiated as yet.

At the same time France needs to raise $11.2 billion to keep its AAA rating. Sarkozy says 2012 GDP growth will be about 1%, about the same as Germany, but no one mentions it would be -2% with inflation.

Switzerland’s State Secretariat for International Financial Matters said the Swiss were interested in investing in a special investment vehicle proposed by the euro zone bailout fund, but we see a real fight brewing. The Swiss People’s Party, which was against franc devaluation and the sale of Swiss gold, will be after this move by the Swiss government. They do not want closer ties to the EU.

This past summer we warned that European banks would have to increase their reserve position to 9%, because both the BIS and IMF said it was absolutely necessary. You might call the EU’s laxity of not forcing Greece to implement its austerity agreement as part of a socialist mindset. There was no way to move Greece into line. For not living up to their commitment they could have cut Greece off, because then they would default and leave the euro. Thus, they continued to fund Greece. The truth is they have to do so irrespective of what Greece does or doesn’t do.

The heart of the problem was banking incompetence followed by sovereign stupidity. Banks and solvent sovereigns never should have made the loans in the first place. All the greedy bankers, politicians and bureaucrats could think of was the euro zone and the euro being the template for one-world government. The interconnectivity of banks within nations with banks of other nations is the lynchpin that will eventually take all of them down. It’s caused by central control such as that embodied in the European Central Bank. The bottom line is if a state like Greece, partially defaults, then the banks within Greece default as well because these banks are holding large amounts of federal bonds and loans. Thus, the edifice collapses. This relationship exists all over Europe and as we are seeing six countries are in trouble and if the European economy continues to slip into recession or depression other countries will join the six. In addition in many countries supervision is all but non-existent. A perfect example of such a relationship was with France, Belgium, and the Dexia bank, which they created. As a result the taxpayers of Belgium and France have acquired all the bad assets of Dexia.

Adding to such problems is that usually half of the debt of any country is held by foreign banks and sovereigns, which means failure becomes contagion. France’s holding of 8.5% of GDP of debt from these six countries will eventually cause France to lose its AAA rating. If that is the case we venture to ask how can France be party to a commitment to bail out Greece or anyone else? They simply cannot and they are the number 2 player. You would think French citizens would elect someone who was not involved in such stupidities, such as Marine LePen of the National Party. The banks and business interests, such as the Rothschilds, couldn’t have that – could they? If France financially fails we could see 1789 all over again. This sovereign debt is widely held by other nations including the US, UK and Japan. European banks have controlled European society for a long, long time and they are the catalyst for the new world order.

We hear over and over again there will be recovery, we will grow our way out of it. That won’t be possible for Europe, the UK and the US. The number of young people who do the largest part of consumer spending in their 20s and 30s today have a hard time making ends meet, never mind spending. On top of that many are unemployed and may be for some time to come. If you have noticed unemployment has risen or stayed the same in the regions we have spoken of. Accumulation has only occurred among the upper-middle class and the wealthy. This also means borrowing has fallen and the ability to access loans and capital are limited, because so many prime age borrowers do not qualify.

One of the reasons Germany does as well as it does is because they have an abundancy of inexpensive capital available for loans and credit, which allows expansion, creates jobs and brings profits. The cost of labor is low or in the form of growing productivity and people pay their bills.

One interest rate fits all became a disaster. The weak participants borrowed at 4% instead of 8% and the result was an orgy of spending that ended up in today’s insolvencies. We said 12 years ago this would destroy the euro zone and it has. These low rates also allowed a massive influx of imports into the six problem countries, which caused major balance of trade deficits. This also brought about borrowing in foreign currencies, which turned into a nightmare, particularly in Eastern Europe.

European banking and politics are very closely intertwined. In other words the banks overtly run these countries. The same is true in the UK, but in the US it has been subtler due to ignorance of how the banking system works and that has been deliberate. In Europe the stress test used 5% as a guideline, instead of the normal 10%. This shows you the power and control banking has over EU government making the margin for error extremely thin. Considering the exposure cash reserves were increased to 9%. This means capital has to be raised and that is not easy in today’s recessionary environment. Two-thirds of European banks are currently under 9%. The worst exposed are RBS, Deutsche Bank, Unicredit, Bank Paribas, Barclays and Societ General. Hundreds of billions of euros are needed and the question is where will they come from? In addition how many banks are shuffling assets between trading, deposit, and banking sectors, such as Dexia had been doing until they had to be taken over by the French and Belgium governments? The banks need $270 billion that is readily available. If funds are not available then that means governments will have to supply the capital from out of thin air, which is very inflationary.

