Irish Economy Worsens. People leaving the Country


Debt-burdened Ireland is talking with other European Union governments about how to handle its troubled finances, but denied they needed a bailout from an EU rescue fund as the continent’s debt crisis continued to challenge policymakers for a response that would calm market turmoil.

Greece, which has already received a financial rescue loan, had to revise its deficit figures upward yet again.

But the main focus was on Ireland ahead of a meeting Tuesday of eurozone finance ministers in Brussels, where they will look for ways to quell market fears of an eventual Irish default.

Those fears are driving up the borrowing costs of other EU nations saddled with red ink, notably Greece, Spain and Portugal.

Analysts said investors needed the finance ministers in Brussels to offer a clear path forward for Ireland to reduce its deficit and bear the costs of its enormous bank bailout.

Irish officials insisted they had no need to seek help because they have enough cash to avoid new borrowing until mid-2011. Still, speculation is mounting that other EU countries are pressing Ireland to stop the rout in bond markets by taking help from the eurozone’s euro750 million financial backstop put together with the EU executive commission and the International Monetary Fund.

“We have no reason whatsoever why Ireland should seek external support. Ireland is well funded,” the country’s minister for European affairs, Dick Roche, said in a telephone interview.

When asked if Ireland hoped to tap EU funds to boost the liquidity of its troubled banks, as opposed to the government, Roche said that was a matter for the European Central Bank in Frankfurt, not the EU’s emergency fund.

“There is no reason for us to trigger any mechanism,” Roche said. “There’s been no political discussions about triggering any mechanism. We don’t know how many times we have to say this, as a government, to stop all this inaccurate speculation.”

A senior Irish opposition politician, Michael Noonan of the Fine Gael party, said he believed that other European governments were determined to intervene soon to contain Ireland’s problems for the wider sake of eurozone stability.

“I think the Irish government are fighting a rear-guard action for appearances purposes, but … I believe that things will come to head in the next 24 hours,” Noonan said in reference to Tuesday’s meeting of 16 euro-zone finance ministers and Wednesday’s meeting of the ministers of all 27 EU members.

The Irish Department of Finance said in a statement it was pursuing “contacts at official level” but aides to Finance Minister Brian Lenihan emphasized Ireland has no need to tap the EU’s emergency fund.

But market turmoil, reminiscent of that which preceded the Greek bailout in May, won’t go away.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel in recent weeks has stressed her view that it’s not right to make taxpayers, not bondholders, solely responsible for bailing out governments and banks.

The markets reacted by dumping the securities of the most vulnerable EU members, not just Ireland but also Greece and Portugal and to a lesser extent Italy and Spain. EU nations slowed the sellof by clarifying that any default process would apply to debt issued after the current EU stability fund expires in 2013.

That eased bond market tensions a bit, but Ireland remains under serious pressure and there are fears the selloff could spread to debt of other countries.

Ireland is struggling to slash a deficit that has ballooned this year to a staggering 32 percent of GDP, a record for post-war Europe. While Greece spent its way to disaster, much of Ireland’s 2010 deficit involves the government’s euro45 billion takeover of five banks that ran into trouble following the 2008 collapse of the country’s real estate boom.

Adding to the pressure on eurozone finance ministers, the European Union’s statistics agency said Monday that Greece’s 2009 budget deficit and debt were significantly higher than previously estimated.

Greece’s revised budget deficit for 2009 of 15.4 percent of GDP will make it harder for the government to reach targets specified in its euro110 billion bailout agreement in May. While Greek officials had forewarned investors of a likely rise in its deficit, the news reinforced fears that the eurozone’s most debt-troubled members — Greece, Ireland and Portugal — wouldn’t be able to turn the tide of red ink.

The yield, or interest rate, on Ireland’s 10-year bonds fell Monday in expectation that other EU nations would intervene to ease its cash crisis. The yield rate opened at 8.14 percent and slid to 8.00 percent in afternoon trade.

High yields reflect weak market confidence in ability to pay. They also compound Ireland’s effort to reverse its gigantic deficits because it means higher interest costs on any new borrowing in the markets.

The yield peaked Thursday at a record 8.95 percent — before several key EU members, led by Germany, issued a statement stressing that they had no plans to make bondholders eat losses in event of an Irish bailout.

In Paris, Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou said Germany had been naive not to realize the impact its words would have on skittish investors.

