Geo-engenharia: Armas Laser e Modificação Climática

Por Luis R. Miranda
The Real Agenda
Junho 3, 2010

Muitas pessoas agem com incredulidade quando o assunto do uso de armas de energia direta é falado em uma conversa. Acredita-se

Armas laser disparadas do ar o desde o espaço são já uma realidade.

que a pessoa é “excêntrica” se ela explica que estas armas podem ser usadas para modificar o clima ou derrubar estruturas ou locais. No entanto, uma recente utilização do laser revela que tal uso militar não está somente bem próximo da realidade, mas na verdade é uma aplicação comum hoje em dia.

Em um artigo publicado na Russia Today, a existência de tais tecnologias é admitida por cientistas e militares e suas aplicações explicadas.

Abaixo está o artigo que Russia Today publicou em 4 de maio de 2010, às 13:08:

Um poderoso laser pode ser emitido no ar úmido para provocar a condensação da água, os cientistas descobriram. A tecnologia tem o potencial de substituir a adubação de nuvens usada hoje.

Um pulso de laser é disparado no ar e este faz um caminho de oxigênio e nitrogênio ionizado. Alguns pesquisadores militares querem usar este canal “plasma” para conduzir a eletricidade em armas futuristas de energia direta, mas parece que existe também um uso para fins pacíficos.

As moléculas ionizadas atuam como núcleos de condensação de água natural e, potencialmente, podem ser utilizadas para induzir a chuva. Jérôme Kasparian, um físico óptico na Universidade de Genebra, na Suíça, e seus colegas descobriram este processo ao investigar a possibilidade de desviar a descarga através de um raio laser.

Adubação de nuvens, o método utilizado atualmente, envolve o uso de iodeto de prata ou dióxido de carbono, que estimula a formação de gotículas nas nuvens. Os produtos químicos são liberados a partir de geradores na terra ou lançados de aeronaves em qualquer lugar. Esta abordagem tem sido usada há 50 anos, é apenas moderadamente eficaz e existem algumas preocupações ambientais.

Kasparian e a sua equipe testaram com sucesso o uso de lasers para criar condensação, tanto em laboratório como no mundo real. O número de gotas foi contado para um segundo pulso disperso de baixa energia de outro laser. Em tempo úmido, a medida foi 20 vezes maior do que após disparar o primeiro laser. Isto é relatado na revista Nature Photonics.

A tecnologia, entretanto, está em seus estágios iniciais e os cientistas ainda estão por provar que realmente podem causar condensação em grandes áreas. Também tem que ser investigado a tecnologia opera em diferentes condições ambientais.

Podemos acreditar que esta tecnologia não está em uso agora? Claro que não. Pode este laser ser usado para criar um maior grau de instabilidade na atmosfera, da mesma forma que pode ser usado para criar nuvens e fazer chover? Julgue você mesmo.

Quais outras aplicações pode ter essa tecnologia? Que tal ser capaz de disparar um raio de laser desde o espaço até qualquer ponto na Terra? De repente, a teoria de que armas de energia foram usadas em 9/11, não parece tão louca, né? Apesar de ainda faltar um ponto de ligação entre a tecnologia e como ela pode ou não ser sido utilizada em 2001, o paralelismo estabelecido em alguns estudos parece ser bastante preciso.

Trilhas químicas sobre a cidade de Sao Leopoldo-RS, Brasil

Será que a alteração do clima é uma iniciativa pacífica, como é definido no artigo anterior? Na realidade não. O clima em nosso

planeta gira em torno de processos naturais que fazem parte de um equilíbrio natural, portanto, qualquer alteração artificial pode causar efeitos inesperados nos padrões do clima. A modificação artificial do tempo e o clima através da utilização de trilhas químicas, ou chemtrails, é negada como técnica para mudar o clima em uma região na atualidade, apesar da existência de programas secretos e outros de conhecimento público que revelam a utilização de compostos de bário, óxido de alumínio e outros para modificar o tempo. Estes programas são concebidos para controlar a quantidade de luz solar que atinge a Terra. Quando questionadas sobre os programas secretos, as autoridades afirmam que a pulverização química é para o bem de todos. A primeira desculpa dada é o acontecimento do aquecimento global. Os cientistas e os governos acham que é uma boa idéia pulverizar produtos químicos que causam problemas de saúde e poluem o ar que respiramos e a água que bebemos para mudar um processo que ocorre naturalmente.

Depóis de alguns minutos, as trilhas se expandem e toman conta do céu em Sao Leopoldo-RS, Brasil.

Programas que tratam com a modificação do tempo, acredita-se, é uma questão da imaginação das pessoas, até que descobrimos que organizações corruptas como o IPCC estudaram e proporam o uso da tecnologia para alterar artificialmente o clima. O que os estudos não dizem é que as partículas utilizadas na mudança do clima são tão pequenas quanto 10 mícrons e podem ter consequências desastrosas para nossa saúde. O acúmulo de óxido de alumínio e outros produtos químicos na água da chuva coletada em regiões onde o produto químico foi usado é 20 vezes superior ao normal.

A iniciativa de mudar o clima através do uso de produtos químicos não é apenas uma coisa do presente ou do futuro. No passado, o governo dos E.U., por exemplo, usou adubação de nuvens para modificar o tempo e causar chuvas torrenciais no Vietnã durante a guerra. A chuva trouxe grandes enchentes que interromperam a ação do exército de resistência vietnamita e facilitou o trabalho dos aviões americanos. Os Estados Unidos realizaram mais de 2.000 missões de modificação do clima durante a guerra. O projeto Stormfury, ou Furia da Tormenta, usado para adubar nuvens e modificar o clima, assim como outras tecnologias, têm sido estudadas e aplicadas há pelo menos 40 anos. Dr. Joseph Golden, um cientista e pesquisador na National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), disse que essas tecnologias têm sido usadas para enfraquecer furacões em até 15 por cento no passado. Ele também apoia a utilização de produtos químicos que permite que os cientistas e militares controlem o tempo em qualquer lugar durante períodos variados. Chemtrails, ou trilhas químicas, podem permanecer entre 6 e 20 horas na atmosfera após os produtos químicos que os formam serem pulverizados. Elas podem abranger áreas tão grandes quanto 4.000 milhas ou mais. Minha pergunta é: estas tecnologias podem ser usadas para criar furacões da mesma maneira que se usam para enfraquecê-los ou até mesmo dissipá-los? A resposta é SIM.