The EFSF, the European Financial Stability Facility, which was set up to aid Greece, Ireland and Portugal, now aids banks and European governments, such as the Fed does. An EFSF if allowed to dispense $1.4 trillion based on a $900 billion derivative structure would take months to move into action. Then there is the question will the German High court allow leveraging. We do not think so. The Court had already told the Bundestage you cannot do that, but they did it anyway.

As we can say is stay tuned for the next episode in this saga. It could end up taking down the entire world’s financial system.

G-20: Bancos deben reservar su dinero para la Crisis que viene

El Sindicato del Crimen Internacional, mejor conocido como el G-20, determinó en su última reunión que la etapa final del colapso y consolidación de la economía global comenzará en 2012 y terminará en 2016 con la liquidación de todos los países que estén en deuda con el FMI y el Banco Mundial.

Por Luis Miranda
The Real Agenda
junio 30, 2010

Los banqueros y los miembros del G20 tienen formas directas e indirectas a hablar con el público. Al final de la última reunión del

De derecha a izquierda: Stephen Harper, Primer Ministro Canadiense; David Cameron, Primer Ministro del Reino Unido y Barack Hussein Obama, Presidente de Estados Unidos.

G20 en Toronto, ambos grupos han hablado claramente acerca de lo que tienen en mente para el futuro. En primer lugar, que sólo están interesados en contribuir al proceso de consolidación global. En segundo lugar, se ampliará la actual depresión poco a poco con el corte el dinero disponible para préstamos. En tercer lugar, continuarán sus programas de austeridad en los países para matar lentamente sus economías y consolidar cada uno de ellos. En cuarto lugar, ahora que se robaron los impuestos de los pueblos mediante sus paquetes de rescate, planean robar a los accionistas mediante un nuevo paquete de rescate que deberá ser pagado por los inversionistas. En quinto lugar, hipócrita e irresponsablemente, piensan que el ahorro de 130 mil millones de libras creará una garantía para la economía, ya que sólo la deuda del régimen de derivativos llega al cuatrillón de dólares. Y, por último, quieren consolidar la implosión final, que de acuerdo con su declaración, puede comenzar a partir de 2012.

Si todo esto le parece confuso, por favor déjeme explicar.

Empecemos por recordar que el G-20, y en especial el G-8 comandados por los baqueros, fueron los que provocaron la actual crisis financiera. Lo hicieron a través de sus empresas de fachada, por ejemplo, los bancos que han implementado una serie de mecanismos de corrupción y la quiebra de las economías de países enteros, a través de riesgo de inversión y, a veces, productos financieros inexistentes. Estos planes se llevaron a cabo después de dos décadas, donde la mayoría de las normas establecidas para prevenir el fraude financiero se eliminaron como una excusa para mejorar el libre mercado. La desregulación ha permitido la creación de planes de inversión falsos que los bancos más tarde ofrecieron a los países, estados y municipios, a menudo a través de los gobiernos y que les permitió adquirir la totalidad de su infraestructura y dinero mediante la emisión de deuda falsa inversión.

Se hizo evidente que el G8 y los banqueros no están interesados en mejorar las condiciones económicas actuales. Ellos sólo quieren extender la crisis, ya que la necesitan a fin de ejecutar su plan para llevat a cabo la implosión mundial. Esto es lo que surge de la idea de recortar el dinero de los préstamos y que los bancos acumulen el dinero para causar la próxima crisis, según lo dice el comunicado del G-20. A pesar de que £ 130 billones es una miseria en comparación con la deuda que los países del G8 tienen, la acción de mantener dinero en reserva es un ejemplo claro de lo que los “líderes” tiene en mente. Lo que quieren es una lenta y dolorosa destrucción de la economía con el fin de causar tanto daño como sea posible. Esta política les garantiza la consolidación de más recursos antes de que se de el golpe final a la economía mundial.