He said the impact of the German proposal, if enacted, “could create a self-fulfilling prophecy. It’s like saying to someone: Since you have a difficulty, I will put an even higher burden on your back. But this could break backs. This could force people into bankruptcy.”

Ireland’s young flee abroad as economic meltdown looms (UK Guardian)

Many young people are seeking to emigrate rather than face a life of hardship as the republic lurches towards financial collapse.

Student Niamh Buffini works hard and plays hard. As Ireland‘s No 1 taekwondo martial arts practitioner – she is rated 12th in the world – her ambitions include winning Olympic gold for Ireland.

But by the end of this month her future will have been decided by forces not just beyond her control but seemingly those of her government also. Ireland is on the cusp of insolvency. Some economists argue that it already is.

Buffini will soon learn if her fees at the Institute of Technology in Tallaght, south Dublin, have climbed beyond her means. Her father is a self-employed builder, which has recently become a euphemism for “unemployed”.

“My class size will have dropped by 50% by next year,” Buffini said. “Even lecturers took part in the recent student protests over fees because society here is going to be left with very few educated people. My best friends have already left – they’re doing bar work in Spain and Australia.”

Last week was not a good week for Ireland. Speculation about a European Union-backed bailout pushed its borrowing costs to unprecedented heights.

At Buffini’s college on Friday, the day began with a protest by construction workers who were supposed to have been working on a new wing. Their paymaster Michael McNamara – the country’s premier construction firm – had been put into receivership under the weight of debts of €1.5bn (£1.27bn), leaving them jobless and out of pocket for work they had already completed.

So far the workers’ demonstrations have remained largely peaceful. Indeed, many Tallaght students seemed shocked by the violence they witnessed in TV reports from London involving their British counterparts. But that may change.

Economists are sought-after celebrities in Ireland at the moment and none is more famous than Morgan Kelly. His doom-laden words are lapped up by a nation addicted to Celtic melancholy.

Kelly, of University College Dublin, was laughed at, scorned and even threatened when he correctly predicted, as long ago as 2007, that Ireland’s property bubble was heading for a spectacular explosion.

Now he is forecasting mass mortgage defaults and an ugly popular uprising. The first stirrings are already visible, he says, with “anxiety giving way to the first upwellings of an inchoate rage and despair that will transform Irish politics along the lines of the Tea Party in America”, giving rise to a new “hard-right, anti-Europe, anti-traveller party”.

The fact that Kelly got it right last time means that his dire warnings are now being given serious consideration this time around, but so far there is no evidence that the Irish are turning into racist extremists.

Polish immigrants, whose arrival in Ireland less than a decade ago increased the workforce by an astonishing 20%, have left in orderly fashion and with no complaints about their treatment. More worrying is the trend for the young Irish to follow them abroad.

Mark Ward, president of Tallaght’s student union, says that 1,250 students are leaving Ireland every month. One in five graduates is seeking work outside the country. The Union of Students in Ireland believes that 150,000 students will emigrate in the next five years.

Ward, a 26-year-old marketing graduate, said: “The government’s to blame for bankrolling the banks who were lending to their property developer friends. They all thought the party would never end.

“Students shouldn’t have to pay for the mistakes of the government and their developer pals. It’s going to take years to sort this mess out and it won’t be just my generation which will be blighted big time.”

Is the social fabric of Ireland beginning to unravel? The Kingdom, one of the country’s much-loved local papers, recently reported that nearly 200 Gaelic footballers and hurlers have left Kerry to play in Britain, Australia and the US in the first seven months of this year. The true figure is probably double that.

The charity Barnardo’s said that children were asking it for food because there was not enough for them to eat at home. “Some of our services are being asked by children if they can take food home for later because there just isn’t enough,” said Carmel O’Donovan, a project co-ordinator with Barnardo’s.

And it’s not just the most vulnerable who are feeling the pinch. Greystones is a wealthy Wicklow seaside town whose most famous resident is Sean FitzPatrick, the former chairman of nationalised Anglo Irish Bank. Emer O’Brien, an interior designer, and her architect husband Killian are struggling to repay their mortgage.

“It is awful, a bit like waiting for a bomb to explode but simply not knowing when,” she said. “I don’t think anybody has any faith in any of the politicians to fix this problem. Over 70% of education and health spending goes on pay and pensions, so all the cuts in those departments are coming from front-line services.