O uso de lasers e outras tecnologias semelhantes é, como podemos ver nesta tabela, um objetivo bem alcançado. O mais famoso de todos os usos é o de Nikola Tesla, com o uso de energia direta. A aplicação de Tesla foi estudada e aperfeiçoada ao longo de décadas e é agora reconhecida, mesmo pelos militares, como uma fonte real de energia. Tenente-Coronel Thomas E. Bearden (aposentado), analista de sistemas com experiência e especialista em programas militares disse: “O tempo e a energia eventualmente tornam-se coisas que você pode inventar.” Ele continuou: “Para a nossa própria sobrevivência, é absolutamente imperativo que os cidadãos informados estejam conscientes desta mudança radical, que está apenas no início. A ciência nova e poderosa deve ser controlada e utilizada em benefício da humanidade e não em seu prejuízo. Caso contrário, será usada para destruir toda a vida na terra, como indicado por Nikita Khrushchev em 1960. ”

Tenente-Coronel Bearden

O que o Tenente-Coronel Bearden quer dizer é que a humanidade tem em suas mãos uma nova arma, uma arma que pode destruir toda a vida na Terra. A sua visão é apoiada pelo ex-secretário de Defesa dos Estados Unidos, William Cohen, quem alertou sobre o uso de armas laser como uma forma de terrorismo ecológico. “Outros estão envolvidos, mesmo em um tipo de eco-terrorismo que pode alterar o clima, causar terremotos e erupcões vulcánicas remotamente através do uso de ondas eletromagnéticas … Então, há uma abundância de mentes engenhosas que estão lá fora trabalhando para encontrar maneiras de criar terrorismo em outros países … “

Embora os cientistas não estejam pensando em usar a geo-engenharia ou tecnologias de modificação do tempo para causar danos a grandes áreas da Terra, -pelo menos não todos eles- a realidade é que essa decisão não está em suas mãos. Os cientistas são responsáveis por pensar, criar e implementar tecnologias. O que é feito com essas tecnologias é, então, a prerrogativa de empresas privadas ou governos, que são aqueles que fornecem financiamento e infra-estrutura para os experimentos. Uma questão que pode surgir sobre as alterações climáticas com armas laser ou trilhas químicas é: como ela nos afetam? A resposta é: não positivamente. Outra questão é: porque se no passado os governos e as empresas negaram a existência de modificações climáticas e as tecnologias de armas deste tipo, estão agora falando sobre seu uso e tornando-as visíveis para todos? Bem, porque você não pode negar a geo-engenharia que está acontecendo, como é reconhecida pelos cientistas e militares. Portanto, não é necessário documentar as trilhas químicas, porque está provado que elas existem. Não há necessidade de documentar as armas laser, tanto na Terra como no espaço, porque sem dúvida existem. Leia este documento PDF do Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), uma organização globalista conhecida por suas opiniões sobre o uso unilateral da geo-engenharia.

Como disse o ex-secretário de Defesa, William Cohen, a questão agora não é se a geo-engenharia através de lasers e trilhas químicas é real ou não, mas para que será usada. E se tomarmos a dua palavra, como ex-secretário de Defesa da mais poderosa força militar do mundo, o futuro não parece ser bom. Simplesmente a partir do ponto de vista do que armas laser ou a geo-engenharia são capazes de fazer, todas as questões devem ser levantadas. Se esses rastros químicos não são tóxicos, como alguns cientistas dizem, porque a Monsanto, empresa química em si, está criando um tipo de semente que pode suportar os produtos químicos utilizados nestes percursos? Segundo a Dra. Ilya Sandra Perlingieri, os produtos químicos aplicados às áreas povoadas e despovoadas estão prejudicando não só o ambiente mas também a saúde humana.

“… Nós também sabemos que certos tipos de produtos químicos podem danificar a saúde humana e dos animais, especialmente o sistema imunológico … … os perigos das alterações hormonais estão agora mais amplamente explicadas na Internet, mas não são bem conhecidos pelas pessoas que escutam notícia dos meios de comunicação tradicionais. (1) A maioria destes produtos químicos altamente tóxicos são invisíveis e, portanto, estão facilmente fora do nosso radar coletivo. Com o nível de estresse criado deliberadamente pela crise financeira orquestrada pelas elites, onde milhões de pessoas perderam seus empregos e lares, um ambiente degradado não é prioridade para ninguém, especialmente se há pouca informação ao respeito. Este cenário faz parte de uma perspectiva mais ampla e é o que Naomi Klein escreve em seu livro “The Shock Doctrine”. Temos grandes crises, uma após a outra, sendo difícil manter o contato com nossa rotina diária, muito menos ter tempo para considerar as implicações toxicológicas de enormes quantidades de metais pesados e produtos químicos que envenenam nossa cadeia alimentar e, portanto, a nossa suposta saúde. ” Estamos no topo de uma cadeia alimentar em ruínas. ”

Leia a avaliação completa da Dra. Perlingieri sobre a geo-engenharia e as alterações climáticas aqui. E sobre as armas laser? Bem,

Secretario de Defesa dos Estados Unidos, William Cohen.