Una de las herramientas más importantes que los banqueros utilizaron en los últimos 100 años ha sido crear una burbuja artificial de plenitud de dinero, dinero falso, con el fin de ganar la confianza de los países y el público. Esto es lo que muchos describen como las burbujas económicas . Pero dado el hecho que la economía mundial se basa en la deuda y la reserva fraccionaria, el único objetivo que tienen las burbujas es engañar el mayor número de consumidores con la deuda y luego retirar el dinero del mercado masivamente. De este modo, los banqueros aceleran su proceso de consolidación. Junto con la reducción de los préstamos, los países del G8 acordaron continuar los planes de austeridad en cada país. La austeridad se desplegará sobre la clase obrera mediante la reducción de los servicios básicos como seguridad, hospitales, el financiamiento de las escuelas y los programas sociales. Esto, a su vez, provocará el descontento social, que es lo que los banqueros quieren para establecer oficialmente su red de control militar y tecnologico. Una vista previa de esta red sería lo que fue visto en las calles de Toronto durante la reunión del G-20 del fin de semana pasado. También se apreció durante el colapso de Argentina en 2001.

Los paquetes de rescate infames glorificados por el FMI y el Banco Mundial como la mejor manera de evitar un colapso total de la economía mundial -que fue causada por los banqueros- fueron la mayor transferencia de dinero y recursos en la historia del mundo. Sólo los Estados Unidos dieron a los banqueros alrededor de 25 trillones de dólares de dinero de los contribuyentes para que Goldman Sachs, Banco Iberia, JP Morgan Chase, Bank of America y otros pudieran pagar a sus accionistas su participación en el sistema.Consulte la lista completa de los bancos que recibieron dinero del rescate aquí. Pero sólo 25 billones de dólares no es suficiente, por supuesto. Alemania, por ejemplo, votó para darle el 66% de sus ingresos anuales a los bancos. Si nos guiamos por el comunicado del G-20, es evidente que están planeando otro gran colapso, posiblemente el último. También está claro que tienen que robar a alguien diferente esta vez. Y esto es lo que los banqueros y los “líderes”, dijeron. Crearán otro paquete de rescate en la que los accionistas de los bancos tendrán que pagar la cuenta. Así que si usted tiene inversiones en cualquier banco, es aconsejable salvarse a sí mismo y tomar el dinero de las cuentas bancarias antes de que el nuevo paquete de rescate se apruebe. Descaradamente, dicen que obligarán a los bancos a mantener miles de millones para ablandar los efectos de la próxima crisis y así no se sobrecargará a los contribuyentes. Ellos piensan que no sabemos que esos billones de dólares son el mismo dinero que se robó de los contribuyentes en 2009. Ahora que han consolidado y estabilizado su sistema financiero fraudulento, no importa si otros bancos van a la quiebra.

La idea de que 130 billones de libras es suficiente para tener una red de seguridad para una futura crisis o recesión doble, como les gusta llamarla, es absurdo. La deuda producida por los derivativos está, dependiendo a quién se le pregunte, entre 600 trillones y 1 cuatrillón de dólares dijo Robert Chapman, del “la compra de derivativos no es una forma de inversión. Es un juego de los seguros y las apuestas. Los derivativos no crean nada”. Según el Banco de Pagos Internacionales(International Bank of Settlements), la burbuja de los derivativos ha crecido de manera exponencial hasta un punto que los montos transados hace mucho tiempo superaron el PIB mundial. “Operaciones de derivativos han crecido de manera exponencial, hasta ahora, son más grande que toda la economía mundial.”  El credit default swaps (CDS) son la forma más común de derivativos. CDS son apuestas entre dos partes sobre si una empresa puede o no puede devolver las inversiones en sus acciones. De hecho, son seguros ilegales sin la posesión de un activo. CDS se usan para aumentar los beneficios en los cambios de mercado.

La telaraña de deuda en la que la economía actual se construyó en los últimos 100 años ha sido un instrumento en un proceso para revertir todo lo que los seres humanos han logrado. No fue accidental, sin embargo, porque este mecanismo fue ideado por los banqueros y los globalistas desde el comienzo. Cada vez que el mundo experimentó una crisis financiera como en 1929-1933, la consolidación y el control de los banqueros se hizo cada vez más grande. Medidas para evitar un colapso total, como nos dijeron, no fueron suficientes ni tenían esto como objetivo real. Eran simplemente la manera de posponer el colapso inminente. Las medidas aplicadas por los banqueros no se puede utilizar por siempre. Algo iba a fracasar tarde o temprano. “Este sistema guiado paso a paso, es un enfoque no integral de los bancos centrales y los departamentos de hacienda para la gestión de crisis, pero ha sido un fracaso ….rellenar un hoyo temporalmente es inútil cuando el sistema entero está próximo al colapso en medio de una tormenta financiera perfecta. Un enfoque mucho más radical, global y sistémico a la gestión de crisis es necesario ahora “, dice el profesor Nouriel, fundador de Roubini Global Economics.