“I hope I don’t get sick in the coming months because there’ll be nobody to tend to you in the hospitals. Of course, a lot of people would be heading across the Irish Sea or the Atlantic if only they could sell their houses, but we can’t do that either. So basically we’re stuck on the Titanic as it goes down.”

Next month the government will deliver its latest austerity budget with the aim of slashing a further €15bn from public spending on top of the €14.5bn it has already been forced to cut. But Kelly has argued that the public sector cuts are “an exercise in futility” when compared with the €70bn bill for Ireland’s bad banks. “What is the point of rearranging the spending deckchairs, when the iceberg of bank losses is going to sink us anyway?” he asked in the Irish Times last week.

Put at its starkest, for the next six to seven years, every cent of income tax paid by Irish citizens will go to cover the banks’ losses.

At the Capuchin Friary in Smithfield sausage breakfasts are being served to Dublin’s growing band of homeless and needy people. “There’s new faces arriving every day. At first they’re embarrassed to be here but we put them at their ease,” one of the volunteers said.

Gerry Larkin, the drop-in centre’s security manager, has noticed that occupants of the many neighbouring apartment blocks which were supposed to regenerate the city’s down-at-heel north side are now taking their places in the queue for food parcels.

He said: “Some of them have got into trouble with their mortgages and they’re asking me at the door: ‘Any chance of coming in, can you give me even a bit of food for the kids?’

“We’ve gone from 150 breakfasts during the boom years to 450 now and another 700 coming in for lunch.”

Five nights a week Niamh Buffini trains in her local martial arts club, nurturing her dream of winning gold for Ireland. “I’m always upbeat, but with my friends the chat about how bad things are is never ending.

“I’m an optimist by nature and I hope we can get out of this. The best I could say is I couldn’t see it getting any worse.”


G20: Os bancos devem manter o dinheiro para a crise que virá

O Sindicato do Crime Internacional, melhor conhecido como o G20, determinou na sua última reunião que o colapso e a consolidação da economia global começará por volta de 2012 e terminará em 2016 com a liquidação de todos os países que estejam em dívida com o FMI e o Banco Mundial.

Por Luis Miranda
The Real Agenda
Junho 29, 2010

Banqueiros e membros do G20 têm formas diretas e indiretas para falar com o público. No final da última reunião do G20 em

G10? Dez dos vinte representantes dos países industrializados dão uma caminhada entre reuniões.

Toronto, ambos os grupos falaram muito claramente sobre o que eles têm em mente para o futuro. Primeiro, eles estão interessados somente em ajudar o processo de consolidação global. Em segundo lugar, eles vão estender a depressão atual lentamente cortando o dinheiro disponível para empréstimos. Em terceiro lugar, eles vão continuar seus programas de austeridade nos países para matar lentamente as suas economias e consolidar cada um deles. Em quarto lugar, agora que eles roubaram os impostos do povo através dos seus pacotes de resgate, eles planejam roubar os acionistas, colocando o ónus do próximo resgate nas costas dos investidores. Em quinto lugar, hipócrita e irresponsavelmente, pensam que poupando 130 bilhoes de libras criarão uma garantia para a economia, dado que apenas a dívida do esquema de derivativos se conta nos quatrilhões de dólares. E, por último, eles pretendem cimentar a implosão final que, de acordo com seu comunicado, pode vir a partir de 2012.

Se tudo isto parece confuso, por favor, deixe-me explicar.

Vamos começar por lembrar que os G20 e, principalmente, os G8 foram os que causaram a atual crise financeira. Eles fizeram isso através de suas empresas de fachada, por exemplo, os bancos que implementaram uma série de esquemas de corrupção e falência das economias de países inteiros, através do investimento de risco e, às vezes, de produtos financeiros inexistentes. Estes esquemas foram executados depois de duas décadas onde a maioria das regras postas em prática para impedir fraudes financeiras foram eliminadas como uma desculpa para melhorar o “mercado livre”. O que a desregulamentação permitiu foi a criação de planos de investimento falsos que os bancos ofereceram mais tarde para países, estados e municípios, muitas vezes através dos governos e os usaram para adquirir todas as suas infra-estruturas e dinheiro através da emissão de dívida ou de investimentos.