se os governos e as empresas têm agora a possibilidade de criar nuvens, criar e gerenciar furacões, criar terremotos e outros fenômenos tais como William Cohen e o Tenente Bearden dizem, é seguro afirmar que estas são ameaças gigantescas à sobrevivência da humanidade. O uso de produtos químicos e lasers são o mesmo tipo de soluções rápidas que nos trouxeram DDT, gases CFC, dispositivos de radiação de microondas, os organismos geneticamente modificados (OGM), os pesticidas em alimentos e outros. É essa ameaça que levou as pessoas a se mobilizarem a nível mundial. O cientista David Suzuki diz que a geo-engenharia é uma “loucura” e vai mais longe ao dizer: “Se nós aprendemos alguma coisa do passado, é que apesar de estarmos muito hábeis em inventar novas e poderosas tecnologias, nosso conhecimento de como o mundo e as coisas estão interligadas é quase zero. ”

Mesmo os globalistas, tradicionalmente defensores da redução da população nas Nações Unidas, manifestaram sua preocupação com a utilização tanto das armas laser como das trilhas químicas. A 14ª Sessão do Órgão Subsidiário de Assessoramento Científico, Técnico e Tecnológico foi o primeiro lugar onde o Conselho das Nações Unidas discutiu a geo-engenharia, desde a assinatura do Tratado ENMOD em 1976. O tratado proibiu a geo-engenharia, quando ela é usada para objetivos”hostis”. SBSTTA 14 irá recomendar à Convenção das Nações Unidas sobre a Diversidade Biológica a imposição de uma moratória sobre todas as atividades de modificação do clima através de geo-engenharia em uma reunião em Nagoya, Japão em outubro 2010. Naturalmente, o conhecimento se dissemina mais rápido e melhor quando as pessoas mais a nível local são responsáveis por informar sobre estas questões. Então, conte à sua família, amigos e conhecidos sobre a origem e os perigos de armas laser e a modificação do clima com geo- engenharia ao redor do globo. Assim como OS POVOS expuseram as mentiras sobre o aquecimento global antropogênico e Climategate, é nosso dever expor isso também.

Laser Weapons and Weather Modification Today

Laser beams shot from Earth into space (HAARP) or viceversa are a reality today.

By Luis R. Miranda
The Real Agenda
June 1, 2010

Many people act in disbelief when the topic of direct energy weapons is brought into a conversation. It is thought to be ‘kooky’ if one explains that such weapons can be used to change weather patterns or shoot structures down. However, a recent application of laser beams reveals that such uses -military and otherwise- are not only closer to reality than we thought, but indeed a common application nowadays.

In an article published on Russia Today, the admission of the existence of such technologies is not only admitted, but also explained in their applications.

From Russia Today Published 04 May, 2010, 13:08:

A powerful laser can be shot into humid air to cause intense water condensation, scientists have discovered. The technology has the potential to replace cloud seeding widely used today.

Then a short laser pulse is shot into the air, it forms a path of ionised nitrogen and oxygen. Some military researchers want to use this “plasma channel” to conduct electricity in futuristic direct energy weapons, but there appears to be a peaceful application.

The ionized molecules act as natural nuclei for water condensation and can potentially be used to cause rain. Optical physicist Jérôme Kasparian at the University of Geneva, Switzerland, and colleagues stumbled on it as they investigated the possibility of diverting lightning discharges via laser.

The “cloud seeding” method used today involves silver iodide or frozen carbon dioxide, which stimulate droplet formation in clouds. The chemicals are released by ground generators or dropped from planes wherever needed. The approach, which has been used for some 50 years now, is only moderately efficient and there are some environmental concerns over it.

So far Kasparian and the team have successfully tested the laser-induced condensation technology both in lab and in the field. They measured the number of new droplets by counting back-scatterings from a second low-energy pulse from another laser. In humid weather, they measured 20 times more of those after firing the first beam, they report online in Nature Photonics.

The technology, however, is in the early stages, and the scientists are yet to prove that it can effectively cause condensation over wide areas rather than along a narrow channel. They also need to investigate if it works in different environmental conditions.

So are we supposed to believe this technology is not already in use? Of course not. Can this laser technology be used to create higher degrees of instability in the atmosphere the same way it can be used to create clouds and make it rain? You be the judge.

What other applications can this weaponry have? How about shooting a laser beam from space into any point on Earth? Suddenly, the theory of direct energy weaponry used on 9/11 does not seem so far fetched, does it? Although she is still missing the connecting dot between the technology and how it may or may not have been used in 2001, the drawn parallels during her investigation seem to be pretty much on the spot.

Chemtrails have taken over the skies of world with aluminum oxide, barium and sulfur compounds.

Is weather modification a peaceful application as the article above defines it? Not really. The weather in our planet revolves around natural processes which are part of a natural balance, so any artificial changes will -at the very least- ultimately have unforeseen effects in the regular weather patterns. Artificial weather modification through the use of chemtrails is denied as a technique to change the weather over a region today even though there are classified and unclassified government programs that consist of spraying barium and aluminum oxide compounds, among others. into the atmosphere as a way to control how much sunlight gets to Earth. When authorities are asked about the unclassified programs, they state that the use of chemical spraying is for the greater good. The first excuse that unequivocally comes to mind is Global Warming. So, scientists and the government think it is a good idea to spray chemicals that cause health problems and pollute the air we breath and the water we drink in order to affect a naturally occurring process.

Programs that deal with weather modification are thought to be a matter of people’s imagination; that is until we discover that corrupt organizations like the IPCC studied and suggested the use of technology to artificially alter the weather. What the studies don’t tell you is that particles used in weather modification that are as small as 10 microns, can be disastrous for our health. The accumulation of aluminum oxide and other chemicals in rain water collected in regions where chemtrails are used are as high as 20 times the natural content.

