In the U.S., Liberty Lovers are Labeled Terrorists

A report from the American Department of Homeland Security says that people who are “suspicious of centralized federal authority and reverent of individual liberty” are potential terrorists.

By PAUL J. WATSON | | JULY 4, 2012

Read the Report in PDF form by clicking on the image.

A new study funded by the Department of Homeland Security characterizes Americans who are “suspicious of centralized federal authority,” and “reverent of individual liberty” as “extreme right-wing” terrorists.

Entitled Hot Spots of Terrorism and Other Crimes in the United States, 1970-2008 (PDF), the study was produced by the National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism at the University of Maryland. The organization was launched with the aid of DHS funding to the tune of $12 million dollars.

While largely omitting Islamic terrorism – the report fails completely to mention the 1993 World Trade Center bombing – the study focuses on Americans who hold beliefs shared by the vast majority of conservatives and libertarians and puts them in the context of radical extremism.

The report takes its definitions from a 2011 study entitled Profiles of Perpetrators of Terrorism, produced by the National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism, in which the following characteristics are used to identify terrorists.

- Americans who believe their “way of life” is under attack;

- Americans who are “fiercely nationalistic (as opposed to universal and international in orientation)”;

- People who consider themselves “anti-global” (presumably those who are wary of the loss of American sovereignty);

- Americans who are “suspicious of centralized federal authority”;

- Americans who are “reverent of individual liberty”;

- People who “believe in conspiracy theories that involve grave threat to national sovereignty and/or personal liberty.”

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Mobile phones responsible for disappearance of honey bee

London Telegraph

Their disappearance has caused alarm throughout Europe and North America where campaigners have blamed agricultural pesticides, climate change and the advent of genetically modified crops for what is now known as ‘colony collapse disorder.’ Britain has seen a 15 per cent decline in its bee population in the last two years and shrinking numbers has led to a rise in thefts of hives.

Now researchers from Chandigarh’s Punjab University claim they have found the cause which could be the first step in reversing the decline: They have established that radiation from mobile telephones is a key factor in the phenomenon and say that it probably interfering with the bee’s navigation senses.

They set up a controlled experiment in Punjab earlier this year comparing the behaviour and productivity of bees in two hives – one fitted with two mobile telephones which were powered on for two fifteen minute sessions per day for three months. The other had dummy models installed.

After three months the researchers recorded a dramatic decline in the size of the hive fitted with the mobile phone, a significant reduction in the number of eggs laid by the queen bee. The bees also stopped producing honey.

The queen bee in the “mobile” hive produced fewer than half of those created by her counterpart in the normal hive.

They also found a dramatic decline in the number of worker bees returning to the hive after collecting pollen. Because of this the amount of nectar produced in the hive also shrank.

Ved Prakash Sharma and Neelima Kumar, the authors of the report in the journal Current Science, wrote: “Increase in the usage of electronic gadgets has led to electropollution of the environment. Honeybee behaviour and biology has been affected by electrosmog since these insects have magnetite in their bodies which helps them in navigation.

“There are reports of sudden disappearance of bee populations from honeybee colonies. The reason is still not clear. We have compared the performance of honeybees in cellphone radiation exposed and unexposed colonies.

“A significant decline in colony strength and in the egg laying rate of the queen was observed. The behaviour of exposed foragers was negatively influenced by the exposure, there was neither honey nor pollen in the colony at the end of the experiment.”

Tim Lovett, of the British Beekeepers Association, said that hives have been successful in London where there was high mobile phone use.  “Previous work in this area has indicated this [mobile phone use] is not a real factor,” he said. “If new data comes along we will look at it.”  He said: “At the moment we think is more likely to be a combination of factors including disease, pesticides and habitat loss.”

The UK Government has set aside £10 million for research into the decline of pollinators like bees, but the BBKA claim much more money is needed for research into the problem, including studies on pesticides, disease and new technology like mobile phones.

According to the University of Durham, England’s bees are vanishing faster than anywhere else in Europe, with more than half of hives dying out over the last 20 years.  The most recent statistics from last winter show that the decline in honey bees in Britain is slowing, with just one in six hives lost.  This is still above the natural rate of ten per cent losses, but a vast improvement on previous years.

There has been an increase in the number of thefts of hives across the world and in Germany beekeepers have started fitting GPS tracking devices to their hives.

Bilderberg 2010 Agenda Leaked

Corbett Report

Veteran Bilderberg researcher and bestselling author Daniel Estulin has once again acquired a copy of the agenda for the annual meeting of the world’s power elite. In an exclusive interview with The Corbett Report earlier today, Estulin revealed what the Bilderbergers will be discussing at this year’s confab in Sitges, Spain on June 3-6, 2010.