Tornou-se claro que o G8 e os banqueiros não estão interessados em melhorar as atuais condições económicas. Eles simplesmente querem estender a crise, enquanto eles precisam, a fim de executar seu plano final de implosão global. Isso é o que emerge a partir da idéia de cortar o dinheiro de empréstimos e pedindo que os bancos acumulem o dinheiro para a próxima crise, como o comunicado do G20 diz. Embora 130 bilhoes de libras é uma ninharia em comparação com a dívida dos países do G8, a ação de manter o dinheiro em reserva é uma imagem clara do que os “líderes” têm em mente. O que eles querem é um processo lento e doloroso de destruição da economia a fim de causar a maior quantidade de dano possível. Essa política irá assegurar-lhes a consolidação de mais recursos, antes que seja dado o golpe final para a economia global.

Uma das ferramentas mais importantes que os banqueiros utilizaram ao longo dos últimos 100 anos foi criar uma bolha artificial de abundância de dinheiro -dinheiro sem respaldo- a fim de obter a confiança dos países e do público. Isto é o que muitos descrevem como os booms econômicos. Mas dado o fato de que a economia global é baseada em dívida e reservas fracionárias, o único objetivo que as bolhas têm é ligar a maior quantidade de consumidores com dívida e, em seguida, tirar o dinheiro do mercado. Ao fazer isso, os banqueiros aceleram o seu processo de consolidação. Juntamente com a redução dos empréstimos, os países do G8 concordaram em continuar os planos de austeridade em cada país. A austeridade será implantada sobre a classe trabalhadora através da redução de serviços como polícia, hospitais,financiamento das escolas e programas sociais. Isto, por sua vez, causará agitação civil, que é o que os banqueiros querem a fim de estabelecer oficialmente sua grade de controle militar e tecnológico. Uma prévia do que essa grade seria foi visto nas ruas de Toronto, durante a reunião do G20 do fim de semana passado. Também foi visto durante o colapso da Argentina em 2001.

Os infames pacotes de resgate glorificados pelo FMI e o Banco Mundial como a melhor maneira de evitar um colapso completo da economia global -que foi causado pelos próprios banqueiros- foram a maior transferência de dinheiro e recursos na história do mundo. Somente os Estados Unidos deram aos banqueiros cerca de 25 trilhões de dólares em dinheiro dos contribuintes para que Goldman Sachs, Iberia Bank,JP Morgan Chase, Bank of America e outros pudessem pagar aos seus accionistas a sua parte do esquema. Veja a lista completa dos bancos que receberam o dinheiro do resgate aqui. Mas só 25 trilhões de dólares não são suficientes, é claro. Alemanha, por exemplo, votou para dar 66% de sua receita anual para os bancos. Se nos guiarmos pelo comunicado do G20, é claro que eles estão planejando outro grande colapso, possivelmente, o último. Também é claro que eles terão que roubar alguém diferente desta vez. E é isso o que os banqueiros e os “líderes” disseram. Eles vão criar um outro pacote de resgate no qual os acionistas dos bancos terão que pagar a conta. Então se você tem investimentos em qualquer banco, é aconselhável salvar a si mesmo e tirar o dinheiro das contas antes de o novo pacote bancário chegar.  Descaradamente, eles dizem que vão obrigar os bancos a manter bilhões até a próxima crise chegar e os contribuintes não serão sobrecarregados. Eles acham que não sabemos que os milhares de dólares são os mesmos que roubaram em 2009. Agora que eles consolidaram e estabilizaram o seu sistema financeiro fraudulento, não importa se os outros bancos irão cair fora do seu esquema.

A idéia de que 130 bilhoes de libras é suficiente para ter uma rede de segurança para uma crise futura ou uma recessão dupla como eles gostam de chamá-la, é absurda. A dívida produzida pelos derivativos, dependendo a quem você perguntar, está entre 600 trilhoes e 1 quatrilhão de dólares. Segundo Robert Chapman, do “comprar derivativos não é uma forma de investimento. É um jogo de seguros e apostas. Os derivativos não criam nada.” De acordo com o Bank of International Settlements, a bolha de derivativos tem crescido exponencialmente, até um ponto em que os montantes negociados ao abrigo deste esquema já ultrapassou em muito o PIB do mundo.”Operações de derivativos têm crescido exponencialmente, até agora, são maiores do que toda a economia global.” Os Credit defaultswaps (CDS) são a forma mais comum de derivativos. CDS são apostas entre duas partes, sobre se uma empresa poderá ou não retornar os investimentos nos seus títulos. Na verdade, são seguros ilegais, sem exigência de titularidade de qualquer ativo. Os CDS são usados para aumentar os lucros em jogos de mudanças no mercado.