Weather modification is not only a thing of the present or the future. In the past, the United States government, for example, used weather modification in the form of cloud seeding to cause heavy rains in Vietnam during the war period. The rain brought massive floods over the Vietnamese resistance army and facilitated the work of the U.S. American planes flew over 2,000 weather modification missions during the war. Project Storm Fury, which used cloud seeding to modify weather, as well as other technologies have been studied and applied for at least 40 years. According to Dr. Joseph Golden, a senior research scientist at the National Oceanic Atmosphere Administration (NOAA), says such technologies have been used to weaken hurricanes by as much as 15 percent in the past. He also admits the spraying of chemicals allow scientists and the military to control the weather in any area for different periods of time. Chemtrails can last anywhere between 6 to 20 hours in the atmosphere after the chemicals that form them are sprayed. They can cover areas as large as 4000 miles or more. My question is, can these technologies be used to create or direct hurricanes as they are used to weaken, slow them down or even dissipate them? The answer is YES.

The use of laser beams and similar technologies is, as we see on this table, a well achieved goal. The most famous of all applications is Nikola Tesla’s laser beam direct energy technology. Tesla’s application has been studied and perfected throughout decades and now, it is recognized -even by military men- as a real source of energy. Lt. Colonel Thomas E. Bearden (retired), an experienced systems analyst and wargames specialist, said: “time as energy eventually becomes engineerable”. And he continued: “For our very survival, it is absolutely imperative that informed citizens be aware of this dramatic change, which is just now starting. The powerful new science and engineering must be controlled and used for humanity’s benefit, not its detriment. Else it will eventually be let loose unrestrainedly, to destroy all life on earth – as possibility indicated by Nikita Khrushchev in 1960.

What Mr. Bearden means is that humanity has in its hands a new weapon; a weapon that is capable of wiping all life on Earth. Lt. Colonel Bearden’s vision is supported by former U.S. Defense Secretary William Cohen, who warned about the use of laser weapons as a form of eco-terrorism. “Others are engaging even in an eco-type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves… So there are plenty of ingenious minds out there that are at work finding ways in which they can wreak terror upon other nations…”

Although scientists themselves may not be thinking about using geo-engineering or weather modification technologies to cause harm to large areas of the Earth, -at least not all of them- especially those densely populated, the reality is, it is not in their hands to make that decision. Scientists are the ones in charge of thinking, creating and applying technologies. Whatever is done with those technologies is then the prerogative of private corporations or governments, that are the ones who provide financing and infrastructure for the experiments. One question that may be raised about weather modification in the form of laser weapons or chemtrails is, how do they affect us? The answer is, not positively. Another question then is, why if in the past governments and corporations denied the existence of weather modification and weapons technologies of this sort, are they now telling us about their use and putting them in plain sight? Well, because it is undeniable geo-engineering is happening as it is admitted by scientists and military men. So no more need to document chemtrails as they admittedly exist. No more need to document laser beam weapons; both on Earth and in space, as they admittedly exist. Check this PDF from the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), a known influential globalist organization on the ideas about the unilateral use of Geo-engineering.

Former Secretary of Defense William Cohen

As former United States Defense Secretary William Cohen confessed, the issue now is not whether geo-engineering through laser beams or spraying is real or not, but what is it going to be used for. And if we take his word as the former defense secretary of the most powerful military in the world, the future does not look well. Simply from the point of view of what laser weapons are capable of, or what does geo-engineering do to the environment, all eyebrows need to be raised. How toxic can these chemtrails be that Monsanto, a chemical company itself, is creating a type of seed capable of resisting chemicals of the kind being used in chemtrails. According to Dr. Ilya Sandra Perlingieri , the chemicals sprayed over populated and non-populated areas are damaging not only the environment, but also to human health.

…we also know that certain kinds of chemicals can and do disrupt human [and other animals’] entire immune system… …on the dangers of hormone disruption, is now more widely available on Internet sites, it still is not well known by the average person who gets news mostly from mainstream media.(1) Most of these highly toxic chemicals are invisible; and, therefore, are easily off our collective radar. With the high stress level created by the deliberately orchestrated financial crisis –where millions have lost their jobs and homes– a degraded/collapsing environment or serious health problems are not priorities –especially, if very little is reported in mainstream news. This disaster scenario is part of the larger picture of what Naomi Klein writes about in her book “The Shock Doctrine.” We have so many major crises, one after another, that it is hard just to keep up with one’s daily routine –let alone have time to read and consider the toxicological health ramifications of massive amounts of thousands of heavy metals and chemicals that have poisoned our entire food chain and, thus, our own supposed “health.” We are at the very top of this wrecked food chain.”

A global awakening has begun to stop the atmospheric and orbital war on the people.

Read Dr. Perlingieri’s complete assessment on geo-engineering and weather modification here. And how about those laser beam weapons? Well, if governments and corporations are now capable of creating clouds, creating and directing hurricanes, creating earthquakes and other phenomena, as both William Cohen and Lt. Bearden say, it is safe to say that those too, are threats of gigantic scale for the survival of humanity. The use of chemicals and lasers are the kind of quick fixes that brought us DDT, CFC gases, microwave radiation devices, genetically modified organisms (GMO), pesticides in the food supply and others of the kind. It is this very same threat that has propelled people around the world to mobilize. Scientist David Suzuki calls geo-engineering “insane” and goes beyond to say: “If we have learned anything from the past, it is that while we are very clever at inventing powerful new technologies, our knowledge of how the world works and is interconnected is almost zero.”