According to the documents—which Estulin obtained from his sources inside the secretive group—issues to be discussed in this year’s formal deliberations are:

1. Will the Euro Survive?
2. Development in Europe: Europe’s Exit Strategy…On Hold?
3. Do We Have Institutions to Deal With the World Economy?
4. Greece: Lessons and Forward-looking Strategies
5. NATO and Afghanistan: The Practical Agenda for the Alliance
6. Iran and Russia: Economic and Financial Threats to the Alliance
7. The Consequences of War Against Terrorism
8. The Influence of Domestic Issues on American Foreign Policy
9.The Outlook for Japan’s Economy
10. The Future of the U.S. Dollar: Alternative Scenarios

That the Bilderbergers—essentially a talking shop for European and North American power players—are interested in discussing the current meltdown of the European economy should come as no surprise, especially as the group’s attendee list includes many of the key financiers and string pullers who helped steer Europe into the crisis in the first place. Past attendees of the meeting include current EU President Herman Van Rompuy who got the job as the first non-elected head of the undemocratic European Union after a special wine and dine session with Bilderberg steering committee members. Last year he heralded the beginning of global government, praising the increased role of G20 in dealing with the global financial crisis. Other key Bilderbergers include Jean-Claude Trichet, who, as head of the European Central Bank, was instrumental in helping to craft the current European bailout which itself is designed to incentivize the bankruptcy of Europe. Trichet, too, also recentlycalled for global government to regulate the world economic meltdown that his fellow Bilderbergers helped to create.

Those familiar with the Bilderberg group’s long-cherished dream of achieving global government through the creation of an international financial framework will be unsurprised to see that a debate on the question “Do We Have Institutions to Deal With the World Economy?” is the third order of business at this year’s meeting. Nor will it be a surprise when the question is inevitably answered with the standard globalist line that international institutions like the IMF and the World Bank need to be “strengthened” and even given enhanced regulatory powers as a result of the crisis they have brought about, exactly as Bilderberg observers have been predicting for years. Indeed, as Estulin himself notes in his latest book, Shadow Masters, former U.S. Undersecretary of State George Ball expressed the ambition of the globalists in an address to the 1968 Bilderberg meeting in Mont Tremblant when he stated that they were interested in developing a “world company” to take over the “archaic political structure of nation states”

Other items on the agenda are exactly in line with the issues and plans made at last year’s Bilderberg and those ideas debated at last year’s G20 Finance Ministers meeting, both of which Estulin was able to infiltrate with his inside sources. The fact that the Iran-Russia alliance is on this year’s agenda is doubly telling, not only because a strike against Iran was on the table at this year’s Trilateral Commission meeting, but because, as Estulin notes in today’s interview, it indicates that the real object of the Bilderbergers’ aggression against Iran is the destabilization of Russia, a country that has traditionally been a thorn in the side of the globalists.

Perhaps the only thing that is surprising about this year’s leaked agenda is that the secretive group, which has gone to great length to conceal itself from media and public scrutiny, has failed to take precautions to prevent Estulin and his sources from acquiring the information yet again. “I’m a little bit disappointed in the Bilderbergers,” he said on the line from Spain, where he currently resides. “I would think they would have taken certain precautions and measures, especially coming to my part of the world.”

While the agenda is only a guide for the larger group discussions and the real decision-making takes place among the core members of the group behind closed doors, it does serve as an indicator of the issues and events that are preoccupying the globalists at this sensitive stage of their operation, just as they begin to realize their dream of instituting global government by manufacturing a global depression. Even as these plans begin to come to fruition, the people of Iceland, Greece, and other developed countries are beginning to rise up en masse to throw off the yoke of financial oppression and key Bilderbergers are openly talking of their fears of a global political awakening.

This year’s conference marks a new level of exposure and opposition to the Bilderberg group itself. Daniel Estulin will be making an historic speech to the European parliament on June 1st along with Mario Borghezio, Nigel Farage, and other key MEPs. Then Charlie Skelton, reporting once again for the UK’s Guardian newspaper, will be taking part in a mass counter-conference where those opposed to the Bilderbergers and their secret proceedings will gather to draw attention to the group.

As it turns out, the U.S. does negotiate with Terrorists and Drug Traffickers

By Luis R. Miranda

Have you heard the rumors that the U.S. is the main carrier of drugs around the world?  How about the one that tells how the former New York Stock Exchange boss went to Colombia to ask the Narcos to invest in the NYSE?  All rumors, right?  Nope.  There are enough trails to know that indeed the United States is not only the largest carrier and co-grower of drugs in the world.  There is also enough proof that Richard Grasso, the former NYSE’s head traveled to Colombia to meet with local narcotrafficking bosses to offer ‘his exchange’ to hide their money.