Después de convertir la economía mundial en un sistema basado en servicios, donde no se fabrica ningún producto de calidad, llevando a los países en desarrollo a una enorme deuda, mientras se colapsan las economías del mundo occidental, los banqueros están listos para su última juagada: la última crisis. Según el comunicado del G-20, sus miembros deben reducir sus déficit para el año 2013, un proceso que ya ha comenzado. Este proceso deberá concluir en 2016 cuando los países hayan estabilizado sus deficits. La reducción y estabilización de los déficits significa que los países deudores tendrán que encontrar una manera de pagar sus deudas al FMI y el Banco Mundial, de acuerdo con las condiciones impuestas por dichas entidades. Todos los países que no paguen en su totalidad serán liquidados y sus activos serán transferidos automáticamente a los banqueros globalistas. Imagine lo que pasó con Argentina, Grecia e Islandia en la última década, pero en lugar de ser estos países, los deudores serán los Estados Unidos,España, Portugal, Inglaterra y Alemania.

G20: Os bancos devem manter o dinheiro para a crise que virá

O Sindicato do Crime Internacional, melhor conhecido como o G20, determinou na sua última reunião que o colapso e a consolidação da economia global começará por volta de 2012 e terminará em 2016 com a liquidação de todos os países que estejam em dívida com o FMI e o Banco Mundial.

Por Luis Miranda
The Real Agenda
Junho 29, 2010

Banqueiros e membros do G20 têm formas diretas e indiretas para falar com o público. No final da última reunião do G20 em

G10? Dez dos vinte representantes dos países industrializados dão uma caminhada entre reuniões.

Toronto, ambos os grupos falaram muito claramente sobre o que eles têm em mente para o futuro. Primeiro, eles estão interessados somente em ajudar o processo de consolidação global. Em segundo lugar, eles vão estender a depressão atual lentamente cortando o dinheiro disponível para empréstimos. Em terceiro lugar, eles vão continuar seus programas de austeridade nos países para matar lentamente as suas economias e consolidar cada um deles. Em quarto lugar, agora que eles roubaram os impostos do povo através dos seus pacotes de resgate, eles planejam roubar os acionistas, colocando o ónus do próximo resgate nas costas dos investidores. Em quinto lugar, hipócrita e irresponsavelmente, pensam que poupando 130 bilhoes de libras criarão uma garantia para a economia, dado que apenas a dívida do esquema de derivativos se conta nos quatrilhões de dólares. E, por último, eles pretendem cimentar a implosão final que, de acordo com seu comunicado, pode vir a partir de 2012.

Se tudo isto parece confuso, por favor, deixe-me explicar.

Vamos começar por lembrar que os G20 e, principalmente, os G8 foram os que causaram a atual crise financeira. Eles fizeram isso através de suas empresas de fachada, por exemplo, os bancos que implementaram uma série de esquemas de corrupção e falência das economias de países inteiros, através do investimento de risco e, às vezes, de produtos financeiros inexistentes. Estes esquemas foram executados depois de duas décadas onde a maioria das regras postas em prática para impedir fraudes financeiras foram eliminadas como uma desculpa para melhorar o “mercado livre”. O que a desregulamentação permitiu foi a criação de planos de investimento falsos que os bancos ofereceram mais tarde para países, estados e municípios, muitas vezes através dos governos e os usaram para adquirir todas as suas infra-estruturas e dinheiro através da emissão de dívida ou de investimentos.

Tornou-se claro que o G8 e os banqueiros não estão interessados em melhorar as atuais condições económicas. Eles simplesmente querem estender a crise, enquanto eles precisam, a fim de executar seu plano final de implosão global. Isso é o que emerge a partir da idéia de cortar o dinheiro de empréstimos e pedindo que os bancos acumulem o dinheiro para a próxima crise, como o comunicado do G20 diz. Embora 130 bilhoes de libras é uma ninharia em comparação com a dívida dos países do G8, a ação de manter o dinheiro em reserva é uma imagem clara do que os “líderes” têm em mente. O que eles querem é um processo lento e doloroso de destruição da economia a fim de causar a maior quantidade de dano possível. Essa política irá assegurar-lhes a consolidação de mais recursos, antes que seja dado o golpe final para a economia global.