Even the traditionally globalist, population control supporter United Nations is restrained on the use of both -chemical and laser- weapons. The 14th meeting of Subsidiary Body of Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice was the first time a UN Body addressed geo-engineering for the first time since the 1976 ENMOD Treaty banned environmental modification for “hostile uses”. SBSTTA 14 is already recommending that the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity call on its member governments to impose a moratorium on all climate geo-engineering activities when it convenes in Nagoya, Japan this October. Of course, knowledge spreads faster and better when more people, at the local level, take it upon themselves to let others know about mainstream important issues. Please inform your relatives, friends and acquaintances about the origin and dangers of laser weapons for military and weather modification purposes, as well as Geo-engineering with chemicals all around the planet. Just as THE PEOPLE exposed the lies about Anthropogenic Global Warming and Climategate, it is our duty to expose this, too.

Council on Foreign Relations Propaganda


The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) is an invitation only membershipgroup made up of about 4000 people that comprise what many observers consider to bethe shadow government of America. The CFR is more than a ‘think tank’, it is a network of elitists that control America by creating policies, laws, financial alliances and monopolies. This new video, starring such diverse personalities as Angelina Jolie and Zbigniew Brzezinski, promotes the CFR as a wonderful place where people meet to discuss policy, thus giving the impression that all points of view are represented and implemented with the public’s best interests at heart.

Some of its members include bankers (Timothy Geithner, Henry Paulson, Alan Greenspan, Paul Volcker, and World Bank President Robert Zoellick), Secretaries of State (Henry Kissinger, Condoleeza Rice, Hillary Clinton), Supreme Court Justices (Bader-Ginsberg and Stephen Breyer), corporate titans (George Soros, Michael Bloomberg, Dick Cheney), mainstream media (mainstream media is manipulated by the CFR- Katie Couric, Bill Moyers, Diane Sawyer, Tom Brokaw), foreign heads of state (Mikhail Gorbachev, Benyamin Netanyahu and Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe), religious leader (the Dalai Lama)and entertainers (Shirley Temple, Angelina Jolie, Fred Thompson).

Some of the more notable corporations that enjoy CFR membership include AIG, BP, Citigroup, Goldman Sachs, Google, Merck, NASDAQ, Pfizer and VISA.

The truth about the CFR is that it is a global agenda organizationfilled with collectivists who advocatedepopulation and covert controlover America and the world. An example of this is the quote by Zbigniew Brzezinski (co-founder of the Trilateral Commission and former US National Security Advisor):

“I once put it rather pungently, and I was flattered that the British Foreign Secretary repeated this, as follows: … namely, in early times, it was easier to to control a million people, literally it was easier to control a million people than physically to kill a million people. Today, it is infinitely easier to to kill a million people than to control a million people. It is easier to kill than to control….”

Brzezinski’s statement does not advocate killing, but that he and his compatriots have given serious thought to both options. The average auto mechanic does not ponder these things. Who does? Only those who have a self image of being empowered to do either and, therefore, must make a choice.

David Rockefeller, honorary chairman of the CFR, he is also the founder of the Trilateral Commission (a secretive members-only group with designs to remove the borders between Canada, U.S. and Mexico in the pursuit of eventual world governance),his family founded the Population Council (with its roots in eugenics, which is the philosophy of improving the human gene pool through selective breeding, historically, it has sometimes been accomplished through brutal means such as forced sterilization and genocide)and he is a banker, famous for this quote:

“For more than a century ideological extremists at either end of the political spectrum have seized upon well-publicized incidents such as my encounter with Castro to attack the Rockefeller family for the inordinate influence they claim we wield over American political and economic institutions. Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as “internationalists” and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure – one world, if you will. If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.”

This video is pure propaganda; it would seem incredible that some CFR members do not understand its true nature, but may have been used for marketing and public relations purposes in this video.

G. Edward Griffin , who revealed the character of the CFR in “The Capitalist Conspiracy” in 1971, said that due to the growing awareness of the CFR’s role in leading America into global collectivist government, the CFR is attempting to brighten their tarnished image with this public relations video. And it uses the same production style seen on TV ads selling pharmaceutical drugs. The message is about learning, discussion and solutions, but omits commentary on their goals and methods.

North American Union 101

Call it What You Want. If Everything Goes Business as Usual, Mexico, Canada and the United States Will Become One

By Luis R. Miranda
The Real Agenda
May 5, 2010

Rome was not built in one day. In order to become the Empire it was, Rome went through years and years of progress until it becamNAUe the structure we know today. Democracy did not appear one morning with the rise of the sun.  The United States was not founded over a summer to become what it is today; it took a civil war to produce independence from Britain, an anti-slavery movement, a period of reconstruction and industrialization and two world wars. Local, National and Global structures of power are created one block at the time. The latest example of a superstructure in its works is the North American Union.

Known also by its NAU abbreviation, this new power structure emulates in many regards the European Union, EU, which came about as an economical organization, which sought to facilitate the trade between countries in the old continent. One thing the two structures have in common is its supranational nature, that is, its authority goes beyond the power of any of its member-partner governments. Just as its European equal, the North American Union and its roots were planted by non-governmental institutions, mainly the Council in Foreign Relations or CFR a branch of a globalist movement that seeks to unify the world under a one-world government. In Europe, the main contributors to the creation of the EU were the European Commission, the Council of the European Union, the European Council, the European Central Bank, the European Court of Justice, and the European Parliament, all of which represented no government in particular, but which represented the interests of national and regional corporations.
The European Union is today one single market with a common trade and political policy. It introduced a single currency, the euro, adopted by 13 member states. The EU initiated a limited Common Foreign and Security Policy, and a limited Police and Judicial Co-operation in Criminal Matters. Another feature the EU and the NAU have in common is that those who are put in power are not elected by the people in every nation member, precisely because when a country is admitted into the EU, that nation ceases to exist. Everything from the security to the economy, to the politics, to the management of welfare and the military is then directed by unelected persons who raise to power once a country’s president or prime minister signs what in North America is the Security and Prosperity Partnership, SPP. Once the SPP is signed, most laws that previously governed such a country go into retirement, and the newly unelected parliament begins their never-ending governance.