The U.S. military closely guards the largest poppy plantation in the world.

Currently, the United States guards and aids in the growth of poppies in Afghanistan, -as reported by Fox News’s Geraldo Rivera.  There is of course a good explanation for the double standard.  If the U.S. does not help President Karzai’s brother to make a living of it, then terrorists would grow it and use the money to attack the ‘free world.’  Coincidentally, this is exactly what happens in Colombia.  As reported by the Washington Post, Colombian president’s brother, Santiado Uribe, was the head of an infamous death squad in the northern part of the country, right out of a estate that belonged to the Uribe family.  Santiago, also known for his ties to drug cartels, took it upon himself to murder petty thieves, guerrilla sympathizers and suspected subversives.

But negotiating with Narcos is not limited to Colombia or Afghanistan.  The ‘glorious’ war on drugs reaches the highest heads of the current Obama administration.  Obama’s advisor George Soros is a known narco businessman too.  Soros is one of the most vocal people who want all illegal drugs to be legalized.  As part of the drug war, Colombia surrendered part of a mountainous territory to the FARC, a paramilitary group which was then allegedly dismantled as part of the negotiating process to end the war trade.

NYSE Richard Grasso embracing FARC leader Raul Reyes in 1999.

As the documentary American Drug War exposes, the U.S. has a long history of running drugs across the continents, especially from South America to the North, and more recently from Asia to America.  Since President Nixon legalized the trafficking of drugs by the U.S. government through the establishment of the war on drugs, the business of dealing and transporting drugs has grown exponentially and the result has been the laundering of billions of dollars by Wall Street banks which is then used to finance illegal intelligence secret operations around the globe.  Such operations are carried out to capture non collaborating countries, using guerrilla forces and special-ops military contractors.

Former Los Angeles Police Narcotics Detective Mike Ruppert sent shockwaves around the United States when he told CIA Director John Deutch and a room full of reporters that the organization he headed had been running drugs for a while.  Amadeus, Pegasus and Watch Tower are the names of three operations the CIA used to run drugs around the United States.  He himself had been recruited to help protect the agency’s dealing of drugs.  Ruppert challenged Deutch to investigate classified operations and to tell the truth to the public.

Catherine Austin-Fitts, a former Assistant Secretary of Housing-Federal Housing Commissioner in the first Bush Administration, says of Grasso’s visit to Colombia:

I presume Grasso’s trip was not successful in turning the cash flow tide. Hence, Plan Colombia is proceeding apace to try to move narco deposits out of FARC’s control and back to the control of our traditional allies and, even if that does not work, to move Citibank’s market share and that of the other large US banks and financial institutions steadily up in Latin America.

In her essay Narco Dollars for Dummies, Fitts exposes how the money works in the illicit drug trade.  According to Fitts, the power of Narco Dollars comes when you combine drug trafficking with the Stock Market.  She points out that drugs are not always a commodity, but sometimes it becomes a currency.  When the military industry sells weapons to a terrorist group, for example, they may or may not pay in dollars.  When the green back is scarce, there is the option of paying with drugs.  That is why the CIA brings drugs into the U.S. as payment for the secret sale of arms to Colombia and other puppet governments in Latin America.

We all remember the Iran-Contra scandal.  The heart of the scandal was the fact that Oliver North and the White House (National Security Council) dealt drugs through Mena, Arkansas to facilitate arms shipments. Mena was of course a large contributor to Bill and Hillary Clinton’s multiple campaigns at the local regional and national levels.  Other examples of the drugs for arms trade are the conflicts in Vietnam, Kosovo, Mexico, and so on.  In all these cases, drugs, oil, gas and arms are the currencies used to deal.  ”Add gold, currency and bank market share and you have the top of my checklist for understanding how the money works on any war or “low intensity conflict” around the globe,” says Fitts.

Along with Bill Clinton, the Bushes are some of the most corrupt elements of the American elites.

On the other side of the coin we have the Bushes.  George H.W. Bush was CIA director and U.S. President.  His sons Jeb and George W. were the governors of two of the largest drug markets in the United States: Texas and Florida.  The other two states are New York and California.  Later, George W. Bush became president of Unites States.  Can it be a coincidence that the sons of a former CIA Mafia boss successfully held office during one of the most intense drug trafficking period in the history of the country?