A rede de dívida em que a economia atual foi construída ao longo dos últimos 100 anos foi uma ferramenta em um processo para reverter tudo o que os seres humanos lograram. Não foi acidental, no entanto, pois este mecanismo foi planejado pelos banqueiros globalistas desde o início. Toda vez que o mundo viveu uma crise financeira como em 1929-1933, a consolidação e o aumento no controle dos banqueiros ficou cada vez maior. As medidas para evitar um colapso total, como nos foi dito, não foram suficientes nem tinham esse como objetivo real. Eles eram simplesmente maneiras de adiar o colapso iminente. As medidas implementadas pelos banqueiros não podem ser usadas para sempre. Alguma coisa ia falhar mais cedo ou mais. “Este esquema levado passo a passo, é uma abordagem não-holística da Fed e do Tesouro para a gestão de crises mas tem sido um fracasso. . . . arrastar e preencher um buraco no [tempo] é inútil quando todo o sistema de impostos está em colapso em meio à tempestade financeira perfeita. Uma abordagem muito mais radical, holística e sistêmica para a gestão de crises é agora necessária “, diz o professor Nouriel Roubini, fundador do Roubini Global Economics.

Depois de tornar a economia global em um sistema baseado em serviços, onde nenhum produto de qualidade é fabricado, dirigindo os países em desenvolvimento a uma dívida enorme, enquanto se colapsam as economias do mundo ocidental, os banqueiros estão prontos para a sua última jogada: a última crise. De acordo com o comunicado do G20, seus membros devem reduzir os seus déficits até 2013, um processo que já começou. Este processo deve terminar em 2016, quando os países devem ter estabilizado os seus déficits. Diminuindo e, em seguida, estabilizando os déficits significa que os países devedores terão que encontrar uma maneira de pagar suas dívidas na íntegra ao FMI e ao Banco Mundial, de acordo com as condições impostas por essas entidades. Cada país que não pagar na íntegra será liquidado e seus recursos serão transferidos automaticamente para os banqueiros globalistas. Imagine o que aconteceu com Argentina, Grécia e Islândia na última década, mas em vez de serem esses países, os devedores serão os Estados Unidos, Espanha, Portugal, Inglaterra e Alemanha.

G20: Banks must hold on to Cash for coming Crisis

The International Crime Syndicate, better known as the G20, determined at its last meeting that the collapse and consolidation of the global economy will begin around 2012 and finish in 2016 with the liquidation of all countries who are in debt with the IMF and the World Bank.

By Luis Miranda
The Real Agenda
June 29, 2010

Bankers and G20 members have direct and indirect ways to speak to the public. At the end of the latest G20 meeting in Toronto, both

From right to left: Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper, UK Prime Minister David Cameron and U.S. President Barack Hussein Obama.

groups spoke very clearly about what they have in mind for the foreseeable future. First, they are all in the run to help the process of global consolidation. Second, they will extend the current depression by slowly cutting the available cash for lending. Third, they will continue their austerity programs in a country by country basis to slowly kill their economies and consolidate each nation. Fourth, now that they have robbed the people’s taxes through their rescue packages, they plan to rob shareholders by putting the burden of future rescues on them when the next crisis comes. Fifth, they are disingenuous or irresponsible by thinking that putting aside 130 billion pounds will create any security for the economy, given that only the derivative schemed debt ascends into the quadrillion of dollars. And lastly, they intend to seed and water the final implosion, which according to their communique, can come as soon as 2012.

If all these sounds confusing, please let me explain.

Let’s start by remembering that the G20, and mainly the G8 were the ones who caused the current financial crisis. They did it through their front companies e.g. banks, which implemented a series of corrupt schemes to bankrupt economies and whole countries through investment and betting into risky and sometimes nonexistent financial products e.g. derivatives. These schemes were allowed to exist given the fact that for the past two decades most of the regulations put in place to stop financial fraud were eliminated as an excuse to enable “free markets”. What deregulation effectively permitted was the creation of bogus investing plans which the banks later offered to countries, states and municipalities -often times through governments- and used them to acquire all their infrastructure and cash through the issuance of debt or fraudulent investment.