Uma das ferramentas mais importantes que os banqueiros utilizaram ao longo dos últimos 100 anos foi criar uma bolha artificial de abundância de dinheiro -dinheiro sem respaldo- a fim de obter a confiança dos países e do público. Isto é o que muitos descrevem como os booms econômicos. Mas dado o fato de que a economia global é baseada em dívida e reservas fracionárias, o único objetivo que as bolhas têm é ligar a maior quantidade de consumidores com dívida e, em seguida, tirar o dinheiro do mercado. Ao fazer isso, os banqueiros aceleram o seu processo de consolidação. Juntamente com a redução dos empréstimos, os países do G8 concordaram em continuar os planos de austeridade em cada país. A austeridade será implantada sobre a classe trabalhadora através da redução de serviços como polícia, hospitais,financiamento das escolas e programas sociais. Isto, por sua vez, causará agitação civil, que é o que os banqueiros querem a fim de estabelecer oficialmente sua grade de controle militar e tecnológico. Uma prévia do que essa grade seria foi visto nas ruas de Toronto, durante a reunião do G20 do fim de semana passado. Também foi visto durante o colapso da Argentina em 2001.

Os infames pacotes de resgate glorificados pelo FMI e o Banco Mundial como a melhor maneira de evitar um colapso completo da economia global -que foi causado pelos próprios banqueiros- foram a maior transferência de dinheiro e recursos na história do mundo. Somente os Estados Unidos deram aos banqueiros cerca de 25 trilhões de dólares em dinheiro dos contribuintes para que Goldman Sachs, Iberia Bank,JP Morgan Chase, Bank of America e outros pudessem pagar aos seus accionistas a sua parte do esquema. Veja a lista completa dos bancos que receberam o dinheiro do resgate aqui. Mas só 25 trilhões de dólares não são suficientes, é claro. Alemanha, por exemplo, votou para dar 66% de sua receita anual para os bancos. Se nos guiarmos pelo comunicado do G20, é claro que eles estão planejando outro grande colapso, possivelmente, o último. Também é claro que eles terão que roubar alguém diferente desta vez. E é isso o que os banqueiros e os “líderes” disseram. Eles vão criar um outro pacote de resgate no qual os acionistas dos bancos terão que pagar a conta. Então se você tem investimentos em qualquer banco, é aconselhável salvar a si mesmo e tirar o dinheiro das contas antes de o novo pacote bancário chegar.  Descaradamente, eles dizem que vão obrigar os bancos a manter bilhões até a próxima crise chegar e os contribuintes não serão sobrecarregados. Eles acham que não sabemos que os milhares de dólares são os mesmos que roubaram em 2009. Agora que eles consolidaram e estabilizaram o seu sistema financeiro fraudulento, não importa se os outros bancos irão cair fora do seu esquema.

A idéia de que 130 bilhoes de libras é suficiente para ter uma rede de segurança para uma crise futura ou uma recessão dupla como eles gostam de chamá-la, é absurda. A dívida produzida pelos derivativos, dependendo a quem você perguntar, está entre 600 trilhoes e 1 quatrilhão de dólares. Segundo Robert Chapman, do “comprar derivativos não é uma forma de investimento. É um jogo de seguros e apostas. Os derivativos não criam nada.” De acordo com o Bank of International Settlements, a bolha de derivativos tem crescido exponencialmente, até um ponto em que os montantes negociados ao abrigo deste esquema já ultrapassou em muito o PIB do mundo.”Operações de derivativos têm crescido exponencialmente, até agora, são maiores do que toda a economia global.” Os Credit defaultswaps (CDS) são a forma mais comum de derivativos. CDS são apostas entre duas partes, sobre se uma empresa poderá ou não retornar os investimentos nos seus títulos. Na verdade, são seguros ilegais, sem exigência de titularidade de qualquer ativo. Os CDS são usados para aumentar os lucros em jogos de mudanças no mercado.