Why are people who used drugs put in jail then?  Well, drug trafficking is a round business.  The same corporations who benefit of the drug trade also run the prison system.   Take for example the CCA, or Corrections Corporation of America.  On its website they label their work as a service to build and run prisons.  ”Our approach to public-private partnership in corrections combines the cost savings and innovation of business with the strict guidelines and consistent oversight of government.”  From the more than 2 million people in prison in the United States, more than 80 percent are non-violent offenders, who are in jail for smoking, selling or buying marihuana, for example.  The drug trade business simply collects profits from every possible point.  It plants the drugs, harvests them, transports them, sells them and imprisons those who use them.  Of course it is not enough with sending people to prison.  While innocent or non-violent offenders are inside the gulags, they are also obligated to work in slavery camps in order to multiple the profits for the prison industrial complex.  Is that a monopoly or what?

Mexican President: Disarm Everyone. Obama Nods Yes

Mexican President Felipe Calderón called upon the United States Congress to re-enact the assault weapons ban in a bid to disarm the American people as they are integrated into theNorth American Union system. Further, he placed blame for fueling drug cartels and gang violence squarely on the United States and their supply of firearms.

Calderón made these outrageous and anti-American remarks from the floor of the U.S. Congress during an official visit, and also renewed attacks on the immigration legislation passed by Arizona.

President Obama joined in his cause, making the startling declaration that “We are not defined by our borders” during a press conference welcoming Calderón on the White House lawn. Such a statement with immigration AND “weapons” problems on the border? Whatever happened to the Robert Frost adage ‘Good fences make good neighbors‘?

Calderón told the United States that it must “regulate the sale of these weapons in the right way.” He continued:

“Many of these guns are not going to honest American hands. Instead, thousands are ending up in the hands of criminals.”

Calderón’s Call to Disarmament is particularly inappropriate before Congress, who are Constitutionally barred from making any law which would violate any part of the Bill of Rights– secured to the people and several states in balance against the power given to the Federal Government. Further, Calderón’s plan holds the same fallacy as other attempts at gun control. If carried out, banning “assault” weapons would empower– rather than restrict– narcotrafficking gangs and leave “good” people helpless. It would not, as he naively intends, curb cartel violence or dry out the tools of their intimidation.

Yet his proposals have long been advanced and supported by the likes of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, among others. President Obama voiced general support for a renewed ban last year, but acknowledged that it would be difficult to achieve politically. Moreover, Obama’s Attorney General Eric Holder has also expressed support for re-enacting a gun ban, but has shied away from it while the White House has kept it quiet purposely to avoid political damage to other parts of President Obama’s already wildly-radical agenda. Last year, Newsweek scolded Eric Holder for “backing away” from the ban issue and failing to support an issue ‘important to Mexican officials.’


President Calderón also used the opportunity to amplify his criticism of Arizona’s immigration laws, a position which is hypocritical on several points. First, why would he have a voice among Mexican people who fled at all costs from the failing and violent narco-state which he heads? Furthermore, how can the Mexican President decry the efforts of Arizona to control its borders and maintain stability, when Mexico has considerably more severe laws against illegal immigration than that recently introduced by the under-pressure border state.

Though Calderón issued a tongue-in-cheek travel advisory to ‘visiting’ Mexican citizens warning them to be wary of the strict new attitude in Arizona, it is his own country which has grown wild with corruption, violence, drug cartels, authoritarian police and the unsustainable blow of mass exodus which has turned Mexico into a vacuum and failed state. While the United States has attempted to progress on issues of discrimination, Mexico continues to openly oppress its minority groups and stifle attempts at resistance. Despite this distinction, many sanctuary cities across the United States have joined with Calderón and proposed bans on Arizona of their own.


Most of all, the two heads of state, Calderón and Obama, have demonstrated a reckless and uncaring attitude towards curbing illegal immigration– which threatens to wreck both countries. Yet they have pushed hard for amnesty and other provisions to legalize workers and prevented any attempts to impede the open flow of goods and people across the border.

They have both worked furiously to fast-track North American regional integration. They met in Guadalajara in August 2009alongside Canadian PM Stephen Harper to continue– largely in secret — the agenda announced under the Bush-era Security and Prosperity Partnership for North America agreement (talks included the hot-button issue of “illegal southbound flow of American guns and cash that helps fuel this extraordinary violence”).

President Obama– for someone who claimed ignorance about the North American Union during his 2008 campaign [video]– certainly has gone a long way in supporting the total destruction of United States sovereignty, all while embracing cheap globalist clichés, obliterating the economy and opening-up the floodgates to labor replacement from Mexico and other Latin American countries.

Politicians– through NAFTA, WTO, CAFTA and SPP agreements, among others– are ushering in a corporatist-controlled North American Union, alongside a longer-term global merger. Robert Pastor and other key architects from the Council on Foreign Relations clearly designed the North American Union to circumvent the confines of the U.S. Constitution, and such a system is unlikely (once in power) to allow or accept the resistance of an armed population.


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