It has become clear that the G8 and the bankers are not interested in improving current economic conditions. They simply want to extend the crisis as long as they need to, in order to execute their final plan of global implosion. That is what emerges from the idea of cutting lending money and asking banks to hoard the cash for the next crisis, as the G20 communique says. Although 130 billion pounds is peanuts in comparison with the debt most G8 countries hold today, the action of keeping the cash in reserve paints a clear picture of what the ‘leaders’ have in mind. What they want is a slowly and painfully grind down the economies in order to cause the greatest damage. Such policy will assure them the consolidation of more resources before the final blow to the global economy is given.

One of the most important tools the bankers have used along the last 100 years is to create an artificial bubble of money abundance -Fiat money- in order to get the countries and the public to trust them. This is what many describe as economic booms. But given the fact that the global economy is based on debt and fractional reserve banking, the only goal the money bubbles had was to hook up the greatest amount of debt on consumers to then pull the cash off the markets. By doing this, the bankers accelerate their consolidation process. Along with the reduction in lending, G8 nations agreed to continue the austerity plans in each individual country. Austerity will be implanted on the working class by cutting services such as police, hospitals, school funding, and social programs. This will in turn cause civil unrest, which is what the bankers want in order to officially freely unleash their military and technological control grid. A preview of what this grid would look like was seen on the streets of Toronto during the last G20 meeting. It was also seen during Argentina’s collapse in 2001.

The infamous rescue packages glorified by the IMF and the World Bank as the best way to avoid a complete collapse of the global economy -which as explained before was caused by the bankers themselves- were the biggest transfer of money and resources in the history of the world. Only the United States gave the bankers around $25 trillion in tax payer money so Goldman Sachs, Iberia Bank, JP Morgan Chase, Bank of America and others could pay their shareholders their chunk of the loot. See a complete list of what banks got the cash here. But those $25 trillion were not enough, of course. Germany for example, voted to give 66% of its annual revenue to the banks. Going by the G20′s communique it is clear they are planning another big collapse, possibly the last one. It is also clear they will have to rob someone else this time and that is what the bankers and the ‘leaders’ have said. They will stick the next rescue package to the banks’ shareholders -not to the big ones, though-. So if you have investments in any bank, it is advised to rescue yourself out of it before the new banking package comes along. Shamelessly, they will obligate the banks to hold billions so when the next crisis comes, taxpayers will not be burdened as if we don’t know those billions are the same they stole last 2009. Now that they consolidated and stabilized their fraudulent financial system, it won’t matter if other banks fail, because they are all covered.

The idea that 130 billion pounds is a safety net for a future crisis, or double dip recession as they like to call it, is preposterous. Derivative-produced debt is, depending who you ask, between $600 trillion and $1 quadrillion. According to Robert Chapman, from the, buying derivatives is not investing.  It is gambling, insurance and high stakes bookmaking.  Derivatives create nothing.” According to the Bank of International Settlements, the derivative bubble has grown exponentially to a point where the amounts negotiated under this scheme has long surpassed the world’s GDP. “Derivative trades have grown exponentially, until now they are larger than the entire global economy.”Credit default swaps (CDS) is the most common form of derivatives. CDS are bets between two parties on whether or not a company will default on its bonds. They are indeed illegal insurance policies, with no requirement to hold any asset. CDS are used to increase profits by gambling on market changes.

The WEB of DEBT in which the current economy was built throughout the past 100 years was the tool used in a process to reverse everything humans achieved. It was not unintended however, as this was the mechanism the globalist bankers planned on using from the beginning. Every time the world experienced a financial crisis like in 1929-1933, the grip of control tightened more and more. The measures to avoid a total collapse, as we were told, were not such. They were simply ways to postpone the imminent collapse.  But the measures the bankers implemented cannot be used forever. Sooner rather than later something will give in. The step by step, ad hoc and non-holistic approach of Fed and Treasury to crisis management has been a failure. . . . [P]lugging and filling one hole at [a] time is useless when the entire system of levies is collapsing in the perfect financial storm of the century. A much more radical, holistic and systemic approach to crisis management is now necessary,” says professor Nouriel Roubini. founder of Roubini Global Economics.