Another similarity between the EU and NAU, is the authorization to let in millions of foreigners who are free to move within the borders of the union to live and work with zero restrictions. The newest push by the United States president and most congressmen to allow between 12 and 30 million illegal immigrants to remain in the United States soil regardless of their violations of immigration laws, is a clear sign, critics say, that there is a path being paved to lure people into coming to North America. The newest bill, which apparently counts with the blessing of George W. Bush, includes a renewable Z VISA, which will permit illegals to remain in the country for 4 years in a row. During that period, illegals will pay around $5,000 in fees and penalties, which will enable them to apply for a Green Card. At some point in the process, the head of the household, the bill says, will have to leave the United States to his country of origin in order to obtain a legal admittance into the US. Although most parts of the bill are kept secret by its writers and most congressmen, it’s been reported that the bill will allow illegals to bring into the US up to eleven relatives after the former obtain their green cards. This will not only make the immigration problem more serious, but also will turn the immigration debate more sour, because the bill does not account for how the country or the work market will cope with the increase in the population this measure will spur.

“The ultimate goal of any White House policy ought to be a North American economic and political alliance similar in scope and ambitions to the European Union.” So, whom are the ones pushing for the North American Union in the United States? Well, for starters Mr. Robert Pastor, from the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), who said in the journal of the CFR: “NAFTA was merely the first draft of an economic constitution for North America.” Then, there is Zbigniew Brzezinski, former National Security Advisor who in 1995 said, “We cannot leap into world government in one quick step…the precondition for eventual globalization is progressive regionalization.” Last but not least, Mr. David Rockefeller, who said in his memoirs, “…Some believe we are part of a global cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure- one world. If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.”

In March, 2005, president Bush, Canadian Prime Minister Martin and former Mexican president Vicente Fox signed the SPP, which again was written by Robert Pastor and other members of the CFR, who met with its Mexican and Canadian colleagues before the trilateral meeting featuring the three heads of state. The goal in that meeting was to create and establish a North American Community by 2010. Although Robert Pastor maintains the intention of the CFR is not to create anything like to European Union, the truth is that in its early stages the SPP look just like the plan the EU had when it was in its beginnings. First, it was shown as an economical alliance, to facilitate the circulation of goods from country to country and to find common ground on economic and trade policies. But the EU soon turned into a continental body that evolved into political unions. In 2005, after Bush signed the SPP, a proto-parliament called the North American Competitiveness Council was created, a prototype for what in Europe is today the European Parliament. The highlight of this section is that in the event a severe state of emergency hits the region, the SPP has plans for a continuity of government, which many call a shadow government.

The NAFTA Highways
But in order for a North American block to prosper, there is more that needs to happen. In order to open the borders, immigration laws need to change. A new transportation system needs to be constructed. Once trade limits are set aside, the path seems to point to a free circulation of products from Mexico into the US and to Canada. The North American Free Trade Agreement signed by Bill Clinton in 1993, opened the door for massive exchange of goods across the borders of Mexico, the United States and Canada. In order to have that massive movement of people and products a new highway system which will connect the three countries. The NAFTA highways will begin down on the border between Mexico and the US and spread to Florida, New York, Toronto, Oklahoma, Calgary and Vancouver. All in all, there will be four sections: an Atlantic, Pacific, Central Eastern and Central Western corridors. All this is possible due to the massive sell of local and regional highway systems to international corporations such as Spain’s Cintra and Zachry Construction. The lobbying of banks like Goldman Sachs and other companies like Merryl Lynch in Washington and the poor management of resources at the state level have sparked the sell of Parkways, Turnpikes and other highway systems which were built with taxpayers’ money and that now, opposing groups say, it being handed to foreigners for periods as long as 99 years.

The Amero
So, once there is a common government, a common trade policy and a common transportation system, there are two more things needed to complete the picture, one is a common currency and another is a regional database. According to Professor and Journalist, Jerome Corsi, one of the key issues is the use of a regional currency. “Robert Pastor has also called for the creation of the “Amero” that would replace the US Dollar, the Canadian Dollar and the Mexican Peso”, says Corsi. “This follows in virtual lock step with what the European Union has accomplished for the once-totally independent nations across the Atlantic. Most of them have discarded their own currencies in favor of the Euro.” Either due to currency devaluation or the push of the CFR for the Amero, it is clear that the fact the United States is part of this regional body and that the government borrows 3 billion dollars a day to maintain its operations, will eventually erode the dollar as a currency. Another thing that would precipitate the fall of the dollar and the rise of the Amero is the fact that China holds most of the US debt, which puts in their hands the future of the dollar as a currency. If China decides to dump the dollar as their trade currency and go for the Euro or the Pound, the United States will suffer an economic catastrophe much worse than that suffered during the depression of 1929. A devalued currency and a week economy, says Corsi, would open the doors for a new currency, the Amero.

So where does the Radio Frequency Identification system fall into place? Questioned by pro-privacy groups as the greatest violation yet to the citizens private lives, the RFID appears as the best instrument to control the influx of dangerous individuals and to know everything about who enters the country, their origin and destination. In a world tainted by terrorism, it seems like a good idea to know who is here and why, the problem is that it will not only affect immigrants or tourists who come to the US or the North American Union for that matter. Every American citizen will be mandated to carry one of these ID’s as well. Although it was first promoted as a way to prevent the spread of animal disease from getting into the food chain, it soon turned into a tool to control the free movement of individuals across the region. The National Security theme doesn’t seem to be flying well among the population. Several states around the country have formally filed requests to reject the National ID Act, while some states have already totally rejected it. According to critics, the National RFID is an ineffective solution to a problem that can be addressed in less intrusive ways. In practice, it has been demonstrated that hackers can drain information from an RFID card from 160 feet away. Because the information on the ID is biometric the information could be stolen or changed. The ID system would track the card, not the person. What the ID will do it seems, is to create barriers as to where people can go. Those who do not hold an RFID will not be permitted to board planes, enter public buildings or banks, or to collect social security benefits. Organizations like the Liberty Coalition make clear that the RFID is the precursor for what is to come; the implantation of a chip under people’s skins as a way to avoid and end the tampering the RFID will be subject to. The implanted chip says the Liberty Coalition in a recent newsletter is what they are really after. In fact, hospitals and clinics around the country already use chips to store medical information, which is then retrieved with a scanner. Institutions like the Hackensack University Medical Center in Hackensack New Jersey, already offers this possibility to its clients.