A rede de dívida em que a economia atual foi construída ao longo dos últimos 100 anos foi uma ferramenta em um processo para reverter tudo o que os seres humanos lograram. Não foi acidental, no entanto, pois este mecanismo foi planejado pelos banqueiros globalistas desde o início. Toda vez que o mundo viveu uma crise financeira como em 1929-1933, a consolidação e o aumento no controle dos banqueiros ficou cada vez maior. As medidas para evitar um colapso total, como nos foi dito, não foram suficientes nem tinham esse como objetivo real. Eles eram simplesmente maneiras de adiar o colapso iminente. As medidas implementadas pelos banqueiros não podem ser usadas para sempre. Alguma coisa ia falhar mais cedo ou mais. “Este esquema levado passo a passo, é uma abordagem não-holística da Fed e do Tesouro para a gestão de crises mas tem sido um fracasso. . . . arrastar e preencher um buraco no [tempo] é inútil quando todo o sistema de impostos está em colapso em meio à tempestade financeira perfeita. Uma abordagem muito mais radical, holística e sistêmica para a gestão de crises é agora necessária “, diz o professor Nouriel Roubini, fundador do Roubini Global Economics.

Depois de tornar a economia global em um sistema baseado em serviços, onde nenhum produto de qualidade é fabricado, dirigindo os países em desenvolvimento a uma dívida enorme, enquanto se colapsam as economias do mundo ocidental, os banqueiros estão prontos para a sua última jogada: a última crise. De acordo com o comunicado do G20, seus membros devem reduzir os seus déficits até 2013, um processo que já começou. Este processo deve terminar em 2016, quando os países devem ter estabilizado os seus déficits. Diminuindo e, em seguida, estabilizando os déficits significa que os países devedores terão que encontrar uma maneira de pagar suas dívidas na íntegra ao FMI e ao Banco Mundial, de acordo com as condições impostas por essas entidades. Cada país que não pagar na íntegra será liquidado e seus recursos serão transferidos automaticamente para os banqueiros globalistas. Imagine o que aconteceu com Argentina, Grécia e Islândia na última década, mas em vez de serem esses países, os devedores serão os Estados Unidos, Espanha, Portugal, Inglaterra e Alemanha.

G20: Banks must hold on to Cash for coming Crisis

The International Crime Syndicate, better known as the G20, determined at its last meeting that the collapse and consolidation of the global economy will begin around 2012 and finish in 2016 with the liquidation of all countries who are in debt with the IMF and the World Bank.

By Luis Miranda
The Real Agenda
June 29, 2010

Bankers and G20 members have direct and indirect ways to speak to the public. At the end of the latest G20 meeting in Toronto, both

From right to left: Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper, UK Prime Minister David Cameron and U.S. President Barack Hussein Obama.

groups spoke very clearly about what they have in mind for the foreseeable future. First, they are all in the run to help the process of global consolidation. Second, they will extend the current depression by slowly cutting the available cash for lending. Third, they will continue their austerity programs in a country by country basis to slowly kill their economies and consolidate each nation. Fourth, now that they have robbed the people’s taxes through their rescue packages, they plan to rob shareholders by putting the burden of future rescues on them when the next crisis comes. Fifth, they are disingenuous or irresponsible by thinking that putting aside 130 billion pounds will create any security for the economy, given that only the derivative schemed debt ascends into the quadrillion of dollars. And lastly, they intend to seed and water the final implosion, which according to their communique, can come as soon as 2012.

If all these sounds confusing, please let me explain.

Let’s start by remembering that the G20, and mainly the G8 were the ones who caused the current financial crisis. They did it through their front companies e.g. banks, which implemented a series of corrupt schemes to bankrupt economies and whole countries through investment and betting into risky and sometimes nonexistent financial products e.g. derivatives. These schemes were allowed to exist given the fact that for the past two decades most of the regulations put in place to stop financial fraud were eliminated as an excuse to enable “free markets”. What deregulation effectively permitted was the creation of bogus investing plans which the banks later offered to countries, states and municipalities -often times through governments- and used them to acquire all their infrastructure and cash through the issuance of debt or fraudulent investment.

It has become clear that the G8 and the bankers are not interested in improving current economic conditions. They simply want to extend the crisis as long as they need to, in order to execute their final plan of global implosion. That is what emerges from the idea of cutting lending money and asking banks to hoard the cash for the next crisis, as the G20 communique says. Although 130 billion pounds is peanuts in comparison with the debt most G8 countries hold today, the action of keeping the cash in reserve paints a clear picture of what the ‘leaders’ have in mind. What they want is a slowly and painfully grind down the economies in order to cause the greatest damage. Such policy will assure them the consolidation of more resources before the final blow to the global economy is given.