After turning the global economy into a service-based system, where no quality products are manufactured; after driving developing countries into massive debt while collapsing the economies of the western world, the bankers are ready for their last move: a one last crisis. According to the G20 communique, its members must cut their deficits by 2013, a process that already started. This process is supposed to end in 2016, when the nations should have stabilized their deficits. Cutting and then stabilizing deficits means that debtor countries will have to find a way to pay their debts in full to the IMF and World Bank according to the conditions imposed by those entities. Every country that does not pay in full will be liquidated and their resources will be automatically transferred to the globalist bankers. Imagine what happened to Argentina, Greece and Iceland in the last decade, but instead of being those countries, the debtors will be the United States, Spain, Portugal, England and Germany.

Rothchild Engineer Giving Away UK Infrastructure to Foreign Corporations

The Rothschild banking family is pushing for the privatization of the UK’s motorway network that would force Brits, who already pay road tax, to enrich the coffers of private corporations intimately tied in with the Rothschilds by means of road tolls and pay-by-mile schemes enforced with spy cameras.

“A plan to privatize the UK’s motorway network, giving toll firms access to large swaths of road, would take place under the guise of paying down the government’s debt, British media reported Tuesday, citing a number of key officials who support the scheme, proposed to all major political parties by NM Rothschild, one of the world’s oldest, most influential and little discussed investment banks, founded by the Rothschild family,” reports Raw Story.

Both Transport Secretary Philip Hammond and Business Secretary and UK Treasury Spokesman Vince Cable have signaled that the scheme will go ahead, formally handing over Britain’s infrastructure to transnational corporations and offshore banks at the behest of the most insidious gaggle of globalists ever to walk the earth.

The Rothschilds are perhaps the most larcenous banking family in history, a dynasty that has routinely made vast fortunes from economic collapses it personally engineered, such as the massive London stock market crash during the battle of Waterloo.

In June 1815, Nathan Rothschild, after being told by his agent that Wellington had defeated Napoleon at Waterloo, immediately dashed to London and ordered his agents to dump consuls. This triggered a selling panic, with traders believing that Wellington had lost. Only when stocks plummeted and could be bought for a song did it emerge that Wellington had in fact won, something that Rothschild knew all along, and by this point his agents had bought up cheap stocks for next to nothing. The stock market soared again and the Rothschild family made obscene profits, enabling them to become the richest family in the world.

This gargantuan Rothschild ploy was documented in the excellent documentary, The Money Masters. Watch a clip below.

The UK government is now laboring under record deficits and indebted to the same central bankers who control the country through the Bank of England, originally named the Company of the Bank of England, which was controlled by Nathan Rothschild, who once stated, “I care not what puppet is placed upon the throne of England to rule the Empire on which the sun never sets. The man who controls Britain’s money supply controls the British Empire, and I control the British money supply.”

Rothschild family members have wielded significant influence over the Bank of England through their service on the Bank’s Court of Directors over the years.

“The bank was behind many of the key privatisations of the 1980s and 1990s, including British Steel, British Gas and British Coal. It has close links to the Conservatives, having employed several senior Party figures including Lord Lamont, John Redwood and Lord Wakeham. Oliver Letwin, the former shadow chancellor, works there part-time,” reports the London Times.

Rothschilds have had significant influence of the British government in recent years through their close relationship with recent Business Secretary and influential Bilderberg member, Lord Mandelson, who is routinely photographed cavorting around with Rothschild family members on private yachts and in sports cars in luxury holiday resorts. Mandelson is widely loathed in Britain as a snobbish elitist and was forced to resign from the government on two separate occasions having been involved in numerous cover-ups and scandals, but just seems to keep getting back into power in one way or another.

Britons already pay road tax as well as local council tax which is supposed to go towards the cost of maintaining roads and motorways, but will be forced to pay even more on private-owned toll roads if this scheme goes ahead, having their living standards reduced yet further as a fresh wave of tax increases for the “middle class” is readied by the new government. The “middle class” is defined as anyone barely scraping a living, since the hikes will affect people who earn just £20,000 a year.

Critics have labeled the move a “shadow toll” and predicted a public backlash, which is a good thing because Brits will finally start to realize that it is private central bankers, and not puppet politicians who really control the country, and that internationalist crooks are selling Britain’s infrastructure to their offshore affiliates who will then reap the rewards from Brits being charged to use the roads they already pay for through a myriad of other taxes.

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