The United Nations
In its official charter, the United Nations makes it clear, that its main function is to initiate studies and make recommendations for the purpose of promoting international co-operation in the political field and encouraging the progressive development of international law and its codification. It also says in article 28 that the Security Council shall be so organized as to be able to function continuously. In article 29, itsays the Security Council may establish such subsidiary organs, as it deems necessary for the performance of its functions. In article 30, it says the Security Council shall adopt its own rules of procedure, including the method of selecting its President. Probably the most controversial of the articles is where it establishes that, permanent members form the Security Council with the right to vote and veto. The members of that Council are The Communist Republic of China, France, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and the United States of America. The rest of the members are non-permanent and are elected to sit for periods of two years. Note that two of the permanent members are the USSR, which hasn’t been changed to Russia, and China, communism’s last standing. This fact is of great concern for those who see the United Nations as the precursor for a one-world government due what they call dictatorial rules and regulations. The link between the UN and the EU and the NAU is that these blocks are also previews of what will become a global regulator organ. It seems the North American Union is another step towards formalizing this initiative. In fact the very United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights in its article 28 says: “Everyone is entitled to a social and international order in which the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration can be fully realized.” Do critics have a point? Later, on Article 29 section 3, it says: “These rights and freedoms may in no case be exercised contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations.” Article 30 and last says: “Nothing in this Declaration may be interpreted as implying for any State, group or person any right to engage in any activity or to perform any act aimed at the destruction of any of the rights and freedoms set forth herein. So in other words, taking into consideration the last three articles of the Declaration of Human Rights, anyone has the right to a social and international order. No one can use the rights given in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights if they are considered to be exercised against the UN and no one can act in orderto overcome the UN as a governing body. Since this is a news piece, I let you draw your own conclusions.

Reference Material:

United Nations Reference Manuals.

United Nations Charter.

The New American Magazine.

United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Lou Dobbs Tonight Transcripts

Bankrupt, United States ‘sells’ its Infrastructure

Danish, Australian and Spanish Companies Pay Pennies on the Dollar for Infrastructure

By Luis R. Miranda
The Real Agenda
April 27, 2007

If you are a commuter who drives in and out of New York City, or maybe on Indiana highways chances are you’ve heard about local Infrastructurebanking enterprises advising state and local governments on selling their transportation
system to foreign conglomerates and making a buck in the process. Well, let’s imagine you are a daily commuter who drives through the Holland Tunnel every morning and back out every evening. If Goldman Sachs or Morgan Stanley had their saying, you would be paying somewhere around $185 instead of what you pay now. See, the irresponsibility of local, state and federal governments has driven the country into bankruptcy, with a dollar that plunges deeper and deeper against foreign currencies, states that supposedly do not have money to maintain local roads or highway systems so they have to be sold to Spanish, Danish and Australian companies which pay a miserable price for the country’s infrastructure, but obtain lavish tax exemptions and little oversight.

As I mentioned earlier, these foreign companies cannot do it themselves, so they have the support of some of the biggest and more influential financial companies in the United States. The most prominent, Goldman Sachs. The smart pants bankers work hard to “advice” the governments to privatize their roads for which they receive juicy fees. While that is going on, they also pay lobbyist companies like Hillco Partners through J. McCartt -a former aide to Texas governor Rick Perry- to press local and state governments to sell their highways to companies like Cintra, Transurban and Zachry Construction or lobby the legislators themselves. If this wasn’t enough, the bankers also raise funds among parties who are interested in participating and getting a piece of the pie. These funds, of course, are not taxed thanks to the changes made to the tax code, which now allows bankers like Merryl Lynch and Morgan Stanley to come up with a cash box to invest in road projects, something only governments were able to do not too long ago.

This movement of privatizing everything seen as a burden started more or less during the Reagan years and has found a safe heaven during Bush’s seven years in Washington. It is the same type of behavior that allowed congressman Don Young to build his bridge to nowhere. But before I continue into the highway selling deals, let me put it in prospective. Why are local and state governments lacking the money to maintain the roads? Well, they certainly have money to spend in an illegal war, in law enforcement… the Pentagon even lost 12 billion dollars in a money transfer to Iraq! So how come, if everyone pays taxes, do we not have funds to finance the maintenance of our roads? Well, local and state officials waste the money you and I pay and then claim there aren’t enough funds to sustain the typical repays a road needs. Or better even, the cities and states do have enough money, but officials still promote privatization because they will make a buck or two in the process. This is the case of Texas governor, Rick Perry, who competes neck to neck with Indiana’s governor Mitch Daniels to see who provides more support to the project known as the NAFTA Superhighway, a project which includes the privatization of roads across the country in order to favor the commands of the Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP) and the extensions of the North American Union (NAU) which president Bush signed into law in 2005. The NAU is an initiative supported by mainly by private groups like the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and its similars in Mexico and Canada. Their goal is to merge the North American block into a single political and economical beast through which people would be able to circulate without borders. In other words, the US, Mexico and Canada would lose their sovereignity as independent nations. Among other things, the initiative would require a highway system like the NAFTA Superhighway and policies which were written by non-governmental groups; better known as corporate tycoons.