One of the most important tools the bankers have used along the last 100 years is to create an artificial bubble of money abundance -Fiat money- in order to get the countries and the public to trust them. This is what many describe as economic booms. But given the fact that the global economy is based on debt and fractional reserve banking, the only goal the money bubbles had was to hook up the greatest amount of debt on consumers to then pull the cash off the markets. By doing this, the bankers accelerate their consolidation process. Along with the reduction in lending, G8 nations agreed to continue the austerity plans in each individual country. Austerity will be implanted on the working class by cutting services such as police, hospitals, school funding, and social programs. This will in turn cause civil unrest, which is what the bankers want in order to officially freely unleash their military and technological control grid. A preview of what this grid would look like was seen on the streets of Toronto during the last G20 meeting. It was also seen during Argentina’s collapse in 2001.

The infamous rescue packages glorified by the IMF and the World Bank as the best way to avoid a complete collapse of the global economy -which as explained before was caused by the bankers themselves- were the biggest transfer of money and resources in the history of the world. Only the United States gave the bankers around $25 trillion in tax payer money so Goldman Sachs, Iberia Bank, JP Morgan Chase, Bank of America and others could pay their shareholders their chunk of the loot. See a complete list of what banks got the cash here. But those $25 trillion were not enough, of course. Germany for example, voted to give 66% of its annual revenue to the banks. Going by the G20′s communique it is clear they are planning another big collapse, possibly the last one. It is also clear they will have to rob someone else this time and that is what the bankers and the ‘leaders’ have said. They will stick the next rescue package to the banks’ shareholders -not to the big ones, though-. So if you have investments in any bank, it is advised to rescue yourself out of it before the new banking package comes along. Shamelessly, they will obligate the banks to hold billions so when the next crisis comes, taxpayers will not be burdened as if we don’t know those billions are the same they stole last 2009. Now that they consolidated and stabilized their fraudulent financial system, it won’t matter if other banks fail, because they are all covered.

The idea that 130 billion pounds is a safety net for a future crisis, or double dip recession as they like to call it, is preposterous. Derivative-produced debt is, depending who you ask, between $600 trillion and $1 quadrillion. According to Robert Chapman, from the, buying derivatives is not investing.  It is gambling, insurance and high stakes bookmaking.  Derivatives create nothing.” According to the Bank of International Settlements, the derivative bubble has grown exponentially to a point where the amounts negotiated under this scheme has long surpassed the world’s GDP. “Derivative trades have grown exponentially, until now they are larger than the entire global economy.”Credit default swaps (CDS) is the most common form of derivatives. CDS are bets between two parties on whether or not a company will default on its bonds. They are indeed illegal insurance policies, with no requirement to hold any asset. CDS are used to increase profits by gambling on market changes.

The WEB of DEBT in which the current economy was built throughout the past 100 years was the tool used in a process to reverse everything humans achieved. It was not unintended however, as this was the mechanism the globalist bankers planned on using from the beginning. Every time the world experienced a financial crisis like in 1929-1933, the grip of control tightened more and more. The measures to avoid a total collapse, as we were told, were not such. They were simply ways to postpone the imminent collapse.  But the measures the bankers implemented cannot be used forever. Sooner rather than later something will give in. The step by step, ad hoc and non-holistic approach of Fed and Treasury to crisis management has been a failure. . . . [P]lugging and filling one hole at [a] time is useless when the entire system of levies is collapsing in the perfect financial storm of the century. A much more radical, holistic and systemic approach to crisis management is now necessary,” says professor Nouriel Roubini. founder of Roubini Global Economics.

After turning the global economy into a service-based system, where no quality products are manufactured; after driving developing countries into massive debt while collapsing the economies of the western world, the bankers are ready for their last move: a one last crisis. According to the G20 communique, its members must cut their deficits by 2013, a process that already started. This process is supposed to end in 2016, when the nations should have stabilized their deficits. Cutting and then stabilizing deficits means that debtor countries will have to find a way to pay their debts in full to the IMF and World Bank according to the conditions imposed by those entities. Every country that does not pay in full will be liquidated and their resources will be automatically transferred to the globalist bankers. Imagine what happened to Argentina, Greece and Iceland in the last decade, but instead of being those countries, the debtors will be the United States, Spain, Portugal, England and Germany.

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