Throughout the country there are projects to privatize everything. From the New Jersey, Ohio and Pennsylvania Turnpikes, the New York Thruway, highways and bridges in Alabama and Alaska, and of course Texas and Indiana. Let’s look at Indiana. The state received $3.8 billion from CINTRA and Macquaire Infrastructure Group (MIG) to lease the Indiana Toll Road for the next 75 years. The companies not only would be able to manage and raise the tolls at their discretion, but they also are exempt from taxes at the local and state levels. And if this wasn’t enough, calculations tell us that the companies would get a return of $11 billion. In Texas, the state transportation commission permitted a $1.3 billion deal so CINTRA could own and operate a 40 mile toll road out of Austin. In the meantime, Transurban paid around $500 million to lease Virginia’s Pocahontas Parkway for 99 years.

In case you haven’t notice anything wrong with this, because all you care is to have well-kept roads, let me make it clear. All these roads were paid for with your tax money and they have been paid in full already. What these companies are doing is paying the states with change, and obtaining absolute power over the country’s transportation system for two, three or four generations. In addition, they will make you pay many times over for infrastructure you already paid for and on top of that, the privatizations themselves are facilitators to forward the agendas of national and foreign corporations which intend to terminate the country as it exists today. By the way, they are way ahead already.

Phyllis Schlafly, a conservative activist, fought and continues to fight projects like the NAFTA Superhighway. “Why the rush to sell our transportation system? Following the money explains it all. Local and state governments pocket the money and get to spend it here and now, so politicians can cover their runaway budget deficits and enjoy the political rewards of spending for new facilities.”

Daniels just screwed the state of Indiana and the people of the state of Indiana. Private companies have the license to print money here. It’s a scam, basically. And you lose control of your transportation system,” says Representative Peter DeFazio, Democrat of Oregon and Chair of the House’s Subcommittee on Highways, Transit and Pipelines. Although Daniels claimed the privatization of the highways in the state as the “freeing of trapped value from an underperforming asset”, the truth is that he failed to appoint an independent financial analysis for the toll road privatization project. The bill Daniels introduced to allow the privatization of the highways, passed through after a strong debate and a complete disregard for what the population had to say. Those who did have much to say and continue to have a saying in these projects are the bankers. In the case of Goldman Sachs, representatives were shipped to at least 35 states to push for the privatization of highways. These banks, with their hundreds of lawyers and executives, and working along with construction companies attend conferences at places like the Waldorf Astoria in New York, where they talk about the trend of infrastructure privatization in the US. Statesmen and local officials also attend these conferences where they are sold the benefits these projects will bring to their local communities.

How do these bankers get so familiar with government officials or their aides? you probably ask. Well, many of these lobbyists are former government staffers or inversely are now former staffers who represent investment bankers in the privatization deals. One case is that of Jon Corzine, the governor of New Jersey, who was one of Goldman Sachs CEO’s and who in September organized a group of people to analize whether the garden state’s infrastructure should be leased or sold to private companies.

But if you thought privatization is only limited to roadways, you are in for a surprise. Everything from Healthcare to Social Security, from who feeds American troops to the operation of entire city halls, from public works to welfare. So why aren’t American companies taking care of our roads, Healthcare or Social Security? I do not have one answer. I believe it is so because they do not have the favor of the government as the foreign companies do. They have experience and know well how to manage government officials. These foreign companies are such experts, that most of the time they even ask for noncompete clauses, which limit government or smaller companies to fix existent roads or to build new ones. This not only gives companies more power to do whatever they want with the roads, but also eliminates the option commuters have to use alternate roads to visit family, friends or to travel between states.

Current roads will be turned into bottle necks which will force everyone to pay a toll no matter where you are driving to or from. Simply put, the privatization of roads and services previously overseen by the government will make this country and its people tenants not landlords, it will drive us all into a new version of feudalism; corporate feudalism. For those of you who think we already live in such a situation, you are right. We are submitted to feudalism through the production and consumption of mass produced goods. We need a new cellphone every year; it doesn’t matter if it fries our brains. We need to buy the 60′ plasma television, although most of the programming offered right now is not offered in HD. We replace our cars every two years, even though we could drive them many more years. Yes, we are part of a control grid that owns us through our consumerist lives. The difference with the massive privatization of roads and basic services is that we will be chained by our necessities; the water we need to drink, the food we do not grow ourselves, the medical care we need, prescription drugs we need -even though they are poison-, and the defense of the land, to cite a few.

One common characteristic the privatization projects have is that the contracts which the companies negotiate with the governments is kept secret. Governor Perry refused to release the details of his negotiations with CINTRA for the road that runs from Austin to Seguin. On the other hand we do know that Perry’s former legislative director, Dan Shelley, worked as a CINTRA consultant, before he became a staff member of Perry’s. This is how former lawyers, executives and lobbyists make their way from corporations to government and vice versa, while their fat pockets get larger and larger.

How do we correct this problem, the problem of corruption, the sale of our assets to foreigners; how do we defeat the control grid? The only peaceful tool we have in our hands is to VOTE. Just remember that in this country, we do not elect our president. We have the option to elect our delegates, who ultimately will have a say on who governs. Although that is bad news I do have good news too. This country was not made out of dust. In fact, that is why it is called the United States of America. The secret is the states. We must rise and take control of our local, regional and state governments. We must bring the government and the power back to the people. We must stop executives and lawyers from corporations from occupying public office, because their only commitment is with their former bosses, not with you or me. We face a new election in 2008. We need to elect delegates who will commit to the people, not to the corporations. Let’s unseat those who have failed us for the past 30 or more years. Let’s take power back!

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